THK 11KK: OMAHA, ,SATlrlJDAV, DKCEMHKU 1JI, 11)14. 13 ( r BRIEF CITY NEWS riaeUty Bterac Ik Co, Boa. Have ftoot Frlat It Now Bmcdii Presa. Xmii Tree Utffctu Oatllte Burg ess- (..rAiioi'n. Bal&rlre-Maddea Oo. Compensation In surance limpoctlons for. Special rates fre , eutUal AH Holm lomu tot tn th easy payment plan. Banker rtralty Investment Co. rhon Doug. '. "Today Complete Hot4 Ttogxvm." classified section today, and appear In The Pre EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theater offer. ' Bf airhead Oet Thirty Sara John Miifrhrad, 1T0S Cuming street, charged with beating, his wife. was lenteneed Krltlny morning to thirty day in th lounly Jail. Boberts la Improving Thorn a Rob erts, Krfi l'aul street, who waa hot by Ms brother-in-law, Leo P. Hill, Thurs day morning, la reported to be Improving :H St. Joseph's hospital. Foley Divorce Bolt IMsmieeed A n conciliation has been effected between Mrs. lora Foley and her husband, "'lmiirs Kolry, proprietor of a chattel Iran concern, and Mrs. Foley' divorce iilt lias been dismleaed. Kennedy 1 Convalescing Alfred C Kennedy, who has been very 111 at hi l.cmc. Is steadily Improving and I now nVOn ti sit up two or three hour a day. Within another week he will probably I c nolo to eeo his friends. Win Masked Ball Frlses Miss Mollis liilck. Miss Ocrshater, Mis Wollsteln and Mr. N. Perlman are announced as the prize winners at the masked ball ylven by the Jewish National Worker' Alliance of America at Fraternity halL Beoretaxif to Seward General Secre tary K. F. Uenlson, Boys' Work Director K. S. Flower, State Secretary J. P. Bailey and other secretaries of the Toung Men's Christian association have gone to Seward, Neb., to attend a conference of high school boy loaders under association AU.oplcCS. Mrs. Ahlqairt is Thanked Mr, a. W. Ahlquist, independent missionary worker uf Omaha, Is! the recipient of an appre ciative letter of t thanks from the Negro Women's association f"r assistance re cently given that organization in taking care of some poor. Mrs. Ahlquist knows no color or creed in extending a helping hand, and this disposition on her part had won her Innumerable friends In every class of society. Smith's Attorney Pleads Before Judge Morris for Clemency A strong plea for Judicinl clemency to 1'elbert Smith was Hindi; before Judge I'Tic Morris in federal court T3y Attorney N. P. McDonald of Kearney. Smith was gho former pojitoffico clerk who con tcnMl that lie loaned his keys to Walter i'nnnunivt. who was recently convicted of luublii.T tile po:--tofflce of J,",000. "'amnions will receive sentence Monday, ni'ter whlvh .-'luith will plead guilty and 1 e sentenced on the charge of conspiring l. j rob. Attorney McDonald made his plea for Smith Friday, as he had to be In T.os Angelea when Smith's case comes cp. .McDonald asserted that ninety per i rut of the people of Kearney were hnp iiiK that Smith would be given only a I slit Kfntwre, -V J II . ,1 Conscience Stricken Telephone Patron Pays01d Toll Bill Three years ago a man walked Into the fiicc of the Nebraska Telephono com I'tiny, stepped Into a booth and called over the long instance. When he asked 'for I he bill thought told him It was 90 cents, lie was certain the charge waa excessive, ami after quarreling walked out, rctusing U- pny. TodHy this man walked into the office mid iaid tlio HO cents. "Nlni'ty'Vonta weighs on a fellow's con .;rlnc ut this season," he said. "I've wot to get It off my mind The darn thing bus been worrying mo foe. a year." DODGE SOREJN CITY DADS At ait that it What Commissioner Withnell Says of Senator. NOT ACTUATED BY ECONOMY 1at Legislator, on Contrary, la le rlared t Be FaaM-riaelns; rst Fir Barn Location Did Not Salt HI. tte Senator N. P. Podgts Is "sore at ths city commissioner," according to City Commissioner C. II. Wlthnell of the firs department, because th council re fused to narken to ths anxious plea of the senator In a certain matter. Mr. Wlthnell said: "Dodge knows no money Is being wasted lu this department. Her Is a list In de tail of every cent that has been spent Dodge nor anybody else would have spent less. "As for the double shift, which has In creased ths payroll to J2i.20:. a year. Dodge, tf my memory serves me well, was very Instrumental In securing It and was one of Its loudest advocates. "It's not the holy cry of economy that la really actuating Mr Dodge he's sore at the city council because we wouldn't stick a fire barn down In a hollow be hind his property, where we couldn't have got out If there had been a fire. He insisted that the Central fire barn at Nineteenth and Harney streets be not placed besides his property. The council decided to plane It there, and Dodge, who was holding this property at fr&,0fl0, was financially damaged. " "That deal has been sticking In Mr. Dodge's craw ever since. "I believe In economy and have kept the expenses of this department to a min imum, but there Is a kind of economy that does more harm than good." Commissioner Wlthnell has finished preparation of a list of needs for the firs department for 1915 which he will submit to the council for consideration when the apportionment la made in January. He will ask for f278.269.S3. By Buying Ycur Meals at the Empress Sanitary M;rkei Ton eaa sav SS. Yoa get ths highest quality and lowest prices and is ouscm io xn pound. 114 Milk Fed Spring Chickens lto 10.000 Pig Pork Loins 11 10 lbs. Leaf l.rd t7o I'll Koreipiarters Lumb TH Pig Pork Shoulder 10o Pig Pork Hutu lle Choice Steer Pot Host. . .14o, 1U, Choice Young Veal Itoast . . . . 14o, lie Choice Toung Vest Chops, 1 5c, IS' Choice Mutton Chops ...... 16c, 18lj Salt Pol k l0 Swift's Premium an, Cudahy's Dia mond C Hams lo Extra I-ean Macon !' Small Hum 11C Sngsr 'tirel Haron . ...1JS Oysters, per quart 40o Four deliveries a day 9. IV. 1' an; 4 o'clock. Prompt attention given lu mall orders. 20 Pounds Ocst Gr n l&tod Sugar for $1.00 Or 10 lb, for 50e, Ton eaa from 40 to 60 on your Groceries, I"ruit and Meat by Baying at tn smpr stannary Market. 4-Jh. sack of Diamond K Flour gl.35. 10' bars of best Laundry Soap t5j Tall cana of Cottage Milk, can, TH 8 6c cans of Milk for 86a 2 So bottle of White Horse Catsup Itto 25c tar of Midget Pickles ISo Large Queen Olives, qt. .tar 8o Pure Strained Honey, pint Jar.... 850 S-lh. can Peaches In thick syrup, 15o S-lb. can Sliced Pineapple lo 4 cans Sugar Corn for B5o t cans of solid packed Tomatoes 8 So 3 cans of Karly June Peas 85c. Oolden Santos Coffee, per lb 800 No. 1 English Walnuts, soft shelled. per lb 17Ho 1914 Mixed Nuts, per lb ISo 114 Uracil Nuts, per lb .ISo Mellevue Heart Celery, bunch ,...850 12 lbs. to peck Cooking Apples. , . BOc Large SiinkisNed Oranges, per do. 88a lurge Kipe Hananas, dosen loo 3 large bunches Ureeu Onions .,..100 Fancy Hothouse letture, I for.... 5 Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per lb i0 Holly Wreaths. I for 85o Xnms Trees, all sites ISo Uu We Just received a Mammoth Chees, of 760 lbs. put up specially for us. to be cut and put on sale for XmaH. Ivm't miss trying 1 lb. or more of this cheese per lb 880 Large medium ripe Craiiherrles, THo per quart, or 4 quarts for 8So THE EMPRESS MARKET Oprx. Wool worth 5c and 10c Stor. 113 South lth St. Tel. 1. 2307. Bangs' Bequest to Assure Endowment Fund for Trinity Assurance that the $100,000 endowment plan of the management of Trinity cathe dral will materialize will be the result of the SnO.OOO bequest made by the late Stephen D. Bangs, according lo Rev. J. A. Tancock. dean of the cathedral. A plan to secure an endowment of this amount for the perietuatlon of the cathe dral was formed one year ago and (10,000 is already in hand for this purpose. A short time previous to Mr. Bang's death Dean Tancock learned of his in tention to make a bequest to the cathe dral. "The aAOdO bequest will become a part of our 1100,000 endowment," said the dean. "This added to 110,000 previously received will leave only $40,000 to be raised." Beef & Pork Dropped 30atTli8 Public Market Etmuntwr yon get th highest quality and lowest prloes and 10 onnoes to th pound at ths Fnblio Market. 20.000 Pig Pork Loins HHo 1914 BCllk Tad Spring Calx 18', o Pig Pork Shoulders lOHo Pig Pork Butts IIViO 10 lbg. Iaf Lard special for Satur day only 7o Choice Steer Pot Roast,, 14o and llo Choice Young Veal Hoast..l4o, 110 Choice Young Veal Chops ISo, lHc I -am b Legs 1S0 Choice Mutton Chops 16c, 1814 Choice Mutton Roast Uo Sniffs Premium and Armour's Star Hums la F.xtra Lean Breakfast Bacon. . .lo Sugar Cured Hacon l1o Sugar Cured Hams 110 arxciAiiB l Tom 8 P. M. to 9 P M. Umb Chop st, per lb. Co From 8 P. M. to 10 P. M. Pork Chops at, per lb lOo Bankrupt Stock Salo of I,. Sate is still going on. Ton eaa tending this high grade grocery sale. Carnation or Pet Milk THo 2 pkgs. Yeast Foam, Takhoma Bis cuits, Argo Starch or S 6o cans of Milk for lOo 4 10c cans of Corn or Tomatoes. .85a 1 Oc Peas or Beans So Early June Sweet Peas, can 8o Royal Ketchup 6c 20c cans of Fruit anil Syrup lOo 25c gradevCanned Fruits 14o Orape-Nuts or Shredded Wheat.. lOo 7 lbs. Bulk Oatmeal aio S-lbs. Diamond "IS" Flour, sack, 11.35 J-lb. can Chase A Sanborn Coffee, SI I-ai'Ke Prunes or Peaches, lb. for 8o 4 lbs. Chill Beans 85c sav half on your grocery bill .by at- Best Tea Slftlngs, pkg lie 26c pkg. Naphtha Powder, Gold Dust or Oat Meal 1'Jo 6 cans Cleanser 8So 10c pkg. of Toilet Paper Oo Full Cream Snappy Cheese, lb ISo Pkg. Creamery Butter, lb 380 Best Tub Creamery Butter, lb 86u Imp. Swiss Cheese, lb 3 Bo Spaghetti or Macaroni, pkg.. . . . .7Vo 2fi lbs. best Sugar 81.00 With one lb. tea or cocoa 69o 12 bars "D. C". Beat-'Km-All or White Queen Soap 8So With Sal Soda lOo PUBLIC MARKET ISSS& Wharton Advocates , Fast Mail Service Via Swift Birdmen South Omalia Man : Killed in Iowa K. C. Jones, known a "Chris" Jones, was shot and killed yesterday at Kpoxvllle, Is., according to word re-H ceived by Ed Anapaugh of South Omaha. The telegram "asked Mr. Anspaugh to notify the relatives of .Mr. Jones, but did not give any details of the tragedy. Jones was an employe of the Iowa Supply company. ' .; Don Carlos Ragan Returns from Farm Don Carlos Ragan Has returned to Omaha from nianchurd, la., where Don Carlos has been wrestling during the last month with several acres of corn which ndorned the Ragan ranch. The famous lirouklyn twirlor found husking corn no hil.i's play, but efter few days' practice, Iccluicd It was as easy as fooling Heinle Zimmerman. BRITISH EMPIRE ASSOCIATION AGAIN SENDSFIVE HUNDRED John Dale, secretary of the British Em pire Relief association, has forwarded mother 00 to the relief of all sufferers ji.wns the allies, making a total of $2,000 Ma Omaha association has sent. pit mm j are always aggravated during damp, changeable weather and ordinary treatments are often useless. Such conditions Med tka oil-food in Seott'a Emulsion to radnc the injurious adds and strenglnen the) org'an to expel them. Scoff's EstoUon, with careful diet for on month, often relieve) the lame muscles and stiaened joints and subdues the sharp, unbearable pains wheat other remedies hsr failed. NO ALCOHOL IN SCOTTS. 1 1 A Transportation of special :"rush" mall by aeroplane between cities appeals to John. C Wharton. Omaha postmaster, as an, entirely feasible plan that will soon he adopted and will prove a great aid In the mail service, he says. Such a plan Is recommended by Postmaster General Burleson In his annual report to President Wilson "We hopo to have Omaha Included In the 11st of cities to be connected by aero plane mail delivery for first-class mall that requires extra speed in delivery," Postmaster Wharton declares. Monmouth Park Tots Entertain Older Ones Children in tne older c?arses of Mon mouth Park school were entertained with a Christmas program by the klnder Earten, First . B and Second A depart ment tots. The affair was given under the supervision of Miss McCombs, Miss Bess Field and Miss May Nlchol, and the solo participants were as follows: Song Shine Out the Blessed Star Recitation The First Christmas Eidson Swanaon Solo Away In a Manger Clara Laux Dialogue Snowflakea SolJ and Chorus Merry, Merry Christmas , Christmas Comes but Once' a' Year!!" ....Ruth Hoffman and Charlotte Ford Dialogue Christmas Doll Keeltatlon Bringing Gifts. Violetta Dohse Kecitatlon A Child's Mistake T r,'",',' i iv Gordon Wing I Do Hope Dear Old Santa. Arthur Gibson Bong-l Think I Hear the Slelghbells Hinging M.rfn-snaii wiMmg:::::!:!1". .Nyren Recitation At Seven In the Morning. ReclUtion- Doii- sing v::::::; v. ;:;;::;:;"1Um Sm" Recitation Christmas Aftert bought' ' ' riecUaUon-Sanu ClauS1'. K'MChc,t Garnet i ' See You'.'.'.'.'.'.': ' K'"net h t;ramep Song There's a Wonderf'ui Tree.'!"" Recitation-A ' Christmas' Pratiw. a Rec'lVanon-Wha ReeVtaHon-Tommy". ' ' ChrtS &2,ne a.n?rfe Ma::::::::::rt h' GUI0U SELLS TRACKAGE ON IZARD STREET A real estate deal. Involving approxi mately U0.000. haa just been closed In the sale of a strip of yardag at Nineteenth and Hard streets by Arthur Gliou and John D. Crelghton. Tho ceal was made through A. P. Tukev A- Kfin Tti aAs.a are now occupied by the C. W. Hull Coal company. The leas holds good and the HuU company will continue to operate on th tract. 1914 MILK FED SP1UXU CHICKEN'S, PER Ml. . . Pork Xioin Rout, per Jb. . . Pork SlHrtiltlor Hoast, per lb Round Steak or Veal Steak off the round. . . . . . . tolling Deef, ur lb Pork rSaiiaxe, per lb 18-lb. Sack Pl'HITV Flour, eveiy pound BiinranUed ID Hh. Fine Granulated Sugnr for 11 10 14 12 1.25 1.00 Cranberries, quart So 4X Milk, 10c cans, 4 for 85o Corn Flakes, per pkg Bo W. H. Baker's Chocolate, lb 85j Hock Wood Sweet Chocolate, lb. 88 Ho Grape Fruit, large, 8 for 10o Full Cream Cheese, lb ISo Fancy New Mackerel, 2 for 6o Tooth Picks, 6c pkg So Olives, per . quart '. . ; . lOo Sailer Mixed Pickles, per tt loo Sauer Relish, per quart 1O0 7 lit 13 CAKDIZI Chocolate Drops, Caramels or Whip ped Cream Caramels, regular 20c sellers: on sale, per lb 10a New Crop Mixed Nuts, per lb 18c Full bushel boxes Jonathan Apples- I extra fancy; on sale at 4 81.8S Xlie Lange Grocery Co, '2 1 tli and Cumins Street. Telephone Douglas 15:10. 300 Items Lower at The Basket Store Some of Xmas Trees are running short. Get our prices be fore buying. 1 V4 size ISo n-rt Hlr.e wao 7-S size , 390 n-10 i.i.n , . , , ojo Xiiihm Tree Holders 88o Hulls, per 11) 18o Mistletoe, per lb 8Sc Nice aKHortment of Xniaa candy it low price". , BAJEIlTCr SAT OOOD. . Remember tho first prize cuke at the 1914 State fair were baked with our Tip Baking Powder an I rip r tour. j Tip Baking Powder, 1 lb 83a , lan, 9o; 3 for 83c; 5-lu. can 36o Tip Hour, 48-lh. sack .$1.4.r 24-lb. sack 730 Economy Klour, 4 S-lb. sack ....$1.40 24-lb. sack 70o Thrifty Habit Hour, 48-lb. sack l.oa 24-lb. sack Ma All flour 3a sack less In 5-sack lots. Pure Baking Soda, 10c pkg 4o Cocoa 83o, 4a and sic Purs Extracts, 25o Tip Lemon ...17o 20 Tip Vanilla 18e Mapeline .889 No. 1 Premium Chocolate, H-lb. cake 15o Dromedary Dates, pkg llo Tip Cocoa, ft-lb. tin 16j Mince Meat, 10c pkg., 80; 3 for ..830 Bulk Mince Meat, lb lOo and 18o 10c cans Pumpkin 80 New Raisins, bulk, seedless, lb. lOcj 3 for 880 New Raisins, 15-oz. pkg. best seeded at lOo New Raisins. l-oz. pkg. best send- less ISo New Citron, lb. 83 o New Lemon or Orange Peel,, lb. 170 Pkg. Klgs, lt-oss., Set 3 for 83q Pure Kweot Cider, per gallon . . . . 8S0 I Recleaned Currants, 12-os. pkg. ,.8 Ask about our 4 discount plan. SH.OO orders delivered free; Sc for reg ular deliveries less tlisn 16.00. Xo. 81818 Worth 16tb. No. 83 1807 Vinton. 9o. 848187 Tarnam. Xo. 88 1408 Worth 84th Via. 8S 8518 Worth 84th. Omaha and Uneoln. New No. 1 best Soft Shell Walnuts. per pound 89e' New No. 1 Naple Walnuts, per lb. SOo New Brazil Nuts, per lb 14o New Pecona Nuts, lb ISo New Almond, per lb , Bis Peanut Butter, per lb llo I'otatoes, Karly Ohlos, In 5 bushe! lots 71o Bushel. 60 lbs 73o Peck. 15 lbs. 190 Sal Soda, 4Vi lbs 6c 2C lbs 860 Snyder's Tomato Soup, 10c can ... .7o Vinegar Cider, per gallon 1j Our frank, open meat prices on the blackboards In each market will appeal to you, so will the full weight. -t."i rtSioiMOMOJtfsai 1 ismuMMis ssns.4taJtJ MHir.mii!,,,! 1,1 t.tsui WITH EVERY $2. CD PURCHASE OR OVER. WE WILL GIVE A BOTTLE OF M-i vX fcCI Ll AND HANDSOME CALENDAR n js I mmn tm w m With a Vnrohasc of 0.15 or Over One Imported hand peltited Salad Vasar. 10 Inches wide an I 4 inches deep. With a rnrchas of 87.80 or Over A handsome Water Net consist ing of s large blown Water Pitcher and f large Glasses. XMAS SPECIALS: WIRES, CORDIALS AHD BONDED WHISKIES Every Xmas brings more cus tomers to our place of business and they always go home boosting treatment and goods bought here. WINES and CORDIALS Port and Sherrv Wines, sC n.1 M r per bottlr , a! DC 45C Rock and live Mlnrkberrv Anrlrot Pnnnna Cordials, regulsr 11.00 vs'orr now selling, at C r ' per bottle ODC WHISKIES Jnke Kliln's High Grade Whisky, rer oimrt fllaok and ilri. bottlr t In onl v'-i-c regular ji.i.i value, now selling, at. r-er ounr Turn Moore Vhlske'-. i-ottlel In ! "'. ti, nlwsvs selb? for l.r,0. now lf clllne St 01 lUU 65c t.l.l,., 95c With a Far. chas of 88 or Over one Import ed, china, hsn painted Cren or Milk Pltchc 4 Inches dee and SS Inches wide. With m Vtirehsss of 810.00 or Over A beautiful T-plece, hand painted. China Lunch set eonslst Ing of 1 large platter IS Inches long. 9 Inches wide and plates, 7 Indies In diameter. 1314 Doug las St. Douglas 6612. LT 1 L-& L3 lAM'il'-iU NX It I 1 DlrM I a it m Psln UtUieiJ la I bll UlCUhl UUnli !JIO lt'T, AdH. AM. HIMT'i r Careful Drivers Montr- UU Saving Coal I'rp Ton EVERBURfi! - . ALL SIZES CLEAN HOTLASTING The Coal For Every Purpose McCaffrey bros. co. 1 20 SO. 17th Tyler 40 $n.5o BERN1CE MtWn ABthraeltM.) ('ssfnrtakM rsim Oea Thoroosh Screenint Sampson Id! Serviceable Coal lee Ta SPECBAL pxrTceS8 We Offer the Following Low Prices on Our High Grade Wines and Liquors: WHISKIES: L. M. C. Reserve. Fine old whiskey, full qt. 79 r.ond & Lilliard, full quart... 08 frinff Hill, full quart 98 Private' Stock, full quart 59 8G mo! 'Mifojj vo Old Crow, full quart 98 WINES: Select Port or Sherry, per bottle 25c Tokay, Angelica, Muscatel, bottle, 30 to 50 ti-Klnr P.nindy, er bottle 50 Imported Hliine Wines, pt4r quart. 98 Special Low Prices on All Imported Liquors $3.00 and $3.50 Whiskies, at $2.50 and 93.00 per gallon. MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT THESE PRICES LUXUS MERCANTILE CO. 109-111 North 16th St. Phone D. 1889 The House That Saves You Money. OMAHA laWJjyJ ' During the Holiday Shopping Season you can increase the time for making your1 purchases and will feel better by getting quick service and pure food at one of The Pure Food Sign. Quickserv Cafeteria Cafeteria 101 li and Harney fcu., City Nafl Uank Bidg. Downstair. Lunch Rooms HO 8. 10th St.; 1406 Douglas Ht.; 1408 t?arnjun. THE OMAHA BEE THE HOME PAPER AMI'S KM KNTS. Boys' Sled Free a a u f 'i " The quickest and surest cure la Buk len's Arnica Salve. Every household should have a box on hand all the time. 26c. All druggists Advertlseniei.t. J' .vJsi!aMStw?-- ..nrt- m 77y--pj-ssMsJsalsBsa Make Your Boy Happy WITH A CHRISTMAS PAIR OF High-Top Boots Hvp him a pair of hih top boots for (JhristraaH. The ordinary pair of shoes you buy him he looks at as a matter of fact, but tho high top boots arc a luxury. Keep tho boys' legs and feet warm and dry, conse quently happy and healthy, minus the drugs and doctor bill. moderately Priced. According to Size WE SHOW CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS for the Whole Tamily. TTTOHOB CQ Tho Boyd School of Expression rrsssats ta Comedy of The School Mistress "WITaT 14 PX.ATSKS Mr. ltlel MakinK Him Urst Omaha Apitearance In lealinK Itolew. American Theatre- nnn 10 Saturday Evening 8:15 Ubbi lu A Tries of 15c and 35o Z Cbarfsd To Oovsr Ezpass. "OsCAKA'SJ TVS CESTTSB LAST TIMES TODAY gf ' WATSON & COHAN And "TBTB hy i iiiiiwii w vvnan widows" in ths Barlan. DStAMl MEXICO " Tlrad Shopper' Mat. I! very Week Sav. Tomorrow ami Wk.: "The liberty Girls' (sm SuT494 Advanced Vaudeville CVSTAIir TOVIOXT , 8:10 Prices: Gallery, 10c; Best Beats, IS-iO-TCa ft No. 133 6 Drrailmiuitlit liln Sled 4uxMx8 weight 12 Ihs. each, titainped sU--l knf.m. Bl criicluie spring siet.1 T shaped runnem. so rurvml In front sh to give a tiiaxlrni'in IciikIIi or t-iilrm vuifuie. ht"-i lii) bar works perfectly, tie leii' re Nponrtlnn InKtantly tu .lKliirt bend tn eteol runner without i--tnr(lii'K speed of elrd a particle. leor and runners finished In red enamel. Top uf Hock Uliu, beautitully putnted and decoratod. Tbe picture of tlie Kled will be in The Bee every day lliis week r Cut tbem all out and ask your friends to save the pic-, tures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures you cub (tet and bring Them to The Bee office. Tbe Hied will be given Kree to the boy that sends us tbe luoet pictures before 4 P. M. Saturday, December 19. kS t Photo Enlargements Make Good Christmas Presents We have the finest equip ment for making enlargements from negatives or prints. Siie up to 80 x iff. Cost depends on sites and finish desired. BEE rilOTO DEI'AItTMUVr 220 Boo lluildinK. llioue T) B'r 100O. 2nd Bi W E E K BOYD Pouiaim TOITIOHT AU WsiSiX Mats. Wednesday and BaturdaT. Til Boyd Theater Ctock Co. HER OWN MONEY sTlg-nt aso and 60o; Mata S5o. Meat Week "Th Womaa is The Oas.M ORAHDEIS T03AY "v:"oo9 MllilllulilH JULMT TWO TIMX Th Theater' fi - t, .. rn JC8EFM AND KH BBITHBEtf Vrtoesi SOo, T6o, $1.00, Si. bo and j.00. Three Says Befinaing- Sunday, Deo. 93, and Xueaaay VS '