Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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    Bringing Up Father
1 !
Till: 1'KK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DKCKMPKR lfi. 1014. "
: Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
I LL bfND ffr
- wui MiCtHTo'
oo know rri
Brewer Hti Already Taken Over
New York American Club.
American League Pitching Records, 1914
1 1 more of Federals Kara He la Too
-- l.ate an Will Trr o Flad
i A aether Backer for
I - litlhaa Oatlawa.
FRENCH UC'K, InJ.. Dec. il.-Tho
New York American league club lias Iwn
2 sold to Colonel Jacob Rupport. The price
la about I4.tO.000. Colonel Ruppert will
CZ not acquire any Interest In 'ha Federal
C ''u- .
Tliia la the substance of statements
""imsde here today by Colonel Ruppert and
President James A. Gllmore of the Fed
. .., eral league, who conferred regarding the
Proponed establishment ' of a Federal
league club In New York. After the con
fererxe Colonel Ruppert aald:
..j naV4 ready taken over the Yankeea.
The price la the only thing- that remain
T", 1o bo settled. Thla probably will be
$tv,ooo." ,
Teo I.ate, Saya till more.
. 1 "I am afraid we were Joo late," aald
""""Mr. Gllmore, "as Colonel Huppert already
-haa purchased the Yankeea. I ahall re-
rn to Chicago at once and try to find
"Another backer for the New York dub.
f may internet Tat llarahan and Mr.
feelbach of Loulavllle."
Volonel Ruppert (aid that George Oust
and Tilllnghurat Huston are associated
with Mm In the deal for the New York
club. He aald Ban Johnson, president
of the American league, and Huston, will
come to French Lick Thursday to com
f leU the deal.
Jennlaaja Ilia Farrlte.
T'ie queation of maneger for the club
hai not been considered yet. Colonel Rup
pe aald. but a report waa current her
tonight that Hugh Jennings of the Ie-ti-olt
club, la Ruppert'a favorite for the
place. Ruppert characterised the report
that Connie Mack would I'llot the club
aa absurd.
H waa reported that Gllmore and
AVerglunan would go to Louisville tonight
nr tomorrow to confer with llarahan and
Seelbach regarding the proposed New
York Federal league club.
Ames on Still Hunt
For Real Live Coach
AM EH. Ia., Dec. lS.-(Bpeilal.)-The
Ame athletic council la proceeding with
negotiations In accordance with the
promlFe contained in its official an
nouncement several daya ago that an as-
alKtant basket ball and foot ball coach
will be hired aa soon aa possible and thai,
a.rtothcr, a flm-class and experienced
foot ball man," will be on Mate field
Hi ptrmbcr 1 for foot ball work.
The basket ball asltant must te on
Iho ground aoun if he ia to do much
toward relloving Coach - Hubbard with
Die basket toaaera, and the Immediate
nerd of the assistant's services makes
H reasonable to suspect thst hU name
will he given out Boon after the New
Year holidays. The basket ball at ason
fpena on tlio Oyclono court January
with Kansas. '
Nnme. Club. l.
I onsrd. Xoston X
Foster, Riwton 32
Johnson, WsshlnKton M
Kressler, rhllHdclphta W
WollKnnK, t'hicagu ....24
Hhorc. Huston lit
Caldwell, New York SI
I lentte, Chicago 4o
Reynold. 1x1 roll i
Weilman, Ht. Iiula .14
Uena. Chicago ......4K
Mender. I'hlhidelphla 2H
Couinbe, Ikistnn-t'leveland ft'j
Fisher, New York
Vrhop, New York..., 17
Hentley Washington W
Cavot. Petrolt 31
Covnleskle, Detroit 44
Hamilton. Pt. Lula.. 44
Collins, Mostnn X
Ayera, Washington 49
Htern. Cleveland SO
l.athrop, Chicago 19
Wood, Boston 18
Main, Detroit &i
Kaber, Chicago 40
Hhaw, Washington iH
Hall, Detroit S
Hhawkey, Phlln-lelphla M
l'nnnck, I'blludelphia 2
Haumgurnner. t. Jxuis
James. Ht. Louis. i 43
Hcott. qincaao 41
I 'hub. Detroit ...,.46
Dank, riilladelpliia M
Russell. Chicago M
Keating, New York M
Mciiale. .New York.... at
Kngel, Washington
Much. Kt. IxiiilM li
Wyrkoff. Philadelphia :ci
Morton. Cleveland X
Koehllng, Washington 'SI
Hush, Philadelphia 38
llagerman, Cleveland 37
R. Johnson. Hoston 1H
Jameaj. Cleveland 17
Mitchell. Cleveland 39
Collamnre, Cleveland 17
ole. Mew York 1CI
Taylor, Ht. Ixiuls.. M
Ililhllc. Iietrott :w
Harper, Washington .2.1
Hrown. rnuieiinia-rew xorK.,.w
Hoehler, ttetrott IN
HedlenU Boston 42
(iregg. Clevelarul-rvoston 20
lverena, Ht. lxiula.. 27
fllandlng, Cleveland 29
Mitchell. Bt. Ixiuls 2
Hownisn. Cleveland 22
1'le.h. New York IS
IP. BO. HO. HO. Kit. III!. HH.HO.WP. H AV.
221H 77K J4t 31 2fi s W) 174 2 0 1.01
21 7.Vi !".' hH ; 7 .'.2 K2 1 0
371H 1X1 27 M 71 11 74 T.!n 14 1 1 .71
Mi's fiO 1U 37 29 4 M 'M 3 0 1.7H
nit'ii 4;s ist 4J a. o m ft l o l 9
!) 2i" 111 4u 31 f. 37 B2 3 t !!
211 745 1.71 f,l 4 4 ft! 92 1 0 1.94
2"t4j 94 220 U l 3 72 123 0 2.04
7H -J70 ;! -M Itt 6 38 31 1 1 2.0 I
307 11J9 KM 72 II M 12.1 4 2 2.12
2Ki 1040 24.'. lill 71 2 t 142 4 0 2,2i
179 W2 1..9 49 45 1 65 J7 3 0 2.2
1IHH i.H Ht 61 3) 4 33 29 1 2 2.1
2"9 iM 177 N6 .t 4 61 K 10 1 2.2H
2IH 774 12 75 S7 11 44 M 4 0 2.30
IJiS 441 110 49 33 X f:l .Vi 3 0 2.37
lr.IVs 641 1'9 01 41 9 44 M 4 0 2.44
WflVa ll5 2T.I l' M 12 100 124 1 2.49
SOCS 1110 2C& 111 S4 10 100 111 S 0 .60
rU't 977 2A1 W 1 0 5 72 1 0 2.51
2 221 194 75 H 54 14H 4 1 2.M
30 7:tX 2"! 74 M 4 W 97 4 2 2.60
4S 170 41 2 14 2 19 7 0 0 2. til
11S' 410 94 3H t 0 :i4 7 fi O 2.02
13N4 M i:il fil 41 S K M 2 0 2.07
IK H46 154 77 64 12 tit KM K 0 2.09
2A7 91.5 19H 99 77 X 137 14 10 2 2.70
90 331) . Ml r 27 0 27 IX 1 0 2.70
237 K4K 22.1 99 72 2 7a S9 O 0 2.7:1
lnlt M4 V T.H 47 2 5 90 9 1 2.79
lKtf) Hti I 155 72 f7 9 94 9:1 7 0 2.79
27 101.1 201 117 97 0 109 1'rt 10 0 2.S9
2KI4 929 229 109 90 5 75 13K 3 0 2.M
302 1113 21 129 9 19 97 150 9 0 2.SH
1sr,4 t'9 179 iH 59 42 110 4 0 2.97
Wl't 27 1H9 Ml M 3 33 79 5 0 2.90
210 7M U'H 94 99 B 7 109 11 O IM
1l 729 195 92 U 4 33 74 J t 2.97
12414 -. im H 41 5 75 41 1 2.97
f4 194 55 31 19 2 27 13 1 2.99
ISA 7t VA 91 2 4 H'l M 14 0 3.01
129 452 110 03 43 I 55 90 X 0 3.02
19 097 190 71 NO 70 91 4 1 8.0.1
200 7iift 194 94 70 8 91 H X 0 X.03
199 712 14 99 OS 5 119 H2 0 3.0K
99 347 93 41 34 3 34 24 1 0 3. OS
rS 175 44 21 19 " 2 X2 10 1 0 3.17
2fi7 957 , :.'9 127 91 7 124 179 0 3.19
105'i 879 ltd) M 39 49 33 B 0 3.25
14IH 524 161 01 52 1 61 43 , 2 0 3.29
60 190 , 41 24 1 9 3 25 20 3 0 X.42
224 R.9 210 124 9H 7 "0 4 0 3.45
B7 213" 45 29 22 B 35 60 3 0 3.47
1991.4 m SI 74 1 09 77 4 0 3.54
CI' 223 ' 54 19 9 48 37 4 0 3.M
1774 tas", 197 97 71 6 45 70 4 0 3.(50
157 673 ' 151 95 03 1 91 7H 4 0 3.00
11114 107 97 47- 4 93 41 0.0 3.M
II 447. Ii.1 91 ft 1 54 35 , 7 0 .M
lt'ltj 4i jS4 77 M 38 59 6 0 .M
72, SHI 74 45 30 4 46 27 S 0 4.43
62 i: 68 41 35 0 29 24 3 0 6.08
Statistici for 1913 Surprise All by
Showing; This Country Ahead
of All Others.
Contrary to General Opinion I self
"am Takra Lead from Kngland,
France and Krrmany Trlth
All Coantrles oalh.
Gilmore Is Making
Another Effort to
Deal with Ruppert
CH1CAOO, Dec. 15. The Federal league
plana ultimately to get Into New York,
and has not given up hop of Interesting
Colonel Jacob Ruppert of that city In
backing a team there, according to Presi
dent Ollmore of the outlaw circuit, who
returned today from French Lick, Intl.,
where he presented the - Federal league
side of the base ball war to the colonel.
Ollmore declared the deal by which Rup
pert was to purchase the New York
Americana waa not yet completa, and
aald the colonel later thla week expected
to dlacuaa further with him the Federal
proposition. . (
President Johnson, Americas league
head, declines to discuss details of the
proposed sale of the Yankees, and said
he planned not to visit French Llok until
Colonel Rupport had talked over the mat
ter with Captain T. I Huston of New
York, who was' expected to reach the In
diana resort tomorrow.
The "Mjrpliy-Dld-It" basket ball team
took the Dcfendera to a trimming 40 to
lii. due largely to the skill of the Vol an
Im others at shooting baskets. J. Moran
flipped four baskets and A. Moran right.
The lineup:
Horan KK.I..F Dnwd
Heten L.F.iK.F.
.4. .Moran.... Vc
Toney It O il. .11
Frltman L.K.Ill.U
Field goals: J. Moran. 4: A.
liaiiwn. 2: Felltnan, 3; Toney.
r lHd. 3: f tnUitt. 3.
.Uamu. 2; Carlson. !.
... Foley
. Carlson
... tinlt:i
... Itubln
Moisn. 9;
2: Foley
Bee Want Ads rroduca Results.
Locomotive Engineer
Making Less Than
Four Years Ago
CIIICAUO. Dec. lS.-Flsures purporting
to show that locomotive engineers are
earning less now than they were four
years agi, were presented by the witness
at the mage arbitration hearing here to
day. The witnesses were: J. J. Waddel of
Sheridan. Wyo.. -employed by the Chi
cago, Burlirgton Qunicy; F. J, Hunt of
Minneapolis, employed by the "Omaha
line. and C. Richardson of the Duluth.
! .'hore and Atlantic. A;l era engineers.
I Waddell'a story waa typical.
In May, 1910, Waddel made thirty-one
Itrlia over Ha division, and hauled 38,4t
Itev. Geige MncDugall ami C. N. ,on1- compensation waa llMK In May
Ailuhaugh. tao of Cmaha' a ardent 1' ,hU T h mde "' P '
Vienna War Of f ice .
Admits Evacuation
of City of Belgrade
VIENNA, Dec. IS. (Via London.)-Th
abandonment of Belgrade by the Aua
trlana is acknowledged In an official
statement given out ut army headquartera
todny. The statement follows:
"In the eouthern theater of war the re
tirement of our right wing Involved a
change In the military situation which
made It advisable for us to abandon Bel
grade, which was evacuated without
"Our troopa h,ave fought long and
fatiguing battlea, but are In the best of
WASHINGTON. Dec. 15.-Dlspatchea
from Vienna today to the Austro-Hun-garlan
embaasy here say:
"(Servian description of the withdrawal
of the, right wing of the Balkan army,
which was necessary for the distortion
of strong Servian forces, aa a decisive
event and the announcement of our losses
are Immeasurably exaggerated."
'In the Carpathlana our .victorious
troops continue to advance. . Yesterday
more than 2.000 Russians were captured
In West Galicla, where the battle contin
ues, and several Russian attacks were
tioken down by our artillery fire. The
garrison of Fnemysl captured during the
laat sortie 700 Russians and eighteen ma
chine guns.
'Austria-Hungary and Germany, who
went to receive the Christmas glfta for
the children of dead soldiers sent on I
the Jason to Genoa gave a dinner here
and heartily toasted President .Wilson.
American children and American bene
factors for their works of charity."
Foul goals: A.
-ecelvt. sre planning to compete for the
-aouelng championship of America at the
neet to be held next spring by the Ainer
Canoe association at Chicano. Mac
l.,'.jgal and Aulabaugti ate extorts at
Ihu maneuver of cauo-jf. both lme bad
-piieme In Canada, and are easily the
lu- of Oniulia at that branch of sport.
INDIANAPOLIS. Dec. 15. A bond issue
t l-Ai.H to purchase the base ball park
urd by the Indianapolia Federal league
tain nss authorised by alockholdcis of
the local club last night. Kighty stock
holders attended tha meeting acj 115 oib
if mere represented.
Jsrksss Osrsi krjsoase. '
t 'hi lieldr Joe Jakon of the Cleve
P.t. l teM,n U ii,) hunter a but- her. He
imii banl a rlKsr store In (iieenville.
S C, un.l villi ,ln Itiutiier lae as si-
MMMIl' V.lll eipl'l.'lte It Je ItHS Islieteit
I. m fi c f l'Urine.t ' T'.e Smoker." and
i j I h , - r. I m lot of money making It
o" ut tiic j'lel'.itrsl places lu the touair)'.
the aame engine, hauled 4tt,uO0 tons, and
although ha waa paid $1 per 100 miles
more than In 1910, compensation
was only S191, or II more than for the
tame montli In 1910. Thu fact that Ills
pay waa slightly higher was due to the
fact, he said, that the heavier tonnage
delayed lilm and part of his compensa
tion tamo, not from the increased rate,
but for working overtime. He figured
that his tonnage lucres was 20 per cent,
und his wage Increase, due to overtime,
btit a fraction of 1 per cent.
Hunt testified that tha engine which
In 1910 mas hauling 1.115 tone per trip la
1914 hauls 1.350 tons, but that thla type
of locomotive baa been largely replaced
ny the Miknio type, which hauls t505
tons. The result waa that fewer engines
mora being used and the Juniors In the
service mere forced out of mork. anl those
mhos seniority rights kept them In the
service mere morklng harder than ever at
ratea Incommensurate mlth their Increased
labor, rcsponaibllity, houia anl share in
the tn reared productivity cf the road.
Tb younger cngtnee meie baik-flring.
he said.
BOSTON. Mini., Dec. irTrad of the
United Btatea In 1913 wii the twenty
I.atln-Ainern an republics, both In sales
and purchases, exceeded in volume that
of any other single country, according
to John Barrett, director genera! of the
Pan-American union In an address here
today before the Itln-American com
mercial conference. Tt was the first
year, he said, the United Ptatea ever had
exported greater valuation of products
to Iatln-Amnrtcan countries thi? did the
United Kingdom.
Mr. Barrett's conclusion were based
on statistics Jtist compiled by the Pan
American union. He said this was the
first time accurate figures of Latin
American commerce in 1913 had been
The figures showed that the twenty In
dependent coutitries south cf the United
States conducted a forclyn commerce In
the calendar year 1913 valued at S2,904.
1.76,224, of which their exports were 51.
639,11,597 and imports $1,826,752,627.
In this trade occordlng to Mr. Barrett
the United States, . contrary to general
opinion, led the United Kingdom, Ger
many ' and France mith large margins.
United Btatea exports to Latin America
were valued at 1125.937,343, the United
Kingdom at $22,28.072, Germany 1217,-
ITC 1,1 ..,.1 t7t.fM..A ItlA JO 1 T m ..... a !
" ' . Dim iniiic f i iv,idl,iy.ii ,lll)iu
from l.atln-AniercIa were: United Plates.
4u,.29.rnj(i; United Kingdom, 1321.358.313;
Germany. tlH9.15g.172, nnd Frame tl2S,.i:9,
OiiX. These figures, Mr. Barrett declared,
would surprise American exporters nnd
importers and should encomaco those
who bad believed there was little oppor
tunity for them. In I-atln-Anierlcan trade
because cf European competition.
MADISON, Neb., Dec. 15. --(Special.)
John L. Halsili, youngest son of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred W. Halsch. ami Mary Elisabeth
McGchre. youngest daughter of K. T. Mc
Gehee, mere married at 8:30 this morning
at the parish residence of Rev., Father
Muenlch. Mr. and Mrs. Balsch departed
by automobile for Norfolk to catch the
enrly train. After a short honeymoon at
several eastern points, they will be at
home to their friends at Madison on and
after January 1.
YVIlllainon- Inn sen.
Mis. Marie Clausen, daughter of Axel
B. Clausen, and Harry Williamson of
Wlnsldc, Neb., were married by Rev.
Charles W. Saviilge Monday noon nt the
home of Mrs. Ann'o Jensen, H32 North
Twenty-fifth avenue. The m-ltnessea wero
Dr. James Richards and Mrs. Annie Jen
sn. flrabh-Grnhh.
Horace Grubb and Mrs. Addle Grubb
were married by Rev. Charles W. Savldgo
at his study Monday afternoon. Anton B.
Chanck and Claude Smith m-erc the witnesses.
Another Set Moines ' Detective
Removed by the Chief.
Dlschnraed Man Maya lie Will Not
Try to Be Reinstated -9 pre sue
f'onrt . of Iowa Hands
Dona Decisions.
Fontenelles F.lect Officers.
The Fontenelle foot bull team was
entertained- at the home of Wanye AJ1
wlne when officers wero elected for next
year.' V. .1. tjchmittroth whs re-elected
manager, Gus Carlson mas elected cap
tain and Art Glasgow treasurer.
. The Fontenelles suffer.! onA defeat
hie year and that In -the first pimp of
the sea-on when the Columbian, the city
champions, won, 7 to 0. ,
(From a Staff Correspondent. 1
DBS MOINES, Ia., Deo. 15. (!-"pe.'lal
Telegram.) Another move in the police
shake-up took place today when.' Detec
tive Villlani Guthrie was discharged from
tho force, by the chief of police on the
ground that there, bad . been numerous
compliili.ts ayaini-t him Nothing spe
cific mas stated and the discharged man
said he would not try to be reinstated.
It Is believed this notion foreshadom-s a
general movement to secure new men on
Ihe force.
In supreme court today de.-lsion m-as
rendered in the case of Koek against
Hurgc.iH from Woodbury county, a suit on
a county warrnnt for the sale of tlM.oo)
morth of property. It mas reversed.
The ense of Cecord against Foxworthy
from Mills county mas affirmed.
notified that his only brother, Fran,
aged 24 yests. has been killed In action
In the German army.
The annual presentation of the Messiah
by Yankton college conservatory took
place Monday night. One of the soloists
m-aa Miss Amy Ellerman of Yankton, who
won great success in Germany Just be
fore the war broke out and mas then
obliged to return home.
Bee Want Ads Arc the Best Business
Read Dally by Tropic In Search of Ad
vertsjed Opportunities.
Notes from Yankton.
YANKTON. S. D., Dec. 15.-Spee)al.)
Circuit court has been busy the last meek
m-tth dlt h cases to the number of forty
two, carrying: a total damage claim of
tsOO.OfO and growing out . of the proposed
Yankton-Clay . counly ditch, seventeen
miles long. Four of theae cases went to
tho Jury and verdicts varying from t2,000
to, bver $4,009 for the claimants .were re
turned, and who appealed from the action
of the; county commissioners. The bal
ance of, tie cows mere dismissed or set
tled out of eourt.
Joo Meierhauser of this city has been
"W. M. HoTer.
W. M. Hover of Baasett, Neb., a resi
dent of Nebraska for thirty-five yers. a
brolher-ln-law of J. O. Phlllppl of this
city, died of apoplexy at 2310 Cass street,
where he had been stopping for a few
weeks. He. wss 68 years of age and for
several days had not been feeling m-ell.
The funeral mill b;- held from the resi
dence of J. O. Phlllppl. 2313 California
street, at 2 o'clock Wednesday after
noon." Rev. Titus Lome officiating. The
body mill be taken to Mount Pleasant,
the old home, for burial.
I Mr. IJover Is survived by a wife and
i two grown children. Leroy, of Grand
Rapids, Mich., and Mrs. R. B. Wilson,
Minneapolis, wife of the Missouri raciflc
commercial agent there.
- Fredrlch W. Barefoot.
MADISON. Neb.. Dec. 15. (Bpecial.)
Frederlch W. Barefoot, a resident of
Madison seven yeare prior to March, W
died at Clarion. Ia., Deo. IS, and waa
buried In Cromnhill cemetery, Madison,
yesterday afternoon. The. funeral serv
ices were conducted by Dr. Farmer of
the Methodist Episcopal church. , Mr.
Barefoot and family were residents of
Buffalo -county. South Dakota, and were
temporarily residing at Clarion. Ia., for
medical treatment. The deceased waa
born at Brentford. Canada. A widow and
three children aurvlve.
Roumania Spends
Ten Millions for
Arms in Chicago
CHICAGO. Dec. 15. Roumania haa en
tered the field for the purchase uf Amer
ican mar aupidles. according to Informa
tion reaching Chicago merchants today.
The count i y. although not a belligerent
in the European war, haa sent a commis
sion there to place orders for arms, am
munition, cotton and sanitary supplies to
cost $10.000,0 .
Members of the cominiaslou are re
ported to be M. G. Danelpol, director of
the National Bank of Roumania, and
Aiialtide Blank, financial delegate; Alex
ander Cantlmir and Agrlppa Popescu, en
gineering delegates, and Captain Ulucllu
and Major lematr Fopeaco. technical
delegates. They plan to reach here the
latter part of the week.
KL PASO. Tex.. Dec. U.-General Villa
left Chihuahua City today, returning to,
the aouth to enter upon the campaign
against Gualalajara. second city of Mex
ico, mhich Is defended by a strong Car
ranxa garrison. The convention troops
have occupied La ttarca, Jalisco.
Give this Pound of Christmas Spirit
This clean-cut crystal-glass humidor of P. A. will certainly carry the spirit
of Christmas to that blessed man whom you want to remember. It has the
look of quality just can't help it, 'cause the double-good smokings inside is
P. A. Yes, there's no holiday package too good for "him. " So make it
the national joy smoke
The one pipe food that cannot bite the tongue or parch the throat because the wonderful
patented process, controlled exclusively by us, takes out the sting and leaves P. A. as
biteless as a day-old pup. Get him P. A. in this handsome humidor. That knob on the cover
holds a sponge to keep P. A. in the freshest and best of condition. Every time he takes off
that cover hell think of you in the spirit that goes to him on Christmas morning. You
needn't try to think of the gift that hell appreciate. It's here. Not very many days left,
either. Just ask for this fine P. A. package in any store that sells tobacco. Also in the
tidy red tin, 10c, and the toppy red bag, 5c, for men who like to buy from day to day.
Winston-Salem. N. C.