Tlir, WKF.t OMAHA. MONDAY, DKCEMBKR 14, 1DU. i A Mutt Has to Do Something to Pass Away the Time Drawn for The Bee by "Bud" Fisher 'mm8( aft - Jm KN - -Mm I "" v 1 , 7' ' Jl fimm i - L' 1 1 ' wnswes ni 'iwltawssi !s t"f. . i II .ii lit. I I- I ft' I - 'I'll .l:r:J 4 - - JET L ' Jt , at i rati t?4 i REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR BALIS Mississippi. 100 ACRES, Jackson county, Mississippi, deep river frontage, every acre high and dry, several acrea well Improved; best live atock proposition In the south: also fine for pecans and oranges; other smallur tracts at attractive prices. John F. Qay lor. F'aacagoula, Mi.s. Nebraska. THE FARMER MUST FEED THE WORLD Have you a Rood house and lot In Omaha that you would like to exchange for a mighty nice &) acres In the best Irrigated section of Nebraska? It's ail cultivated and a money-maker. The owner Is iu business In Omaha and wanta a home. You have a house and It's an expense you have a Job It Is get ting1 no better and you may lose It Why not turn the house, which costs money to keep up, Into a farm that will make money T Why not exchange an uncertain Job for an Independent money making business of your own? Come In and talk It over, then let us show you the arm. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Nebraska. Nebraska. SHERMAN COUNTY FARM. acres. 4 miles from Litchfield. Neb.; II tillable, 20 acres In alfalfa, 20 acres In fall wheat; e-room house, good barn, corn crib, hog shed and other necessary out-' buildings. Price $40 per acre; can give good terms. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, 1015-16 W. O. W. Bidg. Omaha, Neb. 40-ACHB HOME. 6 miles west of city limits of Omaha; land lays gently rolling; 64 acres alfalfa, about 3 acres pasture and about ono acre In grapes, balance in cultivation; new 8 rooin house and other good improve ments. Price, (225 per acre. C. R. COMBS. 815 Brandels Theater Bidg. Doug. S018. SECTION Kimball Co. Gross, 8101 Paul. Texas. . FOR BALE To close an estate; 100 acres In Rio Grande valley, 4 miles frcm Mercedes. Texas. All under culti vation. For price and terms write Tbs Minnesota Land & Trust . Co., .406 Mar quette Ave.. Minneapolis. Minn BUSY lENNISJEASON AHEAD No International Matcei, but Local Interest Will Be High. TOURNEY TO BE AT BOSTON Professional Championship Match M ill In All Probability Be fttasrea at Hnb City Between White and Klneella. Broken Bow High School Foot Ball Team W lMnnlH, Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general orop state In the union; settlors wanted; lands for sale at low price, on easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant Stat acrea wanted. Write about our grating lands. If interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. Soo Lin Ry.. Minneapolis. Minn. Mtseellaneena. WE) guarantee bargain in stock farm and ranchea Write Willis Cad well Broken Bow. Neb. The Bargain Man, REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT good farm or Income city prop erty for a legitimate business that will pav a 2,00J to 5,000 annually. Inscribe what you have. Address 8. C. 362. Bee. ' GENERAL housework, city, country. staia wages, small family. Address C K7. Bee. ABSTRACTS OP TITLK. KERH Title Guarantee aud Abstract Co., a modern abstract olfice. 3(6 B. 17 lb 8t flione uougiaiiim RKEU Abstract Co., oldest abstract of (ice id Nebraska. kUC Li.audeis Theater. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and (arm loan, i, 4 per cent J. H. Lumont Co-IM Far nam, Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes, teat Nebraska laxms. O KEKr'K REAL EnTATal CO.. 1016 Omaha Natl. Douglas ITU, W TP Karm loans KlokeTnv.Co. Omaha lluO to Hu.0wi nutoe promptly, if. D. Mead, Wead Bld. isth and r'arnam Eta. n A l VI M UWf 1SI Loans. ouo and up. 1 Omaha Natl. Bank, WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1330 far nam. ' CITY property. Large loans a special'.. - W. H. Thomas, -qi State Bank Bldg. MONEY oo baud for city and farm loans. " H. W. Binder, t'.lty Natl. Bank Bldg. 6?o CITY LOANS. Bemts-Cailberg Co., tlu-312 Brandels Theater Bidg. SEE u first. U you want a term loan. United mates Trust Co.. Omaha. Nan, REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE ; I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern bouse rccsnuy purchased by roe. This house Is locaud in the . West f arnam district, one block from Leavenworth car and four blocks from Farnam Oak finish downstairs, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautful lawn. You can bur this bouse at a big sacrifice. - Addreas, 'M Bee. or atta p. zn. phon Webster slta. NP1W YORK. Dec. 15. Racquet and court tennis players plan a busy season. While there will be no international coin petitions, there will be plenty of national contests. Last year the sport was made unusually Interesting through the match for the woiii's open court tennis cham pionship between Jay Gould and George Covey, the Invasion of England by Joshua Crane, jr., and the visit to Amer ica of the Hon. Mr. Lytton, the English amateur court tennis -champion. The growth of squash tennis during the last three years has been remarkable, and a number of players who formerly played court tennis and racquets are now devot ing their attention to the less costly and equally energetic game of squash tennis. Several now courts have been built during the last year, and others are planned. Play for the national amateur racquet championship In singles and doubles will be dlvi led between New York and Phila delphia. The actual dates for the tourna ments will be decided this month at a meeting of the clubs interested in the! championship. The singles will he played in the courts of the New York Racquet club, while the doubles will go to Phila delphia. Boston May Be Chosen. Boston will probably secure the court tennis championship tourney, despite the fact that Jay Gould, the title holder,, be longs to the Philadelphia Racquet club. One of the most Important events In court tennl circles will be the proposed match for the American professional championship between Jack Whiia r h. New York Hacquet and Tennis club and Walter Ktnsella of th Squash club. White, has had the nmfpinnUi plonshlp bee In his bonnet since he de- wrorge jovey, t.te English cham pion, two matches last winter. r. conceded to White half fifteen, but the racquet club professional could have beaten th Englishman on even term. tror me ririt time In many years th professional squash championship will be decided. Ktnsella will nia c.i Feron of-th Harvard club, the present pon, a aerie or game for th title. The first match will be nin vh ru...i J . ... v.. iii u.- , 1 at the Harvard club, and one week taier me second half of the match will be contested at the Squash club. Should the aerie result In a tie. the rubber will be played at the Princeton at a date to be decided by the contestants. Dr. Alfred Stillman. second, the amateur champion ha been selected a referee. C Xi fmi r3) 0.'-.. Ji '-A ' --r i 1 V f i Li ?ieC - it,- si'.w i Top row, from left to right: Haines, gaa. Chase. Bottom row: C. Sargent, A. Slmonson, Longfellow, Cornish, Diet. Mclninch, Penn, Chrlstnan, Beckwith, Randall, Beaver (coach), Stovenson. Mid- Martin. The Broken Bow High school die row: U. Sargent, V. Mclninch. Pred team has not lost a game in two years, more (captain), Kennedy (manager). Da- During' that time they have played seven- '1; .ws teen games, and have Included the beat team In this section on their schedule. This season they have played nine games, won seven and tied two. Because of this record, and by comparative scores, the Proken Bow High school claim the championship which comprises the en tire portion of th central and western part of Nebraska. FED MAGS CAJTHOG' STARS Executive Committee to Decide on System. WARD MAKES ANNOUNCEMENT F.vrry Man Khonlns Raonsxh Faith In Independent Lennne to De sert Oraanlred Ball ta Protection. NTCW YORK, Dec It Vice President Ward of the federal, league, who Is also chief owner of the Brooklyn Federals, announced today that a meeting of the executive commit toe of the league will be held In Chicago Wednesday, December lil. The executive consists of President Oilmore, Vloe President Ward and Presi dent Rolertjnn of the Buffalo club. The purpose of the meeting la to decide on a system of distribution of players when they ar captured from the Na tional and American leagues, and to for mulate plans whlrh will make It Impos sible for any Federal league club owner to overltad his team with stars. In a statement Ward denied that any action was taken at th recent Federal league meeting to cut down the roster of players, and says every player who showed enough faith In the Federal Ivague to desert so-called Organised base ball will be protected to the end of his agreement, even though It necessitate th carrying of high salaried men In bench and coaching roles. "ife Jl) !n'iwuuul uiu i.4.tii I. L. Clubs Will Make Deposit Guaranteeing They Will Not Quit NEW YORK. Deo. li-In order to guarantee th followers of International league base ball that the league will go through the 1S15 season, regardless of what happens, each club" of th league will be compelled to deposit 110,000 with President Barrow at special meeting to be held January 10. It was announced to night The Wo.000 collected in this way will b used us an "emergency fund " which will be used to bolster up any weak pots which may develop. Managers Miller Huggln and Charles Heriog of th st Louis and Cincinnati, respectively, hav mad a Joint bid for the Buffalo club, and, according to Bar row, their offer was a good one, consider ing existing conditions. However, the Huggins-Hersog proposition. It is stated, i only on of seven which have been made to President Stein of Buffalo, who will accept the offer of the highest bidder. .ten .o .ilV .47 .40.) ,3i7 At. ...141 ..141 ...141 ...141 ...141 ...1411 ...140 ...i:i .i:)5 1.15 OMAHA OAS LEAOt'B. W. L.. Prt. Tar Biblra 20 10 Dispatchers 1' Intensos If. 1 tmort Irani 14 ID P. U. E. B 12 18 lint Platen 11 1 Individual arei-aa-en: ?m. Av. Nams. Watt 17 Tuih lliand 175 I arkhurat "Kipec 1 .. Alanla ,. MrUonald ..Ida VYirmullar .!. Murdiick Hanaeo 1F4 Morun . bsrg l.u Hrntley Camphell ...162 Phillips Hmtley ....La l.uoena ,. Poller 14 Fischer .. shames ....146 G. Johns' o.. i:t4 Hyan 14 IKrtiertr ....12J Johnaon ,,,.14 u.l.-on ,...ijt' : Know 14 J. Moras i Wood 144 Thomas ,.,il20 l J. Wood ...143 Wanderson .117 ' C Wood ...14J Baber S3 FAIRMONT CKKAMEltT. 1 W. B PM " Liquid Gold i 1(1 MH'ia H 11 .64 XVCCUIU U. .... i. vOW iL'U. H. A K l'reas tl 14 . Bvhman ..14 Leary Print IT 23 AH rtti.w 144 Klopp IMI-tlett 17 12 .4)7 Kaaper 144 Hunt Inka 17 22 .41)7 Marker ....141 Individual a.vraes: I.unilln ..,.141 Nams. At. .Name. At. Hliearar ....140 Trnl ...... ,.184 A. ' aetow..1M HlalKmtth . i:ih llorrman ...174 Gallup 148 Conrad 1.17 R. Paetow...l64 Itohr 147 Conklln ...AM Hanptman ,.lu Heints 147 OUon l;iM DobTns lhK Unco 148 Mitchell ...1: Wiiaht 1M Mailor 14t t:.v..,,da . 1J Ktrohheia .AM .Steele 146 Rvarta 136 Anderson ...U& Cisborna ....144 Htuna 1.14 llentlrow ...l'oi Koblnaoa ...140 Whcelork ..131 rtaort 163 Ijinlna; VJ (Irate 1S1 Urupps 163 Tumek .....130 , peieraon . . . 1.(2 Kr.jil lbl I Rhodes ....132 BTANUAKU Oil. LKAUI B. W. I..l'.-t. Polarlns Aulo Oils. ..14 16 .15 Mlra Asia uresas 21 1 .6 it Oman Uasollns 17 It .414 Perfection Oils .......121.410 Inillviuual avaraaaa: NRms.. At. Nim. At. rain Hi Usnnlson ..138 Haum A I. man ,,..111 I Cross 1U Verity 13s -,. ritnunuun .. nun, .u l" I Jones 1M Hermss .1X1 ! I A T Tl ' .IV T-i 1 1 ri I j American jueague r le iciing itecoras, L)Li j . Orermlrs ..121 I stteraos ..ill Bargen Hou. her Nuland . rlwariaon 1. v m n Jollliaoa I 'a pan H ann.ll Hrucs . , Krstar . Johnauo llulf ... I.a ChHncs.UO Vincent ..,.101 1'etersnn ,..H4 Straws ....lot .Us ..11 ..IIS ..114 ...111 ..lis 115 ...114 ...114 ...111 ...111 .111 Philadelphia Moston , New York Washington , lctrolt Chicago Cleveland t-t. luls FIRST 8UNDEKLANO H.,.er Bti:::::::: it :si ! -Vii ts.1. STANDING OF PUYERS IN THREE-CUSHION LEAGUE PITTSBURGH. Deo. lJ.-Ths sUndlng of th player In the Interstate Three Cushlon Billiard league at the conclusion of Friday night's matches was a fol lows: . REAL ESTATE IXVESTMKXTS $450 $450 Zahlnngen $10 bar, $10 monat Hch. i Wunderroller Eckplatx; 65 Fuia Front tslt Kanil, Wasaer and Buer gerstelf, iwgl Blocks von Btrassen bahn. nahe chule, rut Ksxhbar schait; huebcbr Plats, eln Hilm iu bauen. Mehrer andere Plaetze tur Aus vahl. Telephon Douglas 25 H: n. HAMPER, 1013-14 City National Bank Bidg. Mnrln, Chicago Kilns;. Kansas City Klnckhefer. Milwaukee.... M-Coiirt, P'ttiurgh ( Keoh. Rochester Cul'en, Bu'fa'o ' K lis. Cleveland I Male y, Iietrolt ( I jean. Chicago ( j Ileal.. Toledo i Maupome, Philadelphia.... 1 Helm. Cleveland.. S : Heneon, Kt. Ixiuls! I Ietrras, Cincinnati I ! Cooler. Indianapolis 1 Won. Lost. 7 2 Pet. .T7H .Ml ..7 .HO .NK .r .)) .t4 .K4 .440 . .luO klti MINTKN. Neb., Dee. tl-Pyanklla Aeademv was defeated by Mlnden High school team at basnet ball Friday, 4a) to 13. in the high school auditorium and gymnasium. Constipation M.ellevs-4. by Dr. King's New Life Pills. Liver and bowels kept healthy and active, rkm't grip. Bur relief. Kc All drug gist. Advertisement. FurlUa ttrullar is ?n I'ladern n m alrmont Karm I gj Individual averages: Name, At. Nams. Mr!Cojr 17S Shroc-k ... ulBson lt7 Hmaoo , ('hriatnaa ...16 Hsvass . bland lt Klelson . lni 166 Giuuwr .. Hen well ....I. I w. Heas fmlth Its Ilarraoek Nslaoa 14n Klmmat Jensea 14V C. lieaa Elks 14i F. (lllilay, Olddlncs ....146 Hsulman , iinrder 14. Quinlsa .. Heldt 141 A pel Oabrlel 141 H rer .... nurinter ....141 u. lilasr...l24 OAT8 CITY LEAOUB. W. I. Pet. Lewis' Buflet n in .744 Hasan's Kalstaffs ... It Fairmont Creamery ..24 lis Hbh.iuirs Hid Tv...21 II Blaik's Kata 1 2" Klorabelma U U Jv, tlrsxel tihos Co 12 it .! Am. Eipreaa CD 7 it ., lodivlilusl sverssas: Nams. At. Nams. Fits 11 Hn-enheri ..'.' I.lmlasr Hofmans ...Is Noigaard ...1H9 H'Mt liw Heycr 1W I Kilier ......II' i'utshmias ..I'ih gllas Ill Thatrber ...1U thw Ik Dahmks Badlurs ....ll haum 1K7 W.l.r 171 Moora 17 Terrell 1 bland ... Lns 1"1 Bert well MrK'abs ....1711 I .... Teal 177 Epstsa . T. Palmer. 1 K Htors Korss 174 Drummoad .162 Vlltrhell ...171 Krr Li ('raoa 17 Senlft 140 O. Hoffmaa.lii W. WHodaa.l Meliel 116 O. Palmar.. .154 J. Hoffman 17 Tladen 1!,1 Hares 174 O. WIlodsn. lM Mstibes ....174 Msllo 141 A. Slurs ...17 Koas 14.1 Ind.trom .171 Doolsy n Hutrbloaa, ..170 Luu.sataa .13 IjuSlej 14 Tlioous ... Ui CLAM GORDON L.EAOI K. W. I.P-1 Tnrn O'Hhanters 1 II .- Hobble Hums '"I B. innle Lloms I 10 44 Kilties .) TkUtlea T 11 .34 St. Andrew I 10 .111 .417 At. ....141 ....141 ..a 14 ..".140 ...1S1 ..17 ...IU . iar, .134 .131 lilt .744 .t Mi .4H1 At. 1(1 i Hohart 14 llorothr ....1W T4"a,-insa ...141 Jobannson .11 Brrns 145 Overholt ...12 Jo n-nn ....144 Ollmors ....111 Moors 141 BTHYCO LEAGUE. W. is Pet. Mnnarrhs 14 7 .M7 Kterlins II t .(71 Colonials I II .ill Columbians I U .Ml Individual avsrase: Name. Av Nams. At. Welty .....175 Jacobl 114 Mathews ..1M llf.rtr ...lit Iewls 11.5 Melster ....132 Jonea 1.M Hlloons ....111 llasenstik .14) Lsn 124 Wandell ...144 Itemhs ....11R Hesraos ...141 Klndler ....111 Rrldnl.suih 14) Klrholaoa ..114 Hulllvan .. m Kunnjr Ill Appelquiat .li Kulton In Kmllh 1ST Palm 97 Beldlnk 1.14 Wsilacs .... M HKRCANT1LE LEAGUE. W. UlVt M:Cord-nrad r-...l i 0" M K Snilth A Co. I S 1 On llreiel's Maud Hips, t 1 ,MT Klnus-Perk Co 1 1 .147 Ilrviiln(-Kliig 0.... 1 I .JJ Kllpalriik C7b 1 I .1.11 Midland Olase Paint.. 0 I .( Iiemls l ark Groceri.. I .vie Individual sverases: Nams. Av. Nams. Wel.h 11 Pleuher rmerstes . . Marhls Tops iltesms Navajna Kleatllea Full WclkhU Individual averages: Nams. Av. tlork 1A. 'olTln 1.4 Ogdea 1. J Wlunberf 1.2 Urn ir, nobollk ....1411 feck 14T Durran ....144 Wilke 14J Hgmlerland 141 v atr npa Pawsos LEAOl'E. W. L l'rt. ....15 I .S3 ....II I ....11 7 ....11 7 .... 4 14 0 1 .1)1 .111 ttl .0H1 HARRHRN. 4 lames. ! t). A. K Mclnnlp, T,hllndelihitt..l4!i 1421 W 7 Mullen. New York K5 S! J2 li.inilll. WiifhltiKton 14S 12x4 143 1.1 Junvrln, llOMlon M 5:il 43 6 Kii-Ke. Cleveland ik CT.tTn FI KLPIN'O. Uames. !.!. T.l'. P B, 125 !'l VH m in ii" .irji 1 lf.7 V& 1"7 ir.7 167 .159 Ho IU 15 2(1 23 1(1 XII su Nams. Nsvak ... Htruther . I'arktr .. Ilnrlliert Lssaratrom Mnrtk flwln Wat kins ... Besi-h .. Uennett , ..UI James ... .1.14 Jenks .. ...W7 ...147 ...HW ...144 .li.J rMual sverssas: Kama. Kau-ouar . Walon .. HI. lop .... Tapsart .. Clark Malrnlm 4 ut' W. Hlslus nurne Av Kama .1" Has .P Johnston , .117 Iaehers . , .1J5 Iduuro .. .. . .IXi liwdsn .. ..iii y ir .im .. ..II' Doualaa .. i. Kataos. Av it .12 i .124 i;i .121 .114 114 111 riallwasos .1.1 K -kham ...IM Doris is OelNV Ik4 ...1 I Henipla ....1 Tb,.ms ....l!f Williastts ...1I Wln 14 Yetler V R. Blrlbllng IM Htory IM lirumsaond 1' Uses I'll Marrrmaa .lbl Kersejr 141 i llreiel...l. Ksemuaaea It Pellowa ....lit TeorWr iu NEU. TSLEPHONg OO. I W. LI'et. Oensrsl Office 4 I 4i Wire Chlela Accoutlng I Auditors 4 Waatsm Elect rla .... 4 1'ialAlUra J r.iialttears S Tr.Klo 1 District Plant i'oanmeeclal lu iividual avsrsfas: Av. .1.14 Traber 11'. Leehr 1J4 Hoover 133 Kutss 121 KaUiks Bryson K7 H rltrlbllnf lit Tbaarup ...1 Chrlstenass 124 Yuuug Ii4 tarr 124 W' teraard lit Kins IIS Anr.ow ....115 TllaoD 114 Armstrong luf Brows 104 Bruda 1K4 Nelson su t I4 1 IU .7 ,47 .2.11 Xil .1st .0"0 . At. ..12 ..12 ..12 127 1211 ..lit. ..Ill ..115 ..lit ..101 ..' t ..101 Monakr UI Alwlns H COMMUUC'IAL, LEAOl'G. W. I. lVt. Beselln's Old Misers.. 17 10 .CM DrrMlesaard Crowns ...14 11 .63 Krsnk's Ksndr Kids. .14 11 .HI Omaha Inks Indians. .11 II .tot Pollack's g. snd B....1I 14 .41 Omaha Essies 4 13 .14 Indlvldusl svsrsaya: Name. At. Nams. At. rtettmaa ...215 Hlnrkks ...1 Mull 1K 1(7 Kits 11 l.)tle 117 Cain 1I i handler ...l'.i MrCabe ,...12 Nelson 1' Hoffman N.l2 "Hn 15 Wall IM Itles ..... FltJgerald ..I7 Teal Uoord 17 Stanler .. Cooler 174 referees Jtruah 175 M Ix.nnell Voaa l; Solnmua ., Pi hull I 174 Hllne ('ummlngs .174 Kaerburg Haenr 171 Katon ... Mnyna 171 Oreen ... Ham 171 Thlet Roaenbsrg ..171 Morton .. Kid-on 170 Wetter ... Dengele 17 Mltrhell . Malt lies ...170 Hempel , Haeeltn lit Hsusea ,. McDonald HOOHTKIl I.EAOl'R. W. LP El Paio lara Uelle Corey MrKauiis... Maurar . Braeoa Press l'll.o Moose Club Powell Hupply Oo.. ludlvidual svsraa-es: Nams. At. Nams. Learn 1'Ji fe ... Cuuniilaga ..! tstuns 4'oi hrsu ....17 ICIileiio tioff !.' iN'bertr tarp 15 Douer at art I a U4 V. Jaruea.,.17 A. Bowers.. 14 Howell 174 rssiiia IM Norgara 171 Maurar ls C. Jokns'B..I71 Iris 12 2 lx-nry. St. Ijuls i: VSA 75 17 Jolinaon. Cleveland H0 h7 St ii Howard. St. Louis W SIS 1! S I.ajoii., Cleveland 31 1H ft T-iiirns. Ietrolt ...1:17 lf.75 7H 30 Cainor, Iietrolt-liustn.. II IM I I Cliane. Chicago M &2 43 13 Wood, Cleveland 30 145 1 0 8 lloh'ltrel, HosUin (is ii! so 14 Kournler, Chlrairo 7 15 711 25 Hellman, Detroit M K'H 12 4 "'llllHme New York... ,W r,T7 25 15 Engle, Itoston 2 2S0 lu 7 FKCOND BA8KMAN, Qames. P.O. A. R. Pet. Turner, Cleveland 17 Hon, Clevelnnd 23 Vr rites, llostori 9i 'nillns. rhiialeipnia....i.i2 Prt. .IT) .994 .!'l .;r) ,rry .!(7 .!th7 .fx7 .ftWi .a .Hsl ,t)H .WI .97". frrs .via .? Vllt, Detroit "!uckburne. Chicago. ...113 Noon, New York W ljiiole, Cleveland W Morsan, Washington. ..14n Trurs'lale, New York.. 7 Chapman Cleveland 33 Prstt. t. Louis U.i Knvanagh. Detroit...'. .115 Janvrln, Postnn 7 30 Al 1 Hi 72 2 177 241 12 3M 23 4k 112 fl 232 431 M 2: 2H n 1S7 215 17 ilk) 37 ST 121 1 17 2 K2 fl-.H 4' 4 n, 7n 43 i2 i:w ?o ..14 ..lit ..11.1 ..11 ..llil ..Mil .1611 ..10 ...l.'.l ...lil ..l.J 1.2 ..144 ...lli 25 I .7;. 7 It 14 .574 II IS .61 II IS .tt 17 14 .117, II 17 .411 II II .4' 7 if .til At. .1T7 .177 .17 .174 17 THIRD BAPFMEN. Ttmer. Cleveland l'3 i: 2" 14 ?rlirty, Detroit 12. linker, Phllsdolphla....l4l Vltl, Dr-trolt 1 Cuitnll, Prtrolt In Oardnr-r. Biatrm Ifi) Olaon. Claveisnd 1 Howard. Kt. IiOtils M A uslln, t Tuls 127 Irl. Chl'urt 1 T'osler, Washington. .. .IM Vnlsnl. New York MS mi Mnn, CMeaao 7 Alrnck, Chicago 4H Tlrknr. Chlcnsro 15 i'rsold, Clsvelsrd 20 PHORT8TOP Games n!1end. Cleveland 1 Tiffl'Tld". Wahlnon..1i r-k'iia"ali, New York.157 rSrott, Huston 143 'nrrv, Philadelphia 140 Hush. Detmlt 167 ' lri:i, ClevolnnS 'Vsaver, Chlrnao 1H llerrer, Chlcaso 27 t'lsveland "i V.T. 312 20 221 2D! 24 15 4 3 Vt 34 3 17 y. 31 42 32 S 37 51 1K3 240 30 10 12 3 247 34 J.! 245 35 M l'. ? 57 MS lrt 22 4 41 13 .trS .6 ,ir7t .70 .Wi 3 .(W0 .'. MH ,(M7 .N5 ,W4 .." Ml '.J ,VA .-.5 .T.O .D4A W.' .1)37 .' MA .3 PO. 4213 4270 41. SM 4247 42H2 4IS7 41nTi 42 IU 2 Oar A. l!37 1M3 2(100 IWI 2272 2222 lii" 2032 meB. Cook, New York M Mllnri, Washington 11.1 Cohli, Detroit fMl Hcnriksen, lioston 27 Wood. Clevelutid 40 Murphy, Philadelphia. .HS Minlteri. Ht. IxiuIm 1.12 Daley, Phlla.-New York kl tirnney, Cleveland 127 WllMems, HI. Juls 141 Miell,r Washington. ...150 Hoth, Chicago 34 1 'sley. ChlraKO 23 T.ellild. Clevrlani 17 Hellman. Detroit 2H Acosta, Washington. 22 CATCH Ens, Games. Kuhn. Chlcngo..-. Ui ('ari'Uan. Htiston........ "S Henry, Wiifclilnaton. ... ! Bwceriey, New ork.... 7M Lapp, Philadelphia 7 A Williams. Wash..... 44 TCiran, Cleveland 27 Si luilk. CIiIchko 124 Nunainaker, liosi.-N. Y. 72 Cady, Ds .Innmltri. Washington.. Bl Mnyer, Chlrauro S3 Thumn.8. Hrston .1 l.esry, Bl. Ixitiis 15 MrKee, Detroit 27 Carlsch. Cleveland X Avrew, ft. 1411 1 1m 113 Btnnage, Detroit 122 Serin rig, Philadelphia. ...100 O'.N'ell Cleveland Kl H;ii'er, Clevclnrrl 25 Croesln, Ht. I.oula 41 Haker, Delmlt 8 PITCHERS. 4 la m s B. 213 t0 2:g 2r2 2Hj 2XM 2W .310 P O. A. 171 15 21" 10 177 8 r i Hi 1M4 13 351 15 74 1 274 15 to 24 2rt 1 54 7 1 1 121 22 55 6 24 Pet. Mi .e.U . .Ml .) .W.7. .f .9ft3 15. Pet. lrt .W9 13 .fill 10 .4v 2 .IM7 .010 .9'r? .913 HARVARD OFFERS STADIUM FOR CHAMPIONSHIP GAMES CAMF1R1DGB. Mairs.. P4c. 11 Repre sentatives of Harvard will go to th forthcoming meeting of th Intercoll g'ate Association of Amateur Athletes of America instructed to tender th Harvard stadium for th intercollegiate track and field championship games next year. This was the statement mad i today by James Ornough, undergrad uate manager of the Harvard track teams. ''Harvard 1 not an active candidal for the honor," Mr. Grecnough said. "We have staged th big meeting for several years now and th association may decide that the seen should be rhanged. But the game at Cambridge always have turned more money into the treasury of the association than those held elnewhere and w believe Har vard has the beat facilities for handling the meet'" 4 13 24 4 !0 17 . .fc.'4 .I0 Ksfl ,!470 R.' .867 P.O. r 513 3i'l 310 IK1 IM! fin 'JOi 217 '."O 137 2Y, if? H IK 4M SH3 141 7 A. K. 17 1 4 7 124 IS 120 10 HI 10 54 A 41 6 13 21 130 13 M ft 55 11 47 47 10 Hi 3 to 4 44 i 1 "8 1W1 30 154 30 14 24 4? 8 13 2 tl ret. .W7 .fS4 .t0 MO .Kltl .K75 .975 .74 .'71 .71 .Wit .WW .WW .3 .PA il ;i .At ,IVI .ft'4 ,PW l"4 .frjl 7 20 .27 P.O, 31 T.nvsn. Ht. Ixu's 73 Chrirman. Ceveland 72 Wnrea. gt. IauIs W "'rllnre. Ft. J.oul 11 Tr.-ivrln, lloston 20 OCTFIKLDFllS Oames. P O Youaes 14 J. Jaroah....lai Melum Baiter , Pulte IJ0 T. an..ner I' 1 YI-OUKAPtlirAL. IJtAlil'iC W. L P ". Ion Enaraviiig 1 12 .C74i Omaha Prliiu 11 lj ..ii Va Keren ... lnglef .. Pruneas Kent Miller ... Kellar ... It. II. liar . llull Itimvier HtHkle; .. JUbsvliuh At. 174 171 .l4 . W) IM . 1 ,1 IM .! ..14 . I4H .116 Nams. AT. Orsnt ..... ISO LuilMm ...124 Wh'tliHS, Iabert ..AM Vua ltollaa.lz7 Wllros Bult 4ar 4 ar-naby .. V.r.i.,11 .. McDouxall 27 1 .115 1.4 It! Seals Ii Topping ,. Cwln I.IHum Hartford ,...1.1 Haosca .,, McCarthy , IU Orseu Klnnatuan ..11 binary rlo.'rmaa ...1st Powell Heaenberg .lsl Hunilngta It am ret rm .1st N Buaera. 7-:ea'reaaa ..! lr ... line ISO Toady ... Coarad lso Hbaw .... B. lr,!. ...l; J. Weeks. C. Weekea..l7 Nims ... T iman 174 Clumbers Mend 171 O'Conusr r'ltgensau 177 ..170 .17 A. .Ili7 .144 14 Ai .inj . IM lltl ..IM ..111 . I.J ..IM .140 ..1.1 ..111 Sinink. Philadelphia.. AM liolilen. New York 4 Tlohtr, Boston -12 Crawford, Detroit 157 t ree. New York 7 Klrke. Cleveland 4! Hooper, Boston HO llartsoll. New York....lJS Walker. Kt. fuls ..Hi Welsh, New York-Phiia. w7 Collins, Chicago ir,4 Speaker, Poston 1 .7 I Jackson, Cleveland 118 ! Vearh, Detroit 117 Cldrltia", Philadelphia. ..11' v.. Walker, St. lxul... Ui yiodle. Chicago 5 il'ah, Detroit. 63 M'tchell. ashlngtou.. 53 Bhaiiks, Wsslilnaton....ll7 Derrmltt. Chicago 142 Lewis, Boston 112 240 4f, 1H3 1MI 73 ?31 241 311 1M4 2--J4 4 V 215 215 45 i:r. 2 T.9 217 ZA Wood, Poston 1 Hall, Detroit IK IjUhron. Chlrsgo 1H Hot h. Ht. lxaila 11 0,lJiinies, Clvelnd 11 J I Plunk, Phlladelnhta.... 30 yf... i .limes, nt. iiuts .m r ' ' i .... ...... .. i, ........ er i in., r, riiins.uii.i M elliuun. Kt. IxjuIs X Knler. Chleao S3 Caldwell. New York.... 30 Wolfgang, Chleavo I'l Johnsun, Washlnaton... 50 lUtnlllon. Pt Ixiitls.... 43 Covaleskle. Detroit 42 Haumgardner. Kt. luls U 14.n1er, Philadelphia.. 24 r-'hore. Boston Keating. New York... !aus. Detroit Irf-cnarl, lliston 'olllnh, Poslon ,. BuHh. Philadelphia... I'Msher, N York Clentte, Chicago Foster. Boston Hoehler. Detroit A. E. Pet. ;':nKell Chicago .!s7 Main, Detroit .! 1 I Diihnc. Detroit ,;0 Bnasler. Phlladrl;ihia .977 Brown. Phll.-New York 34 .v7 I Pennock, Philadelphia.. 27 .975 Oreag. Clevelaud-Bos.. 27 .H7J Pleh. Ne Yort 13 .'j73 Hhawkev. Philadelphia. U .fi Kiott, Chl'-ago ,. 41 .K7I ltentley, Washington. . . 23 .170 I H. Johnson. Boston... .t Mitchell. M Louis .Si7 Hens. Chicago .Kii5 I Hewtlent. Btiston .M5 I Col. NW York .lei 1 Collsmore, Cleveland.. .U'i I r-hs.w. V sshltirtun Worhop. New Y.i6"k .,7 Cavt. Detroit..., .--.4 1 Ttlandlng, Cleveland... ; Wyt-koff. Phlla-i. lplila. 0 .X2 1 L'litiel, Waeltlrigtuu M A. K. Pet. 45 .'thi 37 4l 30 STiil 500 29 3-.'4 3 3d 244 447 4.f 544 U H M I f7 8e1 59 M 74 11 ViO IS 173 1i3 M ltri 17 33 12S list 35 2ii 4n V 40 47 15 .(Ml .r:l .'I4 .1447 .kit .'Mi .! ti . 2 .lfl 13 .'M'.i i 4 2 1 5 6 2 7 1 30 10 11 21 30 15 13 7 14 14 24 11 22 14 is 33 41 32 3M 35 2 42 ao 13 33 M K 2i O. A R. Pet. 13 n oi.(iii 4 2 ft l.f 0 19 0 1 CV 4 21 0 1 ' 3 21 0 1. 01 7 3i 1 .977 ii MS s ;m 19 SO 2 .'.Kh IS 3 .971 7 W4 J .970 14 46 2 .fcti 7 53 2 .9rt W 102 g .4i4 11 64 3 .DM 1 123 6 .9.4 4) 49 I ,9M I 47 I .9M t 5 I f74 9 M X .'.! 8 M 4 ,9.l 41 2 .959 H 57 S .95 Ml .re II 77 4 .WVS I 110 6 .952 IN 5el 4) 15 1 .947 J 50 I .94 6 00 4 .943 14 m .4J 2ri I .941 10 09 6 .SM'I 9 37 S ." n 3 I ,93K 1 1.3 I jra 3 t .9TJ 7 7 .930 9 31 3 .4wn 1 Jt 8 ,9'A nt i .9-5 5 112 10 .0.1 f M ( .913 4 29 i .017 1 1 I .917 13 72 9 . M 1 0 M t 2 4.1 I .'.' 4 31 4 .re 4 30 5 .kji STALLINGS SIGNS TO '. RUN BRAVES FIVE YEARS BOSTON. Dec. 11 George T. Stalling, who led th Boston nationals to th world's championship this fall, will con tinue as manager of th club for t ltASt flv. years, . according to word re ceived here toiay. H ha signed a con tract extending four year beyond th coming season, when hi previou agree ment will explr. TOMMY BURNS HURT AS HE FALLS FROM SLEEPER CHKYENNF, Wyo., Dee. 13. Tommy Burns, ex-heavy weight champion pugilist, was severely Injured today by. a fall In pullman car near Casper, Wyo. In th darkness Burns stumbled, twist ing his left arm and wrenching his side. It Is thought th ex-champlon will b confined to the hospital several day. Detroit floccwr Tram Win. CHICAOO. Dec. 13 Th Detroit soccer team, champions of Michigan, defeated the locale 3 to 0 in the national amateur championship here today on a snow cov ered field. Pteen. Cleveland ?9 11 R7 .f5 M'tchiM. Cleveland 35 4 4 .ff3 ( own be, llonton-Clevel. 2 11 M I .tf Ay res. WuahinKtun 45 17 64 10 .WO Bowman. Cleveland 20 ( ll I HaKerman, Cleveland.. 35 i 41 I .H2 Dllllnger, Cleveland 10 ft 7 1 .ST5 Morton, Cleveland 20 t 80 .v5 Reynolds, Detroit 20 S 19 4 .907 l.everens. Kt. Txitlis 25 t 23 fl .8.S Mcllale, New York 29 t 45 9 .I2 Harper. Washington.... 22 0 11 I .7! 7 Stock for Sale Aa omaha corporation In actlv buat Ba tar twenty sara of far (or aal fifty share guaranteed ssvsn per oant preferred stock rsdeemod from former wnsr. No aventa Will sail direct, A 17 Car Ol .