r THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, DECEMHEtt 15. 11)14. 11 ( V IIEL F.8TATB r.RM H4xcit land ron walk: at Issue. ltENTEBS and bomeseeker un rnvi Carey r.ght and secure a Montana fart now. Do jrou realise that farm product will command extremely high prices dur Ing tha next few years f Thia la your op port unity to get started on a farm of youi own. Tha V alter landa produce from M to to buahela wheat, 0 to 100 of oat a, 4t u 70 buahela barley, 4 to t tone alfalfa pot acre, let ua vend you booklet and tell you how easy It la to set started. Val.et Farm galea Company, Bex 10, Vailer. Mint. Mlaataalnpt. (00 ACRES, Jack eon eounty. Mississippi, deep river frontage, every acre high and dry, several acres well Improved; beat live stock proposition In the south; also fin for pecans and oranges; other smaller tracts at attractive ptioea. John T. Uay lor, Fascagoula, Miss. Nebraska. FOR 8AIJ9 54 acres adjoining city of Mlnden. Kearney Co., Neh.; short walk to buslneaa center; ail In alfalfa, fine for a suburban home or subdivision. Will five terms to responsible party. Price, 'SO per Ad. frees Mrs. U A. Smith, 14iM Kellam Ave.. Ixg Angeles, Cal. FOR SALE Beat large body high-trade medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bach. Neb. o. Nebraska. PHERMAN COUNTY FARM. XS acres. 4 miles from Utchfleld. Neb.; Jll tillable, acres In alfalfa, acres in fall wheat; 4-room house, good barn, corn crib, hog shed and other necessary out buildings. Pries $80 per acre; can give good terms THE VOdEti REALTY AGENCY, InllU-l W O. W. Bldg. Omaha, Neb. 40-ACRS HOMR. S mllea west of city limits of Omaha; land laya gently rolling; S acres alfalfa, about 8 acres pasture and about one acre In grapes, balance In cultivation ; new & room house and other good Improve ments. Price, 1225 per acre. C. R. COM B8, J1S Brandels Theater Bldg. Doug. Mil SECTION Kimball Co. Oross, 3m Paul. Texas. , FOR SALE To close an aetata; 100 acres in Rio Grande valley, 4 miles) frcm Mercedes. Texas. All under culti vation. For price and terms write Tha Minnesota Land 4k Trust Co.. 40 Mar quette Ave., Minneapolis. Minn ' WtaMajTl. Upper Wisconsin Beat dairy and general crop state In tha union; settlors wanted; lands for sale at low prioes, on sasy terms. Ask for boek let S4 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. UtaU acres wanted. Write about our erasing lands. If Interested la fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. So Lhw My.. Minneapolis. Minn. It taee I la sena WB guarantee bargalaa In stock farm and ranched. Write Willis On dwell Broken Bow. Neb. The Bargain Man. IUSAIi ESTATES WAX TED WANT good farm or income city prop erty for a legitimate business that will pav a rustier I2.00U to 6,000 annually. Describe what you have. Address 8. C. 362, Bee. OENKRAL housework, city, country.. state wages, small family. Address l 277. Bee. ABSTRACT or TITLE. KKKK Title Uuaraniee and Abtitract Co a modern absuaci otficr, ti. litb Bt I'lione Douglas MS". UKiitJ Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of i ice u Neoreaaa- JMt U.audsle loeaier. KEAL KSTATK LOAJiS vTlTV and tarm loans, i, o4. e per vent. j. h. Dumoot A. eo..pToi Farnam. Omana. Waaf.'VfciD City loans. Peters Trust Co ui.ilA nuiues. r.aui Nebraska fauna. Ll'KEU't: RBAU liSTATri CO.. uuiahu .Natl. Douglas 271S. iL-i'rni luaiia jouaa inv.io. oiualia .w to iu.wju iiiuuk promptly. tt u. vVead, . awl fclldg., mh and rarnam ats. niL -city loans and warraul. W. sinaii: dmuh a: ' Co.. 13J0 Karnam. .i' pioper-.y. L.ag loaus a speclai'.y. W H. Thomas, ritate BunK mag. uu na tor city ana tana loan. U. W. Binder. City Nati. Maim fcnag. f CITY LOAM. tiemi-Cuiiiitg Co., u. Hlti-Jlif HranaelM Theater Biog. ate. us urst it you want a farm loan, t-i) lied feiatea 'liust i.u.. Omaha. Nab, REAL ESTATES-WEST SIDE i Am Forced to Sell a now 1 live-room, nil modern itoLSH recently purchased by me. This house is locattd In the West Karnam district, one block from Leavenworth car and four blocks from Far nam. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy this bouse at a big sacrifice. AddrcbK. M 213, Bee, or after p. m. phone Webster 14S. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS $450 $450 Zahlungen $10 baar, (10 monat Uch. Wundervoller Eckplatz; 66 Fuss Front rolt Kanal, Wasaer und Buer geriteig, iwel Blocks von Straaaen babn. nabb 8chule, gut Nachbar scbaft; huebecber Piatt, eln Helm au baucn. Mehrere andere Plaotze mr Aub wabL Telephon Douglas 2596 H. H. HARPER, 1011-14 City National Bank Bldg. Bee Want Ads Are tha Best Business Read Dally by People in Search of Ad vertised Opportunities. LEGAL NOTICES GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Sales for Week Larftit of the . Wheat Crop from Lait Harrest. TRADE MOSTLY FROiTSSIONAL Osrtere la the Pit thaage frota Oae aide the Other as the Ocraalea Offers Theaa a thaae Profit. OMAHA, Deo. 14, 114 Cash wheat sales last week were the largest on the crop. Takings during that rerlort pere vsrlously estimated at frm oon.om to llom.ow bushels In all positions and at least two-thlrda of this wheat was sold by Chicago houses with branches In the southwest and east. On Saturday last the purchases of one foreign govern ment In the market were reported at J.SQG-MO hualMla In will n A u.Mk.M 1. was said at that time that this same ! m l government nia run prices ror another round lot, bt that the wheat waa not to be had under the conditlona asked by the would-be buyers. The trade continues light and wholly of a professional character and specula tora under these conditlona are Invariably grouped. They are all to he seen on the bull or the bear side of the market and they change their position as quickly as possible whenever It Is necessary to do so, and there Is sure to be someone to suffer losses on the qulok changes. The big men In the trade are to be seen la the market In the wsy of "hedging" against sales, and these conditions are generally the leading influences. Com and bats have traveled hand In hand the laat ten days. Both have ruled nuiet and with the Increased movement lower nrlcei for Yha Vrsln tr "tor. c: rXsel rtoholdrup "weTl 'U h'V ,"'nr fh',fh" Jrin- 34c; f'.r',' . Tha Provision, market ha. encountered ,Trf'! : f?XC LX?r??r.,ltr2Si othy, $4 60 00; rlover. llO OdflU Pro visions; Pork, lis. 50, Isrd, 9.Hn; ribs, t Bl'TTER Stead v; rreamerv, 4fl.tjc. KOOR Hteady; rei-elpts. H.u esses: at mark, rases included. ''J4V'; ordinary firsts, 24i firsts. S44i.vc. IVTATOES-Stesdy; receipts. 14 esrs: Michigan and Wisconsin red, Vi4ic; Mlrhlgan and Wisconsin white. .Vi4.V. POULTRY Alive, steady; spring, HV; fowls, lOVtlUWc; turkeys. 1 MBW YORK GGDEHAL M4RKKT Qaetatleaa af the, lay oa arlaaa Commodities. NEW TORK, Dec. 14-FLOVR-Flrmly held. WHEAT-Spot. firm; No. 2 red and No. ! hard, 11 M. all rail. i I. t. track, export; No. 1 northern. iMiluth. fl.Ki1, and No. 1 northern. Manitoba, li.fc, c. I. f., Buffalo, to arrive. Futures were strong early on foreign buying but eased late on the In crease In the visible supply; December, 1.4: May. II 90. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice, 1W4, Mfo; Pacific coast, 1!14. Ill6c; HIDBS-FIrm: Bogota. HVi Cen tral America. J8to. CORN SHt, firm: No. 2 yellow. 7.1c, c. I. f. to arrive: Argentina, prime, 73c, nom inal, delivered. OATS Hoot, steady; standard. 64c: No. 1 white. Mic: fancy clipped white, MHjWTc HAY Steady; prime, 1.07Sc; No. 1, II. KW: No. 2. Kcfjel.00; No. 3. M 90c; shipping, "MiSOc. LEATH KR Firm; firsts, SlftS2c; sec tlds, JOiJfllc. PROVISIONS-Pork, steady. $M.605JI1 M; family, $24.002.W; short clear. til.WH 26 00. Beef, quiet; mess. $21.0r4i23.0o: fam ily, l?t OPtfS.OO. Lard, firm, mlddlewest. llft.flf-tflO.lS. TALLOW Steady; city, Vc; country, (&tt special. Wc. Bl'TTEK Firm; Receipts, tuhs a on run of hog. receipts, not only In Chicago, but at the leading western points, and values have eased off some in consequence. The cash trade In both meats and lard has not ben up to ex pectations, but the fresh pork trade haa been fairly active. It Is generally believed that hogs will sell lower and that thia will cause lower price to rule for provisions, Wheat was l-l4c higher. Corn was 'a Hc higher. Oatn were unchanged to Uc. higher. Rye was tjflo lower: Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to l,7fl,0nn bushels; corn. SM.OOO bushels; oata, H8S.000 buahela. Liverpool market closed nominal. WImary wr.eat receipts were 1,K3.000 buahela and shipments 677,0(10- bushels, against receipts of l,460,0ue bushels and Shipments of 443.000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 1.114.000 bu&hels and shipments 744,000 bushels, agamat receipts of 130,000 buahela and shipments of 671,000 bushels last year. Primary oata receipts were 1,071.00 bushels and shipments ffi3.0no bushels. agatnt receipts it M4.000 buahela and shipments of 854,000 biiMhels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. '.Vim. O.ita. Rye. B'ly. Chicago 130 601 161 .. .. Minneapolis .SSi ., Duluth i 6 Omaha 17 7 S3 2i ( Kansas City.S41 ,v. 21 St. Louis l.W 37 M Winnipeg ....S21 These sales were reported today : Wheat -No. t hard winter: 11 cars, ll.UVfr. No. I hard winter; 1 car. 11.11: 2 cars. tl.U; 7 cars, $1.11; 4 oars, I1.10S; 1 car. 11.10. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. tl.r; l car, I1.00V4; 1 cai-. 1.0. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. $1.11; 1 car, $1.09. No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car. $1.24. No. 3 durum: a cars, $1.27H- Re jected: 1 car, $1.07H. Rye: No. 2: ears, $L03K: S csrs. $1.03.- No. : 3 cars, $1.02. No grade: 1 car, $1.02. Barley No. 4: 1 car, 61c. Corn No. 6 white: 1 car, 0c. No. 1 yellow: 1 car. 60c; 1 car. 04c. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, 0c: 1 car, amto. n0. $ yellow: 7 cars. 0c. No. 6 yellow: 2 cara, 69o No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 6ve. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 69c. No. 8 mixed: 1 car (near white). c: 1 car. r.9c: 7 cara. BSc; 2 cars, 5c, No. 6 mixed: 1 car, Wc; g cars, 69o. No. t mixed: 1 oar, K9c. nam pis: 1 car, 6Hc. tata standard: -"Ml 26c; ladles, current make, firsts. 2S 2Se; seconds. 22ifi22'c: packing stock, current mske No. 2. 21fi211c. CHRRSK Steady; Receipts. r27 boxes; state whole milk held, white and colored, 10c; state whole milk, white and colored, average fancy, 15-o'ir,c: atate whole milk, white and colored fresh specials. Ifii4c; state whole milk, white and colored, average fancy. 144QIbc; skims, &13c. EX Kk Firmer; receipts, 6.o24 cases; fresh gathered, extra fine, 45c: extra firsts, 4.Vtj44o; firsts, 41145; seconds, f 119c; state, Pennsylvan'a and nearby hen nery whltea, fine to fancy, K&'fiSr; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, gath ered whites, 4fcifo: state, Pennsylvania and nearby hennery, gathered browns, 4ft efic; state. Pennsylvania and nearby gath ered browns and mixed colors. S,JM5 POULTRY Dressed, steady; western ohickens, 16ol9c; fresh fowls, Ufol7c; turkeys, 12fi(Jlo; live, firm; western chick ens. 13fl3c; fowls. 13tric; turkeys, 14 J15c. OVAHA GENERAL W.BKK'f. OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Demoraliced Cattle Trade at Chicago Carries Down Western Marti. HOGS SHOW SOME IMPROVEMENT Fat sheep aad Lamha af All Kinds how More ar Lesa Iterllae at All Paints .Feeders la l.laht apal. SOUTH OMAHA, Dei-. 14, 1914. Receipts were: Cattle Hogs. Sheep. Kstlmate Monday H.S0O 6.n 4.tJ Same day last week.... fi,4 4.197 7,t came day t wks sso.. , lS.7t0 l'.'.it Same day 1 wks ago., 4.H.W 14.214 Same day 4 wks ago.. 4.T .St Same day last year.. ,isr 7,5;5 14,103 Tha following table ehows the reveipls e." cattle, hogs and sheep at tha South Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: IS14. mi. Dec. Cattle si.t; :v,,Mft i'.7iW Hogs t. ITK. l"9 I.t-T.S.) 2W.344 Sheep S.002,17 3.14,121 S1.SH4 The following table snows th eaveraga price for hoga at tha South Omaha live stock market for the latt few dtt s, with romiiarlsons: Date. I 1914. UU.lU.imi.ll0.l.lK. Nov 2 Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. lec. 1. Deo. ! Dec. 1. Dec. 4 . Dac 5.. use. .. Deo. 7.. Dec. .. Dec. .. Deo. 10. I'ec. H. Iec. 13. I'ec. 13 I Ml 7 44 7 47 T 6f.t T 48 T 41 J 7 47 I T 61 T 1 ll J 7 70 4 T 7 74 7 40 7 67 74 7 42 7 64 f 76 I 7 34 7 66 78 7 41 7 64 g 20 7 Wj I 711 W N 7 67 1 7 44 7 6 U4 7 44 7 641 77 7 4X 7 311 i 7 40 7 131 5 97 OA i 7 5 ft 7 76 7 X 6 37' I f Wi U4i (121 I s 04 WtH Ml 01, 7 01 I 0B I 7 00 S 12 ( 041 7 n 7 n t Oil 7 Ul I 04 7 1S Oil 03 I 1 OSI i W T W S S 4 7 7 31 4I I 4il I M 1 1 6 M 6 47 la 6 76 I 6 W 7 32 S 22 6 42 7 46! 8 30 6 48 7 Wl S ! 6 W I 36 6 41 7 68 I 6 7 f! 6 74 I 6 S BUTTER No. I. Mb carton. Sc; No. , 60 1b. tuba. He. CHEESE Imported Swiss. 38c; Amer ican Swiss, Ilk.-: block Swiss. 22c; twins, 16c; daisies. 16c; triplets, 16c: Young Americas, 18c; blue label brick. 17c; Urn burger. 2-4 b.. 40c; 1-1 b.. 30c: New York white, lc; Imported French Roquefort, 46c. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs. 18c; No. 2. Kc; No. 3, Uc. No. 1 loins. 18c; No. 2. 16c; No. 3. 13c. No. 1 chucks. 10c; No. 2, "ic; No. 3. c. No. 1 rounds,. 13c; No. 2. 12c; No. $. llc No. 1 plates, !)c; No. 2, IV c: No. 8, sc. FISH Trout. 14c; large crappies. 16c; salmon. 8c; halibut. llTic; channel cat fish. 12c: pike. 14c; pickerel. 10c. POULTRY-Brollers, 14c; spring chick ana. Ho; hens. 8-tJllo; cocks. 8c; ducks, 10c; geese, 8c; turkeys, 16o plgvons, per dos., 90c; ducks, full feathered, 0c; geese, full feathered, $0; squabs. No. L $l.&u; N 1 60c, Market quotations furnished by GUlnskl Fruit company: FRUITS Orangea: Extra fancy Wash, navel. 60s, 96s. $2.60 per box; extra fancy Wash. 112s. 12s, $2.7o; extra fancy Wash. 15tis, $.'.8..; 17bs, 2'Xls. 216s, $3.00. Lemons: Fancy. Sunkist, Xwc 3t0e, $9.50; choice item. an, ws. isos, go.w. Grapefruits: 36s, Dr. 14' 6 HS 7 741 7 3 26 7 44 hundsy. -Uolldar. llwelpta and divposltion of live stock at the Cnlon Stock Ysrds. South Omaha, Neb., for twenty-four hours ending at 8 o clock, p. m. RECEIPTS HEAD. Cattle l4itf-a.Khen. ll'r'a. v ., m. r rT. F Union Pacific 72 C R. I. v p east.. 7 V. A N. W., west....lrtil C St. P.M. O.. 4:1 C., B. A Q., east.... 11 C, B. 4c g., west.... 72 C. R. I. p 7 C, R. I. A P., west 2 Illinois Central II Chicago Great West. 16 Total receipts ...381 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 7t SIT 15 rt W ... 7 to rius. IT 1M ... 4 VI sili- KP In spite ef a light run of Some 4.t head hb-h conslsied for the most part of Co orailo, Idaho and Ne braska fed orrerlnga trade was at a sinn.ltlll most of the forenoon, with the packers bldd.na l,.i)i.- lower on botlv slieep and lambs. Tha slow and dull trade was attr buted to the dlsoouraglng mi Ire,, from outeloe points and to the Parkers claiming that the schedule of Prices on tills market wss already too hich compared nlih t'hlcsgo and other joints. Hearts from Chicago this morn ing Ind.csted a decline of fully lfiiJo on both sheep snd lambs St tint xiint. It was well along toward noon before any movement of consequence took plsie. hat few orfcrlntss changed hands dur ing the earl- hours consisted of a few decks of native lambs at tfcsO and a shipment of yearlings at I'.W. Around the noon hour the bulk of the lambs began to move In a fairly active way, at prices generally weak to lfifl&o Inner than the close of Inst week. Most of the sales were made at $7.7MS . Not enough aged sheep were on hand to test the trade, though feeling was .lecldeillv week on the few ewes at the dtsnoaal of buyers. A load of ewes sold to a feeder buyer at $5.00. Quotations on Sheep and Iamba ltmba, good to choice. IKlsVtAi 60: lambs, fair to good, $7.7M.: feeders, fslr to good, I7.R0 (hi.is; yearlings, good to choice, rr tutn.w; yearlings, fair to good, $.7Mr7.O0; year lings, feeders. $6.50ifr10; wethers, good to choice, li.7Mm .2"; wethers, fair to good, $Sil6.70; wethers. feeders, $4 4i 00; ewes, good to choice, 6.1Mi 40; ewes, fair to good, M iiUO lO, ewes, feeders, 14 eni 00. No. 14 native lambs 276 fed lambs ... 26 native ewes . 1 cull 222 feeders ewes Av .. "I .. CS .! 70 .. 70 .. 87 pr. 8 40 7 75 6 00 r. ai i 00 3 2 1 4 11 is i 2 1 2 8 2.. i i i 2 32 68 JO T car. iT'N. I ikV... 7 ele. It'l8 "' M nd '- Apples: fcxtra fancy cara. 4fcc. No. 4 white: 7 cara. 44c. No 'woh lvint- iiu.,i. .... grade: 6 cars.' 43-to, Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. J hard, $1.10i4.12; No. 8 hard, $1.081.11: No. 4 hard. $1.0481.094; No. 2 spring, $1.10 1.12; No. . 2 spring. $1.0ftfl.ll; No. 4 spring. $1.04fifl.6s; No. 2 dunim. $1.27 1.27; No. 8 durum. . $1.26fjl.36. Corn: No. 1 white, WW!!-; No. I white, 60ifr "i'-c; no. wime, wryMc jvo. 4 white. box; fancy Wash. VVh.te winter Pear mains, $1.76; extra fancy Wash 4 Wine sap, $1.76; extra fancy Spitxenbergs, $1.M); Oregon Spltxengergs, $1.36; Oregon Bald wins, $150; rolo. unwrapped Jonathans, 11.35; Wash, extra fancy and fancy Hoovers. $1.40; O. K. Jonathans, $1.10; fancy Colo. Wealthys, $1.10; fancy Colo., AicAianons, 11.10: fancy t;oio. liters, $1.10; Morris A Co 6.17 Swift and Company.... KtO Cudahy Packing Co 765 Armour 'A Co 8X2 J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packlnv Co at ' So. Omaha Packing Co. 31 et. Cisir I'acklng Co... 13 Kay Packing Co Armour Co., St. Paul W. B. Vansant Co 160 Benton, Vansant A L... 164 Hill A Son M F. 1.1. Lewis 20s Huston A Co M J. B. Root A Co 2 J. H. Bulla 42 L. F. Hues yi Roenfctork Bros u McCreary A Kellogg.... 417 H. F. Hamilton l?.i Sullivan Bror. 97 Rothschild 112 Mo. A Kan. Calf Co.. 140 4'hrlstle 9:1 iHlgglna 47 1 Hufiman 14 ' Roth 30 Meyers 31 ! Baker, Jones A Smith.. 78 Tanner Bros 102 John Harvey 48 Kline ia D. A F j Other buyers M 412 4M 1,081 1.11 4.S7 622 3,415 lT - 1.040 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Weak Hobs Steady to hade Higher CHICAGO, Dec. ll.-CATTIJ-V-Reoeipts, 42,000 head; market weak, mostly So lower; qavy steers. $i. 6010.76; western. 6.1MIN.25: cows snd hellers, $X10H)K2o; cslves, $6Vh75. HtKJS-Hecelpts, 60.ro head; market ac tive, steady to a shade higher; hulk, $6 86 4J ..10; light, K:(!t7.10. mixed, ti fif-tTi.lB; heavy. ,0fr7.1!V: rough, Itt.rtOJt.Ti; pigs, $.-. 4r7. 16. SHEEP AND IJt MHS Receipts. 28,000 head; market firm; sheep. $6.2rKti6.60; yearlings, $6.47 60; lambs, $6.iiCrjK,80. Kansas City Me Htnrk Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Dor. 14 CATTLE Keceipts. l,tio heart; maTKOl, lower: prime fed steers, a9.Ststril.00; dressed beef steers. t1.SMi9.2li: Western steers. $7,0(r.4O; stork ers and feeders. 16.004, 8.00; bulls, t&oj.&0; calvea, $6.004110.00. HOU8- Receipts, 7,.W head; mai-knt cteany to strong hulk. sk.Iiow.op: heavy, KAittiTOO; packers and butchers, $ft.80ifji ; num. SH.niiitn.oo; pigs. xii.iai ts. SHEEP tNl) LAMBS Receipts ,600 neaa; marKet. lower; lambs, $7.wos40; yearlings, 6.2rit7.40; wethers, 6.2:iW6.00; ewes, n.ciTio.i. . Aicnianons. ii.iu lancv i oio. 1 iters, si.iu: ihiTTjoi ?nlfLJr 8 '""cy Malncn Blush, $115; Idaho fancy v JVeiiJSf- 1xJrel,?W'-5-4'ffK4l!Si Grimes Golden. $l.f.0; Idaho choice. Orlmes & 1 ?ZlV&il2-J ZZlitW' n W oldon, $1.26; Washfancy Orlme. Golden, Slevc o 7iSS?VoilSu8 t loWV : h',y Jonathans, $1.26; Idaho mitlTi'swSue. Jl'"WV 6HeeL?i ' Fulton. $1 25; Idaho fancy Straw mixed, e!irrf)9c: No. 2 mixed. WltHM'tc : 1 .. oc. .i . .. ri m.. .:. 8W ,451 S.471 the largest ft. l.oala Live Stock Market. ST. I-OtriR. Dec. 14. CATTLE Res: celpts. I2.3O0 head: market, lower; native beef steers. $7.60fflt.OO; cows and heifers, $5.(Wi0.25; southern steers. IIV7.Vir7.75; cows and heifers, $4.00tJ.uO; native calves, $6.0V(i!.00. HOUS-Recelpte 10.300 head: market, steady: pigs and lights, $i.OOS7.15; mixed sndlititchers, $6.96b'I.0; good heavy, SIIkIi1 AND LA MRS Receipts, 2,000 heal; market, lower; lambs, lower; native muttons, $4.7r.W.M; lambs, $8.001 8; yearlings, $5.NX7.25. Slons City Live. tock HaVket. 8IOUX CITT, Dec. 14.-CATTLE-ne-celpts, 3.500 hesd; native ateera, $6.0OTf8.5O; butchers, $5.16itt7.25: rows and helfera, $4.60fi6.75: cannera, I4.enj6.00; atockers and feeders, t5.284j7.86; bulls, staars, etc., $3.10 46.00. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; market strong; heavy, $6.ftO(i.&5; mixed. $6.7a 6.80; light, $.50itr.75; bulk of sales. $6.76 fl.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts,- 760 head. ai. daaepa 1,1 re ntoelc Market. RT. JOSEPH. Mo., Dec. 14. CATTLE Receipts, 2,100 head; market alow; steers, $7.0(.ii0 00; cows and helfera, $4.604f).o; calv a $1.00.50. HOGS Receipts, S.NXI head: market, ateady: top, $7.05; bulk. M.70A7.10. SHKKP AINU I.A.MIIH ltecelpts, 500 No. 3 mixed, 684i6c; No. 4 mixed, 5S f9'je; No. 6 mixed, 580sc; No. 8 mixed; 68'5959e. Oats: No. J white,. 46fll '-c, lo.iinaru, nnuc; xvo. a White. 4ftf4;,ic; No. 4 white. 444444c. Bariey: Malting, 0fle; No. 1. feed, 50fr58e. Rye; l.02iJrJ.034; No. I, $1.02fc!l.b2. ' CHICAGO 4. R A I ft AND PROVISIONS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Notice to Bidders, Extension Water Works System. Elliott, Iowa: Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the Town Clerk of tha Town of Elliott. Iowa, until 7:30 p. m. on Mon day, Dec. 21st, 1914. for the furnishing of all material and the construction if an extension of the Municipal Water Works system as authorised by special election of Nov. . 1914. Engineer'a estimate shows the following lists of quantities: Water mains. 2,400 ft of Mn. class B Pipe. 8,000 ft. of 4-in. class B, 6,000 Pounds Kperlal castings, 6- In. and 17-4-in. fire hydrants, 8--in. and 10-4-ln. valves. Bid to cover all labor and material neceasary to the furnishing and Installing -t tha system complete. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check. In a separate envelope said checks shall be drawn on soma known responsible bank and made pay able to the Town Treasurer o? the Town of Elliott. Iowa, in the sum of $500 00 each envelope must be addressed to the Towa of Elliott, Iowa, and endorsed with the name of the bidder and tha improve ment said check and bid ia for Certified checks will be returned to un successful bidders and also to successful bidder when he shall have entered Into contract for the construction of tha Im provement and give bond In tha sum of 50 per cent of the contract price. The contract will contain a provision that tha Contractor ahall guarantee the Irnprove ment to remain In good repair for one year from and after Its acceptance, and the bond ahall contain a like provision Plana and specifications are on flia at the Of fire of tha Town Clerk of Elliott, Ia Tha Town Council reserve the right to accept or reject any bid without ex planation or recourse. J. F. METERS. Mayor. Published by authority of tha Towa Council of tha Town of Elliott, Iowa. D. HULLY. Town Clerk. Feat ares of the Tradlagr and Closing Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 14. Unexpected'anlarge ment of the Unl.ed States visible supply total acted more than an oft set In wheat uj, ir an aavance aue mainly to bull ish cablea. The market closed steady, but c to 4fee under Saturday night. Other certals, too, showed net declines corn, HtSAic to 4c and oats a shade to Htro. Provisions gained 6910c. What chiefly utset the accuracy of predictions In re gard to tha visible supply of wheat was the fact that the report of stocks afloat at Buffalo exhibited art Increase of 10,485, 0X) bushels, wheieas the aggregate on the whole chain of lakea last week was on'y U65.000 bushels, with none at Buf falo. Rumors that the kaiser would have to undergo a surgical operation tended further to weaken the market As a re sult, prices crumbled rapidly in the last hour, and there was no sign of any Im portant rally. Higher quotations at Liverpool had given the wheat market a decided lift at the outset. Besides. It wsa disclosed that breadstuffs were going to Great Brotain from Montreal much more liberally than had been reported and North American shipments to Italy were being made on a huge scale. There were alao bullish ad vices from Australia and Argentina, but iuch reports were soon lost sight of when the late decline got fully under way. Corn, like wheat, was affected by an increase of the visible supply. At first, however, the tendency of prices waa up ward in sympathy wtlh other grains and because of tbo lightness of country offer ings In contrast with Improved shipping demand, parti v the result of sero weather emphasising the call from feeders. Oata were awayed by the action of wheat snd corn. Most of the time trading was of a loeal character, although cash sales amounted to 8o,000 buahela. Larger receipts of bogs fsiled to have much effect on the provisions market. Shorts were active buyera and there waa virtually no selling pressure on the part of holders. Ora n prices furnished by Logan . Brvan, office 815 South Slxtnth street: At tlclel Close.l High- I Low. Cloae'Tsat'y. Whestl I Cecil 1H I I 1 181 May 1 2 . 1 al Corn ) I Dec.l KJUf . Way.l69ft'SV(zV9i4fi', Oets I I I Dec I 48 I 48 I 47H I I 1 191 1 18 I 1 18 I 1 is 1 2$ 1 Jlfr l 21ifi! 1 22 '. 1 211 1 2ih( 88f 2V Pork Jen . . May. Lsrd Jan.. May. ftlhs Jan.. I i t 18 12 18 IS I IS 10 1$ 571 18 20 I II 671 t SO 19 8 W f SO 10 OS I 10 121 10-06 I I Sf I t K I 1 83 KlAl K 474i!47SM4 61V61Vat!3 18 10 18 0 DO 10 071 I 18 02 18 60 75 10 02 S7Wi 770 May.110 17-12110 22-261 10 1210 17-201 10 12 Chicago Caah Prices Wheat: No. 1 red. tl.iavtTii t. t nara, l liwiTri.IS. Wash. Wagner. $1.15: N. Y. llnldwlna fSOO rr bbl.; N. Y. Greenings, $3.60 per bbl. Grapes: California Emperors, 13.50 per bbl., $1.75 per orate; fancy Malagas, $6.61 per keg.; extra fancy Malagas, $6.00 per keg. Pears: Arijou, $2.50 per box; Jer se $2.26 per box; Sheldon, $2.30 per box; Lawrence, $3.00 per box; Bosco, $2.60 per box; Easter, $2.& per box. Bapanas, per bunch. $1.75413 50. Limes, $1.75 per box. VEGETABLES Cauliflower, $3.00 per cr te. Cucumbers. $1.60 per box. Celery: Jumbo, 75e per bos.; Michigan, 36c per dox. Lettuce. Head. Calif., $100 per Uox. ; leaf, 40o per dos. Onions: Yellow, 2c per lb.; red, 2c per lb., white, 2c per lb. Cabbage. lc per lb. Peppers, 60c per basket. Tomatoes, $2.00 per crate. Onions (shallots), 50c per dos. Horseradish, $1.65 per case. Garlic. Italian, 2tc per lb. Squash. le rer lb. Pumpkin. lc per lb. Potatoes: Idaho, 70c per bu.; Red River Ohios. 66c per bu.; Minnesota Whites, 0e ter bu. Sweet potatoes: Kansas, tlSMi i.fO per bbl.; Jersey, $1.75 per hamper. MISCELLANEOUS-Nuts: No. 1 Cali fornia walnuts, ISo per lu. : filberts, izv; per lb.: pecans, 12e per lb.; Jumbo pe cans, 18c per lb.; Braxlls, 114fl2'ic per lb.; almnrds. 2Ae rrr lb. Figs: 12 12-oi.. 85c per box.; 50 -os.. $2.00 per box.; 7-crown Imported. 18c per lb : bulk, 7e per lb. Dates: Dromedary, $3.00 per box.; Anchor, $2.25; sugar walnuts, dates, $1.40; Hallowl, fo per lb. Srelled popcorn, 4o per lb.. Crackerjack, $3.60 per case, -caae, $1.75. Checkers $3 60 per case. -case, $1.75. Honey. 13.76 per cs-e. Cider: Per keg, $3.00; -bbl., $5.00; N. Y., $3-60 lr keg. -bll., $'iflO per bbl. Cocoanuts, $3.75 sack, 75c per doi. Casaba gems, $1.754i2.O0 per crate. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Deo. 14.-WHEAT-No. 2 hard. $l.Wil.l3; No. 2 red. $1.12'71.12; December. $1.10; May, $1.14,i1.14V CORN No. 2 mixed, 63c; No. 2 white, 63&3Hc: December, 41c; May, 67c. OATS No. '4 white, 47c; No. 2 mixed, 43I43C. BUTTER Creamery. 31c; firsts. 29c; seconds, 2ilc; packing stock, 2oc. EGGS Firsts, 30c; seconds, 23c. POULTRY Hens, 11c; roosters, lor; tur keys, 16c. Omaha flay Market. PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland, $10.M, extra choice, $11.00; No. 1. $9.5M 10.00: No 2 $8.0ai'.50; No. 3, fi.OOHj 8.00. Choice midland, $10.00; extra choice, $10.50; No. 1. $9.01H9.6"; No. 2, $8.00J9.00: No. 3, H.OtX $.00. Cholco lowland, $8.50; No. 1. a7.54efg $.00; No. 2, $6.0Hr?i7.0; No. 3, $5.00fK. Straw: Choice wheat, IS.50; choice oat or rye. $6.om;t'6.60. AlfeUa: Choice pea green, fine stem and leafy. $)3.oofrl3.:i; No. 1. $1! 001 13.0(i; No. 2, $10.MKali ;: No. $, $8 iiitl 10.60. Mlaaeapolls tirala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 14.-WHEAT De cember. 11.14. May. $1.18'.; No. 1 hard, $'.l!rV No. 1 northern, $1.1661.18; No. FLOUK Unchanged. Shipments, 60,300 barrels. BAKLEY-S5fj64 RYE $1.0K'11.0. BRAN-422.00. CORN No. $ yellow, S6h9c. OATS No. 8 white, 4'.Vt?46c. FLAX-81.6461.67. . Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 14-WHEAT-Spot, strong; No. 1 Manitoba, 10s 4d; No. 2, 10 Id; No. 3. 9s lOd; No. 2 hard winter, s $d. Futures, nominal. CORN spot, quiet; American mixed. strong; Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 14. The market for coffee futures opened at an advance of 6 to 10 points in response to a further advance of d In the rate of Brazilian exchange at the close on Saturday, and reports of continued firmness In the pri mary markets. There wag a little buying by houses with European connections, but general business waa ' quiet at tha advance, and prices later eased off from the best under realising and predictions that the heavier Brazilian receipts would ultimately tend toward easier prices. The close waa 2 points lower to 6 points higher. Sales. 6.6O0 bsgs. December, 6.50c; January, 6.63c; February. 60c; March, 8.66c; April. 174o; May, .8lc; June, 6.73c; July, 7.Hr; August, 7.6c; September, 7.73o; October, 7.7c; Novem ber, 7.860. Spot firm; Rio 7s, "TJc; Semtos 4s, 10c; Rio 75 rels lower at 4 $150. Santos, unchanged. Totals 6.581 CATTLE Rec.eiDts were thia morning that they have been on a Monday since the first week In Novem ber. At the sain a Unit other market. "'" aimij i.a.vium- iteceipis, ( had larg. recent? Chicago Mng nSoded j head: market steady; lambs, $7.6O.l0. io me extreme demoralisation of the market at Chicago and the discour aging reports sent out at that point all western markets broke more or less, while the trade waa extremely slow and dull from start to finish. Nearly every year the country makes th mistake of flooding the market with hair-fat cattle in December, which It the ioo rest month in tha year during which to market that class of stock. I cembcr la tlrst of all a poultry month, and the demand for beef is In conse quence more or less restricted, eut-h do manu as there Is for beet during Decem ber Is largely for the choicer graura. Hence, wnlie a few Christmas cattle sell exceedingly well In the eany part of De cember, half-fat, warmed-up or unfin ished beeves of all kinds are negiec.ed, and It does not take very many catt.e of that description to break the market. With Chicago breaking down It la im possible to prevent western markets trom going In the same direction. It is es pecially to be regretted that the country should sacrifice Its tinflnlsned cattle dur ing December because there' can be no question but what tney will all be neeoed between the first of the year and the coming of grass cattle. The trade on killing cattle at thia point dragged aiong all the morning, buyers being inclined to await the outcome at other points before doing very much business. As a result, the trade on beef steers, cows and heifers was not only siow, but around ltraQoa lower, Wlillo a few of tne feeder cattle that Just happened to strike the lancy of buyers may have sold at prices that were not far trom steaay, the general market was 1(11 lic lower on stockers and feeders. Quotations on cattie: prime yearunga, $9.7iuiv.i6; good to choice corn-fed beeves, IS. 7;! 10.00; fair to good corn-fed beeves, 8.2ii8.7u; common to fair corn-led beeves, $7.(Hxu8.20; good to choice range beoves, i7.7di8.26; lair to good range beeves, $7.26 4r7.1f; common to fair range beeves, 14. U) 7.25; prime heifers, $i.oorf!l.uO; good to choice hellers, lo.2Mtf7.6o; good to choice cows, $6.764)41. 76; fair to good cows, $o.2A? 6.76; common to fair cows, 84.tiU4fo.26; good to choice stockers, and feeuers, i,ifa 8.26; fair to good atockers and feedeia. $7.uu$f7.76; common to fair stockers ana feeuers, f6.0txui.00; stock heifers, S. (. 6. on; stock cows, $&.0uji.26; stock caiveit, $t.Ulift8.00; veal calves, $7.0ws.0o; pulls. stsHs. etc., $.2i4r7.10. Representative sales: LEfc-F STEERS. Nn At. ft. Ms. Ar. P.. .12A0 1 60 117 I 10 11... ..lutl 4 m I 14 . V... t... w ik ....JIM 46 iw in M) Hi Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fruits NEW YORK. Dec. 14. EVAPORATEI APPLES-tjulet; fancy, Wka choice. HWc: prime. 56c, DRIED FRUITS Prunes, firm; Call fornlas, 6ftll',c; Oregons, 8VUc; apri cots, quiet and steady; choice, 9c; extra choice. 9ii10c; fancy 10iil!c; Peaches, quiet; choice, 6i4H4c; extra, choice, t(64i,o; fancy, 7JHo; raisins, firm; loose muscatels. 6Vf)7o; choice to fancy seeded, 7Vi8c: seedless, fo 8c; London layers. $1.85. . Cotton Market, NEW YORK. Dec. 14. COTTON-Spot, quiet:, middling, upland, 7.36c. LIVERPOOL. Doc. 14. txiTTON Boot In moderate Inquiry; prices ateady; Amer ican miatiung, rair, s.I&d; good middling, 4.63d; middling, 4.24 low middling. 3 82,1: good ordinary, 8.30d; ordinary, 2.76d. Sales. 8.000 bales. The cotton market closed steady at a l.et advance of 12 to 12 points. Wool Market. LONDON. Dec. 14. WOOL The offer ings at the wool auction anlcs todav amounted to 11,000 bales, Including a good show of crossbreds which were readily sold to the home trade at firm prices. New Zealand scoured realised 2s 4d and New .eaiana greasy la 4d. Merinos were neglected and largely withdrawn. i . :: Corn: No, $ yellow, new, a344 fl4c: n , ""jr; 'X.ta future! , Zl t ti tt Barle? 6072fl Jad2". T.'Si J FUJUR-Winter patents, his 9d. No. 2. $1.08. Barley. Seeds. Tiro- . HOpa (. iv,ndon)-Paclfio cos LEGAL NOTICES STOCKHOLDERS" MEETING. Notice la hereby given that tha annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bank era' Reserve Life Company of Omaha, Nebraska, will be held at Its home office in the City National bank building la said city at t o'clock p. m, on Wednesday, January $, 19U. for the election of d. rectors and tha transaction of auch other business ss may properly eome before It. R. C. WAQNBH, Secrotary. ' tH-22.e Ji-lJ HOPS (In London) Pacific coast. 2 I0a4. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec, H.-METALS-Lead. quiet, at $a.75r$ 86; Ixindon. 1 us. Spel ter, easv, at li.61V90.76; Ixinrlon, 28 5a. Tin: Strong at t4. 2&' 3b.(w. Copper: Firm: ele trolytic, $l3.2oU 13.37; casting, $18.00(13.12. Iron: Steady; No. 1 north ern, $14.154716 00; No. 2. $14.2514 75; No. 1 southern, $14.2643 14.75; No. 3. $14 26614.75. At London Copfier: Snot, 6s &s; fu tures, 58 7s td. Tin: Spot, flfo.los; fu tures, ia 10s. T. LOUIS. Dec. 14. METALS Lead. quiet, at $3.6634.70. liptlter, quiet; at $3 ,564?$ SO. 1 10.. t.. .. 13.. V. B. rsf. la, r( 4o ctxiiws tj 8. w, r( So coupon IK lit COWS. 1410 4 84 34 81 IK 4 HEIFERS 791 4 34 1 101 1 W BULLS. im 1 to 1 CALVES. J4 7 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. M7 4 15 7 26 MM 4 ti II n 1 4 4 U 48 Ml 7 It UW4 7 10 NEBRASKA. AO feeders.. 58 76 17 feeder.. 762 7 00 60 feeders.. 664 76 HixiS SuDbiles totaled about seven t y- four cars, or 6.200 head, nut w.ih tweitty- I V. g. 4s. rg four Lara of these coming uneci 10 a "ne packer, there were only about titty loads ou sale. Today's receipts are 1,101) head largur tnan last week, but J.jOi head smaller than a year ago. Cub-ago reported prices there as slightly easier and inu locai trade opened out dull, with easy blue) as mucn as 10c lower, be. ore anything waa old, however, those prices wie ra.sed until the first hogs so.d were (ully steauy, wh.le before the ciose a number of sales were made that lonked to be a nickel niaher. The general market la easily steady to a nickel nlgher than Stttu.a, a average, or strung with the best time Saturday. Bulk of tha o.ferings aold at $4 t46.90. with a sprinkling of the mora desiibi grades at and tops at $7.00, the same as at last week s close. There was little or no shipper and aieculator buying to dsy, and ss the market was aimost en tlsely a packer affair, the weighty butch ers and heavies show up s.ronger than the lighter grades. No. A. Kb. Pr. No. Ar. Sb Pr. M 1 ... 4 46 IS 1 Ml IK m ... I 74 47 tl.i H IS) 0 HI 40 a TO IS. Ul 40 4 M 1 17 IS I4.......1M ... 44 ll.....41 ... I Il.......li4 ... Ik St. I.oals Orala Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 14. WHEAT No. red. $1.16; No. 2 hard, $l.ltiVr"al.l8; Doc-ember, $1.14: May, $1.19. tX)RN No. 2, lific; No. 2 white, 6tic; December, 33c; May, ti!V((llic. - OATS No. 2, 48c; No. 2 white, 49c. Haak C learings. OMAHA. Dec. II Bank clearances for Omaha today were I2.HH9.8III.82 and foe th- I corresponding day last year $3,3,0:i3.89. STOCKS AND BOND. Cloning quotations on bonds today were ss follows- M Mo. Pae. cr. Be 42 4 N. Y. f. g. H so no N Y. ntr 4s iu..iaiu 1" No. Ptclflo 4s. loin do 3t MMhO. a U rof. 4 m fc. T. T. 4. 141 lualliis ui. 4s. rf 4s.. Panama a ooupos Am. Knioltsrs A. T. 4t T. or. 4'a.4t.. Yr Armoar 4 Co. 44s.. l'4 4o rf. Atrhixai ss. 4a. ... IIS, to m. Im.., Bal. 4t Ohio 4s H Ho. lUllwaf (', B. Q. ) 4....S Ualon srlMo C M A 8 ' C 4Vta. M do CT 4a ... C. H. I. ft P. e. 4o. MV. B. Hubtier U....10IV, Eria ia. 4a 7 V H. most to situ III. Coo. rat. 4s .Wahaah 1st la u K. O. 80. ret. ia... Ms Wool Blae. cr. U.. toZ f a. M ..-1 (., ' ... ... - . .,. 7M Bid. 41 41 m l4 00 87 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET All Shares to Be Restored to the List Today. DUE TO GENERAL SUCCESS Action of F.irhanae Taken as Indi cation that Al Fear of Forrlaa l.tejaldatlAn Is at aa Kad NEW TORK. IVc. H.-Thc unqualified success today of the first full session of 0en stock dealings canted the authorities of the exchange to decide to restore all share to the list tomorrow. The Issues thus plsred In the open market Include such internationals as flreat Northern. Southern 1'sclflo, Canadian far trie New York Central and Baltimore 4 Ohio, ss well as other issues of apeeulstive im portance. The action of the exchange was taken as nn Indication that all fear of foreign liquidation was at an end. It reopened virtually all the restrictions which have been in force since Jnlv SO, except those which apply to rash dealings and sales under minimum prices. These will be continued aa necessary safeguards against concerted or professional selling. From start to finish, except for oc casional wavering moments, today's movement of prices was upward, with special activity In the metal or corper group and some of the higher paid rail ways, Including Reading, lehlsh Valley and Northern Pacific. The demand for the coppers was ascribed to a variety of reuses. Including better trade prospects their relatively low prlcea and specula tive position. long before It became known that the ban waa to he lifted from the Interna tional list, those shares moved up from two to four points over Saturday, PVxn as It was possible to judge from surface conditions, Europe was In no sense a factor of the day's operations. Such selling as might have proceeded from that quarter left no Impression upon quoted values. The day's business amounted to 226.000 shares, which compared favorably with the average for thia period of the year. Routine news was In keeping with the movement of stocks, In that It was mainly of a constructive character. The financial community waa again encouraged by un official advices respecting the prospects for Increased freight rstes. the middle west reported a broadening of general business and an Increase of traffic, and more emergency currency waa retired by local hanks, which loaned freely of their cash at easv rates. German exchange wag again heavy, marks falling to 8Hti, as Against 93, tha middle of last week. Bills on London were a fraction lower. Total bond sales, with a strong market In speculative Is sues, amounted to $2,627,000. Number of sales and leading quotation on stocks were: galea, lllsti. Iw. t'ln I.rSD W4 7H ss Coal of Alaska is Practically Perfect For Uses of Navy I ! IT t WASHINGTON. Dec. 14. Secretary Daniels today told the house naval com mittee that tests completed) ten days ago on coal from .Musk a Matsnuska fields: had proved practically perfect for naval use. The report of successful naval testa) of Matanuska coa.1 was sprung aa a sur prise by the secretary, who waa elated, particularly because of plans going fors ward for the Alaska railway to open tip the coal fields. It was more gratifying, ha said, in view of tha fact that last year tests Indicated that Bering live coal was not suitable for naval use. The report shows that the Bering testg were repeated on the coal from tha Matanuska for seven days on a foroed. draft of four hours at a apeed of twenty knots, a natural draft test of twenty four boura at fifteen knots, and another of forty hours at ten knots. "Unlike the tests made with the Bering tver coal last year," the secretary said In his memorandum to the committee, "It was not necessary to hand pick tha Matanuska coal for these tests. It waa used in the same condition aa when de livered and the results are so satisfactory as to justify the belief that tha Matanuska coal Is In all respects satisfactory for navy use, provided that the coal tested Is a fair Indication of the general char acter of the coal In that field. "Tha official report of tha teats states that the firemen pronounced the forced draft trial the easiest twentv-knot run j the srmored cruiser Maryland had ever made. On tne other trials also there waa absence of those difficulties usually toast when poor coal la used. The firing waa easy and steam pressure was easily main-, tallied," ssld the secretary. "Tha coat la said to have burned like pine knots. An unofficial report on the evaporative teeg at the experiment station practically cotw firms the Maryland's tests. "The general result Is very gratifying! to the Navy department and point tha way to a) adequate supply of foal on tha Pacific coast for tha navy as soon aa reasonable transportation facilities are) available." The Matanuska coal, le said, was aa good as any coal to be found anywhere. SS.nni ".- I.ea anvt t.ma 174, l.loo tmv, ton An4 SO 1117 l.tno 4.4UO m ... 111 Alaaka Oolfl Amalgamated Copper Amorlraa Poet gucor. Amorlcaa (an ....... American P. ft TV... An g. ft R. M ... Am. gusar Koftntng. American T. ft T. ... Amorloan Tnbanee l,lua AusrotKla Mining At'htinn 4,7m nsttlmnra ft Ohio flronklyn Rapid Tr L4 California trotrnlaaa Canadian rmcIMn (Vntral leather rheaanaako ft Own Oil Ir.sad Or Ml Western. O leniro, M. ft HI. P..., hliia(i ft N. W China (Vpner Colorado F. ft I , Denvar ft Rio liranao. . Pennir ft ft. CI pM... niatlllora' Maturities Rrle Oonoral Nsrtrto Great Northora p(4 Groat N on ham Ore etf, Ouitrnhaim aVtploratlon . .... Illinois central Intarhorotlfh Mat. sM..., (.104 U Inspiration CVpper 4.44 It International Hamster , i'K) HIV Ranaaa rlir Southern.... LSW TM thih Vailar m ins ljoulairlll ft Naahrlllo. . l,w 114 visml Cop par 410 II Missouri. K. ft T 1,wo 11 Mlaaourt Tarino 4,M0 11V National Btaratt Nat lona Lad National (toppar New York Central ti. T., N. H. ft H Nr.rfolk ft Weotarn Northora Paeltle .7 racirii! Mall Pacific T. ft T Pennsylvania Pullman I'ahww Oar Kay Con. Ooooer lUoadlns Kopuoiic iron PloM . . . . ruok taians Co Hock lalan Co. p(4 ... St. U ttS.r.U pr.. goiithot-m Pselftfl Sou I sara Roll war Tennaaaeo Coppor ....... Taxaa Company l'nion raomo mi . 121 Union Pacltlo pfd ,, failed Htataa Stoat t'lah Coppor 15. Vl Ht, 4t wanaan DM 2co v Wtatorn I'nlan ,,, 1,000 l fti Welnirhnuaa Elect rt a ,, I, TOO 7S Offered. Total salon for the say, 1 35,1(14 shsrn. 1414 l.lrV) (7 400 4, prat 1 11,411) !M4 ltH 1MV 04 14 t 44 1 71 W HT.M Vooa 1 Rtneka anal llnwds. Quotations turnlanotf by Duma. Brlnkar a rv. 44H Omaha National sank building: altoclio Bid. Asked. haiMrloa Oeamary pit 04.0a s 0 Oommonaraaltb Ufa Insurance 1IH) an 00 itooro ft 15. pift 44 t mt.oo rairatntu craamory T par east pM. . M m 101. UO s-.'rmnnt rroamary 4 oar cent auar.. ion so mi u omana ar i- n. sr. tif. aa. IM1 ... S4 00 on-aha ft C. B. Vt. gf. pfd U so gwifi ft Co ion on Blous Cltr sHeok Yards Pfd pi) 00 union moeK Tarda, Boutk Omana,. . m.M Uunda rolumbus, Itali., I ft P. Re. 124. ... MM 0 noronos, Nob., rof. 4. 1CI4 104. M 1117 10 Iowa K. U 1st ft rer. 4a, IMt ... MOO 91 01 IJiir,ln o. ft E. la. 1P17 Hal oa no debkoeh, Neb.. School 4a. MM I04 00 101 no Omaha ft C. 8. Ht. Hr aa, t 00 u4 10 Om.ha Hehonl 4Ws. 1KII M in ion ua Clly "f Omaha Water 4 : 1941 ,. pa 40 KW oil Baa Kranrlaco, Cal., 4s, tMl-lPM ., 4 bo in.n) narut a Co aa, 144 p4.11 M j, arrlbnar, Nab., WiUr 4. 1411 41 00 od 4 Kuporlor, Neb.. Water r.a. 1M4 M 00 ua 00 Wharton Co.. Taaaa. IHa. 1M lot Do im 7j Wicnua vnioa Miorjt Yar.lo 4a, 144.. 41.00 lu0.4e agar Market. NRW. TORK. Dec. 14..I'nAR-R.. steady; molasses, centHfugal, S.rfcj; ref'ned, steady; cutloar. 6.7V-; crtiHhed 6.c; mould A, .c; ctiltea, s loe; XXXX powuereil, 0c; powdered. 4.P5c; fine granulated. t.Kfic: diamond A, 4.Ws; con fectioners A. 4.75c; No. 1, 4.tjoc. Dry floods Market. NKW YoRk- TV. ll-nav ennna Yarns, quiet; drcHa goods, quiet; raw linn, riirauf. Stock Market Will Be Open for .All the Issues Tomorrow; NEW YORK. Dee. 14.-An open market for all stocks on the floor of the New! York Stock exchange will be created to morrow. This was decided on this efter-i noon. It was voted to eliminate, begin-, nlng tomorrow, the aocaJled clearing house list and to place the stocks therein, on the same baa of trading as the IXl Issues already approved. The solitary restriction placed upon all stocks la to be that their prices ahall not go below the minimum, already eg tabltahed. . The chief issues thug placed In tha open market are United States Steel, Southern: Pacific, Great Northern, Canadian Fa clflc, New York Central and Anaconda Mining issues all known as International seouritles. Formal decision to create an open mar ket subject only to minimum prices was) made by tha committee of five of tha stock exchange at 1 o'clock this afternoon after tha exchange had bean opened for trading In stocks only seven hustneatj hours since It wss closed on July , last. During the session of Haturday and to day the last vestige of apprehension that I foreign Investors would dlluge tha local market with a vast volume of aelllng i orders was swept away. It was tha fa- that had prevented the committee front llatlng the International Issues amansT tha ; approved list for open trading made publla last Friday arternoon. Trading under re- etrletlon and supervision of tha committee was brisk, both Saturday and today ia tha restricted Issues, but It revealed to the entire satisfaction of the governors that there would be no foreign landslide of orders to disorganise the market here. Today s action of tha committee means. It Is believed, that tomorrow tha exchange will go back to practically tha same foot as It occupied ' before the Ehiropean war cloud were visible. ,Tiie minimum price restriction la only nominal; both Satur day and today nearly all Issues dealt In rose high above tha minimum. New York Money Market. NRW YORK, Dec. H.-MEROaNTILB PAPKK-4r4V per cent. STERLING KXCHANOrr Easy ; sixty, day bills 44Mt; for cables, W.oTO; for demand H-fila. BILVER-Her, 4Tc. MONKY-ChII. easy; high. ii per cent; low, 3t per cent; ruling rate, 84 per cent; last loan, ' per cent; closing bid, t'l per cent; offered at S'4 per cent. LONDON, Dec. 14.-MONKY 14k per cent. DISCOUNT RATES Bhort and three months, V,i per cent. SJLVKK Bsr. S3 1-le per cent Czech at Prague Is Shot; Corresponded With Chicago Union IaONDON, Dec. 14.-A dispatch to the Daily Mall from Copenhagen asserts that a Czech resident of Prague has been shot for corresponding with a Cxech union in Chicago, which, It la alleged. Is carrying on a campaign for the estab lishment of an Independent kingdom In Bohemia. CHICAGO, Dec. 14.-Uttle surprise was expressed In Bohemian circles here today at a dispatch telling that a Csech real dent of Prague had been shot for cor responding with tha Crech union in Chi cago, It waa freely admitted by Chicago Bo hemians that there are several organisa tions which have as their object the freedom of Dohamia and any one of them might . hod correspondence with agents In Austria. "Most of the Ciechg outside of Bohemia are united to free their country." said J. R. Paenka, secretary of th Bohemian Nat'onal union. "Thr ar at Rheims a number of Bohemlaa military compaoie which ar supporting th allies. Shoot fng an agent of our will not delay th end which la certain to com. Victory for th allies against Austria and Oer many mean freedom for ua." Re Want Ad Prodoc Results. Committee Cuts Estimate for the President's Dept. WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. "Economy" was the. watchword of the appropriations committee In tha preparation for th leg Islatlve. executive and judicial approprUt- tlon bill, first of th supply measures, which was reported to th nous today. The committee lopped off nearly 12,000,000 from the estimates submitted by th vari ous departments discounting salary al lowance along the line and brought In a measure aprpoprlatlng $38,744,7W.W. Tha bill provides fr more - than 14,00 sal aries of government employes. The total of the bill shows an tncreaae) of 11,128,843 over last year's measure. Bui) this year' measure Include a special appropriation of fi.ISfl.lOO and authorlsea l.Oue additional employe for 1 taking tha agricultural census authorised by the law coveting the List regular census In 1910. The committee In Its report say that thia Is an extraordinary expenditure, whlcU will come one every ten year, and main tains therefore that this year's measura is materially leas than the last appro priation. The bill contains the usual pro vision cutting down the mileage allow anee of member of congress from 3) cent a mil to & cents a mile. Th fight to cut down the mileage allowance ha been oa for years and although th commute each year report the reduction In the bill. It Is defeated either on th floor of tha house or In the senate. Tha committee cut 1102, 3b0 from the es timate of th secretary of commerce for th work of th burden of foreign and domestic commerce, although an tncreasa of fc&.OOO over last year' appropriation was allowed for promoting commerce witli South and Central American points. Marty Walah Llka Ed. Marty Walah, who will pitch for th Tift Tons next veer. Is eM tn dead rlnsrer for his illustrious brother, Kd, who won auch fame with the White Box. Marty la only 13 veara of age, but already a big and husky as Kd. , ft ta 7 Stock for Sa! An emaha corporation In active bust Betas for twenty year offer for mi fifty shares guaranteed seven per beat preferred a UKk redeemed from f ortuag waar. N arenta. WU1 sett tllrsct. A IH Car f M. 1