Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    TIIK I'.KK: OMAHA, I'Kl lA Y. DKrK.wT.KK In l!U.
rtdUty Btorsr. T Co., or- tst.
Boot runt It Now Huron Pr
Xaii Trte I.l-btinff Outfit Burins- Co. Compensation In-
irsm.- Irspectlnn 1'T ';cc.:l rts fre
Beautiful All Mod.ra Bonn (or ala
tn t lie tury payment I'lan. Uat.ksrs
Kealty Investment Co. Thone Poug. M.
U15 Fromls.s to Bo a Bitf Ysr
Have you prepared f.'r blR business by
locatinK your offlio In the Pen HutldlnS
Uhe bull ling that Is always new)?
Today' Compute Morw rrcrrajn"
dassifled section today, and arrears In
The Pre EXCLVSI VKt.V. find out whnl
the tnrlous moving piif.ire hi-stcrs nff.'r.
Mayor's Lap Bob. Stolon Mayor
.lames '. Piililnmii i-. 1 1. rf s t.t ur tcucc
that a lup tot'f (slolrn from Ills nia-
rhlne a It Monti (U Twenty-sixth and
Jode street.'.
Appleg-ata Is Dlachara.d It vi er
roneously tntei thHt Jnnics ApplcKnte,
barged with embezzlement, was bound
over to the district eourt on $1,000 bonds.
Applcsntc was discharged.
Grand Army Post to Meet There will
le a riKiilar rneetinK of l'htl Kearney
post No. 2. (irantl Army of the t public,
lit tlie nomo of J. W. Cress. St North
Twenty-third street, paturdiiy nlRht at 8
o'clock. Phil Kearney Woman's Relief
coips will meet Pnturday at 2 p. ni. at
too home of Mrs. .1. O. lOastmnn, 1C!
North Twi oly-thliil street.
Held for Bootles;g-lna; Harry llrown
mid Ana.m McVcy, Indiana from the Wln
iicliaKo reservation, bnve been brouslit to
'niaha by I'eputy Marshal John F. Sides
rind lodged In the county Jail on eharaes
of Introducing l!o,uor among the Indians.
I'nless the two prisoners furnish bonds
of ll.ixn) ench they will have to remain In
Jail until the Brand Jury meets next
Adopts rs Slogan "Some Personal
Sacrifice to Make This the
Ideal Community."
Mnrk tn lie Hone Without Kiinlp
mrnt, I llltalna llnmrs. Mores.
Kuctnrlea Propoaltlon for
the l.rlalntnrr.
will K'i li Hi- rtiwlm- loom cr the .It u
Mom mi I pul in li' time, settles Ms psv.
iil-e the Kir', frooi fie . oiiiioml v fond
' 1-nst HkM $'7."i wn ' ls,tiv,v ns n
sinner for this fund.
'Now. to d'Vcloti this vo, ational trnln
bm properly, we l,mi ns t,P :,.K1siHture
lor help. , t'ie fht pisce. we went
provision Miade for a distti t 1,1k!, school
jHinl x ( ut iin.n s'liH-t Isor. If vc hullil
.up li.iist n ,t coniniuniiy to live In.
" want the fmllnlc, for odo. -stint our
children f.n- m posalble."
City Opens Bids for
Smoke Consumers
for the City Hall i
Sammons' Sentence
to Be Given Him on
Monday Next Week
Walter F. Summons, recently convicted
In federal court on the eluirKe of robbing
the Kearney postofflce of $".I00, has had
sentence postponed until Monday morn
ins at 10 o'clock. 1I was to have been
sentenced Thursday morning, but the
serious Illness of the wife of Hanker Gar
rison of Kearney, who was to liavo be
come bondsman on Sammons' appeal,
prevented Mr. Garrison from appearing
In court to eiitn the bond. The maximum
penalty for the crime Is a prison term
not exceeding five years, or a fine not
exceeding $-,001, or both.
Sammons Is a lieutenant colonel In the
Nebraska National Guard, and was
sheriff of Buffalo county for three terms.
The stolen money has never been recov
ered. The convicted man was denied a
new trial last week.
Delbert Smith, who confessed to having
given his postofflce keys and safe com
binations to Sammons, was to have bean
urralpncd this morning on a charge of
conspiracy to rob a postofflce, after Mam
mons' sentence. However, bis attorney,
X. J. McDonald of Kearney, will make
bis argument In the matter Friday morn
ing, but Smith w ill not be arraigned until
after the Sammons case Is entirely dis- j
posed of and Is out of the jurisdiction;
of the federal district court.
It la understood that Smith will plead
guilty and throw himself on the mercy
of the couit. '
Itiilston. though smalt, has detei niiio-d
to be mighty.
It is going to have a ri.tiitnunlty enter
aiming at a publlo lll.tnrv for the town,
and tlie school, lectures and entertain
ment courses and institi'tes for firmer;
public instruction in civics. bealth.
sociology, a public playground, athletics
and public baths and last, but chief of
ail. voc.vlonal training "without equip
ment." lialston Is not only going to have this,
it has It now In embryo. The HiilMon
Community renter association '.mis oi
ganlzod at a public meeting in (h town
school building Wednesday nlRlit. with
these as the board of control.
For the fiwn board. Mayor r. Hrnee.
Sitiool hoard. I- Howard.
I'oinmerolnl Hub, Dr. an Kuren.
Farmers. George Hoffman.
HuHiness men. Milton r. Towel',
Skinner. C. Militia. A. Adams.
Yoiini; men. .1. Hani. K. I'llce, ii
lis. W. Miller.
Churches, ltev. C. Senneff.
Ideal Community the Sloga.
The organisation was c mpleted 'y the
appointment of other (..mmlttes on d
tnil. Tho meeting was attended by a
large number of tho residents if this
hustling little industrial suburb and the
project given a big venrt-off under the
official slogan:
"Rome Personal Sacrifice to Make
flalston the IJenl Community."
The moving genius of this project if
Milton C. Powell, president of the
Omaha Furniture Manufacturing com
pany, whose plants are In Ralston.
"Our bleu Is to develop a community
life entirely along rational lines." says
Mr. Powell. "We feel, of course, that
Halston has a good future, otherwise we
would not attempt what we arc doing
We propose the community center aa a
;jlacc where all interests will have equal
representation schools, churches, the
town board, clubs, societies, lodges.
Young Men's an I Young Women's Chris
tian associations and all public and
quasi-public enterprises of a worthy
"One of our chief alms Is a vocational
system of training without providing a
building with expensive equipment. As a
substitute we propose to have the young
folks go Into our homes, stores and fac
tories and there get their training. For
example, certain homes will be selected
where girls may go and put In, say an
hour a day, at uctual housework under a
wife and mother. The girl will get paid,
but not by the woman of the home. The
community bears all the expense, which
Is nominal, and the girl will get her pay
from the community. The youth who
wants to learn engineering or pharmarjr
Mrs. Ahlquist Asks
Aid in Providing
Christmas Cheer
'rs H v Ahhpilst. citv missionary,
has appealed to The Mcc to tik. In her
hi hal'. the puhlie (o sssl.t t,Pr in pro
vi'llns for the deserving poor families of
Omaha who must exix-rlenee a very
dreary Christmas unless some good fel
hws come to their succor. Mrs. Ahl
nulst hns a nmiilx'r of eases, and
she finds that la -k of proper bed i loth
ing and beallnit sppsrsl 's causes the
most suffering.
Mr Ahlimlst ask pi t ii ul.irly for bed
coverings in take die place of the tat
tered rn;s now helm.- used hy s.i many
families. She also nsks the means to re
pair broken stoves Hh broken grates
and damver.
Mrs. Ahl'iuist i preparing l. p'-ovi.le
good substaniii.l Christmas dinners to
many families which would othemlse
b.trelv have a i rust of hread and seme
thin watery soup, slid she Is also plan
ning to prov ide a few Jov s to the little
t"ts who never have any of the
pleasures and luxuries of life.
The tusk confronting Mrs. Ahlquist Is
a Inrte one. and she Is dependent upon
the people of Cvnahii to contribute a
little here and there for success. Her
address Is L'710 Meredith avenue.
Iti.N for smoke . onsuminir del.cs for
ue at the city ball, ihe lowest of which
W;i t! was let eivcd by th t V
commissioners, o cne.l md referred to the
committee meeting of the whole. The bids
follow :
Hr. Grmiwaltl. l.", for a dev I. e for
c.n h of Ihe four boilv
HurUe Kui usee t of CMcngo,
I-'."-', for thiee devices
Dan Wlntni. I- '""'. f. I three llerheit
ft;mai e
I'lidcrfeid Furnace s ol Stoi k'-r com.
p.tny, M .'
The citv I'oniinisslnnei - had 'he four
Nnlers ni the city null retailed at an
expense of t.:."i. wbl. h wid biiiiK the tot si
expense, iven if the 'ovv lltl Is i icpted,
to t.'oi.
The Itee HinliliiiK oompanv ofl'c'etl to
beat the .Ity hall for ;i vein- for ii'
pioxlmatelv what It wi ! i . st thlv vcar
to repair the old boilers and but In siokrrs
to abate the smoke iMinn. e at 'In1 city
! Saving that be could save more money
on a salary of month In the navy
'than be has been able to save from
twi. e such monthly earnings In a civilian
Job, I.awrenie MciagKrtii oi i omnium.,
has applied to Join the navy. lie was
In the nnvy once before, hot has been
out for eight yeaiv anil now !ons l.i
don a tars Jacket ntraln. lie savs ho
saved up over JMW during his former en
llsment and had It deposited wtih the
naval authorities at 1 rer cent Interest,
but spent it all after getting his honor
able discharge.
Ice Cutting May
Start in Omaha in
the Near Future
Ice cutting may he started soon on the
lakes near Omaha. The Ire Is already over
seven Inches thick, and with a few more
days of cold weather will be thick enough
to allow the annual harvest to commence.
ic men say.
Hundreds of idle men will Vie given
temporary Jobs by the Ice dealers and
racking bouse departments, as son as
they start to harvest the Ice crop. Foor
men out of work are anxiously awaiting
Hie event, and are trying to outfit them
selves with warm lothii g. shoej and
mittens, in order to withstand the cold
weather while engaged in such work.
Various charitable organizations have
cuugs of men reudy take Jobs an ice
cutters. All that is m eded to cpen the
season Is continued cold weather, says
Manager II. A. Colvin of the Omaha be
and Cold Storage company.
Volunteers Need
Help to Fill the I
Christmas Baskets;
Nearly a hundred fumilies have Hlready
applied to the Volunteeia of America for
a Christmas basket. The Volunteers will
.listnbiite ::0 baskets this Christmas, but
contributions have been lagging a bit .
and Major .McCormlck is asking for more ,
donations. i
The advance petitions for bankets have
been so great that Major McCoiinick an
ticipates that he will find far mora than
0 unlortunate families who will find
their only Christmas cheer in what the
generous may bequeath.
So it is that Ma lor McCormlck appeals
for contributions which will help fill the
A baskets which the Volunteers of
America distribute each Christmas to
hrlug a little Christmas cheer into the
shabby homes of the poor and needy.
Schools to Have
Christmas Trees
Friday Afternoon
Parent of pupils in tho public schools
are sending money and gifts for distri
bution among all the youngsters on Fri
day, when the schools will close for the
Christmas holidays. .
Si veial grades report the receipt of to
and HO from men Interested In these
grades because of their children attend
ing them. The money will be spent in
the gifts that will l presented Friday
The children have made a large num.
Ix-r of gifts for their parents and in the
majority of schools programs will be
held and parents will attend and take
part in the entertainment.
There w 111 be Christmas trees, fishponds
at short recitations and singing in all
ti huol Friday.
Baby's Head Covered. Kept Spread
ing. Would Scratch and Fret. Cuti
cura Soap and Ointment Healed.
Tell City. Ind "My baby's head was
overed with sores and the top was a solid
cab. It began with pimples and he would
cratch his head until It
would blued and then
scab orer and keep spread
log. He would claw his
head and fret It itched
and burned so and I was
afraid he would never
have any hair on top of
his head agata,
"A friend recommended
Cutbmra Soap and Olutmeut to me. 1
asked our family doctor and he said, ' Yes,
go right ahead and use them.' We got one
cake of Cutlcura Hoap and one box of Cutl
cura Ointment and they healed hi in from
tnn first, I would wash him with Cutlcura
Hoap and warm water and than rub the
Cutlcura Oiutmeat on his head with my
fingers and great drops of sweat would
come out. The scabs would become soft.
Id a few days his bead did not seem to ltrli
or bother him in the least and before we
had used one sat be was healed and he has
a One growth of hair. It was worth many
times the cost." (Htgued) Mrs. Rosa M.
Banks, Jan. 20. 1114
Samples Free by Mall
Why not have a clear skin, soft white
hands, a clean scalp and good hair? it is
your birthright. Cutlcura Poap with an
occasional use of Cutlcura Ointment will
bring about these coveted conditions In
most cases when all else falls. Sold through
out the world. Liberal sample of each mallei
free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post
card "Cutlcura, Dept. T, lloston."
,Ur. KIhk'b New l.lfr IMIls
cuied Mr. K. W. tioouloe, lallas. Tex.,
of malaria and biliousness; best regulator
.f liver stomach and bowels. &c. All
dtugsis Is. Advertisement.
tt Jk.- itJl
It is not to., till' l.t luy n I'SKI'VI. tJ
(!I1T for tlial pood frioiul of vours. 11
Y.ut may lio certain that a t',l
looking gas tahlo-lam) will ho appre
ciated. Xot only now, but for many
years to come.
Stop at our office, look over our dis
play of lamps, domes, table lamps and
as appliances. Ynu may select the
kind of gift at just the price you want.
Our salesf loor will be
open every evening
until Christmas, begin
ning Saturday. Dec.
19th, until 8 P. M.
1509 Howard St.
Store Hours 8:33 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. M.
I i
Now in Progress
Christmas Fair
Of the Churches
In the Court of the
This annual event is the opportunity par xcellenc to
select sea&jnable gifts for friends and relatives. The la
dies have been preparing all year, ami their offerings
are numerous and the prices reasonable.
Have You Seen It?
Hie beautifully decorated court is thronged daily with
purchasers, and the bargains in fancy goods, linens, hand
made wearing apparei and other useful articles are fast
disappearing from the counters. Come early and make
your purchases now.
The Ladies of 24 Churches
are interested in the success of the FAIR. They need
your help and encouragement, while you need the relief
from the fatigue of further shopping c res. They havo
selected ideal Chrutmaa gifts for you.
Here Arc the Churches Selling Today and Tomorrow:
l 111
Oiurcli I'balrnian uud KestdtMiee Puoiie
OnishaTbeosopliii al Koc'ty . Mrs. K. P. Kklund, 41l I'arker Wb. 77t
filetx Memorial M. K Mrs. Jennie I I ri. 17.17 8 loth Dons. ti4 )
Church of Life Mrs K N. rrelin-. :IM Fowler Web 372
Hirst Memorial M. K Kditli M. Kikes. iMJti Suhler Web. l3
C Ctrisimas Store for &verij6ofy
I luiriln, iH-c. IT. ltM.
stokk m;s i ok ritnAi
."hour KoiikI ;17.
IN Ol b determination t. minimize as far as possible the hardships which
fall upon itur tore force during the Hididav se.ison, our store will be
NING NEXT MONDAY, DECEMBER 1. You can help bv shopping
Important Sale of Dinnerware
upply of dinnerware for the
viewpoint of unusual saving.
ft tf ,
if jl .Af3&m
T -"'T i Fin
MI'OKTAN'T becaiibc it comes just at a time when most everyone replenishes their
Treat Holiday season -and it's important from the
100-Piece Dinner Sets, $8.85
IhniH'Htic sf tnl-porT In tn dinnrrwar with pold hand
mi d., alo Hold bund an inch further toward cen
ter, r-ry rppi-UI.
100-Picce Dinner Sets, $15.75
KurIihIi .sriDi-pon rlain. finlHlun) In two decorations,
border design in blur and groen : vory unusual value.
' $25.00 Dinner Sets, $16.50
Hid idfcca Austrian china, ropy of llavilapd Kan-
4 '" fhrtpp. pink wilil roxp luster dororatlon; rpgu-
lar t-7. 00 values.
100-Piece Dinner Sets, $24.98. 100-Piece Dinner Sets, $59.85
Bavarian china dainty and thin. horor dpslpn. Mavlland chlnn, white and gold. quarter-Inch
two narrow bands, tiny r'nl rosebuds and green solid gold band on ede. gold Knoba and handles,
lenves, very speciiil. plain shapes.
urrsis-ITssa Co. fourth rioor.
Give a Kodak
KT Till:' KODAK solve your
ChrlHtniaa troubles.
For the children
llrownle Cameras,
91.2ft to fUUMI
Kodak Junior, $7 R0
to 111.00
Vest Pocket Ko
dak. to 10.
Tlioto Albums, He to
nrysss-Ossh Co. Msls Tloor.
Cut Glass
Water Sets, $5.48
VKRY acceptable as a gift; :i
plnt Tankard Pitcher and
Tumblers with prettily cut butt
Sugar and Cream
Sets foi $2.49"
lilch deep-cut alass In floral de
sign, frosted finish, very special
nrg-.s-Wh Co Tourtb Tloor.
Selected F ur Speci als
Unusual Values in Fur Scarfs and Muffs
A CHRISTMAS present of the highest
character that brings year of appre
ciation from the recipient. Knr weather H
here in all tia furv prices are very low.
Including muffs and scarfs In an extreme
ly large anHortment of style and kinds.
Kelgian Coney Sets, $10.M to $'J.VM.
French Marten Seta, 9 1 a.ft to 92ft.OO.
Marmot Fur Seta
Viti.ttn to f2ft.oo.
Kit. Coney Sets-
$ 1ft. (HI to f JO.IH).
nine Wolf 8etji
l!ft.t0 to lft.oo.
Pointed Fox Sets
H.-.(M to $7ft.OO.
Hudson Seal Hets
9A4.ftO to $97.AO.
Kastern Mink Sets
ioo to
Hudson Seal Sets--In
combination with
Krmlne, Fox and
Marten, $04 ,V to
Fitch Fur Set--
to $H),v
Ermine Seta
I. VI to
Great variety of styles and kinds, specially priced.
Belgian Coney scarfs, (ft to 910
French Marten scarfs, 97.(10-91.
lied Fox scarfa . .97.50 to 91ft
Near Seal scarfs . . .910 to 91
Natural Wo It scarfs, $ I -$ I H.5o
Itlack Fox scarfs... 910 to IM
Kelgian Coney muffs. 9ft to .10
.Marmot Fur muffs, $7.H to 9lO
Black Fox muffs, ..92ft to 913
ICustern Mink muffs, 940 to 9lftO
Hudson Seal muffs. .V to 975
qrt -wb Co. sfo Tloor
25c and 35c Holly Wreaths Friday, 15c
TIIK rut flower suction, which bus been moved to its new location Just inside the new Harney Street
Kntrance, oTfers for Friday a great display o f ('hrlBttuas greens or. all kinds Dlarnia, moss
wreaths, mapnolla wreaths, ruscoH wreaths In red and green, etc.
Holly wreaths, Ihe 2Gc and H.'ic kind. f" i Wreaths specially for Ihe limousine,
for IOC ' for Co. Main rioor Harn.y St. Bntrsnc.
44 c
Muslins, 4 He
PS-incU unbleached muHlIn, me
dium weight, two widths, will
make full slr.e sheet,
rpeclal, yard
lOc Flannels, lc
Outinj flannels, light and dark
colors, soft, fleeiy anil flrmi
woven, regular price,
1 0c, yard
Silk and Cotton
Materials, 15c
Unlit, dark and brlKht color
ings, for waists and dresses,
just the thing for doll dresses,
Hoclal, I C
rd lut Co. ant.
$3.75 Extra Large
WOOL finished, extra large
site, fancy checked blan
kets: also Ueacoti plaids and
fancy checked blankeis. These
blankets are noted for perfec
tion of finish, fast colorings, ex
tra warmth without unneces
tary weight; reg. Jj QC
$l!.7r values, pr. . Pm.s70
92.0O lllankets, 91.00
Size t.tixSO, whit wool finished
blankets; you will agree after
seeing them that $2 would be a
low regular price; d ff
Friday, at imlr. . . P 1 .Viz
Automobile KoImh,
9!t.l'M to 910.00
Strictly all wool, large size,
plaid designs with fancy bor
ders. . .". 9-VOO, 97.50, 910
nr:tss-gri Co B aaotasat.
$2.98 Petticoats, $1.49
JEKSKV ribbed top silk petti
coats in a variety of n-w
and desirable sliudes - - regular
lt;.T": $1.49
Flannelette Go iwns, 59c
WOMKN'S flannelette night
gowns, light shades in
stripes, neatly trimmed and
finished;" very spe- PQ
cial, at . Ol7C
Women' and Children'9
Lined Mitteni, 59c
GOOD quality kid mittens,
fleece lined, Just the rght
kind to wear these cold days;
all biies, worth up to PA
1.25 the pair, for ... . OiC
(iolf gloves, yarn mittens,
boys' gauntlets, big assort
ment, specially priced.
Bnrfwt-Muk Co. Bsssu.ut.
Good Warm Underwear
for Women and Children
RKMAKKABI.K values thai are certain to bring forth a gen
erous response.
Women's Union Suits
I'lilon sells of white cotton, lleece O f
lined, long sleeves, ankle length,
sire 34 to ii. Very spoclal
Women's $1.50 Underwear, 69c
Odd lot of women's wool vents and P'H CQ
alio union suit, values to $1.50, at.. OZ7C
Boys' 50c Underwear, 15c
Kiowu ribbed fleece lined shirts and
drawers; formerly fiOc, each
Child's Union Suits, 23c
Cream color, fleece lined union suits,
drop seals, ery special, at
Boys' Underwear, 39c
lr, Wright's heavy fleece lined shirts
and drawers, seconds of SOc qualities.
39c Co. Economy Bss.m.nt.
MHKOIOKftKD velvet vamp and patent back. Imitation alll-
gatyeather vamp and patent back, leather soles PA
with heels, special values, pair.. iStV
Men's House Slippers, 98c -
Soft lumber slippers iu tan and bliuk with
patent trim, fjverett and Opera styles,
leather soles with heels: very qq
comfortable; special values, pair, vOC
Women's House Slippers, 98c
Fine felt comfort slippers, fur and ribbon
trim, flexible leather Holes, all the staple
colors, warm and comfortable; QQ
pair JOC
Women's Crochet SlipH-r, 8c
McHtiUtol color ciiiiililiistiuiiH III ruff psttrrn. with Kuft QQit
lamh's or, sijIps, very prrlty ih'chiUh, pair OIll
Woineii's Crochet hlipiM-rs, lc
Cruclirt ulippein In colms uf llut, ceil, l)U k. pink sil AQf
K'JV wild woul Hirm, k"cIhI vsIiipm, I'slr HwU Co Boonomy Bits.m.nt.
49c to 79c Drawn Work and Battcnbcrg Centers at 29c
AN ASSORTMENT of center pieces and squat es In
cluding drawn work and battenberg; JOimli
size, 1c to 79c valuer, special, Friday, In Basement, ut Co
USEKl'I. and practical gifts in splendid selection and specially
priced for Friday:
No. 10 ItroHiiie
KoaMerb Like il
lustration, good
large size,
very spe
cial Friday
Coffee Machines -Copper
and nickel
plated, special, 95
yTT- 1
"Tr Savory Itoasters
J 'One piec-, sanitary
Chaffing IHftlM In
copper and ulckel
ilxtwil knacfal M Co. Ecoaoniy Bas.m.ut
self busting.
from . .
Coffee Percolators
Aluminum, 2-qu
site, for ... S1.8U
Burgess-Nash Co. Everybody's Store 16th and Harney.