Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 18, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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nuuio ii nil
Judgmr-nt of Robert Shiverick. For
mer Ornahun, Halts Pavlowa's
Part on Program.
Increases Acreage ;
tln Vrirns side of t'ti" line yesterday,
which is remrded ss n em-out. idiis. lsn
A III Rrirniair Forres,
official, here are expcitlng t h t the
nliT of lrovtston,l rresidnt utirm
ti Meytnrcna to rearrange his f.r.-c IT
nci-rsearv t' step the fire Into Arizona
Catrania a Vinson rtretd in ihe dl c
tlon of t'ollnin. w miles to the
atM. inersl Villa reported vest-r-
day In AHco Siwlal A sent ChvuiIi'T-,
no on hie war to .Iiiarn from Mi xU
Oty, repftis all quiet from the tioithrn
border 1o tee capital
ttnl Pnrlloa of Preerl thai Went
to roTlosra, InTolTed In Ihe
Legal ( nmpllmllnna of
A ttartimrnt.
While the magnificent company
filled the Auditorium Wednesday J
w aited in expectancy for the perform-
snce of Mile. Anna Pavlowa, wtalc'u
formed the curtain-raiser of the
Omaha Ilotary club's charity benefit
ball, the manager of the famed Rus
sian danseuse was in the box office
fighting an attachment hlrta was
served after the first act after 10
I'harruinnly jtonned women, elegantly
coilTed. maids and matrona alike, with
their escorts, on the qui vlve of expect
ancy for the event In store, discussed the
beauties of the ballet, discussed them
ngaln, looked alut at their neighbors,
hegan to chut with them, admired the
liberations of the Immense hall, and then
began to wonder.
tranil la Patient.
For an hour after 8 o'clock the crowd
contented Itself and there waa much
speculation. Colfftircs lost their charm.
Ilest creations of modistes failed na
tlietnes for talk, a.nd the wait bcRan to
tie irksome, wheti the curtain at last
went up.
The cause of the delay In the opening:
of the show waa the late arrival of the
company from Kansas City, as the Mis
souri Pacific, train did not reach Omaha
until 6:20.
International Complication.
The firmness that lies lit the hand of
the law when It la applied, hew-ever in- i
opportunely, coupled with Mile. Favlowa's 1
determination not to disappoint the big
company of patrons of charity, was the
cause of the hitch and the means of its
An International incident delayed the
performance. Dei-ausa Kobert Shiverick,
former Omahan, while witnessing- a
Pavlowa performance In Toronto two
years ago, received a blow upon his head
from a sword that slipped from the hands
of the star's dancing partner, he got a
,",000 judgment against the in
Canada and levied on the proceeds of
the charity ball hera to collect it.
Some Itnsalan T'sed.
The box office of the Auditorium was
n animated place before the curtain rose
for the second act.
Max Illrsh. manager of the Pavlowa
company, contended the Judgment was
obtained against a Pavlowa corporation
In existence two years ago. The Pavlowa
production this year is an entirely dif
ferent concern, In no way responsible for
old obligations, ha said. It was upon this
point that the dispute rested, and after
a two-hour discussion the $2,500 was
finally placed In neutral haunds pending
a legal settlement.
The 12,500 attachment will In no way
aTfect the money intended for charity, as
it only covers the ahars of the Pavlowa
Thousand In Grand March.
All thla ao delayed the scheduled pro
gram of the evening; that it was but a
few minutes before midnight when the
Pavlowa program was over.
Not discouraged by the delay, however,
more, than 1.000 magnificently gowned
women and men remained to take part In
the grand march, and danced after that
Into the early hours.
There was nothing to worry about, for
automobiles by the hundred waited on the
outside, and tha weather was not too
Proceeds Generous.
Those in charge of the ball said after
midnight that It was utterly impossible
to say what the net proceeds for charity
would be. The tickets will not be checked
up until some time today.. The most
conservative of those attempting to esti
mate It, however, believed that the gross
receipts were over $4,000, and that the
net to go to charity would be well up
to l.o00 or l',00.
Pavlowa's company gave a wonderful
exhibition of the illimitable possibilities
of the physical being, in feats of agility
hiiI charming grace of motion. The pro-
tram was a long one, and everyone re
marked of the adequate money's worth
llanseuae Offers Aid.
Pavlowa herself was a "good fellow."
She offered to do anything that would
help raise money for charity. She sug
gested that the first dance with her be
auctioned off for charity. But owing to
the luteness of the hour when the con
err t was over these offers were refused
with thanks, and the ball proceeded with
out this feature.
Governor John II. Morehead, with Mrs.
Morehead, occupied a box. With them
was llaiiey Moorhead, Douglas county
election commissioner. The entire city
commission was represented at the ball.
AHIIMlTuN. Dec. 17. influence.
Ihe prospective Tieavy ilcinnnd for
lv lli waning countries of F.urope.
! Ainci lean firmer this f nil have sown a;
1 re.oi.l nr.a in winter wheat, which the
I V arltiient. of Agriculture today rsti- .
tuste.l at 4l.lM.rti acres. I
That Is an increase of 4.1i'..v) acres ,
ocr the area sown last full and en which )
the record crop of i'.'.I.W,il bushels of j
winter wheat was harvested thin year, j
The area sown Is r.2.Viw acres mere than j
was harvested this year, j
The condition of winter wheat on le-
,., i,v Villa Chieftain Expected to Avoid!'11 1"- fr"11 ,h , ttt.i r. TT:
..-., j Further Firing Across Border ' l. TnZlZ i WltnCSSCS Say UUlOll
Miners raid ior Guns
Sent to Canon City
Into United States.
Provisional President t.ntlerrea Is
sues llrrrrr in I'rcent l-'ar-ther
hontlna nf Politi
cal Prisoners.
cember t w as 3 ler cent of a normal.
That is almost 10 pfr cent lower than It
was last year at this time ami 2 per cent
below the ten-year average condition on
Jsieember 1.
A feature of the planting of winter
wheat this year la the great Increase in
acreage In the southern states, where
farmers are devoting more land to tho
crop, decreasing their acreage fop cot
ton. South Carolina's acreage has been
increastd 1 per cent, compared with
the i:U planting: Alabama. ln per cent;
Mississippi, 12 per cent; treoraia. US per
cent; North Carolina. Tti per cent; Arkan
sas. 44 per cent; Texas, Tennessee and
Oklnhoma, 1M per cent, and Virginia, tW
per cent.
In the yrcat p rowing slates the In
creases In acreage range from 5 to hi per
cent, except In tho greatest of winter
wheat states, Kansas, where a I per cent
decrease In acreage Is shown. The in
creases nte: Ohio and Nebraska, B per
cent; Indiana, 12 per cent; Illinois. IS per
cent; Missouri, 10 per cent, and Washing
ton, in per cent.
Owing to the poor condition of winter
wheat on December 1, Department of
Agriculture's estimate today, based on
condition figures, of fir.idtictton next year,
is only ."iXO.fflin.OW bushels, although the
area sown this fall. 411.fi3.0n0 aervs. Is tho
greatest ever plant"! in the Vnitod
Hye was sown this fall on 2.SS1.0C0 acres,
an increase of TS.msJ acres over the re
vised estimnted area sown last fail.
The condition of rye on Ieceniber 1
waa Kb per cent of a normal, against
!t.'i.i per cent last year, 90.5 in 1912 and
33 the ten-year average.
The acreage and condition on Decem
ber 1 of winter wheat by principal states
New ork :m,0ii
Pennsylvania 1.3i.ori
Indiana 2,S20.tS
Illinois S.KllitlOi)
Wisconsin (iS.ooO
Iowa ri36,0Ml
Missouri 2.K44.0IVI
Nebraska 3.i'r7,On
Kansas 8,77l,Ort
Texas l.KrtT.UMt
Oklahoma a.oM.imo
Montana 6x3.000
Wyoming M.tffo
Colorado 27ti.0il
Acres. Condition.
WASHINGTON. Iec 17. - llriaa.lier
General HMss, commanding the troops on
the Mexican border, reported to tho War
department today that he conferred at
Naco yesterday with General Hamlreit,
military set retary of General Maytorena,
the Villa commander of the Mexican
forces besieging General Hill's Carrsnia
I in ml rex was told by Genera! Hlisa what
was expected of the Maytorena forces In
shaping their operations against the Car
ranta forces go as to avoid danger to
life and properly on the American side
of the line, an.t he undertook to com
municate the representations to May
torena. The War department has not made pub
lic the details of General Ullss" report,
but Secretary Garrison declared It dis
closed that the conference was harmoni
ous and that General Ullss did not make
threats as to what he would do lr his
warnings were unheeded. No mention
v. as made of any further casualties on
teis here no predictions are Ning made
as to the course the t'nlted States will
pursue, but It la generally understood
that afler Brigadier Oeneral fcoit. chiet
of stsff of the army, arrlvrs at Ns.'o
Saturday and conducts his negotiations
with both sides of the Mexican factions
further firing Into American territory
onn have but one result. lcgal au'horl-tii-s
here say If the Pnited Statea troops
wern to shell the Mexicans out et their
positions such an act would be repelling
an Invasion and not an attack upon
Orders Kxeeatlons Moppet.
Special A-ent Canova, reortlng to tha
State department today from Mexico City,
said Provisional President Out tarns had
not only Issued a decree stopping political
executions, but had promised to punish
any officials reaponelhle for unwarranted
executions so far. Canova reported that
executions, of which there had been a
great number, had diminished.
Consul Canada at Vera Cms. reportlnc;
a conversation with General Carransa,
said that tha constitutionalist had noth
ing to add to his previous assurances that
he had ordered his troops at Naco to
control their fire against falling In Art
sona. The Mexican minister of war also I, as
assured Consul SIIMnisn that the recent
wholesale executions were without sanc
tion of the authorities.
From Mansanlllo It waa reported that
after their evacuation of Guadalajara tho
CANON CITY, Col. tv,. t;.The state,
today introduced et alepoe in the i In I of
eeen strikers, i 'harped with the nobler
i.f William King. Inletd.d to show tliat
rifles, revolvers ant amiuunl'lon were,
shipped Into this country shortly I efore
the attack on the Chandler nunc, last
April, til which King was killed
Witnesses testified that arms were, pur
chased! In Pueblo, Canon do, no.ence
and West Cllffe on orders from tne llor
enee local of the t'mtrd Mine Workers
of America. Testimony was Introduced
which the prosecution claimed showed
that the arms were delivered at ltock
vala and paid for with checks sltrnrd by
David Kohb. a union oflirer. and one of
the defendants In the prose-nt trial. The
arms, according to the theorv of the stale,
were concealed nt llnekvnle and later
need In the attack on tin- Chandler mine.
NKW OKuKA.VS, Dec 17. -Wheat
cargoes estimated at I.OW.Oio bushels were
aboard seven steamers here t inlay ready
to sail for F.urope. Yesterday s shipment
of nearly bushels broke all records
for the yesr.
Miss Margaret Sorenscn and John Clau
sen of Fllley, Neb., were married by Hev.
Charles W. Savidgo at his residence
Wednesday evening. They were accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. K. Skow,
SS. rBJUTaTXIir MIXES, Ths Oraat Uvm-
otallst, CMvss Hiw Book and a 93.00
Hsurophatlo Treatment 'raa
As a Trial.
Rick people wiiomi nerves are weak or
deranged who liave weak heart, kidneys, I
stomach or bladder, blues, headache, dlx
ziiie.s or dullneks; dyspepsia. Irritability,
cold hands and feet, shortness of breath, (
palpitation or irregular heart-beat, drop- ,
sy, drowsiness, nervousness, aleeplesnnes,
trembling, wandering pains, backache. Ir
ritable eplne, rheumatism, catarrh, con- '
stipation, hysteria would do well to ac- ,
cept Dr. Miles' liberal offer. You may
never have another opportunity. Write j
now. j
ills Honk contains many remarkable
cures after five to twenty physicians and !
specialists failed, and also endorsements
from Wishoiw, Clergymen, Statesmen, Eu-
Itors, Uuslness Men. Farmers, etc. I
Band for Bsmarkabla Cnrea In Tour Btats
His unproved Treatments for these dis
eases are the result of 35 years' expert- '
ence and are thoroughly scientific and
remarkably successful, so much so that '
he does not hesitate to offer KTeo Trial i
treatments to the sick that they may I
test them at his expense. Write at once.
Describe your case, and he will send
you a two-pound Free Treatment and
Hook. Address Dr. Kranklin Miles. Dept. I
NS 705 to 715 Main St., Klkhart. Ind.
No. 659 k
Cased in velvet
ring box, ready
for presentation.
This Is the Diamond Ring SHE Wants (or
France Extends
Moratorium for
the Fourth Time
PARIS, Dec. 17.-For the fourth time
bince the beginning of the war, the finan
cial settlements have been postponed. Tho
moratorium, applying to all negotiable su
i in itiea dated before September 4 and
maturing bcfoi-o March 3, 1013, has been
extended for two months.
fc Business now appears to be better than
at any time since the war began. This
applies both to production and to trade.
More certain Is circulation. Gidd, which
bad been in hiding, is occasionally given
m change now, and when depositors go
to their banks they are once more asked
whether they will take some of the pro
i eeds of their checks in gold. Country
postuffices are paying out icold In change
to oin extent. One of them gave an
American autompbllist 400 francs in gold
In changing a 1,J-franc note. The 5
rrano stiver piece, winch for a time dis
appeared and was replaced by paper, is
again appearing freely.
The financial authorities believe that
vast sums of gold are still being hoarded,
mostly in small amounts. It la a com
mon sight to see peasants at country
postofflces purchasing bonds with gold
The Little Iloctor Loosens
Colds In the Throat or Chest.
Take a Hula MacLaren's Mustard
Carats, rub It on your sore, tight
throat just before you go to bed. and it
will loosen up the most severe Cold or I
Cough and in the morning you will I
breathe freely and feel easier In mind. I
Countless thousands kt ow of the cooling
soothing relief It brings for all cases of!
Rheumatism. Kumbago, Lame Back,
Sore Muscles, Sore Throat, Tleurisy
Bronchitis, Neuralgia, Headache. Colds
and Congestions, Chil
blains, Sprains, and
all kinds of Aches or
Pains, and often wards
off Pneumonia.
At your druggists In
25c and 60o Jars, or
mailed, postpaid, by
MacLaren Drug Co.,
Ixs Angeles, Cal. Oet
the original. VntMnv
"I'm fi else Just as good.
.Lift ft: Doctur ' hy au Sherman
& McConnell Drug stores.
'lac ioitis "IVrlectiou" Dlainoud lUnjr Is the most perfect Diamond Ring ever pro
duced. It in faultlessly symmetrical, embody Ins; all the lines of delleacr and beauty
with the necessary security and strength. We recommend this Incomparable ring to
you with feelings of pride, knowing that you cannot find its equal anrwhere. Only
tli finest quality pure white diamonds, perfect in cut and full of fiery brilliancy,
are used. Kadi diamond Is specially selected by our diamond experts and is skill
fully mounted in our famous Loftis "Perfection" 6-prong mounting, 14k solid gold.'
Other sizes from 25, $40, $75, $100, $150 and up.
Special display of Diamond Rings, Scarf Pins. Studs, La Vallleres, Brooches, Ear1
Screws, Lockets, etc., solid gold and platinum mountings Mesh Hags, Vanity Cases,
Clocks, Umbrellas, Toilet Sets, all specially priced for Christmas.
S0UD llD..I!!!?M.0!!EwaTCB Solid Gold Wrist Watch
With Holid Gold KxtMihion Bracelet
a Month
The 4 a as uf Hhramatisia
is stomach trouble, lszy liver and de-
aiiKed kidneys; try Electric Bitters; reg
ulates lrver and helps kldnrjs to work.
T.'k' iind $1.4. All di ugglsts. Advertisement-
Hotel Iteim
BroeuWy ai 29 St.
"An Hotel Wbere Cuests are Mad
to Feel at Home"
Not too large, yet large
enough to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense.
Exceptionally Accessible
500 RotmuModtmt Rataaraaf Caargc
Sistls Booms with Running Water
1 1. 00 tot 2.00 per day
Single Rooms wiib T. or Shower
tl.SO lo 15.00 per day
Double Rooms wits Running water
12.00 lo $4.00 per day
Double Rooms wiih Tub or Sbviwer
ti.OO lo sa.00 per day
EDWARD C FOGG. MaaaaW Director
ROY L. 3ROWN. Ktaidtrnt Maaafir
On of tha sea
son's loadlnsr
Diamond Ring'
loftj Wstoh Case and Bracelet ara both fins solid sold.
Tins must not be classed with the ordinary Uracrlel
Watchaa offered by most dealers. Thla watch is maul
for service layer set, full nickel lewaled, choice of
either white or gold dlaL Guars n teed a de- 54 1C
pendable and satisfactory timekeeper fcl I u
"'.,3 ,.v
MTo. 1143 Illinois, KlKln or 'Walthatn Watch,
full jeweled. 14k solid (told case. Flu In the
pocket like a silver dollar, llsndsoinely boned
leady for pi'tBenlation. Kpeclsl JJ JJQ
There is no Kift that can teke tha place of
watch, and there Is no sr 1 ft that demands such
raro In H n selection. This Is tha watoa, to any.
The "Young Man's Fa
vorite" Diamond Ring
m aW
lo. T4S Dinner Wns. 7
Urilliant, Pparklins Iln
moridn, Plstlnum ttTC
top, 14k solid eo'd I U
7.60 A MOsTTsI
S033 Scarf T'ln. fine
olid sold, i.latlniiiii
top. 13 fine IHumonds.
perfect In cut QC
and verv brilliant O
1134 Im Vulllere
solid Kohl. blai
ennmel. 1 fine ill.
Ilioil.l, 1 reul I nil
chaiii .
SI. 50 a Month
X-4S TIiIh ring Is the popular "Tooth" mount
ins;, known as tha "Youuif Man's Favor
ite." 14k solid Kold, fine Diamond .
7.60 A XOSTI
Kvery man appreciates a fine Diamond Hlnr.
We have a'l Hie popular styles Tooth, Round
and Flat Belchsr.eiigraTed and faney mountlnce
63 Bracelet, heavy solid sold, hand engraved,
Knglish finish, secret catch and Joint
tmzoiT maioi! 91.40 a xobttk
1160 Vmv UcruWM,
14k solid Kold. 2 fin
brilliant I
$14 ,v;ry . B,"":"u. S90
Call or Write for Catalog-no Mo. SOS.
paotal Attention Hoa to Mall Ornara.
rhoae Dong-las 1444 and
Our Salesman Will Call.
I0U Houih 16th Street, Corner 10th and Hamejr Streets, Omaha.
0xit nurget-N'ah Co. Department Ktort.