4 B 11IK OMAHA SUNDAY JJEE: DECEM11EK 20, 1914. What Women Are Doing in the World lithe new Monteesnrl school for children. ehlrh ha Jwpt hern eatabllahcd In Omih. All department of the Omaha Woman'i ; flub have postponed their regular meet- ( lab taleadar. Fl'NDA Y Christ nw tesper serrlne. Young Woman's Christian swwlatlon. 4.: m.; Clio Study club, Mica I en tie tirodinsky. hostr.; Krsrarcli club, St. Hfp-bnwn'i ri)pm.v. i MONDAY .Membership committe oil Omaha. Woman's club. Metropolitan hull, i p. m. . I 'i I' l'.SUAY pernio cl )b. Orphrum lliester party; (iwrno A. Custer Woman' Ke-, II. f rnrrs nrt Cur'.tr t,r'. evening puny lit the home of Mn. J. W. Foley. THI'KSn.YY Kmnw Homeland Flower, mlfKlnn. J (Not con f'r thl column should be in.il rd ft telephoned to the rlub editor i bctre Friday noon.) HE f Irat meeting of the aoc-lal I I science department . of tho f ' I Omaha. Woman's club for the now. year will wltnesa a re vival In interest In the work of the Child Welfare commit tee of tills Urpai tmotit. which wa ap pointed at the opening of the club year. lr. Orii't Wlghtman la chairman of thl committee and ha at her assistants, Mrs. C. W. Ilayea and Dr. Margaret W. Koen Ug. Tn tlilnga especially will he urged by the 'women; first, the medical inapectfnn of school end socond, the medlciU hand ling of Juvenile court case. Mn, F. A. Follannhee. leader of the department. ha arranged an Interesting meeting for January 11. at which time local phyalrlon rill discuss the different phases of the work. IHrs. FolUnflleS tate that finan cial support fir thia movement ha 1-etn volunteered by several men' organisa tion of the city. Dr. Wlghtman. who head the work of the Child . Welfare committee, together with Mr. A, 1. Dunn, are sponsor for Inge until after the holiday. Thta prac tice la followed generally by moat of the woman' club, but several are giving ever tholr meeting time to social affair for the member nd their families. Mr. J. W. Foley, newly elected preai tlent of the George A. Cuater Woman' Kellef corp, will entertain the corp and the Custer pout at an evening party at her home Tuesday evening. The fenno ciub will entertain at an Or pheiim theater party Tuesday afternoon. Klcven member have already el mil Hod their Intention of being present In the party. The meeting of the Went Omaha Moth era1 Culture club, which 1 regularly held on Friday, will be omitted this week on account of it falling on Chrintma day. The next meeting will be held January I. Thta week meeting of the Hanncnm pork circle of the Child Conservation league of America ha been postponed until the aerond Tuesday In January. On account of the baaur and other Christmas activities thin . month, the North Bide Woman' Christian Temper ance union ha omitted It meeting and will hold two meeting In January in stead. The meeting will come on the second nnd fourth. Friday of the month. The Miller Park Mother' league gave their third annual Christmas dinner for the teacher. Janitor and englnoer of the Miller Park school, Wednesday Afternoon. The roast chicken dinner waa served by thirty of the mother. Superintended . C Graff was an honor guest and made n. little speech, which waa responded to by Ml lAiJa Hunt, principal of the school. Mr. Charle R. Thlem, president of the club, also gave a brio talk. Following the dinner, the regular meet- Working for Medical Inspeption in Schools 4rt ' f J, 0 v the Daughters cf the Confederacy, which til to have been held at the home of Mr. Fllzah Conkltn. Tuesday afternoon, ha hen postponed until after the holiday. J)r. Grace Wyhlrruitr. Vjfr AJ The next meeting of the Dundee circle of the Chl'd Conservation League of America wll. he held Mnrflay, January 4. at the home cf -Vra. Lee Smith. 5111 California street. Holl call will be an swered with current event and Mr. W. Ii Shafer will talk on "Woman Suf- i frage." Select l.m of Vlctrola music will close the program. The French department of the Omaha Woman' a club will emit thH weelf meeting, but will meet again Thuiday rrorning, recemhrr II, at the residence tU'lli of the Inrtructor. Miss Mav Mn- honey, Intcrcellng prints about Paris: will be u!citei1 ot t:-.ia nicetlna. The rei;ulr i;ic.tin the West Clde Woman's Christian Tompcranre i:n!on for I thi week h.TS bee l i-ostponej nnd will lie held Jai.uaty 7 i.iUcad. Owing la tl.e mar.y S;rerlal meetings held Urevto'ls til the Snihl Kettlement I baiar, the flnclul Si?tt:nent nectlon of. I the Association if Cvllceiat"! Alumnae ! will omit thilr inc. Unfi teheilnled for thia J week, nd will meet again tho laat week j In January. Ing of the Miller Park Mother league wa held, the tory hour being conducted by Mis Edith HaJght A pretty feature of thl club I the "penny march," which conclude each meeting. The merrther each drop a penny Into the fund, whloh goe for purchasing flower for 111 Ot bereaved member. The membership committee of the Omaha Woman' club will meet Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the club room. The Clio Study club will meet at the home of Mia Fannie Grodlnsky thl aftcrrtnon. l'arker'a "Joseph and HI Brethren" will be the subject for dlcu-"j slon. Mis Esther Epstein' will tell the atory of the ply, 'Mlsa Paulino Rosen-' berg will talk on "The Pageant Play" and Mlsa Marie Gordon will discusa the characters. I The regular meeting of the Frances, Wlllard Woman' Christian Temperance j union ha been postponed from this week j and will be hold Wednesduy afternoon, December JO. at the Old People' Home. 2214 Wirt, when an Interesting program will be given for the old people. ., The meeting of the Omaha chapter of 1. . C. A. ,otcs. Sunday afternoon win he the Chrletmas' VepT service for tlie rssoclrition. Mia (Strong will sive a tnlk, "The Gifts ot the 'r Mm,'' nn.l there w.ll be special Christmas nirrlt: in the form of Christ mas caroN. a.mr ' a chorus of members of the ai'Sociutit.ii, part of whom are from th girta' department. At the soelJ hour which follows the regular service at 5:30, Mis Kvane will be hostess and Miss AblKall Manning will tell a Chrtst mii story. .Ml young women are very welciine to loth the vesper service at 4.-.W iitnl too i-.iciHl hour afterwards. Tl.e Ycun;.: Women's Chrlntlnn associa tion building will he closed all day Christ mas, ami ell the employes will have the entire day for a holiday. We extend to the membership of the association wishea for a happy Christmas day and entire season. All class work la discontinued during WAS MARFJFD AT K00N 01? j :TVX' "Tffi" eral oflice cr ine iwn Ma'nyRally to the Aid of the Charity Workers in Omaha Donations of money totaling $17 have been received by the Associated Chari ties to help the poor of Omaha. Poy in the Park a. hool. room 11, earli delivered to Mrs.. George W. Doane, eo rctary of the charges, a big basket of delicious food. The baskets were sent rti?it out to several poor families In the north part of the city. Room 11 also gave the charities In money. The boys of the Baptist church Pun day school donated basketa of food. Fifteen Omahan have notified Mrs. I'oane that they will provide Christmas dinners for the needy families of the city. SATURDAY. , I i f ' v .'" j XrsEzrrlttT.miL the two weekr of the holiday season, the directors of the departments having gone away for their vacations. The regular work will begin ORain the first week in January. Mir Brewster and Miss Gcorce of the physical department hove both :oie home to eper.tl the holidays the. former to Kansas Citv and the latter to Ta Moiaes. Mlsa Moore will reme.ln In Omaha and rest during the two week.' M:f Hreti lier has gone to her home In Hroken liow and Miss Mulford to Stuart, Neb. The employment department will be closed for three days Just preceding Chrlttmas day, exrept to those who may come to tho building from out of to-.vn Red Cross Seals Now on Sale in Various Places Around City Red Cross seals were placed 6n sale In the pontofflrc corridors nnd In 'hotel and depot lobbies and other public place Bat uruay morning by the nntl-tubctcuiols society. They met with a generous re sponse. Within a few minutes after first offer ing the seals for ale In the postofflee. Miss Elliabcth Mason had taken in sev eral dollars. ."Hie is a eenlor atudent In the medical college of the Unlversary of Nebraskn. Many medical students and trained nurses are. assisting in the campaign. Constipation Cored. John Susplc of Sunbury, Pa,, writes: "Dr. King's New Llfo Pills are the best pills for constipation." 25c. All drug gie ts. Advertisement. i I xH - -yfrl ft I ill" 1 a r r i 1 - i 1 XAa 'a.-rrN " . ?rrrVJ'jii.VI-'? I Christmas Presents -- Greatest Values and Easiest Terms at the World's Great est Diamond and Watch Credit House Never' before have v offered gtirh magnificent Diamond, Watche and high trade artistic jewelry ai are found In, this sreatest ot all Christmas aalea N hat you ve here will enable you to enlarge your Hat of rfift. or aflord you the opportunity to make youibelf a present ot aome coveted article, when you mght other Ise -find thl Impossible. Let ua urge you to do your gift buying in the early morning hour, be- Tore the crowds arrive, ur, n mis is inconvenient, and you cannot come later in the day, remember onr store Is open night and day until Christmas. Our evening service Is lor you, and complete In every particular. $55 'X-M I .a Valllere, fine aolld gold. 4 fin diainouds; 1.1-lucli chain, spring ring QCfl lUng: fine diamond 93U TMUIl gS A MOaTTX Z-Sl Kanvy Knsraved Butcher King.; fine diamond TBB.M9I 19-60 A. MOHTK X-8a lnainon.l and Pearl La Valllere, flna aolld gold, 1 flue diamond, 3 genuiue pis'! tlropa, 15-Inch chain, $19 75 ( ; TBBWSt S3 A MOKTK X-83 Mfii'a hound Ilelohar Cluater ltlivt, k eylii ywltVpluibium top, " fine P C C 'diamond 39 rrAafll SS.ftO A MOWTX X-M Men's Kxtra Thin Model Watch. 12 ii.. 17 Jewel Elgin. Waltbam or Hampden, adJuattKl to tttin perMure, looclironlain and ' puaitiona. fjuent gold ira.ta ruae, engrav ed, plain puliahed or engine tumvd, or iiino,ram engiaved tree. 5 I R QC (.iumaniecd So yeurm for ,,,,QIOlw3 'VKHil 1.T A afOaTTii X-65 Hoop King. Uoftl inountloa, 14k aolid sold, i diamond TISXIl SU.60 A afOHTX Jt-8S SiMrf Holder, fin solid gold. 1 genuine diamond TtUUl $1 A aCOITTX X-C7 carf Pin. aolid gold. 1 ruby. I pearl, 1 genuine dia- ' fJQ Cfl uioiid VOimW TEAlUl fl A KOITI X-S8 La Valllere, fine aolld gold, T uen nine peurla, 1 flue diamond, li- CIQ Inch chain TSUMSl SXSO A XOSTX X-SS La Valller. fine aolid go in utail, 1 fine diamond; 1 6-1 chain, apiing ring catch TS1U1 $X10 A KOITI X-0 Houbl "WUhboue- Kcarf Pin, fine olid fc-uld. genuine ota- Cfl r w w TKMS fl A MOITI X-S1--I-M. Valllere, fine aolld gold, 1 fine aupphire. 6 genuine pearl, 1 fin diauond YEXaCSl U.M A atOVTX t'.ound locket. Mn aolld gnUI, 1 fine 1 1 J.U.O il jii atnr avtliug, space for 4f 1 Sft two picture, t'able link chain TEX.XSI tl A KOXTX "Ierfaction'' flna SH5 $5.75 gold, 1 genu- Inch $21 monJ X-3 ftcarf pin, fin solid gold, platinum top, II fin diamond, perfect cut, QC very brilliant s VU3 TXXatll S8.50 A atOSTTX X-64 fullea IXamond Ring, fancy mount ing. 14k aolld gold, fine dia- in moiid rxmaai fi a wiix X-a Bar rin. fine aolld gold. genuiue pearl, 1 fin diamond, patent safety 4C catch 9&Q TElXIl fa.80 A XOaTTX x-se lawlles' Diamond King, Loft I "Per. lecimn - mounting, 14 solid gold TBBJCTl 94V40 A aCOsTTX X-67 Child locket, fin aolld gold, eel with genuine diamond; apace for 3 ft pictures.' Cable chain d TXXatai 91 A KOXTX X-aMrn'a IHamond Ring, extra heavy, engraved. 14k aolld gokd .. naxii SS A. KOXTX X-as Wrist Watch, axtra small, extension nrareiei. iineat quality gold rilled, war- ranieu zo years, rui jeled nickel movement TBkXIl fl.64) A KOXTX X-TO Cigar Critter, fin aolld gold, 1 fin diamond TZXKSI 91 A KOXTX X-Tl Vlarqulae King, fine solid gold, & emerald. 1( diamond ., TXXKXl 910 A KOXTX X-TS Dainty 14k aolld gold la'.le' Watch. Kigiu movement, awlvel pendant revolving bow so baxk or face may t All rrt shown when wore suapended. . w I tU U TMHIl 91.4S A KOXTX . X-T3 Bearf Pin. fine solid gold, platinum front. 7 fine diamond.. TXBKSl fa.60 A KOXTX X-T4 Watch Chain, aolld gold, laoel curb, full regular length with bar, MA f-ft swivel and drop for charm,. ... UiO VJ TBXXSI gt A' KOXTX ' X-T Round Ileleher fling, fine diamond. Ilk aolld gold TXBKSl U A KOXTX X-7S Diamond 8tud, Belcher mount' Ing. Ilk aolld gold II B4.50 A KOXTX $65 Id. eel $9 $80 tension I. war- $14.75 $6.50 $18 $25 $90 $45 that j&wnmim i i l ' Perfection Diamond Ring, . (jilllf mond is spo- 'X. rn VvPV pi' f cially selected TaflTIQ vwv I I etl in the famous yL R Vr ' ' mounting I X nffil H: H W uksoii.i y rill Popular Mies ruuge frwni ZZ to B40, $SO, $73, flOO, f II ' $150 'up. ThoM art ail etra value. WUUXIAXT, f J fl Vv iiKXtl-NE II.lOXlS, H"iftHy selected for t hrut- . mas presents. jr ''j NS. Caaed lu !vet Kins IJov-- sjwf Head) for Iresenttiun. fJ' You Can Buy All Your Christmas Presents Without Leaving Our Store and Have All Charged in One Account There Is no Christmas gift so prized and cherished by the recipient as a beautiful, sparkling DIAMOND. There Is no Christmas gift that so well expresses the love or friendship of the giver as a glittering. Genu lne Diamond. And there is no gift that is worth while that Is so easy to obtain as a splendid, brilliant DIAMOND when purchased on the Loftis Easy Credit Phu. All you have to do la open a Confidential Charge Account with us, have all your gifts charged in one account, and pay in small amounts weekly or monthly after the -usual Ilouuay aemanas on your purse are oer. . .nine your Kimwu jjk.m. X-77 8carf Pin, solid gold, eet with 45 Q I X-B8 La Valllere, fine solid gold, I nno im I uiainonas, v genuine pearia, L'woin r J E v w w .59 S45 ing, mond Whoa Bonglas 1444 eat ear saJesmaa will eall ertaglaa- with oca goods as yea w-lak to see. r writ tilt u.a Catalo o. ft(Ki. Over U.O0O Uloavre. tton of Slajuoud. Watoli, Jewelry, etc. Prompt atteatlon glrea to MAIL OSSESL We oarry a commute 11a of gold jewelry, aaa d Saga, faulty ease, olid llyrwax and fin plated waie, cat gla, eloeka, toilet article la et aad alarle steoea, oaaflag diabe. aaiaiy raaora, saaaioure set, awrrlag set, aovelti, etc. for cak kuyn a well aa caarr aoooaat. LOFTIS BROS. & CO. THE NATIONAL JEWELERS CREDIT . istb St.. Oor. lath ad Xaraey Sta, Omaha. CO. BETiKHI tax iioas. Mala rioo CMty Xatloaal Bank Bldg. 40S I OYVOalTB BUJtOMal-BAK OPEN NIGHT AND DAY UNTIL XMAS-AND TODAY 1 fine diamond TEXXai $1.30 A KOXTX X-78 Scarf Pin, fine aolld gold, pla'lmmi top. fine diamonds, very CrtR brilliant , WUW lEXMBl M 60 A MOUTH X-79 Engraved Belcher Ring, Ilk solid gold, flna diamond TXXBtll M.50 A MOXTX X-80 Diamond Ring, Flat 'Belcher, ext.-a heavy, ltk solid gold, fine SR't diamond ?wJ V TSXM9I S.s0 A MOXTH X-81 The "Young Man'n Favorite" Dia mond Ring, -prong Tooth mount- C"Q 14k solid gold rw TZXXSt $7.80 A KOXTX X-8S Fancy Pierced Ring, fine dla- 1 C waw TEXKS: $1.50 A MOXTX VUamond Kar Screw. lftl Ilr-lier mounting. 1 fine diamonds, perrect (QO cut. very, brilliant OJU TE&MSl $9.80 A MOXTX X-4 Fancy Carved Belcher Ring. genuine diamond TEIMS I $3 A MOXTX X-aS Ia Valllere. fine enlld gold, diamond, complete with 16-Inch neck chain and safety ring TXXMII $140 A MOXTX X-eS Men's Diamond Ring, carved "n Bi'lcher, extra heavy, 14k aolld gold, eCC brilliant diamond WUJ TEBMSt $8.50 A MOXTX X-87 Scarf Pin. fine solid . Q I fl C fl gold, 4 pearl. 1 fine dtamonc V I Ui J Vl TSXMSl $1 A MOXTX X-S8 Baby Ring, ltk aolld gold, genuine diamond ' TERMS: $1 A MOXTX X-89 Croaa. fine aolld gold, hand engraved, fine tllaniund. Timmai $i.m a moxtx X-SO La Valllere, fine aolid gold. :l fine diamonda, 15-In. neck chain with pring ring eatch OAJ tsbmsi $a.so A MOXTX X-Sl Scarf Pin. fin aolld gold, t pearl, 1 genuine diamond . . . . . TXXMSl $1 A MOXTX 320 fin SIB $5.75 514.75 $8,50 X-9B La Valllere. fine aolld gold, diamonds, ' genuine pearia, chain IS lnchea TZXMSl 93.10 A MOXTX X .93 Bead Neck Chain, fine solid gold. 15 Inches long TEAMS I $1 A MOXTX X-94 Dinner Ring, '14k solid gold, plati num top, 7 finest quality diamond, TF Hpeclal bargain tj I U x TXXMSl $7.50 A MOXTX X-tS Grooved Round Belcher Ring, extra heavy. 1 Ik aolld gold, fine brilliant I QQ diamond tplWU TSXMSt $10 A MOXTX X-96 Bar Pin. fine solid gold, B brilliant S70 i dia- $25 $25 $45 diamonda, perfect cut, patent rufety catcli TEBMSt $7 A MOXTX X-97 La Valllere, fine solid gold, mondfi, perfect cut and very billlant X TSBMSl 92M A MOXTX X-99 rfarf Pin. fine solid gold, platinum top, fine diamond TEBMSl $3.50 A MOXTX X-SS Scarf Pin, fine solid gold, nlailnuin top. very fine diamond. TEAMS: $4.50 A MOXTX X-100 Broocli. fine solid gold, fancy scroll. 1 tine diamondpatent safety $20 TXBUa I 13 A MOXTX X101 La Valllere. fine solid gbld.- 1 flna diamond. 2 genuine pearl, 15-lnch I J clialn Wl1 TEBMSl $1.40 A MOXTX ( X-108 Baby Pin Bet, fine solid Cfl gold. 2 diamond ....SHigU r-103 Cuff Llnka, fin aolid gold. I fl 2 fine diamonds Vlll TEBMSl $1 A MOXTX' X-104 Klgln, Waltham or Hampden Watch, II aiUuatei to temperature, lan chroniHUi and piaitlonif. Double atrata gold filled cut. movement and CIO 1C eate guaranteed 16 years ' QlfcllO TEBMSl $1 A MOXTX X-105 Bracelet, fine solid gold, band engraved, fine diamond ... TEBMSl $9.50 A MOXTX X-103 "Mrrry Widow- La Valllere. platinum. S fine diamonds, It-Inch IC , TEBMSl $4.50 A MOXTX $25 chain