THK BEK: OMAHA. TL'KSDAV. DECEMBER mi 4. ! 5 i i The Little Fellow Also Knows Some Law, and Proves It Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher ;g i 1 i VCVrtrBtVCf Taa t-e.., . Hn" VgTH TMt PINT. ) WHICH 3v,Di GOOF NrVtOtrj S ' 7 1 "ViH'"' tomab y)G Collect r- wmt HG smtj tHav an, clama I Not J J r rrT re6 th.. advcg j re J I t ; ... J . '". , . LJI I - 1 I I I " i I I I.I J 111 m II I I i i W i T RUPPERT MAY. BUY KAWFS Story Out that Brewer May Purchase - Clob and Take it to K- T. . COXITES WITH JIM "OHKORE riHahmrsh Baker hri II Ha Alataeal Aostla, Third Baaesnaa w of tha St. Loala Asaerloaa V Cla. FRENCH UCK. Ind,. Pec. 11. -Colonel Jaob Ruppert. -Jr., anil President J. A. tlllfnore.fff the Federal -league were In onfereneel , her tofley. but It waa said nothing 'would bo made publlo until the meeting aaa over. Ruppert - refuses to talk, but Uilraor Intimated that hemltht hata statement latar. ' Tha story here Is . thst Colonel , nup pari, who h 4' been named aa a possible purchaser of the New Terk AWfrtran league club,,wlU bu'yoontro of tha Kan aa City FfJrral league club If .anm can ba .arranged. Kb president Ullmore and more the c Itib 1o New Ynrii. '1 tUmd Ukaadaaed. ' ' J tnsvr torjc. rfcc it-Tii di titwm tha.Olanta and 'the. PhlladnlchU club In volrtnr Dooln.'. toburt ana Maicea wid varal playara ' ininr contract ' to - tlay wita New Tork haa bnen abandoned, ao. rordln- to Manager McOraw. Tha trade fell 'through, tha Olanta' leader said, be raicee the Philadelphia management re tuHxl to oonijder any deal In which Lobert and Magee. Were mentioned. ' It Waa alo atated today that Manager McOraw oon Idered Dooln'a demand for 17,600 a rear for three jreara A trifle exeearive, eepe clally when It would be neceeaary to give aeveral playera fo,r him. A', week arb'Dodlf k . aenred ten daya' rifKW'e of M')ntnUonc of leaving the rhUadelphU'Qlob'. He premteed Preeldent RaJier he would do .nothing until tha ten day limit waa MP. Now Dopln contend he (a m, free agent, at liberty to do aa ))a plaaaea. It la ,ex(ctad that'Dooln wil) Jumj to the maimora Fwderala. . Oakea Stgaa Aaetla. PrrTSBUIKlH Fa., . Dae- lt-MaAaer E. T. Oakea of the nttiburgh Federal leaguV" baa 'ball club announced lata to day that h had algned Jamea Auatln, third baaeman ef tha 8t Louie Amer ican league club. Auatln. Oakaf aald, had algned two-year contract! Ha refused to atate tha aalary Involved, -' NttlMi ra No Deal. KANSAS CITT. Wo., Dec. 14. No ne gotlatlona for the sale of tha local Fed eral league olub have been entered Into with Jacob Ruppert, jr., or anyone lae, according to C. C. Madleon, preeldent. When ahown a report from French Lie that Mr. Ruppert and J. A. dllmore, preeldent of the league, were . on the conference, Mr. Madleon denied that Pree ldent Qllraor had authority to enter Into negotiation for the aele of tb club. "Y" to Decide Today Whether to Install Bowling and Pool Will the Young Men'a Christian aaeo ciatlon lnita.ll billiard and pool UUm and a bowling alley in their building for the uao of member over tha Proteet of cer tain churchmen on tha board of direc tors? Thla propoeltlon, considered to be revo lutionary by tome of the direct ore, I rumored to be up. for final dispoaltlon at Tueeday'a meeting of tha board. The rumor, although Indefinite at flret. haa now aaaumed tha form of a report that a apeclal ooinmlttee appointed recantly by the board will recommend Tueaday to the director that the. project be adopteA. . ' Aooordlng to tha rumor an outlay of from ft.100 to 110.000 la aald to ba contem plated. Thla would be .for. bniard, pool and bowling equipment, nereeeary altera tnna In the asaociatton building, tha adop tion of a new locker ayatetn and tha In stallation of an aaaoclatton laundry. At one time the association had a ti4t lard and pool room, but It I undertool to have been abolished bacaua abme'of the directors were opposed to such games In a Christian Institution for young men.' Among membera of tha committee re porting In favor of tha ra-eatabllahment of such games Inlhe association building, according to rumor, are W. A. Plxley, Frank K. Clark. Will Klewlt, O. W. No ble, K. L, Patterson and other. News Notea from ratrbary, FAIRBURT, Neb., Dec. H.-dtpeclal.)-Tha funeral aervloe of Mr. Bamanthla J. Thomas were held from tha Methodist Eplacopal church thla afternoon. Rev. R. N. Orllt ofriclatlhg. Mrs. Thomas had been 111 nearly two yeara.' j ' ,; . "Dull business" resulted In a reduction of Rock Island extra board engtneera at! this place Saturday. Tha reduction In volved F. C. ' Chase, Pahl QswokL Harry Pearman, F. W. bolaraaa and Martin Walker,' t" JXidga Ia M. Pemberton Saturday ad journed district court to January M, 1916. A few equity cases. will coma up for con sideration and disposal at that time. Eaaa tla-aa for Ltie, Kecimd tlssvman IMck Egan of the Rrooklyn National team was married at Han Francisco, Cai., to Mrs. Uula 11. Wiley of Cincinnati. HUSKER , BANQUET TONIGHT Nebraska Elem Gneiti of OrAaha Alumni at Big; Concert. PLAN PLENTY OF FIREWORKS llaadlaa; ' Committee tars Cam palca Today to Hell Anotker rtfty Tlekete, to Cover Kspeasra. - Unless tha chosen plana of the Omaha alumni staging the stunt goe amiss, the rooma of the'irnlveralty eih are destined to resemble "a Belgian village after a visit from a bunch of the kaiser's forty two centimeter Krupps. when the Com busker banquet and cabaret comes to a culmination tonight. The apeclal stunts framed for the especial benefit of the members of tha team are calculated to be so exciting and so strenuous that there la no chance for tha club room to come out other than second best. Full plans for tha big doing, which will come off thla evening, have been completed and everything la la readi ness. The menu "has been planned and the cabaret designed. .Everything from soup to nuts Is 'included In the menu and tha cabaret will make all thoughts of home vanish. Inatanter. Old Guard ea Haad. All tha old guard will ba on band, led by Dean Ringer and Jim, Patten, two former Cornhusker stars, and tha younger generation will ba there to. help make tha occasion one of unbounded festivity, ' Clayton W. Dolaraetre and Frank A. Howard, whose sons, Harry Delametra and Warren Howard,, were among tha 1914 heroes, have plunked down their 93.50 per and .will ba on hand to greet their offspring. f Ilaadre Bold. , On hundred ticket bavn been sold up to data Tha hustling committee will In stitute a oharge today which will snake Tennyson's ' immortal "Blx Hundred" blush with Jealousy. . The hustling com mittee will be on tba trail of the elusive $3.(0 bright and early and tha foot ball fan who escapes their clutohes will be a brave warrior indeed, for it will ba aeoeaeary for another fifty ticket to be sold to cover expense. It I up to tha hustling committee to solicit those fifty and every true .Nebraska supporter la urgently aaked to kick Irv .Ticket may ba obtained at the t nl varsity club, The . Cornhusker aggregation . will ar rive at 6:10 tonight and romp straight down the gridiron for the rnlverrtty club. Chancellor Samuel Avery .wilt be nmung those present, as will Prof. Condra and his war movies, showing the MVnlsun Aggies, Kansas and Iowa In ' action against Nebraska" prlfs. ' Man With Omaha Wife' Sent to Pen Rl'SHVIIXK. Neb., Dec.,J4.-Speclal.) Ed 1oscy, one time editor of the Cody Cow Roy, waa taken to Uncoln ponlten tlnry last night by Sheriff New, where he will serve' two years for violating the gambling laws. He operated largely -with the base ball team here during the sum mer, and put In Ms spare time gambling. He was Indicted before the gitond jury last month and later arrested at the home of a yo'ung woman to whom he waa pay ing court. The girl waa so infatuated with hfro. It Is said, nhe went to the county Jail with $100 with the Intention of paying his fine and afterward marrying him. Inquiries at Omaha brought out the fact that he was already married and his wife had not and would not divorce him. POLICE SCANDAL GROWING Dei Moinei Chief in for Searching Inquiry by Board COMMISSION .TO LOOK CLOSELY Detectives Who Mad, Revelation bast Week . Will Be Aaked to . Appear and Make Com plete "tatemeata. Wolf Itaot at Msaley Today- WEEPING WATER, Neb.; Dec. It. (Special) A wolf hunt in the vicinity of Manley haa been scheduled for Tuea day. December 15, As many aa nine wolvea in one Nock have been reported eeen In that section and every indication' la that not In years havo the wolves, been so plentiful or so bold. It Is Intended to cover about four- section nt" land. Meeting plaoea that' have been appointed are tha farms of August Krecklow, Henry Gaebel and August Jochim. , ' 1 I . . s Lost Jewetf, aetam;fcy MiUt. fK BEATRICE, Neb.. Dec. It. (Special.) Mr. R. D. Rlckard.." who recently loat her puree containing two diamond ear ring and a gold watch en route from Beatrice to Haatlnga, where she ha lo cated, writes to friends In this city stat ing that some on sent her the Jewels by mall a few days ago. Tha jewelry 1 valued at 1200 and Mr. Rlckard' believes that she lost the article In changing car at Fairbury. Official Batting Hccords for the Season of 1914 of Federal League , (From a Btaff Correspondent) DE3 MOINES, la.. Deo. 14.-8pecim Telegram.) Further startling news came today in the police scandal of Des Moines. It was decided by the Civil Servlo com mission to mako a much more complete InvcHtlgation Into police methods and oa pecUlly into the conduct of the chief of police. . Councilman Mitchell, head of tha de partment, waa called into conference with other membera of the council and deteo tlves who made revelations last week asked t otake a hand. Discharged po licemen filed notice of appeal to the com mission, which will give a new lead to the probp. One councilman Is out In defense of the police system and others aro denouncing and denying statement of the detectlvea. "Nebraska Law Upbeld. The supreme court in dectslqn today In the case from Sioux ICty upheld the Ne braska law as to the need of a written contract for commission In the sale of land before any commission can be col lected. R. F. Osborne of A Ins worth had sued for commission on tha sal of a big ranch In Cherry county, claiming an oral contract In Bloux City with tha owners, but It was held the contract waa made in Nebraska and not being written no com mission could be secured. ... German Socialists Will Discipline ; Karl Liebknecht BERLIN, Dec. H.-tVra The Hague and London.) The action of the socialist member, Karl Liebknecht,' In the, German Rlabs tag December 10 in voting against tha new war credit haa brought out many expressions of disapproval In oartv cir cles.. The executive committee , of. the socialist party today Is considering what measure it eh all take .in view. of. thla breach of discipline. Dr. Liebknecht was the only member of the Reichstag not to vote tot the credit. Tha executive committee of the social ist labor unions have adopted a resolu tion declaring that any man who refuse to vote for the credits necessary for the defense and the Independence pf fine country give evidence by thla act that he la indifferent whether or not the 'hos tile armies- bring wan with all It devas tation. Into his own country. .Nobody who is interested in the labor classes and the country, this resolution continues, could hesitate In his allegiance to the decision of the party, which is that In thla war when the xttence rtt tflo fatherland ia at stake it to heart and sou! with the nation. Tha military authorities have sup pressed, for the duration of the war, the 8taatsburger Zeltung of Berlin, an antl emlte organ, which failed 'to follow the admonition to discontinue all antl-eemlta propaganda. culture, were the principal speakers the . opening dar. giving Illustrated lecture liv tha evening. P. B. Barker and Mlsa Mary Rokahr both, of Lnncoln appeared the second dar. Miss Rokahr having charsa . o ftbe women's session. The Misses Ethel Nelson and Mamie Swanson gave vocal selections and the Star orchestra played , several selections. Tkle ss !' Orjsta. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this alls, enclose t cent to Foley d Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address , clearly. Tou will receive m. return a fret ' trial package containing Foley's Honey , and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain -in sides and back, rheumatism, backache, -kidney and bladder ailments; and Foleys Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and ther-. oughly cleansing cathartic, especially comforting to stout persona For aale In your town by all druggists. Advertlse- i ment. , u , Woatoa Farmers' laatltote. WESTON, Neb., Dec. M.-(Speclal.) The Farmers Institute held the lsst two days drew a large attendance both days. H. B. Vasey of Lincoln and J. G. McMil lan, United Cta tee Departmr.t of Agrl- DEATH RECORD. I David Kelso. EXCELSIOR SPRINGS, Me.. Dec. K David Kelao, widely known lawyer of. Oswego, Kan.,- died here today. Ha was 76 years old and had been III' several years. For many year he was general attor ney in Kansas for both the Missouri Pa-. elflo railway and the Missouri, Kansas A Texaa railway. He went to Kansas from Babula, la., in 1887,. , . Mrs. Joaiak Jaeksoa. - - BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. ,14. Speola I Telegram.) Mrs. Joeiah Jackson, a -plo. -near of Gafe county, died at her, home here, aged 99 yeara und to months. She was born in Pennsylvania. .February, 12, 1R15, and would havo celebrated her one hundredth' birthday In two months. She leaves a family of five children., She was probably the oldest woman In the state. Abe Attell's Wife Sues for Divorce CHICAGO, Dee. 11 Abe Attell, former featherweight champion pugilist, .. waa made defendant In a suit for divorce filed here today by Mr a. . Ethel AtteU oa charges of cruelty. The couple waa mar ried March 14, 1907. and according to 'Mr. Attell they liver happily until her husband lost his championship : title. AMES COLLEGE MAKES BASKET BALL SCHEDULE AMHK. Ia. Deo. ll.-Kncrial.) Director (lyda Williams signed up ten conference games for Coach Hubbard's cyclone quin tet at the meeting of the coaches In Un laat week. The schedule aa announced yesterday la complete, with the exception of the customary four games played with Urinnell of the minor atate conference and Iowa of the western conference. The dates with Iowa and Grlnnel will be set later. Bovea of the ten conference gamee InHiksd are on the Ames floor. Tha con ference schedule is: Compiled by Irwin M. Howe, league statistician, more (amrs : Indianapoiia ..... Hrooklyu ........ Halt.more Kansas City 1'ltixburgh Ch.cago Ruftaio SL Louia..w...... ' Thla list Includes all play ers who appeared at but In fifteen ur CLUD BATTING. a. W. U T. AB. H. EH. Hits. TB. 1M 4 MH4 Tn'J t!9 i4Tl If 74 17 77 W S fvtlO etci 6. 1 1!21 IM M n 611 46 617 im 1H.I4 1M 7 M 1 6127 .4 fcflt ) 1K44 1M M m 4 612)1 M 47 i8 14 M7 XI 7 1 tM (Ul Mi 1M l't lit Ml il I mi MO 4.4 1271 1731 14 41 1 6UT Wi 4J4 12M IHTtf lUnfurd, Buffalo lb M IT1 13 U li 41 SI M January I and 9. Kana at Ames. January M and 1. Nebraska at Lincoln. February 11 and 11. Nalirankit at Aiiia February i'4. liraka at Iea M.ilneu 11 Him an. Baltimore. . .l.M & K 1" i February Si and Kamaa Angles at Hart.ev, Hi. Iut M 213 U 1 1 Ames. evn. Plttsitiit Kh. . .1SJ 4 M 1:;.' 9 laivh Z, Drake at Ames. I J. lelehanty. Brook MlrlKKs, BrtMklyn.... INDIVIDUAL HAT1 IN1. g. ab. r. h. ih. Jb. hr. sli. sb. bb, so. pt C Kauff, Indianapolis. ..164 674 11 liO 46 13 s i t VI w ,)M Kvans, Brook .n 1W klU W 1H 40 la 14 I U M .Am Chaae, liiillalo rt M 41 ll 1J 9 J 6 11 4 si .a4 Houm-n, Indlanpolia., 1( W M M 1 M 15 .6 M Verkes, ptitsouian. ... S 1U jK . 4.' 7 a 1 a n l 14 Kaaterly. Kan. C1ty..lM 4.14 67 146 11 U 1 12 k7 : .4i bliaw, lirtxk.yn lit ,7 el -121 it. i .1 u ui .41 Lennox, lMUourgh...U4 4'.'ti To 1 la W 11 J4 1 e M .tii Kenworihy, K. C....144 64& 94 IVi 41 14 U l 41 :ik 41 ,JU Camiuwil, lndianap'a.l uu W 1,1 s 11 I 10 31 17 47 i,j lxtuuen, Rutlalo 17 n 76 IjH 13 4 14 Us M 41 .ilj tranoall, 8U Louis. ..lis 1.1 l II 1 i 1 t ;u .;uj liuorte, lnalnp S...1S3 HN ikl 16s kk 11 :i It 1 a ,tt tMikes. P1lUburgh....lta 613( Kl 17H U .11 7 - .a U4 iJ .ail Murphy, Brooklyn.... W 4l 1 60 9 U 4 Iv 4 17 la .il J. Walsh, Baltiuuire..ll7 . M oJ 33 4 1 - 7 17 23 wi Ek'heer. Iudianaxia.ll7 U 4 113 24 3 111 a) M . Amlerjon, Hrooklyn.. t7 3K M li t 13 3 3 4 ia ; in ,i,i .wi.lmK. Chlcao..,lh6 t i l U3 43 1t lit , in ;3 li M Bates. Baltimore W HI Nt 4 1 i Id ,u li .7 icixns.u. I'ttta.-uut.m 477 at li T 14 Mt Keihn.e, lni 1 .'.71 lu7 174 U Meyer, Baltimore.... .141 i' 74 l.M 1H 10 iradly, )'atsbuiKh..llK 4.W 41 1 21 Mathes. St Louis ... 94 K4 10 S 0 W. Mlllor. St. Louis. .1! 4H 11 1 Ksmond. Iiiilianap's..li0 Mi 74 ISO i 15 Mulliii. IndianaiMilla.. 40 ,8 II 3 4 3 Kommers, Bal.-Ht. U. 91 2vn 37 M 11 8 fair. lnUlanauolla....ll& 441 44 12 li 9 llofman. Brooklyn.. .147 61K i l&l IT 13 Watson. Brooklyn.... 19 to 4 134 1 Wlckland, Chicao...l(xi f; 74 I 11 l'oils. Kansas (My... 4 lot 14 T.I 4 0 W ilson, l Ineaso i;w 443 , li f a: 1 & H re li 10 16 17 74 M) .7 U 111 33 4i .Hun W U . iuo 14 W M ..J II 10 Si 1'7 1 I II ,Wl 11 14 h j U 111 41 44 4 0 10 la h 43 1 M 34 47 11 92 U 11 . I 3 4 7 21 M fa 2l'l Doable gtaaket Ball .ame xrpKUIOlt. Neli.. Dec. It. (Special The Chester HlKh school basket ball -m laet iiiKlil flayed a double header Kama with the local hlnh school teums. urlor won the girls game by a score t a to 3. The Chester boys won liuni huiKiil'T K to 12. Mosnaaera Haorked 4al. 1,'iXlifiN, Iee. 14 Johnny Hummers, holder of the l.ord tmsdaie Belt, was kiiofkerl out In the otiuli round by Her. s'aiil Basbain In a contest held at the Naltunul fiHjj-llti i-lub tunlglit for the writerwt-lglit championship of Oieat Britain. (III more. Kan. (Ity.. 74 ;ir & u U sk no is :il . 13 M4 l lot r?4 ivrrmx. Ku. City. ..144 i e 140 S 10 l-ind. Brooklyn. .13 :'.s7 M 4 I 1 :3 4 U41 10, 4 1 1W 40 10.4 1 i M it Sattoa Beats Ileaaarest. SAGINAW, Mlik, Iec. II Uaorge Sut ton defeated t:lv!n Iiernarest, (o 2!4, In a (iain'loo billiard players league ...... L i. . . . .. i .. i . . . ... .. , i . . . . u . i . ' I""., .... T- I BBr anu ,111 runs; Sutton. 4 4-4.. 48; iiemarest. 4 6-34, ( houlnai4. Brooklyn. 45 1:1 11 M Beck. Chicago IM X' 4 i. t'heilbourne. K. C....U7 Ui M 1st Young. Buffalo 7 174 17 4 Zlnn. Bait more dl ZH M Kl Oulnn. Baltimore.'.... 48 119 10 XI Swii'lnn. li.lltimire...1M IS 7 171 M 9 Jac kilts, h, Baltimore. l.'t X'x 41 ' SI !0- 5 tiwens, Biookl-n f 17 16 4 1 Jones, Putsburah 47 3T4 Mi W 10 8 Atiler. Buffalo 1U 470 M VM 17 7 Tobm. rt. Iui Its krt at 143 24 11 Siovall. Kansas Ctty l.t 44x 60 1.1 10 i StinmiKis, ltaUlinorw..U3 2.4 6u Sa 17 Mciutr. CJi'cago.... 37 73 IS 4 Zeliler. Ch'caeo 15) 4a4 69 1J 16 Mnoaky. Ptltsburgh. 141 Si ' 37 . 4 Tinker, Chlcaito 1-7 ' 44i 63 tit 13 Krotle. Buffalo X Ink 11 K 4 Kirkiiatrlck. Ball 6G 174 23 U 9 Wllhelm, Halt 'more.. 41 fr 8 S3 . 1 tleaeva Win (IKXETA, Neb. Dee. It Hla.i (icwn played basket ball with K-wurt Fatumay nisht. the ecore being 41 to 14 in la Tor ot Jia-- io tXihlafly, Buffalo 63 130 14 J T .' 1 flack, Chicago o& m 124 17 ., jt'olea. Kansas City.., 77 14 1 7 4 T Klrby, St Lou's M M 21 4 keunuer. St. Louis... 38 i7 I 17 4 WestersU. Brooklyn. .19 6J 64 134 7 Drake, M. I.ouia, 4-11 it in.W I Infills Brooklyn 1U IS 31 4 -4 1',,. M . 1 . 1 , a- tel. , . im. - II ij. i , m - . f K riirCer. Kan. 4 4ty,..123 4e 44 114 J4 iui k) iviu-ved by Ir. King's New Life ,'v; trt,ulates tle bowels, keel's stoiu .. li and IHer In healthy oon.liiiuu. .'. ui uiiLs Aii.triUK-iunit. Hr-tinan Chicaso ... li Kt 1 (3 .Matna. Ptttntiursh.... 36 ao 14 71. 4 lrrrlner. Kaiu 4'iiy. i 1"1 14 M J itjekeil Baltimore ', INK 18 41 8 Holly, llltabuign 1) 3U 24 W M t 4 . 23 lit ia ,37 8 4 it . II li B .is.i U 3 34 31 .2x1 4 1 6 11 .;kk .22 4 4 13 23 .iM & 4 IK .ikl a 44 44 .;, 43 4 4 .2 8 13 .27 14 .2T,- 12 17.17 17 13 I 8 4 4 11 1 10 14 1 U 18 44 14 14 tt m 78 7 14 U 47 ii T 10 8 33 1 9 '9 li 24 .1 0 3 7 17 1 1 S3 44' M'-.skj 17 3W .2t) S S3 34 38 9 6 4 13 18 4 11 14 W 4 J 14 1 1 1 1 33 I 10 41 64 48 1 4 4 4 3U 1 1 1 14 3ft 4 3 14 14 18 M 47 Ml II a 67 14 0 4 14 I I 0 1 11 14 1 4 1 5-5 .277 .374 .175 .174 .27" .'iii .27i 2M .KM f .2.4 .2. .264 .7.VJ .33 .r.'ii .262 1 .Mi 14 11 It . 11 i 1 k) 11 9 13 7 4 1 18 17 .147 11 li K a ..4o .21 .sxt .247 S4 Mi. 3H. Z k9 2- 84 328 m iU 74 174 94 m M 1H 73 2o3 eS g- Packard, Kan. City.. 0 VandagrlfU Ind 42 liooian, Baltimore.... 144 Berry, Piltsburah 124 ttooawln, Kan. Oty..lll Farreil, Chicago In7 Warren, Indtanap'a.. 13 Blair, Buffalo 127 t'ooper, Brooklyn 110 Itobcrts, 1'lttsDUrgh.. 64 Barlden, Imtlanap'..lX! W.llelt. St. Ijouls 27 Boucher. Bal'-l'lits... 16 Allen. Buffalo 81 A. Walsh. Chicago... 62 Holt, Brooklyn 90 BrlUwell, HI. Louis. .117 Lewis, l'lttabuiali 117 Boucher, PI Laiuls....l47 K.ak. ChlcsKO 15 Frits, Chlcano 83 K ne ix, Baltimore 1M Ka.aer, Imllanop s ... alt kVlyeis, Brooklyn K H Miller. St. lx)uli...l.Li ' M Brown. hkn.-M l, 32 lxilan, Indianapolis.. 31 ttemlrlx, C'lllciIKo 48 Downey. Buffalo 17,1 Fred Smith, Buffalo. .llrt ..Boor. lliltfalo-Iml.... 92 Hlmun, ft. Louis !l F.Delahanty, Buff-I'..121 Block, I'hicajo 4.S Hiimi, Baltimore 43 Kin-am, P.ttaburgh.. 73 I'liaiiman, Ht. Louis... 69 Bawling Kan. fity. l Brown, Kansas tliy.. 30 Kiank fSimi h. Bait.. :u Stanley, i'lilcatto 44 Baraer, PlttsburKh... S3 i'oulsou, l'liisbttrgh. . In m'aton. Brooklyn 38 ' 1-avlne, ltiilfalo 4i Hi huls. Buffalo 24 ' MorKn, Butralo ' Harris, Kansas City.. 37 ' Mines. -St. l.ou s f7 Anderson, Buffalo.... 84 (iHSnler, Brooklyn. ... !M Texter. lndianaixil s.. 2 Billiard. liHllanapoila 24 lne, Chi.-atco 31 Bonnln, Buffalo 21 Knsenroth, Kan. Illy St Bailey. Baltimore 1 Falkenberg. Ind 44 Henntng. KVn. City.. 23 Moore. Rutlalo 33 Adams, Kanaaa City. 24 Krapp, Uu'falo J7 ("anuiili. Pittsburgh.. 33 ljeelatr, Plltsburgk... 17 Collins, Buffalo. 20 fullop, Kaunas City.. 41 Ford. Buffalo, 30 Klnnersn. Brooklyn.. 23 Groom, St. Iuls 4 ' Johnson. Kan. ttty., 30 ' Vnley, Baltimore a Stone, Kaunas City.. ! W st.on. Chi -St. L... 32 . Ka set tinn. Ind :ia Walker. PltUburith... 31 It-aitdeniast. Chicago 23 Ceto. bt. l-ouis Ij Knetser. Ptttsbursh.. Musek-y, ii dianaps.. 47t lavenorL St lxul. 3J Dickson, I'll tsburuli.. 37 Jacksou. Cliuaio 17 HR. 31 41 33 US 34 61 IfK 24 ab. r. 114 13 138 34 480 68 119 4'i 3u 174 37 634 0 44 4 373 12 39 64 97 11 3l9 46 4 3 119 14 27-9 2 4N0 4a 1 31 4 17 Sli. a,l 116 178 1M li8 163 131 174 h. 38 14 91 IW 11 K9 9 23 94 16 4 15 28 61 92 SB. 287 224 178 l'J8 175 183 . 2 110 lb lb. a s 4 0 'A'. 4 17 10 11 7 31 4 1 0 12 1 14 11 4 1 617 to 130 2 tt 4 176 14 470 46 107 14 12 43 Sl6 41 4S9 61 Ml 4 103 13 KH 1l f.471 477 271 31 10 40 69 110 IS 23 29 io o 7tl 121 7o 11 Ki 10 23 3 1 1 20 2711 47 I'M 911 10 :i: u 1S2 14 lH 18 ;8 4 -'8 4 K7 14 , 83 4 . 14 7 HK It 10 .'si, 3 .M ." 47 3. f2 S M 4 3 M) 21 64 39 61 M ui 43 126 44 68 44 Hi K8 84 48 HI 74 fv " 44 :(." nt 71 let i.4 3 40 "I Hi 4 M Zi 60 (II 93 2- 13 1 10 1 11 2 10 II 4 1 BB. SO. Itt. Pet. 473 i,8 IM6 .284 4o7 M fJii .244 42 f 129 .28 1 400 821 92.3 .38h .418 478 97 .9l 624 44.. 972 .240 443 ." 761 874 ..l 600 62 1046 . 347 nr. sh. b. bb. so, pet 1 ft 1 I 82 .344 0 21 C 9 16 .244 1 14 34 SI 47 .346 i 17 7 24 60 .243 1 9 4 27 7U .243 14 10 60 04 .240 0 1117 .139 0 6 9 34 44 .2.S9 1 11 26 2tS 90 .239 1 1 1 3 30 .237 11 11 fit 43 .3718 1 1 0 1 19 .33.. 0 0 0 1 1 .27, 0 1 4 6 12 .:6 1 1 0 ti 2T. .235 3 4 11 9 39 .27(6 1 M 9 71 18 .37i 1 23 10 16 44 .ZA 1 33 14 64 68 0 10 18 ,.?2 0 8 3 17 18 .2V 1 17 11 4H iH .228 1 9 8 41 . tM 1 10 44 41 43 .22ti 0 15 4 28 67 . 236 0 1 1 4 12 .22a 1 8 6 15 13 .223 1 3 7 20 .2-271 1 171 40 4 7 66 . 223 I 13 90 .V. 78 .222 0 9 13 28 68 .221 0 7 3 18 21 .219 S 15 33 37 30 .211 O 1 1 10 17 .213 0 7 4 14 19 .213 9 7 11 S3 ,2i4) 4 J 14 27 .Jn9 0 7 7 23 36 .2"9 0 4 1 4 i .7 0 8 0 4 II .207 1 1 19 14 .2i 0 1 1 1 6 .2of. t 3 3 7 HI .7.V.1 113 9 W .2 i -0,2 0 7 In .24 .1 a o a i s ,i 4 : 1 0 4 7 .IW ! 0 1 6 15 .11 0 19 4 J4 f2 .Is : 0 1 33 .183 0 4 T 13 24 .1X3 .00119 .179 0 0 1 1 14 .179 0 1 It 14 .174 1 1 4 11 .173 0 0 4 1 .16 0 1 0 4 10 .K1 11 10 38 .14il 0 4 12 .168 0 S 0 4 31 .1.4 II 0 1 IS .1.1 0 2 3 11 II AW 0 1 16 .148 0 1 0 0 4 .148 0 a 1 1 - 4-.144 o 4 i a w .hi 0 4 3 & .13ft 0 4 0 .u7 0 I 0 1 2a ,M i i a .121 J 0 i; .li 1 90 J .117 T 0 1 SO .113 a i 4 fo .in 0 4 .111 00-19 .111 1 7 h 9 1 So ,(vt T 6 6 47 .m 1 0 1 38 ..M 0 S 4 17 1 . .440 !v--V r-V rN V . I Jii 7i A m -Bra rf ihic w IP 11 Faciiic anama- Iiifiernafllona! Exposition San Francisco. Opens February 120 PMmAUFOIUflA KPOSmON, San Diego, Opens Jan. 1st Dc snrc to have your California ticket routed UiMnii Padffifld; The Shortest Rente to the Ptiiuma-Pacilie Exposition ' 'ar will have no ill, effect on the Expositions. Not one of the forty-two foreign nations has withdrawn from the Panama-Pacific Exposition, some have inerejated their participation. Mrny of the exhibit from foreign countries are in Ban FrancUoo now, not to mention the handsome exhibits of forty -three of onr states. This, the world's greatest exposition, will open right on time, bigger and better than originally planned. Yoii can viBit the Panama-California Ex position at San Diejro without any additional railrcad fare over the cost of the trip to the Panama-Pacific Exposition, if you have your Exposition ticket routed via Union Pneifie. ' : ' . ' This route is two hundred and eighty-one mile shorter and makes faster time, than any other line. Omaha to San Francisco -is protected every mile by automatic electric .block safety signals and is double tracked over three-fifths of the entire distance dininor cars terL on California trains, obviating the necessity of leaving train to eat. - ' v .jtfr See your own country nowi Colorado and Salt Lake . City may be visited en route when you travel this way 'i- through cars on all trains insist on the best, it eosts no ) more. Send for "California and the Expositions." It M gives you accurate, information without which you cannot 4. -7 s A) 1 7-. 1 1- wtlan t. . k t,ll .TV!- W.l. M a . MUClUiuiij fiau ui u a, ujj;, sills UUUH 1 irrC, gel lb today. 1 j r- . t"'t.' " vSjtT V i u BnnORFr,-o. p. & t. a., "J , - j VgS 1334 T-xaani St, Omaia, Nab. V ) I rtS ' 'Phona Dona-, sai . I i' rj I V , 'As Vivr, ia,N- W ' 4 8.