THE DEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1914. 11 1 ( ROT RE XT lloaaes aae t'ottaa-ee. Fidelity Storage Co Vtorege, mo v inn, packing anil ehtpplng. lta 4Y Jaekson Sta. fhcne Douglas ta. TOR RENT. MODERATELY TRICED S-r. eottags. new -r., modrn, near car 0t) s-r., nearly new , I! W 6-r.. finished In oak 20 00 B-r. bungalow, stucco ,10(W AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. Doug. 6011, or Sunday call Walnut 9037, Harney PUA. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITT and farm loan 6. . 4 per cane J. H. Dumont Co..ll Farnam. Omaha. WANTED City loana. Peters TruTtToT Oil A HA homes kast Nebraska fauna, O'KEEKK REAL. ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha Natl Douglas JT1S. WTD Farm loana Moke Inv. t o Omaha NEARLY new, -r. house. 1626 6. 26th. Croaatown car Una, Mu. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1114 Harney Bt WANTED TO BUT uKUlCK luriuluio hougnt ana sold. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam, Doug. 4. Wit BUY Id-nsnd cio'hes. 1421 N, 24th. M.ICHTLY aeed ptanoa. Webnter 372T REAL ESTATE. KARM A RANCH LANDI FOR I A LB MlHonrl. DAIRY farm, 213 acres, adjoining county seat,'i iso acres unaer plow; 65 acres growing wheat; 1 Rood bouses and 4 good larns; silo; good well and springs; all up to date. Milk route established. House about mile court bouse. Price t-36. Ad dreaa Y 806, Bee. Moataaa. CENTERS and horoeaeekers use yout Carey right and secure a Montana farm now. Do you realise that farm products wii commana extremely ntgn prices dur ing; the next few years? This Is your op portunity to get started on a farm of yout own. The Vailer lands produce from 31 to 65 bushels wheat, CO to 100 ot oats, 40 to 70 bushels barley, 4 to tons alfalfa pet acre. lt us send you booklet and tell you how easy It Is to get started. Farm Sales Company. Box 30, Vailer. Mont, Nebraska. FOR RALE 64 acres adjoining rltv of Minden, Kearney Co., Neh. ; short walk to business center; all In alfalfa, fine for a suburban home or subdivision. Will give terms to responsible rarty. Price, I SO per acre. Address Mrs. L. A. Smith, 1428 Kcllam Ave.. Log Angeles, Cal. SHERMAN COUNTY FARM. 80 acres, 4 miles from Litchfield. Neb.; all tillable, 10 acres in alfalfa, 20 acres In fall wheat; 6-room house, good barn, corn 'Mb, hog; shed and other necessary out buildings. Price ISO per acre; can give good terms THE VOOEL REALTY AGENCY, 101- W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha. Neb, 40-ACRE HOME. S miles west of city limits ot Omaha; land lays gently rolling; 6 acres alfalfa, about acres pasture and about one acre In grapes, balance In cultivation; new 6 room bouse and other good Improve ment. Price, 225 per acre. C. R. COMBS, 815 Brsndels Theater Bldg. Dons;. 3516. SECTION Kimball Co. Gross. 2101 Paul. STOCK RANCH FOR SALE IMPROVED 640-acre ranch in Hooker i-ounty, Nebraska, fifty acres tinder cultivation, all good hay and grazing land. Obliged to sell at once and have made price to make it an Inducement. Write for full description If you want a place that can be developed into twice the price asked for it. John O'Brien, Owner. Lena. Neb. Ho to tio.noo made promptly. F. D. Uead, Wead Bldg.. ISth and Karnam Rts. OAltVIN lilt OS lo"". ' "' unl''"" """" Omaha Natl Hank, WANTED City loana and warranU. W. Farnam Smith Co . 1IS0 Farnam. CITY property. Large loans a special.. W. H. Thomas. Z2 State Rank Rldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder City Natl. Bank Bids. 6 CITY LOANS. Bemla-Carlberg Co., 110-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. SEE us first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Acre Property We have the best thing you ever saw In a ltv-aore tract of land with a lease hold privilege of about four more, making In all about 20 acres. Good 6-room home, fair outbuilding. There are about four acres in orchard and vineyard In full bearing. This property Is only three fourths of a mile from cltv limits of South Omaha and In Sarpy County, where taxes are low. The land lays practically level and a very home-like place. This will surely pleaoe anyone looking for a suburban home, a well as a money maker. Would ronelder a resl aence up to 13,000 as part payment. Price O'Xeil'sRE.&Ins. Agcy. 1806 Farnam. Tel. Tyler 1024. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE Bungalow Overlooks Carter Lake Right on Sherman Ave. car line! front porch enclosed like gunroom; 6 nice rooms on one floor, nicely arranged. All modern, warm and coxy. Owner now liv ing there and house can be Inspected only by appointment. Phone us and we will nrrange to have you see it. American Security Co. Doug. 6013. Or evenings. Wal. 3037. H. 245. A GOOD BUY 6-r. house. Strictlv modern, reman Kaaa. ment, furnace, electric lights nice lot; lo cated near Florence Boulevard and Ohio ft. Price Onlv 12.2T.O. We want nn offer! It must be sold, will require about WU0 cash. C. 0. CARLBERG, 312 BRANDEI8 THEATER BUILDING. Texas. . FOR SALE To close, an estate; 100 acres in Rio C.rund? valley, 4 miles fixm Mercedes. TexnB. All under culti vat m. For prlre and terms write The Minnesota Land A Trust Co.. 406 Mar utiatte Ave, Mirpe.iroli. Minn BRAND NEW NORTH SI UK. Just completed In August, u strictlv nn. to-date. 7-room, square house, large living room. 12x24 feet; finlahed in oak. cost the owner over $4.l0t. Owing to circumstanoes we can sell you this beautiful home for $3,750. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Douglas 17al. Ware Block. HEAL ESTATE WEST SIDE I Am Forced to Sell : GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Fortigrnfn Take Oyer Million and a Half Bushel, of Wheat. ENGLISH NEWS IS BULLISH Market of .ado Shew I a a; an I a war Teadeaer Tatars Uralaa after LmM, with t s4f carreat of Streacth. OMAHA, Dec. 16,1914. Foreigners were again big buyers of wheat yesterday the transactions In all positions amounting to at least I.6m.n0 M . reported that more than L- V,. n'hl of this wheat was sold by C hicago concerns. A leading Pails house, with branches over netkrly th en tire world, was retorted as the largest purchaser of wheat yesterday. While the future wheat market was fractionally fVrrner Ch rt,'"- lUvly Conditions during the early hours of yesterday a session pointed to much higher prices for the day, but there wi M InrieasH of 8.HH.0ii bushels In the visible supply. The) falling off In the pri msry receipts waa not as liberal aa looked ror, which combined caused heavy- selling by longs. " Conditions point to a good slsed open !fl .rtat J" .December wheat and of the likelihood of shorts encountering more or leas trouble before they have evened up their position. The owners of the larger part of the cash wheat here are said to be the owners of the December future, which makes their position aouhly strong. . N on whoet from Liverpool wss bullish. Ihe future market there waa Did hlgiier and pot was up Dfrjd. There were further reports of enormous pur chases of wheat by Italy, not only in America, but in Argentina as Well. Coarse grains sufiered price losses ye teiday, but the unaercurrent nni of strength, as the bears seemed slow to at- laca maraei prices and any buying of moment caused rejLctfmia from ih. i..u.. it7veis. 1 To visions ranged somea-Kat hiaher v teruay, as the trade waa of greater breadth and shorts were buyers. Wheat waa HWc lower. Corn was fee higher to He lower. Oats were unchanged to "c lower. Clearances were: heat and flour equal to 1.0J3,0x) bu. ; corn, 2,000 bu.; oats, 334.000 bu. IJverpK)l closed nominal. Primary wheat receipts were l.&U.oOO bji. and shipments. mi., against receipts of sstl.iM) bu. and shlpmtnts of 421.0H0 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 1,737,000 bu. and shipments, 82y,ouo bu., against re ceipts of 2,oe,ooo bu, and shipment of eis.oto bu. laat year. Primary oats receipts were 7(1.000 bu, and shipments, ili.Wi bu., against re ceipts of 761. Ok) bu. and shipments of VMM bu. laat year. CAR LOT RECEIPTS. heat. Corn. Oata. Rye. 2;t 1,376 3W 43" 2o4 61 ,V i4 2 !7 13 3 33 70 20 air 9s KSd; futures, firm; Deremhor. tm Hd CORN - Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, (a lid; futures, strong; December, is Hd; January. a Id. OMAHA UF.NF.RAL MARKRT. RTTTER-No. t 1-ib cartons, Jo; No. , eo ib. tuba, gle CI1EKSK Imported Swisa, Jsc; Amer ica Swiss, ftk-; bloak Swiss. S2o; twins. We; dslalea, Mc, triplets lVc: Young Americas, HV; blue label brick, 17c ; llm burser. 3-lb.. c; l-lb, New York while, Imported Fresch Hoquelort, 4sa. HERF CITS No. 1 ribs. 1c; No. 1 rtbs. lc; No. 3 ribs, livc; No. 1 loins, lc; No. I loins, lSc: No, I loins, l.V; No, 1 chucks, HHc: No. I chucks. So; No. I chucke, c: No 1 rounds, 13c; No. I rounds, 12c; No. t rounds. c; No. 1 platen. 9c; No. I plates, Va No. 3 plates. 8c. FISH-Trout, 14c; large crapples, 16c: salmon. tc; halibut, lite; channel cat fish. 12c: pike. 14c: Pickerel. le POULTR Y-Brt.llers. 14VK-; spring chick- riained.os 3 weeks sgo li7:t ens. Ho; hens. Dtiallc; cocks, 6o; ducks. Same i.avs 3 weeks aao lii Hia OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET All Kin d i of Cattle Slow and Ten dency Lower. H00S FIVE TO TEN CENTS TJP Fat Laasto ( All Klade aad Feed laa- Stoek gteady Fat heep la Aetlve Deasaad aad "teady gtroag. SOUTH OMAHA, Dec 16. 1M4 J?.tK v eie: Cattle Hogs. Slircp. Official Monday 9.SX1 .i4 4 I r-aumate Tuesday ,4( 7,t H.500 Two dsva thla -.b ftnrt S ima davs Inat mAU l.l.N 7,t 7a.o:.4 347 U'7t 13.1' I1.3M ).( .3-3 r ' .. u t wsnwjs.s wv V laa VI air , Catania Data a m aak at a - T 117 ii iVlA HI -j; doi., o; duck, full rthrd, lKs g. .Sum dM lHnt -Mr li'y7 iej'stji 'm fullf..thered.loi aquab.. No, t I1W; n5 The fouSwTnV tab..". Ui. "UpU Market quotation, furnished by a.ll.k. Oma-rKf FFRUITrai,ge.: Extra fane, W.,b. " "1 R ... Chicago Minneapolis ... Duiuth Omaha Kaunas City , St. Loula Winnipeg These Sales Upper Wisconsin i y and general cio slate in the I,., luii, Kiiiii, wameu; Imiiuk tor sale ai ... , ii' ea, on -asy terms. Ask for book- id iccunmn Cviiiral i.aud Giant, c.ui. .teres waiitod. Write about our traoug land. If liiturested In fruit lands, .an I-..- Ijjuklct on Apple Orchards !a . ijtuii'.'). Addi'ttsa Land Dept.. &o !U" t.. Mtniivuiioii.i.. Minn. Miaceli-taeoaa. V I; guarantee barguina in tcck farmp ii.a laacliua. Write Vvillia , v'uawuil l.iosen Uw, Neb. 'in Bargain jian. a new five-room, all mudcrn house recently purchased by me. This house is locattd in the Went Karnam dlatrlct, 'one block . from Leavenworth car and four blocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, white enamo! bath, sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy this house et a big sacrifice. Address, M 213 Bre. or after r. m. phone Webster H. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS $450 ..oa. iari.i ir iiicuiua t,-.iy Krnn. K,nnl WooCOn .or u H'hlliiuuie uuoi..vms nim win ., - - - . . -wW serBtoig, twei biocks von Strassen bahn, nahe Schule. gute Nachbar chart; huebscher Platz, cln Helm Ru baueu. Mehrere aodere Plaetze cur Aui wahl. Teleplion Douglas 2596 II. II. HARPER, 101S-14 City National Bank Bide. $450 .. Zalilungea $10 iiaar,. $10 monat Ifch. ". .. Wundervoller Eckplatz; 55 Fuss L.c. u i w.wi' to muu 1 ,. r.ou ttiittt.yuu im.b. Audreau b. .C l. jee. ,t,.M'.i:.i" m,u.o..oi k, cit, country, tvages, ouiii lami.y. .'.dureae C ... iuc. . HEAL KS TATE -FOR EX CHANGE "BRICK FLAT FOR FARM uimt. n 1,1 1. k, Hat, on pj.ed sirv-t.1. ncuny new. nar.t tront, .on car line, iiea:-. sceial high class apartment houses. I'looerty in nist-ciass condition and aiways rented. Vvlil exchange tor good lowu or Nebraska farm. Just the thing for a retired tanner to live in one flat and rent out the otner. Price, ttl.000. L'Uiar. Will take back mortgage. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., FARM SPKClAHbTd. . Ware block, omana. Neb. o SOUTH DAKOTA FARM FOR CITY RESIDENCE A nice 160 acirs, S4 miles troin Twin Brooks, S. D., on C. .VI. & St. P. Ry.. to exchange for city residence, The soil is good, it is in the rain beit and surrounded by well Improved farms. Here is a chance for a salaried man to go Into farming and get his shure of the pros perity that is coming to the men who produce meat and grain. Prioe, ,4O0. Incumbrance, $3,000. Coma and see us today. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., FARM SPECIALISTS, Ware Block. Omaha, Neb. o GO TO WORK FOR YOURSELF Exchange that residence of yours for a bice ferule irrigated 40-acre farm. A few acres oF sugar beets, an alfalfa field, a ooupla of oows, a few hogs and aome ! thickens and turkeys, some fruit and a garden will put you where you will tor- , get all about those anxious days in town when you wonoered whether next month would find you still holding down voup job or walking the streets looking for another. We have one that will Just suit you. Come in and see us right away. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., FARM SPECIALISTS. Ware Blook, Omaha, Neb. a INVESTMENT , Kastern estate must close out at once, o feet on Leavenworth street, near 22d. Three ten room houaca. Price 7,u00. but must be sold. Submit offers at once. The Byron Reed Co. 'Phone Doug. 297. 212 8. 17th St. REALEST ATE- MISCELLANEOUS $100 Gash Balance $20 Month Buys a good 6-room ail modern home. block from car, on paved street, pav ins ?,lJ"ld- Wh' P,J" "m o the other man? Get Uusy quick, this is a winter price. Glover & Spain 91S-30 City National. Douglas 392. 1G0-ACRE MINNESOTA FARM FOR 80 ACRES NEBRASKA A fine level farm S mile from Camp bell, Wilkin county, Minnesota, on (it. N. Hy. Blackest, richest soli you ever saw. I.ota of corn raised here, great wheat country and finest of potatoes, alfatu :nd clover. Half in cultivation, balance in grass. Good neighborhood. Pflco Per acre tu.too. Incumbrance Ji.600. Will exchange for W acres eastern i " Nebraska or for cltv reaidenca. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., FARM SPECIALISTS. Wara Block, Omaha. Neb. o ILLINOIS CORN LAND FOR NEBRASKA RANCH A splendid J0-aere corn farm In Illinois, well Improved. Dear good town 66 miles from Chicago. All fine, level, well drained laad, black sandy loam. Half in cultivation, half grass Rents well Would cut up fin to sell again to truck fartm-ra at a big profit. Wilt exchange for first class stock lanch in Nehrsska Price. 90,0u0. Incumbrance, fc'2,600. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO FARM SPECIALISTS. Ware Block. Omaha, Neb. a Y ABSTRACTS Or TITLK. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, a roodera abstract office. M cV 17 lb at Phone Douglas U7. Rfc.EL AUtraot Cm-, oldest abstract ef tiea ia Nebraak. A Braadoia Ttteatar. four ftloncy Should Earn From 7 to 10 different can get on your We have several plans whereby you from 7 to 10 money and be absolutely safe in your investment As every one knows Real Estata Is one of the best and safest Invest ments on earth. We can ar range It so you can Invest in Individual properties or take an Interest with others. We have one plan whereby you can Invest in amounts as small as $100. It will pay you to gee or write us about It. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Hartley Street. were renorted todjiv Wheat, No. 2 hard winter, 3 cars 11.11, 4 cars 1. Id's; No. 3 hard winter, 2 cars DO'; No. mixed, 1 car ll.oJVj; no grade, 1 car $1.01). Rye: No. 3. 1 car $IM. Corn: No. 2 white, 1 car HOVic: No. i yel low, 1 car 0O''.c; No. 3 yellow, i cars uV,c, 5 cars 0c: No. a yellow, X car 60c : No. t mixed. 4 cars SSi'nc. 2 cars 69c: No. S mixed. 1 car 6c. Oats: No. S white, t ars 4oc; No. 4 white. 8 cara 44'c: no grade, i cars 434c Omaha Cash Pi Ices Wheat: No. 2 hard,; No. 3 hard, fl.oaffl.irtH: No. 4 hard, tl.OI'ql.O.i; No. 2 spr ng, tl lO'Vi' 1.114; No. spring, tL09Vi3i.lii; No. 4 spring. tl.0Hfil.O9; No. 2 durum, tl.26Vu 1.27: No. 3 durum, tl K!.?. Corn: No. 1 white, tiOVj;oc; No. 2 white, HOVa!1:. No. 3 white, nmaic; No. 4 while, 5Xi8 fiOc; No. 5 white, H4Wi9'ic: No. while. &:ki.'9Hc; No. 1 yellow, fn .j'ic; No. 2 yellow, MV(i6fti4(-: No. 3 yellow, Vu04c; No. 4 yellow, OSweOi-: No, 6 yellow, bih Oc: No. 6 yellow, KHiiiiflOo : No. 1 mixed, Mi'VuBSHc; No. 2 mixed, KMruStmc No. 3 mixed, fiSi!i4!e; No. 4 mixed, SSViiSS'ic; No. a mixed, &8VtKi)t'4c: No mixed, &. nSHc Oala: No. 2 while, 46V&45yc; strnd ard. 4Mit5'c; No. 3 white. 44U4I-45C; No. 4 white, 44Mi444c Karley: Malting, 6) H'h'i No. 1 feed. 50foJo. Rye: No. 2. ti.o:Vin.o2Vi; no. 3. n.(iiv,ei.o. til It' AGO R A I AN PKOVIIUS Fratsrea of the Trading; nnd C'loslne; Prices o nllocrd of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 15. Government fig ures today on the wheat yield of 1IU4 in the United States fell about lU.oOO.OuO bushel under the expected totul, and canned the market to rally in a derided manner. Quotations clotted steady at c to mc net advance. t)thor sKculative articles made gains as well corn. "4c to ,'4,&:'ic; oats, V'jc, and provisions, lJf 12Sc to 2oc. According to private crop experts, i10. OOo.oOti bushels wns about nhat the final report from WaahinKton would show aa the aggregate of domestic spring and winter whout produced this season. Considerable of a flurry developed as a result when the official announcement was posted giving tht amount roundly as MH ,000,000 busiiela. Except for a small ujt turn early owing in the main to atrenstii at Liverpool, the market here had been tending downward under short selling, baaed largely on belief that the govern ment, report would favor the bears. The ensuing advance, however, continued right up to the close of the session. Export houses became good buyers after the wheat market began to rise in earnest It waa said the harvest condi tions were less favorable In Argentina, and that offeringa from there to Europe were very light. On the other hand the world's available supply statement ex hibited an Increase of as much as 9,300,000 bushels. Buying of cotton throughout the day was of a better claas than the selling, many investment orders being filled dur ing a temporary decline, when wheat Was on the down grade. The smallneea of the receipts here formed a help to the bulls. Washington figures on the yield of corn were slightly below what had been looked for. Active call from the seaboard put firmness into oats. The government ra- 1 port aa to oats turned out just as ex- peciea. Broadening demand for provisions was .generally conceaea to exist, the natural effect of helow-xern weather. Offerings were so scarce mat snorts rushed to cover. urain prices furnished by Logan A prnn, oinre : Koutr, wxtnth street navel. HUs. tkis. JL'.fO Per box? rilr. fun. v Nash. 112s, 12rta, tili; extra fancy Wash, lfcw, t-'.K..: lTa, JOOs, 21rte. tio. Lemons: Fancy Sunkist, guns, ihHls. 26 60; choice Kcdnall, 30. ,M0a. tu.00. Orapefrulta: Stla, fiis, 64a and HOs, 12.75. Apples: r.xtra fancy Wash.. White Winter I'earnilans, l:.oo Hr box; fancy Wash. White winter I'ear mains, gl.TB: extra fancv Wash., Wine sap, $1.76: extra fancy ttpitsenbergs, ti.iO; Oregon .iiiUengergs, tl.36; Oregon Hald wins, tl 60; t.010. unwrapped Jonathans. 11 8i; Waxh. extra fancy and . fancy Hoovers, tl 40; O. K. Jonathans, tl lu; lancy cilo, Wralthys, tl.10; fancy Colo., Mc.Mah1.1m. tl.10; fancy Colo. I'tters, 11.10; fane, Maiden Biush,; Idaho fancy Grimes Golden, $i.i.O; Idaho eliohe, Grimes Oolcen, 11.26; Wash, faticy Grimes Gulden, $1.60; Idaho fancy Jonathans, tl ; Idaho fancy Pulton, tl.16; Idaho fancy Straw berry, tl 2a; Idaho lancy Wolf River, tl.26; Wash. Wagner, tl.i.5; N. Y. Baldwins, 13 00 lor bid.; N. V. Greenings, tl f0 per bbl. Grapes: California Emperors. 11 W) Ier btii., gt.Ti". per crate; fam-y Malagas, 6 per keg.; extra fancy Malagas, th.00 per keg. Pears: Anjou. U M per box; Jer sey, t-'.J6 per box; tjheldon, 1S) per box; Lawrence, t-100 per box; Boaco, 12.60 per box; Hunter, 12 J6 per box. Bananas, pir btinch. tl.758.50. Limes. $1.75 per box. VKGF.TABLES Cauliflower. 13.00 per rraie. (jucumners, 11. dm per not, 1 eiery i.MUe SH..7 2.72.-. 3.4M '"'ka 1136.IM3 2.4;i..OJt 2M.t B'eP 8,(H0,.a 3.1..S.2J5 it,i7S The toliowins taute s..ows tb eaveraiie price for hogs at the Houth Omaha live stock market for the laM few dais, with comparisons: 21 feeders.. 114 1 IT, 12 feeders. .1 12 7 30 .'4 foeders. .1IJ7 T 2.i 4 fleers. ...114; 115 m feeders. 7 4o 22 feeders. .1.'4 7 2.'. HOOS Supplies were siime larger to day, hut the killing dmand continued good and trade opened out close to a nickel higher. Aa the morning advanced prices continued to Improve, so that by the close values cr a flat dime belter than yesterday. Early rounds were dull, but the market closed lively ajul a clear ance had been niade by 10 o'clock. The H' nernl mmkrt a around hi. iw better than yeterlay. Shlpiers and speculators were in the game to a certain extent this morning, but their purchases were light and the long end ot the supply sold to killer. Bulk ot the offerings waun cashed at, with lops at 27 06. The demand for light hogs and pigs is very uncertain and the prices, especially on pigs, show the greatest tinevenness from one day to the next. !axt week the light gradea closed strong and so far this week values have been firm and In a good many In stances look better than Hsturday. In the laat two days prices have made a gain of about loo and current values are Just steady with the first of the month. Keovlpta today were estimated at 100 rara. or head, the largeet run In almost two weeks. Total for the two days la 13.0&4 bead, being a gain of 4..'i head over a week ago, but more than ,ono head snort ot last year. Representative sales: NEW YORK ST0CK MARKET Outcome Prove i Disappointment to the Long; Account. MOST BUSIHISS AT FIRST Rest of Session After First Hoar Mall and Wlthoat .Noteworthy Feat a re. Aside from Droep-laa- Teadeaer. D I 1I4. 1U).1U.UU.1H0.10.H4. Nov. 2S 7 7 471 ui), M, 6 ( Nov. t 7 6ll 7 6 01, 7 or Nov. to) 7 1HI I T 7o) M tw llJll Deo. I. 4( 7 0 7 74 04f 7 .', 7 li Deo. 1. Dec. . Leo, 4 . Dec .. Deo. .. lec. 7.. lec. g. Ieo. .. Deo, 10. Deo. a. Deo. 12. lv-c. 13. Iec. 14 tlWI 7 OI 7 SJ - I l 7 64, 76 7 341 7 U 73 7 41) 7 tM S ) 7 Wl I Tli 7 67 6 Oil 7 Ui I 081 6 76 7 U 1 tw 5 as ! No. A. Bk. rr. No. at. Sh. r. ' 71 lT ... n 34 ... t at i 11 iwt w IK TV 10 ... u .u 4 ... a aa sa iii ... loo 10 17T H l st tH& n t 00 In in ... t n . an tat , a it ... si tat ... 7 t 170 ... .'. It tt.0 19 1 l 1 M m ... in u 177 ... 7 06 Plot). to tt ... 1 n 14 in ... m aa iiu ... m lu ... tie 67 11 ... (44 021 S Ot 8 K2-,i S3 S 6 7 441 7 661 7 441 7 64 1 7 4N 7 311 7 40 7 IN I ( tk. 7 74, 6 l T 2l auj S 4! 7 47, 41 1 3 4, T 64 5 971 7 321 I 22 01 7 47 S 30 7 631 8 .V "I 7 ra n 1 97, 7 M H,' ; 7 SRI 7 62 261 7 44 W 7 bbi 001 6 6 t 31 14 6 42 6 4S 6 63 6 41 I 6 i I l A 0 1 63 Dec.J&.J !H',t 7 4A Sunday. Holiday. leceipt and diHposllion of live stock at the I nlon Htock Yards. South tmaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at I RECEIPTS-HEAD. Jnmhn 7V. nr lv M.ohl... n.. It u "gs.onerp. 11 r . Anm l.nll..n Mmtt Calif II In ilu U ? 7 Missouri Pacific.... I'nion Pacldo N. V., east.. C. 4k N. W., west.. C. tft P., M. A O.. C, H. a y., east.. C, a g , west.. C. R. I. Sk P.. east n. . a r., e. Illinois Central la Chicagu Great eWstem. leaf, 40o per doi. Onions: ellow, 2c per lb.; red. 2c per lb,, white. 2Hc per lb. Cahbage, lHc per lb. Peppers, 60c per banket. Tomatoes, $2.00 per crate. Onions (sliHllotMl, 60c per dot. Horseradish, $1 & per case. Garlic, Italian, too per lb. Squash, lVtc per lb. Pumpkin, l4o per lb. Potatoes: Idaho, 70c per bu. ; Red River Ohlos. 66c per bu.; Minnesota Whites, v per bu. Sweet potatoes: Kansas. tlXitf 2.F0 rer bbl.: Jersey, (1.78 per hamper. MISCELLANEOUS Nuts: No. 1 Cali fornia walnuts. It( per lb.: filberts, 12 jo per lb.: pecans, 12Vic per lb.; Jumbo pe cans, isc per lb.; Braxlls, lmrUo per lb.; almonds, 20,- rer lb. Klgs: 12 12-oa, two per box.; 60 -or., 12 00 pej- box.; 7-crown ibc per in; oiiik, io per in. Armour & Co I 'ci i -co . i'luiiicunij, ' I'"- sum i i j AlllriillV t2 ; sugar walnuts, dates. $1.40; Hallowl. ! Morreil . .. Pr!l..,D-uB.rnrP:.:n,LI-J?.Cr.,1-V' U-lncoln Packing Co.. , k.. 1..,.. MBA IX..n 117". . "'.f'"" l" U Honey. $3 .76 per cae. Cider: Per keg. tXOU; U-hhl.. 13.00: N. Y.. 11.60 ier keg. U-bhl.. ti.00 per bbl. Cocoanutu, t3.7R sack, 76c per dos. I asaoa gema. si.itxa.uv per crate. I J 17 2 30 4 6 16 6 2 1 r, l & u l Total receipts ..2R2 86 i DlBl'oeJITlON H K AD. Cattle. Hogs. morng Co 413 Hwllt & Co W2 Ctidahy Packing oC... .1.382 .. t46 Benton, Vansant & L. inn & Hon F. B. Lewis J. B. Boot at Co J. H. Bulla L. F. Huss Hosenstock Uroe McCreary & Kellogg.. erthelmer A Degen. Sullivan Bros I Rothschild I Mo. Kan. Calf Co... Christie Hlggtns 'Hu.fman Roth Meyers Baker, Jones 4k a ew York tiraeral Market. BITTTER Firm; receipUi, 8,070 tubs; creamery extras ta score), 4ijjM4,4ic; i r. nincry thinner acor;ng), 34c; iirats, 2!W82e: seconds. 2tVfi2(Hic: process extras. 26ti26i'; ladles, current make, firsts. 23'(T i3c; seconds, 22i221vc; packing atocw, current make No. 2, 2Ki2Vc. CHEESE Steady; receipts. 1.506 boxes: state whole milk held, white and colored, 10c; state whole milk, white and colored, averaae fancy. 15V1rlAc: state whole milk, white and colored fresh specials. , Tanner Bros lfic; state whole milk, white and colored, 'John Harvey average fancy, lWlSc; skims, lva'l3Ho. j Kline EGGS Firm: receipts. 8.777 cases fresh 1). r F gathered extra fair, 4f(f4hc; seconds, SC , Other buyers site; state, Pennsylvania ana nearoy nen- I nery whltea, fancy, 644i6nc; gathered I Totals writes. 0f(iixo: nennery nrowns. 474c4ic; gathered browns and mixed colors, 3s 4iv I'Ot'LTRY Dressed, steady; western rosstlng chickens, 14ViJ19c; fresh .fowls, 2.r17'tc; turkeys, ICO.Oc. Live, firm; west ern chickens, IS&ISttc; fowls, lSQa&Wc; turkeys, Vallc. Kansas City Jrala aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Dec. U.-WHEAT-No. 2 hani, tl UHl 1H: No. 2 red. tLUVke? 1.12: December. II. UH: May, $1 16V CORN -No. 2 mixed, 2Vii3c; No. white. 62i&3c; December, lc; May, 677i'j!Wi OATS-No. 2 white,' 4tW47ci No. 2 mixed, 4'.,lrfi44o, Bi;TTHll Creamery, 31c; firsts, 29c; seconds, 2Jc; packli.g stock,' 2oMc - EGGf.i Firsts, 30'ijC; seconds, 2iki. POULTRY Hens, 11c; roosters, 10c; tur keys, 16c. 84. Louie Grain Market. ST. liOUlM, Dec. 16. WHEAT No. f red. tl l.r.'; No. 2 hard. tl.l6Hl.nH; December, 11.16; May. 11.20H- CORN-No. 2, MVitmW.c; No. 2 white, 65c; December, ftc; May, 69i&09Tic. OATS No. 2, ilc No. 2 white, 4u, Anlc-lel Open. I High. I Ixiw. j Close. I Y'es y. Whest I Dec. 1 18il 1 1K4I 1 iMay.ll 22-lTsl 1 I 21 " I I I : Dec. I 63'i.l 634! 82t May.'694iJi4i63Vl 6a Oats lilt Dec. 47H!47Tr4S!47'4JSf I ll i f i 18 35 18 724 1 1"4' I 18 1 22V1 !1W .1 May.iSlTi'-n 62' Pork l Jan.. 18 40 18 40 May. 18 72'4 18 5 Lard Jan.. 92V, 10 00 May. 10 U'il 10 26 Ribs I Jan.. 9 96 10 05 May.10 20-221 10 35 63'U 4F4 S34 47 61 it, 2H 10 I2Vi 9 Mrl 10 20 18 36 18 80 I7HI 10 224 10 24 10 30-221 18 10 18 eo 80 io 0714 ( 96 10 1714 LEGAL NOTICES Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : v. v. rrt" tl.l7.(ql.l8Tk: No 2 hard. Il.lsinl.lttu Com! 1 No. 2 yellow, tBVifa&'fec ; No. 3 yellow, my, t3MiC. Oats: No. 3 white, 4V4i-UiVc; standard, 4S'S49c Bye No. 2, ll.OT'J&l l.0H. Barley: t!70c. teed: Timothy, H .60 ? wu; ciover, (iz.uxav14.0v. rrovisions: Pork, 16 60; lard, ffHiU; ribs, IS.205HO.I2H. BI'TTER Steady; creamery, 24'S2c. EGGS Higher; receipts. 2.846 cases; at mark, cases Included, 3ic; ordinary firsts, 8o32c: firsts. 36c. POTATOES Steady ; rcelpts. 20 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin, red, 3.vuio; Michigan and Wiaconsin, while, 364i-43c POULTRY Alive lower; springs, 11c: fowls, lOyilc; turkeys, ltk:. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Indebtedness of the UNION STOCK lTKrt. t k 1 iT OMAHA (UM- 11.20: No. 1 northern, tl.lT.W, No! ITED at the close of business November 1 2 northern. tl.0il.l7'' . M In aea polls Grata Market. M7NNEA IOLIS, Dec. 15 -WHEAT De cember, tl.l64: May, ti l1;: No. 1. hard. 30. la14, amounts to fTOO.Ow.eo, represented uy lu nisi morgage 6 per rent bonds Issued under deed of trust dated Mar 1. 1914. (Signed) E. BUCKINGHAM, Vice President. K. BUCKINGHAM. THOS. B. M'PHERUON. R, C. HOWE, T. J. MAHONEY. V. B. CALDWELL. D16dlt Directors. FLOUR Unchanged, MA KLKY OhTltitC HYK-11.04a.1 U6. BRAN 'Ti.M. COHS-No. 2 yellow, KUtWHc OATS No. 1 white. 4&4ti.C. FLAX-1.5C(S1.&9. I I vriv4ol fjrala Mrbt, LIVERPOOL. Deo. 15 WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 1 Manl'oba. 10s 4d; No. 2, 10s 10id; No. 3, lid; No. t hard winter, Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Deo. 16.-COFFEEThe market - waa uulet today, with futurea off a few points under reallalng by recent buyers In the absence of any aggrosslva support A decline of V4d In the rate of Bras Han exchange on Lon don and the continued full receipts may huve Inspired some oL the otierins, but there waa no change In the coat and freight market and the local spot markot heiu steady in sympathy. sutures opened at a decline of 1 to points and closed at a net loss of 4 to S points. Hades, 6,000 bags. December, 4.43c: January, 6.46c; February, .56c; March, .61c; April, .70c; May, .7Kc; June, 6.6c: July, 7.66c; Au gust. September. 7.6c; octoher, 7.i4c Novemlier. 7.80c. Soot, aulet: Rio 7s. 7H tjlc; Santos 4s. IOU.0; Rio 7s higher at 4 322&; Santos iw reis lower at 4 (fw. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 16. METAIJ4 Lead: Quiet at 13.764i3.x6; Iondon, 19 6s. Spel ter: Quiet at t&l0.75; London. i:2S 6a. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 15. M ETA LH Lead, ciulet; 13.70. 8ielter, quiet; t6.6f)460. Tin steady; t34.264i36.00.; at I-ondon, spot, 149 6s; futures, t'148 16a Copper, firm; electrolytic, U3.37V18 60; cuetlng, tl3.12H613 36; at Iondon. spot, a; is aa; futures. 68 12s 6d. Iron Quiet and un changed. (ettoa Market NEW YORK, Dec. 15. COTTON Spot, qult; middling uplands. 7.36c. The cotton market closed about the lowest of the dsy. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 15. COTTON Spot, aulet; pricea steadier; American middling, fair. E24d; good middling, 4.62d; middling. 4.3kd; low middling, t.9ld; good ordinary, 3.29d; ordinary, 2 84d. Sales, 6,000 bales. Wool Market. LONDON. Dec. 16. WOOL The wool auction sales vera continued today with offerings of 9,60k bales. Only croas-breda attracted buyers and they sold well. Merinos sagged In the absence of Conti nental support. A lot of ) bales of sillies from America realled from la Sd to is lid. The sales will be closed tomorrow. Mt. Joarnh Llvei Stork Market. prp. JOSEPH. Dec. 15. CATTLKV-R-relots I0" head. Market dull: steers. 87.0011100; cows and heifers, 14.26419.00: celves. t6o04V8 60. HOil-8 Receipts. 1.000 head. Market steodv at 6c hlaher: too. 17 10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.00O head. Market stead v; lamb., (7&or8.60. Baarar Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 15 SUGAR Raw. steady; mo'aes. 2.''4": centrifugal, isr; ref'ned. steany: cuiioar. o.ine; rruaneii 6.T.c: mould A. s.; ciitxs. 6.1ft-: XXX X powdered. 5"0e; nowdered, 4.9fic; fin granulated. 4.e: diamond A. 4.N6s; con fectioners A, 4.75c: No. 1. 4.60c. Drr Goods Market. NEW YORK. Dec. It. DRY GOODS Demestlo cotton and gray goods for con certing and painting more act've. Silk improving tn primary markets. Soma lines wool goods advanced. Yarns easy. Eve arreted Apples aad Dried Pre I ts NEW YORK, Dec. 15. EVAPORATED APPI ES Qu'et. DR1EM EPCfCRprenes, frm. Anrl cots and peaches, quiet and steady. lUUslns, flrtu. .1 16 4 10; 4 31.1 271 26 140 128 M 96 r 37 168 M 17 24 9 11 tts 4S 223 86 43 IKI 6.2 KSI 1,304 1,144 Sheep. i(i s.a.7 3,040 2.714 919 .8.408 4.967 10,646 CAT'l LE Recetnts this morning num. bnred 261 cars, being a very liberal run lor a Tuesday, and making the total for the two days this week 16,237 head, tho largest ot any similar period for a good many areeks pack and larger titan a year ago by over 4.000 head. Other market points were heavily loaded and reports aa to the condition of the market were everywhere discour aging. As noted yealerUay the country seldom falls to rush In a lot of unfin ished and Immature cattle during the early part ot December and aiwaya with disastrous results. It should be borne In mind by the country that the demand for beef steers during December la never any too brlak, owing to the popularity of poultry during the holiday season. As a matter of tact there Is aiways a call for a lew fancy Christinas cattle, but the demand Is never good for halt-fat and Immature beef, thus it happens that barge runs of unfinished cattle In Decem ber never fall to bring about a had slump in values. To withhold such rattle from this market and ship them to some other will not help matters In the least, as all markets are breaking In about the same proportion. In fact, Chicago led ths break, 'J he trado on beef steers was very slow and dull all the morn. rig and the same waa true of cows and heifers. Prices were unevenly lower, being anywhere from 10c to aa much as 25o lower 111 some cases than yesterday. It would be asfo to iuoU the general run of fair to pretty decent kti da of killing cattle around 60c lower than last week. The best feeding steers, owing to the moderate supply of that kind, have not shown so much decline, but they are pos sibly 16m26o lower than lai 47tek. On the other hand the medium trades, that Is, the fair to pretty decent kinds, are' right around &00 lower than the high spot ! last week. Quotations on cattle: Prima vrlm.. I t.7bUlo.6; good to choice corn-fed beeves' $.7.Vn 10.00; fair to good corn-fad hv. $8.204fH.7&; common to fair corn-fed beeves, $7.Ovoo.20; good to choice range beeves, 7.7hu4.2&; fair to good range beeves, $7.26 (17.7&; common to fair range beeves, ti.vo 7.26 prime helfera, 17.608.60; good to choice heifers, ta.26(7.60; good to choice cows, tu.7fo.75; fair to good cows. tu.2jr 6.76; common to fair cows, t4.60tfo.26; good to choice atockrrs, and feeders, ti.iwtf 8.25; fair to good (tuckers and feeders, t7.004j7.75; common to fair sioekers and feeders, W.OO&7.00: stock heifers, $0.6w 0. uv, siues, cows, 9o.wQ9.dn; siock calves, t6.0O&.8.00; veal calves, tl.Otu'J.W, bulla, stags, etc, 16.267.10. Representative sales: BEEfc bTEERS. Ne. At. ft. No. At, Pp. ( 441 ( 74 4 IfciO S 14 II 1113 4 Hi s U44 ( as 2 U7 7 it li IZil I U II ll' 7 40 !, I I., t 1IM 8 00 II U4.0 I W b'l A.N u HElr a.nd. 18 7 i 74 14 ti I 10 U 464 I 16 21 ti 10 It CO v a. . 1 110 IT! 7 K7 f 4v 1 HWO 4 40 4 1141 4 4 tl (77 4 10 4,.. Hi Ikl U 73 4 U 1( 101 1 III 1 (k& 4 40 t l'M i 711 ii f...Vi A 4 la. 7 I 7o I ma 1 is 1 um $ u - li li( s ti 11 .jcrra 1 00 a 104 1 16 11 iuii 1 1 1UU0 I M 1 ISM) 14 Co .to AND HKir'tu . Hr.iJ' The lecv-lpts were more sea. sonable compaied with Monday'a market, though moderate compared with a week ago and a year ago. The eatimate called for r.uoo head, most of which were fed offerlnKS from Colorado. Nehraaka and Iowa, Including a few wheat tieid lambs from Idaho. The proportion of aged sheep was a little larger, alih ewes pre The quality waa fuilv as good and possibly a lit tie better In soma cases. Several loads or lambs were car. rled over from yesterday. While lamba were more active and In better demand this morning prices were nn better then about steady. The range ot pricea continues relatively high, con sequently the packers were much op- posml to any advance, it was a good market nevertheless, with the bulk of the lamba moving at 17. 7508. 36, the lat ter figure having heen paid lor twin corn fed and wheat field grades. The belter feeling waa more apparent In the rase of aged sheep, which sold at steady to strong pricea. The range on ewes was at Iii.00iv6.ii0 for the most or them. The feeder supply waa light and prices fully steady. The clearance waa early. Quotations on Sheep and Lamba Lamba, rood tn choice. I&3wiiia60: lambs, fair to good. f7.7&ifS.26i feeders, fair ti good, t7.50 4i7.i6; yearlings, good to choice. (1 uniri.w; yearlings, fair to good, t.76'7.00; year lings, feeders. 16 .MMiH.Iti; wethers, good to choice, !&.75r6.20; wethers, fair to good, t6.4t(6.W; wethers, feeders,;, good to choice, I5.264i6.fifl; ewes, fair to good, t7vlO.uO.2G; ewes, feeders, tt.Mtf.OO. No. ay. rr. 94 Idaho ewes 114 245 fed lambs 81I Nebraska feeder ewes 246 fed ewes 26 native lambs 37 native ewes 72 fed yearlings 123 fed yearlings 72 feeder ewea 178 feeder ewes 14 fed lamba 40 fed lamba 101 fed lamba 222 fed ewea 2M fed lamba 47K Montana lambs 263 Colorado lajnbs 6.1 98 ...108 ... 74 ...122 ... 76 ...111 ... Mi ... 86 ... 8fi ... 86 ... art ...110 ... 82 ...14 ... 74 4 60 7 90 4 76 6 60 8 00 t IN 7 SO 7 80 6 00 5 (10 K 10 S 10 8 00 t no 8 36 8 11) 8 36 .Ilk No. I OS I. lElFKiltt. . 4(4 I 16 1 , I at 1 , M IM 1 , 110 I 00 I tai 111 I (74 4 ii 1 v4 4 40 CALVES. .1014 190 , m iii . 410 4 4u . 144 4 h . VO I M .Ml) 4 74 .UM 7 71 1. 34.... I.... 1.... I.... 1.... I.... 64... 1.... 20 ... 10 ... I.... 11.... I.... . 140 T 14 . 41i 7 40 . 10U 1 40 . lm on . M I Qu . IM) 1 ou . 110 I SI .144 I bO . 40 00 . 714 4 71 444 4 (0 . I'.4 I lu . (20 I to .1710 7 06 167 I 00 ai I hi X. 4 00 mo 4 to mt 4 iii 414 7 40 171 7 10 il 7 16 467 7 BIO. -1 410 I no 140 I 16 a . I Ui Ill I tg IK0 4 Ml 44 I 46 MEIUIAHKA. Av. Pr. No. 18 cows 814 I 6G 4 feeders.. 1275 20 If feeders.. 72 7 00 II cs ethfra. 8.1 6 85 11 cows 9U ( It) WYOMING. 8 feeders.. 771 7 60 22 steers.. ..1070 7 36 61 feeders.. 696 7 U 21 stk. hfrs, 714 8 00 27 feeders.. 171 7 00 111 feeders. 99 7 60 7 feeders.. IM 60 19 feeders.. lt2 7 26 16 oows 9M 26 19 cows 923 6 U0 SOUTH DA KOTA. 17 feeders.. UJo 7 IS 2 feeders.. 875 7 16 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Easy Hoys Btroas? herp Kirn. CHICAGO, Dec, 16. CATTLM Reeelpta, 12,000 head; market. aay; native steers, tu.44.10.76; western, tu.UKU41.10; cows and heifers, tl.OOj.10; calves. ).00r..50. HOGS Reeelpta, 40.000 head; market strong, 10c higher; bulk of sales, 87.01 7.15; light. ft.WW.20'. mixed. tA80ir7.2O; heavy, t4.76477.aH; rough, t6.754j.86; pigs, t&.26r7.Z6. HJIBCH AND LAMBS Receipts. 16.000 head; market firm; sheep, $6.S!3.80; yearlings, H(i7.66; lambs. 16.50tta.76. Kaaaas City Lira Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Deo. 15. CATTLE Re ceipts, 13,000 head; market lower; prime fed steers, t9.6oiil0.76; dressed beef steers, 7.1l6e.26: western steers, !7.0(tU.i6; Block ers and foeders, (V.ouyi.0o; bulls, to 00O .60: calves, t&Ouiha.76. HOGS Rnoelpts, 12,000 hesd; market higher; bulk ot sales, f9.864i.00; heavy, t7.omir7.lS: packers and batchers, t7.0(f 7.17H; light, fl.SiO-j'7.16 pigs, l.2rHb.ffi. SHEEP AND LAMBS Ileoelpts, 4.000 head; market steady; lamba, t7.76fi8.30; yearlings. IB Jf.&7.40; wethers, t6.2rj.26; swea, M.7S4JH.7B. SI. Loata Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 16, CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.000 head; market lower; native um iinvm mi .ivt iv.w, u uiu nmiriv, t5.00ti16: southern steers, 10.7W7.76; oows and helfera, f4.OO4j4).0O; native calves, 100 IjH.OO. HOGS Receipts, 8.600 head; market higher; plga and lights, l6.0Oh7.10; mixed and butchers, t7.064j7.3O; good heavy, 17.16 IJ7.80. SHEEP AND IA MB B Receipts, 1.600 head; market higher: native muttons, 14.75 tr.VM); lambs, t8.0vli8.6l; yeaurllnga, ti.60 4J7.26. New York Moary Market. KRW YORK. Dec. 15. -MERCANTILE PAPKR-4itt4tt per cent. BTERLINO EXCHANGE Steady: alt- ty-day bills, 14 8460; for cables, t4 877C; for demand, 14.8716. SILVER Bar. 4940. Berlin War Office Says French Reports Are Pure Inventions BERLIN, Deo. 16. (By Wireless to Say vllle. L. I.) An official report given out at headquarters last night said: ' "The French have made weak attacks against our position between Meuse and Vosges, but these were repulsed. There were no Important events on the west front In cut Prussia or in south Poland. Our operations In north Poland ars de veloping. "The following remarks are made re garding Rurslan and French official re ports: a " 'Southeast at Cracow we continued our offensive. We took several German guns snd machine guns and made about 3,000 prisoners.' , "Not a man, not one gun, nor one ma chine gune thera has fallen Into Russian hands. "The official Paris bulleton of Deoeniber 12 states: " 'Northeast of Vsilly t ne German bat tery was completely annihilated and at Deuxnounds, to the west of Vlgneulles Les HattonciuUel, two Qerman batteries were destroyed, one of heavy caliber and one destined to fight aeroplanes. In the sama region tho French have destroyed a block house and several trenches.' "All this la pure Invention." An. Bur RaMnlng. Amsrtran T. a T AsMrlcma Tnbaooo Ananonita Mining Airklaon Htltlraora Ohio Hranklra Hasld Tr t'alirornta I'Mroleata .., ansnlsn rsrlflo ( 'antral laat her ctiTtatMak S Ohio Chlrmto 1. W c m. a t. p Chlraan a N. W kino Oopper Colorado V. 4V I Dunvar A Slo Oranne.... Draver if. O. p(it escurltles .... MO 10714 lirt lis 14 0 7.400 i.nno 4.i 4 Mtij aS 8H 14 wv 47 ' MS4 117 iitta KM l.ffW IStUj J 61 X. fro a4 (si( 4t 24 nn S.K 4M4 11 ,00 l.iij 134 l.aoo 1,600 700 too 1110 l.tos 14 114 H 141 I.1O0 lliSi 111 401) at ru 100 41 1(0 17 104 r.'4 100 1M4 114 13. IM M ma 1114 1,6n 114 l,m leitj 404 It 1.7"4 l.jno ,0M n4 47 DIM liters' Brio Oneral Hlortrlo Oraat Norlharn put Oreat Northarn Ora rtfs. Oiiisanhalm nzplorsttoa. Illlnola Central Intarbnmush Met. pre.. nanlrmttoai tonpar International Harraatar .. Kanaaa City HtMtkara.... laiilih Valley IjHilaTllls aV NaabTllle.( Mailnaa Patroisuat Miami Ooppar MlaaouM, K. T Mlaanurl lrlfll) Nallnnal Blarult National lea4 Nevatta rvaaiar Now York ran Ira I N. T . N. H. a H Norfolk A Western , Northarn rsrlflo Paaario Mall p-i-iflx T A T PraarylTsaia 1.IM 104 i'a.linan slae Car Hay tVnasltdatee Cop... l.sne KsaHliMi hapablla I. A Hof'k Ialan4 to Hoea Inland no. pM at. L. 4 K. r. M pt4 Ihiulharn I'alflo 11.409 riniHhara Railway ...... I SO TanlMwaaa Cnppsr , 1.404 Taiaa Company I'aloa rsrlflo la.sro ui Union lasltie pM 704 - 7U t nltaa Htatas maal H.7H4 1.1 Utah Coppar 7.000 UK Wahash pM v.. 144 Waatars Vntos ,. t.100 SS Wnrtlnshooas Klectrlc .. 1.704 m urrarao. Total salas for the Say. Ml. "04 sbarss, 16 24 IH H n 140 44 Vk liT, 17 S1V4, 11 II 11 13 41 MU 4 14 17 111 6 It HUa U4t M at : 14tt 11 . 171 44 ltVOa, irH 17 91 04 lMNa UT.Va ll I lil 60 II H 64 i iwss 4.400 10114 101 HU 100 21 1V St toiti m iti . leti 17V. it4 11, I6OI4 1414 141 1.100 , (014 IDs IS l.atut a- Ha 314 'ir.ii 114 11 Ji'4 1.11 17 niafi 7 74 , 6H 6t ,4Ti I I MStj II A v. Pr. 39 feeders.. 1277 7 26 19 steers. ...lot 7 60 11 oows 104 ( 10 29 feeders.. 923 T VO Paulist Boys' Choir is Not Disbanded CHICAGO, Dec. 16.-Denlal was made today of a report that the Paulist boys' choir of this city had disbanded. It was declared by officers of St Mary's church that tha choir would continue under the leadership of Edward Collins, who was placaj In charge of the choir after the resignation of tha Rav. William J. Finn, as leader. Two years ago the boys' choir made a tour of the world aad re ceived many prises In choral 00m petitions. STOCKS AND BONDS. Closing quotations tin bonds today Were as follows: V. S. raf. Is, sag.., M We. Pso. ST. la... Ilia So seusoa IS N. T. C. g. Ilia.... m 0. S. M. rag .1"0 'M.Y Cltr 4s IMI.1MH to coupon 104 N. Y. Plata 444a ltans V. S. 4a. rag 104 UN. T., (4. H. A H. 4a coupon U or. 4a 10114 Panama to aoupaa., 4 No. f'aelflo 4s m Am. gmsltor 4a inJV, do Is 45V A. T. T. sr. 4Hs0. S. 7U rat 4s... 44 w Armour A Co. 4ia.. M14 Paa. T. A T. la.... 44 AUhlaoe sen. 4a.... llH'Pana. soa. 4s Mu. Hal. 4k Ohio 4a m Raadlag gea. 4s..... ttZ Claas. A Ohio 4Ha.. 17 K. L. A s. IP. r. 4s. 41 C, U. A g. J. 4a... 4V4Sa. Pao. T, 4s sn C M A B P g 4S4s. M da raf. 4s .i. H f. R. I. A P. s. 4s. M a t. 4s Kli C. A 8. raf. 4af. 77So. Railway 4s 11. A It. O. raf. 6a.. 41-41'sloa Paoiiie 4a.. mi Erla gaa. 4s i da ct. 4a iZ Uan. Klaotrle ta 1011'. a. Hutiaar 4s.... 1(11 !i Ot. No. lit 4Vra..l0U,r. B. Btaal 4a lffuZ 111. Can. raf. 4a.... 16 Wabash lat la. tt K. C. Ho. raf. 6s... II Waat. raise 6a 44141 - I N. unl. 4a... 91 Wast. Ela. or. 6s.. 1 M K. A T lat 4ST4 Bis. Oftara4. Sloax City Lly Stark Market. SIOUX CITY, Dec. li CATTLE n celiKs. 4,000 head: market lOo lower; na tive steers, tU604t.6O; oows and heifers. M.Wiffe.lK; ranners, t4.00trt.": stockers andj feeders. tu.2Va7.26; calves, t5.00t(.60; bulla, Itaga. etc.. t6.0oi6.76. Hi HIS Receipts, 4.000 head; market So to 16c h'gher; heavy. t.8&7 0; mix ml, t.8ti1.86; light, 6.7iVe.M; bulk of aalea. 4)6 90 SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, t.000 head; market steady; ewea, t4.76fl6.10; lambs, tO.104j8.2S. Laalaa Moaey Market. LONDON, Deo. 16 SILVER Bar, 23d per ounce. MONKY-1S Per eent. DISCOUNT RATK8 Short and threa months, 254 per cent. Baak Clearlags. OMAHA. Dec. 15. Bank clearings for Omaha today were 12.174.980.03 and for tha corresondlng day last year t2.47,ut.O. Removes Bursal Lalargrments. Thickened,. Swollen TtMiitav Curbs, H1U4 Tetvlofaf, tSor. neag from any Bruisat or Straini Stopi Spavin Larncneti. AUayi pais. Does not Blister, remove the hair 01 by tin the horie. 12.00 a bottle. delivered. Book 1 K freak. ABiORBINE. JR.. the antiseptig luuV meat for mankind. For Synovitis, Strains, Gouty or Rheumatic deposits. Swollen. Painful Varicose Veins. Will tell you more if you write, f 1 and 12 eer bottle at dealers or delivered. Manufactured only by W iOUhLP.a.,l047asMatCt4wtsl4saaasai 7 Stock for Sals Aa emaha corporation In active buaU aesa for twenty ears offers for sale fifty shares guaranteed aevea per oaac preferred stock redeemed from (oriuag waers. No agents. Win sail direct, aV 1ST Ott) 4f Betv NEW YORK. Dec. lS.-The outcome of today's stock market, which was awaited with espeilnl interent because It signalled a resumption of dealings In the entire list, waa said by brokers to have been a source of disappointment to tne long ac count. Initial quotations In all promi nent Issues, Including the International list, so long under cover, gave pmmlaej o'. a continuance of the strong tone snown In the two preceding sessions. With the flmt anna of a demand how ever, heavy selling orders appeared and advances stain gave place to decline, which grew with the passing hours, la the final hour these ran from two to over five jmtnts in the more active issues, with little recovery toward tha close, frilled Hlales rUeel and Baltimore As Ohlowerc especially susceptible to ai.i rope an Tnie rests "were" acirva on ti'tal 'shut of the account, disposing of fully 3o,0Ut) shsrea. More than half the day's business was transacted In the first hour, the balance of the session being dull and without noteworthy feature, aside front Its dropp ing tendency. The decline wss assisted, to a consluerable degree, Ii waa beiteved, by realising for prntita and by soma bear 01 short selling, which waa resorted to desi Ite supposed safeguards. On the whole, the course of the mar ket reflected conservatism on the part of Investors, no less than caution hy tha bears, who realised that tbe margin be tween the existing level and the mini mum Imposed by the exchange left little room for profits. 1chs waa heard today of the reported, attitude of the Interstate Commerce, commission respecting the eastern freight rale Increase and the fact that the large ateel Interests were soon to ar range their wage schedules for the Dom ing year, with prospects of a general re duction, made for further pause in that quarter. Relchmarks were weaker, a condition somewhat at variance with the re port a of Herman slock sales here, nibs oa London were steady and the markets at that center reflected stronger tone. lxmg-tlme loana In the local market hardened a trifle, with short dates un changed. Bonds weakened in sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value 12,(163.000. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were; alas. Klstt. Low. Osae. Alaska Onld sm iss sau (t Amalaamateil Coppar .... .l" 174. 4414 Aaaarlcaa Beat Huaar..., M MV4 o.m.n lan 4.1m lita M Amerlnaa 8. A R 1.704 II M Amerlran 8. A H. pi a. a '. .1 .J 1 r 1 . ' ill i ti Ot IIJll Vf J Ti . 1. !;i'-! ntt H - u -fan a f" ! Aj "t'M t"i 7411 "Si tr .-li Ml 'tl' f w I I,' l.fll ,. .,, I 1 'til .'! JW7 H'm lnn ..."i- M-u( it u tofni. roo'i al.i t liiv. tli'tr 1 ; ' -I .'ii't . t" . '. .itii.'l tT.ll, iii..; li, V a .'. tnn.r t--. t. Ima .a -in ' V. I i-lit 3". :n.f: r.,.:'. .ill : ' vl'. ... ia !- .IS a- n;' r I.I.'i. - r-',j J I-' - r,t' I , .U'j.: ) e. dT i .'' 'tr.-il ' ' "I f-4 : .ir .la: t n' '1 fK ;m Qui in. -r 1 ..'I t o r