Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 15, 1914, Page 2, Image 2

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Women's Robe, Ki-
monos and House
Bath Robes in nil color?,
$2.98 to $5.50.
Crepe and Fleeced Kimo
nos, Crepe Apron sets
Houpo Dresses.
-If yon wish to make a
most acceptable gift any one
of these are appropriate.
' Basement.
Children's Bath Robes
and Kimonos
Plain and fancy colors,
sizes 2 to 14 years, $1.75 to
$3.50. .
Third Floor.
Toilet Goods Specials
Sachet Powder, 5c
75c Perfume, 39c
Sale of Wool Dress Goods
$1.75 to $2.50 Quality, Now 98c a Yard
Extraordinary value taken from our regu
lar stock. Many of them dress lengths only.
A dress or skirt length will make a handsome
Christmas present and costs but little. Your
choice 98c a yard.
low, the Nurnberg. At right: Vice Admiral Sir Frederick Sturde.
Handsome Scarfs, Pink, Light Blue
Ivory and Black, Now 29c Ea.
. Generous size, two yards long. Hand
somb colors. Regular 75c quality, your
choice at 29c.
Silk Dept. Main Floor.
Women's Winter Underwear
Women's Fleeced Cotton Union Suits, hisrh neck, loni?
t-leaves, 1 hitch neck, elbow sleeves, ankle length, 1$.X).
Women's Wool Union Suits, different styles, $1.25.
We have a beautiful line of Swiss ribbed lisle Vests, hand
crochet t'p. They make very pretty gifts. .Vic and up.
Third Floor.
M i i 1"l .- :- A -
t-T?'-Vi" rWrj-. .."., m
kv " v -.--'". n-m' fn ' " ' i-.. ..-"Ian ' j
Hirer Monitor ii the Target for Hail
of Shells from the Servian
' Artillery Sear Belgrade.
second ex-
without mishap, nl lati
curslon wan made.
On th fifth trip. October 21. at :
a. m., while near Sabacs, the Teme hit
mine anil Bank alraoat Immediately, losing
thirty-three of Ita crew In tha explosion
and by drowning-.
It la aald that Invaluable work liaa baen
dona by tha Danube and Have flotilla.
Their patrol' work has been excellent
almost unique In scope and nature, and
many retreata of the Serbs across tho
Sav river have been rendered coatly by
la Be-rtanlNt f the War They
Hit Patrwll! ' Diaake
L Praatrat- Maay Attempts
y The Allies. .
(Correspondent of Tha Aaaoclated Press.)
PETBRWARDEN. Hungary. Nov. 11
A ah ell from a Servian run hit the upper
deck of th Austro-Kungarlan river
j monitor Botlrog, smashed up thlnfa con
' alderably In the galley, (tut a eteamplpe
ns If It haa been mad of cheeae, then hit
tha Iron floor and exploded, fta content
breaking; up whatever had remained In
tact In the galley. Ftve ether .hell
came In rapid auceeaa'on. One of them
put a. large dent tn lh armor well for
ward, three other did a similarly negli
gible' amount of damage, but the fifth
expio4ednacalnat the outside . of tli
crow neat broke tha bark of the Inok
out and aruached of hie ler. ' ' '
HeeJlet of the heavy fir two of the
rrew rushed up to th crew' Beat and
lowered th ln)urd man with a rop.
Tliey were carrying him aoroaa th upper
dok to a place of aafety when Servian
infaatry on th bank fired a volley.
Mtrang to aay, tha reacuers eacaped un
hurt, while the wounded man received
two nioro woonda, a bullet in th arm
and th lega. Meanwhile alx other of
the crew, which numbered about ninety,
had been wounded.
All ia Day's Work .
Tne commander of the Bodrog, lieu
tenant Olel Wolff, explained today thla
aa a mar Incident In a day' work.
With other hi veaacl had been aent late
la lieptfinber to Belgrade to give aub
atane to a aliam demonatratlon which
waa t prevent a maaalaa" of th Servian
army agalnat a small Auatro-Hungartaa
fore west of Belgrade along th Save
river. . ,.,
To navigate th Danube along the Aer
vlan border waa then, and la at present,
no small matter.' according to lieutenant
Welft la aplte of th taot that th moni
tor and other ciaft of the Auatro-Hun-aartaa
Luu flotilla ar painted a pe
tullar sort of dive, which mell com
pletely Into the vettetatlon along the bank
th (hlpi were vUtWe agalnat the back
ground of drab anub water and offered
aa aay .target.. To th fir which the
Servian artillery concentrated Invariably
upon the hated monitor the Austrian
tan reply with but small effect. The
Barbs maak th poaltlona of their gun tn
a very thorough manner and before th
crew of the monitor ha located a alngle
poaiUun a veritable hall of ahell come.
D Effeetlv Wrk.
But vulnerable apota on even a monitor
ar not many, and field artillery la not
dealgned to cop with armor plate. For
tuea reasons the Auatro-Mungarlan mon
itors have been, able to do much good
wrk. Not n of them haa been aunk by
Kervlan artillery. The Teme. aUter ahlp
of the Bodrog, went down on October
O by hitting a mine In a field which It
had traversed four tlmra - under leas fa
vorable circumstances.
The. blocking of th juouth of the Save
by the Kerbs at the outbreak of the war
Bryan Direct an Investigation of
Reported Outrage Agftinit U. S.
in Sonora
Respective Commander fall Re
eelT laatraetUas (haf natterrra
aaa Carranaa Hay Were f
"WASHINGTON .De. 14. Thomas
Francis and another American, whoa
nam has not been determined, have
been killed In Snnora, Mexico, according
to a report today from th American
conaular agent At Cananea. Becretary
Bryan directed an Investigation. No de
tails were given in today's dispatch, ex
cept that the killing took place between
Agua Prieta and Nacosarla.
Although both provisional President
Outlerrea and general Carrania assured
th American government that their
forces had been Instructed to confine
their fir to Mexican territory, nothing
official had been received, lata today to
Indicate the receipt of such Instructions
by the respective commanders at Nac.o.
Officials here are unable to. understand
th delay in th delivery of .the mes
sages, copies of which ' have passed
through American telegraph ltnea to
Naoo. In the meantime Intermittent fir
ing continues.
Ths general belief tonight was that
President Wilson would wait at leaat
another day, perhape discussing the sub
ject with his cabinet tomorrow, and then
if the demand of th Vnltei Bute were
not compiled with, the threat of ths
Washington government to return with
artillery firs any firing Into American
territory would b carried out A yet,
however, no further order have been
aent to Brigadier General Tasker H.
Bllee. In charge of the ittuatlon at Naco,
(Continued from Page One.)
Czar'i War Office Beporta Piercing
, the German Line in the Vicin
ity of Frzasnyu.
Raaslaa Left Advmae oa Mala
Road fraaa Plk to Mlawi
Battl Kads with Cavalry
Fight at Jarvnalaetaa.
PKTROORAD, DC 14. The general
staff of th Russian army has given out
the following communication under data
of Sunday, December 13:
"Ther has been no engagement of im
portance on any of the fronts. In ths
region of Mlawa we continue to' fore
back th German troops, who are In re
treat, . i
"On the left wing of the river Vistula
ther haa been no change,
"In tli region of Mount Buekla, Aus
trian column ar coining down the
northern slop of th Carpathians."
PKTROORAD, Dec. U-CVla London.)
Report reaching here today from th
front state that th operation of Rus
sian forces north of Warsaw, partial suc
cess of which wa announced last week,
have now resulted in a decisive victory,
after having pierced the German front
beyond Ctechanow and Prsaanyss. Th
Russian success on this front, according
to these advices, has been clinched by a
wide swinging movement of th advanc
ing Ruaalan left on th main highway
from Plock to Mlawa, concluding In a
heavy cavalry engagement at Juroml
netna, seven mile southeast of Mlawa.
Ruaalan succeaaea of this nature would
have three Important results. The im
mediate pressure north of Warsaw would
be relieved and .the German threat
against ths railroad lines leading east
from th city would be answered. Rus
sian troops on th right of th Vistula
river would be freed to sk a crossing
and endanger the, position of ths left
Wing of the German army In th region
of Lods.
It is said her that th Russians will
now be able to alralgnten their entire
front, running to the Katurlan lake.
Baaalaaa Defeat Tarks .
An official communication Issued by th
Russian army staff of tn Caucaau aay
"All day Friday fighting occurred on
the front, extending through the vll
iagea of Pyruak, Aamer and Tutak (south
east of Kraerum.) The enemy waa ev
erywhere repulsed and pursued oeyond
the Euphrates with sever losses.
tie raisers and llv tock assoclatlona of
the west and southwest as well a th
packer and last week a score of repre
sentatives of these Interests appeared, be
fore th commission to demand that the
new tariffs be suspended pending srgu
ment. This sfternoon ths Interstate Commerce
commission grnnted 'the prayer of the
petitioners and un order waa Issued Juat
at the close of the business day which
suspends the Increases until Anrit is i
ol:ied four of the Austro-Hungariun j ,h" rn'n,lm the commission will hear
iiionhore to remain In that river. Betweeu j rk"umcnt by the railroad representatives
in lavor oi inc Uicreasea and bv the
(Continued rrom fat Ont.)
I '' :
U1 ti-., Iv
ta ill I 1 Y-V
aV-Vw . I . 7 -T"-4
4 X
Would Dry, Crack and Swell. Could
Not Put Hands in Water Nor Do
Work. .Itching and Burning Ter
rible. Used Cuticura Soap and
Ointment. Hands Well.
lot 8. Boots St.. Marion, Ind "Fins
th eeamna started on my fingers, then
spread all over my bands. It broke out la
tiny Misters, then would get
dry and crack and swell so I
could not have my hands In
warm water they hart m
so badly. I could no do all
my work. Tb Hebteg aad
burning wer terrible. Ths
more I scratched aay hands
tha worse It mad then. Thy
wer so bad I oould not help
eratcMng tbm and would walk th floor
tbey annoyed tne so. I could not sleep,
lost many nights of rest on account of tb
My hands wer not It to be see
and I kept them wrapped np aad wors
mittens that I made out of old linen.
"I was about on year using remedies,
then I saw an adverUaement in tb paper '
saying that Cuticura Soap and Ointment
were good. I wrote at once for a sample.
Than I bought one cake of Cuticura Soap
and on box of Cuticura Ointment and be
fore they were half gone I oould see my
hands were better. Before th second box of
Cuticura Ointment waa gone my hands were
well and hav remained well aver stnos."
(Signed) Mr. O. W. Sharp, Oct. 91, 1013.
Samples Free by Mall
Although Cuticura Soap (26c) and Cvtf
eura Ointment (50c.) are Bold throughout
the world, a sample of each with 33-p. Skin
Book will be sent free upon request. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boston."
French Official Report Telli of Ad
vance Made at Several Point
of Battle Front
Preach AM t Mora Up Their Maes
by ITslagr High EzploelTea Moa
teaegrrla Drift Aaatrtaaa
Aerea th Drtaa.
PARIS, Dec. 14. The French . official
communication, given out In Paris, read
as follow:
' There ha been nothing of Importance
to report between the sea and the Olse.
In th region of the Alnne to the
northwest of Bouplr. th enemy bom-
bardly violently our- entrenchments, W
replied and detnonsned his positions.
There were no Infantry attacks from one
Id or the'other. Our artillery destroyed
an Important, field work of the enemy In
th vicinity of Allies.
"In th Argonne, at the forest of 1a
Orarle, we have made alight progress by
th us of mine. . Ther were no attack
from the enemy.
"On th height of the Meuae ther
haa been violent cannonading. Batteries
of th enemy would appear to have been
moved to positions further north.
Repala C'oaater Attacks.
In th Woevr district, after having
occupied a line of entrenchments along
a front of tot yards In the forest of Mort
main, our troop repulsed two violent
counter attacks.
"In Alsace our advance ha brought our
front to a line that paasea 426 'yard to
th north of Btetnbach, thence to Pont
d' Aspach. and thence to Pont De Brlnlg
hoefen. 1,300 yarda t the west of Eglln
gen. "Servla: During the daya of December
10. 11 and U th enemy continued to re
tire along the entire front. The Hervtan
advanc guard hav progressed as far
aa Veliki and Bosnlak, In ths direction of
Rhabata. and as far a Kavlaka, In the
direction of Losonlca. During their retreat
th Austrian abandoned many trophies
of war. From th time the Servian re
sumed the offensive up to the Itth of De
cember, Inclusive, the number of prison
ers made by th Servian reaches SS.0O0.
The Servians captured seventy-four can
non and forty-four machine guns.
"Montenegro: After two days of fight
ing Montenegrin force have captured
Vlshnegrad and driven the Austrian
back to the other aide of the Drlna
(Continued from Plge One.)
umably wa not scratches. It escaped
gunfire and the pursuit of torpedo boat
in a manner truly remarkable, and it
was necessary for It crew to endure the
ordeal of remaining under water for nine
hour on a stretch. Busslan guns have
from time to time Inflicted some damage
on Turkish warships bombarding Russian
porta, but th disaster reported today
robs th port of Its Ita first big ship.
Tha loss of life Is not estimated in the
brief announcement of th episode given
out by th British admiralty, but If the
Messudleh was manned as other Turkish
ships have been, then ther were a num
ber of German officer on board.
Official Rert at Raid. -
The bureau's statement is is follow:
J'Yesterdsy submarine B-ll, In charge
of lieutenant Commander Norman B.
Holbrook of the royal navy, entered the
Dardanelles and In spit of th difficult
current dived under flv row of mine
and torpedled the Turkish battleship
Messudleh, which was guarding the mine
"Although pursued by gunfire and tor
pedo boats the B-ll returned safely after
being ubmerged. on on occasion, for
nine hour.
"When last seen tha Messudleh was
sinking by th stern."
The Messudleh was an old boat, having
been built at Blackwell. England. In 1874.
and reconatructed at Genoa In 190J. It
waa 332 'feet long, fifty-nine feet beam
and of about lo.oou tons burden. It haa a
speed of seventeen and one-half knots and
its main battery consisted of two 9.1-lnch
guns in turret and twelve -inch gun
In battery. In the war with Orece In Ult
th Messudleh wa reported badly dam
aged In a naval battle in th Dardanelles.
It carried a crew of 000 men.
Berlin Official Pre.ii Bureau Quotei
Paris Tempi on Muscovite
Germaa Utatcmeat Asserts that
Aslatle aad Africa Troop Ised
aa Fd for Powder" r
Freaeh aad English.
BERLIN, Dec. 14. (By wireless to Bay
villa, L. I.) Among the item Issued to
day by the official press bureau for pub
lication are the following:
"Th Temps (Parli) estimate the Rus
sian losaea at over 1,900,000, of whom
more than 600,000 hav been made prison
er. .
"The board of the Milan corn ex
change has addressed a protest to the
Italian foreign minister, charging arbi
trary seleure by the British and French
of eleven Italian steamers.
"The Oasetta Del Popolo . (A Turin
newspaper) report from Dunkirk that
an enormous percentage of the Indian
and North African troops have ' been
severely wounded because they wer
used a 'food for powder' by the Eng
lish and French."
Bavarian Soldiers
At Antwerp Meeting
AMSTERDAM, Deo. 14 -(Via London.)
A dispatch to th Handelblad from Ant
werp saya reports ar current in Antwerp
of a mutiny on the part of th Bavarian
troops garrisoning the olty. While the
story is not confirmed, It Is a fact that
the Bavarian barracks have been closed
to outsiders.
Bee. Engraving Dept.
(JJ Mi 0 m flmr-"lti It Mat laW!" lra lHagjal
everybody Reads
the) day'g happening . tv7 day.
If folk don't read yttar stor
new arcrv day, It'a your fault.
the city of liulgrad and th barrier, how
ever, lay a territory through which the
t'erba could easily effect an invasion of
the empire, and It aeemed dealrabl to
have these craft available la ome op
eration, occupying th greater part of
October. . ... 1 , .
Mt Ta Prblea.
How to get monitor past Belgrade was
a problem. Ths vessels not only would
have to steam through a large mine field
nn-1 past th Servian artillery position,
but they would also Lav to pass under
th International bridge which connects
Belgrade with Bemllu. X bomb dropted
rrom th bridge upon the deck of a moni
tor would hav frustrated th plan.
Oa a dark night, September 1. part
of tb Danube flotilla, tha monitors Bod
rog and Tern and a vara! other vessel,
set out on tha perilous trip past Bel
grade and succeeded In getting as far
aa Gipsy Island. Th mines wore avoided
by slgutB-iag through the field and. con
trary tt, rxpectatlona, th Herb threw no
liub from th bridge. They had thoUKht
;U enterprise of th Austrian boats lm
Kible, but discovered to their Pont that
Uiey had taken too much for granted. A
ft days later tb flotilla returned, again
stock raisers
and others Interested in
Denartaaeat Order.
- WASHINGTON. Dec. U-fscll Trl
egiani.) Nebraska pensl'ina granted: M.
1 '". -Ml mien, Kmeltne Mitchell, Mo
Cook. li
The comptroller of the currency baa ap
proved the aillcUio of the following
persons t.i organise lh First National
lank f Frankfort, a 1.. capital Uuu:
A. U. Kolmison, J. W. Yaurr, A. N. Nahn
en and H. A. Kleppln: (to succeed the
rarnifra Ktale bank 4f KVankfort .
Assistant fekMirtar yof the Treasury
Newton bus aelm ted the site for t ruction
of the .ulvllc iHillcllns at Marengo, la..
c aud at tli nortbeut aorner of Wash
Instn aixi r'ranklin rtreeta. H. J. Mur
t'lf lh "net- to be paid is
Tli following vrterinsry Inspectors
have been appolnUd In omneciion with
the buiwau of animal Industry: U V.
i. Xj ""T riur' cny- located
at Btiuth Oinaha. Nelv.; 1. o. lsnt of
Soodbiu-y, !., (t CTiicaao; it, o. Hy.
ruim of Durant. la. at i hkN and t'.
J. took of I'miwtt, Neb., Kansas t'lty.
!" rart M ill Tat, Reeess.
WAH1IINOTON. Dec. M The supreme
court today announced it wuuld lake a
rvtrtm afUr announcing detisiona oa De
cember IX until January .
uueallons involved require the considers-
tlen of th State department and the
Navy department, aa well as my own, I
hav taken th matter up with the other
departments, and as soon as tha require
ments ar fully ascertained proper action
will b taken to meet them."
Secretary Garrison declined to discuss
the situation In th Canal ion or to Indi
cate which of th belligerent was violst-
Ing the neutrality of th United States.
It Is known, however, that th Austral
Ian steamship, Ualltna, which recently
left Balboa, without claaranc papars, has
been under strict observation by Panama
canal officials. That ahlp, aa well as
ther colliers, has been suspected of sup
plying British ships In Pacific waters.
Alleged violations of Canal son shipping
regulation hav been th bast of strong
representations to the British minister at
Panama. The Lamson. Worden. Terry,
Perkins and Walk ar In reserve at
Charleston, 8. C, aad on or mors of
these vessels could be dispatched to canal
waters almost Instantly. On th Paclflo
coast th nearest craft available ar th
Whipple, Paul Joaea. Parry. Preble and
Truxtoa, all lying off Ban Diego.
Costs More to Travel
To Atlantic Coast
WASHINGTON, bee. K.-Increased pas
senger farea betwven Ht. Louis, Mo., Chi
cago and other similarly located cities
and point In the eastern territory eat
of the Buffalo-Pittsburgh lines will be
come effective at midnight.
By the terms of the tariffs filed by the
railroads with the Interstate Commerce
commission all round trln tickets sold at
reduced rates between points in clasal
ficatlon territory and Central Passenger
association territory will be withdrawn,
and only straight fare tickets sold.
Th straight rates between points ' In i
th two territories ar increased generally
on a basts of a quarter of a cent a. mile, j
The advance between Ht. Louis and New !
York for Instance Is K. The far bet
tween Chicago and Nw York will be .
an Increase In about the same proportion.
The advances were niado by th roads
following the suggestion of th commis
sion In its decision of the advanc ret
case that passenger farea generally did
not yield an adequato revenue.
The commission has not passed upon
th reasonableness of Increased fares,
but holds them aa subject to complaint
If any should be filed.
(fiipm i
In Attractive Xmas
Packages ot 25 Cigars
OahkMh Pay Bill.
Th Ottawa club of th Illtnols-Mliwourl
Iragu ha received draft for t3H to
cover the sale of Pitcher Fred ('arrow
to th fehkoah club, A previous sal f
the player to ('Union. Ia, waa set aside
by the national aecrvtarv. J. H. Parrotl
uu the ground ef lllegel'ty.
Wlsis Falar Lad.
Th Cardinal managomt-ut hasn't a bit
of us for Ivy mi. i h Jumped to
th r eds. Witigo was such a "dubf' that
two trading National lra-u managrra
ould hsv given up a lot of ensh for the
hard-hitting id-had from Georgia.
i caacnr
Your Friends Will All 6o to See
Mile. Anna Pavlova
at th
Wednesday Evening, December IS
and they will expect to meet YOU
there. Tomorrow it may be difficult
to get a good aeat, but ther ar
plenty now at the following prlcea:
Lower floor,
front j.. ;
Lower Moor, back and
first Bow Balcony,..,
X Dancing privilege free with above.)
Balcony, except first row
$1.00 t0 $2.00
Dancing privilege with ft I f
and ti seats, extra W I .UU
Dancing privilege to those not attend.
Ing Pavlowa enter- M Aft
tainment iUU
You will be out of harmony with all
your surroundings Wednesday night
If you ar not at the Charity Ball.
Belg-laa Tea at Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb.. Dee. H.-(8neelal.
A Belgian lea was given In Plrentsn
hall Saturday afternoon at which the
sum of tiU was raised for th Belgian
relief fund. The organisation of oom
inillee to carry on work la this city
hes been oom pie tad and It I thought
Beatrice will be ready to and a carload
of flour to th sufferers within ths next
week or ten daya
Be Want Ads Produc Results.
STgaT MNotas)! as. as. as.
1 s. P lTa Li IT, 13 rr
J i III ataa
weather strip
and All Weak.
stats. Wed. aad atH
Th Theater's Big rest Ipvotaol,
sTlght aad Batnrday Matins. SO to $i
Popular Xat. Wed.. Best Beats, glO.
Th tunny aide of tlie Bebelllon. One
' of the Greatest Laughing Hits at thh"
' theater last season. Beauty Ciioru of
, Widow Regular and Orasa,
Tired anoppers- stat. XTery Wees Pay.
James Horton 6 Son Co., ,51,1tr3e?todeo
' Soaglag
ou, ati: t u. Kihi. i u
Other scut (sis wssk
CBJEgST Charlie Alwara; Mil. Mr
SBd DATBTS VaSie: Alaiaiuler S
Scott: Ms DlTturt: lah-
lia's CoBedr Ds: Psits A I'm Unus
WMklr. I'liCM list. fUry. lOu, bt
mwH tUI Sub , Or. Mbu. 1st. Sic, Mc, Ikt.
BOYD P-d" Mil
tats. Wednesday aad Batarday.
Th Boyd Theater Btoah O.
grlgha as aad BO Mat. .
at Wa -Th Wasaa ta
Ths Out."