8 TIJK HKK: OMAHA, SATUIiDAY, PKCKMHKft 10. 1914. CHRISTMAS DINNER IS TOJOST LESS Price Generally Are Much Lower Thn They Were for TfcanXs giring Day Dinner. TURKEYS TO COST MUCH LESS Rrff'TikN trmp ' mn4 Flih DM T( Oats, Craabei-rlee rieatlfal and IMealr Freei Vege- Thoae produrts which go to make up th regulation Chrlstmaa dinner will be Imirh cheaper than ther were on Thanks giving. He aling the list, turkeya . have, dropped II and 4 cents a pnd. Turkeys for Chrlstmaa will sell at centa. or perhaps lea. Running with turkeya. ducks and geese 'will be a Itttie less, both selling at 18 centa. Chkkens may he a hit higher, prohahly bringing 14 or IS centa. IWf ha taken a drop down. A cut of I oenta a pound m restored thl week. Pork 1 alo down 1 tent, whlla leaf lard' iseelllng at nine poun'a for $1. The price a week ago wa aeven for 91. . . Fish la Cheaper. AM kind of fish are down about 1 centa a pound. Halibut aell at 124 centa a pound, salmon at the mum price, cat fish at IP centa and herring at 8. Fmli lake ttout I on the market, bringing 17'i rrnta. wnila liaddle, which haa also Jut entered, biinira the aame figure. Oyster will aell at centa quart for "hrltmaa. Tha low price on turkey I rather a sir. prie. "Tha very best A No. 1 bird will ft I at 2?ty centa a pound, or even lower by Chriatma," declared Al King, man agef of Hayden'a grocery department. "That means freah turkeya. Frozen tur key can be bought for 9 and 10 oenta a pound, and many buy them and aell them at freah turkey price. Geese and ducka are down, and everything la on tha mar ket for tha Chrlstma dinner and at rea sonable prleea, too." Potatoes are aelllng at TS centa a buahel, while aweet potatoea are three pounda for 19 centa. . Craaberrles Ptearlfal. Cranberrlea are plentiful, of good qual ity and aell at 7Si oenta a pound. Mlnre meat for mince plo la aelllng In tha bulk at i:H centa a pound and the .condensed mince meat aella at Bi centa a package. Celery la of beat quality. Kalamaioo celery la three bunchea for 10 centa. and California celery TV, centa a bunch. nadlahea, ahallota, beet, rnj-rota and turnips all aell for 4 centa a bunch. Paraley and endives are three bunchea for 10 centa. Head lettuce la 7V4 cent and leaf let tuce aella at two for 6 cents. Cucumber are high and acarce, aelllng at 13H centa aplei-e. Tomatoea are aelllng at ?V eenta a pound. Sugar took two move thia week, first dropping 26 cent a aark wholesale and then advancing 10 centa. Tha retail price remalna unchanged, nineteen pounda for $1. Green coffees have gone up 1 and 2 cents a pound. Freah eggs have gone up t centa, to 34 cants a dosen. Storage eggs atlll remain at IS centa. M'VilNN ADMITTED TO , PRACTICED U. S. COURT E. J. McVann baa Just been admitted to practice In the district fourt of tha fritted State, It wa on motion of By ron U. Hurbank that Mr. McVann was admitted before Judge Page Morrte In open court at tha federal building. Mr. alcVann. whlla manager of tha trafflo bureau of tha Commercial club, carried a course Jn law In tha Crelghton unlvery alty In .'night school and eorne days' work until h received his degree- In law laat spring..' II waa admitted to practice In the. supreme court of tho state aome bio nth ago.' Mrs.V.CBartlett Buried Between the Graves of Two Sons Aftef funeral servl.-ee at All Paint' chliroh tha body of Mrs. V. C. Barllett, who died Monday at Imogen, ftah, we burled In Prospect Hill cemetery between the grave of her two eon. William C. and Allan Partlett. Many beautiful flfrral offerings were sent from Vnlon Parlflc office, a the late William C. Hartlett wa head of one of the department there. A handsome blanket of roe covered the casket ttev. Thoma J. Mackay, rector of All Paints' church, conducted the services, which were held at 2 o'clock. Allan M. Flem ing, a brother of Mrs. Bartlett, accom panied the body here. The pallbearer were: William Von Kroge, If. J. Stirling. baric C. Phelpa, If. Stafford, J It. lnkter. K. A. Kwlng. Farmers Decide to Have Bridge and So They Build Good One Farmer of Polk county are all swelled tip, according to John LlnJ, a farmer llvhig near Clarke, over the new bridge which the farmers themselvea have had built acrose the Platte river, between fcllver Creek and Clarke, at a cost of $5,000. The brVlge unite Polk and Mer rick count lea and waa built by the 'West ern Bridge company. Tha construction of this bridge by tha farmera Waa made necessary by the fact that other towna Instated on having brldgea acrosa tha riatta and there were no fund available, so the farmers resolved to build their own bridge, which they did without tha aid of tha conn tie. This ss Fir Cesals. DON'T MIBS THIS. Cut out this Blip, enclose 9 centa to Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. Tou will receive In return a free trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tax Compound, for cough, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In Idea and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablet, a wholesome and thor oughly' cleanaing cathartic, especially comforting to stout persons. For sala In your town by all druggist. Advertisement. Christmas Programs at Schools for Kids Before Fortnight Off A Chrlatmaa tree atood In every room at Castellar achool and presents huna from-every branch. A lot of these pres ent had been made by tha little tot In tha lower grade and were "from Santa to papa." "to lovln' mama." At long achool 118 kindergarten young sters had tha time of their Uvea. A bla celebration was held, there were tova for distribution, stockings full of sweets anu pretty exerclaea. All achool closed In the afternoon for tha Chrlatmaa holidays. The vacation will laat two week. CHRISTMAS FAIR NEARS END Annual Erent in Foyer of The Bee ' Building Cloiei Saturday Right. MANY ATTEND FINAL SALES Hirst Memorial, Ilea Meaaarlal, I hare h of l ife Bad Tfceaeovhlrat Society (nnd art galea IJ ar ia; loalaar Day. Hirst . MenwriaJ. Ptetis Memorial; the Church of lAt and tha Omaha Theo enphfral society are conducting the ealea during the closing day of the annual Chrlstmaa fair In the foyer of Tha Bea building. The aisle are crowded with shopper who are availing themelve of this opportunity to complete their Christ mas buying. lolla dreaaea and tha latest "Parlstsn" millinery for doll are being ahown by tha Hirst church women, who also have, an extensive display of crocheted hand made collar and cuff set for coat. Mea dame B. H. Bike. O. B, Pettlgrew, F. 1'ettlgrew, We kes, A. Fay. N. Latham, 8. K. 1 lager and O. W. Tlffey are tha women In charge. The Church of Ufa women are featur ing crazy quilts and sofa pel low mad In tha same designs, rag carpet rugs and an attractive display of leather rood. Meadames K. N. Freellng, M. K. Bussey, n. E. Busaey. Andrew Rander, Fry and Mlsa Bertha VernnA are assisting In tha sale. ell Hand Painted China. Hand-embroidered aprona, as well aa the mors practical aort, hand-painted china and crocheted towela of all aorts are being ahown by the women of the Diets Memorial Methodlat church, who also have an attractive ehowlng of dainty little aoreasorlea, aacheta, etc Meadames Myrtle Dion, B. C. Mason. Kahler. R. C. Smith, C. N. Daweon, a Jeter, F. Wool ey,. George Kshom, J. M. Metcalfe and Gideon are altlng In the sale. .Women of the Omaha Theoaophlcal so ciety are raffling a hand-made bed (preod, valued at 950. Tha spread waa made by a woman whose husband Is 111 and the proceeds will go to assist her. These women have introduced an Inno vation in a dainty silk dresser drawer pad, whlrh haa been delightfully aachated. Among the women assisting here ar Mesdames J. T. Ekltind, W. E. Parker, Jennie Frost, M. Ivarson, Ella Toung, Mis Leonard and Miss Minnie Jensen. The fair cloaea Saturday evening. i Beat Kim Coach Reaae4y. Ir. King's New Discovery, beat for cougha, colds, hoarseness and all lung troubles. First doaa helps. 6oo and 91.00, All druggist. Advertisement MALMQUIST TAKES CASE TO THE DISTRICT COURT Tha case In which F. Q. ' Malmqulst. Journeyman electrician, attacks aa uncon stitutional tha ordinance requiring Jour neymen electrician to aubmlt to exam ination and secure permit, haa been ap pealed to the district court. Malmqulst wa convicted In polloe court . Assistant City Attorney L. J. T Poel la preparing the city's case. ' Railroads Report Warmer Weather According to tha re porta to tha rail roads, coming from stations In Nebraska and Wyoming, It la decidedly warmer thsn Thursday. The railroad reports In dicate that at 7 o'clock yesterday but two atatlona recorded as low as aero. These were Erlcson and Arapahoe. Else where It waa from 10 to 96 above. Light and scattered anow flurriea were reported from tha west part of tha atate, with fog and mist general. In aome lo calities a light' rain wa falling. Only $122 per Jar 84 yet tha untold benefits to b gained f nxn it ar priceless. It gives new lli and encriiy to weak stomachs, constipated bow. el.diMitered liver and kidneys, and dean tha complexion as nothing else can do. It contamsnaturallaiiattva. curative, and enar gistng properties derived from Iruit, and NcTcr Falls to benent any man, woman, child or baby V sno annus ii eacn morning oeiore DmK f ast Wonderfully good for expectant and nursing mothorv When you know Its purity, pleaMnt taste, gentle action, and rare power to correct disorder and upbuild the system, you will discard physic, pills, mineral wains, and rely on Fruit-Vigor to safeiyovercofne biliousness, conttlpation.ln- ai8esuon,SK.neadacn, ami ot ner ailments. Asa year Deator-ar ay Mail fro aa STEWART FOOD COMPANY 440 security BaUdlag, Caicaga 44at4f(V4jrV 4. i N. Maetel Co. Phone D. 1S0S 1808Farnam CANDIES Park & Tilford's We have an unusu Weber! ally large assort- Johruton't raent of box rAndy whieh is always kept'in perfect con dition. In Wsjber'i and Park ft TlUord wa bar xcltiglY agency. PIPES Pipes and Smok ers' Articles Use ful to every smoker. Brass Goods, Humidors, Bridge Sets and Cigarette Cases of all descriptions. It's the Cigar Not the Dressing Excellence of Quality and Workmanship Are Combined in CUESTA REY Fine Havana CIGARS A Cigar That Is Appreciated by Discriminating Smokers ALL SIZES ALL PRICES Uncommonly. Good ( Segars : J BARON DEKALB o AT THE SIGN OF THE BULLDOG Sensible Shapes at Sensible Prices Mild--Aromatic 10 CENTS AND 2 FOR 25 CENTS i Bull Dog Cigars 5c WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE FAMOUS PARK & TILFORD'S CANDIES New York Paris Fancy Xmas Packages From $1.25 to $5.00 Temptingly Delicious. Just a Little Better Than the Rest Give Him a Box of ROMEO GARCIA HAVANA CIGARS The Mild Kind In a Class by Itself. Special Holiday Packages of EL SIRRAH gT Known to Buyers of the Best (km "The Hand That Made You Hath Made You Well" JULIA MARLOWE PURE HAVANA , Look GoodTaste Good Are Good V V 1 o itnWnfsTi' saaBMBBsaHBMaaasssBBaasMSaBssaasaaa F PAY I'JIIEfl GORED Mai sad All Beotal Piaeaaea oviwd wltfeout tha knlfa. aeratajsea oaraa ruaxaateed. Write tor Free Ulnstratea iKtpk ea meotal Uaaasia) aaa eat I mea- . mia ot aaadreda ot aored paueala la aTaaraaka and Iowa. DR. E. R. TARRY - - 240 Dee Dldg.t Omaha, Neb. '''" 018.75 New style Victrola IV, with choice of five double face 10 inch Victor records, ten selec tions; terms $5 down, $3 a month. 020.75 New style Victrola VI, with choice cf five double face 10 inch Victor records, tea -selections; $5 cash and $3 a month. Corner 15Ili ond Harney Omaha WDstar Odd E si Ba mm ll mm a nmi m' (Don't Fail to Sos and Hear the Itevi Electric Uiotor Uictrola Jo TJinding) n 082.50 New style Victrola X with choice of 10 doui ble face 10-inch Vic tor records, 20 selec tions; $8 cash and $6 a month. fx ' ill 0107.50 New style Victrola XI, with choice of 10 double face 10 inch Victor records, 20 se lections; $10 cash and $7 a month. G E O R G E M I C K E L O 1 ,i .Sii m 'i E li L (i ? P - !! . ; t i s ' ill 0157.50 New style Victrola XIV, with choice of 10 dou ble face 10-inch Victor records, CO selections; $15 cash and $10 a mo. m if f 0207.50 New Victrola XVI, with choice of ten double face 10-inch Victor records, 20 selections; $25 cash, $10 a month. Out-of-Town Folks Wrltoat Onco r.lickol Hasan Oriclnal Special Plan for Placlnc a Victrola In Your Homo on FREE TRIAL with Rocordo 4 043.75 New style Victrola VIII, with choice of 5 double face 10 inch Victor records, 10 selec tions; $5.00 cash and $5.00 a month. ' 053.75 New style Victrola IX, with choice . of 5 , double face 10 inch Victor records, 10 selec tions; $5.00 cash and $5.00 a month. . 334 Droadway 09 Council Dluffs, la.