TTIFi OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBETt 20, 1914. 3-B WEDDING 1NJ0YAL FAMILY Miss Eliiabeth Pickeni. Former Ak-Sor-Ben Queen, it ngaged. school Set for holidays ftame-roa Daarlaax Partle-a Plan aril for the Yoaaa-rr art la Honor nf the llnmrnmlni of the "tadrnta. (Continued from Thro Two.) the south. She will visit In Favannah. (ta.; Chattanooga, Tenn.. ami Sumter, C. Mr. and Mr. Edward Lang will Wve Tuesday for Savannah, Oa., and Sum tor, 8. C. Mr. and Mr. C. P. Taylor leave Mon day evening for Buffalo, N. Y. From there they will go to Florida, where they will spend the winter. For the Future. The Coronado and Cacti clubs will en tertain at a New Year's eve dancing prty at Chambers' academy. Holiday decora lions, with a large Christmas bell In the renter of the hall, will be a feature of , the affair. At midnight old Father Time will utirwnr and toll th old vear out. ir t T f r'., ...1 .. .1 n.a X1aUr1k McCord have cards out for a luncheon In honor of Miss Harriet Smith on Wednes day, December 30, at the Omaha club, followed by a matinee party. The Prairie Park club will give Its Christmas party Tuesday, Decembor 29. This party la for the children of the mem bers of the Needlecraft guild. The women of the Jewish war suffer ers' relief committee will give a card party and dance at the Metropolitan hall Sunday evening, December 27. Attrac tive prizes will be awarded for the card Riime and refreshments will be served. Mesdamea B. A. Simon, S. Hoblnson. H. 1. Msrowltz, J. Rosenberg. Misses Esther Epstein, Rose Grodinsky and Bess Monsky are the committee in charge of arrangements. The Twinkle dub will give its Christ mas party Tuesday evening, December 2. at the Metropolitan club. Miss Alice Duval will entertain at a bridge party at her home Monday after noon, December 28. In honor of her house guests, Miss Ruth Bewsher of Des Moines and Miss Lala Mitchell of Lincoln. Theater Party, i . Miss Helen Epeneter gave a matinee party yesterday at the Boyd theater in honor of Mrs. Thomas Hayward, who is visiting ut the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Busch. The guests were: SPENDING HOLIDAYS WITH THE HOME FOLKS. BIUDE FROM LONDON BROUGHT HOME TO OMAHA. Mesdnmes henjis Meyer. Misses Ruth Iatenser, Murjorle Howland. Mesdames Thomas Hayward, M luses George Trimble, Hose Smyth, V - k . v t, . i t t W " t r r j jf MRS. Wir.l. M'IMIKKSON, Nee Helen Forbes. At the Orpheum. ' Miss Stlegel will entertain thirty guests at an Orpheum party Monday afternoon. Mr. Mikesell has made reservation for nineteen for Monday evening's perform ance, and the Commercial club thirty. Miss Frances Forrest of South Omaha entertained the members of her music class at an Orpheum party yesterday. Those'1 present were: Mesdames Mesdames Kwlngholm, Howe, Berksted, James Meading. Misses Misses K. Coffey, Mildred Christiansen M. Grebes, K. Armstrong, K. Jaro, Elizabeth Zelmar, , Julia Coffey. ! Myrtle Rinco, M. German, ' Margaret Martin, Lillian Daly, ' Clare Donahue, Anna Vworak Mollle Connor, Margaret Hlnchey, ' Clara Ebrel, Vivian Howe, Margaret Gutddlng, Marie Duly, Virginia Curran, Gtraldinoihompsen, Marie Kolopratek, Ethel Harland, M. Hlbbard, Theresa Hughes, Lucille Brown, Gladys Wagner, Lillian Williams, Marie McCarthy, Sadie Kane, Hope Hibbard, E. Tipal, Irene Hughes, Helen Tipal. Jsne Curran. Loretto Meading. Lillian Lazarabitch, Margaret Curran, Gladys Ferman, B. Knowles, Hazel Hillard, Messrs. Messrs. A. Jensen, M. McCarthy, Arthur Callahan, Lloyd Carter.- Christmas Plans. Mr. ana Airs, wuia fieu win Christmas In Lincoln with Mrs. " Diets.' mother, Mrs. Putnam. , Judge and Mrs. Cornish and family and up Thursday to remain over Christmas with Mr. J. M. MetcaJf. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Bee son and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webster wlU spend Christmas day in Lincoln with Mrs. Beeson'a sister, Mra. Greene. La Icoi Club. La Icoa club held an election of officers, the following- being elected :' President. Mr. Solon" Albach; vice president. Miss Edna Thrane; secretary, Miss Gladys ' Shamp; treasurer, Mr. nay Klauck; social secretary, Mr. Tyman Dawson, and, ser-geants-at-arms, Miss Sue Moreexty and Mr. Pmul Hungate. Harmony Club. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Sholes entertained the Harmony club yesterday eve'ning at their home. The members are: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dinning. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. K el ley. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Brown. Mr. and Mrs. F. a McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Selby. Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Ewlng. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Sholes. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wood. Air. and Mrs. P. A. Benson. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scrlbner. To Honor Visitor. Mrs. William Sidney gave a bridge party yesterday afternoon of eight tables at her home In honor of Mra Horace Chapln cf Batayla, N. Y.. who in visiting at the home of. Mr.' and Mrs. Earl Sterricker, The rooms were decorated with red roses, f d-shaded candles and Christmas greens. Christmas House Party. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sydney will enter tain at a Christmas house party. The fcuests will arrive Thursday evening and remain over Sunday. The guests will be: Misses Misses Helen Coppage Edna Hawkins. cf Stanton, la. ; Jean Coppage Est her Hawkins, of Stanton, la.; MfSAin. Messrs A. W. Coppige B. C. Coppaee of Red Oak. Ia. of Red Oak. la. : Mr. and Mra ). M. Coppage of Stan ton, la. Reunion of Omahans. At a song recital given at the hois of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mcintosh In New York about ten days ago, it was borne in upon those present how many !ormer residents of Omaha are now liv ing In New York. Mr. and Mra. Mcln .(Mh were themselves formerly of Omaha, and among their guests at the muslcale were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Estabrook, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Garneau, Mrs. Ella Beale, Mrs. I.ntey and her father, Colonel Spoor, Mrs. Martin Srxp, Mr. and M,rs. Philip Leonhardt. Mrs. Radford Has coinb, formerly Miss Shelley Barrlger, and Mm.- Wells, nee Nettle Sherwood, making in all fourteen former Omaha people. Trtnple Israel Bazar. The women of'Temple Israel will hold a bazar at Eighteenth at. Varnani streets, the foimer locatlm cf the Tekna shop, Moniiay and Tt'esday of this week. Engagements Announced. Mr. W. C. of Anhland, Neb., an nounces the etngement of his daughter, Jessie, to Dr.'F. H. Mlllener of Omaha. The wedding will take place In the early spring. Mr. and Mrr. A. Terry announce the engagement of her sister, Sarah, to Mr. Nathan Resnick. . The wedding will be celebrated soon after New Year's. Wedding Plans. Miss Ruble Tress of Indianapolis and Mr. William N. Adams of Omaha will be married Thursday evening, December 24, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Thomas Walsh, 3519 Lafayette avenue. Mr. Adams is connected with the Burgess-Nash company and was formerly of Boston, Mass. Wedding Guests. Mr. Samuel Pepper of Pueblo, Colo., has arrived to attend the Pepper-Rach-man wedding Monday evening. Among others who are here for this wedding are Mrs. H-. F. Rachman, formerly Miss Blanche Zlmman; Mr. William Rachman and son, Jacob Rachman, all of Rock Island, 111., but formerly of Omaha. Mra. J. Tress of Indianapolis, Ind., Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thomas F. Walsh. Miss Marjorie Tress, also of In dianapolis; will arrive Thursday morning to' attend the Adams-Tress ' wedding; Christmas eve. Visit of London Bride. .: ,-, . Mrs. Max J. Merntt of Evansvuie, ma., Is 'expected December 23 to visitMr. and Mrs. John Merritt and Mr. A. EC Merrltt Mrs. Merritt is a recent bride, having been married this summer in London. Rabbi Merritt will join Mrs. Merrlt here In a short while. Miller-Ernst Wedding. The wedding, of Miss Flora Grace Ernst, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ernst, and Prof. Merritt Flnley Miller of tho State University of Missouri, was celebrated Saturday at All Saints' church. The ceremony was, followod by a recep tion at the home of the bride's parents, HIS South Tenth street. Mr. and Mrs. Ernst loft the seme evening for the south and, will be at home in Columbia, Mo., Mr. Ernst, father of tho bride, has been connected with the Burlington road of thirty-nine years and is a member- elect of the Bonrd of Education. Griffith-Smith Wedding. The wedding of Mr. Walter U Griffith, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffith, and Miss Mildred McRary Smith will be cele brated Wednesday evening In Wilming ton, N. C. After a wedding trip in Vir ginia Mr. and Mrs. Griffith will be at home to their friends after February 1 at 3T.01 Cuming street. M Griffith was graduated from the Crelghton Law school In 1912. Personal Mention. Mrs. Eugene Levy and little daughter, Eugenia, of Lincoln, will be guests of Mrs. Levy's sister, Mrs. NatWn Mantel, during the Week. Mr. -and Mrs. L. A. Snyder and daugh ter, Doris, of Becket, Mont, have arrived for a month's visit at the home of Mr. and Mcs. E. E. Huntley, parents of Mra Bnyder. Mrs. W. W. Haughey and daughter Louise of Garden City, L. I., arrived Thursday and are stopping a few days with Mrs. Haughey's father. General E. F. Teat, on her way to Santa Fe to spend Christmas with her brother. Lieu tenant Frederick Test, and her mother, who has been visiting him for some time. Mrs. Joseph Byrne and Miss Ophelia Hayden will leave January 2 for Wash ington, D. C to attend the wedding of Mrs. Byrne'a aister, Miss Ines Jones, and Mr. John Keane, which will be celebrated In the private ohapel of the apostollo delegate Tuesday, January 12. Mrs. Byrne and Miss Hayden will remain east until the middle of February. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mrs. F. II. Davis returned Wednesday from a brief stay at Excelsior Springs. Mr. J. IL Millard and Mr. Ward Bur gees will return Sunday from New York. Mr. Forrest Richardson returned Fri day from a two or three days' trip to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Metz, Miss Ger trude Met and Mr. Philip Meta will re turn home today from New York. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Noe, jr., are visit ing their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Noe, 1530 South Twenty-ninth street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelso of Grand Island are spending the week-end' with Mrs. Kelso's sister, Mrs. Penn Fodrea. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Beans have gone to Florida, where they will remain on their pratipe ranch near Auburndale until after the holiday. Miss Callie MrVnnnrll, who has been In California for seven months, has re turned and Is with her brother. Mr. F. R. MeConnrll, and Mrs. Mcfcotirll. Mr. and Mr, filwe;'. and Miss Mary-' allie Slilwell will liae Monday for Glen- . wrnxl, where they will sivnd two weeks 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sldwell. Mr. J. A. Harrison of South Thirty- fifth street leaves tomorrow for nn XX (ended slay at Palm Beach, Jacksonville, St. Ausustlne and points l.i the Carol nas. Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Cowpl'l and sun Sturm left Friday for lx-.ilsill Ky.. tr spend two weeks with Mrs. William PliKham Pennlrk. sister of Mrs. Cowgtll. Mrs. W. S. Kdmlstmi of IVnver, Colo., I.-, the KU.-st of her parents, Mr. and Mis. S. J. ftwanson of Soith Thirty-fifth street. Mr. Edmlston will arrive Christ mas dry. Mrs. John G. lioiirk, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kll patrlrk for the Isst ten days, returns today to Washington to Join her da.iKh tcrs, Mrs. Maish and Miss Hourke. WOMAN'S WORKJN (THE HOME Three Afternoons in January to Be Given to Its Discussion. Will of F. A. Nash is Filed for Probate; Wife is, Executrix Division of the estnto of the late Fred erick A. Nish Into three parts, which his widow. Mrs. Emma C., and chil dren, Frederick A., jr., ajred 10 years, and daughter. Emma, used 7, will share equally. Is mnde by Mr. Nnsh'a will, filed for probate. Mrs. Nash la named execu trix, and In her petition estimates the value of the estate at STI.OW. Two-thirds of the estate Is to become a trust fund, to be controlled by Mra. Nash, and to be shared equally by the children upon attaining the ages of 21 and 1H yenrs. The will is dated January 8, 1WT, and w-as witnessed by M. A. Parmer and S. K. SVhweitzer. Probate hearing has been set for January IS In county court. The will makes the same disposition of the estate as' would have been made by statute hnd Mr. Nash died Intestate. Per sonal property worth tfit',000 and real es tate valued at 112,000 compose the estate, according to Mrs. Nash's petition. Mr. Nash wa an Omaha pioneer and was one of the most prominent bualncsa men In the city. Until recently he was president of the electric light company. He was general western agent for the Milwaukee railroad. MEETING SET DOWN FOR LINCOLN Tenth Anal Proaram ef the braska Home Economies Associa tion - In Connection lth. Or ganised Aarlrnttnre Week. Women In attendance nt the tmlveisity farm during Organised Agriculture week j will have the opportunity of attending the' sessions of the tenth annual program of i the Nebraska Home Economics associ ation to be held January 19, 20 and 21. j The lectures of the sessions will tske up food, the home economics work of women In clubs. ar,t In the home, the hu Iget sys tem of handling household expenditures, kitchen equipment, and eeoibiinlrs of tfrcse. as well as other topics of domeetle Interest. ' Discussions will also form an Important part of the program. The morning meetings will bo s-tven over to a study of foods. The lectures will begin nt S o'clock In Room SCO, Agii eultural hall. Thiae'wtll be followed by w rk In the food laboratories in home economlca hall under the direction of Miss Alice Loomls, head of tho depart ment of home economics. The lectures are free, but a small fee will bo charged for the laliorstory work to rover the actual cost of fool used. Program for the Women. ' The program for the afternoon sessions will be aa follows: Tuesday, January 19. "The Work of Women in Clubs: l:IKi gi-eetlng, Mrs. i School Stu'v." Miss Maud Msthes Wil son. Discussion. Officers f the Association. The offli-ers of tho association are: Presltrnt. Mrs. Emma Heed Ds.vlee.on. Lincoln; vice president lex of'liio Prof. Alice lioiuls. Lincoln; vice president, Mrs. Nettle Iinphere, Oreshani; secre tary, Mrs. John P. Mann. Crawford; treasurer, Mrs. V. S. Culver, Albion. The Smlth-I.ever bill hsu placed, under certain conditions, a large amount of i federal money at the disposal of the states for furthering work In ngrlculturr, ! the Industries, and home economlca. For the Wcnk And rrvona. Tired out, weak, nervous" men and women need Electric Bitters. Helps the nerves and tones up the system. Mc and 1. All druKuists Advertisement. r Emma Reed Da Vinson; l:tr "The Na tional Folerstlon." Mrs. Harry L. Keefe, Wallhlll; 2:10, "The State Federation." Mrs. A. G, Peterson. Aurora; !:, "The tity Mob," Mrs. Elisabeth M. Campbell, Bethany: 2: "The Rural Club." Mrs. Lulu Kortx Hthlsou, Simeon. Discussion. Club reportK by association members limited to three minutes. Reception at the home of Mrs. K. A. Hornet), Holdreae alreet, from i to 6 o'clock. Wednesday, January 20, "Art in 1h Home:" 1:30, miscellaneous huslness; 2:(, "Art In the Homo," Miss Sara S. Hayden: 2:Vi, "Nebraska Artists." Mrs. .lames T. lrf-es. (With collection of pictures from Nebieska srtlste). SiTi, ."Some of Our Nebraska Birds," Mrs. A. E. Sheldon. (Illustrated lecture). Discussion. Thursduy, January "21, "The Homo on a Ruslncss Basis;", reports of . com mittees; 1:40, "The Budget System." Mrs. George Ixiveland; 2:(0 "Kitchen Equip ment," MIhs Mabel C. Daniels; 2 30. "How the Llttlo Folks and I Did th Work," Mrs. W. G. Whltmore. Valley; J 00, "Economics of Dress," Mlsa Helen I,ee Davis; J:3U. "House Practice m t Ulrli FT GREAT REMOVAL SALE Here is Your Opportunity. SAVE 50 to 60 per ct. SAVE BIASM1D3, HATCHES, ALL FINE JEWELRY V Building; to be torn down. We ntnst TaeateT Zmaa Shoppers look over onr diaplay before buylnr. Qifts that last a Mstirae. . REESE JttfELRY CO. 307 MOOTS BIXTISHTX ST. -'.. i,.iM.iWnil,.. , , ., .I.,,, ,.- Writing Desks AS AN XMAS PRESENT APPRECIATED Exclusive Christmas Goods Christmas Cards That Are Different. Brass Desk Sets, Gentlemen's Bill Books, Fountain Pens, Crane's Gift Box Stationery, Volland Holiday Books, Traveling Tablets, Writing Desks, Brass Book Racks. The Moyer Stationery Co. 1616 Farnam St. For Christmas A DIAMOND The approach of Chrlstma brines up again the (rift ques tion: "What shall I buyf Thousands are In a quandary over this pusxle. - A visit to this store and an Inspection of the beautiful stock of dia monds and diamond Jewelry will nlve many stiRRestlons for solvlnn this venlns; Christmas) (rift problem. The lidholra stock of diamonds Is so larg-e, and It Is so replete with fine white, brlhlnnt stonea, sivintf a selection that for quality la senium equaled and certainly not surpassed, that one la of fered a rsre opportunity of find In it a handsome gift at a price most modest for the quality. Kor more than thirty yeari we have been selllna; diamonds, and each succeeding Christmas period has found our trade showlnK a lnrve Increase all due to the fact that i . have established a reputation for reliability. Our Chrlstmaa diamond attira-estlona will please all who wish tha best l the most reasonable prices. Albert Edholm Omaha's oltfcwt established Jewrle-r. Sixteenth and Harney. 9 Artificial American Beauty Oa sale Monday, Taaaday. Wedi n e a d a y and. Thursday at 25 c A. XOSPB CO.. 1813 Bonflaa gl''"sMJ i i i ii nil lii imn.nafc ll J I ' Ii a ! aajasi ZfyA Special Diamond Rings S13.UU, ens.uo, 3B.oo ana aso.oo V..M b.Hlntf T A 1 .M I. MinsnlffaT'' Ml ''.iV-ifK's'H. '"asBaaajasjfcJ, Hotel Loyal WILL SERVE Two Special ..Christmas Dinners.. At $1.50 Per Plate. Beginning at 12 O'clock, Noon and at 6 O'clock, Evening. Tables May Be Reserved In Advance. The Three Cotterill Sisters In Special Concerts At 12:30 to 2:30; 6 to 8 P. M. Men's Delight at Xmas is to Receive Ci gars or Smoking Outfits. r.ADIKS, ATTENTION! LADIES: WHY NOT BUY HIS gift this year at a real man's store, where you will be accorded courteous treatment and prompt aervice? Ask for Mr. Kennedy, personally. ' All the popular brands of cigars In botes- domestic and Havana. Kl'UGKHTIOKS FOR HIM. Clirar Rtands fl.QS to fS.CO Aah Tray a ase to $1.00 Cisrar and Cigarette Holders BOO to M.O0 German Pipes sso to 93.80 Briar Plpea , BSo to Meerschaum Plpea $1.00 to $15.00 Calabash Plpea Mo to $8.00 LnrK assortments of good To- bnccos. from lOo package to the $1.00 Jars. German Tobaccos All Kinds. KENNFDY & BESELIN, 1514 Sodre Rtr.H. eN44.,4...J.AJ.J.J,J.J.X. Typewriters ! For Rent ! any make yon want $1 and Up Per Month Central Typewriter Exchange Inc. X H 807-300 South 17th. j Phone Doug. 4131. !:!:;, Gifts of Furniture For The Home A Gift for the Home is a Gift for All the Family . Special Low Prices Are the Rule This store is filled with the widest possible range of appropriate things for Christmas. GRANDFATHER'S IIALL CliOCK, $38 Mahog any case, a $52 clock. -GRANDFATHER'S HALL CLOCK, $450 A Crotch mahogany case, finest movement, with chimes; a $650 article. . " LADY'S WRITING DESK, $21 Two drawers, ma hogany or birch. FUMED STICK LEY ROCKERS, $27 A $36 rocker with leather cushions. GOLDEN OAK ROCKERS, $11 Genuine leather, spring seats. TIF TOP LIBRARY. TABLE, $33 A solid mahog any table worth &. Furniture Gifts for Wife, Mother or Sister Articles of convenience about. the home at remarkably low prices. WORK TABLES. $5 Like' cut. In mahogany and oak. SERVING TRAYS, $7.50 Inlaid mahogany, worth $13.60. BOUDOIR CLOCKS, $3.80 In dainty ma hogany cases. MUFFIN STANDS, $3 In solid mahogany; very cpeclal. FITTED DRESSING TABLE, $40 Ma hogany with Sterling silver toilet articles; price is $66 ordinarily. DROP LEAF TABLE, $12 Like cut, solid mahogany. DINNER GONGS, $10 Mounted on mahog any bases. TEA WAGONS, $lo.5o Solid mahogany; a $30 quality. CHIME CLOCKS, $47 Mahogany case, Westminster Chimes, imported movement; a $64 clock. CANDLE TRAYS, $3.75 Pair Mahogany; the 17.60 kind. FEltX STAND, $10 A handsome $15 ma hogany stand. FOLDING CARD TABLES. $1.75 SPECIAL in featherweight $3.60 table in leather ette or felt top. Orchard (Si Wilhelm 1 Company fTV'teVfi 0 fin There are only four days and' four evenings left. You who are hur ried to. complete your Christmas purchases can come here with the as surance that our toys are cheapest. . ' WE'VE CUT THE PRICES ON TOYS, BUT THEY'RE JUST AS GOOD AS BEFORE. Come in and see. You'll be quickly convinced. Books. 29c Your choice of a table full of story books for boys and girls books regularly priced from 60e to $1-26. Such titles as "The Patchwork Girl of Os," "The Tin Owl" series, "The Great White Chief." "The Aeroplane Boys" series, "Aunt Jane's Nieces" series, "The Boys of '61," and many others all at one QQ price of &jC Clllj'ini" "ill ! Mil" rt CT Jl ."""" .'J ,-Tfirf Q jjf sn ELECTRIC TRAINS, SPECIAL, $3.75 Engine and 12 feet of third rail track. ELECTRIC TRAIN. SPECIAL, $8.23 A regular $12.25 train, engine a'tod three cars and 14 feet of third rail track. VI -2 1 V I V .11- ,'..STl I Pi Character Dolls G8, 89 and 98 TOM SABT CKASaoTZm dolls that hfII everywhere for f 1.2a. 1.60 anil $1.7i. CA.KPBEI.I. KIDS, TSo Tha popular dreaited rfolla In variety of cxnreaslinii and drean; your choice, 7&0. DBESSCO DOI.I.S, 8o A 14-lnch doll, worth lOo. "XCWTO" BETS, 48o and 8o In-eased Kewplea; thn "Haker," a 75c outfit for 48o and the "HollBelllad, and "Gardner" ar. 11.25 out. fits for tBo. Kewplea of all kinds. American Soldier Games, Special, 18c, 25c, 69c Popular Toys in These War Times. 25c Military game, with lead soldiers, special. 184 40c Military game, with lead soldiers and tent, special- , 25 A blK Military game with air gun, soldlersand tent, a regular $1 game, special ...G0c China Tea Sets, 70c necorated China tea set of 8 pieces, 70o I other Beta JJ. up from a9u Btlab Doll Houses, BSo Stand IK lna. hitch; were 11.10 and I1.2S Waahlna; Bata, vary chaap. Hooby Horses, $2.75. Whitney Bwlnaina; Hobhy lloraea that ''nlarlv aell for 14 18: aria clul. 93.751 I7.BS and IIS . hobby hurnea for 8.8 aad 110.60. Sleds; Firefly Flyer, $1.75 A S-lnch. Ijirdwrivd top oled with flezlhl. ateol runners. Klexlbl. J-lyera. SS-lnch, I3.BO. BTHP-MOarXB' tot. 480. KLF-MOaiXB, 78oTh- ktn1 that you pay 1.2t for. HAJTD OA. S3.8 Kor a BC-od fcUad boy; th. regular 14. ti kind. Gifts You Can Buy Here for $2.50 and Less Articles for numerous uses often times worth far more. Ilras Candle H ticks Rock Crystnl Vases Book Racks Ulugrr fars - Miniature Top Jewel Boxes dKar Jars Cigarette Boxes Ilcturw Frames Ink Wells Heavy Brass Station, ery Racks flmokers Trays Bronse and Mlver Card . Trays Leather Martlcnre rkita eilipper Trey Fruit Bowls and. ntany others- Gifts You Can Buy Here for $5 and Less LI.mItmi lit... 1.. tM J ra W ft.'l.fiO Maliutranv Nervlca Trava. ta.iMatn llnaxl o.i f- -rS .iiaruio uiui, fvo -uaa UOOK lUOCks, $4.SO a pair Pottery Boudoir Lamps, $3.BO and $4.00 Useful articles la leather Htnall Arth-Ies In hand-hani-ntered Sterling silver brocaded Toilet I P I U rit knnlM1a mnwA - . i -... . v U . Table Scarfs, $2.75 and up. Couch Covers, $1.95 and up. An Oriental Rug Alway Makes Her Happy Two special assortments of choice rug's at Special ChrUtmas prices:' One lot of Kirmanshah Bokhara. Iran, Kurdistan . m uu umuiKuunH nug, vaiues to fdu, sizes aoout 'i I 3-6x; your choice for Christmas, at 1U One lot of Beloochlstan, Kaiak, Guenjl and p- MohuI Rugs, values to 117.00; your choice S)? Kll for Christmas, at VO.Ul A Splondid tiollection of Cariet Sizes. Gifts for Travelers FITTFII B.luH, $10 23, $').nO ANI VV In (Seal, Walrus and Calfskin, silk lined and with full complement of toilet articles. CI.M IXK LKAT1IF.R BAS, $6.00, $7.00, $12.00 AMI I F. KI'KCIAL Genuine Walrus Lag. 18-inch size, regularly $30.00. now 820.00 $5T.OO Calfskin Bag. special $3500 Orchard . Wilhelm Company I