f THK BKFi: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER Ifi. 1014. Nebraska fRIES TO KILL WIFE DOCTOR CUTS THROAT Mrs. Charles W.. Little of Lincoln Awakened by Blow of Hammer on Head. DAUGHTER SAVES. HER LIFE Physician Baches Bathroom and Seven Ilia Owi Jaaralar VfJa While Steading Before Ml r (From 4 Staff Correspondent) (LINCOLN, Neb., Deo. 13.-8pclal Tele ram.) In a fit of temporary insanity this mornlm. Dr. Charles W. Little of the firm of Little & Blanchard, osteopaths, of thin city, attacked hi wlfo with- a tiammer at their home, striking her on the head. Me then rushed to his room and slashed his throat with a razor so badly that he died before medical assistance arrived. Daashtrr Hares Mother. Mrs. Little was awakened about 6 o'clock by being struck on the head. Sup posing that her husgand was Buffering from nightmare, she attempted to awaken him, but he grasped her by the throat and attempted to choke her. She screamed loudly for assistance and their daughter, who was sleeping in an adjoining room, came to her mother's assistance. Grasping her father, the daughter endeavored to unclasp his hands from the mother's throat, and after a time was successful; but the father turned on the daughter, who managed ' to elude his grasp. It was then that the horror of the situation must have dawned upon Dr. Little, for, rushing to the bath room, he attempted to kill himself. Locked In Bathroom. Not knowing that the husband and father was contemplating harm to him self, Mrs. Little and Evelyn closed and locked the door and then called over the telephone for Dr.' Blanchard, business partner of Dr. Little, who lives close by, for assistance. Dr. Blanchard called Dr. Archer, a neighbor, and. they both went to the Little home, but when they arrived and opened tha door of the bath room they found the doctor lying on the floor j, Vlead with a deep gash in his throat about two mcnes long jusi. over mo juguiur vein. r Locates Vital Spot. Two razors beside him showed how the deed was accomplished, while a splash of blood on the 4 mirror Indicated that . he I must have stood before the glass in order to make no mistake in locating the most 1 vital spot for the purpose. The blow on the head, made by a car penter's hammer, while at first thought to be serious examination has since dis closed that no serious harm , was done, and Mrs. Little will probably suffer no III effects. Dr. Little was the first osteopath to practice in Nebraska. - He came, to Lin coln in from Atlantic, la., having first graduated from the Klrksvtlle (Mo.) School of .Osteopathy. He was married in December, 1889, to Miss Alona Carpen ter of Spirit Lake, la., and three daugh ters have been born to the family. Miriam and Marjorle are in school In Chicago, while stvelyn. the youngesUJa a student st the Jncoln High school. ' NEW$ NOTES OF SEWARD ; AND SEWARD COUNTY SEWARD, Neb., Dec. 15. (Special.) Tag day will be held her on December IS to provide "good soles" for the unfortu nate ones. The high school girls will sell the tags. A high school leader's conference will be held hero on next Saturday and Sunday, with eighty delegates here from high schools all over Nebraska. A banquet will be held at the Toung Men's Christian association Saturday right. Henry Nantun has" purchased the Per rine cafe. The members of the Moose lodge took part in a rabbit hunt on Thursday. Two tildes brought In ninety-two rabbits. Bill' Zlnk, captain of the former Sew ard state league team, is now proprietor of a Job printing house at Hutchinson, Kan. The barn and poultry show was opened here today. ,., ...... . A farmers' banquet will be held on Thursday evening 'at Tthe Presbyterian church. Prof. Caldwell of the state uni versity and County Superintendent Alice Florer of York are among the speakers. I I ( MRS. ELIZABETH JACKSON AGED NINETY-NINE, IS DEAD BEATRICE. Neb., .Dec. . IS.' (Special.). Mrs. Elisabeth Jackson, , a pioneer of Uuge county, died at the home of her son, Jcralah Jackson, aged W years and 10 months. She was probably the- oldest woman In Nebraska. The deceased was born in Pennsylvania February 12. 1815, and had she lived two months longer would have celebrated her one hundredth anniversary. She came to Gage county In 1870, and until nine years ago lived on a farm near Cortland. ' She is survived by a family of five children. LUTHERAN SYNOD SENDS WSMOO FOR RED CROSS WORK ARLINGTON. Neb., Dec. 16. (Special.) i . Kev. Mr. Grauenhorst recently for warded a collection amounting to Il.tOO ' that has been collected from the several churches of the German Lutheran synod , In this locality, of which be is treasurer. ' to lira German ambassador at Waahtng- ' ton, to be forwarded to the German Red j Cross society for use in the European J ttruggle. (ih i'oaaty Insanity Board. 1 WEEPING WATER, Neb.. Dec 15. (Special.) Judge James T. Begley has t I Just named the new Insanity board for i this county. The two new members In I addition to tho clerk of tha district court I J. N. Robertson, are Dr. Ck H. Gllmore of Murray and Attorney J. E. Douglas of Tlattsmouth. At the last session of the county commissioners of Cass county ' bills amounting to approximately were allowed for expenses In connection with recent Inebriate and Insanity cases In the county. Bills amounting to ap proximately $700 were allowed at this tame sesstcn for expense In connection - aith caring for paupers of the county. Constlnatlosi Poisons Yon. r Ir. King's New Life 1111s regulate your ' bowels, prevent constipation and stimu- late the liver to healthy action. fc. For sule by all druggists. Advertisement. the extreme weakness often results In Impaired hearing, weakened eyesight, bronchitis and other troubles, but If Scoff s Emulsion Is given promptly. it carries strength to the organs and creates rich blood to build up the depleted forces. Children thrive ea Scott's Emulsion. H TT t Is Free from Alcohol Nebraska of A. F. Johnson against the Lincoln Telephone company. Involving continu ous service at Gresham exchange, will be heard at Jork in the district court room at S a. m., December 30. Nebraskans Suffer, Says Writer in Note Sent to Governor (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Dee. IS. (Special.) The at tention of Governor Morehead has been called to the condition of poor people In McMcPhcrsn county by a letter written by Mrs. Ilattln I. Lcusk of Brighton In which she contends that Nebraska people should first look after their own suffer- In and hunry before eenllng stuff to the Belgians. Mrs. Lcusk gives the names of several families who arc In needy circumstances because of crop failure and urges the governor to look Into the matter. "Platform" Kelley To Make Contest (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 15. (Special. )-J. W. Keiley, more widely known as "Plaform Kelly," though defeated for the legis lature In the. Sixty-fourth district by J. F. Fults, his republican opponent, will contest the election before the legislature. Fults received a majority of five votes over Kelley, according to the latter who was nt the stato house today, and he will base his grounds for a contest on ir regularity In counting the 2,600 votes cast in the election. GAGE WILL SEND TWO CARS OF FLOUR TO BELGIUM BEATRICE. Neb.. Dee. IT.. (Sneclnl The Belgian relief committee reported Monday that funds sufficient for the mir. chase of 250 sacks of flour have been raised, and the work goes merrily on.- It is planned to have a carload of flour en route to Belgium before Christmas. Wy more has also taken up the matter and will send a carload of flour to the suf ferers In that country. Frank Meyers, son of W. R. Mover. living near this city, was shot in the Jaw by his brother while hunting rabbits on ounaay. The bullet -was extracted, and it is thought the lad will norm r.mu.. from his. injuries. The Wymore pet and live EtnrV .t,ir will be held December 21-24, Inclusive. The Christian church of thl. eitv hot Its annual meeting Monday evening. Rev. etevens reported the addition of eighfy'-flve new members. . whlrh' hrii... the total membership up to 1.650. The church debt has been entirely liquidated, and the sum of $3,448.67 has been raised for foreign missions. JOHANNES BL0MMERS, ,v FAMOUS PAINTER IS DEAD : Mil. DanleJ Klepser. WEEPING WATER VH rw. it (Special.) Yesterday morning the body of Mrs. Daniel Klermer w for burial from Gentry, Ark. She was a pioneer setttler in this community, com ing to the county with her hiinhni tm Iowa in 1856. Mr. Klepser died twelve years ago. Relatives who attended the funeral were a son-in-law. J. w Rmm.. ley of Gentry, Okla.; a son. Frank Klep ser, or umaria; a niece, Miss Abble Beardsley of Lincoln. Klepser, and family of Weeping Water. Plaee.k Given Rate Cut. LINCOLN. Dec. 15. (Sneclal.) A hear. Ing was set today before the State Rail way commission Involving freisht r.t on steel culverts shipped from Wahoo. The complainant is Senator EL E. Placek of Wahoo. who owns a steel culvert plant in that city and figures that the frieght rates are more than he can stand. The shipments from the factory are said to be large and the small reduction asked for by the senator If put Into Chriitmu presents would go a long way in help ing mm out. A conference was hM tw. fore the time for the hearinsr. wntrh r- suited in an agreement giving Placek the same relative rates , as he had before schedule No. 19 was put In efft.M th latter having destroyed the former agree. ment. ew Notes front Falrnnry. FAIRBVRG. Neb.. Dec. 15. (Special) The Falrbnry High school foot ball eleven has received hamlsome lettered sweater coats, the gifts of the high school athletic association and high school faculty. The young people of this city are en joying skating on the bayou of the Little Blue river. Ice dealers claim It will be thick enough to harvest If the present eold spell continues. J. A. Dickens, a Rock Island train dis patcher, has returned from a two weeks' sojourn In Denver. W. Mitchell, a Nebraska dlvisfcm brake man. Is confined to his home with In juries he sustained by falling Into the cinder pit a Fairbury. II. O. Sinsabaugh has taken a pro motion as roadmaster on the Karma division of the Rock Island with head quarters In Ilerlngton, Kan. A reduction has been made In the tele graph department of the Rock Island at Fairbury. Railroad Claim Palat. LINCOLN. Dec. If.. (Special.) The railway commission has been notified that Bossemeyer Bros, of Superior, who file,! a claim against the Burlington for over charges for switching grain of $714 had received the claim in full from tha company. Cargo Paid for by Kaiser's Consul Held In San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15.-Agenta of the Department of Justtce working here Informed the attorney general today that the German acting consul. Baron E. H. von Schack. supplied the funds with which a cargo of groceries, clothing and ship chandler s supplies were bought for shipment to Valparaiso aboard the Ameri can steamship Olson ft Mahoney. Clear ance for the vessel was refused and the. cargo unloaded. By tracing bank checks it was found according to the Department of Justice representative, that Baron von Schack drew against his account for sums which subsequently were said to have been placed to the credit of the agents who paid for the cargo. These agents have disappeared and are said to be on the way to China. William Haas, senior member of tile grocery firm from which a portion of the cargo was bought, refused to tell the federal grand Jury who was the pur chaser, and the Jury voted a presentment against him charging contempt of court. Baron von Schack Insisted that a mis take must have been made. "I know not the first thing about the cargo of that steamer," he said. "I can say positively that I had nothing to do with tha sup plies loaded aboard It, and I do not know who did have." The Olson A Mahoney Is the third vs sel suspected of carrying supplies to the German Pacific fleet One of these ves sels had disappeared and the other, the American steamship Sacramento, la In, ine nanas or the Chilean authorities. Tenth of Chicago . People Receive Public Charity CHICAGO, Deo. 15. One out cf ever ten persons in Chicago receive aid from public charity, according to a nmnrt day of the retiring president of tho board ot county commissioners. The report states that durlns- tho mr. rent year partial or complete sunn.irt given at public expense to 260,000 resi dents or cook county. The total popula tion of tho county Is approximately I,. 500,000. Of the 250,000 public charges, about 60,000 were cared for In publlo in stitutions. Food, clothing and fuel were given to 300,000 more. These figures, it was pointed out. elude the number of persons who applied for aid to private charitable organisa tions. OLSEN GETS $3,000 YERDICTJROM JURY Grandison Ferris, Second Husband, Must Taj- No. 1 This Sum of Money. PRICE OF WOMAN'S AFFECTION Denial by Woman that She Was In timate vtlth Recent II nub ml While' Wife nt Olurn Kail to Avert rrHct. A verdict of M.OnO In the suit for al leged alienation of the affections nf his wife, now Mrs. Grandison Ferris, brought against Ferris by Ernest Olsen, was re turned by the Jury at 5:16 o'clock yi-Stef-day afternoon. Just an hour arter' the Jury retired for deliberation. ' Former' Supremo Court Justice Old ham, closing the cas for the defense, quoted a Mother Goose rhyme to the Jury. He said .the case reminded him. of this verse: '. Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Enter. Had a wile ami couldn't keep her. He criticised what he said was an at tempt on the part of Olsen to merchan dise the virtue of his former wife and' an effort to take part of the estate left t Ferris by his ' father. Alden Ferris of Buffalo county. Attorney Matthew Gerlng for Olsen de clared the suit was In the Interest ot the sanctity of the home and the protection of the institution of marriage. 1 A portion of the crowd which filled the spectators', benches remained until' the verdict was reached. The case was tried in Judge Troup's district court Mrs. Delia Ferris, 21 years old, pretly and pleasingly gowned, took the witness stand to testify In her husband's behalf. Mrs. Ferris, the alleged alienation of whose affections fry Grandison Ferris, aged 20. .Is. the basis of the suit, denied that she was Intimate with Ferris while she was the wife of Olsen. She returned sharp, answers to Attorney Matthew Gerlng, representing Olsen. "I did . not," she sahi,. emphasising very word.i In answer . to a question ' whether she,' and her present husband ha, Indulged In demonstrations of af fection before their marriage, "You were rather lmpreose-4 by Ferris when you met him In the Douglas nance hall, were you not?" ssked Attorney tiering. "I suppose I must have been." "To what extent were you Impressed or 'pressed' by him?" "I was never 'pressed' by him. W t.ever did that," "What do you mean by that?" "Well, you said 'pressed.' " Insisted Mrs. Ferris. Relates gome K.iper fences. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris each gave an ac count of an occasion after she had sepa rated from Olsen, when the latter came to her bed room door early In the mom Ing and found them tosether. They ex plained that she had called Ferris by telephone and asked him to take her to breakfast and that the latter had done so. Ha testified that he had not taken off hla overcoat. Mrs. Ferris testified that she was fully dressel on this occasion. "I had to go down three flights of steps to reach the telephone," she snl.l. ' Other witnesses testified that Olaen snd his former wife had quarreled be fore she met Ferris and that she said Olsen demonstrated hla affection roughly. Treasurer Calls Warrants In. LINCOLN, Iec. 15. -(Special.) A call has been made by State Treasurer George for registered warrants In the amount of $130.00. This covers all warrants up to No. SJ.fcH and up to and Including September 8. The call has been made for Thursday, December 17. Cleanse the Blood and Avoid Disease When your blood Is Impure, week thin and debilitated, your system becomes susceptible to any or all diseases. Tut your blood In good condition. Hood's Barsaparilla acts directly and peculiarly on the blood It purifies, en riches and revitalises it and builds up the whole system. Hood's Barsaparilla has stood the test of forty years. Get It today. It la surs to help you. , Taxi hopping" . - Takos all tho grief, discomfort . and hurry out of XMAS. GIFT BOVKIGI j. Per Honr ThM's" our ' spolAl" shop . CFw , ping an1 ralltnit rat from a. m. A yj to 0 p. m. On to loor pa- V Minimum on holiiV To get our apo. . rial rat you must sari ..'Shopptn . ,.,-i iit." Whopping with one ot our Mmomlne Taxi U not a plM.uro. Driver ar Invariably pletwant and courteous. Tolophono Douglas 90 Omaha Taxi Service Co, 2104 FarnartvQt. Omaha V ;-rj rtuujs? X: a . We Ship - Evtryvohtrt - Send For Oar 1309 FARHAn St FUR2 LIQUORS rOR THC HOME 2 DOORS CAST Of WXXW. BUfo. I Railway Ilearlnira. LINCOLN, Dee. 15. (Special.) Hear ings by the Railway commission will be had this month. fnllnw- irnnn.. cphone company asks for a revision of raies, tne nearmg to be in Lincoln, Tues day. December 29 at 2 p. m. Complaint Ten Burn to Death In Cleveland House CLEVELAND, O.. Dec. lfi.-Pollce and firemen today were searching tha ruins of a two-story brick apartment house in Madison avenue, wrecked last night by a gas explosion, for the bodies of three persons supposed to be buried in the debris. Beven dead have been recovered and nine persons, who were more or less Injured, are In hospitals. Physicians today said that the Injured probably would recover. 7 hero la Only Ono To Dot Th9 GENUINE, Omtt For Tho Full Mam Ued Tho World Over to Oura m Ooldln Onm Day Whenever you feel a cold coming; on think of the full name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for this signature on the bog. Price U cents. A FREE BAKING DISH with Tery new order for Exeello coal Will fiv away free at our of fice a beautiful baklnr casserole. Exeello Is the blue flamed, long-lasting, smokeless furnace coal. Ask your neighbors about Exeello. We are sole agents. Coal Hill Coal Co. 211 South 19th Street Our- eft2& DIG . Qarcaln Lbadors I Special Soloctioh of Our Dig Bargain Loader Q UR Great Cfifistm as Sale of Genuine Diamonds, Reliable Watches : and Artistic Jewelry is going on with an enthusiasm unprecedented. LIFETIME GIFTS ; ARE WELCOME ALWAYS As long as you are giving, Why not give gifts that laetf A beautiful "genuine Diamond,' or a fine Watch affords supreme "pleasure, and is a i. gift, you may be proud, to make. If you are short of Christmas. money, a charge account with us will enable you .to fill your entire list of presents nothing need bo ommitted. You are always sure of the best value for the least money at We carry a complete line of rold Jewelry, hand bags, vanity cades, solid silverware and fine plated ware, cut glass, clocks toilet articles in sets and single pkje, and a full stock of novel ties for the cash buyer as well as on charge account. X-ia-rMen's Eextra Thin Watch, 1J size, r 17 i Jewel Elgin, Wsllham - or Hajnpden,' adjusted to temperature, Isuchronlsm and positions, finest a-old strata case, engraved, plain' polished or engine turned, or monogram en graved free. Guaranteed f Q QC it years. Hpeclal, at OlOiJlO TZKlGSl S1.75 KOSTI Xflt Hoop King, Ioftls "ferfectlon'' mounting, 14k solid gold, ' (I I r S fins diamonds 9 10 TSaiCSl 9110 A. HOSTS . X-14 Cuff Links, fine solid f I f gold,"J"flne diamonds .". I U TlSHSt f 1.00 A MOaTTaT X-1S Tsaor Pierced King, fine diamond . . . .". . 9 I Q TIBHSl tl-60 A SCOSTTM X-14 Men's Round Belcher Cluster King, 14k solid gold, platinum (AC top,:7'flne diamonds , . t3 .TXaYatai S4.O0 A VUSTH X-1T Men s Diamond heavy, engraved, 14k solid s-eid - , TXBvIUl Sa.00 A BCOSTTX X-18 Fancy I&ngraved Helch-.CC er R!n-. fine diamond '. WwU ' - TitHS I B 5. BO A MOBTTK X-1S Gentleman's Ring, fine solid goldb carved, locket top. '. : . . TEAMS I SI A KOSTI X- liar Ir-ln. fine solid gold. t bril liant diamonds, perfect cut, oatent safetr catch . . TKSHSl ST A MOSTTSI Ring, ' rrtra $80 S9 hrll- $70 C-81 Ladles' Diamond Cluster Ring. platinum top; gold shank, S CO it fine diamonds, perfect cut ....09 riSMl SS.OO A KOSTI X-8S Ladles' Fancy Belcher Rlns1. pierced shank, 14k solid gold, SAr fine diamond :9C0 TIBHSl sa.so A xom X-S3 La Valllere, fine solid gold. T genuine pearls, 1 fine diamond; t)4Q 16-lnch chain 900 TBBatSl 3 .SO A MOJTTX X-S4V "Merry Widow" L Valllere, all platinum, t fine diamonds, sjiir 14-Inch chain TEAMS I SMO A BCOSTTX X-SS Scarf Pin, solid gold, lover' knot, 1 fine diamond, perfect l cut. very brilliant 911 TBBBCSl 1 A KOBTTB X-SS Diamond Ear Screws, LortN Belcher mounting, S fins dla- CQQ monds. perfect cut. brilliant O TZBMSi S-aO A MOSTTK X-S7 Diamond Stud, Belcher GMV mounting, 14k solid gold TXBMSI S40 A KOSTTK K-SS Heart tin, solid gold, 1 pearl. LKn.,,,".-. $8.50 TZBMAt fl A HOSTS X-SS Wrist Watch, ertra small, ex tension bracslet. finest quality gold filled, warranted 20 years, full Jeweled nickel move- $14 75 TBBMil'$1.6' A MOBTTK Elgin, Waltham or Uampdmi Watch. 17 jewels, adjusted to' tem perature, Isochronlsm and positions. Double strata gold filled case, move ment and.caxe guaran- SIS "ir teed 15 years - I I 0 TBBBCSl 91 A MOITI X-Sl Hcarf Pin. fine solid gold, plst inum top, ft fine diamonds, SCC very brilliant vDO TZBMSI 9S.M A KOSTI X- Kcarf I'ln, solid gold, I A scroll Helcher. 1 fine diamond. I L TSBJUl 9140 A HOSTS X-93 Mcarf Pin, fine solid gold, plat inum front, T fine dla- SJOC monds 91.0 TSBMSl S8.SO A HOSTS Mcarf Pin, fine solid gold, plat inum top, very fine dia- a.r mond dtD TBS MS I B4.50 A HOSTS X-SS fluster King. 14k solid gold, platinum top, 7 fins diamonds, SQQ perfect cut' 99 9 TBBBCSl $3 .SO A HOSTS X SS Mcarf Holder, fins St IF solid gold. 1 gen. diamond 90 19 TEAMS I 91 A HOSTS X-87 ttuarf Holder, fine solid gold, 1 fine diamonds, complete with lfMmn neck chain and safety $30 ' ' TBBHsi'ia'A 'HOSTS.' X-SS La Valllere, fine solM gold, ? diamonds, perfect cut and vary 40 E brilliant 9 CO TXBHSI SS.BO A HOSTS $6.50 4b' X-a8'lgarCtter, fine solid gold 1 fine" diamond . TJC&MBl SI MOMXjt X-40 Bar pin, tine solid gold, ' gen uine pearls, 1 fine diamond; talent satety catch TBBMSl Sa.BO A HOSTS X41 Marquise Ring, fine soild IO gold, 6 emeralds, IS diamonds If . TBBMSl 9130 A HOSTS X-4S The "Young Man's Favorite" Diamond Ring, S-prong tooth 9fSfS mounting, 14k solid gold U TBBMSl 9S.SO A HOSTS X-43 Rwund Belcher Ring, 4FQ fine diamond. Ilk solid gnld..W'- TEBM&i 9S.SO A HOSTS X-44 .Ladles' Diamond Ring, Loftli "Perfection mounting, 14k lolld gold' TBBBCSl B-O0 A HOSTS X-4 Brooch, fine solid goia, fane scroll,' 1 fine diamond, patent 4$ Oft safety catch t 9 Li .TBBMSl 93.00 A HOSTS X-4 Dainty 14k Solid Gold Ladies' Watch -Kin In movement, swivel pen dant, revolving bow so back or f ac may be. shown when worn I M Cfl suspended I3U TIBHSl 91-4S A HOSTS X-47 La VaJltere, fine solid gold. 4 line diamonds; ll-tn. chain, spring ring catch , TEBMSl SS A HOBTTH X-48 i Ladies' Fancy Belcher 84A. Diamond Ring. 14k solid roldVAU TSBMSl 9S A HOSTS $50 $50 flFDS THE NATIONAL CREDIT JEWELERS "'"J nnACO rf V sVM lonlh lAth 9ssash gT,.ai A4ka SM k .. LziDRosacafieS 40 Boath ISth Street, Ooraet lk aad Sarasy Streets. upposue sargess-JiasA wo. Oepartmeat stars. Phont Douglts 1444 and Our Salesmao Will Call.' Call or Writs for . Cstalog No. 903. Our Store Is Open Every Night Until Christmas