Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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Daily Bee
Fair; Colder
VOL. XL1V X(. 15.
On Trains and at
Cotsl Haws Standi, Bo
diers entering the ruined village of Capy in Picardy, where
they were seeking to fight their way through to Alsace.
interstate Commerce Commission
Allows Carriers to Increase
Freight Charges.
lines from Atlantic to Mississippi
North of Ohio and Potomac
in on It.
Transportation Disorganized
European StruMe,
miTA vrnrenic intrusT tttt Tun
Harlan and Clements Dissent from
Majority of Board, ntln lo
Permit rompnif to
Boost Tariffs.
Promotion Comes to Man Who Has
Been Lat General Agent's As
sistant for Ten Years.
WASHINGTON. Pee. IS. -Increases in
freight rates, approximating 5 per cent
on alt the railroads between .10 AtlHntlo
seaboard and the Mississippi, north of
the Potomac and Ohio rivers, were
Fronted today ty Hie Interstate Com
merce commission In a divided opinion,
excepting upon certain heavy commod
ities, which comprise a I urge bulk of
the traffic.
The Increases will further apply to the
railroads west of Buffalo and Pittsburgh,
which were granted partial advances In
the decision of Inst August, which de
nied them altogether to the roads east
of those points. It Is estimated that ad
vanced rates will Increase the annual In
come of the roads about )0,o,000. The
commission made Its decision upon the
showing of the railroads ihat In addition
to conditions from which they previously
askod relief, they now are confronted
with an emergency because of the war In
War Dlnorainnlaea Transportation.
With Commissioners Harlan and Clo
ments dissenting, the majority of the
commission declared:
"Whatever the consequences of the war
may prove to he, we must recognize the
fuct that It exists, tho fact that It is
a calamity without precedent nnd the
fact that by It the commerce of the world
lies been disarranged and thrown into
confusion. The means of transportation
are fundamental and indispensable
agencies In our industrial life and for the
common welfare should bo kept abreast
of public requirements."
finals of Derision.
Summarizing the basis of its decision
the majority report of the commisFic n
said :
"The facts disclosed and occurrences
originating subsequent lo May 29, 1914, as
presented at the further hearing may be
summarized under three heads: First,
completed returns for the fiscal year end
ing June 30, 1314, and returns for succeed
ing months; second, the war In Kurope,
and third, results of the original order.
"When these cases were originally sub
mitted, as also when the original reiort
wag prepared, tho revenue nnd expendi
ture account for June, 1!14, and the prop- j
erty Investment account for that fiscal !
year, were not available, the war was j
unforeseen, and the results of our order
were, ' of course, yet lo come. Col- I
Icctlvely, they present a new situation."
' Trit of the Order. ! man who has been In the railroad busl-
Tiie oonimiuHlon issued this order: i nesa practically from the day of his birth.
"It Is ordered that respondents herein j His father M agent for the Grand
be, and they uru hereby, authorized to Trunk at Toronto, Car.., nnd lived In the
publish and file, by not less than ten j station , building, where Eugene Duval
dajs' notices to the Interstate Commerce w'as born. As soon as he could walk,
commission and to the general public In young Duval began playing around the
the manner prescribed In section six of 1 railroad office, and when he was 10 years
the act to regulate commerce, schedules j old ho had learned telegraphy. At 14
of rates which do not exceed tho limits ' years of age he secured his first Job, that
or trangress the limitations, slated und 1 of night telesraph operator at a station
prescribed In suid report. I in one of the suburbs of Detroit, Mich.
"It la further ordered that the perinls- ' During off time he learned stenography
alon hereby granted does not waive any j and a couple of years later went to the
of tho requirements of the commission' Wannsh, n stenographer to the division
published rules relative to the construe- (superintendent at Peru, Ind. He remained
tion and filing of tariff publication, nor j with the Wabash until 1880, when h
! came to Omaha and secured a position
with the t'nlon Taciflc as stenographer
In the office of Superintendent Smith.
I llul IJ I I . I lln.ln.ta
AMERICAN CARGOES i Shortly after this, Mr. Duval concluded
; that he wanted to get out of railroading.
German Cruisers Send Two Torpedo
Boats to Bottom After Being
showing how opposing forces were lined up at the start.
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Berlin Official Dispatch Announces
Additional Victory Over
London Admiralty Makes No Men
tion of Any Craft Lost.
taaanndra rrlrrs at llnll, Brlna-.
Inn Itrtnlla of Knanarr mrnt Fol.
lonlnar 5hrllln of Const
Was Born lu It llallroud Offlee and
link WorUrd Himself t i from
" - Telegriipli Oiierstsf aud
ftenojerp pher.
K-.ijjene Duval has leen promoted to tho
position of general agent of the Mllw'au-
kee road, having Jurisdiction over all
freight, traffic and operating matters, hi
territory Including Nebraska and Council
nii!ffs. Il succeeds F. A. Nash, de
ceased, and whose assistant lie had been
for .something )Iko ten years.
Mr. Duval's residence in Omaha dates
bad: nineteen years, and ho Is the ono
(Continued on Pago "ive. Column One.)
LONDON, Dec. IS. According to a
Copenhagen dispatch to the Central News
the government there has ordered all
Danish Importers of foodstuffs from
America to deposit with the government
bills of lading and orders showing the
!lle recurcd a position wtlh the govern
I ment and went with Pat McCahley of
the quartermaster's office, as clerk and
j stenographer. A little later he quit tho
government employ and secuied a posi
tion with Peycka Bros., commission men.
' v' I ' "4"i 1
H h : J
mjC ' '
Proposed Legislation Does Not Meet
with Approval with Grain and
Live Stook Men.
I,ONTON. Dec. 19. The admiralty haa
Issued a statement denying that any
Untlsh wnrshirs were lost during the re
cent raiil by a German squadron on the
east coast of England.
lll'.ni.IN". Dec. IS. (By Wireless to Psy
ville. j. 1.1 "In the Oerman raid on the
English CBBt coast two Hrltlsh destroyers
wore destroyed nnd one was heavily
LONDON, Iee. 1".-An Amsterdam dis
patch to Renter's Telegram company con
tains a German official statement which
rays some of the Mr-It Ian destroyers which
attacked the German raiding squadron
rt the British coast wore aunk. The
communication follows:
"Tho retreating rrulsers were attacked
by four British destroyers, one of which
was sunk. Another disappeared, badly
"At another point another English de
stroyer wao sunk."
Resolution to Such Effect by Com
mitter of St. Mary Unanimously
Passed by Assembly In
. Convention.
disposal of these cargoes, with a view of ! This work was r.ot entirely to his liking
preventing absolutely any export of food j and soino nineteen years ago he cast his
to Germany.
The Weather
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Fair and colder.
Temperature at Cuiikii Yesterday.
Hour. Deg.
b a. ni -j
a. m 25
7 a., m is
8 a. m
It a. tn w
lo a. m.
11 a. ni...
1 p. m
2 p. m
3 p. in
4 p. ni
5 p. m
to p. Ill ii
7 p. ill 2
8 p. m il ,
Comparative Loenl Heeord.
t 1914. 1S13. l'J: IW
Highest yentei day ;) 40 : 29 '
Ixiwest yesterday 20 27 1 25 '
Mean tamperature 25 IW & v, '
precipitation 07 X) .Oo S !
xeiuperature and precipitation depar-
lot with the Milwaukee road, appointed
I as contracting freight agent. Then ho
; became chief clerk, and ten years ago
was appointed assistant to F. A. Nush,
i a position he held continuously until the
j present promotion came.
I Mr Duval is married, his family eon-
sistlng of Mrs. Duvsl and two grown
t children, a son and a daughter. He Is
! prominent. In club circles, being a mem
ber of the Commercial, tho Field and the
; Klka' clubs.
Several positions held by Mr. Nash still
remain to lie filled. Among these are the
presidency of the Omaha Auditorium
company, a director In the Omaha Elec
tric Light and Power company, and a
director in the Douglas Hotel company.
i inner of the new Fontenelle hotel.
A public warehouse bill Is not In espe
cially good standing wllh the Nebraska
Farmers' Co-Operative Grain and Live
Stock Shippers' association, holding
the last of ita three days' convention tn
Omaha. In the resolutions adopted the
warehouse bill was not condemned, but
was touched upon in the following brief
"Resolved, That we Instruct our legis
lative committee to keep a close watch
that no warehouse bill is passed that
will In any way be detrimental to the
best interests of the farmers or their co
operative companies."
But aside from the resolution commit
tee there was a special committee to re
port on the problem of storage of grain.
This committee headed by J. C. Miller
This committee, headed by J. C. Miller
Stornsjr Condemned.
"We condemn the practice of storing
grain under any circumstances, as the
An official statement, Ifisued by the
British admiralty last night, makes no
mention of any British warship having
been lost. The British statement said
that tho light cruiser. Pntrol, and the
destroyer, Doon, which were among the
British hlps that attacked the Gorman
cruisers, were struck by shells and lost
five men in killed and fifteen wounded.
Trawler Hers Battle.
LONDON. Dec. is. The Dally Tele
graph's Hull correspondent, telegraphing"
Thursday ulgbt. soys;
"Tho neam trawler' Cassandra arrived
hero tonight and brought the story of
the naval engagement which followed the
German raid on Hartlepool, Scarborough
and Whitby Wednesday morning.
"The Cassandra was caught between a
German vejwsl and the pursuing British
Squadron" ' cine 'of the men of the" Cassan
dra's crew In an Interview, said:
" 'Wo were about thirty miles off Scar
borough at 10 or 11 o'clock In the morn
ing, when we were surprised to see eight
or nine warships approaching ua at full
speed. Our surprise turned to amaaement
when we found they were Germans and
heard shots fired.
" 'One first-class battleship passed ao
close to us that we could see the men
working the guns, which were being fired
rapidly. One destroyer was sent within
hailing distance of us and we thought our
last moment had come, but at another
signal It steamed away.
" 'When the German vessels had got
well away, a British squadron came Into
Sight, firing as they came. It seemed to
me they were ten miles apart. Wo seemed
to be In danger from the Brltlnh squad
ron and hurriedly hauled tn our gear.
We heard filing for a full half hour.
" 'Later on we saw some of the British
vessels return and came to the conclusion
that theo hase waa over, but with what
results we did not know.' "
: p
GRAU0LM2f vchanw
TrK)Rfll $
BERLIN "(ty&Ajg? teJZ
x -x " xlfct Fortress Lim
tBfJM Orssr-iANS
-yj n''
w r aw ssi w av wm J ll
Jf ar-f . av tl
Hurry to Notify Britain Hitchcock
Bill Not Administration Meas
ure Unprecedented.
No Premier Brer Before Had Such
Solicitation for Another Nation
OTr Measure Jnst Intro
duced In f 'on Kress,
(From a Htaff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Deo. is. (Special Tele
gram.) Discussions and dissertation about
the European war were forgotten today,
the lobbies of the hotels, (he corridors
and cloakrooms of the capltol being given
over to comment on the latest episode In
the State department. Secretary Bryan's
hurry call on Ambassador Cecil Spring
Rice of the British government to reas
sure that distinguished gentleman that
tho bill Introduced by Senator Hitch
cock to prohibit entirely the export of
munitions of war and war supplies to
belligerent countries waa not fathered
by the adni'lnlstratlon.
No lurk Action Before'
Not In the history of the government
has auch a tiling ooeurred heretofore, that
the premier of the administration should
take It upon himself officially to dis
claim any connection on the part of his
government with psposed legislation that
had not even been considered by a com
mittee, let alone tiavlng become affixed
to the statute books.
The haste of Secretary Bryan to dis
avow any connection on the part of the
administration with the Hitchcock bill,
can have but one result. It broadens tho
patronage breach In Nebraska and makes
almost Impossible any compromise that
might tend to settle existing differences
between Secretary Bryan and the senior
senator from the pralrlo state.
C'ablearram Kent I'avie.
According to a morning newspaper. Sec
retary Bryan, not content with having
sought an Interview with Sir Cecil Kprlng
Rlce for the purpose of disavowing the
Hitchcock bill as having the endorse
ment of tha executive branch of the
government, cabled American Ambas
sador Page In London to tho same effect.
Flxln Taylor's Stipend.
Sonator Hitchcock today called up and
had passed by the senate the house bill
Increasing the salary of the surveyor of
the port of Omaha from $2,500 to $3,500.
Through some mistake on the part of the
secretary of the treasury or officials
under him when the readjustment of sal-
LONDON, Dec. 18 It Is officially an- arlea for collectors at ports was made
nounced that Prince Hussein Kemal haa j collector Cadet Taylor's salary was er-
Hussein Kemal Is
Proclaimed Sultan
Of Egypt by Britain
been appointed to succeed the khedtve of
Egypt, Abbas Hllinl. Prince Hussein
Kemal will take the tltlo of sultan. The
new sultan is an uncle of Abbaa Hilnil.
The official press bureau In Its announce
ment of the appointment says:
"Prince Hussein Kemal Pasha, the
eldest living prince of the family of
Mahomet All, has accepted the post of
sultan of Egypt."
CAIRO, Egypt, Dec. 18.-(Via London.)
A British protectorate was formally pro
claimed throughout Egypt today. In all
garrison towns a saluto of 101 guns was
fired and the union jack was hoisted.
roneously made 2,5o0 Instead of S3,&00.
Hence the bill which now goes to the
president for tils signature.
The National Capital
Friday. December IN, 1914.
Tamer of Lions and
Showman Arrested in
New York Released
tures from the normal: NEW YORK, Dec. 18.-La Belle Andre,
Normal temperature 27 I tamer of elx Hons which yesterday es-'
V.."V""V " " :ene,l from their ease on the le nf
rch l 87 ... . . .. . 7 . .7. 7 .
an r.igniy-aixin street vauaevine tneater
and caused a panic In tha audience and j
Total excess since Ms
Normal preciirtutlon on Inch
Excess for the day 04 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1.. .2. la Inches
Deficiency since .March 1 3 Ml inches
;'''"" ') ror, periou, ma. 0. so Inches
irmieiii-y lor cor. pel'iou
the street outside, to which one of the
animals found her way; Carl A. Turn-1
1M2. S. 83 Inches ; nuist. a showman, and George Hamilton.
Krports from tuiloaa at T P. M. I booking agent, were discharged whe
Station and Siate
of Weathrr,
Cheyenne, clear...
Davenport, cloudy
Iienver, cloudy
De rMolnes, cloudv....
Dodge City, cloudv
North Platte, cltur
Omaha, snow
Rapid City, clear
Sheridan, clear
Sloua City, pt. cloudy.
Valentine, clear
Temp. High- Rain.
7 p. i)i. ist. I all.
.... 10 .00
.... 32 32 .o:
....22 in T
.... HU M T
. .. -H U T
is 2-; .01
.... 2t 30 .07 i .oo
8 2 .00
24 as .oo
14 )M .00
L. A. WKLbH.
ai Forecaster.
arraigned In a police court today oi
lehureeu nf ins nalaushler.
They were arrested yesterday after sev
eral persons had been clawed, a poli.v
man wounded by a bullet and one of the
Hons had been killed. The magistrate
said he could find no law that would
Justify tha defendants being held on the
charge of manslaughter, aa none of the
persona clawed by the Hons were seri
ously hurt, :
The. Kenate,
Hearings wero resumed on the Philip
pine till.
elevators of the state arc not equipped , Senator Sheppard spoke on hia constl-
. j tulloiial prohibition amendment.
(Continued on Pane Four, Column One.) Rejected the nomination of W, N. Col-
. . lins as postmaster at Kansas City, Mo.
I Adjourned at 4:32. p. in. to noon Satur-
The House,
January 21 was selected aa the day for
eulogies for the late Representative
Mieinner of New Jersey.
Representative Gardner testified before
the naval committee urging Increases of
sea defenses.
Hearings were continued on the bill to
limit cold storage of food.
I Passed legislative, executive and Ju
l dlcial appropriation bill carrying about
I f .ti.UUO.OOO.
' Began consideration of postofflce ap-
' propriatlon bill.
Indian appropriation blU earning
i '.Vi.l.iwi reported.
Naval affairs committee concluded
lieaiini-'s on annual appropriation bill,
heuted argument between Represent!) ive
i Gardner of Massachusetts and common
j n arking closinc sesKlon.
I Adjourned at 5:2rj p. in. to noon Saturday.
Tomorrow the Best
The Sunday Bee
Sheppard Submits
Liquor Amendment
to the Upper House
WASHINGTON, Dec. lS.-Senator Shep
pard of Texas oo-autlur of the pending
resolution to submit to the states a con
stitutional amendment for national pro
hibition, urged lta adoption today In tho
The disposition of this prohibition
amendment la the most solemn duty that
haa confronted congress since the death
of slavery, he said. "It will determine
whether the moral forces of the nations
are the dominat one in this republic"
The Issue will not come formally before
the senate until tho Hohson resolution
has boen passed upon in the house,
War Pictures
From the Front
Full Page in
Sunday Bee
Look for the second of war articles by Rudyard Kipling,
the world - famed writer, in tomorrow's Sunday Bee
The Day's
War News
Tho German squadron which at
tacked the eaMe-m coast of Eng
land, canning the death of about
100 person", in said In Berlin to
have sunk two British destroyers
un( damaged badly a third. The
British admiralty states that two
warships, were struck by German
shells and that five men wero
killed and fifteen wounded, but
makes no mention of the' loea of
any veRsela.
Both Berlin and Vienna assert
that a decisive defoat haa been
Inflicted on the Runslana and that
they are retreating along the
wholo line, ther resistance being
broken. These statements are
not borne out, however, by the
Russian military authorities, who
say that one of the German col
umns advancing on Warsaw has
been routed and that elsewhere
there x has been significant
Emperor William is eald to
have Improved In health suffi
ciently to permit of his return to
the front next week.
Tho German armies which In
vaded France and Belgium are
said by the allies to be yielding
slowly but. steadily. The Ger
man War office denies that
further ground has been won by
the allies. It states that French
attacks have been repulsed and
that In the Argonne 7,500 prison
ers were captured.
The German statement adds
little to its announcement of yes
terday that a great victory had
been gained over the Russians.
It is said merely that the retreat
ing RuHsIans are being pursued.
The last of the venturesome
crew which sailed on the German
cruiser Emden have been cap
tured by British warships.
Bombardment by a British
squadron of Turkish fortifications
In the gulf of Kuraos, north of the
Dardanelles, is said at Athens to
have routed the Turks and In
flicted heavy damage.
Berlin and Vienna 8ay Russians Ar
Fleeing; at All Points from Bal
tio to Carpathians.
Austrians Say Army Has Driven In
vaaers from Mountains Nearly
Back to Lemberg.
MnsooTites Say They Are Advancing
on mtreme Right and Other
Fights Unimportant
Germans in France and Flanders Be-
ing Forced Backward.
Taklna; O-rer of Last of Turkish Snl-
tau's Possessions la Africa la
FVaturvd nr the News
papers of London.
LONDON, Dec 18.- Again tha
Germans and the Austrians seem to
be on the crest of a wave of battle as
the interminable struggle in the east
continues; again Berlin in nr with
flags and again Petrograd declines to
concede victory to the invaders. Ber
lin and Vienna contend, however.
that the Russians are falling back
along tha entire front from the Bal-
tlo to the Carpathians, with the in
vading center leas than, thirty miles
from Warsaw.
To tha south, whera f rk. ...
rtusslana ware pouring; over tha Car
pathians into Hungary, oomblned Auatro
Oerman columns have now forrt th.m
back through tha passes, and It la now
asserted nava advanced two-thirds of tha
way across Oallcla and ...i-. ...
fortress of Lmberg, occupied by the Rus
sians eariy in the OaJlclan campaign.
Tha Russian official announcements ad.
mlt nona of this. They dismiss the hap
penings in uancia as engagements- of no
importance and class the operations to
the west of Warsaw In the same cat,
gory. It Is H aimed, however, that the
extreme Russian right near STU-wa haa
thrust tha Germans back and that Rn..
Ian cavalry has swung across tha south
ern poraer or cast Prussia.
In tha western arena there har been
no events of great Importance; at least
nona haa been reported. Foot by foot tha :
aiues appear to be forcing the Germans
out of their trenchea In Flanders and
maintaining the pressure elsewhere on
tha front from the aea to Switzerland,
The British press todav natnrii .w..
a feature of the annexation of Egypt and
me ouoan, wnion takes from tha sultan
of Turkey 14,000,000 subjects and l.SOO.Ono
square miles of land. This aotlon, more
over, robs the Turk of hla last foothold
In Africa, Italy having taken Tripoli from
mm a rew years ago.
All England la atlll bussing with talk
about the German raid on the east coaat.
Interest having been stimulated arr.h k
the latest accounts coming out of Hartle
Many of the naturalised Germans, ar
rested on the east coaat after the Ger
man raid, have been liberated.
Prisoner Defies
Bolts, Steel Bars
and Stone Walls
BAN QUKNTIN, Cal., Dec. U.-John
Uogdcn, a convict, Is at liberty today,
having established for the fifth time to
his satisfaction that stone walls make
no prison to speak of. For Iron bars he
has equal contempt.
liogden did not check In at roll call
last night, and for a while the peniten
tiary authorities felt sure he waa within
the walls. Later they came to believe
the walls could not hold him.
Before comng here, Bogden bent apart
a set of cell bars In San Franclsoo and
walked out between them. At Woodland.
Cal., where he was ploksd up, he went
through six Inches of wood and steel be
tween him and free air. In 1803 he par
tlc.lpated In a bloodthirsty Jail break at
the Folsom (Cal.) penitentiary, and once
he turned up missing from tha Jail at
( lichalls, Wanh.
Three South Dakota
Banks Close Doors
PIBRRH, & D Deo. 18-(Spee.lal Tele
gram.) State Bank Kxamlner Wlngfleld
reports this morning that the Farmers'
and Citizens' State bank of Bryant, the
Bank of Willow Lakes and tha First Btate
Bank of Faith turned over their affairs
to the state department at the close of
business last night.
The Kryant and Willow I-akes banks
being connected In a business way with
the Kyverson bank which failed at Ban
croft, which, with paper that cannot lie
reulized on at present, was the cause of
their assignment.
The Bryant bank waa capitalized at
jar, OX) and carried deposits of 170,0i0. The
Willow Lakes bank was capitalized at
$10,1X10 and carried IliJO.OO. The Faith
bank was capitalized at JlO.Ow and car
ried but tiO.OvO deposit,
Freight Steamship
Isthmian Ashore on
San Benito Island
SAN DIEGO. Cal.. Dec. lU-Strlklng rocks
off San Benito Island, 800 miles south
of Han Diego, the American-Hawaiian
freighter Isthmian, southbound from Ban
I'edro for Panama canal, sent a wireless
call for assistance early today and at last
reports was proceeding northward at tho
rate of five miles an hcur.
According to radio rr ports here the
Isthmian has twenty-hlx feet of water in
No. 1 hold and tba ship Is down by tho
head and steering badly.
On receipt of the wlreleaa call from the
Isthmian, the crusler West Virginia, tho
torpedo boat dostroyer Perry and the
navy tug Iroquois cleared south at full
speed. It is expected tha Perry will meet
the Isthmian about 4 o'clock this after
noon. The Isthmian carries a crew of forty
men, but no passengers. It Is bound for
New York.
Senate Rejects Man
Named for Kansas
City Postmaster
WASHINGTON. Deo, 18. The nomina
tion of W, N. Collins as postmaster at
Kansas City, Mo., a recess appointment
of President Wilson, was rejected today
by the senate. Senator Reed opposed
confirmation and the senate rejected the
nomination without debate.
African Rebellion
at End Says Botha'
CAPETOWN, Dee. . (Via London.)
General touts Botha, premier of tha
Union of South Africa, considers that the
rebellion, apart from the rounding up of
a few (tray bands, la at an and. Ac
cordingly he haa gone on a short vaca
tion on his farm before undertaking a
campaign against German Southwest
With the capture of General Da Wet
and the death of General Beyers In an
engagement, the South African govern
ment recently announced that the rebel
lion started by tha leaders waa practically
at an end. Must of the followers of
De Wet and Beyers, it is stated, have)
been either captured or dispersed.