THH ItEK: OMAHA, Fill DAY, DKCKMHKH K 1 l 4. 11 FOU HKXT Hotels mm Apartment. CALIFORNIA )iotl. lh end Call'ornla. Wskiy ra4e It and up. Hwh h T DorVjjTTihiTEle- ciTiern Rmnnnblt, ( Heaaea aa t-ottaaee. MY HOME Is My Christmas Present! For years we have lived In rented tinuaas and all irt hVP to fhnw far It la lot of rent rw elpts. Hut a week aco we noticed your advertisements. P rK. a mined your properties, triBdo our selrc tlon. Now wc are snugly hoimcd In A Homo of Our Own It is Our Christinas Present to Ourselves Thla la briefly (crmpiilcruhly boiled down) story of one of our customers. It ta alao a fair sample of many other stories Just now. These ALL MODERN, New, .Never Occupied, . .5, 6, and 7-Ilooni Homes of splendid construction, up-to-dnte ar rangements, finishings and conveniences, good locations. CHEAP IN PRICE $23 TO $33.80 MONTllIA J (1ST LI KE KENT lncludlna- and Interest. No other cash puyment down. We maintain two enclosed heated autoa to chow these properties. Telephone for an appointment any time between s a. m. and 10 p. m i Including next Sunday. SAUNDERS Company, 1J1S-1 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas 3623. After 6:30, Wehater 4T71. , HK L F ST ATE FARM R( II J.AI ron BALK KFNTFns and homeseekers use jrom Carey r.ght and secure Montana farm now. yoa realise that farm products wui command extremely high prices dur ing tl e next few yearaT Thla In your op portunity to get alarted on a faim of yout own. The Vailer Innda produce from 31 to 63 huahela wheat. 60 to ion of oata. 0 ta .0 bushels barley. 4 tc I tons alfalfa pat acre. 1-et tia d ! ou booklet and tell you how easy it is to net started. Val ei Farm sales Company. Box 30. VaJlar. Mont Siehreiska. FOR PALK M acre adlolntng rlty of Minrlrn. Kearm- Co., Neb.: snort walk to business renter; all 111 alfalfa, fine for a jnrburban homo or subdivision. Will five term to responsible party. rrlc, $ ' .".fl per acrt Address Mil L. A. Smith, t LH Ki'linm A,ve . lxa Angeles, Unl FOR SALE IW acres half mile Alma. Neb.; 70 acres In cultivation: 4f fall whet. running water; timber. $.1,600 Im provements. Fine dairy ranch quarter at ir.5, or will take (7 fur quarter; H.5"0 mortgage; must le sold by Jan. 1 to closo partnership. Hm SR. Alr-ia, Neb. HK.M. FSTATK XOHTH StIK 40-A-IlE MOM K. 6 miles went of city limit of Omaha; hnd lays gently rolling: 6 acres alfalfa, shout 1 acres pasture and about ono aero In graies, balance in cultivation: new 6 room house and other good improve ments. Price. tlK per acre, C. U. COM IIS. (15 Rrandels Theater Bldg Doug. SH6. ?'TI(iN Kimball Co Orosa. 2101 Paul. STOCK KANCH FOR SALE IMPROVED fc-arre ramii in Hooker comity. Nebraska., fifty acres under cultivat'on, all pood hay and graslng land. Obliged to sell at once and have miule price to make It an Inducement. Write for full description if you want a place that can be developed Into twice the price asked for It. John O'Brien. Owner, Lena. Neb. ALL si sea, IS per month up. 507 Paxtoa. STABLE and 6-room house. (14. Will five man some work to help pay rent ttn Paxton Block. OWNER will nay , of movlntc expenses If rented before December 20. Several houses. 2 rooms up to t rooms (one of them all modern). One with etable. Spe cial low rates. Bookkeeper, 607 Paxton Block. $J1 per month (always rented at $lfi) plain with city water, but overhauled like new. 17th near Lake Kt. Special If rented aoon. 607 Paxton Blk. FOR RENT. 824 15. TH ST. $30 I rooms, nearly new, large living- room, loxM feet, nicely decorated and thoroup-hly modern. O. S. Erwin, L 2"0S. or II. S540. FOR RENT. MODERATELY PRICED 5- r, oottage, new J22S0 7-r., modern, near car 80.00 -r., nearly new 22.60 6- r finished in oak sn no 6-r. bungalow, stucco 80.00 ' AMERICAN .SECURITY COMPANY. I Doug, 0013. or evenings call Walnut 8097. Harney 204f.. o OVInhnma, S.Ono ACRFK. larpe tni small tracts; ab solute title; IMttahunr Co., farming, paa ture. oil, conl land; jo to $3 per acre. Write J. E. Cavannirh, McAU-ster, Ok). Wimnita, Upper Wisconsin Beat dairy and iteneral crop state In the anion; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prlues. on easy terma. Aak for book let M on Wisconsin Central Land Grant PtaU acres wanted. Write about our graaiu.- lands. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept.. So Lino Ry Minneapolis. Minn. Mlaeellaateowa. WE7 guarantee bargalua In stock farms and ranches. Write Willis Cadwell Broken Bow. Nab, The Bargain Man. REAL E8TATR WANTED HAVE YOU A FIRST-CLASS FARM FOR SALE? We have a client who has (30.000 In long-time t per cent municipal bonds that he will exchange for a farm at Its spot cash value. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.; Land Specialists, Ware Block, Omaha. KLEOANT 6-room. modern brick apart ment; newly decorated; M per month, (46 South 29th St Cottajre. 2044 Vinton St., Kas. electrU: light, water, toilet, 1E per month. Frame flat, 1129 8. 29th St.. newly decorated, f per month. J. C. 1SH, EXECUTOR. Tog a Mat Ave. 'Phone Harney 243. MINIS rooms, modern. 32l Burt; T rooms, new. modern, i&2S Parkor; o.ght rooms, rnodem except heat, 2127 . Douglas; four rooms, mod. ex. heat 1),9l J r ni.u Houses K1 ' Pttrt or the city. ' Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee building. FOR RENT Modern -room bouseTTaos S. (5th Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Henshaw Hotel. Harney 1W4. Douglas 1216. f10,"' mod., auitable for two fam- Van and Stor- age Co- . Large f5rh.ri 0,l?y 3.Tnen. 125 Pr hr. 17U Webster. Dou. 1496. Magerard J.C. Reed SVco sksss 12Q7 Farnam. D. l4u fcTEAM heat, mil modern, 7-room bouao; Globe Van&Storage Btores. moves, packs, ships; a-horse van a I men' '1?B Pr nr- storae (2 per sup. Satisfactory guar. D. ta: ti Ty. (30. FOR RENT Wa bava a complete Hat of all bousea apartments and flats that are for rent Tola list can be seen free of charge al -R. mod. house, V4 block from car, oak wuisu. tire ptat!q. it. wal. 2tbl. fIVB-ROOM all modrn cottage, nice .oS.ha?,. 1.'Lri:?,. lot- d neighborhood. 8826 N. Kth.. Phone Webster (-ROOM, all modern; furnace, electrlfl light tfl7 N. th St (2250. Fidelity Storage Co ?VLrf8,.,D?vln,' Pcnt anu shipping. lth t Jackson Sts. Phone Dougiua i& T-r.. mod. flat, 28U California St K2'2t"r- 8614 Jono St- m6i-. " repair. M7 60 7-room apartment, 618 H. 16th Ht., steam heat. Janitor servloe. (460 7 -room apartment, 617 8. Wth St, . steam heat, janitor service. US. 00 ft-r., 21U Cass 8t. mod., garage. M a- ca mvd.. modem. o7J0 7-room, modern bungalow, hot water heat, 6116 Capitol Ave. M5.0O-7-T.. 60S S. SSth St., modern. tn.M 4-room, liOl Burt St.. modem. IJ.60--room, Km St Mary's Ave., mod ern except heat WO 00-6-room. 812 N. 42d St. modern except heat ?T? S??r" 421,1 Cumln. mod. ex. heat $13.00 4-room, 410 8. (7th Ave. GEORGE & COMPANY, Phona D. 766. 902 City Nat I Bank Bldg il-i' neaJ l-ramet- AH modern, verr dealrable and attractive n.AR'BONU-WAL"'H COMPANY. 1 yler State Bank Bldg. toreis and Offices. CONVENIENT and commodious office space with privacy; have two small rooms and one large, ensuite. pleasant oc cupants: will divide expense andaccoml modatlone with dealrable party. 614 First National Bank Bldg. lr TWO SMALL OFFICES Dnsulte, READY NOW-120 Electrto Ught and Water Free. . THE BEE BUILDING, "Tha building that Is always new." Office, Room 103. WANTED TO BUT OKH'lCk (urnituie Uutiil ail aolu. J. Reed, 18W Varna t. t.iug. H, WE BUY M-iiu o.o'net. lui S. 2tnT CLIGHl'Li -"d Diauoa. u.-,.. T7T" 'itilJT iJUjn"'uot .doullt bookkeeper s u i , tiuiel Carlton. ILEAL ESTATE. FARM at RAACH UnOt FOB, iALB Mlsat.rl. DAIRY farm (is airea. adjolulng county eat L2u0; acres under plow ; l acres growing beat; ( guo bouses and 4 good barns; alio: good well and springs; ail up to date, lull route eaiabliatied. liouae about mile court house. Pnce (m. Ad dreas Y 30a. bee. FOR SALE 400 acres i holc-e N. W. Mis souri corn land: well Improved; easy terms. Address Y 1L Bee. 1IM. . FOR BALE To close an estate; 100 acres in Rio Grande valley. 4 miles ftcm Mercedes, Texas. All under culli vation. For price and terms write The Minnesota Land A Trust Co.'. 4.o Max sjuetta Are., Minneapolis, Mina WANT good farm or Income city prop erty for a legitimate business tltat will f ay a rust er 2.0oo to (6,000 annually. escribe what you have. Address 8. C. 8f2. Bee. I WILL pay cash for desirahln building lot if a real snap. L 321, Bee. GENERAL housework, city, country, stata wages, small family. Address C 177. Bee. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE s-RtKiM 1VNTDHY HOfsl-:. 0(HU I.OI'ATION ITS CAST? an t rj PKU MONTH or Will Pay Moving Eicnses for Party Who Will v h Caeh. This house Is brand new. all modern, and ft will stand the most critical Inarwe tln aa to quality of material used and metlm!a of construction. This house has a lull cement basement anil is heate.i by furnace. The Ihtng room ami dining room are beautifully finished In oak. The living roTO Is lartp and haa an open stairway, bnllt-ln seat and coat closet. Balance of house finished in pine. Wall decorations and electric fixtures can be chosen by purchaatT. House faces ra.t In beautiful location and la ahoirt a block from car line. nv', several enclosed cars and can take you to see this house In perfect com fort. , E. V. Wr.IC.HT. Telephone offh-e, Ihiuglaa WW In dar tlme. Itesidence phone, Walnut 6C, aftor 6 ! p. m. ONLY tm CASH. Can you pay 10 cash, then (30 per month, and move Into a strictly modern almost new 5-room cottage on the north side, or a ft-roofn house, all modern ex. cept hent. on the south side Why not think n little of the future? PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Dousla I7M. War Block. SATISFIED BUYERS. Of iV6 and 7-room, all molern. New (never occupied) homes, (26 to (Msp monthly. Including principal and interest. No other cash payment. If we can satisfy others, why can't we satisfy you. We have several dandv homes. Telephone tis for further Information. SAI'NDERrt CO. 1?1S-K W. O. W. TV,,, ,ti ns jmn. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE for only $2,750. Hardwood floors; house In good order; on large corner lot. with streets raved. W. II. GATES', 647 Omaha National Bunk Rldg. Itouglaa i:N4. MODKHN 6-room two-story home, oak finish, sun room, etc. (4.000. (.TO caah. Owner. Webster 407t REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Small House As First Payment New six-room house, only two blocks from Hanacom park. Thla house Is oak finished, with beam ceilings, built-in bookcases and buffet: fireplace; toilet and laundry tubs In basement: large gsr agn; lot 68x132; paving paid. Located 1U40 Lincoln Ave. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270. A HOME IN THE CITY IS A HOME TO SUPPORT; A FARM HOME IS A HOME THAT SUP PORTS YOU. Exchange that city residence of yours for a nice Irrigated 80-acre farm In the Scott's Bluff country. Then you will watch the Increase in the price of food stuffs with delight and not with dismay. Selling hogs beats buying pork ' all to pieces. Come In and let us fix up a deal ot thla kind for you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Land Specialists, - Ware Block, Omaha. FARMERS ARE STUDYING AUTO CATALOGS While the city man la crying about about the high cost ot living, get into the aristocratic class by exchanging your un productive city home for a money making irrigated farm, that will give you a steady job working for yourself. We have Just what you want PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Land Specialists, Ware Block. Omaha, REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans, i, 6fe. 4 per cent J. H. Dumont Co.. 1403 Farnam, Omaha. WANT to borrow from $2,000 to (3.000, In terest 6 to 7 per cent. Will give mort gage on lmprove.1 buslneas property In Omaha worth (17,000. Address K 344. Bee. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. Nebraaka farm. O K.EKFE REAL EoTATai CO., 1016 Omaha Natl. . Duifglaa (711. WTD Farm loans Kloke Inv.C o. Omaha ttuo to tlo.Otx) mnue prompt.. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 16th and Farnam Sts. GARVIN BROS Loans. and up. VJAXV v i-m AJAtWU Omaha Natl Bank. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co . lS2o Farnam. ' CITY properly. Large loaus a special.?. W. H. Thomas, US State Bank Bldg. MONEY ou hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City Natl. Bank Bldg. firt, CITY IiOAN'8, C. Q. Carlberg Co., llo-SK BranoeU Theater Bldg. SEE us first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co.. Omata. Neb. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice. In Nebraska. 206 P -ndeis Theater. KERH Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modern abstract office. Sufi a 17 lb St Phone Douglas U7. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE One-Half Acre Five Rooms $1,600 Not far out on West Leavenworth. Two blocks to car line, right on ' top of the hill, surrounded by houses coating up to (ij.jOO. 1300 cash, balance monthly. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1634, Stats Bank Bldg. FITE-ROOM BUNGALOW NEW, ALL MODERN. ONE BLOCK FROM CAR LINK SOUTHWESt TART OF CITY. Can be bought on the following terms: (30 cash and tfo per month. This house has five nice, large rooms, all flnlahed In hard pine, with el Kit sawed pine floors. The price ia so rea aonaljlo and the terms so easy that you'll decide It foolish to go on paying rent after you have seen It. We have several cars and can take you to aee houses quickly and with no Incon venience to you. E. P. WRIGHT, Telephone: Office, Douglas 292j In day time. Residence phone, Walnut after 6:30 P. m. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern bouse recently purchased by me. This house Is locaU-d In the West Farnam district, on block from Leavenworth car and four blocks from Farnam, Oak ' 'finish downstairs, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy this house at a big sacrifice. Address. M 21. Bee. or after p. m. phone Webstar 614. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET . Loise( in Wheat Fraction, with May Option Showing- Most Strtngth. CORN AND OATS ARE LOWER Beth Cereal Take BHaht limp, with Weather Clear s4 Keed l of Grata (joins; Oa In All Directions. OMAHA. Dec. 17, 114. Losses yesterday were Nfliio and the May 'utnre was the only one displaying any power to react from loltom prices. Cash sales of wheat were reported to .0 0u bushels In all positions, of which ft',WM bushels were s id to Chicago, and of thla amount 60,000 bushels were for milling punx'ses. New York reportnd two cargoea of weat worked by a French hi use there. James l arruthera of Montreal wires that Manitoba wheat exports have been greatly restricted on account of Ameri can wheat being sold at an attractive discount under the Canadian, but this difference lias gradually narrowed and the inquiry Is somewhat' better. There la a marked failing off In the re ceipts of wheat at primary markets. Corn and oata were both lower. The weather was clear and cold over both belts.. and full winter feeding Is on In all directions. Argentina shipments of corn are expected to be light An advance In lard was n conspicuous feature In provisions yesterday. Packers led In !uylng this commodity. The lib eral Incrt'sse In the local contract stocks of pork snd ribs caused enough selling to hold prices down. Wheat was HsrSo higher. Corn was unchanged. Oata were 4'u"c; higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour eiual to 2.067.0UO buahela; Corn, (V7.000 bushels: oats, 40.000 bushels. liverpool closed nominal. Primary wheat receipts were KM.000 bushels and shipments KZl.ono bushels, against receipts of 1,044,000 bushels and shipments of SX6.600 bushels laxt year. 1'rlmarv corn receipts were 72.& bush els and shipments K7.0H0 bushels, against receipts of l.TCOOO bushels and shipments of 6T2.n0O bushels laat ye ST. Primary oats receipts ere 601.000 hush els and shipments 746,000' bushels, against receipts of 611.000 bushels and shipments Of 9A2.O0O bushels last year. CARLOT UECBIPTS. Wheat Corn. OeU. Rye, Chicago .138 441 12 Minneapolis (71 ... ... Duluth 63 Omaha an 1 Kansas City 67 11 fit Ixul 6 Winnipeg 140 ... ... These prices were reported today Wheat: No. 1 hard winter, 1 car, (1.121: 1 cars, (1.12, No. ( hard winter, 2 cars, (1.12; 1 car, (Ull; S cars. (1.1P4. No. 1 mixed. 1 car, Sl.UVi. No. 1 durujn. 1 car, (L!fH; 1 car, (11a. No. ( mixed durum. ' car. (1. 25 Vs. No. 4 spring, V car (white), MW4 No grade. 1 car, (l.OR. Corn: No. 1 white, 1 car, 61c. No. 6 white, 1 cart 60c. No. 2 yellow, 4 cars. 61c. No. 1 yellow. 6 cars, Ac No. 6 yellow. 4 cars. 60Uc No. 1 iixed 1 cars, t9iC. No, ( mixed, 4 cars. WW No. ( m.xed, I car. 6c; 1 car, Wc; 11 cars, Wc. No. 6 mixed, 1 car. KV4o.; I car, fc. Oata; Standard, 1 car, 46o; 1 car. 46V. No. S white, S cars, 4640. No. 4 white. 2 cars, 45c. No grade, 1 car. 44ViO. Omaha Cash Prices V heat: No. i hard, (l.UWfl.13; No. 3 hard. (1.10'4tT1.12; No. 4 hard. (l.iskQl.loH; No. 2 spring, U.llVsiO'1.13; vNo. 3 spring. (l.lO'tfal.lli; No. 4 uprlng, (1.036 Mutt; No. durum. (l.KHfel U1; No. 2 durum. tl.26VMil.17). Corn: No- 1 white. 61WVc; No. 1 white, OOlilc; No. 3 white. 604ewc: No. 4 white. taH 60V4c: No. 6 white, 6oi)Vc: No. 6 while, ati'oOJVtc; No. I yellow, fllQJUVic; No. 2 yellow, oyfil-; No. 2 yellow, 60Vii&fl)e; No. 4 yellow, 60wOOV4o; No. 6 yellow, 6Wy 00"c; No. 6 yellow. 60V4(USc; No. 1 mixed, t!H6c; No. 2 mixed, 60V4& 69Vfcc; No. t mixed, BDiB'aOVic: No. 4 mixed, 6:fcfyifieV4jC; No. 5 'mixed, &8Mr368Vtc; No. 6 mixed. 68V4&09C. Oata: No. 2 white. 46 46o; standard. 46Hft46ci No. white, 4Mtf 4nSic; No. 4 white, 4446, Barley: Malting. 0Hf70c; No. 1 feed, 60ff6e. Rye: No. J, llMWU'l-03: No. 3, (1.0au1.02Vi. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS reamety (higher m-ortng). S4-! flrats. ?Cc; se.'onls, ?fi-1t'; procees extras, i.iik-; ladles, nrrent make, firsts. ( ' : seconds Tb-Z ; packing stoca, current make No X. JI'il'ISc. li.--Hteady; receipts, 4. .'At cases : freh gathered extra fair, 461i4, seconds, .Vtf .Kc: state. I'ernsyU aula and nearby hen nery whites. fancy, IC.t.'vV; gathered whites. 4otS3c; hennery browns 4;fl'4'c; saihered browns and mixed oolora, a.'" 4c. CHUEfE Irregular: receipts. R boxes: state whole milk, held specials, l.itipic; state whole milk, average fancy, 1lv,Vi lt.Se; state whole milk, fresh spe clala. jr; state whole milk, fresh average fancy. 14Hnl4c. PtM LTRY I Jve. easier western chlck ers. USwl3''; fowls. I44itfc; turkera, 17o. Dressed, firm; western roasting Wilckena, livi itK-; freah fowls, 13tfl7V; turke)s, 12 22i NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Share Continue to Drop on Smaller Volume of Operation!. THE OPENING IS IRREGULAR Trading; rems Largely far that Faction of rrofgeaeloaal let R "at temmltted to the Short Aeroisl. NEW YORK, Dec. 17.-8toeks continued to drop today on a smaller and mote contracted volume of operations. Ti ail ing seemed to be largely for tnat faction o. the proteaatonal element nmiintttAit t.k (the short account, and when 4 tie) demand in. in him juarier nan speni its iuice tno list drlited luly toward lower guotailona. Ilia sianitlcance of tun s slon as a whola may be Judged from the iact that a ii atlvely liKonsplcuoua siwclaity central leather was the most active feature, with a gain of IS points. Irregularity characterised the opening, followed by general advance provoked fresh selling of the Interna tional list. It took only a few thousand shares to reverse the rising movement and avnd the average under yesterday a. Nnmeroiia additions were maiie to the group of stocks selling at minimum prices. In keeping with lis recent cus tom, final quotations were at or near the low level or the day. Little encouragement was derived from routine news, which Included reductions In Louisville A Nashville and the Atlan tic Coast Line dividends from T to t per cent and the Southern Paclflo statement for November allowing a net loaa of al most (800,000. The government crop re port also was far from favorable In Its forecast of winter wheat, which was 2 per cent under the ten-year average. The Investment market folio ed the course of stocks. Exchange on Oermany was lower and Iondon remittances showed an easier tendency. Rmtuo.lon in francs was ascribed to the further ex tension of the French moratorium. I'reparatluns for the loaning of money by the (I36.0u0.000 cotton pool were ilnaliy completed, local financial Institutions contributing tnelr quota of (oO.WK'.O 0. Call money was offered at 3 per cent, but time loans hardened a fraction fur long dates. Apart from a gain in gold, the weekly statement of the Bank of England tiirew no light on the situation In that quarter. London's markets reflectnd In mild de gree the alarm occasioned by the rocent bombardment of coast towns. Bonds were again Irregular, witn con- I OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Seventy-FiTe to Dollar Lower Than Week. Ago. DEMORALIZED AT ALL POINTS Hogs Five, Becoming Ten or More Lower Sheep Test Tweaty, I a rah Flftea to Twenty Five Lower. HOlTTt OMAHA. Dec. 17, liU. Receipts wre: Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday .M7 6,064 4.6M Ofridal Jncs.'av 6.64.1 6.'.9 9.: Official Wednesday... l.sTI 13.W7 fi. Estimated Thursday .. 2.4 14.000 U.frO Four dava this week M .f? S" " Same daya last week 17. 79 17.07 .4fv Same days J wka. ago.1.CR 48.237 44 Ml Same days ( wks. aao. 13.014 4,4l i 3J7 Hame dnye 4 wks. SKO.12,0!i 2.1 44.311 fa mo iaya last year.. 16,001 44.4J6 40.1W1 The foUowIng table snows ths receipts . rattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock msrket for the year to date, as compared with laat year; 11M4. 111 Dee. Cattle Wl.HS. 40.77 Hogs I. PU,.n 2.4 2:ii.476 Sheep 1.0uS,407 (.lKVTCI 101.378 The following table snows tb eaverage price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the lat f days, with comparisons: Dandeo. Biggest Bargain in Dundee Price Just cut from (4.960 to T4.100; owner left city, house vacant, and he needs the money. On the first floor them is a large living room, dining room and ! kitchen; 3 nice bedrooms and large sleep-' ing pvrcn, , second iioor; large rioored attic; oak floors throughout. This Is a well constructed house, built laat year, located one block from car line on full lot ; garage. (600 cash will buy. the equity, balance at 6 per cent, quarterly payments same as rent Buy It for Xmas. Glover & Spain (12-20 City National. Douglas 3S62. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS BIG CHANCK IN MILLER PARK BBCTION. (1S5 down and Sl per month will buy what I built for a home, but circum stances prevents my using; 6 rooms, all modern. 1-story bungalow, built of best material throughout, modem open plumb ing and lighting fixtures. Price reduced for quick sale. Owner will show you. Address K 346. REAL ESTATE-r-IXVESTMENTS Investment Bargain $7,000 Three frame flats of 9 rooms each at 2216-1X-30 Leavenworth St.: lot 67x108. Kaslvrn estato must be closed, hence big reduction in price. The Byron Reed Co Phone Doug. 297. 212 South I7th St. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE A BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM BCNOA-LOW-Q CAMI, m PER MONTH. Or will pay moving expenses for man who will pay (100 caah. Thla house Is new, never before occu pied, and all modern. ' it Is durably built of the very best class of material. llrlck foundation, full cement basement, furnace heat, oak 'liiish In living room, dining room, den and vestibule; mirror door In vostlbule; coat oioaet and oai beam ceiling in llv'ng room and dining room; the kitchen, pantry and both bed rooms ara flulsned in pine lumber, with floors of edge-aawed pine. - Wall decorations and electric fixtures will be left to choice of purchaser. The house feces east antl is In one of the prettiest locations in Omaha, and is only 'a block from car line. e have several ci(eU cars and ran take you out to soe tbis bousu In perfect comfort. K. P. WRI'JHT. Telephone: Office, Ioue las 296 In day time. Kxatdenre phone, Walnut 6& after (.30 p. in. ISWST YOUR SAUIHGS Where II Will Pay From 7 to 10. We have figured out a plan whereby, we guarantee to pay you not less than 7 on your money and the prospects of paying as high as 10 as we have paid to others for the past 10 years. Our plan Is a profit-sharing plan, so you can invest In amounts ot $100 or more. See us about It Hastings & lleyden 1614 Harney Street. Features ot the Trading; and Closing; Prleee oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec 17. Emmcnse export sales, said to amount to more than (.000, 600 bushels In the last forty-eight hours, carried the wheat market today sharply upgrade. Closing prices were strong, tr c to liO above lest night. Other lead ing staples, too. all scored a net gain corn, 3'Tc: oats, totfVic to He, and pro visions, 6c to 10c. It was apparent from the start that sentiment In the wheat trade had turned against the bears. Blgns were discov ered early that business with foreigners Is of much larger proportions than had been reported, and that contrary to popular belief the European demand Instead of being diminished by German naval ex ploits, had suddenly grown extremely ur gent. Anxiety to purchase for export, however, showed the greatest force of Improvement Immediately after the an nouncement was made that for the first time this season primary receipts In the United States had fallen below the total at the corresponding time a year ago. Notwithstanding that the government report on winter wheat acreage and con dition was regarded as somewhat bear ish, the acreage exceeding what had been looked for, the market at no time suf fered any important setback. Virtually all other Influences were lost sight of in view of the huge seaboard clearances and because of advices of unusual activ ity f exporters, not only here but at Kansas City, Ht. Louis and Omaha, and In the east as well, i Corn swept higher with wiieat. Be sides, receipts were smaller, land there was an improved call from feeders, the result of cold weather. Offerings to Europe were all accepted, about 160,000 bushels. The strength of other grain spread to oats, galea to trie seaboard aggregating 4.000 bushels. , Liberal receipts of hogs Snd the fact that western packers were pressing the sale of lard gave the provision market a setback at first. The bulge In cereals, however, reversed the course of prices, and more than offsot the early decline, . Uraln prices furnished by Logan 4V Bryan, office 316 Mouth Hixteenth street: Arilclel Open. I Hlgh.l Low. I riose.l Yes'y. Wheat I Dec. 1 1&V 1 10 1 18HI 1 20l 1 1M, May 1 SHS4I'. 1 2:1 1 23Vi- 1 i 1 2:4, i mJ July 1 167.rl 1 16 1 1Z 1 16i 1 l&H I 1 10V4' Corn Dec. 62fi,l 64 62 64 61 May IWV'iV I" 6l; 70H July lay 70 W 704 6v Oats Dec. 43 4V4 4 44 47V May 5274fl 62i- 5l- 62f 8H 51 Pork Jan. 13 .11 13 40 13 .11 13 40 IS 30 May 18 7SU 13 90 18 70 18 87 II 77 18 70 Lard Jan. 10 00 10 13 10 00 10 12 10 0T, May 10 ZVff 10 87 10 22 10 87 10 27 10 Tl Ribs Jan, 10 00 10 11 10 00 10 02 9 97 May 10 274J) 10 37 10 26 10 (3 10 27 I io as Mlaaesipolls Oral a Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 17 WHEAT -December. (116: May. (1.19: No 1 hard. (1.21: No. 1 northern. (1.11 .S0,4; No. 1 northern, (1.13ai.l8. FLOUR Unchauged; shipments. 06, M0 bhls. BAR LET o5fl6c. RTE-61.0S. RRAN-IS.OO. CORN No. ( yellow. 6MVir. OATS No. 3 white. 4C04fic. KLAX (1.65W1.58. Kaasas 4"lty (irala and Provisions. KAKHAg CITY Mo.. Dec. 17. WHEAT No. 1 hard. 11.131.14: No 1 red,; Imremher. (L11; May, (1 1WH.16. CORN No 1 mixed 63'io; No. white, T"M?4e;, December, 62fr624c; May s.r. OATS No. white. fWrtOc; No. 1 mixed. 4V3-4&C. Kra York ;earral Market NEW YORK, Dec. 17 HU4JAR Raw, strady; mulassea, 1 Wle; oentrlfugal, 3c; refined, steady: cutloaf. 6.76c; crushed. fcc. mould A, I ds.; cubes e.10": XXXX powdered. (00c; powdered, 4 96c; fine grsnulated, 4.86c; diamond A. 4 86c; eon fecllorieni A. 4 76c; N 1. 4 60c . BITTER Pirns: receipts. 7.048 Huba; creamery extras (92 acore), U!fiHn; trary movements In some of the specula tive" Issues. Total sales, par value, ag gregated (1.330.OHO. United States govern ment bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on slocks were; Hales. Hlsti Clow Ala.ka O..H , fS J AmalgsmaUHl Obf-per .... (. " " AMrli-aa Bl Busw.... l a" Anxrlraa t'aa 1 " Amsrttaa a 4 R. H JJ Am. 8. It. pM "S Am. ur hatlnlag Ainerlraa T. A T W 111 111 Anaconda Mining S Atchlaoa " e" Hsltlmore Ohl. l."0 To, JH Hrnnklya Rapid Tr , M-J . IU.wnla Petrolsum ... " lH ' ('.nsdlaa I srlflo 7.0 lji W WK Cntr.l Iathsr i Ohle "0 44 41 C!tilrn O. W t'V. 11 1" tVlE. M. ft St. P ... W0 0 Ml "3 rBl.V4prr 'v. ' lhel ft Imo... ! 34 14 4 imvir ft llo orsnds ..... 4S4 Prater A H. O. pt v- ..... gri,r...ttr.'.,.u"..:::: ..S3 il ii ifi Oensral Blsetrla J-'S Ut Northers pfd 00 111 II i 114 Oraal Me. Ore ctfs OutsOTlisIm Kiplorstlao 111 loots j:ntrai lril.rbonxiili Met. pM.. 1 ' ' Inspiration Oepper 406 1M4 14 IJ Irurnsllonsl lUriMtar K.r.l 1lr Ho 4(10 "4 u n lhih Vsllsr !. i 1" .iuivllla a nasnriue., i i ijo Mtiloan Petrol Mi m M Miami Coppar . " Mlwiurl. K. At T 1 Mlseouri Pmeltls SIX) lota National Blsoult National Iad U 4 41 Nevada Coppir ' lt 12 1 N..- York central Mo k U't N. T.. N. 11. ft II 'WO tt H NcrMk ft Western 101 S Ncrtbora Paclflo 1.0U0 M M lois P.cltlc Mall ' I'aanirUauls 1.4P MI4 107 l'W'4 l-ulln-.n l-mltca t?ar ls K.r roe. ti.ppr M 1 1 Headlni 6.0V 141 H7Vt 144 Itepubllo Iron ft Btael lt J(oC lelana O 9 14 1 pnek laland t prd ... 40 3 1 1 m. I ft B. P. 96 pld 4 h..uthrn Pacific. t.f0 SB 44 Ut4 ew.uthoni Hallway 1.100 1ST 14 16 TminassM Ibupsr w si ii Tanas I Vimpiuir IIS Union Paeirto i.asi ua jii nr Vnloa Paollla pfd , Tt llnliad Riatae Btsel (.400 bit, MS 41 IT. a Hi eal pfd 2W MMl I044 )4Si bun Cop par l.too i it 4 Wabcaah pM 1 3 1 Wastsra llnioe l.VKM W 64 M Waatiushooaa Blaetrlo ... ,4 61 XKIeraa. Total aaJae for tke say. Tt,lM skarsa. New York Money Blarket. NKW YORK, Doc. 17.-MONEY-M. cantlle paper. 4j4 per cent. STKRLlNtl KXCHANOti-S t e a d y; sixty-day bills, (i84Ju; for cables, (4 88; for demand, (4.8736. BILVKR Bar, 4944c MONEY Call, ateady: high. 3U per oent; low, ( per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; last losn, 3'4 wr cent: closing bid, ( per cent; offered at 8 per oent. lAjNIMiN. Dec. 17. 8ILVKR Bar, J3T44 per ounce. MONKV 1 per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Short and three 'months, 1 per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today were ss follows- l! 8. ft tt. teg... St Mo. Pac. sr. 6a.... 40 ao coupon 4 N. Y. C. (. ... 71 U H to rag I' N T. CUT 4a UiJ..10l do eewpoo i N. Y. Htata 44a...lW c . . re 1044,K V N. H. A H. do rmipoB I ev.U 104 '4 Panani. U coupon.. It No. Pacific 4a Am. HmcHars 4a . w(4 o Ss H A T a T. c. 4a 4 O. H. L. rcf. 4a.... IH.S Armour ft Co. 4VaSi4Pac. T. ft T. i..... AUtuaon son. 4a.... Pwia. coo. 4s N a. i a Ohio 4s VtKaallDi ara. 4a Ml ittea. ft Ohio 4a. 17 H U ft S. F. r 4a to 4 4 A m. a rmi aua.. nuto. Railway la k. D ft II. r. 6a. 4t'llnloB i-acitlc 4a.... Krta (a. 4s 41 do e 4s rf,, cim. Hlsetrtc s ...1MU. H. Runosr ls...1oiva eia. No. lt 4WS..1H0 4". S. Htael ta Ion III. On. rat. 4a. ... M'i 'Wabash 1st ta ti K. C. So. rcf. 6a.. Unloa 4a.. 47 U N. unl. 4s ... M Wast. gUac. CT. ta . l at. K. ft T. 1st 4s.. 71 Olfared. Metal Market. NP7W TOR K Dec 17. ME7TALS Iead, quiet at 13Wa.8fi; Ixmdon. fll Spelter, steady at (5 avitj.75: l.on.lon r."7 12s 6d. NKW YORK. Dej. 17 M bTTA LH-TIn, dull: five-ton lts. M.00ti(t: 26-ton lots, 33 R74'34.87 Copper, quiet: ele:trolytlc, IIS 37(U 60: casting, (13.1336. Iron, quiet and unchanged. Imdoii prices: Copper, spot. 57 16s; futures, 68. Till, spot. 148: futures. 146 10a. HT I.OUIS Mo., Deo. 17.-M rTTAIJl Lead, dull and nominal. ( 67r3.70. bpel ter, dull and nominal, (i.U4j6.60, Liverpool Urals) Market. LIVKRI-OOU Ipc. 17 WlfKAT Spot, steady; No. 1 Manitoba. 10a 4d: No. 1, ltfa ld; No. 1. 9a lid; No. 2 hard winter, 9s I04d. Futures not quoted. CORN rtpot, dull: American mixed, new 6s lid; La Flsta futures steady; De cember, 6d; January, 6sld. I St. I.oals (;ralai Market. ST. IiCIS. Dec. 1?. WHEAT No. 2 red, (1. Unl it; No. 1 hard. (!.17tfi u; December, (116: May, Il.l2'f31. CORN No. 2. 6S4iKic: No. 2 white, 66 6i6c; December, ; May, 70c. OATS-No. 2, 60c; No. 2 while, 4c DatcsJ 1914. lUU Iliill. 11911. 19IO.19t. jl6. Nov. (ofl lb I I 0, I 1 00; ( 131 ( ' Dec, 1. 6 H 7 (31 1 74 6 041 7 87 , 7 U Deo. t. 6 81 7 40 T 67 6 Oil 7 I3 ( Wl ( T5 Dec. ( . 6 T4 7 43 7 64 t Ml I OJ 66 Deo. 4 . 6 76 T 34 1 66 Ml I 8 OS 5 69 I 'OC (,. 73 7 41) 7 64 ( W) 7 861 1 ( bl Deo. .. IM e 6 3i ( 4Hj 7 7 6 31 Dec I. 6 66 t to 71 6 41 47 7 M 6 16 Dec. a. 6 HiS 7 67 S 97 T 83 22 1 Deo, 9 .. 6 l 7 44 7 66 01 7 V ( 6 48 Dec. lt 6 83 7 44 7 64 7 66 1 5 6 63 Dee. 11. 6 77i 7 4H 7 31 S 97 ( 41 Dec, 1'.'. 6 W 7 4i 7 18 6 i 7 67! 6 :U Ic. 1.1. c 7 76 7 6 37 J(S (74 Dec. 14 6 8S 7 74 7 (2 6 26 1 44 5 3 Dec. 15.1 Suva 7 4n 6 tl 7 661 8 09 6 il7 Dec. J.;. 7 trjv, 7 7 0(1 6 001 7 M 8 141 6 SO 1". 17.: 7 30 7 01 I T IWH 8 3T. 6 34 CATTLK Chicago opened the market thla morning by wiring a break of (l.Ooy 1 Hi al thai point aa oompared with a week ago. Such demoralising reports aa that could not fail to have a depressing in fluence upon all other market points. The result was that the market hero on all kinds of rattle opened very slow and weak and It waa late before buyers and sellers could get on a trading basis, and still later before anything like a clearance waa effected. Just how much lower the market was than yesterday would bo difficult to aay, as prices for the last two days or more have been very unev.m. It Is, however, safe to say that the general market Is 76-iri1.00 lower than last week a bt time. Koine cattle, as a matter of course, might not show quite that much decline, but whlnh such a bunch was pointed out It was possible to find another that would show more decline to offset It. Great efforts are being made at all rrarket points to influoe the country to hold back their cattle until the glut at astern points cauld be overcome. The flood of halt fat and unfinished beeves bss not only broken the market on that kind, but has carried down with It the market on even the best Christmas cattle, and on all classes of cows, heifers, stockers and feeder It Is, In fact, the worst slump experienced by the market for a long time hack. If the country will only hend the advice being given and hold back cattle from all market points there can be no question but what prices will steadily recover. limitations on Cattle Prime yearlings, (9 (Wyio.ot); good to choice comfed beeves, 2Mj6.76; fair to good corn fed beeves, 7.76ti.26; common to fair comfed' beves, n.fil-i.oO; good to oholce range beeves, $7.fXrj8 00; fair to good range beeves, (7. lal ti'ibo; common to fair rarge beeves, (li.OOir 7.00; good to choice heifers, (6.00i7.U; good to choice cows, (6.2o4ji fair to good cows, 4. 75jjf. 36; common to fsir cows, (4.4nk .76; good to. choice stockers and feeders. (7.4067.76; fair to good stockers and feed ers, (6.7&4f7.40; common to fair stockers ami feeders. (6.016.76: stock heifers, (6.00 (tH'Jft; stock cows, (4.7M( 00: stock calves, (O.OOiQ7.60; veal calves, t7.fa9.0t; bulls. Stags, eta, (6.00S.70. Representative sales: UEKr STKKR& Na. i .. 1... ... II... lo.... tl... 10... 3.... At. IS. .... til 6 34 .... auo 4 14 .... W IS a.. .1041 Ton ....100 T 14 .... w 7 is ....V 7 at ....lots 7 at 81..H.UH AND HEIFERS. Na. 14 M 30 1 ( At. Pt. ...UM 7 44 ...liso 7 to ...low 7 so ...13KI 74 ...lnt.1 7 14 ...1131 ...1364 7 1 I 34 711 6 tn 7.. CO Wet. 1.... 1.... 3.. .. it!" AND HKIFERH. itn 1 47 3 76 1 1044 4 m 1 sat 4 U 7 MM 4 to 414 4 st 8 rut 4 40 1 t" 4 to It M IK 7 1111 4M I MO 4 0U 4..... 1076 4 10 I swi 6 14 1 1140 6 it 1 746 I 10 IV V&9 I 40 MEIFKHK 1 40 4 4 I 4.... 414 6 SO 7 1 7SI 6 sj 4 1 400 6 I& I 14 441 6 40 43 Tit 6 40 4 9 tl 1 44 4 HULi.4. ( IM IN I.... 1 410 6 34 1 16 104 ( k I 1 1400 I M CALVES. 7 444 1 94 1 ( MS 6 4 BTQ 1 60(16 I 64 6 eft 4 ! 4 14 II 7B 4 to U 740 6 44 ..14W7 7 14 ...12 6 It ... IM) 4 M ...I0M 1 St ...o4 I 40 ...1074 6 44 ... PM I 10 ...4 4 S ... 110 6 4 ...1X14 I lit ...list 100 ...1044 4 04 ...1441 6 44 6 19 114 I 6 TM (74 Ml 6 04 4IO I 10 14 4 10 tat 4 74 444 It 974 6 76 1740 It 3v7 64 34 7 46 cliaa. ft Ohio 4"a. si b 1 at s. r. r a O B ft i- I- 4s... 94 So. fa, er. 4a O H ft A P f 4V4s ft do raf. 4 C B, I. ft 4 tt ec (a ANn PEEDTts. 16 444 1 40 164) I 46 11 140 4 14 4 76 7 OS ...... 1411 t 46 NKHItArtKA. 10 stockers. 6 6 66 10 st. civs... 42S 60 14 stockers. 860 t 35 26 stockers. 7!iJ t 70 14 feeders... 1)16 7 16 steers 766 2i 23 feeders . . K)3 8 DO WYOMINO. 67 feeders.. lOitf 7 10 61 feeders.. 1074 TIA DO feeders.. 900 7 26 81 feeders.. 90 7 36 7 steers.... 1044 6 60 64 cows..... 1040 ( 76 1ICMJ8-Total receipts were 187 cars, or about 14.000 head. Of these, seventeen cars were shipped direct, but at that the supplies today are Uie heaviest In over two weeks. For the four days the run foots up 39,530 head, being 22.600 head larger than last week; but i.UOO head short of last year. With a very generous run, and ad vices from oilier points not overly en couraging, trade opened out dull this morning, and even the sales made on the earlier trade, which proved tu be the best time of the day, were around tic lower than yesterday's average. Backers had things pretty much their own way, anj as the morning advanced valuta continued tn weaken, so that before the close a good many hogs were moving ou a 'lat dime loner basis. After things had once settled down on a MlOc lower basis, prices failed to showi much change. Closing rounds were slow. In fact. the. trade was mure or leas dull throughout, but late prices were Just about the same as the general market, that is 64l'10o below yesterday's average. Owing to the dullness of the market It was lain before a clearance was made. Bulk of the sales was made st (6 96j'7.10, with some very good butchers at (7.16, top for the day. , Representative Bales: Na. At. Hh. p. Vs. At. Sa. Ft. 44 tn 30 6 to 74 rat in tl 710 ... 4 44 Tl J41 ... 7 44 41 -4 44 4 44 M Ill 44 7 44 44 14H ... 4 46 71 Ill ... 7 IS 44 o MS 7 40 14 Ttt ... 7 16 11 4 ... 7 e 6ft 344 ... t 14 14 144 60 1 40 . PIQ8. M 144 ... 6 4 8HEKP There wag a generous run of sheep snd lambs on sale for a Thursday, amounting to as many as 11.600 head, against 9.766 a week ago and 4.6JI g year ago. Trade waa alow and lbtqtoa lower on lambs and fully lO&ttic ott on aged sheep, oelng Just the opposite to yester day's active and higher market, it waa late In the morning before the packers would even go and look at the offerings, and when a movement scale ward did get under wsy trad was only fairly active at the beat time. Moat of the lambs con-'iat-d of fed westerns and moved at (3 ta i8 60, with some medium kinds going at (8.10. Fat ewes sold largely at At the close of laat week the range on lamtai was (84iltu8.60: conaequenUy to day's trade la about ateady with laat Fri day. The bulk of the ewes last Friday wnre quotable at (6.I141C.50, compared with IV 3(gS. 66 today, thus showing a small ad vance for the week thus far. The re ceipts this week have been very good compared with the same time last week, hut fall short of two weeks ago end ft yrsr ago. They foot lip 30.6:!l head. iVuota.lnna on sheep snd lambs: tlonrl lo choice lambs, (g.jOAKM; fair to good lambs 7.7ii'(iS ,'tO; fair to good feeders. 17 6lr7.7o: good to choice yearlings, (7 iv, 7 to, fair to good yearlings, (7.WVn 7.SS.V. feeder yearllncs. lfi.WVUli.10; good to choice wethers, (6.lMi.40; fsir to good wethers. ( (f; IS, feeder wethers, (4.4ti.OO; good to choice ewes, W Fh.75: fair to good ewes, 22Vhf0; feeder ewes, (1406.0O. Representative sales: No A v. Drier. 1 12 fed ewes ,. list 6:40 169 fed ewea no ( 5t) 43 fed lamha 7S 8 if fed lambs At 8 y TM fed lambs 71 k ;n 14.1 f.d ewea 110 R 6T ! fed ewea 19a 6 o 41 fed lambs sj k ?l) 7 fed eaea 151 6 On S01 (vl ewea ...lis 6 3 176 Colorado ewes 17 6 3.. 60 culls 105 4 lit 9 O fed lambs 62 7 so fl fed lamhsl 68 7 no 130 fed lambs 73 8 26 139 fod ewes HH ( tki CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKKT tattle Weak 9 keep Active' to Higher "keep Weak. CHICAfiO. Deo. 17. CATTLK Rerwlnfa 6,oou head; market weak; native steers! i."ipio.iii.: western. (4.V0ftr7.tin: cows and heifers, 32 9ni7.76; calves, . 76. utrus Kecipts. sa.oixi head; market ai -live, MiHX! higher: bulk. 87.orvfi7.30: Hcht. M.W4J7..ti; mixed, (6.9O4V7.40; heavy, (tv-tftfl. 7.46: rough. $ 8h((Ii7.oi: pigs. (A.7rvri7.(6. HHKKI AND I.A MBS Receipts, 22.000 bead; market, weak; aheep, (o .40HA.40; yearlings, (6 6VW7.60; lambs, (0 6(KH.70. I Kansas City Live (Meek Market. KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Dec 17. CATTI.ta Receipts, 3,(4)0 hea.1; market strong. prime led steers, n.(v(no.; dressed beef steers, (7. OncjiV.Oo; western steers. (7.0.XJ' 9 (10: stockers and feeders, (6.0uri7.7u; bulla, 16.0OU66O; ealvea. Ji.0VitS.76. llOOM-Receipt a, I11.OOO head; market lower; bulk. (i.VjOT.27i; heavy, 17.1iw1.r"i; r ackers and butchers, 37.PU7.2fl; light, i.O(i7.30; tlgs, (6.6.4I6 W HIIKKP AND UU US Receipts. 7.S0) head: market lower; lambs. xn.ovff8.rT0. yearlings, (H. PMll.tM); wethers, ((). 00; ewes. (4.7otpYflO. I : t. Lnala Live Stock Market. HT. LOUIS. Dec. 17. CATTLE Re retpts. 4.S00 head; market lower; native beef steers. (7.6IM110.6O; rows and heifers 3o.00ti9.26; southern steers, (a.76i7.76; cowt and heifers, (4.0Oii.0O; native calves, (rt.O tl 00. HoOct Receipts, 9.400 head; market steady; pigs and lights, kj.3fxu'i.6; mixed and butchers, (7.3O;.40, good heavy, (7.31 tl'i.40. SHBnirr AND IAMBS Receipts, (,104 head; market lower; native muttons, (4.7Mb.M; iambs, (3,00iha.C; yearlings. (r..60tur7.86. I "loaa City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Dec. 17. CATTLE Receipts. l.(" head; market slow; native steers, (6.00177.60; butchers, dWOutf. 26 : cows and heifers, (4 6O4Y1Y60: eagners, 14. i0 4.76; stockers and feeders, (o.6o0T7.W, bulla, stags, etc., (4 6kfr6.60. HOCiM llecelpta, 6 0O head: market Be lower; heavy, H0O.vi7.il6; mixed, (69r4) 7.00; light, (&86.!; bulk of sales. (4 96i 7.00. SHEEP AND IAMBS Rece4pU, l.N") head; market steady: fed muttons, (6.7o; ewes, (4.76(ri.&; lambs, H.00.ti.6O. I . St. Joseph Live atoek Market. HT. JOSEPH. Dec. 17. CATTLE Re ceipt s, 1.000 hend; market steady: steers, (i.OutilO.:; rows and heifers, ROxoO.00; calves, (0.00418. 60. 1 IO IS Receipts, 14,000 head; market steady; top. (7 25; bulk of sales, (7.O0V7.2O. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,0uO head; market slow; lambs, 7.76tf8.6&. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BUTTER-NO. 1, 1-lb. cartons. 31c; St. i, t'A lb. tubs, 2Kc. CHEESE Imported, Swles, Silo; Amer loan Swiss, 28c; block Swiss. 22c: twins, 16c; daisies. 17c; triplets, 17e; Young Americas, 18c: blue label brick. l7c; llm burger. S-lb., Wo; 1-lb. 30c; New York white, 18c; Imported French ltoquefort, FRUITSOranges: Extra fancy Wiih, navel. 80s, 96s, (2.60 per box; extra fancy Wash. Ills, 136a, (2.76; extra fancy Wash. Itn., (; 17ba, 200s, 216s. (3.00. Lemons: Fancy, Sunklst, 96s and VX,; l.Mle. (286; 176s. 20si. 216a. 260s, (.1.00; ' !, 3t0e (V60: choice Ked hall. 3tia. 3fliia, t.VOO. nrapcrnilts: V,s. Ms. 64s and 60s, (2.76. Apples: Extra fancy Wash.. White Winter I'earmlans. (J.00 per box; fancy Wash. White winter I'esr mains, 4L76; extra fancy .Waal)., Wine sap, (1.75; extra fancy Spltgenberga, (1.60; Oregon Spltsengerga, (1.36; Oregon Bald wins, (1.60; iou. unwrapped Jonathans. (I 86; Wash, extra fancy and fancy Hoovers (1.40: O. K. Jonathans, (1.10; fancy Oolo. Wealthys, (1.10; fancy Colo.,. McMahona, (1.10; fancy Colo. Utters, (1.10: fancy Maldon Blush, (1.16; Idaho fancy Grimes Oolden, (1.40; Idaho choice, Grimes Oolcen, (1.36; Wash, fancy Grimes Oolden, (1.60; Idaho fancy Jonathans, (1.36; Idaho fancy Fulton, (1.26; Idaho fancy Straw berry, fl .26; Idaho fancy Wolf River, (1.36; Waah. Wagner, (1.26: N. T. Baldwins. (3 00 per bbl.; N. Y. Greenings, (3,60 per bbl. rapes: California Emperors. tVl.W tier bbl., (1.75 per crate; fancy Malagas, r.,60 per keg.: extra fancy Malagas, (t.0i) per keg. Pears: Anjou, (2.60 per box; Jer sey, (2.35 per box; Sheldon, (2.30 per box; Lawrence, (3.00 per box; Bosco, (2.60 per box; Ksster, (lit per box. Bananas, per bunch, (1.76113.50. Limes, (1.76 per box. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. 18c; No. 2 ribs, 16c; No. ( ribs. 11 c; No. 1 loins. 19c; No. 3 loins, 16 c; No, 1 loins. 13c; No. 1 chucks, I0c: No. ( chucks. 9c; No. t chucks. 9c; No. 1 rounds. 12c; No. I rounds, 13c; No. ( rounds, 11 c; No. 1 platect. 9c; No. t plaUs, SHc; No. 3 plates, (c. v jortee Market. NEW TORK, Iec. 17.-OOFFEE-The coffee market was weak and unsettled during today's trading aa a rosult of a further decline In brastllan exchange, reports of easier oost aad freight offers and tha continued full primary receipts. Futures opened at a decline of 8 to 10 points under liquidation and trade) selling which was believed lo be a hedge agujiist recent cost and freight purchases god. while soma of the late months rallied slightly on European buying In the last few minutes, tha close was at a net loss of 21 to 18 points. Sales were 15,500 bag. December, 6.11c: January, 6.13o; Febru ary. 6.22c; March. 6.81c; April. 6. (So; May. 8.4c; June, (lio; July, 7.38o; August. 7.33c; September, 7 30c; Octobes?, f.dtx-; November, 7.63c. Spot coffee, easy; III No. 7. 7'ac: Santos No. 4. 80. Omaha Hay Mark. OMAHA. Doc. 17.-PRAIRIH HAY Choice upland, (lLOOj No. 1, (1060; No. 1. I'J.OiK'i lO (w; No. 3, (T7.0(i9.0l). Choice mid land, (10.60; No. 1, (10.00; No. I, (s.OWd 10.), No. 3. tf.OOYTT.OO. Choice lowland. (9.60; t o. 1, (900; No. 2, (7.0tx44).00; No. 8, (6.0i 7.00. Straw: Choice wheat, (S-frXfjou. choice oat or ' rye, (n OOtixVoO. Alfalfa: Choice. (13.00; fancy, (13 .60; No, 1. (1S.0-.i-12.60; No. 1, dl-ou 12.00; No. t, fl0.0ftij.UO0. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dee, n.-COTTOH-tSpot. quiet; middling uplands, 7.40c The cotton market closed at practically the brat point of tha day. LIVERPOOL. Dec 17.-430TTON Snot. ?ulet; prices steady; Amerlin niiddiing air. e.2Tjd; good middling, (4 63d; middling, 4.3d; low middling, (.92d; good ordinary, 3.30d; ordinary. IHGd: saiee, 6,000 balss. I wool BXarke.t. LONDON. Dec. 17 WOOL A saJs of aheep skins waa held hero today. The 4,161 bales offered met with an Irregular demand, which Came principally from ths home trade. Holland bought a few pelts at d advance. Merinos declined from d to d. Coarse crossbreda were un changed, but other grades lost Vt&tt4. Dry Ooeds Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 17. DRY GOODS Raw silk was sold more freely today and prices steadier. Men's wear, prices higher. Cotton goods steady; Fruit of ths Loom 4-4 bleached cottons advanced o to 7o a yard. Evaporated Apple aad Dried Frolta NEW YORK. Deo. 17. EVAPORATED APPLES Firm. DRIED FRUIT Prunes, quiet. Apii cots and peaches, steady. Raisings, quiet, 7 Stock for Sale Aa omaha corporation. In active bust Baas for twsnty years offers for sate fifty siiarss guaranteed ssvea por cant preferred stock redeemed from lormac swuers. N agents. Will sll dtiesk 4V 1T Caxs of Be.