I ; t 10 llll-: hhh. OMAHA. DECEMBElt 191. WANT ADS Want ada received lit any Hmf, but to Imin proper classification mut be pre sented before 12 o'clock roon for evening dltlon and 7.30 p. m for morning and Sunday editions Want ada received after ach hour will ho under the heading, "Toa Lai to Claaaify." I CA Pit RATES, aven consecutive times, 1 rent a word each Insertion. Three time within one week, 1H cnla word each Insertion. .On time, 1 vnta a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive times, 8 wnti a Hoe sch Insertion Three times within one week. 10 cent a lino each Insertion. One time, i cents a line. Count fix averaiso word to a line. Minimum charge, 20 cents. An advertisement Inserted to ne run un til discontinued must be stopped by writ ten order. All claim for errore must be msde aithln fifteen daya after the lat Inser iloo of lb advertisement. Tou can place your want ad In Th Be oy telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the . "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other anawera have been called for and delivered during the Isst week. It la reasonable to suppose that ail of the people below have made the aVslred swap, therefore do not call for the balance of their anawera Bee Want BC. 1.11 1.13 1.M7 15 a) l.:W JMti lf46 ir.4 IM 167' b't l.Ni l.'.H l."7 1US Ada a 'ire get result, 8C SC. B.C. B.C. SC. DOS 'Jf4 390 1X2 H24 fit M H4 Hi." m .-v3 i:ra i.T78 im Hi law !M HJ Z 4 17 18") KM r?l 1312 i:2 1441 I all 1X14 J.aet 144o 1C7 SlI 18.il 14"3 1449 f?S 1332 1416 14?4 iv 317 ia;:7 Ji it'. 1X3 124 13S 1W7 14 t ; 1342 . i iii 47 179 1344 1411 HTl) WO H3 1:1 1412 1471 3f6 l4 Wi 1414 14HJ 4 Sat ttt- Hi Wi DEATHS AND rVNKRtl. BMrTICF.S ENOQUI8T Claim. J agod 26 yeara, De oemuer IX 114. at hospital, fun era I from slater a residence, Mr. Burnap, 3131 Mouth Twenty-aecond street. Tuesday, 1 p. m. Interment at Laurel Hill cemetery. Friends invlied. NICK EnoOiN William C. aged 29, at the residence of his father-ln-iaw, M. II. Evans, 6228 Emmet atreet, Sunday even ing at :30. Funeral notice later. He leave a wlfa and two children. RASMUHHOrt Anna C, widow of the lata A. J. Kaatnuaaon, December 12, 1U14, aged 74 yeara, montl.a, 13 daya. Funeral Tueaday afternoon at 2 o'clock from family realdence, loUH North Thirty fifth atreet, to fcjon Lutheran church, Thirty-sixth and Lafayette atreeta, at 2:30 clock. Interment at Kockwell Cll, la. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth B. II. and Stella Kemper. 320 Pod , boy; Oacar and Anna Peterson, 114 North Thirty-seventh, boy; H. J. and Ruth W. Benjamin. 4724 North Thirty fourth avenue, girl; Abe and Koaa Rea nlck, boy; W. and Leuna Johnson. S-ii Charles, boy; John ami Margaret Duller, 27sa Botith Twelfth, boy; Carl and Chris tine Mlndell. 23D North Thirty-ninth, irlrl; John and Mlnnlo 8unleiob, irrjl Ciiinln. girl; II. and Kilaret Kernitx, 14li4 Pierce, alrl; Jim nnd Ina Hult, 1712 Martha, boy; Anton and Anna Krelrl, hoapital, boy; jtobert and Bother McMll ln, alrl; 8. I,, and lena Zimmerman, 33 Locuat, boy. Ieatha Fred A Naah, W year, 6"4 Houth Trlrty-eventh; Fred Ji. btone, 3D years. 24 South Twenty-fifth; Ailiert von Heraen. bi yeara; l.)cwey apartmenta; tleorce H. Moore, 37 yeera, 2719 Urown; R. hi. Larson, i yeara, Ut 8outh Twentieth. , TODAV'S COll'I.ICTK MOVIK l'lttKiH.XMH KxrhiNlvrljr In Tlic IK tonlh. i.ivk wirk iusim:ss mkn OK OMAHA lleteetlvee. ATIKOK, s:r AND ARUOK INVKSTIOATH'iN: carried out In any Millliin-1 'ollar Mystery No. C. ' part of I n Ud Mats, Cannda or Mex- 1IKI.P WAKTFIJ Fr.MALK Al'TOIOniLKM 1 Indnstrlsl Oarniie Co.. f'th Harney Pi. Iloaiekei rr anil Domeatles. HOUfEKKFI'liH-Also servant lrl at Oreenonnh f)mha lld Hep ( 'o., 2iW Far. i oiitjcii iiiiimi na niinrium. ijoon posi tion and home. ne Ornun loctors, i Minn tin itroauway, lounni diuiia, Leeml of Mack Hock. Mararet Fisher. I 'own the Mill to I 'rcillt vllle. fomr-dy. PZ LKA V K.N WdllTI I Al'Ol.LO, The Hoer War. Kalciti. 6 reel. (il,l 'MHIA TM KATKit, 1710 SU. 1"T1I I learst-f'ell ,so. "'. The Man of Iron. 2-ree Kalm drama. Fixing- Their Mads. VIIHkraph comnly. TiMK(THTT f 4TI I ANI VlNToN The Oilallninio. 2-rei-l Mnjeatlr. Tliev Never Knew. Kcllnnce. Fthel tlaa a Steady. Kom. FA VO 111 T i; T HKATK h The I'lnea of Ixrry 17IH VINTON 2-recl lMlson dr. Miss Tonibov and Freckle. Vila, com., Henrta of Mold. Hioaraph drama. OEM, l-" Terence O Rourke No. S. 2 reela. The Outcome. Imp. Snoope's lHy Off. Sterling comedy I3T1I iTTltK", wl VINTON Foundlings of Father Time. 2- reel l;son. When Their Itrldes Hot Mixed Neat. coin. Tale of a Unwome I'm. Victor rum. I'ASTIMK. 24TM AND LKA V F. N WORTH The Frankfurter Baleaman' Dream. Joker comedy. The Yellowatreak. 2-reel Eclair. VENEZ1A. 12U SO. 13TH ST. Four reel of Mutual pictures. Writ. MONROE THEATER, 2&.V. FARNAM. The Hutterfly, 2-r. Vita. C. Ira. (Featur ing Helen (.nrdner.) Jenks and Janitor. Kdl. Com. Million-Dollar Mystery No. Benaoa. BENSON. W35 MAIN. The Master Key, No. S. Special Serial. The Relic of olden Day. Frontier. Oh, You Mummy. Crystal Comedy. C'oanell Hlnffs. ELITE NO 1 M5 UROADWAT. Ixird Cecil Keepa His Word, Lubln dra, Heai'Rt-Helia;. No. CI. Convict, Costume ami Confusion, 2-reel Vltngrnph comedy ROI'ER, G.T7 UROADWAyT Animated Weekly. Ive Disguised. Joker Com. The Trail Breakers, 2-reel. Bison. South Omaha. RE8FE THEATER. 24TH AND N. Her Hitter Ix-sson, 2-reel. Kal. Dra. The Mysterious Mr. Davey. Vita. Com. Beyond Youth'a l'aradiae. Ess. Dra. MaTjIO, 24TH AND O. Animated Weekly. Chat lie Woee Vlvln.ii. Crystnl Com. Three Men. Who Knew. 2-reel. Imp. ORPIIEUM, See Zudora here today. Vaadevllle. 24TH AND M STB. A N NOl'NCEM ENT G L A 8B O LA J N U . 6uperlor window nls and expert Klailng. Let us quote prices. BARKER BROS. I'AINT CO.. Douglas 4iM. 1"0 Famam. CIIRIH'I MAS BARGAIN 3. In Jewelry, Watches, etc. Many iatl. fled customer. C1ROSH JEWELRY CO.. The s'or with the reputation, " 2M N. 1th and 410 N. Ktli. f-o m I'sxion lllk. I W7.1. Walnut IS?). JA.VIKrt AI.LA' 12 Neville Hlk. Kvl rtence secured In nil ces. TyiT 1IM. I'hone. B Foil MFNT-Une-ton White truck with driver, by week or m'nth. 11. Ilton, ty Fs.rnnm. Call Doiiglns 2.101. AUTO i-learlntf house. 2.1 Fsrnam. huyi anil ll iisefi rnrs Phone Douglas S:il0 TDK Ilen;iliiKS Kccr-l Hervlce. l'lione Doiig'as Address I. . Bi'e. Ilnaris Aeadeniles. Turpln' 1'Hin lnir Academy. 2th Farn. i (;enev.. re Maufinlre. I hone Web. WW. riMMIIKIIR' Academy, c'as li D 1-71 WANTKD Olrl for general housework. If Ki2. t Wool worth Ave. WANTED A voung girl to help with I""1 forfe't for any migneto we rant r-'JohPnti Mackle'a Academy, now onen. Har. Kleelrlo anppllea. I F.nRON Flee Win., i1 3 lith. D. f!7. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. "o pain. 1504 Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 401 Brtndels Balleyit h T I en t i st, 7"f It y Nat l H a n k. TaTt Dental Rooms, 1R17 Doiiglaa. D. tl'iH. Pyorrhea, Dr. FT. kesT724 cTty"Nat. Bank. hovise; no WarhinK or cooking. at. 117. COMPETENT girl for genersi hoiicw irk, gr,od wiige; no laundry work. 8:1 '.6 Kurt. WANTED Vn experienced girl for gen eral housework; no laundry work; beat wages. 101 R lid H ll'4. WANTKD A white girl for general rousework; no waahln. Walnut SU4. Mr. AllanA. Marsh 41.' California. WANTED A alrl for gentraf housework and second cul. 3:ra Wnolworth Ave. II. 342. Llndborg- Pros , :f,72 1v. (Flying Alerkfe). Mutort-yelea. ItA RLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Vlarg ba In used machlnen. Victor Hons, "The Motorcycle Man." foj Leavenwo-th. Dressmaklna;. Terry Dressmak's1 college, 20th AV Farnam. KKIKT to order, ll.vl up. Bl i4. 1th. MISS HTI'RDY. 2410 Cass. Red 7320. LADIES' SI.;iTU mnde to order, 118 up; skirts, J2.60 up; also remodeling. Irwin, B12 Ho Iflth. Doug. M. Mlss M. Morln. Gowns, 1400 Cas. R. 72.T5. FA PI FIONA RLE dressmaking, 1rl7 Corhy. -v)T"C'V A LI TNI i. Kill Douglas. R. 101. Furriers. BEN FKNSTFR, 1410 N. 24th Bt. Web. 7777. tQrerytblns; for Wsajta, Woman's Exchanste, 4: pax. Blk, R. 11 ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered button, all lxe and styles; hemstitching, lcot edxlnfl. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. D. 1f3H. Florist. A. DON AOHIJE. 1C2 Harney. Dou. 100L BATII'H florists, 1VI4 Fnrnam Ht. Florists. HESS ft SWOBODA, 1115 Farnam Bt. L. HKNDKRHON, 151!) Farnam. D. lir8. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. M Iscellnnrwos. yol'N'l women com ng ' to Omaha a stranger are invlied to visit the Young Women's Chrlrtlan AasocKt on building tit ft. Mary' Ave. and 17th Bt., where they will bu directed to u!tabl board ng places or otherwise assisted. t,ook for our traveler' guide at Union station. LADIES' A misses' roatii, stilts, dresses & skirt sample st Wholcr.ilo prices. Pon off New York Sample Ftore. 2" N.'ldth. MANY government job open to women; list free. Franklin Institute, Dept. KJi, W Roehestor, N. Y. I?IR INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now readv: bnraalns in nre.1 mac'-lnes '.M. I A BICYCLE re., pith and Chlcairo. D. S72 IlVSIXKNS CHANCKS 150 acre northeast Iowa, mile to town, Ills per acre; $.,W0 March, balance term. JtM WR AT, BIOCX CITY. BAKERY onl confectionery in cooil lo cality; 20 to 2.V) loaves sold at retail per day, beside plea, cakes and fancy g-ocerle. Price, SirnO. Hee W. P. O'Brien, 410 Bee HHk. C. i. CAN A.N, Real Estnteand Exenang Foil KENT January iHt, modrn store . room, in Madgett Block. Splendid cafeteria location. Write William Mnrt gett, Hastings, Neb. G1HL to demonatrate a toy. Bee Bldg. Christmas sale. HELP WANTEt) MALE Clerical and Offlea. SQUARE PE19 IN HQ I" A RE HOLES. Wo find a position that fita you. CO-OI'KRATIVE REFERENCE CO. 1015-16 city Notional Bank Bldg. OnoCERY e'TURE for sale, only ex clusive one In live town of 1.100. located In western Iowa. Doing good bualnes. Will pay to Investigate. Good reason lor tailing Address V-7.1-1 rare-Bee. FIRST-CLASS bowling lloy and billiard hall. Good business. Will sell cheap. Tax paid. Address Y 304, Bee. IF you have ability and can aon huve don't delay In calling oil something of great Inte AIIO WEST BONDING CO., 318 Bee Building. NO" YOCH HUSINMsa BETTER. BY INBTALLINO THE MONARCH aiMPLiriKD AfcnT'NTINO HVSTlll. can prove It, 'ANYONE CAN KF.EP IT; BAVF9 TIME, us; we might SAVES MONEY, BHOWB AT A GLANCE tereat to you. ! HOW YOUH BUSINEBSi STANDS; Hair DresalnaT. H a rper method. R. 8. Balrd Bldg. D. Mil. I.ndlea' Tailor. LADIES' suits tailored to measure; popu lar prlcea; remodeling. Irwin Brecher Co., 612 Ho. Kith. Phone- Iioug. ffHW. LUbtlnu Fixture and Wirlna;. THOMAS DURMN Electric fixture and supplies, contract ing nd repair work done reasonable. 2419 CUMING. DOIIGLAH 2519. I.lve Utoeli Rrineilles. OMAHA Remedy Co., 007 B. 13th. Red 4252. Mask, t'ostamea aad Lodare Bappllca. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costume. The largest stoql: of masquerade and theatrical costume In the country. Thuo. Llebert & Bon, 1M4 Howard D. 4llS. Masseuses. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec. bath. D. 713, Open eve., 9 p. m. ; Sunday. 10 to 3. Violet Ray, mass., KM Iieo Bldg. D. 0112. Clara I.ee, bath nnd iiinssake. Doug. 8751. MASSAGE, ldfi H. 17th Ht. Mr. Steele. MARRIAGE) LICENSES. License to wed have ben Issued to the following. . Nam and Address. Age. Lout Baker, Omaha 22 Grace .Woolfson, Omaha 28 Walter R. Klein, Seattle, Wash 21 Mlnnla A. Frela, Plattamouth, Neb 20 Peter Bchlppenbach, Pender, Neb , 87 Elhelyn Cuaae, Pender. Neb 26 Harts W. Wright. Surprise, Neb 87 I'carl Sylvester, Surprise, Neb 25 Simon Chameluk, Omaha 22 Rosa Kolneck, Omaha 20 Harry Williamson, Wlnlde, Neb 87 Marl Clausen, Omaha 87 William D. Porter. Lincoln 27 Kveiyn Reese, Lincoln 20 William II. Mick. Omaha II Augusta A. Barch, Omaha 18 BVILDISG PERMITS, S, Ortoff, 335-S8 Arbor, brick (tore, $2,00. APPLEGATE, he writes ul, booklets, circular on reiUst. Room CoJ'i Dee Bdlg. Tel. Douglas -4177. GET a Y. M. C. A. ticket for Xnuis. FCR overcoats; also other warm over costa; cheap. Friedman, 13!!S Dodge. THE OLYMPIA la showing a complete Una of Xinws candle. IMS Harney. HAZEL Leaf pile Cones. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; COc postpaid: samples free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co, LlTcKY wedding "rings at Brodegaard . MODEL cleaners and tailors; call and de liver. 10S N. 16th St. Phone Red 42!3. MUST sell all trunk. sultcaaeH, liand baga. half price. Be HARRY, Ml N. l'-th M. Y. MORRILL, DECORATED CHINA for Xmaa gifts. 824 Brandel Tha. Bldg. WILL contract to kill all roacho In your house or building In twelve days or no money. Powder twert I non polsonou an) odorless. Douglas 1370. COAL-5 baskets, $1. U. 354G. Barker Bros. Paint Co., paint, varnish, glass and GLAZING. Telephone Douglas 47M. 1609 Farnam. Free Delivery, LIVE W1UK UL81NESS MKN OF OHAUA A B C of Omaha Masseuse. M1h Fisher, moss., elect, treat. Red BOW. MASSAOK''-0 "Kfc' BUILDING. JMilOiJilU- DOUGLAS r2. Kathleen Mack, massage bath. D. 7."fl2. COUA BELLING Y :K?X& satisfactory eastern treatment; batha; dmly and evening. 107 S. 17th St. Notice: Private entrance, haxement, corner of bldg. BATH and mnssaae, alcohol rub. I.aura Wilson. 1SH2 Farnam, R. 2, Dougla 875L Open evening and Sunday. MISS WALTON, bath, masa. Tel. D. 42D7. lloura 9 to 9; Sunday, 11 to 6, ktllllnrry. SWITCHES from combing. $1.50. ryehe free. Mra. H. M. Eck. iQfl Marcy. H. 6645. Meenu;e.r and Transfer. WHITE LINE. i 8. 11th. Dougla 8318. Morlsii gtoraars and t'lealar. W. C. FERRIN, tfitr) and Capitol. Ty. 1300. Ooallsta. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay a you can. Dra McCarthy, llll W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic I'hrslclaas. Dr. Rerncba. 203-4 McCague Rldg. D. 8rtM. Patent Devrlopineat. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 fl. 11th Bt. Printing;. W.ATFRrt-BARNiHART Ptg. Co.. quality printing. Tel. i'oug. 8100. 524 8. 13th St. MANY positions being treated before January 1. Better arrange an Interview with us. BUSINESS MKN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 1319-80 Woodman of -the World Bldg. SALES MAN, drug exper.ence, $100. WATTS BEF, CO. 840-43 Bran. The. Bldg. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WESTERN RF. A BOND AS8N 7f2 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Agtents, Salesmen and Solicitors. NO classification ; liberal contract: new policies. Mutual Benefit Health and Ac cident Association. 423 City latlonal Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. SOLICITORS 4D per cent .commlaslon; easy seller. Apply 1720 Dodge, Room i. WANTED V.everal neat for aollcltlnc. Money one. 833 Brandel Theater Bldg. MAKES BOOKK KEPING A PLEAS URE; BEND FOR BOOKLET DESCRIB ING TMI SYSTEM. UNITED HALES CO.. Sll City National Bank. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us-for quick action and q liar treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY. 418 Bee Bldg . ' Phone Res ri'A ON E of the best retail bakeries in the city; no competition. Call Web; 73S4. or address K 297, Bee. RIONS, show cards. Clark Son. D. 137. TO GET In or out of business. Call on GANGESTAD 404 Bee Bldir. D 8477. WANTED Agent and solicitor In every locality for The Twentieth Century Fanner; either sex; all or spare time; no experience necessary to earn big money. Write at once for agency. . THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Omaha, Nob. SALESMAN TO HANDLE NEW MO NOPOLISTIC. FAST SELLING SPE CIALTY: HIGH GRADE PROPOSITION: nnarTn'7nfi EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY; BUSINESS 5Rv tf11 at A LASTING ONE; SHOULD NET 82,000 Hi'n. TO tJO.Oou FIRST YEAR; GIVE FULL PARTICULARS REGARDING YOUR SELF. MANUFACTURER, 141 N. SARAH ST., ST. LOUIS, MO. I NEED AGENTS You need me;, the best agency proposition in Omaha. Neb. Western Belling Co., Howard Apptegate, Manager, ft;t4 Bee Bldg. Factory asld Trades. Drug store nan: Ions Kn- st Pe Bid WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER TRADE". The world noeda more barbers than any other tradesmen. We have originated a plan to teach it quickly and earn some money while learning. Tool Included. Board If de sired. Open to everyone. Particular free. Distant applicants writs. City ap plicant call. MOLER BARBER COL LEGE. 110 8. 14th St. LEARN BARBER TRADffl. Be Independent; wage and tool given. Electric massage. Strictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Douglas (it.. Om. 1032 N St.. Ltnooln. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies throunh Theater Exchange Co. 1406 Farnam St Dougla 1107. . WANTED to buy medical practice In astern Nebraska or western Iowa. -C. :. Bee. YOUR business or real estate quickly sold. JIM W1UY, Sioux City. - GOOD saloon located In Omaha; close to retail centtr; can be bought cheap If taken at once. Price $3,760. J 319. Bee. JL1VK STOCK t OU SALE Horses cad Vehicles. FOR SALE Team of mares, weight l,W pniihda $1W: team of tnnres. weight. 2.JH0 round. $12es innd broke sing's snd double saddle horse L'5' good work hottea, $2"i. I 'all SouthJOIS. 32 Hrrison St. ffFAVY teaming gears, farm wgons ft harness; large stock A attractive prices. Johnsnn-I'snforth Co. 1129-11 V lth St. GOOD horse, 8MB N. ii'd Ft. rTione Web- swArrnrs coinix ter S7i;. LOST avu ror?fD OMAHA COUNCIL HI.UFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona hsvlncr lost some article would to well to call up the olflce of thrt Omaha V council Piufr Street Rnllnay company t ascertain whether they left it in the Street ra-s. ' Mary articles each dy are turned In snd the comnnnv Is anxious to rfitore them to the rlchtful owner, fsll Dona. 4S, LOST Boston bull, answers name Billl can; white strip on face and front, clip ped talK Harnev CT12. Li'iSTRrd Irish terrier the name of "Nora twenty-five pounds and ask for ( answering to elg'ilng about Phone Douglas 1155 W. Harris. Reward. 1.1VK STOCK MARKfcT OP WEST SHIP I ve stock In Sovith Om.-tha. )nv mileage and shr.nkags. tour eonslun b ent recelv prornpt and tgreful tter.- tlcn. I,It gturl KimniKiion 9lerehants. MAP-TIN BROS. co Egcnstig Bldg MOSfiY TO LOAX NKMj MoNEYT See us. Qu'cl; service. Half uiil rat RELIABt.fi CREDIT CO, 3C8 Patton Block, Dougla 1411. Piles, Fistula Cured! . l)r. E. It. trry cine plies, fistula od Other rectal disease without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Wr'te for book on cui diseases ivlth tcatlr-onla:. DR. E. it. Tarry. ?o Bee , VnnttiVn Cured In a few dnvs without liupiure ,mln p,! or wrlt0 ,,r wray. ttl Bee B!d7 . Omaha. Established 1891. o M.iMNG PKTLRK MACH IN K Edison motion picture ma nine, equipped wltn gas-mnkln Plant, and sir ree! of r!lm for sale or trade. S. C. :W, Hoe. OFFIC DESK -Will buy some good eeeon 1-bsnd desks; must be cheap for cash. Address S C. 2M. Bee. PaI NtTnG CONTRACTOR will W"J peinUnir for an auto, not too high priced Want csr lor my own use. Ad dress S. C. 357. 7,': PHOT ECTGGRA "PH - Bu me as new. the best check protector In the market; banks use it: cost $30; sell for cash, or will swan It and a plnno In excellent shnpe for a good located lot or money; lot must have water, sower, ga and alk and priced rlerht; give lepal de scriptlOn in first letter; don't answer un less you are willing to accept trade as tflvcn. Address S. C. .IM. Bee. PIANO IN GOOD ORDER AND CASH In four months for n good building lot; must have water. Fewer, gas and perma nent walk In and paid for and be well located In a salable district. Give lot and block number and your best prl"e In first letter and don't answer unlesa you will tnko a piano. No $t,00' lots wanted. No wildcat or suburban Junk wanted, but a good, we I located and priced right lot. I want to build a home for myself. Or will swap piano for good equity, anv old way If lot Is good. Address S. C. 30", Bee. PlANO In good shape; swap for auto ' mobile running gears and engine; dun't enre whether body la In good shape or not; want to make truck for Jobber and enrpf ntcr. Address S. C. 1532. Bee. PLAYER MUSIC Have an extensive library of new Mt-nnte mualc for player pianrs. will floll half price or-trade for Victro'a, Underwood typewriter, good typewriter desk, or, in fact, anything t can lii'e. What have you? Address S. C ?4".. Be. ROADSTER Will trade roadster In very good condition 'n part payment on Dun- dce lot. S. C. 3ri, Bee. : SIGNS, showcards. Clork A- Son D. 137". STENOTYPE New, in the best of con dition. Used less than four months. Will trade for anything of equal value, or what cash offer will you make? Ad dress 8. C. 4V, Bee. Fl:hS0XAL ..1 51 ..$1.53 ..11.59 Itoomluar lloaaea for Sale. TEN rooms, nicely furnished; money maker.Must sacrifice, leaving town, 409 S. 2nth Ave. EDUCATIONAL $7,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS We must have 1.200 subscription to 'I he Lndle' Home Journal... The Baturday Evening Post. The Country Gentleman In December or the 7,f00 cannot ba earned for THE INVALID d PENSION ASSOCIATON. Your order or renewal contribute 60c or more toward the support of a core of Invalid who have re ceived Pension cheek for nearly two year.-Gift ubscrlptlon an nounced by beautiful Xma. folder ' to reach your friends Jimat, ev. URGENT PHONK t. 7183 OK MAIL. Gordon THE MAGAZINE MAN OMAHA. NEB. YOCNG women comini ,o Omaha an strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary'a Ave., where they . Ill be directed to suitable boarding pluoe's or otherwise assisted. lxok for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. EXPERT lady tcnogruphcr will talto pupil. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelllnu. punctuation, etc.. taught and rninnlliltl tlultitncr v.'ft for V,ital.iABa en . t recr. Private Instruction If desirod. 4'i:4 ! DENTAL work, half price for ahort time. Do.igla St Tel. Walnut 23?., I x years' practice, newly located. 8 2MJ. i77;77"T f c v . r i earo Bee. . DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. B44. COUKY A M KENZIE PTG. CO. D. 2644. R IKS-HALL Ptg. Co., 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 87M. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PKOUltAMS Exduatvely In Ttre-lieo JUNK We are th oldest Junk buy. 14 in the weau W r.te lor prico list on scrap metal, rubber and rK. L. iKinnng et tm, 11. ZZii i&ui cum., Oiiinhu. Dowa Tswa, CAMERAPHONF. THE A., 1408 Dougla. Tha Plot at the R. K. Cut. Kalem drama The Making of Him, S-reel Lubln drama. Knakevllle Reform Wave. Has. W. com. ELITE NO. 8, 131H FARNAM, The Serpent Cornea to Eden. Lub. Dra.' In Wolf Clothing, 2-r. Kal. Alice Joyce. Tha Ievel. Vita. Featuring Tom Moore. FARNAM, 1418 FARNAM. Th Lucky Shot, Reliance drama. UIFJr THEATER. 1CTH AND HARNEY. Home of Paramount Picture. PARK, TH EAT It Feature program dally. Keystone Coined la. Hi N. 1TI1. PAK1OR, 1 DOUGLAS. The District Attorney's Brother, 8-rect, G. Seal. Vivian Cookie. Crystal Com. PlUNCEad, 1317-18 DOUGLAS, A Night of Thrills, 2-reel. Hex. Tlis Rural Demons. L-Ko Com. Tha Jdountalu Traitor. Eel. ALHAMBRA. HCI N. 24TII ST. The. Horse Trader, Royal comedy. Up and Downs, Keystone comedy. The Cripple. 2-reel Tlutnliauser drama. ALAMO. 84TI1ADOHtT His Father's Son. 2-rl Victor. The Close Call. Sterling romedy. Her Lit' btory. power. ALL watches, dlamonda and Jeucliy at actual WHOLESALE COST. I.lnlttlnir kaai.lru t.ii.in.... Ul.-WT, ERN WATCH AND JEWELRY CO.. Room 217, Karbach Block. Patents. ' "A. Sturgea, 3 Brandel Theater Blclg. 1. o Barnell. 1'axlon Blk. Tel. Red 7117. tW and second-hand electric, fan and motor. IiBron Electric Work, 318 8. 12th. Douglas 2)76. M AHA PILLOW CO.. 1W7 Cumin. t'oug. Z4t(. Henovalea leather ana mallresse of all kind, make feather maltresag and down cover. N 0 'AC'Ul.'M cleaner for sale. Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary Service Co., m Be Bldg. W 15th' E rent, repair, sell needle and part wing macnii CLE CO.. " lougla 18 . tor all sewing machines. NE- UKAbK CYCLE Co., "-llckel's," lot li and Harney. R-L'VEIl aluminum kitchen ulon- 1'opular omtinaliuu, not sold iu store. Factory baivsiuen. Wuli, AcwnBl.aia. MELVILLE D. THOMAS & COMPANY. 1237-88 City Wat. Bank Blug Tylr 1-lu. E. A. Dworak, C. P. A., Doug. 7iK. BA K EH, VAWTKIt A V OI.F. Doug. -,4i. Adding; Al.ebl.ea. Dalton Adding Machines. 411 S. 13. D. 1443. Adder Mch. Co. ales), W. o. W. D. 6j&j. Arcallecta. Everett S. Dodds, G12 Paxton Blk. O. 81 I'.l.tlnK and Papering. HUGH M'SHNlf, 417 N. 4th. H. 8728. Plames lienor n ted. PLUMES A flower made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Ki uger, 4:'Sl Paxton. D. S304. Hunch Us terminator. H, B. B. Roach powder at your druggist. aft and Time Lock Ksperta. C A T7T7C Opened, repaired. 1 O-rVl1 15 ' nanged. F. E. D: ' port, HOC Dodge. D comb. Daven- 1821. Shoe Hep. Irian-. Shoe Rep. Co.. 1R07 Bt. Mary1 Av. FRIEDMAN BR(')S., shoe repair, 211 8. 14, Blsjns nad Hhowcarda. K. M. CLARK ft SON. 113 S. 16TH ST. tor ssd wfflca Flztarca. DESKS, aafee, scale, ahowcaae, ahelv. Ing. etc. e buy. sell. Omaha Fixture anri8uiply Co., 4i4-IO-l S. 12th D. 8724. terl 4XII.HB. CARTER Sleet Metal Works. 110 S 10th. Totvrl gapulira. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 8. llt'n. D. 628. Trunks and kaltc.sra. FUELING ft 8TEINLE. 1SO0 Farnam St. CLIFTON, Military Ave. and Burdttte. V.ip the I Mid iter. Key. Com. Neida, Beauty Dra. Sh'rty and Sherlock Holmes, Broncho Dr. DIAMOND THEATER. 2410 LAKE His I'nuVi Will, 2-reel Rex. Com. Dr. A B.-enmUj Editor' Dream, Power. The Higher lmpulMe, I. FRANKLIN TIIKA, 24th and Franklin. Ann the Blacksmith, 2-reW Vlt. lira. Three Moiled Down Fable. Ess. Coin. Butt-t Diea and Oraiixe Blossoms. B. C. D. A ttrartloHs. OMAHA Flint Eg., 14th and Doug. Motion picture maihliiu and film barlns. Auto and 2-agnrlo UeiMtlrtu.. Magntto repair work a bpocialty. D-2418. Aacitonerrs. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red bine FrlBtlnav. UORNUi BLCH PRINT CO., 808 Omaha Nat l Bank biug. Barbers. It Chairs, 1(c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Urns. Foa. dries. Paxtun-Mltclieil Co., 2.th and Martha St. 4ii)'Mitt().ME, 25th and Cumlug. I'crils of Paulina No. 20, and last episode. To other ood pictures. IT TlTEATETt" 16TH AND LOCUST! The Ituyni Wild Went. 2-reel Vlt. Com. Fires of Fate, Es. Dra. K10111 Feril to I'rrll. LOTH KOI. 24TH AND LOTHRUP. Tha a'lKe of OMIee. Reliance drama. 'I he i amond of Disanter. Than. dra. P01I0 Joins ths W. W. W. Komiu (join. Lm AL THEATER. Zd CaLIWXU Tereio e O llourk-, 2-reel Vict. l ite havers. Crystal Com. 'I he lt'wniB( Daualiter, Froa. PALACE THEATER. TCI Dveni orL The I i cii-lon. Rex. ! e end hnisrry. 2-rel L. Ko. Com. i"i 1 , 1 I i i , N 1 HE A., 8niTrAm7a! I or I; oiani e of a Poor Yuunn pimi 2-r Bio. Dre A Home on 8uptnei Ks.' W (.om : r-tctcie, Vila. Dm.- Ualldlaar and Hejt.lrl... E. Fit A.N TA, till laxlon tlik. Doug. 1137, ( later, and W el Dlanln.. NEED well or cistern cwninil or dug? m.iiArrn uut'i 11. 1 lion. wnll. bujl. t Mlllor.l. Land. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. 2318. 4 u.1 Dr.lera. 5 50 Jo'""n' nieclal, also Victor nut, Hu.uu 1 hone D. lioi. t hiruvriictora. L. QcdJ.s. I), p.. ?28 Bee Blu. Doug. ci3 CbIub P.l.ttas;. Ruth Letchiord. rteeorallnit, firing. R, 4IU. Tailors. 1A!?'. .t2'rAJ?L!i:'iT-ol''J0l N'- iih st. Velerln.rl.na. a..YOUNO. ins Center. Wal. 8025. Wladovr Shad Cleaners and Mf.rs. OLD shadea made like new. Mldwaat anaau factory, 4010 Hamilton. Wal. t. Wises and Liquors. Alh1X JETES, 201-3 S. 13th St. Wines. Ilnuors, it.ars. plate dinner. 11 o s ni.. 01000 ii'iuor houae, iM N. liilh; California Pgr Write for price list HENRY POLLOCK LIOL'OR ItOUSKT I th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BCY your tamlly liguor at Klein Liquor House. 622 N. ltith. Dougia IHUd. NEHASKA- AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL NIGHT AND DAY CLASS. Special holiday offer. Write for par ticular. We have the largest and best equipped shop In the mtddln west. 14,000 feet floor space. 1418-16-17 Dodge . St Phon Douglas 848. Send For Catalogue C. "GOOD jj'UTUBE F0 YOU or anvona who n,ske himself nn .utn evnert. V. tvj nvneet wnrk flrt pltrh ' Into the auto business from here. Best and finest equipped tolleke. OpportUnlt ea best here now, ever have been. Write for list of opening. Free catalog. v AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. ' ' 1118 Farnam St.. Omaha. COLLEGE, ' Unsurpassed classes in business, short hand and English branches. Graduate guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catalogue address) MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. '. IS th and Fnrnam St., Omaha, Neb. r-BOYLES COLLEGE- Day School: Nlaht School: romnlni. business course; complete shorthand or TYPEWRITR-I ato model Vlsil'lo standard typewriter. In perfect ehape; $r0; or will trade for anvthlng of equal ViiUie I can use. Addresi S. O. 344. Bee. WOOD FLOWPLAIN AND IVOR JOHN SON REVOLVER 38 Cnl., both In Rood shape. Will swap fDr a kodak c .IZ Stev ens repenting rifle or Marlln rifle. Mi?ht give a. uttlo to boot If vour stuff Is bet ter thi.n mine. Address S. C. 3r.9. Bee. WHAT hove you In realtv to exchiinga f r a new 8-ra"senger Mllchel d'ltomn Hli.' Describe fully. Address S. C, 3H1. Bee FOK REST Apartments and Flats. The Knickerbocker OMAHA'S FINEST APT. HOUSE. 3lli and Jones Sis. One apartn.ent ior rent ED JOHNSTON, Harnev 7163, or PA Y N II & SLATER CO. Dougla 1016. Unusually nice S-roorn, steam heated apaitmenl on West Farnam street. ' JOHN W. ROPB1NS, 1Sn3 FA'RN AM ST. oGDEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, 'wiml with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone ill. ST. GEORGE apartments, located In se lect West Farnam residence district; one &-room aulte for rent: heat, water. Janitor service. Phone Webster 1674. 5-R modern flat. 230S S. 24th; $22. l hon Harney 4711. Phone D S94 or Web. I38X BEMIS PARK Cosy 5room apartments. all modern; $20 rent, free for Decem ber Web. 2312. S. Board and llooma. J9th. 618 board, clean room. THE salvation Army lndUntilal home so licits your old clothing, furn.turo mata- flne. We collect. We flstrlbute. Phono 1 Dottgtna 4ir: and our wagon will call. Call I snd Inxnect our new home. -1110-1112-11 14 Dodre St. rot'LTRY ASD stPPLDKS STEREOTYPE matrlco make the beat nd. cheapest lining for poultry house. They are L.r23 Inohesi' stronger nd more durable than tarred felt and practically liiepronf. 7re a hundred at The Bea office. ttenotypA course: complote telegraphy I ft; r ;: r; r.T ------- couree; olvll .ervlce branche and Eng. I Mixed grain. $l.0 per loo. . Wagner. .t N.la. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egg. IBe. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. Wanted at Once MEN to learn th automobile business; the demand I great tor our graduate; w have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Wrlta for free booklet. Nat '1 Auto Training Abs'h, 1S14 N. 80th St.. Omaha. Nb. PHONE Web. m tor basket coal WANTHI A good man. One who un derstand hot water plant an! automo bile. References required. Dr. li. B. Davis. 200 Bee Bldg. HELP WASTED MALE AND FEMALE. lUh. Student admitted at any time. write, pnone or can ior ini4 catalogue. BOYLES COLLEGE. H. B. BOYLE3. President, Boyle Bldg, Omaha, Neb. Tel. Douglas 153). The Van Sant School Stenography Day school. 8:00 to 4:00. Night school, 8:15 to 8:15. 18th and Farnam St. Douir'.as 8047. Experienced tutoring In grnite and high school subjects; make up work u special ly. Beet, of reierctice. 3115 Davenport. It. 180. FOR SALE 40 thoroughbred White, Orpington and White Leghorn; April pullet and two cockerels, with good chicken houre' 8x6; pen, 15x20, and poul try supplies. Make me an. offer; some now laying. Address V SID, Bee. - SWAPPER'S COLtTMN RAG TIME Piano ni.vinB tauatit In K AlTTOfV-li." p. lour-cyiinder roadster, Just i-i,,.ic..,.,.:.,. i-rto f..r. ! overhauled; re:ir tiers are new, ana Ing St.. Walnut 2379. Call or write. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain ee tha "Automobile" claaslll catloHi A 60-IN. ROLL TOP DESK In excellent shape. Will exchange for a larger one; will consider a (lut-top but would prefer an extra large and deep roll-top. Also have a ehnlr. Will swap .that or no, to ult. Address S. C. S".8, Bee. " FOR SALE Furnttare. -Xev A d-hand furniture, cash or terms; reasonaoie. Atner. r urn. 1.0., in. inn. THOUSANDS government job open to ' fUGII-GRADE baaeburnera and stael man and women; big pay; Omaha ex ainmat.oii freuuently; list of position tree. Addresa V 86D. Bee. ranKea. nearly new. half crloe. I4th St. 1708 N. UOVERNMENT job open to own ant) women; $ilfi to $150 month. Write linin dlutely for positions list. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 121 W., Rochester. N. Y. WASTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man want place to work for board while attending Boyle' vollege. Tel ephone lougla I060. - -ifUATION Day work or bv weuk; go home n 1 g h t . W. 8434. Any k Ind. . A-l STENiiuRAPHER. bookkeeper and clerk wishes about Hire hours' work each evening. Am available at 8 p. m. If stenographic, will do transcribing at home. Would ba glad to consider any kind of work for about three hour acli evening. Tyler 1WS CHILD nurse or companion wlshea posi tion; best references I yler 131)". MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes a position a housekeeper; can give references. Address J Ul, Bee. WANTED Employment by in.ddle-sged man, several tars. railroad and of iu a experience; prefer position as traveling sleainan or of 1 Ice work; can use typewriter; not a teno. K 32, Bee. . ANTED position general housework. His No. 2".ith ..ve. HELP WASTED FK.YLVLK 1 lerie.l nnd Otltee. STENOGRAPH EUS and office clerk. W ATTS RK'F. CO. 841M2 Bran. The. Bldg. Kl ll.NOiiliAPHI'-U, iBpid tyit.st, Millie dictation. Apply 62 Mate Bank BUIk. WAN TED Experienced UMikkeeper; per manent position and good salary. Call at once. Palacw ClothiiiK Co. Civil E.alueers. M. J. LACY. IU BKK BLDG. rxJUa. 4718. 4 renta krpnrnlr. The Sharpie Keparutor Co.. l!th A Farn. ( lurk Kparlasj;. EXPERT flock repairing. Veb 1311. Uraaa. DRl'GS at cut prices; freight rU on 810 oraeis; ataloKues fr.- iiernma Mc Conitell Ding Co.. OiiiuUa. tub. d ksletwsata. WANTED Agent and aullcllor In every locality for The Twentieth Century Farmer; either sex; alt or apare time; no experience necesbary to earn big money. Wiita at enca tor agency. THE TWENTIETH CE.Vi'l RY FARMER. uniana, iseo. Factory aad 't'radna. LEARN tvtirdivsang. Opiienneim Parlora LADY barber wanted; '2 lie ice St. alary guaranUmd. GIRL for general housework, I iu tamliy. 1144 (v 3:1. i Hi. H. M. SITUATION wanted by exiierlenced clerk in country town store, best relerencea; speaks German and low Uerinau. Ad-, dress M 2S5, Bee. COLORED man iiud wife, best refer ences, w sh 1 onl t lou in private family; man a janitor or yard man. Web. 81oi. POSITION wanted as liciel clerk by a man of middle ag. experience, beat Of reference. A. 24, Hee. MAN that wanta to go to work will do anything: needs the money and la will ins; to work for It. Call Webster 2:87. GOOD, competent, strong sud willing to work- colored lady wants work: wash ing and iroiilng a specially. Call Web ster SI r.T. Typewriters. RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premiers of their maker. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougia 12S4. Rental credited If yoit purcha. and only very newest and highest, gradj ma chine sent out. Rates, three month for $.1 for understroke machines or J pr month for latest model visible writers. All makes typewr.ter renioU. o,u. tei in. Butts Typewriter. UOI Kser.air. 1 rtu:l. TVPEVW hIT-KS sold, lenU-O. reoai.ed. Central Typewriter Fxchann .'07 . iitn. RENT An Oliver typewriter. S month for $1 Tha Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. $91. Nobbv, tread: ie S4x4;'wlll sell cheap and accept late model motorcycle or vis ible typewriter a part payrnent. Address S. fl. S4S, Bee. ' . Fnrnlshed Houses. (S-ROOM house, furnished complete, walk ing distance, oome and tee It 1122 N. 26th St. References required and given. FURM. Famished Rooms. room by day. or wk.: team beat: 11.60 up. 107 S. 17. D. fi! modern; NltriELY furnished room In private home. Harney 4161. - FURNISHED room for rent, near 'reign ton university. Phone Dougla 7281. ?5 S. 29TH Furnished rooms, private family. Hafney 4'XiS. .' . NOW vacant, 211 8. 25th St.. modern, very pleasant front room: reasonable. MOD. turn, rooms In private home, sulL qhle for two people. Wal. 1468. 4202 Cum. FURNISHED RQOM, heated, 4614 Noitli 1 gist Ave. Furnished Housekeeping- Rooms. CAPITOL 4li Pleasant, well heated, all modern room. FARNAM, 2S22. twt) nicely furnished" team heated houaekeeplng rooms. HousekeepInK Rooms. 2018 DAVENPORT, TWO NICELY FUR NISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $3. 0 WEEK. AUTO Overland auto coupe body for sale or exchange t t bargain; 1 In excel lent condition; please describe what you huve fully. Address d. C. 33i. Bea. CHICKENS FOR SALE 40 thoroughbred : Orpington and White Leghorn pullet, ho laying, and two cockerels, also chicken house, pcn.and poultry supplies; will sell or make trade for auto needing repair, or piano. ' Addre B. C. 360. Bee. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR will wap ,.rtaSd. build a VaVaSo-'or mmlrlnr - Ad': decorated. W0 per month j - c r. r.A I '. I () lOII Wu1 arrow c-. i.. iah, Hotels nnd Aparlnicsis. CALIFORNIA Hotel, loth anil Calirornliw Weekly rates 1.' and up. liougias 78:1. CQDF.N HOTEL. Council Bi.ilfa, tvo heated rooms, $2 tier week. Phone ill. DODGI-: HdTKIe Modem Reasonable. Houses Hud lottsrs. ALL sixes. $3 per month up. 507 Paxton. FOR RENTfc24 S. 30T1I ST. $3'.). 6 rooms, nearly new. large living room, 16x20 feet, nicely decorated and thoroughly modern. O. S. Erwln. D. $093, or H. H54u. ELEGANT 5-room. modern brick apart ment; newly decorated; $a0 per month, M South St. Cottage, ?044 Vinton St., gas, electric light, water, toilet, $15 per month. Frame Iiat, tun t. tn newiy Mas lea I Instruiueuts. EXCEPTIONAL" values In new 'ahd lightly used pianos. G. H. Harr Piano Co., third floor Boston sioiw ntua. D. 2ali. COLUMBIA phonograph, mahogany ra.se, never been used. li. J. Root, 11)34 S. Ktn Ave. Phone Harney Ji3. ELECTRIC t'lanoa A Player. , U N. lath. FOR unusual bargain for cash or a atandard gaaoilno auto couje. Address a- C.. 3'io Bee. . EXCELLENT PIANO Swap for Vlctroln and rceoidH. Must be a lop-notch ma chine and have a large bunch of reoeros. If you expect an even exchange. Will take ErUson machine samo way. No , Junk and NOTHING HUT DISK inu- Cllllie WUIUeu, .Till mMi gimu 11110 wi reiallng shotgun to help make up the difference n value. Address S.. C. 35. Bee. - . fx7 ORAFLX ' newspapvr camera, with 11 plate holder, carrying case lot raincia and carrying cas for pint hold, ra The outfit In good conditio"!! and a big bargaio fur- ttie lot ut 110. Addres S. C. Veil J. C. 1SII, EXECUTOR. 0; S. 31st Ave. Thone Harney 1'43. Am.,ls 111 all parts of the city. HQ-MS Creigh Sons & Co.. Bee building. FOR RENT Modern H-room houe. 20j S. Siith Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien, Henahaw Hotel. Harney 10S4. Dousla Uiii. NINE rooms, modern. 32)8 Burt; 7 room., new, mod-Til, 2S20 Parker; o.ght rooms, modern except heat, 2127 DoUKlas; four rooms, mod. ex. heat. 1")'?4 N. C3d. D. Liili. 7-R. houi-e. mod., suitable for two fam 11 tea. Douglas 459. Maggarifs per hr. ; dray. 2 men. 11.25 per hr. 1713 I ebster. ;ouk. 1:. Mlscellaneaas. J;- nil Duys best coal for th money; try tNvW it. Web. . Harmon eeth. 8x7 GRAFLEX nwae-er camera, wlt 11 plat holder, carrying ras tor Camera and can lug cas tor plat hold er. Tho outlit in good condition anil a big bargain for th lot at $110. Audre.t A j'.lb. lis NATIONAL cash rekuer, double elf nirasurlng oil tank. McCask. y 300 ait Reiruiier. new: 'loleJo loiiiuutuiK scuie Cigar case, wall tobacco cu:e, new safe. GROCERY A email - stock of groceries and fixtures for sale or trade tor an (hlng that I can ufie. S. C. 3iH, Bee. JEWELRY, to trade for l'Hll or 1915 auto. Will pay ditfereuce, It' any. In cash. Call Dougias WW between and 10 a. m. , HAM 1 LTt7N pi ANO AND OTHER COl LATERAL for Virginia land or land In southern Indiana, or for lot well lo. vated In Omaha, Kansas City. Indian apolis or Cleveland. WILL PAY DIF FERENCE. NO WESTERN STUFF WANTED. Pleuse glva best description vol! can In first letter to save corrcisujnd- enct also legal description. I am buying large refrigerator, camiy scoies. 01 nor . for mv,,f. Addres S. C. 3... lie 1 1 I vi ro. ou. el., i.naiiinu, . grocery FOR SALE.New and scionU-Hsnd caro.n and pocket blll'ard tables and bowllug lie) and accessories, bar fixture of ail kind: easy payment. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co.. 4uJ S. luth eit DAMAGED hay. U ton Wasner. sil N.lii. H ani inch (ros W reck :o . 21 a: Paul. Bitkcry and turn, aoud. 1 el. Florence 4 il. CORN cobs for kindling. 31encoo Mills. T T) ssA KXD- c - moving I I . IvPPli lucking & storaija J'e AVV'U l.07 Farnam. D. 6W. STEAM heal, nil n:odern, T-rooin house; alio 4-rooni flat. -'0 No. 23d. A .oil't.T.T 1 St reiisblo oolored man want an kind of acrk, 1123 Paclflo or l'lione tied s-c. Ilssarkeeser nad Uasneatlea. THE erant t.lrl Problem Solved. Tha Lee will run a Sdrvant Uirl Wanted Ad FREE outil ou tut the desired reaulta Tin applies to resuteuls of Omaha, Souta Omaha and Council Lluffa. Ir.ns ad to 'lie Bee olflce or telei'lione Tyler Its). YOUNG lady stenographer ahd book keeper wiahe position; I yeara' experi ence; relerence furnished. It. 1221 VIOLINIST Good reader. Is looking for lob. A. J. lioinba, 14i William St., Omaha, AUTOMOBILES MODEL B-6 lietrulter touring cr rm: ili-starter. run Ira than 600 miWa: gem In baigsln at $.!i. l h T. G. Noim- W ANTED Girl for general housevtork- family of two. hVX Is.ir.l. Waln.it i j wull 10. I4 Jones St, Doug. 17o7. WANTED 1 liiii for lunieoik, sutl I FOKD car 1 aint d $t2: other cars accord (amii). C 8. Uh M. U t t.a, work phono . .Vu- LADI Ei4' lun fur coat. $. Set of IKor j lux furs, 16 w. Puita ana coat cneap, 1116 F St. . . , 1 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Harare aad Vehicles. NOTICE t' a cash sals: l.eoo-pound team of young mares, both with foal absolutely sound and good workers. Onier changing business. Call at resi dence tois Howard tit NOTICE TO FARMERS Several big. young team, young mules. Call at Brewery Co. Saloon. U14 . l:)th St. FOR SALE Large 1.4uo-po'.ind horse 7 Fidelity Storage Co Storage, inn. 1.1:. packing auu shipping, loth A Jackson Sts. Phone DoukIiu ) 2sg. ' (-ROOM, a:l mtdern; furnace, elect; 10 light. 261.' K. 2uih St. $J2.j0. INTERNATIONAL CORRESl'ON D- , ENCE Si. HU4JL Building, Superintend ing hr.d Construction Books, five volumes. V ill swap for repeating shotgun, repent ing rifle, automatic revolver or high power Mar. In or Winchester,' or what have you? Also Estimating Books, an elegant set of Drafting and Mechanical Books. Swap any or all the above for largs desk, 0J Inches or larser. Adireas p. C, 3.'-!. Bee. LATHE, automobile, P.eglna music cabinet.' pnouograpii, retiming aiipii tator 100 gallons guarantee 1 punutui-o teal. Edison moving picture outlit, tents, n.nial chairs. ) Ford car radius rods. piano. Want bllllurd table, gas enalne. el.K.tt'vL jted piuoos. vebster 3726. WANTED TO BUY vl-r K luiniiuiu bougul anu jol'l. J. C. Heed. I.H)7 Farnarr.. fxiuc i41 WK HI'V -Cmiio eniih. U2I N 24th. typeivrlter, camera, electric motor, auto (ruck, jewelry, printing material, land, guto sup; lies, tires. Make offer. S. C. 5M. II LEATHER davenport; . exenange for , dresser. 1'hune Harney tt). NINE BELL BOTTOM JACKS-txlt In. high, on 2x III. high, alfio 11 rollers. 6x24 In., fir; all In first-class order: roll. s'AKTKu-A good fresh cow, part Jer sey. Victor B. Caldwell, twio So. 2Jth St. REAL ESTATE. FAkll A RANCH LAMM FOR SALK allasawrl. DAIRY farm. Xld acres, adjoining county eat, 1..K', lou acres ouaer plow; a. acres r painted and not crushed, but kept dry. crowing beat; 2 guod boiiMw and good 1 f- . . ... ... r . . 1 .. . , . . . . . ....... . 1, .... Pi.ap ior a uwi ie.fiiit J-V rilie iu u.riis, ftli u pmni vvu m i.u .ii ni, .11 uf iuuk iuuiq vni.uusueo- riounu court nousa. Fries ItA. Ad- Bee. yeara old. having no further use for Its value I value Jacks at $2.60 each and to date. MiU him. will sell at great acrlfu-e Bargain rollera 7S cents. Swap for anything I can j about H mil if t.keM st one- 'u i X tLih J u. Addrsa &. C. S. . Bee. dress Y Sua. I Gordon VanCo. SFI ( IlflN.llth S't Phon n S94orWeb. 13ML ' Globe Van&Storage stores, move, pack, ship; x-horse van -d t men. il.Tu per hr.; storage 12 per u o. Satisfactory guar. D. ASM A Ty. 230. FOK KENT we nave a complete list of all bouses, partmer.ta and flats that are for rent. Tins tut can be seen tree of charge at Oioahe Van storate I 'o . fiS S. ;th au