Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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    Till: T'.KK: OMAHA. FRIDAY. DKCKMHK1J 1. 1914.
S Hi.
I SB . "TTT - ii!. ' f. I .1 1
Ml H .!.. r7V' 1
RANft flTVP Rift i-C!3rC3rC The Stores With the Christmas Spirit tC?SrCC
By MELLIFICIA. Thursday, December 17, 1914.
HE Pa Iowa (harlty ball has i-onie and (toni, voted by all an artistic i
it witnesses the
I and so in 1 unrrpaa. Like all larre social affair
introduction of a new wrinkle.
Mm. Georae Rrandois and her slsler. Mr!. Karl Louts, wore j
blark fur anklets a a protection from the rold. No doubt the new ank-
lts will be hailed with much, popular faor, for they spare the necessity j
of a thange from the hoarier boot to dancing tlipper, when one has ar
rived at a function.
A number of the ounger set wore hlRh carriage boota, somewhat
after the style of the Arctic overshoe, but most .protective, nevertheless.
The absence of elaborale head-dress, either me paradise bird or In
Jeweled ornaments, waa moat noticeable.
An Interesting coincidence waa the similarity In atflre of Miaa Frances
Todd, who wore a black chiffon dancing frock, with bright green girdle,
and the costume of Mile. PlaskovleUka, 1 1 have the name apelled correctly-,
for 1 am copying It from the program, the first dancer In Mile.
Tavlowa's ballet chorus.
Home for Christmas.
Mr. Frits llurlioll will return home
from TnJ" c'lWe to spend 'he Christmss
holiday with his rarrnt, Mr. and Mrs.
V. H. Purholz.
Minn Marlon Ilo, OaiiKhtrr of Mr.
shri Airs. R. C llnwf, will arrive home
from. New Wk City, where she U at
tending the C'omstowk School of Music.
U mx-nrt the Christmas holiday. Ph
will he rcompiiniod home hy her brother.
Howrt Howe, who In a senior at Yale
Cornell Glee Club Plans.
!rhe fol)ln reewrvat'ona hava been
mads' up to data for the Cornell Musical
.lub. . which will sins In Omaha l.e-m-ber
Trie box holders are:
Mr. and Mn. John TV. Towle.
Mr. unil Mrs. V. H. Oalnes.
tr. and Mm. JJ. ! lUnlerhen.
Mr. and Mn. !'. W. Muan.
Mr and Mn. H'n Wood.
Mr! Frank Selby.
Line parties will h given by:
rr. and Mm. Harold Clifford.
T. J. Markay.
Mr. and Mr. Victor Cslwett.
Mr. and Mra. 11. 1. Whit mora.
Ir and Mm. C. C. Allison.
Mr. and Mr Charles Mets.
Mr. and ra. If. P Whltniore.
Mra. J. M Metcsife.
Mr. and Mm. Roy F. HOos, Council
Mluffa. , .
Mr and Mm. C F. Junod.
Mrs. Charlea Offutt.
Mr. Harry H. Hyrne.
Mr. Lucius Wakeley.
Crcl-htun Glee club, party of twent
five. Weddin" Cards!
Dr. and Mra. Donald Macrae of Council
Rluffa Issued invlUtlona Wednesday for
the wedding of their daughter, Miaa
Marlon, to Mr. Clifford Warren Wolfe,
which will be celebrated Tueeday venlng.
January S. at S o'clock In ft. Paula
Kplscojial church, Council Bluffa.
Wednesday Bridge Club.
. Miss Katherlne Thummel waa hostess
today at the meeting of the Wednesday
Hrl Ige dub. The memhere are:
Merdarm'S Mesdames
Harold rrluhett, John P. Webater.
Hen Wood,
Mince Misses
Kutherlne Thummel. Kllxabeth Davta,
Murv Hurkley. M-nU Iavta.
I Had ye Patera. l-outee Dinning.
lathne peters. Klisateth ' Bruce. Uutler.
At Excelsior Springa.
II. Jl. Hoylee la spending a week at
KxrrMor Ptrtngs.
Mm. II. Henry and aon, Gerald, as
pending a few weeka at Efreelalnr
Mprtnga, Mo.
Original Cooking Club.
i The Onalnal Cooking rlub waa enter
tallied today at the home of Mra. Wll.
Ham Beam Poppletun. Covera were placed
for: . ,.
Mra. Webiter Entertain.
Mm John I Weleitrr entertained
nn noon today at her home.
Dance Tonight.
Pt. Hllda'e auild will give a dancing
party thl evening at Jacoha hall.
The (.'act! club will ntertain at their
reaular ilanrp tonight at Chambers'
The Pagalio cluh nlli ale a danctng
parly this evcn'ng at the Metropolitan
In and Out of the Bee Hive.
Mm. Charles Junod returned Saturday
fr"m a trip to Chicago nnd Indiana.
Mrr. A. I. Pout, who has tieen visiting
hi Chli-nfiu, is eipp''d home the lest of
, t!ie wok.
MIS'i Mary Duffv returned Wednesday
r: er.lna fruni Chicago- and Duhuque,
I wli ere h hss tn visiting frierda for
i tluee months.
j Miss fellznheiii Conudon la expected
heme Hunday morning fiom Chlrato.
where she baa ben vlaltlng for the last
few weeks.
Mra. CJerrlt Fort is expected home from
New York City today or Friday. Mrs.
Fort went east as Nebraska delegate to
the National Anti-suffrage convention.
Miss Urare Morse, daughter of Mr. P. P.
Morse, former well-known dry goods
merchant of Omaha, la expected Monday,
to ba the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Flynn, during the holidays.
Personal Mention.
Mr. John W. tlamble of Omaha waa
registered at the Hotel McAlplne in New
York this week.
Mr. and Mra. C. H. Pirkena have moved
Into their new home at 112 North Thirty
ninth street.
W. M. I'oppleton,
hemiiol Hums.
Ward M. Burgess,
L.uther Kountxe,
Mesdantea '
Mosher Colpetser,
Oiarles T. Kountae,
John T. Rtewart, 2d,
Joseph Marker.
Oirli Club Entertained.
Mla Ruth Bunch entertained tba) mem
liera of the Va-La-Shlnkl club at her
home Wednesday afternoon. This was
the last meeting of the year. Thoaa
Wenent wei:
l.m-ene laldln,
Vivian Haldwtn,
Clara Harenlsen,
Xuih Busch.
Uladys Dubisen,
Klisaoeth Mliott,
Ma-aaret Hue),
I.amona Mapea,
Kranoea Pstton,
Oladys Rice.
Fleasnres Past.
.The Tuesday China tlub met at the
home of Mrs. W. J. Cuslck. Tuesday
afternoon.' Christmas decorations war
used and those present were:
Slesdamea Mesdames
F. Krellnalioff, O. Shearer.
K. Kiancliard. O. 1 Tulbert.
V. J. Cuslck, F. Wlnnliiahoff,
F. J. Cuslck. J J. Walker,
Kennedy. Mm Wei.
K. IjoKftden, K Warren,
K. PaiilKen, Cullen,
'. K hniylhe. J. Ahlquist,
Xtiss Martha Dunham.
Mrs. Fred Martin entertained the mem
hem of the W. W. club Wednesday after
noon. At thla meeting each member re
ceived a l.and-made Joil.-. a gift from the
bostesa. Those present wtre
ii. 8woboda,
W. liirfriuucher,
Cliarlea Ciruenia.
M. Martin.
VV. i'rue.
r. It. hhraier.
Civorgn Itamptun.
J. J. Hess.
U Oldriel.l
A. Macoinlta.
F. Hrub-iktT,
V. Hampton,
Omaha Pioneer Leaves Fifty Thou
sand to Church and Remembers
Well Other Institutions.
l.arrinrr Memorial Pariah Unas and
Aaenrlafed harltlea lan Rrae
flrlarlea, ae Well a
!nnip Hrlatltea.
A hroiirai of S'i.o) to Trinilv calhe
dril of omiilia Ik made tiy the will of the
late Stephen I. IlHns'e, iimaha pioneer,
filed for.pmhale n oiiiily court. To
Clarkson hoepitnl Is given ST'."; to Gard
ner Memorial Parian House association
$vnmi, Rnd to the Associated Charities
The will l ilntfd Ie(eniher lfl. Mr
Manas died the following day. Il.s eatate
In estimated to tie worth IIW.'IO). Mr.
Hangs aesisted In the foundation of Trin
ity cathedral, lie was much Interested
In the charitable work of hi stepiin. the
late niehard f. Hall, snd the following;
heciicM are made to the Hal! f.imlly
and other heirs:
Florence Wsre Hall, ."iO,ij.I; Hi' hard
Ware Hnll. Sj.VOiO; Imrolhy Hall.
Janet KIUn Hall, llj.ocO; Jasper l.andon
Hall. lU.tiW; Arthur Wohott and wife.
The will names W. M italnbolt execu
tor, wllh full iower to disposeof the ex
tensive real estate holding of the estate.
Mr. Hins was born lit F.hgland Octo
ber 11, 1 Vl, and tame fo America when
17 yeara old. He came to Nebraska in
1V.4 and was a ultne of many scenes
of early life in I hi Ht.ite. among which
was the funeral of l.ogiin Fontenelle,
chief of the Omaha Indians, who waa
killed In battle with the Sioux.
Tor several yeaia It ha been Lyman
Orove;'s ariihltlon to be one of t'ncle
Hiim'a soldiers. Ilia father. Alva J.
Orover, of 8 Mount Vernon avenue,
Council Bluffs, used to be a contractor
In the Philippines.
Hut for over three yew younu Orover
haa failed In repented efforts to enlist.
Now he Is permanently disqualified from
service by a rrcent misfortune.
First he applied tor enlistment at Jef
ferson Barracks, Mo., but waa toUl that
tho need of a suimcal operation made
him unacceptable as a recruit. He had
the operation performed and applied
again the" next year, only to find that lie
was then not lieavy enough.
So he started in to gain flesh, taking
an outdoor Job. But he accidentally Rot
his fept froxrii. and the examining sur
geon told him his feet were permanently
crippled by tho mishap.
. Roott, F. Martia,
Z. Mrs. Philip B. Turner entertained the
ocil Neighbors High Five club at her
dome thla afternoon.
future Affairs.
The Rajah club lll entertain at a
dewing pany New ft are eve. Messrs.
Victor Black, Ilobeit Burns. Hairy Cum
minus. Jlsy Travnor. Frank Plneeo and
kidney s hall are in charge of arranie-mnts.
n7 ? n n b n
Important Jlmao Salo
At Half and Less Than Half Price
The One Stunning Hat
Trknmmg Above All
Others That Women
. Admire Moat.
The I'nited State haa prohibited further imDortatiou
of Paradiae; therefore they are becoming more and ioor
aaree every day, and more valuable) every day.
We will never own ai many rf. :
Paxadiae agiin as we own now.
You may be able, to piek up a few pieces of Paradise
from time to time for the naxt year or so, but never a com
plete line to aelect from, roch aa we have at the present,
time. When you cannot buy Paradise, you will regret it.
What a delightful and acceptable Christmas gift
a beautifuJ spray of Paradise will make!
r )
No. lOO-Nituml
Wo. 642 Natural
No. 9c:4 Natuntl
No. 757-Natural
No. 273-Natural
No. 687 Natural
No. C 43 Natural
No. 4C5-.Natural
No. 703 Natural
No. 640 Natural
No. 487 Natural
No. 830 Natural
No. 738 Natural
No. 831 Natural
Reg. Price Sale Pric
Paradiae $ 4.00 S 1.05
ParMiae $13.60 $ 0.05
Paradiae $16.00 S 7.50
Paradiae $18.60 S 7.05
Paradiae $25.00 $11.05
Pwadiae $36.00 $10.50
Pnuliae $38.60 S18.05
Paradiae $40.00 $10.50
Paradiae $45.00 ' $22.50
Paradiae $60.00 $24.05
Vtst&iM $65.00 $32.50
Paradise $85.00 $42.50
Paradiae $100.00 $40.50
radie $125.00 $57.50
Black Paradise
w s-, , Reg. Price SalePrioe
20, 41M C0 00 $15.00
No. 687 Black Paradiae $38.60 $18 OO
No. 668 Black Paradise $50.00 $25!00
Our Delivery
la Keyed Up to
the Highest
Point of Efficiency
rtfi-t eilied (.
Ivlnr sit vo ,i
rt'MRft on lint
'nrkHwr will li,.
dliTered "special"
upon r'!""!.
;. te. K.iail.iii. ii iSmihi i I, ,.11..,, i a ..,4 isi i m.i j -A.
.,' ; S V 'iff
fci T
4(.Inch Mecs
llne Filibon -
All IX.IJMI I :l I- "I-
... 10c
Ladies' and Chil
drsn'a Collars -
ls. PrettT tit
tle Kectt Bows
V ." ill Si ...
i tniir r
lale In Basement
Open Evenings Until 9 o' Clock Until Christmas
On the Second Floor
500 Silk Petticoats
Worth $2, $2.50 and $3, Choice for fc
.hist 500, iin.l they will go on salo aj) k
IToinpuy at t o clock t rirlay ovcnini;
on our Sccontl Floor.
These r,.tticonts arc inad. of All.
Silk .iovfoy, All-Silk Mcssnlin nnd
;onil)inatiori of Jersey nnd Meysaline. 'Hie
f'louncps are rnilf of fine pleatins, ruffles, tail
oretl straps, ole. Hvery good color in the lot.
On the Third Floor
300 Daisy Air Rifles
Keguiar fnce Lach, Lhoict 4
rMiarp ar i o ciock r nuav eve
ning those $1M1 rifles will go on
sale. There isn't a irift that
you can give a hny that will
please him more and here you
will nave a chance to huv one tor .uist halt price.
There will be 300 of The Famous Dalsv Air Hiflea No. 12,
Single Shot, in this sale. Kes.;!ar price, 11.00 choice,
Friday evening. 50.
Where Santa Claus Is King
Hrlng the children to Ree "Utile Ilrd
KidlnK Hood" played hy Deares' Talking
Manikins. Come duritif? the day or in
the evening. It ia a continuous laugh
rrom atnrt to finish. Specials In Toy
land Friday:
Large Size Swinging
Rocking Horses
Standa 32 inches high. Have :S4-lnh
bane. Beautifully painted, nice bridle
and saddle. Worth 5.00.
Specially priced, Friday .. 4C,e7
Hand Cars
With ateel frame. Rubber tires.
Nicely painted. Three different
For Small Boys $2.98
For Larger Boys. . . .$3.98
For Big Boys $4.98
Beautifully painted, look like
Packard, frank in front Have
perforated radiator, horn, rub
ber tires. Measure 40 inches
long. 24 Inches high and 27
inrnes wide. Regular price ery
special, Friday. .
The Name Automobile in the Forl
iyp worth 6.50.
Very special, at.
in the Ford
Beautiful GIFTS in Silverware
Quadruple Plated Silver Plated Shaving Stands Like il-
Justratipn. Keguiar $3.o0 f qq
values. Special, at pl70
Finest Quadruple Silver Plated Shaving ytug
and Itmah Stecial, in nice . . f f f- g
case, at 81.98 nd... J1.0U
Sterling Silver Manicure Sets
Art Goods Gift Suggestions
Beautiful things that will be appreciated as Chr stmat gifts. All kinds
of novelties. It is a pleasure to shop in this section on our Third floor
imported French Ta
pestrr Trya Fin
ished Willi Rill i
for .
SI. 25
d li.
Hand - Embroiders!
Handkerchief Caaea
Knibroldered li
Tie Baoka Made
of tan rol e'i
moire and linnd
paJnted I'olnrettli
and Con- rn.
vnntioiml .. JUU
Fancy Keedle Boxes
Made with leath
rr and fanry i,v
rre. Fllleii with
Iloberts' bent
Fancy Ribbon Hanr
ra Made with
satin rilihon nnd
Ivury rings: wkli
Clove snd stockiri;
darners. thlmbir,
wax and emery. In
pink. blue. helio
Hnd red. Ctln
Chol.e, at.. OMM
Fine Imported French
Tapestry Boxes for
Gloves, Handker
chiefs A 1 . i
Dresser Bom, Fin
ished with Bold
Hand Carred Iamvi
l-'inlsiipi In anthiiii'
irold. wire for two
liahtw. With hI I k
Miaiie. c i c nn
A Sale of Fine Holiday Slippers
200 Fairs Men's Holiday Slippers
In black or tan kid. Opera and
Kverett atyleR. All sizes. Spe
cial while they t f
last, pair J 1 e 1 U
Felt Slippers for Women Eith
er fur trimmed or low style.
All colors and sizes. Splen
did values. Special,
pair . . :
Children's Felt Slippers Felt
and leather soles. All QQ
sizes to 2. Special, pr. 37C
In Our Basement Friday
Iledroom Slipiers for Men and
Women Made from towel
ing; carpet soles. All
sizes. Special, pair.
Men's Houe Slippers Made of
soft kidskin, with hand turn
ed soles; In Romeo, Opera
and Kverett styles. All sizes.
Splendid values. (T a q
Special, pair .... J 1 aflw
Felt Slippers for Men and Wo
men With leather soles.
Warm and comfy. All GQk,
sizes. Special, pair.. DiC
Two-Fleoe Kile
Cuticle Hook.
a 'id
ncie nook. Mne-
i 11 ho!. 59c
Three-Fieoe rie ttl,,j
uticie or Hook, spe-
n, in noiiy
box, at
I-andera, Frarj & Clark Carving Sets Two
Pieces. Finest steel blades and Coco Bolo
handles. Regular $1.75 values. rr
Special, at )C
Wm. A. KoRers Carving Sum Real Stag
handles. Special, three piecea in fo ftO
nicely lined box for J)ee70
Wm. A. Kosera Carvinu Sea c...
nanaiea. peclal, two pieces
aluminum Inside
inn n
? JTS3 cohol lamn Smr'l all rnmnlel
Sterling Silver Toilet Ware Specials
dish and al- ttr? ff
Sterljujr Toilet Seta Comb, Brush
and Mirror. In nice velvet
lined case; $12.50 t QQ
value, for apDeevO
Sterling Silver Comb and Ilruali
Seta Worth $7.50. Special,
in nice velvet lined
case, for
In Drapery Section
Are Practical Gifts
inches long.
inches long.
Nice aer.orl-
All colors.
. $3.98
Cedar Chests 4".
Splendid values
Skirt lloxea 4 5
Matting covered
Special at ....
Silk Table Kuuneri
rnent of colors.
At $2.SO and . .
Leather I'ortieres
At. each, 7.50,
$3.98 and
Economy Corset Sale
Zb tba Basement Friday.
$2.00 Kaho Corset All new.
Medium high bust, bound with
satin and lace trimmed; long
hipa with six heavy web gar
ters attached. Size rf ! ff
:o to ao 31 .UU
"American Girl" Corset
for Misses and Juniors
All aoft honed, lng hip. but doe i
not bind the figure. Size 17 to
A 1.00 corset. Friday tQ
W carry a compli atgort
ment of importmd and domestic
Purfumti, in origin I packagmi
and fancy boxtt. Alt odort. An
ml a g ant package o f perfume
make a tuitable gift.
Colgate's l.a Frame Rose Per.
fume Special, per OC
ounce asOC
ltebrook'a Ijocust lllossom Fer
fume Special, per
Brandsla lCaia Floor,
Boys' 0'coats, Suits
Xa Baa.m.nt Frldav.
Long overcoats, with shawl col
lara or convertible collars.
Plain shades or dark mix
tures. Ages ii to 17 years
4 75 to $5.50
values, Friday
Hoys' Suits Splendidly tailor
ed Norfolk models with fully
lined pants. Brown and
gray mixtures in Tweeds and
Cassimeres. Ages 6 to 17
years. Values to t O Off
$1.00. Friday for
Fine TABLE and
Bedding Linens
These special vrlties Friday will
help you solve the problem where
you intend to give fine linens:
li5c Napkins Fringed, hemstitch
ed and plain ends. Strictly
ALL L1XF.X. Special f-
' Friday, each JLOC
Hemstitched Seta Table
cloth with SIX hemstitched
napkins to match. (tr f o
Special Friday at.. UO
$1.3 Fine Bleached Table la
"" Scotch make. All linen.
Very attractive pat- aq
terns. Friday, yard. . . tVOC
3.50 Maraelllea Bed Spreads l.aru
size. All inelty patlernH. tii-allnpeVl
aiul cut curneis. Sprclul ) firt
ITI.lay at O&iD J
95o All Linen Towels Gueni iZ.
Heinatitiheti ends. WITH YOl'ii
INITIAL. Also with fancy em
broidered ends S enal i-'rl- I j
day. escli I3C
Fancy Xace I,nnoh Cloths, 45-lnoh
Slae. Also Scalloped Embroiders I
Bcarfa and Center Flees All vpiv
handsnniH patierne. JI.i.0 a j (f
vsliios. Choice I'ridav. ea. O I lUU
hospe-8 DOLLAR WIHDOIV sale
PV Has been transferred to tho rear of the Art Dept. af1
On 5 Shelves Wc Display i?
the IVnllar Articles.
Coine Morning. Come Afternoons,
Come Kvenlngs Vntil Christma.
A. I10SPEC0.
1314 lKuglaN Street.
A Christmas
Suggestion to You
Only 0 days left to hMve your
garment put in first class run.
dition before Christ nias.
Twin City Dyi & Cleaning Works
( 1H89)
Omaha's Ouality Cleaner
and l)ers.
Telephone IMiuglas Wi aud
- wagon will call.
(lpolt Orplteuoi.
Photo Enlargements
Make Good Chrutmas
W hava the finest equip
ment for making enlargements
from negatives or prlnta.
up to SO x 40. Coat depends
on sties and finish desired.
220 Boa lioildlng.
Pbone TjlV lOOO.
Canvass shows
business in Omaha good
The Omaha Commercial Club's recent canvass
shows business in Omaha "as good if not better"
than at the .anie time last year.
Do not delay longer
but fret your business well under way before
January 1st, by locating your office now in
, "The building that is always new"
Inquire Room 103.