TIIH RKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY, DKCKMUKR l!. WW. 5 FRENCH MAKE GAIN ON BELGIUM LINE War Office Declare that Germans Are Repulsed in Every Effort Made o Stop Advance. HEAVY ARTILLERY WINS OUT Goola Ttrenrr Their Bin Wla . Dlstlortl-ve Adtantntri Alone Trury-I.e-A al Itrsvlnn on thr Alinr River. PARIS. Deo. lS.-Th 1'rrnrh war office this afternoon s.a out an official com manlratlon as follows: "Tho day of Pecem'ocr 17 wan rnarnrtl, as we said yratrrday, hy an advance on our part In Belgium, where every counter attack undertaken by thj enemy failed. "In the melon of Arm., a vlRoruus of fensive tnadn us mosiprs of several trenches. These are located at Authy. I -a Bassee, ft. . laur?nt and I31artK.v- At this last mentioned plare we occuplod a front more than one kilometer lonir. al moet all the first , lino trenrhrs of the tnemy. "Ill the region of Traey-Le-Val, on the A lane, .and In Cliampr.Biie. our heavy artillery won distinct advantages. "In the Argonne the Germans Mew un one of our trenches to the north uf Four Pe Paris and endeavored to move out from their position with three battalions of troops. This Infantry attack, as well as the one they undertook at St. Hubert, wit repulsed. . . 'To the east of the Mouse and In the Vosges there Is nothing t report.'' HIGH RAIL COURT GRANTS ROADS OF EAST RATE RAISE ntlnued from Page One.) any of the provisions of tho act to regu late commerce, as amended except as to the notice to be riven." Teat of Decision. The derision says: While we differ as to the relative im portance to bo attached to the various considerations presented, we ugrpa in the conclusion mat by virtue or tne conn tiona obtaining at present it Is necessary that tho carriers' revenues be supple mented by Increases throuKhout offlcicl classification territory. Whatever ttv consequence of the war may prove t be, wo must recognlue the fact that it exists, the fact that it is a calamity without precedent and the fact that by it1 the commerce of tho world has been disarranged and thrown into confusion. The means of transportation are funda mental and indispensable agencies in our Industrial life and for the commonweal should be kept abreast of public require ments. Tho original report, besides approving a rate increase In ceitrHl freight asso ciation territory suggested ten sources of additional revenue for all carriers throughout official classification terri tory; the present report, recognising the existence of a new situation since July 29. acquiesces In a territorial extension of the relief granted to the central freight association lines by permitting the carriers to filo tariffs providing, with certain exception spawned herein, tor hoiisontal rate Increases in official clas sification territory. It Is expected that the constructive work snarr'sted In the original report for the purpose of con serving and augmenting the net reven ues of the carriers generally will bo car ried forward without interruption. Carriers will be required to keep an ac count of the additions to their -revenues from increases in rates subsequent to July 29, 1914, and from new charges and to report separately thereon to the' com mission at the end of twelve to twenty-, four months, respectively. Application to lower Itate.n. After1 stating; the exceptions, heretofore given, tho decision proceeds: la our original report we declined, for reasons there stated, to allow increased rates in central freight ' association ter ritory on cement, starch, brick, tile, clay and plaster. On further consideration -in the light on the existing situation these rates may be Increased throughout offi cial classification territory under the lim itations herein set forth. Joint rates between official classifica tion territory on the one hand and south eastern territory, the southwest and points on or east of the Missouri river on the other may be increased not to ex reed R per cent of the division of the rate accruing; to the carriers in official classi fication territory. If these Increases In volve a change in the relationship under the long and short haul rule between in termediate points and more distant points outside of official classification territory, relief from the fourth section of the act must first be secured on regular applica tion. Interstate rates to and from New Eng land from and to points in trunk line or Central Freight association territory, where necessary to preserve established relationships between points or porta in New England and points or ports in trunk line territory may be Increased not to exceed 5 per cent. t Subject to the maintenance of the es tablished Atlantic port differentials rates to and from New York may be increased not to exceed 6 per cent, and rates to snd from Portland. Boston, Philadelphia 'and Baltimore may be increased to the extent necessary to maintain said dif ferentials. Rates Previously Increased stand. .Except as otherwise above sieclfled rates in official classification territory may be Increased by not more than 6 per cent, but rates increased since July Z), 1114, may not now be again Increased so as to exceed those then In effect by an aggre gate of more than 6 per cent of the iiitra terrttorial rate, or of the portion or divi sion of the Intel-territorial rate accruing to the road or roads in official classifica tion territory, as tho case may be. If fractions in excess of one-half a mill are rounded upward, fractions less than one-half a mill are to be discarded. In some instancea. and In part because of the pendancy of this proceeding, we have recently suspended proposed In creased rates; in this territory. Carriers may, If they so elect, now cancel such tariffs so suspended and file In lieu thereof tariffs which conform to the lim itations above specified. If that Is done such suspensions will he vacated. To the extent above Indicated we now modify our previous findings, and car riers affected may file, effective on not less than ten days' notice, such tariffs as do not offend against the restrictions sbove stated. Exception to Increase. . The exceptions from the proposed In crease of rates are stated in the decision as follows: 1. Rall-lake-and-raii, lake-and-raU and rail-and-lake rules. It Is shown on the recCrd that since the rail carriers ac quired ownership and control of the lake lines successive increases have been made in the rate via lake, tending to lessen the differences between them and the all lall rates. . Hates on bituminous coal and coke. Not long since these rates, were investi gated and maximum rates were pre scribed by the commission. The key tales upon bituminous coal, the rate from the Pittsburgh district to Youuijstown and -the rate on lake cargo coal to Aahta- bula. have been fixed in the light of the various factors which enter into the transportation of such coal. The prevail ing rates are remunerative and the finan cial condition of tl.e principal bituminous coal carriers Is in marked contrast with that of many of the other carriers In of fMal classification territory. Twice in the not distant past the rates on bituminous coal have been increased I cents a ton and would seem now to be as high aa may fairly be allowed. It must be re membered also that the carriers are not seeking general increases In rates on salhracitc coal and both kinds of coal ar used in competitive markets. As to coke, too rates controlling the greater volume of traffic now moving In official i lassifleation territory have been recently vet by the commission uooa a basis which was specifically designed to guard against , shrink trig the earner revenue therefrom ; and which really resulted in aubstsnUal dditlnn tohelr earnings en that tariff. 3. Hates on anthrm-ite coal and Iron ore. timely because they are before US for review !n o fee prirx-eedlngs. 4. Kates held by unexpired orders of the commission Harlan's farther Wtntement. Commissioner Harlan, In his dissenting opinion, said further: Aside from the obiertlon to our lessl. right, and power, a hit h perhaps should l-ave been regarded as conclusive, there ail urave do-.tbts whether the facts assumed hy the carrier, bankers, snd ot'iers at the further hearing are 'eing verified by the prticrea of events. The apprehension of the hankers and ,her, most strenu ously irgeii at the ur'her hearniK as a reason for granting Increased rates at iin'-c was that otherwise our railroad securities held abroad woitld in con sequence of the war, be dumped upon your markets causing disastrous results not only to the railroads, but to business Interests crenerallr. This apprehension the hankers appar ently have concluded to have been so clearly unfounded that. In advance of any decision of the commission upon the car riers' contentions it the further heai-lng the great financial Interests In control I of such matters have rot only caused the stock exchsnges. which were dosed j St the beginning of the war. to he re opened, but have now caused the removal of all restrictions upon trading in such securities, the minimum-price limitation i having been withdrawn. Have IeclareU. It alsa appears from public sources that since the further hearing interest rates. Instead of Increasing, as confidently predicted bv the exports who then testi fied, have shown a downward tendency and since the nritnnal report the average operating ratios of (he lines in official cimssii icatlon territory have shown a marked improvement. If at any time hereafter It should definitely appear that the patriots require Immediate temporary relief by ie-son of 'he war and Ma ef Ucla. it .vuild be obtained by a refiling of the tnriffs heretofore disapproved, and In that event I should have no difficulty In rcKardlnsr it as a proper exercise of our discretion under ihe act to decline to eunpend them enrtins Investigation. o Adeanate Control. Commissioner Clements further said In dissent: There is and has been no adequute con trol of the Issuance of stocka and bonds, and they have been put out largely by those holding the theory that them exists no relationship between the securities of a carrier and the reasonableness of Its rates. Now we see these securities call ing for Increased rates to make them good. If. now to strengthen and maintain thn credit of the carriers, regardless of the catisea of its exhaustion or Impairment, and without tho application of the usual tests of reasonableness, these Increases are justified, then it seems to me that we are only at the beginning of what 1 fear will he a train of demoralizing re sults, disappointing: and embarrassing to all concerned. It la by no meaus certain that it would not in the long run be cheaper to the public to guarantee ,the bonds of the weak roads unable to meet their obligations rather than to try to take care of them hy increased rates. which inure to the strong' roads as well as to the weak. Want of Frelaht. TTp to the beginning of these, efforts for Increased rates there had for many years been a steady and constantly increasing percentage of carriers paying dividends as well aa In tho rate of dividends nuld. It appears evident .that carriers are suffer ing more Just now for want of freight to 'arry than for want of higher rntes. It Is Just aa safe to prophesy that this is a temporary condition as to prophesy con cerning future rates of Interest and the dumping1 of foreign-held -American rail way securities on our Investment mar kets. It would not seem to be out of line I with ordinary prudence, and conservatism I prevailing in other lines of Industry, if j the earners had undertaken to meet this, apparently temporary situation as have others. Such a course, it seems to me, ' would have contributed to their credit, i rattier man uie course they have pur sued. This decision of the commission is the culmination of the concerted efforts of the respondent, and other carriers, for a general Insurance infreight rates begin ning In 1910. Western Magnates Active, CfrtCAQO, Dec. 1811. U. kludge, pres ident of tho Rock Island lines, said the decision should encourage western roads in vlew.'of thelrpcnding, appjlcatltm for increased rales. "Certainly the west needs increases aa well as the cast," he said. "This par ticular decision ought-to liven things up. If the eastern roads begin to buy and I think they will the entire country will William A. Gardner, president of the be favorably affected." Chicago & Northwestern railway com pany, said: "The only bearing the ruling will have towards granting increases to western roads, la whether the latter can present equal Justification and necessity. I be lieve that they. can.. It is a reasonable presumption that the decision will be an essential factor in the stimulation of bublncss. The first effects will be felt in Ihe east, and a similar recognition of western lines will Intensify the return to general prosperity." Kastera Railroad Stocks Rise. NEW YORK, Iec. 18.-The decision of the Interstate Commerce commission enme unexpectedly to Wall street which hod not expected definite word untl! next week. It came at a time when the stock market was acutely weak and helped materially to bring about) a general re covery. Prices rose from 1 to S points above the low level of the session. Reading, one of the roads most , vitally concerned, re gained Z points and Baltimore & Ohio, IV Other eastern roads scored lesser gains. Tho rally was not-fully main tained, prices yielding from fractions to a full point after the short Interest had covered. The list soon settled down to further dullness Traffic officials of tbe eastern railroads In this city declined -tu comment on the decision until they had- studied its text. The fact that the roads t.re to be per mitted to file new tariffs without delay was regarded as one of the most favor able factors. Intimation that applications for further increases might be considered In due course, also caused encouragement. Shares of almost all the eastern lines In creased th?lr lead later, .New Haven gain ing 3 points with 1 to 2 points for Erie, New York Ccntral-Lehlgh Valley and On tario & Western. $25.00, $22.50, $20.00 and $18.00 Kuppenhcimer and Hart, Schaffner J Marx N SUITS TO OO $22.50 and $20.00 -Kuppenhcimer rn and Hart, Schaffner t? Marx $14.50 Ommalna Mem OVERCOATS $17.50 STORE OPEN. UNTIL XMAS Here is positively the greatest value-giving opportunity ever given by this or any other reputable clothing house in Omaha's merchaxidixing history. Without any ifs, ands or buts, we have 5OO Suits and Overcoats we want to sell; models for men and young men, lO-ViS Mfl CCk f1 $17 Cft styles that sold up to 52500 and $30.00, your choice Vuv ClilU $1.1 OV Everything in Good Overcoats In these lligh Grade Coats you will find the best materials from Europe and America Montagnaes, XXX Carr Meltons, Vicunas, Scotch "Duffle, Kersey3 and Chinchillas. These are the finest possible Overcoats, $25, $30, $35, $40, $45 and $50. A guaranteed saving of from $5 to $10 at either price. BRITISH COURT ANNULS CONVICTION OF ALLEGED SPY LONDON, Dec. " 18 (5:15 p. in.) The court of criminal ' appeals, consixtlng of the lord chief Justice, Lord Heading, and four other justices, today annulled the conviction of Nicholas Ahlen, who on MEW'S MACKINAWS Ideal garments for the outdoor man. Protection from wind or rain and stylish, beside $5.00 to 12.00 Silk Shirts of Extra Quality In many new patterns and color ings, just in : $2.00 to $5.00 Beautiful new Manhattans, $1.50, $2.00 and $1150. -Berg's Special Madras and Mush room Pleats, $1.00 and $1.50. Boys' Snappy Overcoats 3.75 Splendid Balm&caam, Sootah Chrvrot, Chinchilla in blue, brown and gray, worst ed body-lined Anto Military Shawl and Con vertable Collars. Values to $6.56 for $3.TB. nandawtco Suits, with two pairs of pants, (&T&. Tartan plaids, gray, brown and fancy mixtures. Caps, Hat, Underwear, Hosiery, Swea ters, Mac kin aw r. Mufflers, Gloves. An end less variety of Beautiful Neckwear at 200 and 50o. Waists, Shirts and Blouses, fUnorl ant cotton. Indian, Cowboy, Police and Military Suits. -sr. lilt' WnW $20 I vnmJSEZZZ?-' walrus, cowhMa, animator, ptjrakla and tote-leather, tool frama, leath er covered, brass locks sari estrtiM. $3.50 up to S38i0 SWT CASES Fin leather eases, heavy re inforced cor ners, strong steel frame, s t e e l hinges and brass- looks $1.75 to Men's Blanket Robes and Smoking Jackets A . splendid variety .and great values to be had now in this popular lounging, bath and house coat, $2.50, $3.50 $5 and up. SWEATER COATS . In different weights and weaves, $1.00 to $7.50. - RIEPTS FUR AND aOTflCAPS Rein&rkable .variety tn Ftrr ' Band Colt Caps at I L00, $LM and t&OO. Fur-, and Sealskin Caps, $20 to tttMX).. , ' 811k and Opera Hats. 1&0O to t&OO. - UEVS EXTRA TBOUSERS Plain, n a 1 a h e k s and strip. ., aa.M. S3.M. SB.M to tlMt CHRISTTtlAS NECKWEAR EVER WEAR GUARANTEED E0S FOR MEN Street aaa Dress Gloves, K r Fur CTtovs . to 9Tm . jr-ur' linsa na wnoi-" 1.0 to . Ctisroohi awl Imltat ttoa. to !. All colors. Oottsn. SUM per bos; silk, S3.0O. Chrlntraaa boxss. SUPERIOR and VASSAR UNDERWEAR Aad otber excellent .makiss IMt to S3. r Extra large hand fin ished 4 in hands, Reps, and brocades, new einb d figures. A regular 75c quality for 50c Fancy Boxes Tree. A great array of fine ties, imported and domes tic. All hand made and of exquisite coloring and n.ttoOT. si nfl S1 M 97 v" . 11 V Whlta Full Draaa VtA and Ki.Dv. plquo aatd madras atrlpa plain. I and I NOVELTIES Trarelniff Sets, ? Sock and Handkerchief OmnhinatioTia, (Tartar and Arm Serfs, Collar and ILwdkarchief , Handkarchiefi, Ebirt Jewelry, ".f lj Initial Belt, Suspenders, eta, etc Fancy Wait Ooat, $U6Q to $5.00. Heck K&fflexi, GOo to $3JW. Wool and SLUc ' Fancy Christmas Box Free. Fur Coats, Fur lined, Plush lined. Fur and Astrakhan Collars. Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits. t : December 10 was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. A tilers, a natur alized Kngllshman, formerly was German consul in Bundeland borough. He was ac cused of having aided German reservists to reach thslr country after tho outbreak of the war. - Paris Matin Says Germany Plans to Annex Switzerland PARIS, . Dec 11 As proof that Ger many made plans to annex Switzerland, the Matin prints photographs of German 10 and 30-pfennlg.. stamps,. .acreaa- which are printed In black lotters, "Son well. 10 centimes," and "Schwels, centimes." The editor claims that he has stamps of this kind in his possession. DR. DAVIS PRESIDES AT SURGEONS' CONVENTION DENVER, C61o.( tec. IS. The Western tiurgtcal association, with delegates from most of the middle western. Rocky moun tain and Pacific coast states, convened here today in its twenty-fourth annual session. The meeting will ' continue through Saturday. The officers of the association are: Dr. Byron U.' Davis, Omaha, president; Dr. Leonard Freeman, Denver, first vice - president; Dr. Law rence W. Llttig, Daverport, la.. ' second vice president: Dr. Arthur T. Mann, Minneapolis, secretary-treasurer. FREE! FREE! A TURKEY WITH EVERY SUIT OR OVERCOAT lUgfc Clas grots sum! OmcMta Worth 1jOO to Palaco Clothing Co. fTllCAKR UTII ASD DOCtlULS STREETS. l.ilt, i. J from SIO.00 rP. Dang era m Fresh Milk "30 per cent of the milk samples taken for bacteriological examination showed more thaii Uie legal number of bacteria." The above is taken from a .Bulletin of the Chicago i Department of Health. Statements like it appear m ! almost every bulletin issued by the health, depart ments of various cities throughout the country. Disease of all kinds is being transmitted daily to human beings through the milk they use. Typhoid, scarlet fever. and even tuberculosis are thus trans- mitted.' ' ! Protect yourself and your family. Use milk that carries no disease germs. The safest milk is 1 O VA EVAPOHAT ED . Unsweetened Sterilized The process by which Cottage Milk is sterilized de stroys any germs the milk may contain.- It is packed in germ-proof cans which keep it from exposure from the time it leaves our sanitary conden series until it is opened in your kitchen. x Cottage Milk overcomes all the dangers of contami nation to which bottle milk is subjected in bottling, hand ling and delivering. - Cottage Evaporated Milk is made fresh every day from milk that comes from the healthiest cows in the best dairying districts of the country. Nothing is added, only a part of the water taken out by evaporating. It has more than twica ths food valu of bottle milk and can be used for every purpose where you now use milk or cream. For cereals, for coffee, for cooking, for the children, it is ths ideal, safe milk. Try S package today. You will like it snd the con. venience of always having supply of fresh milk in your pantry will appeal to you. The Milk Without the Cooked Ta$te 'In Two, Sizes -5 and lO Cents . At All Good Dealer AMERICAN MILK COMPANY, Chicago knak nalsliTi T CuUcn Brokerage Co. ''mjSET"8"'- Ai. This week we will Give Away Julia C f v. i sv. ... .-y r-'i:' fr ft s; Gretchen and Mary .Jjilta J8 sft -Tcary "beaufi fUljtollvJfebrigfatdgys auUitmy ilwrfks talljynu tlatt 4lc3 .i?s arnoys dieotffUl, utmttentad auitl .aail mmkes ev eryone around her feel that way, too. You will W rwy happy if yom Grctkst ajst Marr atctHWid sjBat t&M jprlxsav and avro sot drtssed like Julia, but they ara very nice dollUa, and will pleas yon. ni Sella will b flTaa frso to tas UtUa flrls nnasr IS yaara of aro, tbat brtaf or snail ms tao lara; st asunba of AoU'a pto tuxsa oat oat of thm DaUy aaa naoar Boo oa f oro 4 p. sb, Saturoaj, Xo r is. Julia's picture will be la The Bee every day this week. Cut them out and aak your friends to save the pictures in -nelr paper I of you too. See bow many pictures ot Julia you can get, and be sure to turn them In to The Be office before 4 p. m., Saturday, December It, tt you Aoat wta oao of those DoUloa paorbopa yom oaa O oao svsvt wook. Oaly oao Sou wlU k ajtroa to ay oao yisoa. You Can See Julia at The Bee Office