TJIK 1U:K: OMAHA, Tt'KSDAV, DKCKMBER 13, 1914. Monday, December 14, 1914. H By MELLIFICIA OW WOt'Ll) .von like to attend a dinner at $15,000 a plate? At Yania Farms Inn, Napanork, N. V., Saturday evening. Juat such a dinner was served to forty guests. Manv persons prominent In the world of finance, politics. literature, art and society were among the select few to pay the extraor dinary sum. So fabulous were the prices demanded that the .fortunate ones chosen were strictly prohibited from tipping the waiters or other serv ants more than 11.000 each. On fhe menu, these remarkable prices were quoted: Salted almonds, $250; home made bread with butter. $200; demi-tasse, $250; fresh mush rooms, under rlass, $2,000; olives, $250; little neck flams, $500; cigar ettes, $."0. OnlyMhe gold, contained In bags, received from "the treasury" at tendants, would be accepted in payments for the dinner. The guests found on receipt of these that the gold 'was Yama Karma .gold, minted in $20, $50 and $100 pieces. These bore a Japanese inscrip tion, the place, of the American eagle on real coins, and a translation, which read. "Home in the Mountains." The Yama Farms Inn is Just a nice motor ride from New York andi has for a long time been the rendezvous of a select coterie. This nnusual function, arranged by Mr. Frank Seaman, who conducts the Inn, proved a great success, and the Joke was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Seaman Is Also president of the Seaman Advertising company. afternoon st tie hum of Miss ltibln on'a sister. Mrs. M. Katkee. Mr. nob Inson end Mr. Peutmh ft I"S Moines were the out-of-town guet. Future Affain. Mrs. F.arl Ptei richer will entertain St li.nrhron at tlie -nmm-r 1st club Tuesday next pfk In honor of Mrs. Horace Cha Mn of Hatavla. N. Y. Mr. Ororgo t'nverxaat will entertain at luncheon In honor of Mrs. Horace f.'hapln of Hatavla, N Y., at If Loyal hotel Th-jradsy. The music section of the Association of Collegiate Alumnue wilt give a program of Hhskf Kjsran muslr Tuesday after noon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Herbert Wooldand. I'll Houth Thirty third street. upend the. Christina holidays with Mrs. Calhoun mother, Mrs. II., D. Schlerloli. Mr. Itert Murphy has rli:rned from De troit. Mrs. Itoliert Qllmnte has returned from Colfax. la., where she has been f:r sev i ral week. 4. Nothing Definitely Known on Abolition of Postoffice Job SECOND WEEKJ1URCH SALE Benson Women Are Featuring Some Hand-Fainted China. Teachers Decide on Election Week for the Convention Stork Special. A daughter whs lorn and Mrs. J. K. I'ulver. Sunday to Ir. To HonorDebutante. Mise Mildred Rogers gave a ta tills afternoon at her In tha' Ueaton apartments. In honor of Mias Harriet Hmllli and Mtos Blanche leuel. . Pink cainatMn were used through the rooms. About seventje-ftve guests called durlnr ihe hours of .1 and r.. Assisting Miss itogera were: Mesdames Mi-wlames Harold Plitclwtt. Ten Wood, Ml, . Mtsara Margaret Mcl'lierson Loulne Pinning.. Ann Ulffori. Kllxabeth PavK Caroline Harkalow. Menle Pavla. Monday Bridge Club. Mlsa Marie Riley entertained the mem bers of the Monday Bridge club this after noon at her home. The rooms wet dec orated with ChrlKtmaa greens and thosa present were: Misses iilga Mtorx. Margaret Malcheln, Irene McKnlglit. Mesdnmes -Karl I.ouls. K A. M-ennott. Pied Wallace. Misses Helen Klxby. , Louise Storx. Helen Mali heln, M edam"S Cornelius Kile y, I ieorcn 8lilrley. lieorge Hrnnrtels, Krigir Itlgfilns, Prairie, Park Dance. . The Prairie Park club held their regular week-end dancing party at the club house The. following wera I Misses , I lelen lohnrti n. Karhnra 8hue1el. Margaret Smith, luiroihy r'arduu. Jean Wallace. Anna Mnrtenren. Kvs loverly, , 8. A. Watts. Mearrs. H. K. Hnghea, Herald Hrure, U. K Porter. K. Itegoittiart, V. !. Ioe. Raymond rowell. The club will be entrtalnrd In two weeks at the home of Mrs. Uorge Keebler. The Carter I-ak wlmrr.lns and Howling c'.ub were entertained this afternoon at the Metropolitan club. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Welnateln gave a muslcale at their home Sunday evening. Those present were: Messrs. and Meedmnes- II. B Welnsteln, J. Romaneck, A. I is mi son, aliases Welnst.-ln. Hone Ilurstclii, Minnie Romaneck. Abe finateln. A. . Welnsle n. J. fit-eon berg. Misses Ruth Welnsreln. .Martha Welnsteln, Margie Welnsteln. Original Monday Bridge. The Original Monday Hrldge cluo was entertained this afternoon at- the home of Mrs. A. C5. Reeson. Th members are: Mesdames: Mesdames: Charlea. T. Kountze, A. 1- Reed. A. O. Heeson, F P. Klrkendall. Isaac Cole. .! serh HarVer. . Iane Wheeler, Jr., Arthur Remington, Fertonal Mention. Mrs. Horace chapln of Ratavla. X. T. who has been the guest of Mrs. Kar Sterrlrker. left Sunday for Klkliorn to visit her . mother, Mrs. Raldwin. Mrs. Chapln will return In a few days to be with Mrs. Hterrlcker for a week befor going to her home for Christmas. Tueiday Bridge Club The Tuesday Brldce club was enter tained st luncheon today at the home of Mrs. linrton Millard. This wa an extra meeting of the club to finish dressing tha Christmas dolls. The club haa decided to give the dolls to the Visiting Nurse ; association to distribute according to their l wlsbos among the sick children of the In connection with dispatches from ashlngton to the effect that the post office appropriation Mil soon to be con sidered by congress would abolish the office of assistant postmaster In the larger cities, Postmaster John C. Whar ton of Omaha says that no official or unofficial Information or gossip has ionic to him concerning the matter. If such a provision should he Included In the bill when the latter Is 'Inally passed. James I, Woodard. ho has been assistant postmaster here for many years, would lie legislated out of office. Me has been longer and mora Intimately con nected, with the executive department . of the local postoffice than any other man. Home for Christmas. Mlsa Florence Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Riley. Is expected home from ft. Mary's college, Xotra Dame. Ind.. Friday, to spend the Chrlatmaa holi days with her psrenta. Mr. Clarke Riley is expected next Monday from Bt. Thomas' college. Pit. Tsui, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Rllty will entertain In honor of their children upon their arrival home. Mr. and Mrs. Lsll K. Troup of Xew Tork City will arrive In Omaha to tpend the Chrlstmaa holidays with Judge and Mrs. A. V. Troup. Saturday evening, present; , Mlsses-Madcl-ne Met. . All. r. W heeler. Kthel Mornar.", KranceM Wntl, liertrude pell. Kalhryn Smith, Irene .Siilllviin, lone I.tndxlcy, Mesdames C. M. Hofge, Mejisrs. Knyon Smith. Howard OimikIuii, Albe-t Wedemever, AV. W. I 'rummy, A. L (Jladwln, tjeorge K. Abtiott, r.l VVedemeyer, Mr. end Mrs. Wlllla C. Crosby, Mr. and Mrs. William Kck. Mr, aud Mrs. W. I Carey, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. F.tater. Mr. and Mra. A. W. Kltsslmons, Mrnd Mrs. K. J. Weberg. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Oood, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Htttlnger, Mr. and Mra. Oooigw W. (iardncr, Mr. and Mrs. C. C, Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph l.angfrllner, Mr. and tin, A. C Rawson. Mr. and Mn. K. H. Hagenslck, . Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Kralnard, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Riiinbolt, Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Kndres, Mr.. and Mrs. 1 F. Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. F.llu. Mr. and Mrs. Hates II. Rheam, Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Smith, Mr. and Mra. F. A. Pardun, Mr. and Mra. Kcott 11. Hnghtol, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Kent, Mrand Mra. K. H.Jeffera. Mr. and Mrs. W. U Hlackett. .Mr and Mrs. 1. K. Smith, v Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hell, Mr.nnd Mrs. K. C. Conley, Mib and Mrs. H. (i. King. Mr. and Mra. Iiouls Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Clay, .Mr. and Mrs. C. U Mickey, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Irficke, Mr.and Mrs. C. li. reteron, Mr. and Mrs II. J. SlrKler. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wedemeyer, Mr.and Mrs. C. R, Wella. For Mist Mctt ' Mra. Cliarlea IC Mela was liualesa today at luncheon at her home In honor of Miss Harriet Mrtx.n one. of .tell season's deb utante. , Tb, table decorations were In red and i-B.cikril,(lint with Christmas grras t-nd u .mound. ot ruscus sjid pin tones. Covers, were plared for: Misses-- ', : Misves llanlet Metx. Marion l-'iibn. Kran.-es I lof tiMctler, 1 Inn let inHh, 1 ,11'ille liauou. Ann (iirford, Sledi TlMiniimi.'. Kleanor Ma.'ksy, lianche l ncl. t 'A lira JaUitli. , , Kugenle f'aiteison, Mee.t?iie Mesdames - 1'jerie C. Mcrlarty, Charles K. Metx. Fred Mt-ts. Fleasuret Fait. Silas Kliulwtb Ij.i.y entertained tli members i t 1-aa Amtgaa whlat club, Bat brday aftoriioon, at ner home. Priies for tlii) game were awai Jcd to Mrxlimri J W. Uihard, W. J. Crane and K. lxone Engagement Announced. Mr. John Robinson of Xorfoik, Neb., announces the engagement of hla sister, Miss Pora Robinson, and Mr. J. Belnberg. The engaament was celebrated Sunday city. The club will hold Its regular meet-j building. City Hall Employes Freeze Because the Building is Cold City employes arc suffering because the building cannot be heated. In sev eral departments little or no work could be (lone yesterday. And the employes gathered about radiators trying to keep warm. The Bee Ruilding company proposed to heat the city hall, but the council turned down tho offcT and had the boilers in the city hall patched up temporarily. This first co'd . weather finds the plant en tirely lnsd"iuate to properly heat the HIGH GRADE PATCHWORK QUILT Social Settlement lias a Table tm Ralae Fajnda to Malntal S tw ill c r ( amp ext Year for Working .lrls The Christmas fair o." ";i,a!ia chtirrhes and Instltutloits opened Its second week In the rotunla of The Bee building Mon day morning. The Benson Presbyterian church Is featuring most beautiful hand painted china articles, chief among which are a large fruit bowl at $-"0 nnd a tall vase at $12. ' These, as well as the other china pieces on display, are the work of Mrs. V. R. Fhrlloy. Mesdames Oeorge W. Iredale. X. H. Tyson, E. A. Mason. C.-C. Williams, J. Speedy and J. V. Welch are the women In charge of this table. The 'Social Settlement le maintaining a table, at the fair, the proceeds to be used for the Summer camp next year. Mlsa Sophia Adams of the Social Settle, ment house. Miss Alice Buchanan. Miss Meyers. Mrs. W, C. Shannon and Mrs. Spouman are assisting In the sale of at tractive hand-painted tapestry, pillows and serving trays, as welt as haniy workbaskets and doll furniture. Patchwork QalK. A handsome silk patchwork quilt at $2J Is tho pride of Plymouth Congrega tions! church women. They also offer for sale useful rag carpet rugs, crocheted and embroidered articles nnd pastries and candles. Mesdames C. M. Thompson, Charles Ransdell. Frederick lavltt. A. Anderson, H. I.. Underwood are In charge. nestles these "churches, St. Barnabas h-plxoopal church- will be represented In the vale Tuesday. ' ' . ' The strenuous effort made by a few doxen school boards in the state to change tho date of the Nebraska Teachers' asso ciation convention to Thanksgiving or Christmas week instead of election week, as It stands now, has reacted upon the tea. hers In the judement of those who watched the returns, so that the dates proposed were voted down, and the elec tion week d:ite was this time endorsed by an overwhelming vote. Thus, In spite of the efforts made by these boards through circularising the teachers, election week wss again chosen as the meeting dnte by a vote of 1..H. as against W for the first half of Thanks giving week, :r for the second half of Thinks? ivlni; week, nnd . for (.hriatmas week. By the friends ol the election week h.i. i hi. ( looked upon ns a decisive vote on this nmtter once for all. last year the vote was mu. h cioser. At thai time election eck wss chosen by a vote of l.rt.'. over the first half of Thanksgiv ing week, which received l.ull votes. So the association convention will again bo held election week In Omaha next year. TWENTY CARS OF FLOUR GOES THROUGH HERE FOR BELGIUM Twenty carloads of flour bound for Bel glum pasted through Omaha tlila morn ing over the Burlington. The special train omes from Icnver, where a Bel g'an relief campaign has been under way for some time. Ing some day this week. Tho members sre: Mesdames Arthur Keellnc, Henisc larkalow. W. 1J. McCormick, John Madden, Louis Clarke, Mesdames Ueorge Itedlck, John Redick. Frank Keogh. Walter Roberts, Ross B. Towle. I Read the "For Sale" ads If you want I bargains of the minute. For Bridal Farty. Miss Oeorgia Trimble will entertain the Tyner-Hpraguo wedding party this eve ning at dinner at her home. KHIarney roses mill decorate the table and covers will be placed for: Mra. J. T. Trimble. Misses Misses Mary K. Sprague. (ieorgla Trimble Kleanor Sprague, Messrs. Messrs. Rev. Ueorge Tyner, Rev. T. C. Tyner, Fdward Sprague, A. F. Trimble. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. aud Mrs. P. S. Calhoun left this afternoon for St. Louis, where they will Implement Dealers Here in January About the first convention to come to Omaha after Xew Years day la the Mid West Implement Healers' association. It Is scheduled to meet January 3 to 7, In clusive. A big Implement - show In con nection with the convention Is to be held at the Auditorium beginning the day be fore the convention proper and lasting a day after- the close of the) convention proper. James Wallace of Council Bluffs Is president of this organization. He has been In conference wlh K. V. Par rlsh. manager of the publicity bureau, In regard to local arrangements. REV. C W. M'GASKILL ILL; WILL TAKE A VACATION Rev. C. W. McCaskllt of the Hanseom Park Methodist church is III as the re sult of overwork, and upon the advice of his physician he will lay his pastoraJ du ties aside for a' while and leave the city with the hope that a few weeks' vaca tion will put him In normal condition again. . . Rev. McCaskill came to the Hanseom Park church from Chicago, and this, hla third year here, finds the" church in the best conditions It has ever been. There Is A rapidly crowing membership, all th expenses of the charch are provided for, and a beautiful new parsonage has Just been completed for the pastor and his wife. Rev. McCaskill Is regarded as one ' of the ablest preachers In the Xebraska conference. TTTt t " ! - - - f ' , 9 I f -f 4 - ti t : ' - , " l-i' Worries Over' Her CMfldlreiii Every interest in life is secondary to their welfare. Her chief anxiety is to have therr go out into the world fully armed and equipped to win an honorable position. She realizes keenly that the formation of a correct reading habit tww will go far toward fitting them mentally to cope with the future. While THE LITERARY DIGEST is read weekly by nearly a million "grown-ups" it is especially welcome in homes where there are young folks, for it answers the countless "whys" of youth the questions that they are always asking j about the , great events in the world about them, and which parents would; not be able to answer so well without its aid. . And the young folks are not only delighted they thrive mentally. It is not "dry", or "heavy" reading for the youthful mind, for the DlGESX presents all the news, of the world except the vicious and morbid, and explains the facts in the news in clean language and graphic pictures. THE LITERARY r DIGEST encourages young people (and " grown-ups " too, for that matter) to think for themselves, to form impartial and correct judgment on live subjects, because while all the facts from all sides are presented, there is no editorial attempt to color or bias them. Ask any school-teacher anywhere .and he or she will be sure to agree that "bright" children are the rule in homes where the DIGEST is a weekly visitor. Reading it enables them to take a respectful and 'intelligent part in discussions at school, at home, anywhere. Give your children access to this incomparable weekly and watch how quickly their school reports will commence to hug the 100 mark. WAR NEWS POLITICS SCIENCE INVENTION RELIGION FOREIGN COMMENT DRAMA AND SPORTS LITERATURE MOTORING Illustrated ALL NEWSDEALERS 10 Cents 4 Uttet FUNK & WAG N ALLS COMPANY, (Publisher, of the Famau. NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW YORK The Ford Sedan carries all the up-to-the-minute style and beauty In design, with sumptuous lux ury '.n appointments decidedly a car of quality fcr service every day of the year, giving modem luxury, with Ford Economy, both in purchase price and maintenance. The Ford Sedan meets all the demands of social life, theater, shopping and pleasure riding eqtl ly delightful in sunny or inclement weather a cur of luxurious comfort and class. The regular Ford chassis of Vanadium steel con struction. . The simpicity, ease and safety of con trol makes this car very desirable to women who 'drive their own' cars. Ford Sedan S975; Coupelet $750; Town Car $090; Touring Car, $490; Runabout $440. All fully equipped, f. o. b. Detroit. On display and sale at 1 9 1 G Harney St. rtuvfin will share In profits if we sfll at retail SOO.not jiew Ford cms between August 11 1 mid Antrum 191 5 f-xn.fu . i ' - ' ' ' V V - : h i - . ' i If 1 -at I , "' This week we will Give Away T7 H Julia Gretchen and Mary Julia is a very beauti ful doll. Her bright eyes and rosy cheeks tell you that she is always cheerful, contented and happy, and makes ev eryone around her feol that way, too. You will bo very happy if you win her. Gretchen and Mary are for second and third prises, and are not dressed like Julia, but they are very nice dollies, and will please you. Thssa dolls will be riven free to tha little girls . unaer la years of are, that bring ot mall ns tha larfr eat utunber of dioll's pie turea out out of tha Dally and Sunday Bea be fore 4 p. m., Saturday, De cember 19. Julia's pictue will be la The Hoe every day this week. Cut them out and ask your friends to save the pictures In their paper for you too. Soe how many pictures of Julia you can get, and be sure to turn them In to The Hee office before 4 p. m., Saturday, December 19. If yon don't win one of these Dollies perhaps you can g-et one neat week. Only one doll will be ri"e to any one person. You Can See Julia at The Bee Office Boys' Sled Free No 131 8 Dreadnaurht Steerlnr Sled 4&xl4xSU weleht 11 lbs. eel. Stamped ateel kneea. Beat crucible spring aterl T aliaped runnera. ao curved In front a fo give a niaxlincm length of sleeving aurface. Steering bar works perfect ly. the alc.t it iondlnn inatantly to sliirhteal bend in . ateel runner without r larding eprml of aled a particle. irar and runnura finlelied in reJ enamel. Top of Rock l.Im. beautifully painted und decorated Ibe picture of the Sled will be in Th Bee every day tun week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pic tures In their paper for you, too. Soe how many pictures you ean Ret and bring them to The Be office. The Bled will b riven Frea to tha boy that sends us the most pictures bafor 4 P. M. Saturday. December 19.' jiOBiHaWrCLa2jai&