Tin; m:E: omaha. deOkmhkh 1914. WANT ADS -1 Want ads received t any time, but to Insure, proper claatdflcatlon must ba pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening dltlon ami 7 SO p. m. for morning and funday editions. Want ads received after wch hours will he under the heading. "Too Lata to Claasiry." I CASH RATES. Pwven consecutive times, I cent a word -h insertion, Thre times within one week, 14 cents word each Insertion. Ona time, 1 vnta a word. CHARGE RATER. peven consecutive timea, I rente a Una ah Insertion Three times within ona week, 10 eenta a Una each Insertion One time, t- renta a line. Count aix averaco word to a line. Minimum charge. SO renta. An advertisement Inserted to ne run un til discontinued must ba stopped by writ ten order. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE riMilt.MS KxchiMrrJj In The) Ho. North. StnURRAN TIIEA., 141b and Amn, The Romance of a Pour Young man, 2-r. Hli. lrn.; A H"rse on S'phle, Ess. W. Com ; lifter". Vitn. Ira. All claims for errora must he made within fifteen daya after the last Ineer tlon of the advertisement. Tou can place your want ad In The Bea tY telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER lWW. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other answers have been called for and delivered during the lest week. It Is reasonable to aiiPae that all of the people below have made the desired swaps therefore do not call for the balance of their enawera. Ilea Want - Ada aura gel results. ? HP SC. BC. 4 190 IJf.l Vi VI H lis ii :?i IA in :s l: it :o &4 14 3IA 812 IIS 317 124 It r . 5 4 ia .! Ji7 l.n t 1.(14 1S.11 y.m U!7 is: 1312 1344 l:i l:i.4 1361 1 r.4 1178 lass i:t) IMi l.a4 14 4 J 4()6 J 41 HI 1407 4tt Kit 1(12 1U4 14l fc. 1424 ll.'S 1431 14-3 KI 1441 m"i 1449 1454 14.4 144 1470 :m 14M 150 SC. 1M1 IMS 1517 i:. l.iAi K4o 1 .44 1554 1V.5 1557 1571 1..72 155 159 i;7 South. ARHOR. tH AND ARBOR. Her Awnkenlng. ?-ree Ms lent Ir drama. Billy's Rival. American comedy drama. A Rude Awskcnlna. Beauty rumedy. Avin'Mi. SKtii.KAV ks v mxit. The Senator's Brother. 3 reel Vita, dra. Sophie snd the Mun of Iter ('hole.. Com. The Way Hnck. Ulugraph Pinna fVJTTMR7AtHEATF.it. iTio s. prrii. Helen's Sacrifice. Kalem dra. Convict, Costumes and Confusion. 2-r. Vita. com. l'roncho Hllly's IVrlelon Fsa.VV.dra. ci .m'k ht jitii andvinton" The Hateful Ood. 2-reel K-B. The Stolen Masterpiece. American. Ixive Finds a Way. Royal. FAVORITK TIIBATKH. 171 VINTON. A Mhlnlvht Trsgedy. 2-r. Kalem drums. The' Rocky Road of Inve. Vltagraph com. The Hand of Iron. Kdlson drama. live yvihk Ill SI NESS MEN OF O.MAIIA llsarisc Academics. Tiirpln'a laniln Academy, 2th Fsrn Oencvtevo llni'iinire I'n-me Weh. CMAMPKIIS1 Academy. clas-c i Maekte's Acad"niy, nnw oiicn. 1H1 liar I.FRHON lilee Wbn., 71 t l?th. D 217s T.'o pain. 17W Farnam Denllsta. Hr. Hrndhnry. 1 'r. Todd's alveolar dentistry 40.1 Krindeia Ha Hey, the Ientlst, 7 city Natl ilnnk? Taft Ientn Roninn. 1.M7 lionalns l. 21v5. ir. Kh kHS. 74 City Nat. Hank. II V.l.V WA XTKI) FEMALE llenwkerarn and Poanestlra. OA FA HI. K alrl for general housework. Nn laundry. Small family. 41 f. th Pi. II. 2.v. VVANTKIi An eerlenced alrl for aen rrsl housework; no laundry work; lust '. 1"H 8. frill II ll!. WANT KD-A "white alrl for aeneral housewfirk; no washma. Wnlnut M. Vlrs. Allan A. Marsh 4i'; California VVAN'TKH A alrl for aenersl housework and second Kill. W.i W'oolworth Ave. II t.42. WA STEP A Rood cook. Webster fc71. 'yorrhea. Dremms k I n . Terry Pressmak'ir collets, 2th AV Farnar M I HTS to order. II. up. f.13 S. lKth. IvIISH PTI'RPV. 2411 Cass. Red 7T.0. C.KM. Master Key No. 4. Wuarrel. Fclalr. Knlesman's Pream. 12T4 B. 13TH. -reel Fpeclal The The Frankfurter Joker comedy. I.YHIO. HS17 VINTON. Tho Wise Ouys. Joker comedy. The tlirl Htajre Driver. 2-reel Eclair. While Roses. UrK. TsTIMk724TH AND IjKA VEN WORT1I. Her l.'fe'a Btory. Rex. Bmniaox on Circle V. Eclolre comedy. I nlversal Hoy. Imp. VENKZiA. 1211 SO. irm BT. F"our reels of Mutual plcturea West. MONROE THEATER. 2TT, FARNAVi. The Prison Htaln. 1 reel Kalem drama. Thanks for the lobster. Vita, comedy. The Wife's Strataaem. Hlo. drama. ' BriMib ' RKNPON MAIN BT. The Wonilroim Melody. Eclair In 2 parts. I'nlversal Hoy, In "Oupld & the Flan. His NlKht Out. Joker comedy. Cnanrll lllaffa. I FI.ITT7 NO. 1. Mr. unOAPWAT. The Plot at the R. R. Cut. Kal. drama, I Scara of possession. 2 reel Kaa. drama. ! Cause for ThnnksKlvlnK. Vita, comely. 11 11 UKATII AKD KlUKRAIi NOTICK9 IONAHOE-John VV.. axed M years. Funernl from the residence of Ins slater, Mra. Thomaa O'Connor. Twenty-fourth and Miami streets, Wedneaday mornuiK, Pecembcr 10. at :..0 a. in.. Ituly Antseia church, at a. m. Interment at lluiy rVpulcher cemetery. JJl'NCAN Mra. Oecella J., wife of Robert P. Puncun, Pec. 14, 1I04. nt her rcsl ilcnce 2u 1'avenport atreet, uged MO years. r'uneral Thursday afternoon nt 2:), interment at Prospect Hill cemetery. Tho funeral of A. 8. Homan wilt be held at Hrewer'a chapel Wednesday at I p. m, Rev. II. K. Cornish of ftctatlnK Jnterment will be In (Jrnceland Park cemetery. Members of South Omaha lorlK No. 1441, independent Order of txld Feilowa, are requested to meet at the hall at 1:30 o'rlock. Hieclal atreet car service will be furnished for Odd Fellows and their friends. Kol'KH TH K AT Kit. 637 llltllAUWAV, A NlKht of Thrllla. 2 reel Rex. The Rural Pcmons. I..-KO. comedy. The Mountain Traitor. Eclair. LADIES' i;iT3 mine to order, 1I up, skirt 4? M mi nlvii rMimtitrllnil Irwin r.12 Ho. iit it. rou ii. Mls M. Morln. Oowha, Cass. R. 7i?Vi. FASH10NABT.E dssmaMmT r"7 ' orby. VAT"ov" l.rN'li. I1))! PoilRlaa. R. C1W. Karrlera. REN FFNSTER, 1410 N. 24th Bt. Web. 7777. livery thins for Womea. Woman's Exchanire, 1.12 Pax. Rlk. R. 4H2. ACX'ORPION. aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered buttons, nil sizes and styles: hemstitching, plcot eiUln. Ideal Pleat In Co.. Poiiglas Hlock. P. Il'i. Flnrlsta. A. PONAOHtrn, 122 Hamey. Pou. 100L MlarellaaeuHS. VOI'Ntl women rom.ne; to Omnha ns iitranners nre Invited to visit the Young Women's t hrlxtlnn Asaoclut on hull ling ut M M.iry's Ave and 17th Bt., where they will h directed to suitable hoard nv plncea or othrwlse e'rlsted xiok for our traveler's guide at Fnlon station. Al'TOMOIUI.KS FOR lit.Vl u.,1- . i,i truck with driver, by vtf. k or mi nth. H. t'elton ly I'vi'hi Cnll Pong's S.il. Al Tu elarinK house. 2.W Farnam buys nil "ills nii rur, ;,,ne !,ulns wo llmi torfo t for any msBiiet'i we cfln't re palr. Oo!l tej.ar'i O. I;avdi rfer. 2l; N. Id lpd.org Fri a , :'.?: 1-nv. (Flying MerkfeT M otorej cles. HARI.EY-PA VIPSi )N MOTORCYCLES. Farga r.s In used machines. Victor Rins. "The Motorcycle Man." 27t Leavenwn-th. I!I8 INPIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; bnrenlns In ne. nincMnea. OMAi'A BICYCLE CC , lfith and Chicago. D. 372 M'HIXKHS ClIAXfKS HAKKRY an! ci nlcrtlo.iery in Kood lo Cfillty; i0 to 2..0 loaves sold at retail per dny, besides pies, cukes and fancy !.......... tin t'k.l O , T 1 I V ' 1 I . ui . i rw iipi.n.-. i..iiin, fiiiiif.1 nirnmia oc i 4i Wp t(g "iiii Fiiin)iirii nt v. ooiepftiif iric.. imn off'a New York Bnmple Ptore. ?6 N. l'.th MANY government Joha o(en to women: list free. Franklin Institute, Pept. ft"4, W. Roi-hester. N. Y. Otl'L to demonstrate a toy. Hee Uldg. h 'trusts sale. HKM A'AlfTED MALE C. J OA NAN. Real Ksmte and Ecnanga Foil RENTJimuary 1st, modern store room. In Mndgett Hlock. cHplendld cafeteria location. Write William Mad (titt, Hastings, Neh. HiR BALE Only restaurant In Ixick Hox 41, Craig. Neb.' town. HATM'H florists, sK Farnam rit. Flnrlsta. HF.HH A BVVOHOPA L. 1415 Farnam St. HKNPERHO.N. 1M9 Farnam. p. ir Member Florist Telegraph Pel. Assn. Hair Drraalnar. Harper method. R. ., Halrd Pldg. P. Kit Ladles' Tailor. LA PI EH' suits tailored to measure; popu lar prlcea; reinodcllnif. Irwin Rrecher Co., 612 Hit. Kith. Phone Poug. Vm. ti.nih Omaha. HFBSE THEATER. 24TII N. The tllrl at the Throttle. Knlem drama. The Closing Web. 2 reel lllograph' drama. Hnakevllle's Reform Wave. Ess. VV. com. MAo'lO THEATER. 24TH A o. Terence o'iloiiike No. 8. 2 reel Vltagraph. Ixive Disguised. Joker comedy. The park Horse. Imp. OltrilEUM, Vnadevlllp. 24TH AND M STS. Bpeclal Keystone features, Charles chapman. featuring ANXOINCKMKXT8 CHRISTMAS BARGAINS. In Jewelry, Watches, etc. Many tatls fled customers. GHOSH JEWELRY CO.. The s'ore with the reputation," 204ft N. lth and 410 N. lHth. nillTIIII AND DEATHS Rlrths 13. and Iicla Moclta, 12d0 South Fifteenth, girl; Paul and Anna Wuster hausen, 2U1I Porras, boy; Henry and Anna Humping, VMi North Twenty-sixth, (tin; Herman and Amanda Thaelecke, Hit Houth Seventeenth, boy; Harry H. and Marie Plahrow, 2h03 Amea avenue, hoy; ti. and Carmcla Noalaai, 1109 Houth Thir teenth, boy; William and Edith Hpring borg, 4020 North Twenty-fifth avenue, boy; Martha E. and Catherine Ulbaon, 2K!J North Twenty-aeventh, boy; Antonio and Lucia, Calabrlo, 30H Woolworth ave nue, girl; Ralph and Georgia Lane, 1DH Houth Fourth, boy; Hugh J. and Marie Mi'Aleer, 1V4 North Sixteenth, girl. Deaths William Haywood, M years, hospital; Anna C. Haamuaon, 74 years, 1UM North Thirty-fifth. MARRIAGE! LICENSES. License to wed have ben Issued to tho following. Name and Address. Age. Charley Jt. Fogg. Pender 21 Huelah Kelly. I'ender 11 Manuel E. Long, Fremont ti Viola, Knyder, Fremont 28 Oharlea R. Tyner, Lincoln... over II Mary . Spraaue, Omaha over 1) Arthur Joseph Blagle, Denver, Colo.... 22 Catherine E. Dates,. Omaha ..21 Horace Qrubb, Omaha M Addia Orubb, Omaha 48 Frank O. Mystrom, Omaha 24 France Fleokenaietn, Omaha 21 Harry F. Powell. Coiincll Hluffa 27 Gertrude 8. Khelby, CouncU Hluffa 22 George Cramer. Kanaradn. Kan M Nellie Mark, Kanarado, Kan 4) Max M riches, Omaha 22 14liie Apple, Omaha 20 LODGE NOTICES. ALPHA C.ROVE NO. I, WOODMEN CIRCLE, ATTENTION. The funeral of our sovereign. Oharlea F. Eden, will be held Wedneaday, Pec. li, at i p, m., from his late residence. MARY E. PARKISNON, ' Clerk. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE FltOUUAMS Exclusively la The Ueo Uuirs Town. OAMERArHONB THE A., 14(8 Douflaa. Her Hitter Lesson. 2-reel Kalem drama. Hroncho Hllly's I.Kuble Escape. Ess dr. The Professional Wcapeoat. Vita. com. ELITE" NO. 2." "WirFAIvNAaTBTT Hcrst-Kcllg No. Rl. 'I ha liaca, the Time, the Man. 2-r. Es. dr. Tough Luck Smith. Kalem comedy.' FARNAM. HIS FA H.N AM at. Weekly No. 101 On the Ledga. 2-reel Reliance drama. At Pawn, Ma), dr. Keystone comedy. lllTi- THEATER. 1STH AND HARNET. Horn of Paramount Plcturea M N. I.T11. PAUK THEATtK. Feature program dally. Keystone Comediaa. iKLOIt H IOUULA8 bT Tfirea Men Who Knew. 2-reel Imp. His New Job. Merlins" comedy. PRINCES A 1317-1 DOUGLAS ST. Antmatrd Weekly No. 144. Mister Key No. 6 2-reel apeclal aerial. Liztle'a fortune. rSterling comedy. Al'PLIvGATE, ho writes ads, booklets, circulars on request. Room vtiYt Ueo Rdlg. Tel. Douglas 4177. OET a Y. M. C. A. ticket for Xmaa. Fl'll overcoals; also oilier warm over coats; cheap. Friedman, 132 Dodge. THE OLYMl'IA la showing a complete Una of Xmaa candies, lfiiti Harney, HAZEL Leaf Pile Cones. Heat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding idles: Mo postpaid: aamplea free. Sherman A Mcconnell Drug Co., Omaha. Wedding announcements, Poug. l'tg. Co. LUCKY wedding rings at Hrodegaard s. MODEL cleaners and tailors; call and de liver. 108 N. ldth Bt. Phone Red 4292. MUHT aell all trunka, suitcases, hand bags, half price. Hee HARRY, eOl N. Pith M. V. MORRILL, DECORATED CHINA for Xmaa glfta. 824 Rrandela The. Hldg. COAL-5 baskets, $1. D. 3540. Darker liios. paint Co., paint, varnish, glass ami (1 L A . I N G. Telephone Douglas 4750. lfioR Farnam. Free Delivery. LIVE WIRK BU8INKSS MUN OK OMA11A A B C of Omaha ALL watches, diamonds and jewelry at actual WHOLESALE COST, yuittlng Jewelry business. WEST ERN WATCH AND JEWELRY CO., Room 217, Karhaeh Hlock. JUNK We are the oldest junk buy ers in the weat. Write for price list on acrap metal, rubber and riiio. I.. Harding & Km. P. 1K12 lbOl Cum.. Onmha. N EW arid second hsnd electrlo fans and motors. LeUrun Electric Works, if Id B. Uth. Douglas 217t. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1H07 Cuming. Doug. 241m. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down covers. ' ACUUM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning done In the home, fiunltary Service Co., 30t Hee lildg. WE rent, repair, anil needlea and parte for all sewing machines, NE RRASK CYCLE CO.. Mlckela." 15th and Harney. Douglas 11 W C'4ii. EAR-EVER aluminum kitcbea tilen- sus. i-opuiar combinalions, not sold In store. Factory salesmen. Web, Aceoaataata. UELV1LLH D. THOMAS COMPANY, m7-3H City Wat. Hank Hldg Tyler 1HA gjA. Dworak, C. P. A., Ixiug. 740s, HA K Kit, VAWTKR A WOLF. Doug. 74HM Addlas Mscklass. Palton Adding Machlnea. 411 g. 16. D. 144. Adder Mch. Co. tWaies). VV. U. W. D. tiii. Areklteeta. Everett B. Dodds, 411 Paxton Elk. D. HU. Attractloaa. OMAHA Flim Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bargain Ails ssd kiitt Hepalrtaaj. Magnito repair work a specialty. D-S41I. ,vrk, ALJIAMBRA. 1C4 N. I4TH 8T. Tiia Horse Trader, Royal comedy. 1 I'S and iHtwna, Keystoit ooraedy. 1 tie Cripple, 2-reel Thannausvr drsma. ALAMO. IlTIi AND FOHT. Ilia Father's Son. J-reel Victor. 'I he Cloaa Cli. Sterling ooiuvdy. Her Lilc'a btory. Powers. t'LlFTGN, Military Ave. and Hurdetis. 'Ina Ix-ath Masa. 2-recl K.-U. drama. The Hslance of Power. Princess drama. Jt.-nevnl.-iic of Conductor 74. Than. com. T liXuUs'liT. T41iTTaK EiifT The H.lKhted Spaniard. L-Ko, com. Aiittiiat.1 Weekly. Tiie Million iKiilar Mystery. No. 11 FRANKLIN IIIKA., 24th and Franklin. Ann the Hlacksmllb, 2-ree Vita. Dra. ri tuee H l led Down Fables, Eats. Coin. Ittitlerriles and Oiange Hlossome, H. O. P. ilTk-TUuriuMtl. Lth andCuming. Perils of Pauline No. 20. and last episode. Two other good pictures. 1 f THEATER. MTU AND LtHT'BT. '!t e Royal VV 11 West. 2-reel Vila. Com. ires of Fate, K. Dia. r'luni Peril to Peril. jTrr miTtP :4T i ia m iitTTrop. The ln 1..S of Oftice. R.lmric drama, 'i lie p amoiid of Diaasicr. 1 han. dra. I't.ilo J 'i n the W. VV. VV. komic com. I-' vTl'T I i E A f K lC 210 CaTdvv ELU rlnnm ) Uourke. i reel Vltt. Lifts r-avere, Crlal I'uiil. 'i i. HuLi'kMoitri s PsiiKiiier. Fron. 1' A LACE, LXl DAVENPORT si. Two Pels and a Gl. Joker comedy, 'ii.e JutiW Muter, S-rcel bsou. Aartloaeera. Pewd Auction Co., 1121 W. Q. W. Rd R2A tola Prlatlaar. HORNHY iiLL E PRJNT CO., 02 Omaha Nat I Uank Uldg. Uarbrra. 12 Chairs. 10c ahave. neck shave. 1417 Far. Hraaa Foaadrlea. Paxton-aliuhell Co.. 27th and Martha 8ta UalldlaaT aad Hrtalrlagr. E, KHAM'A, ill Paxton Hlk, Doug. 1157. t laivra aad Wl Dlgglaa KEEP well or cistern cieaned or dugt bCHAFFER does It. Phone VV'sb. Itiil. tailtorala Laada. " W. T. t.mlih Co.. 1111 City Nat Pk. P. 2S1. latal Dealers- Sk5 .r0 Jonnon's apeclal. also Victor nut. S'J lu.w. Phone D. 1702. s t hlrvpraetars. L. Qedd.a, D. C , 22R Be Bldg. Doug. 4291 tslas Palallaar. " Ruth ltchford. decorating, firing. R. 4542. 4 111 tnaiarrre. M. J. LACY. H BEE RLPQ. POliq. 4:14. 4 reasa Separalara. . The hhsrplt-s Separator Co.. 12th t Farn. 4 Ivrlc Karvalrlag. EXPERT clo-k repairing. Web. 1311 lHrll,ra, ' INVESTIGATION carried out In any part of I niud eUtrs, Canada or Mra tip. 4a Paxton Hlk. p. 1.17J. Wslnut lrV.1V JAMr.d ALLA." JiJ isevlUe Hlk. Evi- depee a-ured In all rases. Tyb li:ai. THE lirnjili.tis tv-cr.i tWrviit.. Ihoue Douglas .use. Address I. Rce. Ilraiisu l'Rt'G8 at rut prlcrs; freight pal J on f IS orders; catalogues fte. rlivriuea At Alv- Mskllns I'lxtarea and Wiring;. THOMAS DURKIN Electric flxturea and supplies, contract Ing and repair work done reasonable. 2419 CCMINIi. lllllllll.AN Z.rlU. Live Stock Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co., 607 B. 1.1th. Red 4262. Mask, t'ostomra and Lodge Sapplles. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costumes. Iht lnrgest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Vheo. Lleben Bon. PM4 Howard. D. 4115. Maaaeases. MISS SCHMIDT, mans. 71.1, Open eve., 9 p. m elec. bath. D. Bundays, 10 to 1 Violet Ray, mass., 4M Ree Hlilg. P. 6112. Clara Lee. bath and massage. Poug B7rl. MA NX A OK, 109 H. 17th St. Mra. Hteele. Maaseoses. Miss Flahrr, mass., elect, treat. Rftd 80S. MASSAOE f,ra ,,,rfcJ BUILDINQ. Kathleen Mack. maasaRn bath. D. 7682. CORA BELLING Y .rrivau satisfactory eastern treatment; baths' daily and evening. 107 w. I7th St. Node- PrHate entrance, basement, corner of bldg. HAT) I and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. IK02 Fnrnnin. U. 2. Poutrlua 7r.l Open evening and Sundays. MISS WALTON, bath, maaa. Tel. D. 4297. Hours to y; Minuay. 11 to 6. Millinery. 6 WITCHES from combing. tl.BO. Psyche free. Mra. II. M. Eck, .101111 Marcy. H. J64S. Me.senarej- and Transfer. WHITE LINK, 808 B. 11th. Douglas S81I. Mevlskt Bturaaro aad Cleanlagr. W. C. FERRIN, Itith and Capitol, Ty. 1200, Ucnilats. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, ' examined, glasses fitted, pay as you Drs. McCnrthy. 1111 VV. O. W. Rldif. tlsteopathlo Physicians. Dr. Rerucha, 208-4 McCague Bldg. D. im. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8. 11th Bt Prlatla printing. Tel. Doug. Ills), WATliTRrt-RARNvHART Ptg. Co., nallt :i:4 w. 13th St. t Ol'GLAH Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 6M. COREY ft M'KENZIW PTO. CO. D, 244. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1620 Capitol. D. U CENTRAL PRINTING CO. POUO. S754. Patents. H. A. St urges, (WO Rrandela Theater RHr. P. O Harnell. Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red 7117. Palatlnar aad 1'aperiasT. muill M'MANUB. 417 N. 40th. II. 6728. l'luwre Reaovated. PLUMES fe flowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Hcrtha Kruger. 4- Paxton. P. 8.194. Hoarh Kx term Ina I or. H. H. D. Roach powder at your druggist. Hafn aad Time Lock Kiptrli, Opened, repaired, comb. i:ged. K. E. Paven- nco 1 Kin go. d SAFES S 1K21. ahoe Heiairlaa;. Electlio Shoe Rep. Co.. 1S07 8t. Mary's Av. FRIEDMAN HROH , ahoe repair, m a 14.' Signs and fthowvarda. K. M. CLARK & SON. 113 8. 16TH BT. Stora and Office Flxtarea. DESKS, safes, acales, showcases, ehelv ln, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Fixture snd Supply Co.. 414-HI-1S 8. lath D. 2724 Steel Crllla.s. CARTER Sbeet Metal Worka, 110 B 10th. Towel auppliea. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 B. 11th. D. KS. Traak. aad S.ltea.ra. FRELINU at STEINLE'. 1S0R. Farnam St. S'"AH. tLANPERYOP. 108 N. 15th Bt. Tailors. t'HAP, t Q-iJlNA CO.. 612 . liith Bt., Id fjooT. Veterlaarfaaa. - ' PR. . K. YOl'XO, 4002 Center. Wal. 302S. Window Saade llraaera aad Mfra. OLD shades made like new. Midwest Shade factory ,4010 Hamilton. Wal. VV laes aad Llq.ora. , ALEX JFTES. 201-4 S. 13th Ft. Wine.. "'1'iora. cifcara. Plate dinner, 11 to 8. loo. Olobo ll iuor hoimo, 424 N. lath; . California yj".' j16 lcr-Wr'te for price list. HENRY POLLOCK LlOLOR HOUStT 1 dh and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. R1JY your family liquors at Klein's Liquor House, 4Xi N. lith. Douglas lw, HEIJ' WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER, Oliver machine. J6. Cashier drug atore, 1. Ul M.rJ.-.S M EN S REh ERENCE A8eiN i:l-20 Woodmen of the World Hhig ttALKSMAN, alvnograpltcra and ofilce clerks, be Walla itel. Co., S4v UranOuls Theater. ssisti aad Sales womea. WANTED Agents and solicitors in every locality for Tlte Twentieth Century Farmer; either sex; all or spars time, no experience nceaary to earn big money. M rile al out lor agency. THE TWENTIETH Cf NTORT FARMER, Omaha, Neb. Factary aad Trad vs. LKARV balrdreas ng. Opienueim Parlors LADY barber wanted; salary guaranteed. kirj Pierce St Haasekeeaero aad Uaatvsltea. THE Aervant Girl Problem Solved. The Hie will run a Sorvanl Girl Wauled Au FREE until you set the desired results Tina applies to residents of Omaha, bouih omana and council kiuiii, Uring at to 1 no nee oiiice or ieieimn Tvi.r 'iki WANTED a girl tor hounvwuik. aiuail isimiy. d. t.-in pi AN I ED School girl to work ior rooui and board and car fare. Wrbstw IliirnKKK KPER Aljwvant sill at Count II HluCts Sanitarium. Good poil tlon and home. S.-e Uenuan lHx'lois, Main aril Hroudway. council Hluffa. Phone. H 1V.1. . COMPETENT girl for general hoiiM-w.trk gt-od wages; no taunt rv wurk. Hurl! VVAKTEl A voung glr'rt " help i,in7 kwuuj, uo tta.hum oj- uwukiiui. Wal li.vi. Clerical aad Offlre. llinil-Olt.MiE men our specialty. We place this type of men where their ability ran I.e ocmnnstrated to the max imum jtrrmiBA 1 i.r an intartlnit Mniwest Hondlna Co.. 3I2 Hee Hldg. ? I .M ' " R RLSINKSS HKTTER CITV SOLICITOR, restate H:mk uldg. j BIMPLIFIED LAaormnM.mr!" STENOGRAPHER and office auMstant IKiNR CAN KKEP IT; SAVES TIME, GROCERY STOKE lur sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1.1O0. located In western Iowa. Poing good business. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for selling Address V-2.lt. eBre nee. FIRST-CLAcS bowling Hey and billiard hall. Good hualnrsR. Will sell cheap Tsx paid. Address Y 304, Bee. who speaks and writes the Hohinihin "AVK8 MONEY, SHOWS AT A GLANCE ct work. Ad-I fyJ?''L "..'.' ;l'-:r:'Ba . p 'C.VS' I.IVK HTOCK FOrt SALE llorsea aad Vehicles. FOR BALE Team of mares, weight J, Son pounds, 1!); team of mares, weight. 2.30 pounds. 111'.; good broke sing e and double saddle b rse Il.'5: good work horses, tZj. Call South ?nr-. 2112 Harrison St. KWAITFU'S tXILCMX HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagons harness; Isrer stork ft attractive prlcea. Johnson-PanforCi Co. 1.".?-J V. Ifith St. NOTICE T FARMERS. Several matched teams of mares; six young marcs. Call at Hrewery Co. Sa loon, 1214 S. lHth. LOST AXU FOtTSD OMAHA OOI'NOIL Wt.l'FFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to rail up the olfice of the Omaha Council Hluffa Street Railway company tr ascertain whether they left It In the lret care. Mary article each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. REWARD for return of handbag lost Saturday evening at Auditorium con taining tVOO Mil. silver and lady's gold watch. Elgin, 15 lewel, gold, hunting ca-e. No questions naked. Thone South 21W or call K.l! N. 24th St., South Omaha. LOST Red Irish terrier, answering to the name of "Nora." weighing about twenty-five pounds. Phone Douglas 1155 and ask lor C. vv. Harris. Reward. LIVE STOCTi MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Save mileage and ahrlnkage. Your consign n.cnts receive prompt and careful atten tion langunge. Law and abstract areas y-no Hee. STENOGRAPHER and office clerks, no need to be idle If competent and ener getic. Bee Watts Ref. Co., M0 Hrnn. Thea. IF YOU are a high-grade man, no no-d to be out of work, our methods are ln- expenslve nnd sure Stale lik. HMg. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN REK. t BOND ASSN 7T.2 Omaha Nat. Rank Bldg. Agents, Salesmen aad Solicitors. NO classification; liberal contract ; new policies. Mutual Hem-fit Health and Ac cident Association, 423 City 'National Hank Rldg., Omaha. Neb. WANTED Several neat appearing men for eliciting. Money daily. Call at onco. 838 Hrandels Theater Uldg. WANTED Agents and solicitors In every locality for Tho .Twentieth Century Fanner; either sex; nil or spare time; no experience necessary to earn big money. Wrlto at onco for agency. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER, Omaha, Neb. MAKES ROOK KEEPING A PLEAS URE; SEND FOR BOOKLET DESCRIB ING THIS SYSTEM. UNITED SALES CO., 811 city National Bank. with square LIST YOUR BUSINESS us for quick action and treatment. QUICK BALES COMPANY. 418 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 82"l. ONE of the best retail bakeries in the -city; no competition. Call Web. 7S9I, or address K 2!7, Bee. SIGNS, show cards. Clark A Son. D. 1378, I NEED AGENTS You need mc;, the best agency proposition In Omaha. Neb. Western Belling Co., Howard Applegate, Manager, Oifli Bee Bldg. Tel D. 4177. Factory and Tradea. Drug store snans: .loos. Kn'it H Bl d g WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TKADB. The world needa more barbers than any other tralesmen. We have originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn Borne, inonev while learning. Toola Included. Board If do slred. Open to everyone. Particulars free. Distant appllcnnta write. City ap plicants can. jvi LEGE, 110 B. lOLER 14th St. BARBER COL- LEARN BARBER TRADE. Be Independent; wages and tools given. Electric massage. Strictly modern Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TR1-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE. 1124 Douglas St.. Om. 1032 N St.. Lincoln. NEH ASK A AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL NIGHT AND DAT CLASS. Bpeclal holiday offer. Write for par tlculara. We have the largest and best equipped shops In the middle west. 14,0n0 feet floor space. 1113-16-17 Dot! go St. Phone Douglas 3043. Send For Catalogue C. GOOD FUTUliE FOB YOU or anyone who makes himself an auto expert. We give expert work. Qo right Into the auto business from here. Best and finest equipped college. Opportunlt.es best hers now, ever have been. Writ for list of openings. Free catalog. . AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2119 Farnam St.. Omaha. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham anj eggs. 16c. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; the demand Is great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds or men; let us train you. Writs for frea booklet Nat'l Auto Training Abs'h. 2814 N. 20th 8t Omaha. b. I HONK Web. 881 for basket coal WANTED A good man. One who un derstands hoi water plant anl automo bile. References required. Dr. B li. Davis, 200 Bee Bldg. OMAHA Railwav Mall Clerk Kxamlna tlona coming. 176 per month. Pull un necessary. For sample questions apply Immediately. Y-3U3 Be. HELP WANTED MALM AND FKMALE. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men and womon; t6 to IluO month. Write Imme diately for positions list Franklin Insti tute, Dept. ill W., l"chester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATION 9 YOUNG man wants place to work for board while attending Uoyles' college. Telephone Douglaa lotaS, . Situation Day work or bv week; go home nights. W. 6434. Any kind. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, several yeara, railroad and office experience; prefer position as traveling salesman or office work; can use typewriter; not a ateno. K 332, Bee. WANTED Position general housework. 21M No. Il'th ve. GIKL for general housework, I In family. 1144 S. &lii St. 11. 23. SITUATION wanted by experienced clerk in country town atore, best references; speaks German and low German. Ad dress M 2S6, Bee. COLORE D man and wife, beat rcfer- ncea. wish position In private family; man aa Janitor or yard man. Web. 3101. POSITION wanted as hotel clerk by a man of middle age, experience, beat of reference. A. 2M, Bee. MAN that wanta to go to work will do anything: needs the money and la will ing to work for It. Call Webster 2157. GOOD, competent, strong and willing to work coloied lady wanta work; wash ing and Ironing a specialty. Call Web. ster 2157. A V.CJUPETENT, reliable colored man' wanta an kind of wcrk. 1121 Paclfio St., or Phone Red kfite. YOUNG lady atenographer and book keeper wishes position; S years' experi ence; relerencea furnished. H. &.24. LADY desires position as light house keeper or as maid. References. Call Hamey 761. VIOLINIST Good reader. Is looking for Job. A. J. Domba, lil William tu., Omaha. il A N AND WIFE wants work aa Janitors In apartment building or In private family; wile a good, willing worker; man aa butler or any other work to ba done; am familiar with all kinds of furnaces, l'hone D. Hayes, Webaler 2S3& CilllJiS nurse or companion wishes po sition; best references, l'hone Douglas 74W. Nl'HSE wunts position taking care of children. DKuS. ISiTlON wanted; womaa of refinement, conizati on, nur or car of children. Walnut ZfeO. TO GET In or out or business Call on QANOESTAD 404 Bee Bldg. P S477. SALESMAN TO HANDLE NEW MO NOPOLISTIC. FAST SELLING SPE CIALTY: HIGH GRADE PROPOSITION; EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY: BUSINESS A LASTING ONE; SHOULD NET fc!.0u0 TO flO.tmn FIRST YEAR: GIVE FULL PARTICULARS REGARDING YOUR SELF. MANUFACTURER. 1416 N. BAR AH ST.. ST. 1XU1B. MO. THEATERS Huy, lease cr aell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam St Douglas 1S!I7. YOUR sold. business or real estate JIM WR AY. Stoux City. quickly GOOD saloon located In Omaha; close to retail center; ran be bought cheap If taken at once. Price $3,760. J 319. Heo. MEN are looking for business openings. Have a man who can lnvet 110,00) to 115,000; prefers bank. Andthcr with RIO.COO wants manufacturing. One with loOO looks for mercantile opening In Omaha. Another wants to buy good Insurance agency and another has $3,000 to put Into general indue. There are aeveral others. Write or come In and talk It over. WALLACE S CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO. 1016-18 CITY NATIONAL, Rooming; Honses for Sale. TEN rooms, nicely furnished: money maker Must sacrifice, leaving town, 409 8. 2fth Ave. EDUCATIONAL EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete, training g.vcn for business ca reer. Private instruction If desired. 4&U Douglas St. Tel. Walnut 23-. MOSIIEB-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, Unsurpassed classes In business, short hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catalogue address, MOSHE R-LA M PM AN COLLEGE, 18th and Farnam Sta., Omaha, Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE Day School; Night School; complete business course; complete shorthand or stenotype course; vompleto telegraphy course; civil service blanches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1914 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. H. B. BOYLES. President. Boyles Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Tel. Douglaa 1505. Tho Van Sant School Stenography Day school. 9:00 to 4:00. Night school. 6:16 to 9: IS. lElh and Farnam Sts. Do us;' a a 6C47, Experienced lady tutor in grade and high school subjects; make-up work a special ty. Best references. 3116 Daven. H. tWSO. Musical Inatructloa. RAO TIME piano playing taught In 20 lessons Chrfstenscn School, 4220 Cum ing St.. Walnut C379. Call or write. FOIl SALE Furnitnrc. New sV td-band furniture, cash or terms; leasqnable. Amer. Furn. Co., 006 N. 16th. HIGH-GRADE baseburners and steel ranges, nearly new, half price- 170 N. 24th St. Tyyamrrtlera. KENT Remingtons. Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12S4. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for $6 for undcratroke machines or U per month for Istest model visible writers. Live Stuck Commission Merchants. MARTIN BROS. A CO.. Exchange Bldg MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See ua. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. SOS Paxton Block. Douglas 141L MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. & H. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases wiin testimonials, un. r n. TARRY. 240 Bee. Rupture Cured In a few davs without Daln. Call or write Dr Wrar. 206 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established 1S94. o PERSONAL $7,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS We must have 1,200 subscriptions The Ladles' Home Journal $1.60 The SaturHay Evening Post... .$1.50 The Country Gentleman $1.50 In December or the $7,000 cannot bo earned for THE INVALID PENSION ASSOCIATON. Your order or renewal contributes 60c or more toward the support of a score of Invalids who have re ceived pension checks for nearly two years. Gift subscriptions an nounced by beautiful Xmas. folder to reach your friends Xmaa. evo. URGENT PHONE D. 7163 OR MAIL. Gordon THE MAGAZINE MAN OMAHA. NEB. YOUNG women cominj o Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St and St. Mary's Ave., where they Mill be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise asslated. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. DENTAL work, half price for short time, S years' practice, newly located. S 246, caro Bee. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture maga zines. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglaa 4125 and our wagon will call, call and Inspect our now home, 1110-1112-1114 Dotlce St. A VERT capable dentist 8 year' experi ence), new In Omaha, will work at H price for a short time. Investigation In vited. S 246, care Bee. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry house. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain, 11.00 per 100. Wagner. l N.16. FOR SALE 40 thoroughbred White . Orpington and Whito Leghorn April pullets and two cockerels, with good chicken house, 6x6; pen, 16x20, and poul try supplies. Make me an offer; some now laying. Address r Bee. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOMOBILES For other automobiti bargains see the "Automobile" cUsslIl-cstiou. A 56-IN. ROLL TOP DESK In excellent shape. Will exchange for a larger one; will consider a flat-top, but would prefer an extra large and deep roll-top. Also have a chair. Will swap that or no, to suit. Address c. K8. Bee. AUTO SJ-h. p. four-tyiindor roadater, Just overhauled: rear tlrea are new. and Noboy tread; slxe 34x4; will sell cheap and accept late model motorcycle or vis ible typewriter as part payment. Address S. C. 846, Bee. AU makes typewr.ters rented, sold, tnu. Bulla Typewriter, lsftt Farnam. D lull. TTPe.WHITKHS sold, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange :07 S. inn, RENT An Oliver typewriter, S months for $1 The Oliver Typewriter Co., D. IS 13. AUTO Overland auto coup body for sale or exenange at a bargain: is in excel lent condition ; please describe what you have fully. Address S. C. 33A Bee. CHICKENS FOR SALE 40 thoroughbred Orpington and White Leghorn pullets, now laying, and two cockerels, also chicken house, pen and poultry supplies; will sell or make trade for auto needing repairs, or piano, Addrcaa B. C. 360. Bee. Maalcal lastraateats. EXCEPTIONAL values In new and slightly used pianos. G. 11. Harr Piano Co., ihltd floor Boston store nidg. D. 17. ELMUTRIC Pianoa Players. 119 N. loth. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR will swap contract- work for auto not too high priced, build a garage or repairing. Al drcss S. 3ft4. Bee. . . FOR AN unusual bargain for cash or a standard gasoline auto coupe. Address 8. C. iVX Bee. UUcellssrosi, "i nfl Buys best coal for the money; try $O.W ,t, veb. 84(t. Harmon Weeth. 6x7 GRAFLEX newspaer cainsra. will) 11 plate holders, carrying casa for camera and carrying casa lor plate hold ers. The outllt In good condition and a big bargain for the lot al $110. Address A inn. He. EXCELLENT PIANO Swap for V'letrola and records. Must be a top-notch ma chine and have a large bunch of recerds, if you expect an even exchange. Will take K Matin machine same way. No Junk and NOTHING BUT DISK ma- . ..j u-i.i . i . a . I cnine wanieu. in tanti suuu rtttu or repeating shotgun to help make up the difference in value. Address S. C. 3u2, Bee. 600 bushel two section lath and wire corn crilie, $4l0. V'llliaca Wood Novelty Co.. Vllilsca. Ja. ONE-STEEL Schick Paper Baler; also about two tuna of good baled paper. Will sell right to parlies Interested. G. 8. Haws, riecy.. rare Haws Hardware and Furniture Co.. Mlnden. Neb, 1x7 CRAKlKX newspaper camera, wits 11 plate holders, carrying caaa lof camera und carrying case for plate hold era The outfit in good condition and a big bargain for tiie lu: al IU0. Addles 6. C. 1611 FOR SALE'-.Nvw and second-Hand isrora and pocket bllPard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of ail kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collrnder Co.. U7-iH 8 llHh St DAMAGED hay. U ton Warner. HI N.ls. t-land mch. Gross Wreck t o. 21 st Paul. Bake ry and furn. sikiiI, Tel. Florence 4ol. CORN cobs for kindling. .Ilencoe Mills. AUTOMOBILES MODEL 1-i Deliulu-r tout tug car wlib self-starter, run less than 600 mllaa; gem ins bain in at $.vm. Tlte T. G. Nonu wall Co. "14 Jones St, Doug. i;o7. FORD care paint d $22; other cars accord ing to sue; work gtd. Phone 6. lue. ltwlu.il 11 t'.ataco Co.. 2-th A Harney Sta. LADIES' lonx fur coat. 16. Bet of sliver fox furs, 1600. Suits and coats chop. 2U6 rsi. ; FOR yUICK. SALE l-burner Jewel gut stove, complete w 1th ovena, cabinet style; enamel lined refrigerator, lud lb. rapacity; both in first-class condition. Call at Apartment 4, The Page, 31st and Farnam Sts. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE llorsea aad Vehicle. NOTICE to a cash sale: 1. 800-pound team of young mares, both with foaL absolutely sound and good workers. Owner changing business. Call at resi dence THIS Howard Si GROCERY A email aiock of groceries and flxturea for sale or trade for any- UL1"li1"i-1 can use. S. C. UK. Bee. ITVMII.TON-PIANO AND OTHER COL LATERAL for ; Virginia land or land in southern Indiana, or for lots well lo- . cated in Omaha. Kansas City. Indian laiHilis or Cleveland. WILL PAY DIF FERENCE. NO WESTERN STIFF WANTED.' Please give beat description you cun In first teller to save correspond ence, also legal description. I am buying for myself. Addresa S. C. gill. Hee. INTERNATIONAL CORRESP(7nD ENCE SCHOOL Building, Superintend ing and Construction Books, five volumes. Will swap tor repeating shotgun, repeat ing rifle, automatic revolver or high I power Msrlln or Winchester, or what have you? Also Estimating Books, an elegant set of Drafting and Mechanical Hooka. Swap any or all the above for large desk, 0 Inches or larger. Address S. C. ?3, Bee. LATHE, automobile. . Kegtiut mu.-uc cabinet, phonograph, revolving dupli cator 100 gallons guaranteed puncture seal, Edison moving picture outfit, tents, dtnial chairs. Pi) Ford car radius rods. fiano. Want billiard table, gas engine, ypewriter. camera, electrio motor, auto truck. Jewelry, printing material, land, auto supplies. Urea. Make offers. 8. C. It. Bee UiscnwugU uuulit Rail. Hep. Co, SuJt) Far. GVn horse, 316 N. 2-4 pnone Web ster !7ok. LEATHElt davenpurt: exenange dresser, phone Harney 2''J. for MOVING PICTURE MACHINE Edison motion picture macntnc, equipped with gas-maklug plant, and six reels of film for sals or trad. 6. C. 13s. itca. NINE BELL BOTTOM JACK-2x14 In. hlKh, one 2xi In. high, also 11 rollers. 6x24 In., fir; all In first-class order; roll ers pslnted and not crushed, but kept dry. Swap for a gtoi .vinrnn J-?' rme up to Its value I value lacks at $2 50 each and rollers 76 cents. Swap for anything I can use. Addre.s S. C. 3., Hee NEW fv'.i tlano. Will exchange for a diamond. Will irlve even dial for 1 kt or larger Address S. C. 8W. Bee. OFFICE IiESK Will buy some good secood-hsnd desks: must be cheap for cseh. Address S. C. VA. Pee. ONE BARREL Sherwin-Williams out side paint. Will exchange ror diamond, 'hii-kens and horse anl buggy or auto. Address 8. C. 3u. Bee. PAINTING CONTRACTOR will swap painting for an auto, not too high priced Want car for my own use. Ad dress 8. C. 357, Hee. PROTECT! K1H APH Same as new, the best check protector In the market; banks use It; cost $30; sell for $25 cash, or will swap It and a piano In excellent shape for a good located lot or money; lot must have water, sewer, gas and walks and priced right; give legal de scription In first letter; don't answer un less you are willing to accept trade as given. Address S. C. 3M. Bee. PIANO IN GOOD ORDER AND CASH In four months for a good building lot; must have water, sewer, gas and perma nent walks In and paid for and be well located in a salable district. Give lot and block number and your best price In first letter and don't answer unless you will take a piano. No $1,000 lots wanted. No wildcat or suburban Junk wanted, but a good, we!l located and priced right lot. I want to build a home for myself. Or will swap piano for good ecpilty, snv old way If lot Is good. Address 8. C. SfiO. Bea. PLAYER MUSIC Have an extensive library of new 68-note music for player planus; will eell half price or trade for Vlctro'a, Underwood typewriter, good typewriter desk, or. In fact, anything I can use. What have you? Address 8. C. 343. Pee. ROADSTER Will trade roadster In very good condition In part payment on Dun- oee lot. o. J. tvw, we. BIGN8. showcards. Clark Bon. D. 137, STENOTYPE New, In the best of con dition. I'Bed less than four months. "Will trade for anything of equal value, or what cash offer will you make? Ad dress 8. C. 400, Bee. TYPEWRITER Late model Visible standard typewriter. In perfect shape; $f,0; or will trade for anything of equal value I can use. Address S. C. 344. Bee. WOOD PLOWPLAIN AND IVOR JOHN SON REVOLVER S8 cal.. both In good shape. Will swap for a kodak or .3 Btev ens repeating rifle or Marlln rifle. MUtht give a little to boot if your stuff Is bet ter than mine. Address 8. C. 859, Bee. WHAT have you in realty to exchange for a new 6-passenger Mltchel automo bile. Describe fully. Address 8. C U. Bee. FOR RENT Apartments aad Flats. The Knickerbocker OMAHA'S FINEST APT. HOUSE. 38th und Jones Sts. One apartment for rent. ED JOHNSTON, Harnev 7165, or PAYNE" & SLATER CO. Douglas 1016. Unusually nloe 6-room, atearn heated apartment on West Farnam street. JOHN VV. ROPBINS, 1S02 FAUN AM ST. OGDEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, 'oomi with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 6. KT, GEORGE apartments, located In se lect West Farnam residence district; one 5-room suite for rent; heat, water. Janitor service. Phone Webster 1674. 6-K modern flat, 230s S. 24th; $!2. I'honi Hnrney 4711. Gordon VanCo.S tit N. 11th St. Phone D 894 or Web. 1333. BEMIS PARK Cosy 6-room apartments. all modern; $20 rent, free for Decem ber Web. 2342. Board and Rooms. 8. 19th, 61S Exc. board, clean rooms. Famished Houses. 6-ROOM house, furnished complete, walk ing distance, come and see It 1122 N. 86th Bt. References required and given. Furnished Rooms. FURN. rooms by day or wit; modern; steam heat; $1.60 up. 107 S. 17. D. 6053. FURNISHED room for rent near Creign ton university. Phone Douglas 7281. $25 8. 29TH Furnished rooms, private family. Hafney 4008. MOD. furn. rooms In private home, suit able ror two people. Wal. 14C8. 4202 Cum. FURNISHED ROOM, heated, 4614 North list Ave. Furnished lloosekeeplag Rooms. FARNAM, 2822, two nicely furnished steam heated housekeeping rooms. 4768 N. 24th St., two steam heated, fur nished rooms. Modern conveniences, $16 per month. Adults only. Housekeeping Rooms. 2018 DAVENPORT, TWO NICELY FUR NISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $3.t0 WEEK. Hotels aaa Auartmeats. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and Calirornls, Weekly rates 13 snd up. Douglas 7083. OGDEN HOTEL. CouncU Bluffs, steam heated rooms, I- per week. Phone 64.4. DODGE HOT El- Modern Reasonable. Houses aad Cottages. ALL sizes. $3 4per month up. 607 Paxton. FOR RENT. S24 S. 36TH ST. $30. 6 rooms, nearly new, large living room. 16x26 foet, nicely decorated and thoroughly modern. O. 8. Erwln, D. 2i)93, or H. 3640. ELEGANT 6-room. modern brick apart ment; newly decorated; $50 per month, 146 South 2th St. Cottage, 2044 Vinton St., gas, electric light water, toilet, $16 per month. Frame flat, 1129 8. 2ath St., newly decorated, 130 per month. J. 0. 1SII, EXECUTOR. 70S S. 31st Ave 'Phone Harney 243. $13 6-r. cottage, 1811 Izard. $16 6-r. cottage with bath, 2107 Ohio. $J0 6-r., mod. house, 2850 Meredith Ave. t'Jt 8-r., mod. house,' S006 Mason. $3j 6-r., mcdern house at 422i Harney. W.H. Gates, M7 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 124. U,wllo hi all parts of the city, nouses crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee building. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bouts:, 205 8. loth Ave. Inquire T. J. O Blien. Henshaw Hotel. Harney 10M. DoUKlas 1216. NINE rooms, modern, S216 Burt; 7 rooms, new, modern. 23) Parker; e ght rooms, modern exfupt heat, 2l?7 Douglas; four rooms, mod, ex heat. K24 N. ?3d. D. 1598 7R houi-e. mod., suitable for two fam ilies. Douglas 459. and Stor- Large men, $1.50 per hr ; dray. I men. $1.25 per hr. 1713 Webster. Doug. Uvu. Maggard's Jr T -3. Exp. Co., moving I , KPPfl packing A storage s Ws 1VUV.U Farnam. D. 6146. bTEAM heat all modern. 7-roorn house; also 4-room flat 2J0 No 231 Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships; s-horee van 2 men. II 26 per hr.; storage $2 per 1.0 -ati!.fartory guar. D. 43Js at Ty. tAt. FOR RENT tVg nave a complete list of all houses, srartmenis and flats that are tor rent lli is lut can be seen free of charge al tn:sit Van . M"ma f ' v-ti -re -t. Sll N. 33d St, -room, luoucrti, oo, 4110 N. 2-.il t't. 5-room, modern, $:. 2415 Capitol Ave.. 7-r., mod. ex. heat $-3-tpencer St., Vr., mod. ex. heat, $-U loS N. HU St.. 4-r.. mod. ex. heat $12. 27l Camden Ave., 6-room. well. $16. 1M7 N. 211 St.. 7-room, city water, fit ll.'i N. 4th St., 6-room, well, $9. 3435 Sahler bt.. 6-room. well, $. Ivul Llsidaay Ave., 4-room. well, 17. CUE1GH. SONS 4E COMPANY. Dougias .. sus Bee Bldg. t-R. mod hoove. S block from car, oak finish, fire place. ;.i. mi. zioi. .FIVE-ROOM all modern cot tare, nice shane. lance lot. good nelKhborhood. Jsa N. 1Mb.. Phone Webster 1675. t-ROOM, all modern; furnace. eleclrK light 1617 N. via fct sO-M,