T1IK I1KK: OMAHA. Tlll'ISSIiAV. PETEMIIKR 17. 1014. BRIEF CITY NEWS tlsellty Storage Tarn Co, Soar- Ml. Have feoot Brl It Now Be eon Press Xnu Tree Xla-ltlaf outfits Burgess- ''ZV 'Mifio Take. Urge Crew of auaattfai au Mrtarm Konn for j Men for Ice Cutting; Work at en the easy payment iin. Manners Realty Investment Co. Thone Poug. mi Mmim to Ba a Bla? Tear WIM. QTAPT TH I DODGE FAYORS SHORT BALLOT llaUJU Ullllla IV STORE ICE SOON North Platte. CROP COMING FROM WYOMING Anaaal Harvest U ow Ou la Kntl Blast at Laramie and Kvanston Local ( ntllni Start et Mitil), Ttie firm InrtU-atlon of the annual toe harvest being on was apparent when the Union raclfle carried from aeventy-flve tfl 1 men to North Platte, where they will work In the houses of the Pacific Frult Kxnress company. storing away tin- crop that will come from Wyoming, where cutting has commenced at I-eramle and Evanston. The ! at the two Wyoming point Is twelve to fourteen Inches In thickness Have you prepared for big business oy locating your office In the Bee Hutldmg (the building that Is always new)? Johasea Gets Forty-five fs Jamea Johnson Was sentenced to forty five oays In the county Jail for securing financial aid by reason of a fake letter. Today' Complete Movie Froi-rasa" classified section today, anfi appears In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the vartcua moving picture theaters offer. B'Bal Ami Club to Otve Xace The BNal Ami club will entertnln at an In formal danrlng p.trty Sunday evening at the Metropolitan hall. Twenty-third and Harney streets. Bart la Taeolnated William M Hurt. ; . . - . I . . .-. In lit ! JW -ss sutti, nu ' - Uy- ,laii,. ter of -his' decision after a short period In Jail and compiled with the city physl vlan'a request. CHtm CkilOre Christmas Cards The Carpenter 1'apcr company,, through lsnac Carpenter, newly elected member of the Board of Education, has given the super intendent of schools 10.000 Christmas ranle for. distribution among the, children. Applegate to District Court James ppiegnte. 3lrt5 Aniee avenue, was boun I over to the district court with bonds fixed af 11,000. ' Applegate was charged with emberallng $X24 from the Kmereon laundry, by whom he was employed. . Bargsss-Basb Bayers Back Samu-jl Johnson, buyer an! mnnager of the domestio department or, the Burgees Nash company, nan Just returned from New York, where he spent ten days pur chasing1 a lute stock, and Mr. White house of the cloak and suit department and Mr. Jones of the silk goods depart ment fe at present In New York,- Visiting Nurses - : .. Attend Many Cases ; ' During November . ... .The report of the secretary -of the Yls lllnil Nurse association read before the monibjy meeting held at the Pax ton ho tel records that nurses In the aervlpe of the association made 824 calls on US casus during the month of November. .Visit ing nurses also attended at twenty-four maternity cases. . VETERAN CONDUCTOR. . ': 65 DIES IN HARNESS ' ;'hI' lifelong prediction "that! lie would work up to the day of his dcatn and nracttealiy. "die .in the . harness" came true for. Ilbward - Kennedy, a veteran railroad eondurtor.-. He went to': Ills Omaha home, 1604, Blnney street, Monday r.ight, after completing hla run on 'the' Omaha line of the Northwestern between Ploux City and Norfolk, -and died Tues day afternoon from a sudden attack of typhoid-pneumonia. . He was 65 years old. had bee a a rail road passenger conductor continuously for thirty-five years aad was.Uis rldest tnau in that posltloalon'th Orriah" line of the Nebraska dhiJ0n of re Korth-v-estern road. He started at a pandenger conductor on the Omaha road In 17$, when De Sota was the terminus and there were only seven or eight coaches po the line. . ,.: ,; , . - , ' . , ' He'laj survived by ' his wiCe, , Son, Charles. . Kennedy, of Chicago, and ' a daughter, Mrs. C. A. Barber, of Custer, Moat. - lie had many acquaintances ta this art oi Nebraska, Funeral arrange ments haver not been made yet. JUDGE SUTTON ANNULS MARRIAGE OF MILLERS The marriage of Bessie Miller to,F. J twrence Miller has been annulled by litrtrtct Judge Button on the ground that when the wedding occurred, July 4, 1913, the bride was only 1C years of age. ' miimmiiiimi li i. iniii lit i iiiiii '"V sV i V r I i It Alio Against the Annexation of South Omaha hj Legislature. TALKS TO THE REALTY MEN Member of the Legislature WoaM lty the Old Pour Fare Make l arae Pablle rrk WoiM Ray the t;a riant. At the reaulor meeting ir the Heal K.statt- exchange N. P. lvxltce, member. clc't of the legislature from litiuglns county, was the only speaker and he ile voted the lime to telling of some of the legislation that may e looked for at the coming session. Mr. Dodge favored the short ballot snd averted that a law providing for its us In Nebraska Is necessary In order present primary law may be mat iBrt j Next week, lr rrerslng weather con tinues, the Pacific Fruit KNpress com pany Will commehre cntting Ice at Oothehburg and North Platte, and in the aggregate will cut something like l.v,00 tons, to be distributed to the houses along the lines of the t'nlon Pacific. If the season lasts until a full crop is se cured, close to W0 men will l given em ployment two months, or so. May "tart nt Valentine, i At Valentine Monday the Northwestern will commence the harvesting of Its an hiiat crop of about. Jll.ooo tons of Ice. There the ice Is fourteen Inches in thlck-n- sc. and growing thicker at the rate of about an Inch every twenty-four hours. A llttlp Ice will bo cut the last of this week. i . ' : .. With freezing weatlier the ltock Island next Monday morning will' commence securing Its Ice -crop from the lakes In the vicinity of Meadow. THe packing house officios have tested their Molds and have determined that that they will start ice cutting . Monday, provided the cold .weather .continues. Local companies supplying the city trade made another test of the Ice. It gained another Inch Tuesday and Is now close to' seven inches. If the weather remains cold the cutting and packing will be In full -blast' Monday. Siltmaririe Flotilla Chief Says U.S. Navy Can't Defend Canal -WAWnNGTON. Dec. .!, -Preparations of the. Vnlted mates to defend the Pan ama canal In case of war was the subject of . a series Of ' questions put to Com mander Stirling, commanding the At lantic r fleet's ; submarine ' flotilla. 4 at to day's hearing before the house naval af fairs tfofrtnilttee. ' The commander ex pressed the opinion thai In addition to the navy & 'large mobile army would ba required to protect the canal and keep It open. Is our naval force prepared to give us oontrol of the canal against a navy of the site, say, of Germany's?" asked Representative Fart- of Pennsylvania. ,"Net very well prepared," the officer replied, after some hesitation. Commander Stirling pointed out that lack; of base would handicap the opera tion , of any hostile navy against the canfel. v The nearest foreign base, he said, teas- Jamaica, a British possession. The .commander said he believed the Ultimate development, of the battleship would be to a. more offensive, rather than defensive type, that it would shed part f lta armor to facilitate speed. The ultimate development, he thought, would lead to a type of a submarine of a 1,000 ton armored" twenty-five-knot sea-going veisc-1 to accompany the battleships wher ever they go aa a terror to the enemy's battleships. kow to Give So That Help Will Do Good to the Needy "Much time and money are wasted by good people who try to give relief to needy persons they know little about, said Charles T. Kountse, a director of the Associated Charities. "It sometimes happens that several are helping the same person, ' who Is surfeited with provision for a few days. Then the benefactors forget all about It. ' ' "However, the public Is coming to see the importance of reporting destitute cases to the Associated Charities and hav lug them Investigated by experts who get II the facts and make a permanent of fice record. Other charity organisations consult these reCorJy and thus prevent duplications of relief supplies. Men and I women are awaured by the director of . the Associated Charities that all moneya and supplies Intrusted to Its care will be given only to deserving persons. "The cold weather of course has In tensified (he need of unfortunate de pendent, and the Associated Charities solicit contribution from all those who feel it a pleawinl duty to help allevlato dltree. Every dollar so contributed will be carefully administered. Money and supplies should bo sent to the office In Gardner .hall, 1TK. Dodge street." that the efficient. In dlecueslnir annexation of South Omaha. Mr. Dodge said that he looked upon It as a political scheme, adding: "Right now there la a plsn being worked upon for the annexation of South Omali.i and bringing It Into Omaha In time so that the voters there may par ticipate In the city election next spring. If this Is done It means that commis sioners of the character tit the present ones will be perpetuated In office, for they and the Interests will have the voles. Steps for aciilring the gas plant as soon as the franchise expires were urged and the speaker ajiserted that he would Introduce in the legislature a bill looking to this end. The purchase of another park was ad vocated, Mr. Dodge saying: "One of tho bills that I will offer will he a measure looking to the acquirement of the Douglas county poor farm and the grounds now occupied by the Field club and held under lease. "If I get the backing, I will Introduce and attempt to secure the passage of a bill to buy the poor farm." 4 The following committees for the year were announced by President Thomas: Executive F. II. Myers. B. R. Hast ings and George T. Morton. Membership George D. Tunnicllffe, H. A. Wolf and Howard Q. Loomls. Appraisement C. C. George, H. M. C'titlstle. ti. tl. ullnre. J, II. Pumoiit and Harry A. Tukey. Publlo Rorvlre-llenry T. Wymaii, 1L A. Tulrev. William "!. t'r. H. M. Christie and B It Itssting. City Planning tlcorae T. Morton, C. C. George and W. U Selhy. Publicity Harty 1. I 'syne. J. U Mo Cague ami Jotn W. Itohlmis. filer trie Ught W. T. Graham, C F. Harrison and John W. Kobblns. The petition of Mrs. J. K. Summers and others that tho exchange use Its In fluence to secure legisl.MInn giving the public library ".00rt inttead of 1.10,000 pc' nn.'ni Tor mnintenance was referred to tlie leg slatlv commute. The publicity committee was Instructed to InvestigHte snd asceitain why Omaha fiiMithcr conditions are never shown In the table of titles where v nther bureaus ar located. Ten dollnis is as ordered donated to tho waiters' fund of the Commercial club. . jiihi m J M W w m. . SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER We will . give Free of Charge wltn i full ( arts of Prtmo Rye at $3.10. charges prepaid: : 6 Premium? This Kir rents. DON'T MIS". THI8. Cut out thla trtlp. enclose R renin to Foley Co., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. Tou will receive In return a free trial package containing Foley'a Honey and Tar Compound, for roughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thor oughly clean-sing cathartic, especially comforting to stout persons. For sale In your town by ail druggists. Advertisement Runaway Taxi Dashes Through Grocery Window A taxleah owned by the Omaha Taxi company and In charge of Chauffeur C. K. Welde broke loose from Its mooring on Douglas street, Just west of Seven teenth, last nlgftt and coasted drtverless through a big plate glass window of the Courtney establishment and Into an elab orate Christmas display of fancy stock. The oar was extricated with much diffi culty, and Welde, the driver, was taken In charge by the American District Tele graph watchman, who protect the store. When the accident occurred the driver was In the theater lobby. 9 ! Beaton & Laiei Co. Offer j I Some Wonderful Values I in Beautiful Sheffield Silver ; I i i i I Onr department of Sheffield (Silver is growing every season the prices are right yon will find hundreds of wonderful values at Beaton & Laier's. Here are only a few suggestions beautiful Sheffield silver is always ad mired always sought after. Note these values: this Beautiful 7 c Oake Plate ...... ft. 19 Eleven. laches across. Exactly " like cut, . regularly sold here . for $6.00. Mc-Bt store ask $7.50 or $8.00. Fine Sheffield plate, I $4.75 Fancy Grape Pattern This beautiful Sheffield Cake Plate, eleven inches across, only $4.75. Wonder ful detail, one ot the most attractive patterns Bold. I I Bonbonier if ytj l I Footed Bonbonier, exactly like the cut, a regular $4.00 value. Christmas special. $2.75. Covered Vegetable dQ 7C Dish, $11 value.... ?0e 10 A 11-tncb covered dish, detacu able handles on cover, plain heavy Sheffield very desirable, always acceptable. See this fine dish of fered at 98.7S. I $12.75 a Japanese salt an,i pepper ahaker nd a lltli (.Mien dar. This whiskey I bottled expreaMv for our trade and is aold direct to vou. We cuaran tee this whiskoy to be btter than srrri.'. Tifl other hiirh arable I - s,k ii'ls'h' I 0111 rve that sells P - 4 ! double the rrio Tr- 1 rlera st 1 - . . V . I, . I ..... 1. 1 awTScaj call i'r 1 5 quarts rr-Dald. Our refereme is Omaha National Bank. Mail your orders lo MEYER KLEIN LIQUOR CO. Ui and California, Oiualia, Neb. CHANGING CONSTITUTION ECONOMIC LEAGUE TOPIC Mr. Joseph Fela, widow of . the famous Ingle taxer. owing to Illness, was. unable to speak before the Econumlq league at the -oourt house last evening'. ' I, J. Lunn spoke on whether It la desirable to make ' vhunrfs in legislation by constitutional i ..mrnrliD.nta Ar btf Ihe ratlin nf a rnn fhie 't-iand painted tilutlonal convention. He personally de bread ami butter , claied himself strongly In favor of tin tlenofPlmeac'li- ltl'r " co-irn. The present form of r fornla port wfne uuijority vote which Is necessary to estab a gold etch d i lh an amendment makes It prscticall iicy niM8n, - i pocket corkavrew. $18 Well and Tree Platter. This beautiful footed platter, 17 inches long, very heavy Sheffield, well and tree pat tern, on sale now only 12.75. ..$3.75 12-Inch Bread Tray .'... Exceptionally fine design, suit able lor any Dome, or nnesi tsnei flcld plated ware, a rare value at ouly .. I I I I TIT? A tTAXT Co T a Ti-?n r I j 415-17 South Sixteenth Street THIS STORE IS OPEN SATURDAY EVENING ONLYCLOSED THIS WEEK Thursday and Friday Evenings. BEGINNING MONDAY EVENING OUR STORE WILL BE OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS. Impossible to adopt It. He urged tha Douglas count.- lepreeentativcs to th legialatur .4i:.t for a eonatltuttonal con gress bet'susc- the present state constltu Hon Is aittiuudtsd, aud 'n many part leu lars ridiculous according to present needs Daniel Keefer. single taxer, of (Mm in natl. made a brief talk. Colonel C. G. Ounningluini, jirealdent a' the organisation, presided, despite hit very recent Illness. The meeting wai largely attended. HUsiti-k Troeblea Dlaappear By using Klectric Bitters. Beat reniriy for liver and kidney. Indigestion, dyspep sia and all . stomach troubles, toe ai.v' tl SO. Kor tale by 'all druggists. Adver tisement. .,... Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Panoramic Views of Omaha for Holiday Mailing Nothing better as a remembrance. No finer or more beautiful pictures of Omaha ever published. Can be Sought at The Bee Office or at News Stands Price, 10c. Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday Till 9 P. M.i gess-Nash Com Oi c Christmas Store for GvcrijBodij Wedneitday. I. 16, ll14. HTOHK KKWN MK THl RSAV 7. llionei IoiiHlaa 18 OUE OTOME WILL BE OPEM BUT FOTO EVENIMCS BEFORE CHEISTMAS-Begfiiniiniliinig MOMD AY, c. 21 This is done in the interest of our employes to minimize as far as possible the hardships which fall upon them during the Christmas sea son. Will you help us by shopping early early in the day, to lighten their burdens? Toys Are What the Children Want You're Certain to Find What You Want in Toy Town TOYS of alt kinds and descriptions Thousandu of them, doll of erery nation, dolls that cry that . a .t.-n il. J.Ua lila jImHs (fell WglHna frW aa 114 1& trlArh-tV 4n XA-mi in A a At (ham TK A1 a W' l vf Bl tJI'i' V Iff, lH'Iir IIUV UVM U ss a nMit,iuf lSg S aita-at? aawvaa-oa t s-,i b vuvaut a V ther Is dear Old Santa Claus with hla big round Jolly fare. He wants to meet ever)' little boy and girl. He has a gift for everyone accompanied by an adult. Biggest tnd Best Doll Values . in Town W . r TV 98c T"ull Jointed bahv doll, it In. tall, pretty faoe, eves that open or close, llsrrit or dark sewsd vrlg, bootees s,nd allppM-a. A doll that eeiis reruiarty at li nn to sy.uo. Toy souuer Seta or ait natinnw, npeclal Ao nmpty Snmpty Olrena, Hrhocn hut'a rlown, lad der, chair and barrel " Cavalry Beta, witn air runs, at .91.M Zmaa Tree Xleo trte Llihti, 8 1 1 K h t , Ml It llRlits. t8 24 ltehfp .00 Pure Candies WK are exclusive dlntrtbutors of the famous Park ft Til- ford New York candlea. Carniels, fresh cream, assorted per lb.. . .'tnr Penochl, black walnut; special. lb ! Cocoanut brlt tie, home made, lb SWc $1.45 Mechanical Train, 95c Ive's mechanical trains engine tender and coach, with 8 pieces of t rack Regu lar pric $1.45, nt nun vravuj S95c This Collapsible Doll Go-Cart Bnrfeae-lTaah Co. rourth Moor. Exactly like pic ture, very etibHtantlally made, an exact duplicate ot little baby brother's cart, very specll Thursday, .1r. Specializing in Mark Cross London Made Leather Goods Cream patties, assorted flawirs lb 25c Salted peanuts, special, lb. . ,9c Peanuts, fresh roasted, special, quart 4 c NOTK We mrn prepared to offer special inducenteuta to churr.hee, school4 and orftantaaMons who have planned to distribute candy at Christmas. nrs-ess-srssh Co. Basemeny Give Her a Pair of Gloves AND let us suggest a pair of these white glace kid gloves, two-clasp style, with new con trasting; embroidery which we of fer at 11.60 the pair. Each pair in a neat gift box. Bnrgese-irss C" wain Tloor. HANDKERCHIEFS FOR EVERYBODY ONE can never go wrong giving handkerchiefs and aa for assortments which allow most sat isfactory gift selections they will certainly be found here. Of spe cial price Interest: Children's Handkerchiefs, a in Box, IOC Women's Initial Handkerchiefs, 6 in Hoc, 45c Women's Handkerchiefs, 8 in Box. 925c Women's Knib. Handkerchiefs, 6 in Hox, ta.OO Women's Handkerchiefs, 6 In Box, 50c Men's Linen Handkerchiefs, ' in Fancy Box, each iS5c torress-Wash Co. Main rioor. Initial Stationery,25c EATON. CRANK A PIKE'S famous linen flnlshi-d wrltlna paper and correaponlni.e lairds with a delft blue Inltlul, at, iKc. BILTMOKK ()M INITIAL STATIONKRV, 50c An aristocratic gold initial on a very fine trade linen wrltlnn paper or three-ply correspondence card. In a neat, attractive box. at Oo Now If You Have Decided To Give BOOKS A visit to our stock will prove inter esting; and beneficial. Generous se lections of humor poetry, travel, fic tionbooks of all kinds for boys, girls or the grown-ups. T XT.-I. HDurg ess-xi nan 1 ! aH f WE call attention to our dis play of attractive and unique novelties, that suggest pleasing Christmas gifts. FOR MEN Card cases and wallets, poker chip cases, toilet cases, military brush sets, flasks, auto tool cases, match box cases, coin purses, emergency cases, mani cure sets, etc. The above can be had In the finest English Pig leather. FOR WOMEN Sewing baskets, hand bags, motor bags, party cases, jewel boxes, writing cases, emergency kits, toilet cases, scissor sets, desk sets, bridge sets, memo books, etc. Above novelties In purple, bine or red crushed morooco leathers, nrgess-sTash Co. Ha In floor. Beautiful, Practical Gifts for Xmas fl",llf 1 li mil ! r t.'r y a. .ratLT-rvr "What Shall I Buy?" is always satisfactorily and quickly answered in our China Art Section (Fourth Floor) by the many, beautiful, arttstto and useful gifts on display gifts that enhance' the beauty of the home and are therefore always appreciated and long remembered. Dresden Ware our own impor tation. From. .91.50 to H5.oo Wedgewood Ware. Beautiful, original and artistic. From 3.50 to $25.00 Enameled Brasses. Vases and Jardinieres. Something new. From $3.5o to $0-05 Swedish Pottery. Virile and strong, yet charming. From $1.50 to $5.00 Steins for Den Decoration, etc. From 25c to $2.50 Boudoir Lamps. Add appreci ably to the lagy comfort of the well appointed bed-room.. From $3.05 to $15,00 Italian Marbles. Beautiful ex amples ot the sculptor's art From $1.50 to l.VOO Fancy. French and Coalport Ser vice Plates. Illch and distinc tive. From. . .$I5JM to $M3-00 English Rock Crystal. Very ser viceable and moat beautiful. From Otc to $12.00 Cut Glass. In all designs and shapes. From... 50c to $12.00 Thleresenthal Glass Ware. Un usually graceful In its lines- From $t.OM to $45.0O Jacobean Period Ware. Un usual In design and decoration. From fiOc to $4.00 Shelly Ware. A characteristic English Ware. From 69c to $15.00 Redon French China. Distinctly French in pattern, design and decoration. From $8.50 to $15-00 Individual Breakfast Seta or invalid Sets. An out of the ordi nary gift. . From $13.75 to $15.98 And hundreds ot other dainty things that make most accept able gifts. arf aes-sTeak Oo -Yoarih Tloox. Co. Everybody's Store 16th and -Harney, sss (AMERICAN RED CROSS -r-C HV L 1 Vv V TV 'l i 1 is 2 HaovM. 'Nebraska Ucadquartert, 675 Drandeis Theater Duildinf MRS. J. K. R. EDHOLM. State Afent Tt!phna Dan Hat 2059 Ordtr Emrty Trains Dally VIA THE Missouri Pacific Leave Omaha. 8:15 A. M. 2:00 P.M. 11:15 P.M. Ar. Kansas City. 3:55 p. M. 8:35 P. M. , 7:07 A. M. Modern Equipment Observation Sleepers Superb Dining Car Service Meals a la Carte Direct connections in Kansas City Union Station for points South East West. TICKET OFF1CKS 1413 Farnam St. Union Station. Thoa. F. Godfrey, General Agent, Passenger Dept. EXCLUSIVE If. Y. WORLD War News Cables In Addition to' ARSOCIATKO PUKSai