Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 16, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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Biff Session Transferred from Denver
by Rational Officers of the
ftaraawtiaaa' Ahrna Rrlna from
T to Twmlf Thonaaad lVr
MM to ! Whfrf It
f Meet.
Recausa Omnha Is known as th bst
convention city In thin part of tho na
tion, the city of lrnver loses tha bl
. nnlal convention of the Northwestern
Banarf-st association, and Omaha will
jiroftt by that city's loss. Val I'ctf-r. editor
ef the Omaha Lally Tribune, and promi
nent for retting the meetin for Omnha,
ays tha Saengerfeat will brine between
S.SOS and X.onu visitors here.
It waa made certain laat niahl at a
meeting of the Omaha Muslkvereln that
tha German of this city will contract
attain to care for the big convention In
IMS, just aa thry did In 1!M0, when many
thousand! of vialtora came here.
Reaver tilvea I p.
On account of adverse conditions ex
acted In Denver In July, I!il5, that city,
which had previously made a gallant
flKht In order to aecure the 1!15 meeting,
decided that it rould not broperly cara
for tha vast number of vialtora.
Theodora O. Rehren of Chicago and
Oeorga Klick, Milwaukee, Vreaident and
ecretary of the Northwestern Saenger
bund association, respectively, were' In
Omaha yesterday, and remembering
Omaha's excellent entertainment and re
ception In 1910, fiffrred to give thla city
first chance at the big meeting.
Provide Week's Kntertalnmeat.
Tha meeting of tha local Muslkvereln
raa held last night and It was unani
mously decided that tha German citizens
of thla city would provide a week of
entertainment for tha visitors worthy of
tha golden anniversary of the organisa
tion. A committee consisting of Val J. Teter,
3. J. Hess, leo Hoffman, A. L. Meyer
and Harry Fisher waa selected to orga
nise an association to b known as the
Omaha Saengerfcst association, and this
committee will begin operations at once
as tha convention is to be held either the
last week In June or the second week
In July.
Tha following resolutions were adopted
by tha Omaha Muslkvereln at Its meeting
last night;
Whereaa, The Northwestern iBaenger
bund association liae been notified by
tne Denver tcoio.) singing soeietien, that
St will be tmpossiole lor them, owing to
adverse bus.nraa and financial condi
tions In their city, resulting Iroin the pro
hibition anienamvnt auopu-d by Colorado
at tho Inst eection, which has spread
a pall upon undertakings there of that
aiatura, to hold the aaengerlest scheduled
for Kli In their city, said celebration be
ing Its fiftieth anniversary and there
fore the most important one sinco Its or
aTanixation; and
Whereas, hnld association has thereby
keen compelled to transfer the festival
to some other city able and willing to
undertake the vast amount of labor con
nected therewith, and to raise the neces
sarily targe funds required for ouch a
festival on such short notice; and
Whereas, The Northwestern HnetiKcr
fest held in Omaha in 1!U0 waa such a
grand and unqualified success both mu
sically and financially, having made an
extraordinarily splendid Impression upon
the general public of tha city, state and
adjoining states; and
Whereaa. r?uch a celebration U of
arrest benefit to Omaha, both in an artis
tic and educational aa well aa In a ma
terial sense;
Ha It Kesolved, That wo, tho mem
bers of the Oerman singing societies, in
corporated aa the Omaha Muslkvereln.
as loyal cltlsena of Omaha, In meeting
assembled, have unanimously accepted
the offer of the presldnnt and eecrelary
of tha Northwestern Haengerbund, now
with us. to transfer the 1MJ celebration
to Omaha, and that we do hereby ex
tend our hearty invitation, and promise
an enthusiastic welcome to the 1,4"U nr
more singers who will take part in the
grand chorus, and to their families and
friends, assuring them, while we sym-
l athlxe with the Denver members In their
lone, of the moat splcttltd entertainment
that they have ever received in any city
vurina inir nirnniai Tesiivtti;
He, it further Hesolved. That we ask
1 the music loving public of Omaha
end Nebraska to favor us with their
liberal assistance, and to help us In
making the lfir. celebration an even
gtreater success than the l'JIO festival here
y giving us tneir unstinted moral
Additional Donations Are Received
by Associated Charities.
tVorU la What la Keerteal Jast Now,'
According- to Mrs. tirorge
Doane, erretary ol s
soelatrd I harltles.
Ionntions to Associated Chnr'.tlcs:
O. C Olson Jin
A Friend 10
J. 8. Prentiss 6
Douglas Kxchange Telephone Girls 10
A Friend 2
John K. King, South Omaha X
I. 1. Ktehblns IS
Mrs. tlerge K. Ilarker 10
A Friend : i
Total , $M
Contributions toward relief work among
the poor of the city through the As
sociated Charities continue. Mrs. George
W. Doane, secretary of the charities, re
ports a total of $32 in addition to a largo
amount of food and clothing, which la
badly needed.
A family of eight. Including the hus
band, his mother, wife and five children,
all In great need, have been found by
the Associated Charities and will be
helped through the winter. The father,
despairing of finding work In Omaha.
has gone east and cannot secure work.
' The great need of the poor In Omaha
is work," Mrs. Doane reiterated. "A
Job Is better than a donation. There Is
very little work to do In the city now
and practically nothing In the adjacent
Keveral hundred cases are being in
vestigated by tho Associated Charities
and scores of families are being assisted
through thu hard times.
Bnrklen'a Aralca Salve
Prevented blood poison on Mr. O. W.
Cloyd of I'lunk, Mo. This soothing salve
healed a dangerous wound. 25c. For
mi-u i Mif 4..Aricert isemenf.
Cresson Mine Sends
j Out Eich Shipment
Many Omahana Interested In tha wel
fare of the Cresson mine at Cripple Creek,
Colo., will be gratified to learn that some
time this week that particular hole In the
ground witl send to Denver a carload of
- high-grade ore weighing 30,00ft pounds ami
, valued at tl.000.0uo.
Rome of tha ore In the shipment la
worth. It la declared on good authority,
. over $10 a pound. The shipment Is said
to ba the most valuable in point of site,
" aver made In tha world. The next moat
valuable shipment ever made Is declared
to have been sent out or Goldfleld when
a carloaxl 'valued at t!O0,0ii0 waa sent out.
A Denver businessman who saw some
. f the ore. drciarea that the richest stuff
does not look like era at all, but looks
like pure gold.
Small Depositor
y Draws His Savings
...I Because of Hunger
Hungry, cold ana discouraged, a little
eld man called at the postal savings bank
In tha federal building and withdrew tl
from his small account
. "Why. . you generally deposit money,
Instead of drawing any out," Miss Clare
Southard, the cannier, remarked.
"Yes. but I'm out of work, now, and
haven't had a square meal In four days."
tha old man explained, "so I'va got to
break Into my little pile. I had to do It,
lut It's either that or starve."
A number of tther regular depositors
at Carts Sam's bank are now said to be
trawing out money Instead of adding to
.r svmunu. iney aay the money Is
n!iMa tor necessaries and not
Christmas presents.
ASSEMBLY ON REFORMERS Rleur. chairman of tha National
jruna committee, addressed an assembly
la tho Zionist synagogue. Nineteenth and
Jiurt streets. Monday night: making
comparison between the Mienists of l.Oue
years ago and present rt formers
Tha speaker, together with U Kiteeter,
WU1 leave Omaha Saturday evening for
fit Louis, to re preseul tha Omaha Uunlsts
at tho annual i onvrntioli.
Mr. Kieur will represent the Menorah
SKKlety at the Inte.rcolieglat convention
st U-e University of CUuiacatU,
These Wonderful Christmas Offers
on Victrolas and Grafonolac Can't ba Dcatcn
READ THESE big Christmas- offers, giving: you choice of the Victor or Columbia ma
rchines. No in Omaha can gi7e you this selection, and we. advise you to
order early this week, as the demand is very great this season.
Buys this beautiful GrafonoU Jew
ell, together with 12 selections of
four own choice 6 double-faced
10-tnch records,
J 1
This regular Victor
VlctroJa, Style X, with
tan selections; five
double faced 10-Inch
records the whole
outfit for only
Store Open Evenings; Starting Thursday the 17th
Headquarters for Victrolas and Grafonolas : 131113 Farnam Street
' 'ffeli P& i
We Sail
TVs Caal TVsA Satisfies
Buy Your Coal Blindfold
and buy by name, : UsJ the same bminess sense that
buyjng of other household suppliesspap, flour, cereal, ;
se your eyes
vo'U'do in the
For example.
Look for quality, insist on quality.. Buy the coal that you kjnov) will
give you the most value for your money. Buy
The Coal That Satisfies
Every dealer who carries this splendid coal displays the Lehigh Valley
Sign in his store and on his- wagons. Look for this sign. Remember it
You will find Lehigh Valley Anthracite economical to use, clean to
handle, slow burning, yet strong and vigorous; To use it is to get the
maximum of heat at least cost.
Tell your dealer you want Lehigh Valley Anthracite,
cany it, write
If he doesnV
McCormick Building
Chicago, IIL
TaVsaSi ma -iiswa
list ilsaislaaa.aaisaVasiansii naast' ii ( I isn-" saa
coal rnuira::?.
ooicJhi -
Black Bass
Lake Trout
are particularly fine just
now. Eat more fish,
it's good for health and
pocketbook. There are
as many different kinds
of fish as there are dif
ferent kinds of meat
if you were not partic
ularly fond of fish, you
have not eaten the right
kind. Some people pre
fer beef to mutton;
others, mutton to beef.
Order now from the
suggestions above.
for Beef
It has moje nutritive
z value; it is more eco
nomical, and is more
easily digested but be
sure you get fresh fish.
Booth Fisheries Com
pany recognizes no ob
stacle in transporting
from the water to your
table (in sanitary refrig:
eration, good, clean,
natural ice) fish guaran
teed to be fresh not only
on certain days of the
week but fresh every day.
Order from your dealer
v today.
Booth Fisheries
Branche$ in All Principal Cities
Ladies' "Comfy" Slippers
for Christmas
Slippers that com from Fry's will please the recipient mors
Uaa those that eome from a less reliable bottse. Perfect store
serrloe botk before ui after Christmas.
A Few Prices
KS!?r.....Si: ta $1.75
ZtSJXFZ. 51-00 to $2.00
1 Fall Line of Men's Operas, St
erctU, Bomeos ana Cavaliers.
From $1.50 to $3
lain Douauaa.
See real estate columns for bargains