THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1!). 1!14. V) FOR RF.XT t'arnlafcrd laweekeee'S" Rowiae. FA RN AM WTZ, t" t,li-H furnished steam heated hnufke"r'n rwTM. ' 7M N. 24th Ft., two steam heated, fur-l-thed room. Modern conveniences. li I pr month. Adults only f Hele ' AauMset. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 1MH ad California, Cvkly rate, ti and up. tu s rxiIXlF. HOTKlr Modern Reaeonable. Htuti Cottnaran. MY HOME Is My Christmas Present! Tor years wa have lived In tented houses and all we have to show for It la a lot of rent receipts. Hut a week sko we noticed your advertisements. We ex amined your properties, made our "elec tion. Now we are snugly housed In A Home of Our Own It is Our Christmas Present to Ourselves This Is briefly (considerably boiled downi story of one of our cuatomers. It Is also a fair sample of many other stories Just now. These ALL MODERN, New, Never Occupied, 5, 6, and 7-Room Homes of splendid construction, up-to-date ar rangements, finishings and conveniences, Kood looetlons. CHEAP IN PRICE $25 TO $33.80 MONTHLY JUST LIKE RENT Including principal and Interest. No other cash payment down. We maintain two enclosed heated autos to show these properties. Telephone for en appointment any time between 6 a. m. and 10 p. in.. Including next Sunday. SAUNDERS Company, 1213-lS V. O. W. Bid. Douglas 362. AftT 6:3li. Webster 1771. HEAL ESTATE. FARM A nKtll L. t Jl FOR ft ALB Free Rent To January First 3 NEW CRICK HOUSES JUST COMPLETED WEST OF PARK AVE., WEST ON DEWEY AVE., You must see "Modern" does Plete, artistic, neatfT, slwplng kitrht'n ciiliinot, polished floors, st-ini-lndlrcit lig I- Ive rooms porch and large them to appreciate them, not describe them com gus stoves, hot water porches, bulll-ln buffet, clothes chute, laundry. open staircases, Imported htlng fixtures. besides bath, sleeping clothes closets. All very complete. Kent per month "W7.50. American Security Company ITlh and l'ouglas Sts. Douglas j"! "FOR YlENT. MODERATELY I'RICED :-r: cottage, new T-r.. modem, near car JO. 00 -r,, neirlv no Ti.M i'., finished In oak 3UO0 i. lungilow, stuceo 8U.O0 AMKR1CAX SECURITY COMPANY, iui(. ;mi;j, or evenings call Walnut Wfi. Harney Jill.'.. . o allforala. HOW would you like to have twentv scres In California, all In alfalfa, that will produce you 1.S"0 rly. We have lust such a place, near Sacramento, that i an be bought right and on very easy terms. V. T. SMITH CO.. IV SS1. 1111 City National Rank. Mlaautart. FOR SALE 400 acre choice N. W. Mis souri corn land; well Improved; easy latum. Addresii V IU. Bee. ! i.i.JAXT 5-room, modern bncK apart ment: newly cb'Corated; t'A per month, . t-oufh Snti St. . ullage, AMI V Inton St., Hon, electric ...-it. water, tol!et, $15 per .month Vt'ame flnt 11 "S. "29th .St., newly .., I.UI per month. J. G. 1SII, EXECUTOR. ; 7 .! H. Hist Ave. 't'hone Harney : i.SK rounii", niodi-in, Ml Burt; 7 roon.. new. modern, 220 Paraer; ofclH rooms, model n except heat, 1? 1 -7 Douglas: four fKimi, mod, ex. heat. IXI'4 N. .'.'Id, U. 15M 1 Iniiuoe " " parta or the city i j uusca Crelgh Sons & Co.. Hee building. FOR RENT Modern t-rooin liuum, 20S ' S. Kth Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. . Hcnsliaw Hotel. Harney 10W. Douijlas 1216. ; R house, mod., suttuble for two (aru l.ieb. Douglas 409. Maggarrfs "fC-ii per hr.; ui-ay, t men, 11.2 per hr. 1713 ebater. Dons. US I.C. Reed &nCo- J V AVU f jrar,mrr moving staiage mam. v. tlM. I' I ';aI heat, all modern. 7-room house; 4-rnum list. 120 No. t'td. Globe Van&Storage Stores, mot'cK, packs, ships; iMiorae van e"J moii. fl."5 per hr.; storage VI per i. o batlafartory g:ar. D. & Ty. t. tX)UHENT We have a complete list of all bouses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen free of charge al Omaha Van A btoreKe Co, u& 8. .aiti du 4VR. mod. house, hi block from car, oak finish, fire place, tlj. Wal. 21E1. J-ROOll, all modern; furnace, electric light. N. 2th St. turn. Fidelity Storage Co storage, moving, packing aitu shipping. Nth ft Jackaon Sta. Phone Douglas 2&a. l;n S. 32d, li-r., all modern, tM. ; bin N. iDth, t-r.. all mod., I0. Underwood Ave., 7-r., all mod,3S. . DM S. 36th, 7-r., all mod.. iJ M. )(M-vi h. Z2d. -r., all mod., 130. ZilS Kuggles. -r.. mod. ex. heat, $16. HiKKETT ftCOMr'ANY. X Bee Bldg. Douglas 33- CATIIEDltAL DIST1UCT S-room, very modern, sou'h front, big lot, sauare style, V Mk. Farnam line. NEAR KOUNTiK fLACK. rooms and hall, fuli 2-atory, nearly new. east front, 1 blk. 24th line, $27.60. AND HOME NEW BRICK FLATS CLOSE IN. U' Kccfe Real Estate Co., 1016 Omaha Nafl. Douglas 2713. Kaaaas, I HI yon wsrt a good farm In eastern Kansas? We have an Improved Quarter near Kansas City; 1M acres under culti vation; 11 acres alfalfa, balance pasture; Improvements good; close to county seat. 3 railroads. Might exchange for Omaha Improved if priced right. W. T. SMITH CO.. 1111 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg Texaa. . FOR SALK To close an estate; 100 acree In Rio Orande valley, 4 mllea frcm Mercedes, Texas. AH under culti vation. For price and terms write The Minnesota Land A Trust Co.. o Max quetle Ave.. Minneapolis. Minn af OBtsaa. RENTERS and homeaeekers use youi Carey right and secure a Montana farm now. Do you realise that farm products will command extremely high prices dur ing the next few yearsf This Is your op portunity to get started on a farm of yout own. The Valler Innds produce from 31 to S3 bushels wheat, 60 to 100 of oats, 40 to 70 bushels barley. 4 to t tons alfalfa pel acre. let us send you booklet and tell you how easy it is to get started. Val et Farm Sales Company. Box 0. Valler, Mont. Nebraska. FOR SALE 64 acrea adjoining city of Mlnden, Kearney Co., Neb.; short walk to business center; all In alfalfa, fine for a suburban home or subdivision. Will give terms to responsible party. Prlc, I SO per acre. Address Mrs. L. A. Smith, M Kellam Ave . Ix Angeler., Cal. lflO ACRES M ACRES 1RRIOATED Balance good grating land: dandy two room house; located 15 miles northwest of Morrill, Neb. Price 11.000 cash If sold before Jan. 1. This must 1 sold to settl an estate. We also have 640 acres graslng land Joining this, at )7.60 per acre; easy terms. THE VOGEL, REALTY AGENCY. 1015-ln W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. FOR PALE 160 acres half mile Alma, Neb.; 70 acres In cultivation: 45 fall wheat, running water; timber, $3,600 Im provements. Fine dairy ranch quarter at ;::. M), or wfll take $70 for quarter; It.M mortgage; must tie sold by Jan. 1 to close partnership. Box X, Alma, Neb. 40-ACRE HOME. S miles west of city limits of Omahr; Isnd lays gently rolling; 6S acres alfalfa, about 3 acres pasture and about one acre In grapes, balance In cultivation; new 6 room bouae and other good Improve ments. Price, $225 per acre. C. R. COMBS, S15 Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. 3016. PWTION Kimball Co. Gross. 2101 Paul. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE. IMPROVED 640-acre ranch In Hooker county. Nebraska, fifty acres under cultivation, all good hay and graslng land. Obliged to sell at once and have made price to make It an inducement. Wrlto for full description If you want a place that can be developed Into twlee the price asked for It. John O'Brien, Owner. Lena. Neb. Oklahoma. S.oon ACRES. larRe and small tracts; ab solute title; PlttsburK Co., farming, pas ture, nil, coal land; i to $2f per acre. Write J. E. Csvanagh, McAlester. Okl. Wlaeonila. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state Id the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale al low prices, op easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Ktat acres wanted. Write about our gracing lands. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. 8o) I.lnx Ky.. Minneapolis. Minn. Mlscellaneons. WE guarantee bargains in stock farms and ranches. Write Willis Cadwelt Broken Bow. Neb. The Bargain Man. RKAIi E8TATE FOtt EXCHANGE FARMKK8 AKE STUDYING ! AUTO CATALOGS. While the city man is crying about the high cost of living, get Into the aris tocratP: class by exchanging your unpro ductive city home for a money making irrigated farm that will give you a steady Job working for yourself. We have Just what you want. L'A NE INVESTMENT CO., Land Specialists. Ware Block. Omaha. A HOME IN THE CITY 19 A HOME TO SUPPORT: A FARM HOME IS A HOME THAT SUP-" POUTS YOU. Exchange that city residence of yours for a nice Irrigated S0-aore farm In the Scott's Blutf country. Then you will watcn the increase In the price of food Mtuffs with delight and not with dismay. Selling hogs bents buying pork all to I ie, s Come in and let us fix up a deal of this kind for you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Land Specialists. Ware Block. Omaha. HEAL ESTATE WANTED FOR RENT. KI4 S. atiTH ST. $30. ( rooms, nearly new, large living room, I.'ix.'i) feet, nicely decorated and thoroughly modern. O. B. Erwln, I). H3. or 1L 3640. Stores) ss4 Offloea. CONVENIENT and commodious office apace with privacy; have two small rooms and one large, ensulte, pleasant oc cupunts; will divide expense and accom modations with deairable party. 611 First National Bank Bldg. TWO SMALL) OFFICES Ensulte, READT NOW-OI Electric Light and Water Free. THE BEE BUILDING. "The building that la always new." Office. Room loa. ALL sixes. $3 per month up. C7 Paxton. Douglas Street Store Rullding. 22x132, vacant January 1; make arly inquiries, as this is centrally located. BIRKETT & COMPANY, IJ3 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. WANTED TO ilt'V WANT good farm or income city prop erty tor a legitimate business that win fay a rustier $2.oixi to 15.0U0 annually, icseribe what you have. Address 8- C. sez, nee. I WILL pay cash for desirable building iui ii a real snap, l, All, ee. GENERAL housework, city, country. state waaea. aina.ll family. Addreaa C t77. Bee. HAVE YOU A FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE? We have a client who has IJO.000 In long-time, 6 per cent municipal bonda that he will exchange for a farm at its spot cash value. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Land Specialist. Ware Block. Omaha. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans, i, SVfc. per cent. J. H. Ltumont A Co..Kil Farnam, Omaha. WANT to borrow from $2,000 to $3,000. In terest 8 to 7 per cent. Will give mort gage on Improve 1 business property In Omaha worth $17,000. Addreaa K 344. Bee. WANTE1 City loans, peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes, teal Nebraaka (aims. O KEEFE REAL EsTATii CO.. 101$ Omaha Natl. Douglas J71& VV TL Karra loans Kloke lav. Co. Omaha WANTLD to borrow $3,600 for one year at 7 per cent: first class collateral. Ad dress K 3f1, care Omaha Bee. (Ii to Uj.imj nuMic 4rompuy. F. I). vVead, GAJiVIN BKOS fcSfc rnt WANTE1 City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith Co., 1320 Farnam. CITY Property. Large loans a special'. W. H. Thomas. fc Btate Bank Hldg. MONEY on hand (or city and lann loaoa. H. W. Binder. City Natl. Bank Bldg. 67c flTV lUV'll I- fl I'.Jk... i".. 'o i,oaij ur..:r. ? SEE us first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust La.. Ornate. Nab. ABSTRACTS OK TITLE. RH.ELI Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice in Nebrnaaa. 204 P -ndela Theater. KEKK Title Guarantee aod Abatract Co. a modern abstract office. M B. )7tb ttt, Phone Louglaa (Ail. .men. furmturo bought ana sold. C. Reed. VX1 Karnem. f.u ilU. WK Bl?Y id-hand 1421 N. j 4 th. MCHTLY ased pianos. Webster r72. t-Kilir to ten-foot double bookkeeper s desk. Address "T," Hotel Carlton. REAL ESTATE WK8T SIDE $500 CASH balance 10 per month, for a modern, up-to-date dwelling of t rooms, locauid In one of Omaha's best residence sections. We will price this rleht W. T. SMITH CO., 1111 City Nat l Bank Hide vTi tvi j ; r. m-rr'i v anta-Clau-ixhere-tell-uj-whatou-w A Useful Gift CoroNA TYPEWRITER Folds Up Like a Kodak PORTABLE, WEIGHS ? POUNDS. Especially conven ient for travelers. Used by commercial men, war corre spondents, etc. GUARANTEED FOR SIM PLICITY, durability and ease of operation. AV rites as beau tifully as any hundred dollar machine. Great Inventions of the Day Over 500 in use by the U. S. Government. The Corona is a triumph of modern ingenuity and skill. The Price is $50 Makes a Splendid Xmas Gift Come in and see it. Central Typewriter Exchange 307 So. 17th St. Chile Parlor Mexican Chile Con Carno, Chops and Steaks a special ty. Best of coffee served hot. Meal tickets, $4.50 for $4.00. Orders taken out. Quick service. Prices rea sonable. Dino with us. People's Cafe ask 1420 Douglas Street. Announce ment The Lodge History of Na tions, in twenty-five vol umes, is now offered to the public at a fraction of the former price, having passed from the hands of the orig inal publishers into Hie con trol of P. F. Collier & Son, New York. Clip this nd, mail to .ms Baird Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Analysis will be mailed to you free. An Advertisement By Howard Applcgatc APPLKOATE has the best agency propositions in Omaha. GETS all the new specialties. Wo sell everything. EVERY agent who works makes good money. NEW country sorghum, 7Sc per gal. Compare price and quality with other. TIMELY Xmas goods just ar rived. O PECIALTY We make a spe- O clalty of salesmanship, sales- managers and advertising man agers are Invited to give us a trial of their ads, booklets and circulars- Our motto: "We 8ell Every thing." Our aim: To Keep the Factory Busy." Neb. Western Selling Co. Inc. Howard Applegate, Oen. Mgr. 60314 Bee Bldg. A complete line of every cut (lower obtainable, also potted plants. SEND FLOWERS BY TELEGRAPH We are members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Ass'n and ran guarantee the same quality and good service as you would get at onr establishment. You should place your order for Christmas flowers early. L. HENDERSON, Florist. Tel. Dou. 1J6S. 161 Farnam Street. Regular Subscription Price. Mother's Magaitne $1.60 Delineator or Everybody's Woman's Homo Companion or American J1.60 American Review of Reviews tS.OO $7.60 $4.80 i i Total Dur price on easy payments YOU SAVE $1.70 Sixteen other jtroiipn on same plan, different price. Give our a ant a few moments when he calls. DAVID C. COOK PUBLISHING CO. Leo A. Dye, Branch Manager, Omaha, Neb. Say Your "Merry Christmas" With a New Suit of Clothes Suits made to order at low Holiday price. Guaranteed In every particular in fit. style, workmanship and quality. No better Xmas gift can be found than a new suit of clothe. We can save you money and guarantee a real surprise. EDWIN HUO, MERCHANT TAILOR. Telephone Douglas 5318. 304 Neville Block. To Automobile Owners and Drivers: OUR CHRISTMAS SUGGESTION A fine pair of half-aole neatly ewed on or a pair of robber heel that nrevent vou llDDlnr. While down town doing your Xmas shop ping visit our modern and up-to-date shoe repair shop. Located at 211 South 24th Street. All alna or repair wors aone wnue you waiu Friedman Bros. Shoe Repair Shop 211 South 24th Street. No. 9 South Main Street Council Bluffs. i V T" 1 i III I , 1 J . Am1 ttW' VV c . ft. I 1 1 ' : - - - CHAS. LOFTMAN FANCY 14th and Howard Streets. Wines, Liquors, Cigars Phone ri mis.. ro you want mor pewwr. more pk1 and a clean engine for much I.EBS COST than you are now par ing? If so use TANKII The Modern Fuel, le Per Gallon. Contains no anld. no alcohol, bo ether. A aelantlflo. non Injurious uarant4 purlfur and tupiunUr, (ivla 14 or more offtraancy to gaaoitao. Will prevent anf ramnve earben and hack firing. Olvaa lonwr Ufa to your anglaa. Indoraad by o Una power uaara. Once ueod niar Ala carded. Oood propoaltion for acent ea ew rounding countla Wrlto for our list of ueere wi elara this l the boat tha as Ue marktt today. INVB8TKJATB PHONE DOUO.' 8330 MODERN FUEL CO. Ill) U Marya At OaneJM. Kefc. Solo agonU for aootheastern IeK Stop In To Ortman's New England Bakery 212 North 16th St. For your Christmas baking. Branch bakeries, Hayden's and Public Market- Merchant's Lunch 10c Mr. Alfred Jones Who was formerly with the Omaha Field Club and The Carter Lake Club, has leased the Carlton Cafe, across from the Orpheum Theater and plans to make this cafe the Best Popular Priced Cafe in the City 419 South 15th Street Phone Doug. 1344. . Timely Suggestions On This Page Look Them Over REAL KHTATK WEST HIDE Cathedral District 3 Lots 2 Corners Price $750 to $850 Paved Street Paving Paid Ixirated on 41st Ave. between Page and Burt 8t. , , . In Uia wtat pnd of town, when you take Into conalileratlon apwer, water gai, Bld walka; paving all In and paid for. No additional exinnne for aie:lal taxef. Wo will arranKa iami un inr. n'ta, ,r you may im.y down i0 to tA and wa in kniM vnu a homa to order. Thin la your opportunity to get a home In the Latnearai iiwnti h'j whihu vn iva of the Farnam car line at a ba'Kain, Hiatt-Fairifeld Co., H Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. D. it. I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern bouae recently purchased by mo. This bouae la iocattd In tha West Farnam district, ona block from I-avn worth car and four blocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, while enanjol batli. sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy this hous at a big sacrifica. A4drM. M 21 Boo. or after p. rn. phone Webster tlta. 19 Blocks West of Postoffice ' Dose to very Ust locality, 43x122: only ttiOO; 110 now nnd 11 prr ea. if you pay cash 6 rr cei.t olf and we'll bull.1. . O'Keefe lteal Estate Co., 114 OuuJis Nat L fhooa Douglas Z71S. ILEAL ESTATE NORTH KISK S-ROOM H4-STORY HOUSE, GOOD LCATION. 32 CASH and 112 PER MONTH, or W1U Pay Moving Expenses for Party Who Will pay 1)00 C'aah. This hnuso is brand new. all modern, ami it will stand the most critical inspec tion as to quality of material used and nii'tho.ts of construction. This house has a full cement basement and la heated by furnace. The living room and dining room are beautifully flidslied in ouk. The living room la large and has an open stairway, built-in seat and coat closet. llalance of house finished In pine. Wall decorations and electric fixtures ran be chosvn by purchaser. House faces rant In beautiful location and la about a block from car line. Wa have severtU enclosed cars and can lake you to see thla house In perfect com fort. 13. P. WRIOHT. Telephone office, IXiuglas In day time. Hesidence phone. Walnut 682, after 6 30 p. m. A BEAUTIFUL, 6-ROOM UUNOA-1XW-S CAfeH. t3 PER MONTH. Or will pay moving expense for man who will pay tl'ib cash. This) housa is new, never before occu pied, and all modern. It Is durably built of the vary best class of material. Brick foundation, full cement basement, furnace heat, oak finish in living room, dining room, din end vestibule; mirror door In vestibule; coat closet and oak beam celling In llv'ng room and dining room; the kitchen, pantry and both bed rooms era finished In pine lumber, with floors of edge-sawed pine. Wall decorations and electric fixtures will b left to cholc of purchaser. The housa faces eaat and la in on of the prettiest locations In Omaha, and Is only H block from car line. Vk liave several cloacd cara aad can take you out to sea this housa In perfect comfort. , E. P. WRIGHT. Telephone: (iff ice, IjoukIss OKA In day time, itasidenoe phone, Valnut W, after t DO p. in. KEAL E8TATF INVESTMENTS HKBT INVESTMENT IU OMAHA. 2A4-S Jackson lit. Price ti.oOo. Ksy terms. l-o.k at It, then call C. U. llosur, Walnut 17W. o I IE A I. ESTATE NORTH SIDE A OOOD BUeiNKMB CORN12R. BARGAIN BARGAIN too MOWN, 16 PER MONTH. It 43xl&; fronts south and east, on paved atrael and car Una; paving paid; located In north portion of the city and forms gateway to new city park and aew resldenoe district. This opportunity Is unusual for the Investor. Hex ua quickly. KIICI.KK & CA KY, 224 Htate Hank Hldg. FOR THE MAN OF i,250 -$3, Buys t-room bungalow, every modern conveiilenca and several built-in features. Is really sacrificing at thla price; r00 down; balance ilka rent; near Kountsa GALLAGHER & NELSON, 4H Brandela Bldg. REAL ESTATE SOUTH RIDE KIVE-ROOM BUNOALOW NEW, ALL MODERN. ONE BLOCK FROM CAR LINE HOLTHWEOT TART OF CITY. Caa ba bought on the following terms: $3o cash and t-'io per month. This house has five nli, large rooms, all finished In haxJ pins, with edge sawed plua floors. The price la so rea sonable and the terms so easy that you'll decide lt foolish to go on paying rant after you have aoen It. Wa have several cars and can take you to saa houses quickly and with no incon venience to you. E. P. WRIGHT, Telephone: Office. Uoiiglss 2H24 In day tlma, Itesldsnca phone. Walnut Wi, after t.tO p. m. REAL EHTATK INVESTMENTS DOWNTOWN INVESTMENT Two-story brick building and lot 601JJ. trackage available; very easily ronverted for wholesale purposes or for downtown garage Price only 1 15,000; a small pay ment will handle It U (J. CARLBERG, 12 Braodals Theater Bldg. o REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Only -$1,250 -Only Easy Terms. A new 4-roora house. Just completed. Paved street, city water, gas and elec tric lights. Locatedi south and convenient to busi ness sections of either Omaha or South Omaha. Don't miss this opportunity to secure a good home. Your rent will soon pay for It. Shuler & Cary Phone Douglas 4233. 224 State Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS .Move Up In Front, the aisle is crowded You won't be crowded If you live in this house. $3,000.00 T rooms, modern, rne block to car: six rooms downstairs; two up, but one is un finished. Hot water heat; nice shade and fruit trees. Very easy TERMS, aa owner la anxious to sell, American Security Co Uouaiaa buU, or Evenm, Waluut ouo. llarnev 246. Last of Emdeni Crew Caught by British , Warship at Cocos TOKIO. Dec. is. (10 p. m.-Certain British warships bave captured those members of the crew of the German cruiser, Emden, which escaped at Cecoa Island when the cruiser was destroyed November 10 by the Australian cruiser Sydney. The German sailors went to aea In a Cocoa Island schooner named Aysha. , FOR SALE. A fc-room house, modern except heat; large corner lot, 140x70 ft.; cement walks, ntoe lawn; centrally located; a bargain If taken at once. Write or call, Vlh and L Sis., Fremont, Neb. PRISONERS OF WAR MAY WRITE TO THEIR FAMILIES (Copyright. lll. by Presg Publishing Co.) LONDON. ivc. 1. (Special Cablegram to New York World hnd Omaha Bee ) In an official communication received at the American consulate from the l term an war office It was statod that there had been some delsy In delivering; letters and money to prisoners of war because their prisoners of war now total more than (20,000. This communication said thla matter bad now been thoroughly organ ised and delay In the future would be re duced. German war officers recently sent to their detention ramps a regulation form of postcard with which prisoners could communicate with their families. These cards were printed In six languagee. At present all communication between prisoners In either England or Germany is done through the London and Berlin postoffice. the letter passing through Hague without stamps aad money orders being forwarded without poundage. Direct from th Battle Arena. The Bee's Real War Photos Beat of Thm AIL Cetteuaeeel t're A Is Large. WASHINGTON. Dec. IS. -Cot ton seed of the crop of 1914 crushed prior te De. cember 1, amounted to J.O.0u0 tons, com pared with tm.!7S for mi, the census bureau announced today.