16 THE BEK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1914. i Jeff Says: "All Bugs Are Not in the Bughouse" 3 Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher "" J ' ' 1 ...... . , ,, .... . .. ,,, , , la... I, j ' rL.mrmtt x Xxxrr 1 (i w n-. SwT4tTg,.rBoei A ' . ft .. xr . tnHHf.itoM V. j Tww. vu.. t bio"jcooo vnu. t ccTrrP J r si nuo w f t- ) ..AtWOTWO IT WVNO?i.aCAeC I WSU. AT " Wtrv..you )tw; TW-O , pryuey r ( . A e l, " I . ATHLETES IN THE SCHOOLS Director Carns Oivei Out Percent ages of Various Schools. SHERMAN WINS THE TROPHY Taras ta Ibe Highest Average and la Addition Carrie Off barlee Hardlaft- Prise and Flr- ' Claaa BMr. TL I. Carnt. tuparvlaor of athletfri for the Omaha public arhoola, haa aaud the list or vraca of atudfnU plnf the athMIc twta In earh aehool. Sherman rhonl turned la the htRhmt avrraga, with a crand total avvraxe of X2.1. Cen tral rark tti arcond with 71. t. Phrrmn arhool won the trophy given hy Char Ira Harding, and alo the fh at claaa banner. Central Tark won the- ertid claaa banner and Wlndaor school the third claaa banner. The number of boye who paaaed. all the lenta la: Claaa l-A, 4; Claaa 1, 36;, Claaa 2, Ki; Claks .1. 674. making a total of 061 In dividual awarda. The total averagee for every event are: NEW PRESIDENT OF THE OMAHA AUTO CLUB. t - :. i I, aiwiw...!!.! ..wniiufiii.niiia. -v . ai ttimi Claaa Total Bchool. 1A1. 2. S. Avera. Bancroft 71.8 61.7 M l 4.6 lieala 7V Hi M.7 Caaa M.t HB.7. W.T Tl.t Patellar A x.1.2 to tl.t Ontral m Ht.i 71.7 74.4 Ontral Park W W.4 73.1 77.S Hiiflon Mill K7.B . 7.a fiS.8 Columbian M.J 77.8 2 7 . Comenhia D7.T M.l 61.1 7.7 Iipont '. 1"0 i Mrtw. Roae water.. 1 0.0 77.1 70 Karnam M l 1 "0.1 1.2 Franklin 44.1 M.7 70.1 M.i Howard Kennedy. M. .7 9. HW.7 KAllom 89.1 W 4 47 47.4 Lake 7.i M S 1 IJnroln M S f7.S 4A.4 M. Ix.n 79.1 71 til 4 4.7 Ixithrop 4 77.1 77.7 - 76 Vaaon 7.S W 6 6N t " I Miller Tark .l M R M . Monmouth Park .. M.l 7.1 70.8 s 70. Panlfle M M tB O Park 70S 91.6 m.t m.l Raratoga 3 I M AX. 4 Wt 4 Paundera .i N7.I l M. Khermea 100 ti l 77.7 M l Train XI. t M.S 2.4 M.l Vinton k to.t m.t 70 M.i Walnut Hill U to M W lndaor 1 1 7 1 711 Eeceipts at Davis Cup Matches Exceed Hundred Thousand NEW TOJUC Deo. U.The report of the ranking committee, plana for the Institu tion of tournament! for aoho6l boye. and the advisability of Amerlra cnallenglng for the Pavia cup nest aeaaon, were among the more Important matter before the executive committee of the United ftlatea National lawn Tennti association at lt annual meeting here today. The report ef the Davla cup matches In thla country la expected to show that the reoeipta will doubtleaa exceed 1100,000. Reeorda of the attenflaitce at the net Ion el championship tournaments at Newport will be reviewed because ef Uta ajutatlon te take the tournament elsewhere. , . It wu stated by a member of the com mittee that Robert D. Wren had signi fied a desire; to retire from the presi dency at the annual meeting next Feb ruary. George T. Adea Is favored as a .successor to Wrenn if there la to.be a change In the administration. William 3. Clothier and A. U Heaklna, both of PhlU sdelphla. also have been mentioned In this connection. GUNNERS PILEJJP BIG SCORE Make Thirty Points While Bellevue Team Counts Seven. ' TOO FAST FOR THE COLLEGIANS t'laise) Mamrdlnej ( Tawneeads "aoh si Is Make It Almost Isnso albl Flit Baekete at All. i Bellevue college ran up against' Us first defeat In the Trl-Clty basket ball league last evening at the Young Men's Christian association when the Towntend dun Co., quintet took them to a SO to 7 cleaning. Though the Indians excelled In team work they ooutd make but little headway against the close guarding of the gun mm. Time after time the col legians would work the ball close enough to try for a basket, but Just at thla point the guns would break up the play. For I he whirlwind manner In which the game proceeded It waa exceptionally clean, a total of twenty-eight fouls being com mitted. Several tlmea throughout the contest the gun men made almost phenomenal long distant baskets. Burkenroad and Hughes oarrted on the brunt of the work for the Townsends mixing In nearly every play and amassing a total of nineteen points between them. nrummond. McWhlnney and Ritchie also did good work. Dutch Plats went In the game near the close of the seoond half, but had little opportunity of displaying his skill. For the collegians Ohman at center showed up In Xlne style as did also the two forwards, Allon and Racely. The line up: TOWN8END (J. CO. BELLEVUE. Federal League Fielding Averages S .7 7 .99 t .971 Official fielding records for the season of 1914 of the Pedera.1 league, complied hv Irwin M. Howe, leaarue atatlstlclan. This list Includes all playere who appeared on the field In fifteen or more games: CLUB FIELDING. O. PO. .v. K. DP.PB Pet. Buffalo ......lib 4IM in tt 17 14 .i Chicago liv; uv? .iri7 tut r i Pittsburgh 41 177 v4 1 It .X) Baltimore ....ISO 4171) mil 1M 19 ,ifw niniwi City. .14 4"1 TIM tm 1 17 .969 Brooklyn lf7 4IM 1B 2,1 1U 11 .tof lndiaLnaMlls..li7 1IK9 l-M 174 lis 11 .WW til. Louis 1M 4uS IfrA TTI M II ,K4 Kansas City made one triple play dur ing the season. FIRST BASEMEN. . PO. A. E.Pct. Carr. Indianapolis 116 i4 7 7 .994 Bradley, Pittsburgh 1M1: 7 11 .991 Btovali, Kanaaa City. ...114 11H 71 11 .9K1 li. Miller, Bt. Louis 130 imo W li ,9n0 Myere, Brooklyn XI 7x7 44 1 .H9o Perrlng, Kanaaa City,... 3H H 17 4 .990 Hofrtie. Brooklyn 21 m It S .HMt HM'acin, Baltimore UH ltWS (M 24 ,9h Agler, Buffalo 77 72i 49 11 .9 ;eck, Chicago 1ft mi5 j .om Drake. Ht. Ixule ID IMt 5 .m haaa, puflaJo n M 14 .11 OrlMK., Brooklyn 2ft 2S7 I 6 .0 , , '"' '"sourgn 43 401 11 I'olan, lndlanuKlla 11 son 17 Evans, Brooklyn 27 J; 23 ISBCOND BABKMEN. rh'fiy. rittaburgh !m m Fi vk KniUie, Baltimore 143 3941 SI ,wl Iowney, Puffalo 129 ZTi 3WI 27 .m I'SDorte, Inulanapolls...l.12 M 177 2g xi Simmons. Haltlmore 26 M 1 4 . i JTK: ""oWyn. bb loj 117 10 .97 r aireil, ChloRgo lai hi 4f,l a w,i '"TrV. Kan. Clty.,146 T4ii J? ImS Mlsiwi, Ht. Louie (i 117 iM ,v , MoDonald. Buff..pitt.. 74 1 iwi Maihea, St. Louis 24 4 M f n2 Crandall, St Loi, M M m ,9 m THIMI BASKMEN. Wester.ll. Brooklyn "t ti" 'W I-ennox. Pittsburgh 12J m M l 'wl 1 Vi-.l.w ST.; u -938 Klrkpatrlek, Bait.mor; Z M '5 'Sg riayer and crhRT8TOoH8po 1 r Pc Yerkea. Pittsburgh t & ut trk Lowney, Buffalo .. S S , Tinker. Chicago .. "lit m u 1 'tl u "TT " HK ''""Is ....106 221 2!H M Ml ixiuden, Huffalo lis sua i.t iA uii Molly, Pittsburgh .i! 11 ti '91 Fred Smith, Buffsio.... 2 m 71 . J 'S'm t""'"rj' IJ,ls.aapolla ..1M SS3 m 61 '.m riT f ' t.- C"y - S3 H'i t ' S27 hoiu --iy-rfi;ii.ikw mm 46 .Player and Club. u. PO. A. v. p- Kalnrrllna;. Indianapolis j 11 M 0 .lnnn Mjr--tmr, r-iiinourgn .... 17 ford. Hnrriin Barger, Pittsburgh Harris, Kanaaa City Busks, Baltimore ... rallAV. tit mora Henrlnr. Kanxea City Packard, Kansas City.. 3 Annneni, Buitalo ...... M 4 wllnelm, baitlmore .... 4') 14 Lavftort. fit. lools ... 3'J R .Minim, Ksnsaa City.... t Mctiiire, Chmago ja tiroorn. Ht. Louia.... lMckton, Pitta.iurgn Moran. Buttaio .... risk, Chicago . 40 17 . . At Watson, Chicago-M. L. :t 34 Burkenroad ...RF lliia-hea L.F. McWhlnney C. Kitchle Ia. Koran B.O. RF Allen L F Rawly 9 - Ohinait LO Evens K.O Maxwell Charles A. Comiskey is Eeported Better FRENCH LICK, Ind.,- Dec. It-Charles A. Comiskey, owner of the Chicago Am erican toaguo olub, who became ill while attending a. baae ball conferen"e here yesterday.' was reported much Improved this morning. ComUkoy caught a heavy ('old coming here front Chicago and it awttled on bis lungs. Ban Johnson, president of the American league, said that nothing would be done toward completing the sale of the New York American league club to Colonel Jacob Ruppert and Captain T, I Mutton until late today. i ! Kclley May Manage New York Americans . CHICAGO. Dec 11-A local paper. not ing an unnamed National league mag nate, prints today a story that Jo Keller, the former BaJttroore stsr, and trader lt year of the Toronto team, will be manager of the New York Americana should the Ruppert-Huston deal go through. Kelley. It Is said, is a personal friend of Captain Huston. He was man ager f the Cincinnati club for several seasons. rlelii coals: Uurkanrmil I4V 1 1 n.h.. n. Pruniinond C'), McWhlnney 21. Kitchle :!). Allen. Barely. Kenner. Foul goal thrown: Burkenroad (6), Allen (4). Foula coinmlttfd: Towneends. 12: iiellevuo, II. Kiihetltutt-s: Plata for Koran, Martin for Maxwell, Kenner for Hawly. Boferee: Ieake. Tlmkner: Itullard. Hcore keeper: 8. Sutherland. Tlir.e of halvee: 10 minute. Lawn Tennis Meet Today is Important WASHINGTON, Dec. 1,-The meeting of the exorutlve committee of the United Plates National I .a win Tennis association here tomorrow is expected to be the most important In the history of the associ ation. The chief business will be to re view and issue the national ranking list prepared by F. C. in man, chairman; W. M. Hall and W. U Pate. The report of this rating committee la said to mark an epoch in American lawn tennis. P. E. Preshrey, Boeton, will report on awarding a standard gold medal to all cations! champions. George T. Adee will report as to the testa to which the of ficial ball adopted for turnaments should be subjected. A. L. Hoaklna, Philadel phia, will report on the adoption of of ficial colors and a seal for the associ ation. M. D. Little will offer plena tor the Institution of tournaments for school boys under national supervision. No action will be taken as to changing the national championship from Newport to other courts at this meeting. ! i aeket Ball ackedalcw ... TORK, Neb.. Dec lt-(Bpecial York toi.rva baa oorwiated Ita basket ball . nod ilo for thia ttaevin. as follows: Jrnury It virand island at Grand Is- lend. January IS Central City at Ontral City. Janunry 2J Taix.r (la.) at Yolk. January a Omaiia at York. J t ri'i uary 4 Omaha at Oiuaka. fvtruary 6 Tabor at Tabor, la. Kttruary It Peru at Hem. Ki i.ruary l-olner at Hothanv. I Vi.ri.ary lfr Oraod Island at Xork. rm-uiu-f 'M Peru at York. l't.ikary M-Central Oiiv at York. Murva 6 t otrwr at York. MaJcn U Jiaaiuiae at York. .. 30 .. 32 .. !7 .. 41 .. 19 2! SB 74 I M 13 41 S4 114 I 5 40 11 67 Frank Smith. Haltlmore 3) PrenrirgnAt. Chicago ..23 1 29 Keurpr, ft. Ixiiils W 4 34 Hendrlx, Chlcaeo 4 1(1 1W Finneran. Bmoklyn .... 21 I H Lafitte. Brooklyn 40 13 101 .1001 1 .9)4 1 .9x6 1 .M I .979 1 .979 1 .978 5 .m 1 .9tM 8 .rr 6 .tT J ,r 4 . I k ! 10 13 I a. . M 14 121 S3 45 71 l W 64 M I .9hl 3 .11 4 .mi 1 .19 4 .li 1 8 .967 SI 34 41 90 10 33 38 11 .. 31 .. 31 15 .98 Wt ' .122 K9 . 33 134 33 133 22 78 h 22. i ' 23 Kl 26 93 19 73 Wlilett fit. Louli Knetaer. flttanurgh Falxenberg, Indian polls 46 bchuls, buffalo 14 aulnn, Baltimore H . Brown. St. L.-BrooK. 82 Conler. Haltlmore 21 Crandall, St, Iouls W Vr.nn nitfTflln B4 Moaeiey, Indianapolis... 41 11 Mill. in, ind.anai.oiia . Stone. Kansas City.. Cullop, Kansas City.. Walker. Pittsburgh .. Moore, Buffalo Koaton. Hrooklyn ..... Camnlts, Pittsburgh Lrftnge, tnioago .... itunn.n chlraao O. Johnson. Kansas C. M Billiard, inoismouaj -O. PO. Jecklltseh. BalUnM)re....llT m Flair. Buffalo 27 f lUriden, Indianapolis... 181 712 Simon. St. Lou s 71 443 Watson, Brooklyn 17 JW Phlram 133 673 rh.Dmsn. St. IulS W W Iand. Brooklyn Berry, Pittsburgh... Block. Cblcugo lavmn, nuimio.., Kaaterly, Kanssa Clty..1 l.i K.rr. Pitts.-Baltlmore.. 30 142 Knaonroth. Kanaaa City. Owena. Brooklyn Brown, Kansas City.... Allen. Buffalo Tavtar. Indiananolls Hartley, Ht. lwi i a m Russell. Baltimore 47 199 Roberta, Pittsburgh...... 20 ,1 Warren. inniHnaj'oiis... ' O. Alt. Walsh, Chicago 38 Rouaoh. Indianapolis,... 41 35 Murphv. Brooklyn 43 63 K.Delahantv. Buf.-Pltta.li6 175 Agler. Buffalo K3 97 CI1MAU V.r..a HIV 111 1IU Jones, Pittsburgh 93 216 Human, uroomyn is i Krueger, Kansas uiiy..iz i Potts, (ilansaa City 30 :i Bonnln, Buffalo. ...,.,.. 21 11 Klrby, St Louis., .......'M 94 Hanford, Buffalo 1M 330 Couleon. Pittsburgh..... U 24 Zwllllng. Chicago ISfi 345 Shaw, Brooklyn.. ...10 196 Wlokland, Chicago 1H VA Fuick, Chicago , 134 230 Oak, Pittsburgh .146 320 Kauff, Indianapolis IM SlO Mattis. Pittsburgh 24 39 fhadbotirn. Kan. City,. 140 137 Tobln. St. IaUis..s. 131 ISO Anderson. Brooklyn. .... 91 17 Drake. St. Louis lit DO F.vans, Brooklyn ,.,.111 161 Booe, Buff. -Ind ..!.,. (M 90 Savage. Pittsburgh...... 91 13T Wi Miller, St. Louis im 24S Cooper. Brooklyn .101 11 Bates. Baltimore M 109 Choulnard. P -Bal.-Bkn. 2S 44 1 .Inn, Baitlmore M ts) Schcer, lndianapol's ll 1RJ McDonald. Pltts.-Buff... fM 122 Mennaky. Plttaburgh.... 93 M Young, Buffalo 37 47 Meyer, Baltimore... .....131 176 Mincan. Baltimore 147 2,"4 Campbell, lix1lenarols..iy 215 Vommera. St. L.-Balt.. 7 til Kalaer. Indlananolls.... IW 94 Coles, Kansas city g 49 Simmons, Baltimore M 9 Collins. Buffalo IJ U HUNTLEY WINS SHOOT HELD AT PIERCE, NEB. Bam Huntley, one of Omaha s crack trap ahooters, went out to Pierce. Neb.. Wednesdsy and returned with ISO In prlre Huntley broke 134 out of 150 birds. Lester Gates, who -as hiRh at the Omaha-Columbus Inter-clty shoot hre last Sun day, waa scc.md. Bee Want Ads Arc the Rett Bus r.css Road Daily by People In fc'earch of Ad- money for csrrylng off first honors. J vcrtleed Opportunities. With Cue Handlers I'TICA. N. Y.. Dec. 18.-i-Georgo Sutton difratad Welker Cochrane. 300 to 100, in Bllllnid Players' lespue match here t.o nl?ht. Averagee ancf high runs: Sutton, 27 3-10. 58; Cochrane, 10. 31. 7 NjHfwX J 111 7 "iWrl 7. jl-S-V W 4 .94j x JSSt in 7 .944 Mr r t 4 9i4 jiTl j .943 1 1 I ft,.r 1 6 4 .9M 'I V MX7 103 R .9it6 f I iHTl 94 7. 933 I Ml-W 10 ' .lt 64 . 7 .914 S ' 49 6 I . . . I 24 S .M? I I 1 I 1 I 1 33 21 977 9 .97.1 1H .973 22 .97? 4 .971 6 .909 26 .96 6 .9H8 4 .961 11 .963 : & Mi 5 .960 5 ,9"6 10 .fiX4 11 .9T)3 7 .933 6 .929 E.Pct. i . 0 1.000 1 .9W 1 What Will She Find Christmas Morning, A Useful Gift t or Somethine That Will Re Cnnp in a Dav? Why not give an article that will be enjoyed h every day throughout the yearand for many years to come? There are numerous articles included in our Special Holiday Sale that cost but little. H On any article you select, credit arrange n ments may be made with terms of pay- fa ment to suit your convenience. cm 1 j 1 1 C " 'n C-JI I CZJ BLUFFS "Y" QUINTET NOSES OUT ON SWIFTS The Council Bluffs Young Men's Chris tian association defeated the Swift and Company basket ball team last, evening at the Nebraska School for the Deaf gym nasium, 17 to 11 The Swift and Company aggregation will contest the gtme. as they claim that one of the Council Bluffs men shot a basket after the referee blew his whistle. The Young Men's Christian association team contends that the ball wts In the air at the time the whtatle waa blown and therefor are entitled to the score. Lineup: SWIFTS. Oroashaus R.F. Foley L.F. Burke C. Phllpt R O Miainholty ,...UO c. a T. M. C. A. R.F... L.F C R.O L.O. Hermls Hendricks . Purvear .... Grow .. Fulmer Foley, 2; Prince Would Build Speedway in Venice Jack Prince, th uMdi hi.n. I built th Omaha motorrirnma t... i superintended th coneimc:on of the ! auto speeaway, as made a proposition to ' venice, tti., to build there a track ex actly like th on here. Venln la nl.. r.lng on a three and one-half mil boule- vara track, but may change to Prince's plan, because th boanl ! much fatter than tti i-oail. ACCURACY IN BALL TOSSING GETS WIN OVER SECRETARIES Better teamwork and more accurst goal tossing n th part of th Omaha High school second basket ball team was directly responsible for their victory ovei" the Toung Mens Christian sssoclatlon secretaries last evening on th latter' court. The score was S to 7. Coach Mills' second string ineu allowed the secretaries but one field goal, the reel of their points being made by the foul goal route. Ryen in this branch of th gsme the high school lads made the better results, throwing six out of nine attempts, as agalnat five out of fif teen for th secretaries. Iake, fcwan gnd Maxwell did th beet Field aoals: OroesKaua, Burke. 1; Hbalnholly. 2: Herman. 2: Hen dricks, 1: Puryear, 4: Fulmar, 1. Foul goals thrown: Foley, i; Purvear, 1. Foula tommltted: Swlfta. 1: Bluffs, . Keferee: Adams. Scorekeeper: Thorapecker. Time of halves twenty minutes. PIRATE CREW TOO FAST FOR THE MUTE TOSSERS Welgle's Pirate crow ef basket ball tossers defeated the Nebraska School for ths Deaf nulntet at the letter's gym nasium last evening, 3 to tl. Tbe mutes, though putting up a plucky gam could not cop successfully against the buccaneers, though at severe 1 stages of th gam they force 1 th Pirate to ex tend themselves te ths utmost. Klepser for the Pirate shot saven field goals with Root a rloe second, making four. Stark and Cooper were in the limelight for the routes. Ths lino up: PIRATES. I Kiepaer ..K.r. Boot ur. Wlleon C. Bowermsn . ...R.1 C. WeiKle LU DEAF MtTTES. RF Stark UF Jackeon C Tamlsea RU Zabel UO N el sen Field scale; KWnser 171. Root t wil. sou (21. Bvwei-man (3). C. Wile. HUrk (51. Conner lit. Custer. Foul aoals thrswn- Pirate. 4; Mutes. I. flobetltutee: Custer ror jvnaen. t hi a nee' ihlla. Timekeeper: B. Welale. fcerekeeper: Adams. Fouls iommliti4'' Pirates I; Mutes. 6. Tim 1 natves: 31 mlnulea. TOM M'CARTY WILL ' SCOUT FOR RED SOX nounced todoy. McCarty wa made a f ree 1' or me local national league) team, for which h performed similar duty last season. ockers make very acceptable gifts. We show a particularly large line just now and have priced each one specially for this Holiday Sale. There are Oak Rockers, Mahogany Rockers, and upholstered rockers. Tremendous values at this weeks reduced prices. 1 ( .waaw Credit tnc I, Equip- Tftb. Lamp ? J ped Xp Something entirely nw end very artistic. Vene tian lace effect In shade, with art glass under, neath In dull gold, bright goM or green, fully euippM, bee lamp. val., day. STEVENS RUNS AWAY FROM MOONEY IN POOL TOURNEY Owcna .. Swanaon Hhepexd . Harsch .. Elevens .. Dixon ... Moonev . Shaffer .1 Playe. Won. Loat. Pet. xxo i.an .3 Stavens defeated Mooney, W0 to IS, last night at the Capitol pool touraey. making thre high runs of 17. 21 and tJ. This waa th moat decisive defeat so far. Tonight Owens, who has a clean record to date, will play Swanson. who has lost only one game, and a close, hard-fought gam Is expected. Score: Stevens 7 10 2 14 13 14 10 14 4141-109 Moonev T 4 110 1 4 0 0 tt 21 Scratches; Sevens, I: Mooney, 1. High rune: btevens. 17. II, 23. Referee: Ca nieren. BtWTON. Dec, lt-Tom McCarty of this rliy will act as a scout tor the Bos ton American leagu club,' It was an- PETER CALAC RE-ELECTED CAPTAIN AT CARLISLE CARLISLE. Pa , Dec. IS Peter Calao waa re-elected captain of th Carllsls Indian school foot ball team last night. He I a Mission Indian from California and has bee a playing threw year 6n tb team, fullback last tee ton and in 1913, and tacklo In ttu Vanaieal 4rean -tare, re. arrived. Baftee HKW VOHK , , Aasuaia. rAUKMO... Alhlsts KIKk AIJ-. K. I'. OaMat All: OINOA jtollenlaia MONO KOXi' 'i.-ae Mr , USUON Tsiaief UVKItPUOU Ultiutia. SiArlaV.. B 6' Aeata. th?; Q nr m c-e ' U CANDLE 0 Terms N . Ja b a Hoce Desks r These make most acceptable glfta. Made of solid mahog any. Several deslxns now of fered at very attractive prices n thin special Saturday holi day sal. i U r-,yr--- t.1 1 T - - - '-lei Complete with glass ash tray, cigar rest and march box holder. BpeOal at e Brass Smoker Stands 90G Solid Oak Pedestals I Four different designs placed on eale at re duced prices. Mad In oak, mahogany and bird's eve maple. Prloet 7.50. $9.T8. $18.75 and 17.0O. Made In solid oak and I quarter sawed oak, fumed, ani golden 11 1.95 Mahotiny Library Css$ Mad at gwsala saaaog. aay, two-doer ets. ee loaial ooraer post pectal, this sal . . IBJ5 Chili's Cocker A Urge line attractively priced. U1 In golden ftnlsit. .Those like abov Illustration The Fuel Saver Cuts Coal Bills 25 Per Cent Peninsular Heaters have larger and longer flues thsn other makes. They have from gOO to 1,"00 square Inches of extra radiating surface. This extra radiation means more heat with less fuel. It means a saving nf 25 at least and a savin; of 23 on fuel Is a sar ins; worth while. These splendid beaters have many other improved features in grates, clinker rings, drafts gas proof doors, etc., that are too numerous to mention ia detail. We urge you to call and permit us to dem onstrate these better features to you. Prices m " f TERMS S 11 TO SUIT 1.35 Oak Dresser Has oval French bevel mirror, two drawer at die luy well made and well finished throughout. Male price. . . , il.SwIUli Clocks S595 They stand 6 ft. high, made of solid oak. Brass rt o vetn'ts. fine time keepers. 3C50 m A splendid ar ticle to serve as a Christmas gift. L11IJT1TIT1TTPT3