Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 17, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    Till: I IKK: OMAHA. TIU'KSHAY. IKl T.MNKK 17. 1M4.
Mrs. Joseph Fels Flaces Woman
Suffrage Next as Most De
sirable Change in Law.
n ed in Aaltata I'roalMtlem
t idrr Jff System, for WS1
Tone , of Bedr Illtle
Would K Rata.
"Single tax and woman suffrage are
the two great world movement because
loth are for true democracy," declared
Mrs. Joseph Fela, wile of the late mil
lionaire vitiKle taxer nnl philanthropist,
yesterday afternoon, to a group of Omaha
suffragist who had gathered at the
Home hotel to do her honor.
"Would ou not Include prohibition?"
asked Mra William Perry of South
"t'nder a single tax system, there would
he no need to agltat prohibition," replied
Mrs. fels. "It Is only the Inordinately
1 1 h, who are sick at soul and the poverty
stricken, who are sick of their aordl-i
Uvea that buy forgetfulness. I'nder the
more equable balance produced by single
tax, there would be no occasion for such
unhapplness." v
"Slaves .to things" was the manner In
which the diminutive little woman
characterized the moneyed class. Her
listener were fascinated by the charm
Ins; manner, earnestness and deep thought
of the woman who has made it her life
work to further the cause advocated by
ber husband.
' Mrs. Fela, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kiester,
who are Mrs. Fels1 traveling- companions,
had a pleasant chat with Rabbi Frederick
Cohn. Mrs. Fels' girlhood home was ln
Keokuk, la., where she was acquainted
with the Splesberrer family then residing
there. Her secretary. Miss Rothschild.
Is a cousin to Mra. Simon Meyer of this
Among- the women who. called on Mrs.
Fela were Mesdamea Draper Smith, E. M.
Fairfield. H. C. Suraney. William Berry,
G. H. Bllg-h, Dr. Adda Wiley Ralston.
Mrs. Mary Carmack and Misses Daisy
ounerva wulnby, Bartlett
Alice MacKeneta.
helping war victims:
The Duchess of Croy,
formerly Miss Mary
Leishman (above), who
is nursing her wounded
husband, and Miss Marie
Lloyd, famous actress,
(beiow), who will sing in
the various field hospitals.
Order Raising Quarantine Brings
j Toy to the Lire Stock Men.
Marh (iratlflrat Eipressed a
I Foot and Mnata lvlseaae Ild 'let
tirt West of MUeearl
rimers! services ror Mrs. V. C. BarUett.
formerly of Omaha, mother of the lata
WUHam C, Bartlett and Allan Bartlett,
and who died at Logan. Utah. Monday;
wiu be held here at All Saints' churoh.
Rev. T. J. Mackay. officiating: Friday
afternoon, at t o'clock.
Burial will be at Forest Lawn Cemetery
between the two graves of her sons.
Allan it. Fleming-, a brother of the Je-
w" ormg m body from Utah
The psllbaarera will be:
wiaww Aibert
Rev. A. Wagner, who conducts the In
terdenominational Mission at 11 North
Tenth street, is In need of assistance to
keep the good work going. Sine last
week he has fed sixty-one persons, and
a fire heats op the place for the penniless
to lounge around ln. Rev. Wirier also
conducts an employment bureau and aid
many In finding Jobs. He Is making- a
t-anvass of ticket holder to the Pavlowa
charity, ball and so far has secured a
number of promises to. endorse ticket
over to the good of the colored unemployed.
The Cretghton university orchestra will
open Its second year under the direction
of Prof. Henry Bock with a concert at
the university auditorium, Twenty-sixth
and California streets, Thursday evening
at 8 o'clock.
The student aggregation, twenty-six in
number, has been hard at work for this
appearance, which will be Informal. The
program will be of mixed nature. The
orchestra will be assisted by three solo
ists. Misses Hasel True and Maria Martin
and George Phllbrick.
Cleekj Crwws) laataatlr.
Tou know croup is dangerous. And you
should also know the sense of ' security
that comes from always having; Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound In the house.
It cuts the thick mucus and clear away
the phlegm, stops the strangling cough
and gives easy breathing and quiet sleep.
Take It for cough, colds, tickling throat
hoarseness and for bronchial and la
grippe couughs. Contains no ' oplatea
Every user Is a friend. For sal by all
dealers. Advertisement.
glee Want Kds Are trie Best Business
Read Dally by People In Search of Ad
vertised Opportunities.
.... t y r -,(... i . i
Culls from the. Wire
Fire In the hesrt or Atlanta's business
rllMrlrt caused damage estimated at
Self denial was observed today by thou
sands of Baltimoreans who denial them
elves luxuries and In many lnetancne
necessities, in order to contribute to the
community relief for the poor.
Four million etrgs, the largest single
shipment ever sent from this country,
were loaded on the steamer Anglian sail
ing from Boston for London. The eggs
oine from cold storage hotiees In Chi
cago and are valued at tw.OnO.
Suits lo have the Arliona state prohibi
tion law declared Invalid were filed at
1'hoenlx in the United States district
ourt. Injunctions were asked by the
athollc church and hy druggists, and
wholesale and retail liquor dealers to
prevent the dry amendment aolng Into
fiect January 1. umirr the provisions of
trie measure, aa approved by the people
i me stale election isovemuer a.
A test of the Arliona antl-alien labor
taw amendment enacted at the Novem-
oer election waa begun at Tucson In
sult filed In the I'nliel Htatea district
court. The law provides that at leat
per cem or ine employes of any eon-
'to employing more than five persons
muBt be American citisens. In this suit
Mike It lat h, an Austrian rook, seeks to
enjoin Truax. restaurant pro-
iJniTior. irom (uncharging him. Rlach
nuegea tnt tne law is unconstitutional.
The Women's Political union announced
that a committee of three of its members
en new York for slilnirton and will
all upon ecretary of .state Bryan by
Kppolntment "to present a conatruetive
plait to prevent war. The plan fa for the
women of America to rail upon the
women of all it her neutral nations to
meet Immediately anj lay the foundation
of an IriternHtlonal Coinmlaaioii. or .1
aorltl government, with an International
court and an international point- to en
lon e it a decree,
Prohibition vlct'.rvs of the year a l
I'lful'lent T M. (lnnore ln liia report tu
the National Model IJ-n,.. league, at Ha
annual meetiiiK at IxuiHv il were due 10
the fact "that the public wp not properly
informed as to what a fane ro-oallel
i romhltlon is in the states that previously
kail voted tU"
American Loan to
China is Arranged
SAN FRANCISCO. 13ec. 15,-An Amer
ican, loan of 1 2.'. 000,000, replacing the
quintuple loan to China, has been ar
ranged, as to principle, and William W.
Rockhlll was en route to Peking to con
clude negotiations whn he died at Hono
lulu, according to a story which the San
Francisco Chronicle will print tomorrow.
The European war broke up the five-
power loan.
With the racing of the quarantine on
western Iowa the yarda will lake a Jump.
This will have the effect of opening up
the feeder market which has been slow
! since the foot and mouth scare,
j Late Monday night the fcieral au
thorities at Waahlngton lifted the quar
iantlne on all rounltes in IrfWa excepting
J twenty-one, most of which are In the
1 eastern part of the state, ln effect this
allows the free movement if live stocK
of all kinde In or out of the state of
Iowa, with the exception of the following
counttea: penton. Black Hawk.
Buchanan. Cedar. Clinton. Delaware.
Dubuque, Oreen. Iowa. Jackson, John
son. Jones. Keokuk, Unit, Louisa. Mit
chell, Muscatine, Poweshelk, Scott, Tama
and Washington.
The new order further provides that
live stock of any l-.lnrt may be shipped
Into the counties of Benton, Black Hawk,
Buchanan. Delaware, Dubuque. Keokuk,
Linn, Ioulsa. Muscatine. Poweshelk.
Pcott. Tama and Wa.ihlimton: and fat
stock may be shipped out of sny one of
those counties providing It is going for
Immediate slaughter to a point where
federal Inspection prevails.
The orJer further provides for the inter
state shipment of live stock for immedi
ate slaughter from the counties of Oreen
and Mitchell, and the territory In the
counties of Cedar. Iowa. Jones, Johnson
and Clinton, except within a radius of
five miles of any Infectnd fsrm or
premises, with a bureau inspection and
certification before being loaded. Tha
county of Jackson to remain In absolute
Kffect of Order.
The effect of the new order, which
went into effect last night, was to allow
the free movement of all live stock In
or out of western Iowa, and removes all
restrictions on shipments in or out of all
but twenty-one counties In the state; so
that all live stock arriving at this mar
ket from Iowa points from now on will
be yarded In the clean yards without any
restrictions whatsoever. This will permit
the shipping in of feeler stock or an v.
thing else tn the same baal. th.r .
used before the quarantine waa out into
Now that all danger of getting any ex
posed cattle Into the South Omaha yards
or Into the state of Nebraska la passed
tha Union Btock Tarda company has
withdrawn the embargo which it placed
against live stoik from the eastern part
of Iowa, and the Nebraska Live Stock
Sanitary board expects togyxlthdraw Its
order requiring the rallroaur to disinfect
all stock cars before entering the state of
Nebraska, so that so far as this market
Is concerned there will be no restrictions
In or out from Iowa points, excepting the
federal restriction on the twenty-one
counties above mentioned.
Yards Mrm Elated.
The live stock interest at the South
Omaha market feel very much elated, as
they made a formal request on the bureau
of animal industry last Thursday to have
this action taken.
The lrve stock men at this market ajid
all over the west are pleased at seeing
the . disease ..kept east of the river, and
appreciate the work done by the local
authorities in enforcing precautionary
measures. A great deal of credit Is being
given to Dr. R. C. Vermillion,, inspector
lu charge' for the bureau of animal in
dustry, and his assistants; to the Live
Stock exchange, the Union Stock Yards
company and to the Live Stock Sanitary
board. The railroads have fulfilled every
request or order pertaining to the quaran
tine. Framing; Coasolldatloa Bill.
Chairman A. H. Murdock of the com
mittee on consolidation with Omaha, has
announced that the consolidation bill will
be given, all publicity before it Is taken
to Lincoln. The people will know what
South Omaha Is to get before the bill
Is taken to the stste legislature. Ac
cording to Murdock the bill will provide
for every demand that could reasonably
be made to boost the south end of Greater
Omaha. Murdock has already had a con
ference with the men who have the
preparation of the bill In charge. It Is
understood that tha bill will provide for
the library a sub-treasury, sub-j-o'lve
Matlon and many other tl.lnaa about
which South Omahans hsve b-n anrlou.
The firemen, police and school tenrhcr
will become pert of the Omaha system
as soon aa the merger takrn place, their
time of service and seniority to date
from their entrance Into the South Omaha
school district.
Veterinarians in hleaan.
Word wss receive'! at the local yanU
yesterday detaching five veterinarians
from this station snd detailing them tn
Chlcngo. where they wll! jerve In the
aork of stamping out the Inst traces of
the foot and mouth disease.
Alma at Traaa Hereptaclea.
Councilman John Cavanaugh advocates
a city ordinance doing away with trash
cans as they now exist In fouth Omaha,
The councilman says they ate a nuisance.
Omaha Hay Market.
Cherokee coal, unscreened, H.ZZr, screen
ed. 14.76. Mouth 7. liowland l.unt. Coal.
Petroleum coke. $9..V a ton: genuine
ZetKlrr, .Srf1 a ton. .V I.. BciKMUlst A
fion. Tel. So. f.
Office space for rent In Bee office. 2318
N street Terms reasonable. Well known
location. Tel. South 27.
of South Omaha hon-tons will meet to
night and review- the new F.dlson feature
tn two acta entitled. "Who floes There?"
na been annexed to our suierb
Besse, tonight.
Bueklea'a Aratra Halve
Cured Men Pool of Threet. Ala., after
being dragged over a gravel road hed.
Soothing, healing antiseptic. For
sale by all druggists. Advertisement.
Bead the "For Sale" ads If you want
bargains of the minute.
A musical club composed of local vocal
and instrumental talent was organised
yesteidsy under the directorship of Lynn
Sackelt. The club has the distinction of
being the only one of Its kind In this
city. It will make its first public ap
pearance next fiprlng, either In Omaha or
some other Nehraska town. The mem
bers are as follows:
Tenors t.vnn Sackett. director; Howard
Stelbeig. Frank O. Malm, Harold It.
Moorman. Theodore Nelson, Frank Par
sons. Frank Sanders, Stowe T. Sutton,
Will C. Mooney.
Rarltones Frank Hunter. J. Herbert
Kline, Raymond Sage, Donald Pmtth,
Harry J. Mooney.
Kassoa Arthur V. Shrum, Ielsnd Wy
kert, Joseph O. Burger, C. llordon Orout.
Instrumental Joseph Woolery, Donald
Smith, Franklin J. Hunter.
Tfn Below at Moit Points Through
Wyoming; and Warmer in State.
Taesday Slant Oldest nf the Tea
and Cold Wind This Mnrnln
Makes Thick Orerenata fe
eaaary far Comfort.
Those who hoped for warmer weather
last night and this morning were disap
pointed, for the temperature not only
bote out the forecast, but went few de
grees colder than officially anticipated.
At 7 o'clock thla morning It waa 7 below.
From that time on It gradually moderated,
w-lth an outlook of a slowly rising fahren
telt of about a drearee an hour.
A great many thought the weather
more severe this morning than Monday,
lint the official read In it at tha Federal
building was the same In point of figures.
However, there was a higher wind today
and this added to the penetrating quality
of the cold. I
The morning station reports received j
by tha roads having headquarters In
Omaha Indicate that up to thla time
there haa been no perceptible break in
the back of the present cold spell. Thes
reports Indlcatn that last night was by
far the acldeet of the winter and that
the cold was general all the way from the
mountains, east.
There was not a place ln Nehraska
where the temperature during the night
waa above sero and In Wyoming there
was not a point reporting warmer than
10 degrees below. At Rawlins and Laramie,
on the Union Pacific, temperatures were
14 below, with 'JO below at Casper and
Lander on the Northwestern and JO below
at Rilling". Sheridan 11 lid Crow Agency
on the Burlington.
Ilelonr Zero In Kansas,
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dee. 18. A second,
section of the cold wave, strongly rein
forced, swept Into the southwest today
and sent temperatures to new low rec
ord marks for the scssou. The over
night fall In the mercury In Missouri.
Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa uml Nebraska
ranged from 8 to 12 degrees. Texas alone
continued to experience warmer weather.
At Topeka, Kan., the weather bureau
records showed a minimum temperature
of 5 degrees below sero. In northwestern
Kaneas the mercury reached II degrees
lielow tero. ,
5i jfii flBC
Ncwtorks soda! ccoeItq
Easily accessible to
tLoatrc andioJiml
districts, Ce
a 4
Smfle sousstMi IjaflsH b3
SinW msss with kalWe 4.MDv'l?
IW Is snssaa snaaatetias MhAS?2
Wetbcrbce tfWood
io Ely Own
Dashing IkiiV3
It 'a Easy With SKITOH No More Rubbing, No More
Ruining Hands in Hot Suds SKITCH (10 cents for 7
Washings) Is a God-send on Wash Day.
HI lit. I
n r i at m
,ffTTlJ.T frSLaaQaV
Eos Fniumr.1 si
We Sh ip
Send Far Oar
Price Littt mni
Special Offert
FREE Ery Pur'
I II ft. In eAoeerof ff.f-
Ur' will racsiva a Xmat
Purthann nf $2.00 or will receive a nice
botllm port win frmu.
Hillsr's Fins Wines
California Wimut 35c,
50c and 75c per hottU.
Imported Win 75c, $t
and $1.25 por bottU.
Decanters, Wine Sets, Steins
Playing Cards, Traveling Flasks, etc.
arm particularly Inoitod to vitit thil modern store.
Many assraf prcimnt for men and for the home.
II "'a
SKITCH has completely dona for tbe a bar and a half of soap with BKITCIL
slavery and back-break af waah daysl It used to take four bars. And I don't
Throw your wash-boards away. Den t
ruin your hands In' hot aude. Three
teaspoons of SKITCH to a bollerful of
clothes and you ran bs doing up your
housoworV or reading the paper while
the dirt Is Just naturally skltohed out
of your clothes for you.
It's perfect wonderful? Oct a tea
cent package of SKITCH and see what
It does. SKITCH can't hurt your
clothes guaranteed not to Injure the
finest fabric. In fact. SKITCH Is so
harmless you can eat It.
"It's so easy to do my washing now
that I Just thank Ood for SKITCH1. I'm
all done with my waah by noon now
It ussd to be four o'clock. I use anly
have to rain my hands In hot suds or
tire my back and arms rubbing.
8KITCH Is fine." That's what Mrs.
Joseph Bates, 824 Oakley Boulevard,
Chicago, ssys, and it's what you will
say if you 11 get a 10 rent package of
SKITCH and let It help you.
All grocers have SKITCH or can get
It for you of the Jobber a ten rent
package does seven big waalilnga.
Think of breaking your back over a
wash-board for ons cent. If your deal
er won't supply you with SKITCH
end me his name and I'll sand you a
sample free. Hans Klch tenberg, Mil
waukee, Wis.
Gifts for Women
Diamond Rings $15.00 and up
Diamond La Vallieres $8.00 and up
Diamond Brooches $7.50 and up
Diamond Bar Tins $12.50 and up
Diamond Lockets $5.00 and up
Diamond Ear Screws $8.00 and up
Diamond Bracelets $15.00 and up
Diamond Set Watches, solid Kold. $25 up
Watch Bracelets, solid gold..$2475tip
Watch Bracelets, gold filled. $7.00 and up
Watches, solid Rold $14.50 and up
Bracelets, solid gold $10.00 and up
Bracelets, gold filled . . .. $4.00 and up
Vanity Cases $5.00 and up
Solid Gold Beads $8.00 and tip
Pearl Beads $2.50 and tip
Signet Rings $3.00 and t:p
Solid Gold Keck Chains... $2.50 and up
Loftis Perfection
Diamond Ring
59 Finest quality pure.
-hite Diamond, perfect
in cut and full of fiery
? k 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 y
mounted in
our famous
Loftis "Per
f e c t i o n" 6-
prong ring,
14k solid gold.
Special values
lor Christmas,
Loftis Perfection
Diamond Ring
This exquisite Ring
stands alone as the
most perfect Diamond
King ever nro
d u c e d. It it
f a u 1 1 1 e ssly
s y m m etrical,
embodying all
the lines of
delicacy and
beauty with
the necessary
security and
Credit Termg
lattil in velvet
ring Hon readv
lor presertftiiD!!
Gifts for Men
Diamond Kings $25.00 and up
Diamond Cuff Links $7.50 and up
Diamond Scarf Pins $4.50 and up
Diamond Studs $15.00 and up
Emblem Rings ............... $6.00 and tip
Signet Rings $4.50 and up
Solid Gold Watches $21.50 and up
Gold Filled Watches $10.00 and up
Solid Gold Coat Chains... $5.00 and up
Gold Filled Coat Chains.. $2.50 and up
Solid Gold Fobs $5.00 and up
Gold Filled Fobs .......... $2.50 and up
Solid Gold Cuff Links $4.50 and up
Gold Filled Cuff Links.... $2.50 and up
Emblem Charms $1.00 and up
Combination Cuff Link Set, $3.50 and up
Sterling Silver Match Safes, $3.00 and up
Cigarette Cases $4.50 and up
' T
Enjoy the Southland'! balmy climate during; this coming "
winter beautiful beaches, grove of , palm trees and everything
that makes for a summer in winter in the semi-tropics.
Tickets on tale daily to April 30th with
return limit of June 1st, 1915
Only 50.68 for the round trip to Jacksonville, Fla., 187.18
to Havana, Cuba, with corresponding reductions to other points
in the South and Southeast.
Liberal Stopover PriviUg
Connecting service via Rock Island Line
Automatic Block Signal
Finest Modern A 11 -Steel Equipment
Absolute Safety
Superb Dining Car Service
Writs, phone or call at Rock Island Travel Bureau,
1S23 Firnam Street, (or tickets, reservations, informa
tion. X S. McNALLY, Division Pastas Aaat
Pboa Daf las 428
No. 1148 Fine
solid gold with
perfect cut bril
liant Diamond
and I genuine
pearl. Mack enamrl
X.. enter. 15 I M eft
- in.h ihaia.',,'0tf
$1.45 a Month
Solid Gold Wrist Watch
WIUi So!!J tiolJ Extension Bracelet
S2.B J I
m mm
ISO Wriif Watch Cute od Bracelet arc both
fine solid golrl. I. ever , lull nickel jeweled,
either whit or (old dial, !
(uarjtm-ed I
Diamond Set Cigar Cutter
X-7S CisrCutter.fcn tulid ft A
old, 1 Cot fimiad ?UaU
tl OS a Month
11S2 Signet King,
solid gold. EnKlish
finish, hand carved,
$1.35 a Month
.Thla Young;
Man FavorTl
Na. 4 Men's Diamond
king, 6 prong. Tooth
mouuting, Mk t o I i H
guld, Koiuan or 4tni
loli,lird finuh. .. OV
$1 t a Week
1 4
Bottled in ''I uXi i B Sf& f
Bond whiskey I SJg it V
haa for 79 years 1 Vl ' ?sAV .
satisfied th ZZS ' 0, J
most critical 3 I - , esT J
J old-fasWoned ir2 Jf J.
.;.y Mash Kentucky ; ft?? A? HsJr
tm48$Z0?Z i I whiskey. f t--
I v S&$M only method I i
I) SMC-rkero by which highest N4, itea-g -LilS
NVU y Ui m m l ixmh en v national uaxk uuxit,
I OnAfO m Ana South iCih Ktrt. I'unirr Ifltli ami llarnv Klrela
409 Soulb ICili ritreet. t urner loth and Harney KtrU,
PIolie Jlurgetfs-Muih (Xi. IMpartuteot btore.
Tbons Dong-las 144t
Our Salaaiuaji WIU
Call, fall i write
for Patalngue) N
0J an1 aalsman
lll tall, trlnttln
surh a ood a as )o:
wisli tu aja.
Our Store Is Open
Every Night
Till Christmas
in tha
way a hand
raada. Sour
Mash Kentucky
Distilled in small
tubs conceded
the only method
by which highest
quality is attained.
Bond & Lollard Distributing Co.,
Wastara CMImw 410-417 UaUwara atraa. " , City, Ma.
Swap Anything in the "Swapper's Column"
3 4