'ilK TIKE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMHEIl lf, 19H. . atiil'lsg By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, December 15, 1914. t RE we not becoming very ultra-ultra? A At a recent dancing party held at the Rome hotel. Oruaba launched the fashionable dance ushers. It was greatly applauded and all agreed In the language of the Intensely interesting moment "that these usher were really lovely, s gomethlng so different, don't you know! I am really crazy abcut them, tc, etc." Only in the last month the urbane east has Introduced dance usher, and It is still a question whether or not they will he accepted. Some like them, others say it rather embarrasses wall flowers. But they are individual. Just the other day, one of Omaha's well dressed matrons was gaied upon Interestedly by on-lookers as she sauntered down Farnam street with scarlet heels. Will scarlet heels be accepted along with dance ushers? Will the Rotarians spring dance UHhers at the Charity hall? Omaha Womana Whist Club. The Omha Woman's Vhlst club enter tained this mornlna In flieir rooms In the Continental block. The members are: MedmeB T. M. Orr, r. K. Coulant. Frank t'otnetser. i. H. Fuller. James Chillc. 3,. A. Grnr. B. Unburn. lonard Kverrtt of Council Wufie. JJ. W. (tunthrr. W. H. Wilbur, Uew Bowling Club. The members of the A. 1 ' Howling Hub held their initial meeting at the Farnam alleys. The hlahest score wsa made by Mies Molly Corby. Those pr"- ent were: Meidiin.es Mary ("retsh. J. N. Ualilnln. A. O. Kdward. (). K. HeersU-k, K. J. Kltsseruld. I. V. ftmles, W. C. Hunderland. W, II. lioortrlt h, H. W. YHtes, L. C Gibson. Misses JWnlly t'nrhy. Ke Aflier. MUdied Iiv Misses Kether Holnvmt. Iannis Hrodekey, "arris I.ulheg, Evelyn Levy. Lllllsn ltnhtn. ivy. Mrs. Olandcr. Thimble Club Entertained. Mra. J. II. Diimont entertained the members of the Thimble club thla after noon at her home. Besides aewln, thla club always has an entertainment of aome kind. This afternoon a story u told by Wise Louise Blegner. The mem bers are; Mlssrs Alice Buchanan, lies Mumont. Mesrtames A. C). Buchanan, A. W. Carpenter, IV. K. Harris. J. W. Nicholson, J. T. Bailey. ii. O. Htreisbt. J. C. Vsn llnren, Hovel 1'. niler. Hoy Bund d, I- D. Oarr Krank N. Iklns J. O. rhllllppl. O. E. Carpenter. Misses (IreU-hen McConnell. Meedamcs Arthur I hm'th, J. II. Dnmoiit, deorge Barker, 1. W. Carpenter, Arthur Ixtrkwood, J. F. Carpenter, H. K. fnnderlnnd, K.wlng Brown, t. A. Sunderland. V. E. White, W. O. Teinpleton, A. It. Benton, A; L. Patrick, I A. leimod, A.. J. rierson. Frank Carpenter. 11. B. Whltehouse, .V. M. rtsssett. W. M. Dorraiice. ' J. F. Koera. Carl M. Johnson. Pancei Tonight - The Twinkle club will give a dancing party thla evening at the Metropolitan club. Tha "Latest Dances" club will enter tain this evening at Turpln's academy. Carter Lake Club,. The Carter Lake Swimming and Bowl ing club met at the Farnam bowling allays Monday afternoon. High ecora waa made by Mra. U A. Dermody'a team. The membera Included: THos.lnmes Meademee II. L. I nderwood, . ' Charles Myers. J. A. Krceland. K. U. merman. Alex Jetee. W. If. Oould, Jr.) J. A. Plmlok, W. J. Catlin. Henry Keating, K. F. Brailey, Y. W. Ktroup, Chriitmag Visitor!. m and Mra. II J. Perry and daughter, V. lime, of Marshelltown. la., are expected In the near future to spend tha holldaya with Mra. Perry's parenta, Mr. ana jure, J. II. Haner. Mr. Robert Mcrheraon of Ranehester, Wyo., haa arrived to apend Chrtatmaa with hie parerits, Mr. ana sirs, i. n. Wcl'herson. Entertain at Dinner. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Butler will give a eiinncr vl w.v.m - their home. Tha table will be decorated with a mound of Klltemey rosea and tevia. Dinner in Lincoln. ; Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marshall of Unooln ntrt.ined at dinner complimentary to their Omaha gueata Saturday evening. Covers were laid for ten. The guests were Tlshop Arthur L. Wllllnme, Misa Uleanor Bprasue. Mlse Mary praaue. Mra. George Trimble, ail of Omaha: the Rev. George Tyner of Tork. Neb.i Henry Partington. J. E. R. Millar and the Rev. ChaiiCa R. Tyner of Lincoln. . Pome of Mrs. T. f.. Kimball at 2: ovio-.k. Kloctlon of offb'ers will take plate at tliln m'etlng. Debutante Bridge Club. tin Account of the numcrova affuira planned for the debutantes the weekly Debutante Brlds-e club haa postponed the meeting until nftr the holldnys. With the VUiton. Mrs. Joseph Fcls of Philadelphia Is at the Rome hotel. Mra. Fels Is rcMrnln from a tour of the west In the Interest of suffrage. Phe addreased the high school airla and the londere of suffrage In Omaha at a hastily arranged meeting this afternoon at the Rome hotel. In and Out of the Bee Eire. Mr. John A. Mcfthane has returned from Texas. Miss F.dlth Moehle of Omaha Is visit ing Mr. and Mra. A. T. fieeley In Lincoln. Mr. Kwlng Forbes leaves thla evening for rhlcsgo, where he will reside in the future. Mra. K. IJ. Mlnaon of Cheyenne, Wyo., Is visiting her sinter, Miss Km ma Quick, and will remain until after the holldaya. Miss Jrarile Barkalow of Denver arrived thla morning and will apend a few days with Mra. "Wilson Auatln. Miss Barkalow la returning from Chicago. Personal Mention. Miss Mildred House took part in the program given at the owning reception of Norton' Dancing academy, In Lin coln, Thursday evening of last week. Mr. Fred Norton assisted Miss House In demonstrating classic and modern ball room dancing. Twin girls were born to Mr, and Mrs. George Ilelntse Monday. Mrs. Ilelntae waa Miss Ina Fitsgerald. Mr. and Mra. D. J. O'Brien will apend Chrlatma with Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Brien in lirldgnport, Conn. Miss Helen Leulse Crosby of Topeka, Kan., will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. y, H. Oalnea and Misa Marlon Kuhn dur ing the holidays. Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Melllnger have gone to Burlington, la., called there by tha kuddan death of Dr. Melllnger's sister, Mrs. Clarence Pteen. MRS. DUNCAN DEAD, HUSBANDJS DYING City Employe Falli in Paralytic Stroke and Wife Sick in Bed Cannot Eelp Him. BOTH ARE TAKEN TO HOSPITAL Wife Dies and HaaHaag Sek M ! Be Told of Her Death Former Employe of the Water f'ompaay. Robert Diinrsn, city inspector, in th department of public Improvements and former city plumbing Inspector, is st thej point of death li St. Joseph's hospital, i. where his wife Ilea dead. Mrs. D-itican died at 10 45 o'clock Monday night. Mr. Duncan suffered a paralytic stroke at hie home, 262 Davenport etrect, Mon day. His wife, 111 In bed, waa unable to help him as he lay unconscious on the floor. Mrs. Thomas MeOovern, wife of the city conncllmsn, discovered them there. Police Commissioner A. C. Kii'l sent a Police automobile to the hom" and the i coupia were rcmovea w ine :ionpiiai, i -i . , , . . i I wnera jnrp. 1'UDi.in uieu. air. L-'iiiitan ib so HI that physicians are withholding from him Information of his wife's d'a'.h. Mr. Duncan was an employe, of the old water company and then of ihe Water I board for about twenty years. Two years ago be accepted a position with t,-c illy. UjS' Tho Stores With the Christmas Spirit ?55?ftr&C5 r v we nave me u- upen Evenings Till 9 O'clock Beginning Than day end Until Christmas. ,., i , j ii i. ii ii hi i i ) ' iiiii ii i ii v"ii: "" s " . " ' wwp :" mipiii ni. ii i ii iw ; i " t,i"l V aH ii fl-rr ' -W C IIT T ' - -- . ... , - - .MMmm m, w m mmMMmaimim Largest Assort ment of Fine Jewelry and Silverware in Omaha.. w iln our own en- graying and MARtC everything free of charge. Handkerchiefs HoiiyBo"e 75c OW MJUH TX.OOB. .Men's and Women's Fine Sheer Linen Initial Handker chiefs. Wide or narrow hems. Some with wreaths and butterfly designs. Blx In a box. Values up 11.50. Extraordinary value, at, box Men's and Women's Fine i ,KV..aii.,1.tl r i -r-Si j is Linen Silk Crepe de Chine and Jap Silk Handker chiefs Values QC' to 50c each, for atiOC MJLXH nOOl AITS BUIMHT. Women's 8hamro k Ilandker- OP I chiefs, 3 for i Women's Embroideml' Ilandkcr- jq chiefs, 3 for OiCf Children's IIandker- 3 in chleN, 3 for . 1IIUKI I - 1 15c box Mail Business of Omaha is Showing Steady Increase A permanently Increasing mail bua1 ness here, combined with the Christmas rush, which ia now aasumlng large pro portions, hss led to considerable Increases In equipment and floor apace, and to the addition of a number of exera clerks In the postofflce and the local railway mail service. , "We are glad that our advice to mail Christmas packages early Is being heeded this year," aaya Aaslstant Tostmaster Jamea I. Woodard. "It will result in the holiday parcels being delivered In good condition and on time thla year." . At the liurllngton railway postofflce terminal, 70o square feet of extra floor space and 11,500 worth of alternations and new equipment la now ready and will be put Into use thla week, Superin tendent C, M. Reed aaya. More equipment has been added at the Union depot postal station, in order to handle the increased malls, and the rail way poatuffloe terminal at the Council Bluffs transfer has also been enlarged. The addition in railway mail equipment and floor apace are necessitated by the lfrinHimni-iy iiuixaecu wiei pox l ana j other mail business, officials say. The Christmas rush haa caused only the tem porary employment of exera clerks. Silk Hosiery For Men and Women Put Up in Holly Boxes. Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose In all the latest evening shades and black and white. All full fashioned, with high spliced heels and toes and double soles. Some have all silk tops; others the wide garter tops. One pair put up in a fancy Christmas box $1.00 Women's Pure Thread KUk Hose In black only. Full regular made, spliced heels and toes and double soles, with wide lisle garter tops. TWO PAIR8 put up In a beautiful Christmas box 81.50 Men's Pure Tltread Silk Hose in black, white, gray, navy and tan; full fashioned, with high spliced heels and toes and double soles. TWO PAIR8 In fncy Christmas box for 91.00 Give a Camera . naf io 6e sure if U good . . and you ore paying t ! lowmat price for it, buy it . t Brandtii. No. 2 Ilnstrr Ilrown Cameras Size 2l4x3U, special.. $1.69 No. 2 fluster Urown Cameras Size 26x4. special. .$2.69 No. S Buster Urown Cameras Size 2x34, special. .$3.59 No. 2 Folding Ituster Krown Ko daksSize 2x4,4. $5.49 Wt carry a complete stork of Pftoto Sup flit. Wt develop year Film FREE htn entering ariala. Christmas Novelties of The Different Sort SJbowm Is Oar Third Ward Society Celebrity Calls for Law to Help Out; "Iwl Help, law! WhV am de law!" j Shouting at the top of his voice, Clus Chlvls. colored, yclept "Baltimore," and prominent In Third ward social affairs, raced up Tenth street, near Capitol avenue, last night. Detectives Johnnie Dunn and Jlmmle Kennelly, representing tha "law," heard "Baltimore's" appeal for assistance and they stopped his mad dash. As they did so, they saw E. Bardeno, yclept "Tha Mexican Hound" (named Jestingly so be- causa of his superabundance r hair) chasing him. "Tha Hound" had two big loaded revolvers and he waa bent upon providing "Haltlmora" wth free passage acrtiss the River Jordan. On the way to tha police station, where "The Hound" waa subsequently charged with carrying 'conoeahid' waapona and "Baltlmoro" with disturbing tha publlo peace, it developed that the latter had stolen the heart of a dusky damsel who hitherto haa basked la tha amlles of "The Hound." Pumpkin. Pin Recipe Cottage Pumpkin PI (Lare Pla) IS cutmi pumpkin, boiled and attained through colander; 1 cup brown Jugar; t saga (one If they are nigh priced) t i teaspoon ginger; teaspoon allnpice: I tsatponn cinnamon; I tablespoon flour; 1 cup Collage Milk mmed with 1 cup water. watar aUiw! with crust and Omaha Hotel Men Attend the Annual Meeting in Lincoln A doaen hotel men will go to Uncpln to attend tbe annual convention of the Ne-braska-lovfa Hotel Clerks' asaoclatlon, lasting until Thursday evening. .. . ,1 , , .tt it .in , . rung in nonor o r. """V Colonel William Anderson of Hotel Rome. Berkeley, Cal. Covera will be preaidaat and founder of the .ablation. fclX. sr. ocnenc win " -, with Mr. Walter Crlfflth and will go onj to Wilmington. N. C. where he will be best man at the wedding of Mr. Griffith ; and Miss Mildred Mi Ray Smith, which will be celebrated Wednesday, December 23, In Wilmington. Informal Dinner. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Crlfflth will enter. tain very informally at dinner thla eve- j Chautauqua Lecturer Here. Misa Meddle Ovlngton Hsmliton of New York City, field ewrstary for the Chau tauqua Bdentiflo and Literary circle, will , talk on "The Brotherhood of Man us Re flected In Literature'' at tho home of Mra, r. R. Straight Wednesday after noeav Miss Hamilton is a lecturer of na tional repute. She will arrhe In Omaha Wednesday morning froni Lincoln, tshere aha lectures todsy. With Bridge Playeri. The Team Auction Brltigo club was en tertained Monday at tho homo of Mra. W. H. Taylor. Tha club mill pot meet agaia uatU after tbe holidays. f Birthdgy Ptrty. Master Ben McDrnnutt enturtained in honor of bis fiftb birthday. tturJay afternoon. Thosa present were: Masters Msater John Kuyers. Alanaoa Root, Warren Harwood, leorge Lalrr, Koland Boyar, Hrt lole, faul Burluigli, linn McLrutott. Tor Hin Bacon. Mra. Arthur M. finte euterUlned at luncheon, followed by a theater party, today ia honor of lil l.'.n ll Us con. Suffrage Meeting Postponed. The meeting of tte Lnu.il KrnnchiM sorlctr, which wss announced f r Thurs day sfifrnoou, haa ben poatponed until J i-iOsy aiutawoa aud w ill b held at the With him will go Secretary Joseph Mo Caffery and wile of the Kchllts, Charlea W. Miller of the Loyal, Paul K. IMaaton i of the Merchants, Joseph ii. Keenan of i the Ilenshaw, Saui Chrlstenaen and Thomaa McAvoy of the Harney, Waiter Jardina of the 6t. Jamea. Paul Koush of the Carlton. R. D. McKaddan of the Wel lington Inn, Irvln A. Medlar and fcott K. Ileghtnl of the Hotel Reporter. New Auto Ordinance Given Two Readings Pullce CoiiimUMoner A. t. Kugi l's ordl r.unca requiring thv 'irk n uf .'itJ mohllta in the middle of the downtown streets and compelling prufenslonul rhauf feurs to tkke out permits and wear a iniinlur in a conspicuous place were placed on first aud second reading by tha city council ard referred to the commit tee of the whole meeting Monday. water; stir very thoroughly. Add milk and ariy. lum into pie line tinea t and bak half aour to mod erate oven. The above recipe gives pood, uni form results every time. The rich ness and uniformity of Cottage Milk Insures success in all kinds of cook ing and baking. Coitoqe StHlUd Unsweetened is pure mnk with most of the water taken. It lasts longer, and is more sanitary, economical and convenient than bottle milk. Get supply today and see for yourself how superior it is. Ta AfU Without lh CewaW raf In Two $izei, 5 and 10c At All Good Dealers AMERICAN MILK COMPANY Chlcsuxo MiFinery Department 8eoiid Floor. Hundreds of new ideas to select from. All beautiful tilings to give for Christmas: Boudoir Caps, Motor Veils, Corsage Bouqatts, Fur Caps for Dolls, Doll Hats, Etc. $1, $lar?d$2 Splendid Gifts Otfmrud in Notion Section. Faney Sewing Seta With acissora, thimble, emery s and several 4 Ret other sewing articles. Special fcJu Tanoy Boll Pin Ouehione, So Scissor Beta In Cflr) ranoy Bores www Children's Work Baskets . With aatln qn. lining OUC Bma.ll III rmbroldery Sols sora liest I C. quality I SJU Shoe Tree Special, pair ........ ww Wooden Coat Kangera A Special, each fcC "Acuta" Press Forms Four sectional adjustable, can he adjusted to any ata and any height. Hef-uMr 8.00 value. Spe- A AO clal. onry JsSlO J! TOYLAND WHERE SANTA CLAUS IS KING And Deaves' Talking Manikins are playing: "Lit tle lied Riding Hood" P II K K for children ac companied by their parenta. PeVe Chroeary Btorea Olotbea Stacks SpecUl, v itn real grocer. Jin lea. special...... HUU Ironing Boards Special. venneiay, I Em B WIS 49a, too and. I5c each. See and Waahlng Machine Spe cial, eacn, iIOt SBe and Amsrtcaa Boldlar Military Oame wiin soiaiers, captain on QDa horse and tent. Special.. vUU Sonble Frletloa Toya, Bnglaea, Street Cars, Antoa as d Tans- Made or presaed steel. - Special, choice Moving Picture Machine And Magic Lantern com bined, with slides and films, spe- QQ-, cial at 70C Shoo Files 75c Tricycles, $149 and f 1.08 Swinging Booking Xorse .Neatly made and plrelv painted 13.B0 Karnes. ll.at.. C ft tody olla Larue "if. With movlna Mr Wbite Enamel Chairs and Settees Oilt trimmed. Bpe- I (In clal. choice VY Toytowm Sohool and Faroel Ton, Table Croqaet, Boo Fnaale Boa Ami dozens of other 9 R A Snatrinl. at w Kid Body nlza. evee. KIther light or dark hair. Specially prioed, at ,.98o Celluloid and Bisque Kewple Soils Spe cial, at 490 Baby Character Bolls Look like the famous Kestner dolls. Com plete line of all the different clioraeterH, at 98o i 49c i Boiler Skates for ; Boya and CHrls i 390 to. . . . sa.oo I Ives Electric Trains $3.9S Mahogany Pianos Special at Children's Doll Houses Nicely palntatl. Open In front for furniture and dolls. All glrla like to play house and will enjoy one of these doll houses. prices S5.0O down nd'1:80. 98c 25c Upright Planoa special. Sl.so, 980, 493 and .... Screw Clamp Steel i Skates Vr prir-ed... 49C Nickel Plated Screw Clauio Skatea for 7to In Picture Section Third Floor. 1,000 Hew Chrtatmaa Passepartout Mottoes and Plot area. Bach In a holly box. Special. S for 4 Cm 1X0, or each wwU 8 Oroas of Metal Pioture rras Values up to $160. QQf Special Wednesday, each. M Several thousand plcturea as sorted subjects and aixes, with either antique e-old or wooden ' framea. Values up to $1.60. To.l are aure to find many of Juat the right Pictures for Christmas gifts in this assortment. Spe cial, choice 600 Give Books This Christmas Do Your Christmas Baying Now! Books are inexpensive and when happily chosen become treasured posses sions which never fail to awaken pleasant memo ries of their givers. It is very easy to maht a happy selection from the largittt stoch in the West with the help of the expert salespeople. SSI Children's Warm Felt Slippers For Morning Wear Colors, red and blue. Puss in Boots, Rabbit or Fur trim med styles. Padded wool or leather soles. Prices 98c to $1.49 ocA Pair Put Up in a Fancy Box. Children's Slippers Made in Ger many from plaid cloth, with felt and leather soles. Service able and very pretty. All sizes to 2. Special, 39 C Men's Fine Kid-skin Slippers Tan or black. Opera or Everett styles. Kid lined. Cushion soles. Ail sizes. The finest line we have ever sold at this low price. Per tj Q Q pair pl eaO IIOTKLS AXD RKSOHTS. PROBATION OFFICER . TAKES CHARGE OF CASE Leonard Case. If? South Thirty-seventh street, who baa been ataying away from boms for several days, because be al leged, he waa mistreated by his brother, waa takra In charge by fioiiatlon Of ficer Vosberg, who will investigate the case. Tha boy waa sent to the Uun from the Farnam Lunch, around which place be haa been etarg since he left huioe. Hotel Urasiin Broadway &t ZW Si "As Hotel Where Cuosts are. Made te Feel at Home" Not too large, yet large enough to afford the maximum of value at minimum expense. Exceptionally Accessible) $SS Jteeau AhJrratf Jtestwreaf Caarget t talis Roe las with guanine 'tnr 11.00 1 ti.00 Dcriiy Sisals Resell vltk Tsk er Shaver 11. tS ie ts.SU per 41 Deusle Room wile Rnanins eYsier 12. uOMl4.U0perasy Deukis Roems lik Tvk ee Skeeier J O te l 00 set a.f EDWARli C. FOC.G, MuMfinr XMreeeee ROT lm BROWN, Ridnt Maer WEM GAS Winter Motoring demands high-grade gasoline gasoline that will vaporize readily in zero weather. CROWN LINE is all gas a uniform, high-power, straight-distilled product It is quick-starting in cold cylinders. It gives full power under all conditions of tempera ture. t The miles-per-gallon gasoline. Buy Red Crown by name, at any garage or supply store. It costs no more than the ordinary kind. Try POLAKINE, cold-proof, carbon-proof the standard oil for all motors. Standard Oil Company ' Omaha , To neu customer HAV'lS-ECLf B0TTU0-IN-BOND F Fuu2rj: A Ttoo 0 A v I 1 H only. i 11 bxpnss QMcrgos raid S IF yon have neeer tried Haynor Wh Iskar. try it mow. Mail ua this ad with SO cents ia etampe or coin and we will aend you a full quart bottle of Hayner JPrivaU Stack Bttlted-In-BoHd Whiskey In seeled esse sxpreae charges paid. ItMiBottttd in-Bond whiskey of the flneet kind seeled srlth tbe if. B. Ooremment's Green htsmp ever the eark fully ased. full 100 proof, fall nwur. surt tc please you la every way. You Sake no chances we are one of the lmrsrest Distillers in America been in business 48 years capital $600,000.00. Order rirkt now oraer mor tasn eae quart ii you like goods wlu go lorwara by Brat axpi suil all sum Wm thmof eiust esll fur UM tat eae quart-express pate. tt-M Addrtu enr ntorttt ajJUt THE HA TWER DISTUHNCCO.Dept 105 Dtytsa. 0. WiaAiastea. D. C. ti. Uek, Ke. tea, aim aaasas City, SI' i terieifisl 4. Okie. . resl, siiaa. t-ji ii. Ij IsrkeiaHlla the. Mew Orleass, La. sfa)soasu foX r'ii iyOpeclal Diamond Rings j A "i .i 2 lit J00, 98S.0O, $38.00 aa MOM Lv'il-lf kV, el :Vtr4kaar I I (h VeWeUUtg Jewelry OaaalM. 1 I aT 1 GASOUXK SERVICE STATIONS 18th and Cass Street.s 29th and Harney Streets ear , GASOLINE SERVICE STATIONS 16th and Cass Streets 29th and Harney Streets Get into business via the "Business Chances A MADE "-OMAHA CO.MMRCLALr I'HIMING hi li.Ti;:.i'!;,i::i..ii;!il''.r;'!iii(v:'i,;1;!;il But. isJHpiv oyv!Vnlit.Pfc,-'j(;' I OCKAN TRAVEL. "Link - the - Americas" Cruise Around South America and tlirouci tbe 1'anama Canal by the S. b. HX&AM1) American built, flyiua the America. i flag from New York, Jan. 27th, tr.nu liultlmore Jan itsth. liet particulura k i l make reaervationa now. W. E. BOCK, kit. 1317 raraaam . ODasa, Hsa.