THK OMAHA SUNDAY UVA): DKCKMHKK JO, 1914. 11 A CHRISTMAS MUSIC FOR ALLCHURCHES Special Program, for Serried To day by Choin of All Chnrche of Omaha. ( V f PROCLAIM BIRTH OF SAVIOR Mont of Charrbra Will Have Their C arlatmaa Manic TnAiTt Altaoack om Will Hare Servlcee i Chrlstmaa Day. "Olad tiding of great Joy" will be fiing In the churchea this morning In commemoration of the birth of the Savior of mankind. All the churches have pre pared special muaical prograraa for (hta morning, and also for thta evening and dome of the Epiaeopai churches will also have special muslo at tha servlcea on Christmas morning. Program of Christmas muslo to ba irlven Sunday at U a. m. at the Hirst Memorial Methodist Episcopal church. Thirty-fourth street and Larlmor ave nue, will- be as. follow: Ctiarles H. Uabrlel Miss Mildred Slnnct. organist. "And There Shall Come Forth ' (Ke cltative and Chorus) Choir. A. W. Milier. director, "dive Ear To My Words-' Tenor Solo with Choru , J. C. Mitchell and Choir. "I'pon the Mountains" (Chorus, Obll- Kato, Duet, Soprano and Alto "The Midnight Bonn ' (Male anil Fe male (Juartrt and Chorus) "Unto t;" (Double Male Vluartet and Chorus) "Clod'a Name Is Love" (Soprano and Tenor Solos and Cnorus) Mrs. IiOls Weeks. Ralph Newcomer. "I Heard a Great Voice" (Kecltative, Tenor and Alto Puet and Chorus) "Homo" Choir. "HI All Seeing Providence" (Alto and Uass Unison end Chorus) "Watch. . Therefore" Kecltative, Chorus) Choir "A Sure Refuge" (Duet and Trio) "God la The King" (Full Chorus) Organ Postlude FIRST METHODIST. First Methodtet church Christmas musi cal program will be In the marnlng as follows: Chorus Prelude (Tower) Chrlstmaa Song Harrington Organ Prelude Offortory on two Chrlstmaa Hymns, Op. 1 No. i Gullmant Offertory Shepherd' Pipe (pastorale) !?. Harris Anthem O Holy Night....: Adam Miss Hazel Silver and Choir. Vocal Trio (Ladies' Voices) O Lord Most noiy marcneiu Miu Rhnrlcelford Ml Fowler and f Vila l-Inllunri Organ Postlude Christmas , Mcndelssohn-Lutkln Evening service at 7:30: ChorrJ Prelude (Tower) Silent Night Gruber Organ Prelude-The Holy Night (No. 81) liUQk Anthem Gounod Solo A Chrlstmaa I-ullaby .'...Buck Mr. Carnal. Anthem My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord James Edward Carnal Miss Silver, Mrs. Christiansen and Choir. Trio for Ladies Voices Lift Up JJfour Heads. O Ye Gates .' .James Edward Carmal Mils Shackelford, Mlsa Fowler and . Miss Holland. Offertory March of the Mng1.... .Dubois Soprano Solo Glory to God In the Highest Harker Miss Silver. Anthem O Zlon That Tcllest Oood Tidings Buck E. 8. Travis and Choir. Anthem Hallelujah Chorus (Messiah) Handel Organ Postlude Glory to God (Mea- . slah).. Handel James Edward Carnal, director; .Miss Nora Neal, organist. .. 7RST PRESBYTER! AW. Sunday evening the choir of the First Presbytarian tfhurch, Seventeenth and Dodge' streets, will give a program of Chrlstmaa muslo as follows: . Organ Prelude Tha Christmas Tree... Walden Quartet Sing O Heavens Protheroe Duet There Were Shepherds Coombs Miss GanBon, Mr. Johnson. Quartet Come Near, Ye Nations.. Watson Contralto Solo O Little Town of Bethlehem Sproas . Miss Oanson. Quartet Glory to God in tha High-'-.' 1 ' est Harker Postlude Recessional Elder Soprano, Mrs. Louise Jansen Wylle; contralto. Miss Ruth Ganson: tenor and director, George 8, Johnston; bass, Will Hunt; organist, R. 8. Walker.. IMMANUEL BAPTIST. Christmas muslo and services Sunday, December 20. at Immanuel Baptist church. Twenty-fourth and Flnknoy, Rev. Arthur J. Morris, pastor: MORNING 10:30. "Chrlstmaa Prelude" Merkel organ. Processional Hall to the Brightness of Zlon's Glad Morning Contralto Solo with Male Voice Ac companimentThere Came Three Kings .4 Tllloltson-Wllson Miss Lula Maxwell and Male Quartet. Violin Offertory Flowera of Soring.. De Farge sermon roe ureal Discovery Pastor. In the evening at 6 o'clock the Im manuel choir and soloists will render Buck's "Coming of the King." Processional Joy to tLa World . . Organ Prelude Noel Soprano Solo O, Jerusalem, Look About Thee Misa Shackleford. Full Chorus. Soprano and Alto Duo Full Chorus Awake, Put on Thy Strength Mlsa Weedon. soprano; Miss Morris, alto. Tha Annunciation (a) Alto solo, Mrs. Brando. (b) Tenor solo, Mr. Frost. Across tha Desert Caravan of tha ' Magi ...... Tenor, Mr. OgJen; trio baritone, Mr. Hudson: baaa. Mr. Hwanaon; -- chorus men's voices. Tha Plains of Bethlehem ' Chorus or women's voices; tenor solo, Mr. Hemphill .and full chorus. The Departure of tha Shepherds liars solo, Mr. Hwanson; chorus for Men's voioea; soprano solo, Miss Shakel ford; full chorus. Offertory (organ) Response. . . Chadwlck A Chrlstmaa Message, by the pastor. Tha Virgin's Lullaby ( ojiiralo solo, miss Maxwell. -he Questioning of the Magi Haas soio, Mr. Hwanson; chorus for men's voices; run chorus and chorus for women's voices. The Adoration Soprano solo, Mlsa Johanson, and chorus men's voices. Adeste Fidelia Full chorus and congregation. Henedictlon. Mr. A. E. Eaton, choirmaster; Mlsa .Mildred Claueon, organist BENSON METHODIST. Benson Methodist Episcopal. Sixtieth and Main, Rev. Arthur Atack, Pastor The special Christinas music for Sunday Is as follows: ) Solo The Virgin's Lullaby Buck I Mrs. U D. Dl' kensen. Indies' Trio Holy Night Gruber M sa Mowthrop, Mrs. twarson, , Mrs. Horry Anthem There Were Khepherds.... Moors Choir. Solo Birthday of tha King Neldllnger Mtts T. Mowthrop. Male Quartet Glory to God Stebbena Messrs. bevey, Waterbury. Atack and Knudsen. Mixed Quartet There's a Bong in tha Air (unaccompanied) Hartlngter Mrs. Bumpia. Mrs. Searaoa, Messrs. AUck and Knudsen. The subjects for sermons are: Morning at 11. "A Christmaa That Counts;'1 even ing at 7:30. "CnrUitnias. la 14. or The Thun-d-r of tha Guns Versus the Song of the , Ails." l ( ST. MARY'S CONGREGATIONAL. ( Christmas muslo at St. Mary's Avenue Congregational church,- Twenty-seventh street and St Mary's avenue, will be at the morning service, 10 30. punctually: The Chimes Tunes, Am loch, Deben- Some of the Youngsters Who Attended Cass School Christmas Tree & aft kJ. lx 4W': - - jr? First Application for New Saloon License Refused First application for s ww aalonr liiertse was turned drwn by the city council after an exeutlv session. The M-pllcant was George Rcll'f, who sought to mierate a saloon tt S!JR Cuming street. Thirty-five more lloonxea were renewed by tha council. To date a total of about 1WI lleenaes have been granted, alt to holders of licenses now. COUNTY BOARD TO EXAMINE SOME BOILER STOKERS The committee of the whole pf the county board will Inspect stokers In lsrge buildings In Omsha before taking action concerning bids received for tnatalllng stokers In the court house. No further action was taken toward settlement of the dispute with Sheriff Mo Shane over the amount to be paid him for feeding prisoner. CHRISTMAS CHEER FOR COMMERCIAL CLU3 DINERS Decorations for the holidays are t ba made In the Commercial ctub dining room and although no meals are to be served Christmas day and the day following, the decorations are to remain In the room most of the winter. No matter what you want It wilt sava rou time and money If you use Bee Uant Ads. Fifteen boys and stria of different for eign races, a veritable. "Melting Pot," at the Cass school gathered around a Christmas tree Friday afternoon and en joyed a real Christmas celebration as It Is practiced in this country. The boys and girls are foreign born youngsters who have Just recently come to this country and they learn the rudiments of the English language from Mfe-s Rose Bern stein. ' ; There were eight boys and seven girls who gathered around that Chrlstmaa tree. They ranged between tt and nineteen years and the oldest manifested sa child ish and exuberance as did the youngest Mlaa Bernstein's melting pot is an un graded class, the pupils merely learning a working knowledge of English. Than they are assigned to proper grades In the school with the American children. Those who are of sufficient age to escape required education generally go to work. The Chrlstmaa celebration is an an nual event. Miss Bernstein has taught the .class for four year and each year the new comer celebrate an American Christmas'. . They deliver recitations, play games and otherwise enjoy themselves. Presents are given each one.. To those 'who' can read Intelligently, books are always given, and to those who cannot pleasing, but always useful gifts are presented. An American Christmas la a novelty to the foreign children. The Greek boys and girls toll Mlsa Bernstein there la no Christmas In Greece and the Chinese, of course, unless they have en countered missionaries, report the same thing. The class this year consists nt Greeks, Italians, .Russians. Syrians and Chinese. It Is rather email this year dus to tha war. . Generally Mlsa Bernstein has over twenty pupils. Not one pupil, who has come to this country since, the war started, baa entered her class. Alt came last summer before hostilities In Europe were inaugurated. S ONLY FOUR lnjo)n MORE DAYS TO TAKE ay wi ADVANTAGE B9 MiislWI"lisV OF TWO 1 OF MEW AND USED High V ham '. i 1 Organ Prelude Christmas Pastorale.. Merkel Processional Hymn No 198 O, Come, u, come Emmanuel Ancient Plain Rone Canticle Benedlctus, or Hymn of Zacharlos. Luke l:6S-7S...; Barnby Gloria Patrla Music from "The Messiah Geerge Fredeick Jlanaei Recitatives- I "There were ehebherds." , ' -"And, lo! the angel of the Lord." "And the angel said unto them." "And suddenly there was with tJie angles." ' Chorus Glory to God In the Highest.. (Hie recitstlves sung by Mrs. Keuy.j Verse Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne Matthews Hymn No. 197 While the Shepherds Watched Their Flors R. fltorrs The Anthem O, Jerusalem, Look , About Thee Toward the fc.asi . ' John B. West Closing Hymn No. 189 Harkl What Mean Those Holy Voice,..,,. Bedhead Benediction n.....' Organ Postlude Christmas . Postludo i Best Vesper service . will gtart at 1 o'clock, sharp. The music will -be: Organ Prelude Pastorale, from "First r .Sonata " uunmani Processional Hymn No. 192 Angels i, From the Realms of Glory....; Henry Hraart Organ Solo Fantasia .on an Ancient Christmas Carol ....Dethler Carol God Rest Ye, Merrie- Gentle- men , Traditional The Magnificat, or Hymn by Mary... Muslo by T. Tertlus Noble Hymn No. 301-O, Little Town pf tJeinienem iuub n, mwm Anthem There Were Shepherds Abid ing In the Field Herbert Wareinff Organ Solo Offertory on Two Christ- mas NoelB ...Guilmant Anthem O, Holy Night (adapted by Thomas J. Kelly Adolphe Adam (The solo parts aung by Mr. and Mrs. Kelly.) . Carol The - Slumber of the Infant Jesus ....'. i Gavaert The Nunc Dlmlttls, cr Hymn of Simeon Muelc by T. Tertlus Noble Recessional Hymn No. 185 O, Come All Ye Faithful .....Adeste Fldelts Postlude Rhapsody on Christmas Themes Gigout 'Organist, Martin Bush; director of Muslo, Thomas J. Kelly. BENSON PRESBYTERIAN. ' Sunday evening aong service at the First Presbyterian church of Benson will start at 7:30 and will be as fallows; HymnHark, the Herald Angels Sing Congregation. Solo There's a song in the Air Mrs. Mason. Solo O. Holy Night (violin obllgato. Miss Mengedoht) Mr. McCIung. Ladies' Chorus Hark. Hark, My Soul Soprano obllgato. Miss A Hoe Johnson. Hymn O, Little Town of Bethlehem.. Congregation. Solo Calm on the Listening Bars of Night Miss Helen Jorgensan. Offertory Souvenir Pratique Fiblck Mlsa Mengedoht Quartet Angela from the Realms of Glory Miss Kerr, Mrs. Mason, Mr. Tyson and Mr. MoClung. Anthem All Glory Evermore Choir. ST. JOHX'S METHODIST. ' At St. John's African Methodist Episcopal church. Eighteenth and Web ster streets, the Christmas program at 7:30 p. m-, will be as follows: Anthem And There Were Shepherds Parka Choir. Recitation' vMrs. Randall. Men's Chorus Watchman, Tell Us of .. tha Night J. B. Trowbridge Paper Roy Foute. Solo ... Paper Solo . T Rufus Long. ' Miss' ' i'onia 'lley! ' ' Muis ' Pearl' Ray.' Earmonette Rev. W. T. Osborne. Anthem We Have een His Star ...V. Simper Choir. NORTH PRESBTTKRIAN. Chrlstmaa muslo at the North Presby terian church. Twenty-fourth and Spen cer streets, will ba as follows. i6:30 A. M. Organ Prelude Pastoral - symphony, (Messiah) Handel The Psalter ,...No, Anthem Adestes Fldeles V. Novell Hymn 174 Hark the Herald Angela.. Mendelssohn Solo Ne Candle Was There Lisa IJbhmann Mrs. Benedict. Offertory It JTsme Upon the Midnight - Clear i...R. 8. Willi . Carol by combined chorus. Hymn 1NO-Joy to the World Handls Organ Postlude Halleujaii (Mesaiah) Handel 1: P. M. Organ PreludeHe Shall Feed Tils Flock, (Meaxlah) Handel Hymn 17J-0 Come All Ye Faithful.. Anthem Gloria (Iflh Mass) Mosart Offertory Carol Holy Mght Choir. Hymn 17 Calm on the Listening Far. ' tune 'A Owmat) Hymn 171 Come Thou Long Kxpected. tune 301 F. J. llayda Organ Postlude Hul'.eujuh ... .Lorabtlotle Prof. Ivor Tlior.taM. orgunitt and choir master. , NORTHSIDB CHRISTIAN. The following program will be rendered by the choir of the Northslde Christian vhuieh, corner ot Twtnty-second and ..Lothrop streets, this evening: Hymn Joy to the World Prayer Pastor. Song Glory In the Highest ' Ladies quartet, mixed quartet, choir. Rea.ding The Boy Shepherd.... ' Mlsa Ruth Peter. Male Trio Messrs. Davis, Hlggins and Cady. Quartet Sleeping in Bithlehem. Mrs. Mangum, Mrs. Wiles, Mr. Davis and Mr. Cady. Violin Solo .'. i Miss Florence Wooley. Song Hark, Hark, My Koul Mr. Pointer and choir. Solo The Morning of His Birth Mr. Cady. Song There Were Slii .inerds Quartet and chotr. " Benediction FIRST CONGREGATIONAL. Chrlstmaa music at the First Congre gational church Sunday at 10:30 a. m. will bet .. Organ Prelude The Holy Night... .Buck Christmas Carol., Old German Air Anthem O Holy Night Adam Anthem (with 'cello obligate).; Adam Solo The Birthday of a King.. .Neldllnger Mrs. Welty. Offertory Nooturne in E minor ..'. Gotterman Offertory (organ and ,'cello) Nocturne . In E minor.....,..,,.. ....Gotterman Anthem Nasareth 1 Gounod Organ Postlude Hallelujah Chorus.. ' '- ' - Handel Choir: Cora Schwarts, soprano and di rector; Mrs. Frank 8. Welty, alto; Georg C. Edgeriy, tenor; George C. Mclntyre, bass; Charles Lee Cocke, Jr., organist. Mies Belle von Mansfelde, 'cellist, will assist In this service. CHURCH OF GOOD SHEPHERD. The special Chrlstmaa services, morn ing prayer and . holy communion of the Church of tha Good Shepherd will be held Christmas morning at 7:30 o'clock. The muslo at this service will be by the full choir, a follow: Organ Pastoral symphony from" t'Messlah" Handc Processional Oh, Come All Ye Faith ful Lord's Prayer Anthem Hark, the Herald Angels ' Hing Alleluia "Psalms and Gloria" "Festival Te Deum", Dudley Buck "Nleene Creed" , . Christmas Carol While Shepherds Watched their Flocka By Night... Communion Hymn Shepherd of Souls. Recessional It Came Upon a Midnight Clear ' Postlude Chorua of Shepherds -. J. Lemmens Miss Carol R. Marheff. organist and director. , Prominent Omahans , Sign Petition for Parole of P. Meyen A petition ha been sent to the parole board of the federal prison at Leaven worth, Kan., by prominent Omaha peo ple asking the board to ' parole Paul Meyen, former Omaha postal clerk, who was recently given a year's sentence after pleading guilty to the charge of stealing money from tha United States mails. ' Father Bernard Slnne, pastor of the church of fit. Mary.Megdailne, was the leader In circulating the petition for Mey en's parole. Mayor Dahlman, County Commissioner O'Connor and McDonald, County Attorney Magney, County Clerk Frank Dewey, County Treasurer W, "G. Ure, ' many banker, business and pro fessional men are said to have signed It. They request that Meyen be released un der surveillance of a proper person In order that he be enabled to support hi family. The man' wrong deed is said to have been due to temporary mental derange ment, blamed to intemperate use of liquor and, to excitement over the war. He 1 aid to have borne an excellent reputa tion and had been In the postal service for many fear. Forefathers' Day Rally Celebrated Here on Wednesday The congregational forces of Omaha and Vicinity will Join In a great mass meeting at the First Congregational church on the coming Wednesday even ing. Dr. Nehemlah Boyntbn of Brooklyn, exmodcrator of the national council, will be the orator of the occasion. Patriotic muslo will fill the air. All thta and much more Is In honor of the landing of the Pilgrim and the beginning of civil and ecclesiastical liberty in -America. ' Council Bluff will be represented with big delegation from Its two Congrega tional churches, led It Is hoped, by two venerable guestai of honor. "Father" G. O. Rice, who organised the Council Bluffs first church over sixty year ago, and General Orenvllle M. Dodge, generous friend ef the Dodge Memorial church. ; 'Following the program will come the reception In the church parlors, ' with church official - and special guest . of honor 1a tha Una. and - Player flames In order to obtain rock bottom nure rrora tn mantuaexurera w were obliged, to buy over three thouoand "lano. to be delivered during the vear 1914. The unfortunate condition In the nouth caused by the-cot-'ton market, with the holdlnc back of the wheat and corn crop by farmers lq the north for higher prices, nan created such a depression In our Piuo buHtoass that we ttnd ourselves largely overstocked, with nearly ftvo hundred Instruments on hand. Hather than tor these Ptanos we will sacrifice prices In order to pUce them In m many i... n . i,n tmiMt cvf the advertising therefrom. Brand Hew Uprights On Sale from $178 Up tfrand Llev; PIAYEUS On Sale from $323 Op in mir utock vou will find such hifrh-CTade and world-famed Pianos as STEINWAY & SONS, WEBER, HARDMAN, EMERSON, STEGER & SONS, McPHAIL, UNDER MAN & SONS, S0HM0LLER & MUELLER PIANOS. 300 PIANO AND PLAYER BARGAINS Novor Eaualed In Here Are a Few, Bargains In Bale the Middle West New and Used Instruments Former , Price. isnn Kimball. Upright $400 Steger & Sons, Upright t&nrt Knahn. ITnrirht $300 Rchtnoller & Mueller, Upright $500 Bteger & Sons, Upright $300 Davis St Bona, Upright . .... $350 Schmoller Mueller, Upright . $400 Bteger ft Sons. Upright . $500 Chickerlng ft Sons, Upright . $275 Mueller, Upright Price. 9125 .&210 S250 S13& SI 1)5 'Sloi? $125 Former Prlc. i $350 Sieger ft Sons, Upright $300 Norwood, Upright .... $300 Fischer, Upright 11.000 Bteger ft Sons. Grand $R00 A. B. Chase, Grand $600 Schmoller & Mueller Player Piano 14 50 Technola Player Piano . $700 Stuyvesant Player Piano $500 Clough ft Warren Player Piano $800 Wheelock Player Piano ata Price. SlfH) 155 S115 84 50 275 8:i25 $350 $4QU 7)tJ.alJ $485 Terms as Low as $4 Monthly. , Select Row For Christmas Delivery . aataa aaaa. an a m mm M ttj FREE .STOOL FREE SCARF r RE. fc OtuvtitT I Htore Open Evenings Until Christmas. Schmoller .'& KJueller Piano Co. 131 1-1313 Farnarrj St., Omaha .1 Heudquartera for Victor VlctroUe: and GrafonoUe. Santa Claus Mail " is Boosted Along "When 8anU Clau mail is Involved, ' the Poatofflce department doesn't heal-, tate over little technicalities," declare Aaalatant Superintendent UeorK J. Kleff. ner at the poatofftce. "Saint Nick' letter and parcel are aettlag every aaslatanoo ' from Uatfe 6am during tha big Chrlatma rush that la now In full . iM n.,.i ! clrclaa. "Althomrh there I a rule -Jnat mail ing; letter and parcel, to the (ace of which Red Croa aeal and holiday (tick era have been affixed, we are not en forcing It atrlctly, aa we are anxlou to hurry all Yuletida greeting on their way." Cee Want Ada Are the Beat Buslneas Bead Tally by People In -Hearth of Ad vertised Opportunities. DEC. 26TH THE ANNUAL EVENT THAT EVERY MAN IN OMAHA LOOKS FOR Amy Wm9 m Suit TC In Our Entire Stock Choice For Ono Day Only Next Saturday al t MM.. -Til. This Moans Your Unrestricted Choice of Our Entire Cloth ing Departments, No matter Whether tho Former Selling MaBTaaBlMaaaBBBSBBafttBBBBBBBBaftayaW Price was S20, S22,50, S25. S27,50. $50. S55, or Even uptoS40 See Them in the Windows' "Look Them Over in the Store 3 4B Ml . . .1 '-' r :( . '01 a : .a i' a '.t "v. "I ii h ; "t i.i r Hi .1 r rt - t .S ITU no .l v -At i'.& "4 ' X '? 4 ij r 1.1 . 14 it rtt , f 2