in io nA). omaiia, monday, decemhek 14, ioh. WANT ADS Want ad received at any tlma, but to Insure proper ciaaMflcaUon must b pra--nted before u o clm k noon for evsnlng edition anl 7. to p m. for morning and Punday edition. Want ada recetred after rh hour will be under tha heading, "Toa Uti to Classify." ' CASH RATES. Sveti consecutive time. 1 cant a word ach Insertion. Three times within ona week, ltt cents a word each Insertion. Ona time, t cents word. CfUIlOE RATES, Vven ronsecutlv time. I cent a Hoe ch Insertion Thrc time within ona week, 10 ent 4 Una h tnaertlon. Ona tlma, i. rent a Una. Count six averag word to a Una. Minimum charge, to canta. An advertisement inserted to oa run un til discontinued must ba stopped by writ ten order. All clalma for errors must be made within fifteen days after tha last Inser tlon of tha advertisement. Ton ran placa your want ad In Tha Be by telerhon. TELEPHONE TTLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of ether anawere have been sailed for and delivered during tha 1ml week. It la reasonable to auppoee that all of the people below have made tha dealred swap, therefore do oot call tor the balance of their anawera. Bea Want SC. 1811 IMS 1517 1520 113 1140 1Mb Add aura set result. g.C B.C. SC. SC. SO. XO 3! 152 1424 211 L'W : U.4 lt tit Mil 1.1 1378 H'U tl 80S lWi 13VI H'J lis 1.'7 18) K' 221 n nil tm 1441 I 110 1:414 l.4 1440 tTl (11 Ui) 1 1449 12 tl )XU 140. 1464 2? 3t m: i i 1IPJ 324 13. J407 14:41 ft t'i 1342 14O0 14'i 4 771 144 1411 1470 2M) JM 11 1412 UTI 1S56 8M 1W 1414 14k: 218 Is9 lJol 14i 1J ANNOuNCKMKNTS OLA" UIJkVJNU. Fuperior window it In as and expert glsslnc. tis quote prices. HARK KR BKO?. TAINT CO.. Tiialas 4". 1 CHRISTMAS BARGAINS In Jewelry. Watches, etc Mny tatl fled customers. GROSS .1 FTWFI.HT CO. Tha store with the reputation." 24Vtj N. 11 h and 41(1 N. 1th. AMl.HMTK, he writes ads. booklets. circulars on request. Room Re Rd'g. Tel. Douglss 4177. OFT a Y M. ('. A ticket for Xm. FL'R overcoats; also other wsrm over coats; rhesp. Friedman, IS? Dodge. THK ULVMIIA Is shewing a complete line of Xmaa candles. IMk Harney. HAZEL l,eaf Tile Cones. Hest remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; fOc postpaid ; samples free. Sherman ft MeConnell Drug f'o., Omaha. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. LUCKY wedding rlnas at Brodegaard s. MOHKL cK-sners and tailors: call and de liver in N. ISth Ht. Phone Red 42W. MUST sell all trunk. ultcae, hand bags half price. Bee MAURY, Mil N. 1'itH M. F. MORRILL. lK ORATKl CHINA for Xmss lfts 34 Rrandela The. Hide;. W1IL, contract to kill all roachea In your liouse or biitldlna; In twelve dnys or no money. Powder (ssed Is non polsonoua ani odorlesg. Douglsa 1170. COAL-5 baskets, $1. D. 3540. LIVE WIRE BISINKSH MKN OK OMAHA A B C of Omaha 1L. watches, diamonds and Jewelry at actual WH(il,K8AI-B COST, Uulttlna Jewelry business. WEHT- KRN WATCH ANI JBHEI.RY CO., Iloom 217. Karbach Hlock. A' J CNK We are the oldest Junk buy ers in tne west, w r.te lor price lint on ecraD metal, rubber and ran. I.. lf4 I Hardlna- A Non. I. 2712 1M1 Cum.. Unions. 1570 167J IhSa i:.i 1VM TODAV8 OMIPLKTK MOVIE TKOUKAMS Excluaively la The lie Uni Tows, CAMFRAPHONE THEA., 14W Poiiarlaa. The Plot at the R. K. Cut, Kalem drama. The Making of Him, I-reel l,tibin drama. BnakevUle'a Reform Wave, Ess. VV. com. KXJTK NO. I, iai FARNAM. tcara of Possession. 2-r. Essanay drama, featuring F. Hushman. He Walts For ever. hub, dra. The Way Rack, H4o. dra. FARNAM, WIS FARNAM. The Lucky Shot, Reliance drama. N 0 fc.W and second-hand electric fans and rootora. LeHron Electrlo Worka, l 8. 12th. Douglaa 2178. M AHA PlhLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming Doug. 24H7. Renovates feathers and mattresses of all kinds, niakea feather mattresses and down covers. VACCCM cleaners for aale. Vacuum cleaulng dune In the home. Sanitary Service Co., HOB Bee lildg. WK rent, re for nil XRASK repair, sell needles and parts sewing machines. Nr CTCl.K CO.. "Mlckel'a." ISth and Harney. Iouclns lflf.t WEArJeVKR aluminum kitchen uten sils. Popular combinations, not sold In stores, f actory (salesmen. Web, KM. m: r wm and harnet. Horn of Paramount Picture. Aeewautaats. MKI,V1L1.E IJ. THOMAfl COMPANT, 12a7-Ss City Wat. Rank Hide- Tyler 110. E. A. Uworak, C. P. A., loug. 740. BAKER, VAWTKK VOIK, Kong. 740. Adsllsiar Maahlstea. Halton Adding Machines.- 411 S. It. D. 144. Adder Men. Co. (Wales), W. O. W. 13. b-M. Arcklteota. Everett H. Dodds, C12 Paittnn Blk. d. rwi. PAItU. THKATtK. Feature program dally. Keystone Comedlna. 18 N. 16TH. PARLOR, 1408 DOUULAB. Oenil of the Vase, Joker comedy. For the Maatery of the World, Z-reel Eclair. PRINCESS, 1317-1 UOCULAS, Ixive llgulsed. Joker oomedy. Tha Trail Breakers, 2-reel Bison. The Wayward Won. Victor. ; AULA MB RA. 124 N. TH BT. The Horse Trader, Royal oomedy. Vpa and lowns. Keystone oomedy. Tb Cripple. 1-reel Tnapnauser drama, ALAMO. ttTli AND Jf OrtT. Hia t ather a Bod. (-real Victor. Tha Close Call. Sterling comedy. J-lar Life' a btory. Powara. CLIFTON, MUllsry Ave. and Uurdette. 'ihe Final Teat, prlnoess. dr. hhot in Die Excitement. Keystone com. 2ulura No J. . ' DIAMOND. 24HI LAKE. , The Mysterious Rose, 1-reel o I Meal. (tammies' Vacation, crystal coiunuy. Father Buys a Bale, Victor. FRANKLIN THEATER. 24 Lh A Franklin ' On tlia btioke of Five. 2-r. Vitaraph dr. fewphie and the Man of Her Choice, baa. i 4Xtin. The Everlasting TrUngie. Ed. or. , H I PPOLROM E. ib TH AN uTJlfMINvi. , hhety 4a Sherlock Holmes, l-r. Broncho dr. The Kmperor'a Hpy, Than, drama. In the Eiiclteinent. Keystone com. ' ft THEATER. 18TH V LOCU8TT Heart-8eiu No. 7. The B.ue Flam. I-reel Botlg dr. Bunny Backslid'. Vllugraplt com. lxyiHKOl.' ilTH AND-LOTHROP. Kliorty and fiheilock Holli es, 2-r. Bronco dra. lown Hill to Credltvslle, klajeello com. 1 he Hmance of Power, Prln. dra, c JlYAlZ 34t CALDWELL," Tha Master Key, No. 4. I-reel. As We Journey Through Lire, Neator. The Bllfhted Spaniard. L. Ko comedy. PALACE, Ui DAVENi'OilT. , Trey O'llcarla, No. 15. J-reel Gold Seal. Bl'Bt'RBAN THEATER, Hih AMES. Heien'a Hscrl.lce. Kalem dra. The Mrana and the End, I-reel Eaa. dr, , Kimng Their leda. Vita, com. Attractloaa. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and foug. Motion picture maihlnw and film bargalna Aato aad llaajaeto UeyalrtnaT. Magneto' repair work a specialty. D-2418. A arttuiieera. Dowd Auction To.. 112J W. O. W. Red 32s4. bias Prlatlas. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 201 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Barber. II Chairs, loc shave, neck shave. 1M7 Far. alraaa Foaadrlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co., rth and Martha 8ta. MatldlB HealrlBC. E, FRANTA, U Paxton Blk. Doug. 2157. Cisterw aad Well DIsTKla. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dugT SCiiAFFEH doea It. Phone Web. fjt31. taltlernla Laada. W. T. f.mlth Co., 1111 City Nat. Bk. D. Ml. loal Dealers, & SO Johnwn special, also Vlotor nut. P"w fc.w. 1-hotie D. 17C2. t blroprartora. L. Qeddi. D. C.. XU Bee Bldg. Doug, tat tklaa Palatlac. " ' Ruth LetchfoVd. decorating, firing. R 44l. t'lvll felaalaeera. M. J LACY, Sit BEE BLDCJ. DOUO. 4716. t'reasa Separator. The Sharpies Separator Co.. Hth Fnrn. kaath. ARBOR. j.D XSD ARBOR. hands of Fat. I-reel MaJnstiu drama. Foiled Ant n, Komic comedy. ' Taming of Kunnybruok Nell. American dr. APHOLLO THEA. aS4 LK AVE NW ORTlf. The Theft of the Crown Jewels. I-reel Kaium drama, llearst-ftclig, No. 77. The Rocky Koad of luve, Vltagraph com. COLOMBIA THEATER. 1710 H. 1UTH dT". The I'r nce Party, 2-re Easanay drama. Hani th Piano Mover, Kalem comedy. The Everlasting Triangle, Edison drama COMFORT. 4TH AND ViNTuN. Red Bird Wins. I-reel Amertcan. Iieatlny'a Night, Broncho. Fatty s Jonah Day, Keystone. t'laelc Heyalrlac EXPERT clock repairing. Web IMS. DeteetUre. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any part of Cnlted tUatea, Canada or Mex Icq. ) Paxton Hlk. 1. 137.1. Walnut lfOO JAME8 ALLA." 312 Neville Hlk. Evl- aence secured In all canes. Tyler ll.'W. THE Hennlngs Becret Service. Phono Douglsa 7'lev. Address L . Ben. Ussrlsg Aeadesalea. Turpln'a Panclng Academy, Mth A Farn. Oenevleve Hatifialre, Phone Web. Km. CHAMBERS' Academy, lla-lr I I.IVK WIRK IIIKINKNH MEN OF OMAHA Masaeasew, Mies Fisher, mns., elect, treat. R-d frM. MAK-JAIIK. S 17th St Mrs Steele. 1 ASA(K f"1 MKK Bl'H.lilNO. Kathleen Mack, massage bath. I). 7f2. COHA 13KLIJNGY New arrival. Magnetic, aatlnfactory eastern treatment; baths; daily and evening. l'7 f. 17th Ht. Notice; ITKat entrance, basement, corner of bldg. MI88 JAi'OltH. mass., manicuring. Phone Doug. IW. Hours. to S: un 11 to V MISS OIH.-ON. msssaite, bath. Room 22i Nev'lle Plk., Irtth A Harney. Hours. to . BATH nn1 mnsssge, alcohol rub I'ira Wilson. 18"2 Farnstn. R. J. Dougla I75L Open evening and Sundays. Millinery. SWITCHES from combing. II (o. psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Erk. iT Mercy. II. IW4S. Meaeeaarrj aad Traasfer. WHITE LINE. jc H. 11th. Dougla Mil. Moelaa. toraje aad tleaalav. W. r, FERRIN. 1Mb ind Capitol. Ty. 1. Oeallats. Eyes examined, glnRses fitted, pay a you can. Drs. McCarthy, 1111 W. O. w. Bldir. Osteopathic I'brslrlaas. Dr. Renicba. W-4 McCague Bldg. D. tfSd. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 R. 11th Pt Prlatlav. WATFTSj4-nARNHART Plf. Co., miallty printing. Tel. I'oug. MWV 124 ft. ISth Ht. I-Q1TQLAB Printing (,'o. Tel. Ioug. 44. COREY A M KENZIE PTO CO. O. VM. R1KS-HAL1. Ptg Co., 1?0Capnl I. 11"2. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOCO. 37M, Patents. H. A. Sturges. Brandels Theater niig. D. O nsrnell, PsxtoTTRlk.' Tel. Hed"7fl7" I'alnllna and Pa pert as. HrOH M'MANI'S, 417 N. 4hth. VI. S7S. Plumea Reaovatetl. PLUMES Ai flowers made over, cleaned A dveil. Berths Kruger, 429 Paxton. D. (W4. Roach Kstrrailaator, B. P. B Roach powdor at your druggist. gate, and Time Lor k experts. repalrod, comb. r . fc,. Daven- port. 14"0 lodge. V. 1K1. naip, as sa ia r mir- as. r SAFES SKnsa-' Nkne Hepalrlnaia Elertrlc Ehoe Itep. Co.. HOT St. Mary Ay. FRIEDMAN BROS., snoe repair, m S. 14. Hlgsi aad khowearda. E. M CLARK SON, 111 H. ISTH BT More aad Offloe Klxtnres. DE8KB, safes, scales, ihowcases, ehelv. Ing, etc. V buy. sell. Omsha Fixture and Fupply Co.. 414-1-1b S. run li. 1724. Steel f elllnaa. CARTER Sl eet Metnl Works, 110 H l(Mh. Tawel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 B. Hth. I. B28. Traaka and "alteaaee. FRKL1NO BTEINLE. 1W1 Farnam St. Tallora. CHAP, C. I.ANDERTOi;. 108 N. 1f,th fit O. OLSEN at CO.. 612 8. lth 8t. Id floor. Veterinarians, DR. O. R. YOUNO, 4fi0l Center. Wal, tna. Window Shade Cleaaer and Mfgn. OLD shade made 11k new. .Midwest Hhado Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Wal. am. Wlnea and Liquors. A LEX JETEM. 2H-S 8. 13th St. Wines. Il'iuors, cluars. Plate dinner. 11 to I, 10c. Cllobo ll'iuor houac, 424 N. ltith ; California wine. i. a per gHl. Write for pri.-e list. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOOS13, Kth hnd Capllol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. HUT your family liquors at Kleins Liquor House. 622 N. 16th. Dougla 1KO0. HELP WANTED FEMALE 4 lerteal aad Office. STENOGRAPHER, rapid typist, some dictation. Apply 626 State Bank Bldg. Areata aad aleawamea. WANTED Agents and ollcltor In every locality for The Twentieth Century Farmer; either aex: all or spare time: no experience necessary to earn big money. write at once tor agency. THE TWENTIETH CENTL'RT FARMER, Omaha, Neb. Faetary aad Trad. LEARN IwilrdreSB'.nB. Oppenheim Parlor LADY barber wanted; salary guaranteed, W Pierce St. Haaaekeepere and Domrattea. THE Servant Ctrl Problem Solved. Th Ba will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th dealred results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to Th Bee of lire or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED Girl for general housework family of two. M20 Isard. Walnut S24&. GERMAN girl for general housework. '01 N. 27th Ave. WANTED Competent plrl for general housework; small family. Walnut 16M. 2S21 Cuming. UOOl), competent girl; references re quired; guod wages. Miss E. B. Carl an. 4'o.rt Davenport. Walnut 3. Mackle'a Academy, now open. IS. 6 liar. Dra am. DRCQS at tut priors; freight paid on 110 orders; cataloguea free, tiherman 4k Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. EleetH Bapplles. LERRON Elec. Will., Ill 8. jj,h. D. 1171 Dentlata. Dr, Brsdhury. Ko pain. ISng Farnam. Dr, Todd's alveolar dentistry. 401 Brnndels Bailey, the Dentist, 7'X City Nat l Bank. Taft Dental Rooms. 1517 IourIs. Dtl)i Pyorrhea, Dr. Ftekea. 724 City Nat. Bank. FAVuHllE THTWt, IVlf VINTON. Ann the Blacksmith, I-reel Vltagraph dr. Slippery Slim and the Impersonator, Ess. W. com. The Telltale Knife. Sel. V. dr. OEM. D3 8. fjf IL The Heart of Nlghtwlnd, I-r. Victor. At th Crucial Moment, Eclalre. 1 ieam of a Painting. Joker corned y . LYRIC, K17 VINTON ht. His Uncle's Will, I-reel Rex. Hia Night Out, Joker comedy. Animated Weekly. PASTIME. 21TH AND LEAVEN WORTH. The Treasure Train, I-reel Imp. A B-sr Fs-ype, Sterling comedy. VENEZJA. mi 80. IJTH bT. Four reels of Mutual picture. Wast. MOXROE. 5 FARNAM BT. Wbel Trunnetl In Rootle Baby. l-r. BdL llvken HuLinea In Th Demon of th Ralls. The Evolution of Perclval, Vita. com. atensen. BENSON. MSS MAIN. Tha Return, I-reel Western Eclalre. Mary Fuller In ' Hia Big Chance,'' Victor, The Hoodoo. Joker eoinsdy. Dreaeaaaklaa-. Terry Dressmwk'r college, 10th 4k Farnam. BKIRTii to order. II ju up. m . Rith. MlS BTI'HDT. 2416 Cass. Red 7:U0r LADIES' bUlTS maae to order, U up; aklru. $2 W up; also remodeling. Irwin, 112 Ho. lth. Doug. ;. Miss M. Morln. ( towns, 2406 Case. R. 72.' FASHIONABLE dressmaking, 1507 Corby. w'AT-QV A Ll?Nr. mil Douglss R. eiot. Farriera. BEN FENBTER. 14)0 N. 4th St Web. T777. Kyrythlav far Winn, Woman's Exchange, 4M Pax. Blk. R. 4411 ACCORlilON. aide, knife, aunburst. box pleating: covered buttons, all a sea and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co , HO Douglas Block. D. 136. riariata. A DONAOHITK. 1?l Harney. Doug. 1001 BATH'S florists. 1m Farnam St. Florists. HESS aV KWOBODA. 141R Farnam St. L HENDERSON. 1M Farnam. D II Memtwr Florist Trlegraih Iel. Assn. Heir Uresalagr. Harper method. R. . Balrd Bldg. D. I1L Cwaaeil 111 a fie. ELITE NO. 1. f.4& BROADWAT. ljrd Cecil Keeps Hi Word. Lubln dra. Harat-nMg, No. II. Convict, Costume and Confusion. I-reel Vltaarapb comedy. ROPER. 67 BROADWAtT The Idstrlct Attorney's Brother. 2-r. tiold eal. 1 heir Cos and Downa, NeaL com. Her Hltcher Ambitions, Froa. ibwnia ostska. BE-B THEATER. I4TH AND N. fcaved Fton a Life of Crime, l-r. Vita, t A k,d ttf War. Keea nay comedy, j The Temple of Moloch. Edison tfrsma. MAOIC JlfirANDcT j District Attorney'a Brotler -rel Oold t Sel. Love. Lurk and Candy, Sterling comedy. Circle of ttold. Frun. OKPHEL'JI, Z4TII AND it KT8. te Zudoia her today, i l.adtee Tailor. LADIKB' aulta tailored to measure: popu lar Prices; remodeling. Irwla Brecher Co.. 112 Bo. 16th. Phone Doug. r. Llahtlna rtstare aad Wlrlaar. TIIOMAS DURKIN Electric, fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. . 41 CUMING. DOUGLAS IMS. live taek Reiaedlee. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 8. Ilth. Red 42E1 Mask, t'oetaates aad Lodge applleaT WFR; ot kd"- "galU and costume. The largest slocl; of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. The. Lteben 4t Bon. U14 Hoaard. D. 4HJ, WANTED a girl for housework, small famllyMB 8. 29th St. HOl'SEKEKPER Also servant girl at Council Blutfa Sanitarium. Good posi tion and home. See German Doctors, Main an 1 Broadway, Council Blufls, l' B ISA WANTED Girl for aeneral housework. H. 6.142. Stoa Woolworth Ave. Mlimllaau.. YOUNG wcniea coin ng to Omaha a """"'" iu mil ma loung Women' Christian A asocial on hulldlig at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they Will lw H I ,.1' t mA tn .nll.M- lu.,1 K. plnces or otlit rw!se asstxted. ".00k for our traveler' guide at Union station. LADIES' A misses routs, suite, dresses A skirt samtile at wholesale prices. Bon- 011 a JNew yorg sample store, m. k.( ri. MANY government lobe onen to women list free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 68. IIKLP WANTEII MALE GOOD FUTUKrj"t)R YOU or anyone who n.akes himself an auto expert. We give expert work Go right Into the aula btielness from here Best and finest equipped college. Oppnrtunlt es beet here now. ever have been. Write for list of openings. Fre ratelog. AMERICAN AL'TO COLLEGE. Ill Farnam St.. Omaha. PHONE Web Ml for basket coal WANTED l.flno men to est ham on 1 eggs, 15c. Coffee John. 14th end Capitol. Wanted at Once MEN to learn tha automobile business; the demand la great lor our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let ui train you. Writ for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, M14 N. W'th B... Omaha v.b. KKISAKKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL NIGHT AND HAY cr.AR.fl Special holiday offer. Write for par ticulars. We have the largest and best equipped shops In the middle west. 14,000 jeei space. 1413-15-17 Dodge St.. Phone Douglas J043. Send For Catalogue C. WANTED A good man. One who un- ""'''" iu mmr pinni aoi automo Dlle. Heretnra ran 1 1 1 -,.) T a n li Davis, 200 Bee Bldg. ni'HIXEfW CIIANCES SALESMAN TO HANDLE NEW MO NOPOLISTIC. FAST BELLING SPE CIALTY; HIGH GRADE PROPOSITION: EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY: BI'INKS.4 A LASTING ONE; SHOULD NET U.ooO TO $10.10 FIRST TEAR; GIVE FI LL PARTICULARS REOARDINU YOUR SELF. MANUFACTURER. 1416 N. SARAH ST.. BT. IOl l8. MO THEATF7RS Buy, leas or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam St. nonplus 1M. WANTED to buy medical practice In eastern NebrasKa or wentem Iowa. C. 3K, Bee. YOUR business or real estate quickly sold JIM WIUT, SI0111 City. Boom In a; II oases for Bale. TEN rooma. nli'ely furnished; money maker. Must sacrifice, leaving town, 409 8. 2.ith Ave. EDUCATIONAL EXPERT lady stennsrapher will take pupils BHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training g.vcn for buslnes ca reer. Private instruction If desired. 44 DoJgla St Tel. Walnut 2S27 KELP WANTED MALE AHO FEMALE. THOUSANDS government Joba open to men and women; big pay; Omaha ex eminatkMie frequently; list of position tree. Address Y .!. Bee. GOVERNMENT j7)bi open to men and women; 146 to $150 month. Write imme diately for positions list Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 2il W, Rochester. N. Y. MOSHEK-LAMPMAN COLLEGE, Unsurpassed rlasses In business, short hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catalogue address, MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. ISth an J Farnam Bts., Omaha, Neb. UOYLES COLLEGE Day School: Ktaht Rr-honl- xnni.,. J buaineas course: complete shorthand or iienoiypn rourae; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Eng lish. Students admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1914 catalogue. BOTI.ES COLLEGE, H. B. BOYLE9. President, Boyle .Bldg. Omaha, Neb, Tel. Douglas 16fi5. 1 WANTED SITUATIONS TOUNO man wanta place to work for board wlilie attending Boyle' college, Telephone Dougla 1546. MAN and wife (colored wants position In private family as butler and cook. Man can take car of automobile. Best rf reference. Phone D. A. Hayes, Web eter 2M. WANTED Any kind of housework; 111!) vtnimm st. Mrs. Browning BlfUATION Day work or bv week; go home nights. W. 6434. Any kind. A-t STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper and clerk wishes about three hours' work each evening. Am available at 6 p. m. it etenograpnic, win do transcribing at home. Would be glad to consider any kind of work for about three hour each evening. Tyler 1895. CHILD nurse or companion wishes posi tion; best references. Tyler 13H. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes a position a housekeeper; can give references. Address J 331, Bee. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, 1 several year. railroad and office experience; prefer position a traveling salesman or office work; ran uae typewriter; not a steno. K 132, Bee. EXPERIENCED girl wanta position In owing room or alteration department; reference. Call Harney 2034, BUSINESS MEN Competent lady stenog rapher desires position; 3 years' experi ence; last place 0110 and one-half years and earned three promotion; also good bookkeeper and some selling ability. Any thing considered. Future deslrel. Ad drees E S2.S, Bee. ELDERLY ldy wanta position as house keeper. Will consider short distance out of city. Phone Webster 1136. 2764 l.ravt St. TAllOH'S cleaner and dyer, experienced and capable suit pressor, wlsbea posi tion. I'hone Douglas S34. COMPETENT, sober, married man want lob a janitor or brick fireman. Ad- dresa.. F 866, Bee. PLACE desired by Dane; I auto var nlsher and painter; reference. Address A 325, Bea. RHFINED widow desire position a housekeeper. Call Douglaa 4M. WANTED Position general housework, 1128 No. 19th ve. GIRL for general housework, S In family. 1144 D. St. M. SITUATION wanted by experienced clerk In country town store, best references; speaks German and low German. Ad dress M 2H6, Bee. COLORED man and wife, best refer- in es. wish position In private family: man aa Janitor or yard man. Web. 3101. POSITION wanted a hotel clerk by a man of middle age, experience, best of reference. A. 289, Bee. AUTOMOBILES MODEL B-6 Detroitcr touring car will, self-starter, run lea than 600 mile; gem in bargain at $.J. The X. G. Nona wall Co.. 914 Jones St., Doug. 1707. FORD car alnt d $22; other cars accord ing to sise; work gtd Phone 8. K.'JO. Industrial Garage Co., 20th ft Harney Sis. Graenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co.. 2u20 Far. FOR RENT One-ton White truck with driver, by week or month. H. "Pelton, TV. Farnam. Call Douglas 3W, AUTO clearing house, 2110 Farnam. buys itnd clls used curs. Phone Douglas S310 $100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfer. 216 N. 11 Llndborg Brne , i73 Leav. (Flying Merkla). Motorcycles. HARLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Parea r,i In need machines. Victor Root, "Th Motorcycle Man." 7f3 lavenworth. 1916 INDIAN. MOTORCYCLE now ready; barxalna In used machines. OMA11A BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. D. 3728 BUSINESS CHANCES 160 acre northeast Iowa, mile to town. $115 per acre; 16.000 March, balanc terma JIM WRAT, SIOUX CITY. BAKERY and confectionery In good lo cality; 200 to 150 loaves sold at retail per day, besides plea, cake and fancy groceries. Price, tJUO. Se W. P. O'Brien. 410 Roe Bldg. II ELI A'AJfTED MALE Clerical aad Offle. HIOH-GRADB commercial positions. WESTERN REF. & BOND AS8N 761 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Asjeats, aleaasea aad oltcttara. NO classification; liberal contract; new policies. Mutual Benefit Health and Ac cident Association, 423 City National Bank Bldg , Omaha. Neb. SOLICITORS 40 per cent commission, easy seller. Apply 1730 Dodge. Room 4. WANTED Several neat appearing rata for soliciting. Money dally. Call at one, tat Brandel Theater Bldg. A p plug? I O els Our motto to sell HONEST E very GOODS AT HONEST N ew PRICES. Being square Is a T lmety habit of ours. 603 Be Bldg. S peclalty Neb. Western Selling ' Co. Phone lHug. 4177. WANTED Agent and solicitors In every locality for The TwcuUeth Century Farmer; either aex; all or spare time; no experience necessary to earn big money. Writ at one for agency. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Omaha. Neb. Faetary aad Tradea. Drug stor snsn: wos K ? n yMe M,V:,,-fit',,M,D'r' '" th D. 71TOpen eve.. p. m. ; Sundays, lu to J. Violet Ray, mass.. k Bee BUIg, D""jur Claia Lee. bath and maasaga. Doug. I "A WANTED-MEN TO LEARN THK BAB BE It TRADE. The world needs more barbers than any other tradeamen. We have originated a plan to teach It qulrkly ar. 1 vara some nionev while learning. Tools Included. Bord If de sired. Open to everyone. Particular free. Distant applicant write. City an plliants call. MOLF.R BARBER COL I.VHK 110 S. 14th St. LEARN BARBER TRADS. Be Independent: waxes and tools gives Electric mae:ic. Strictly modern big demand for h,rVr Call or write TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE ll?4 Douglaa tjm. lui! N sit.. Ltucola. C. J. CANAN. Real Estate and Exchange FOR SALE Confectionery, bakery and light grocery; 4 llvlnx room in th rear; fine location. Web. '7K16 FOR RENT January 1st, modern store room. In Madgett Block. Splendid cafeteria location. Writ William Mad gett. Hastings, Neb. GROCERY STOKE for sale, only ex clusive on In live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for selling Address Y-734. ear Rn. FOR SALE 25-ROOM HOTEL " Always full, rates $2; buildings and fur nltur; r.Ots). half cash. JIM WHAT. SIOUX CITY. FOR SALE GENERAL STORE Cash trade, clearing 13.000 a year; naif interest, 13,500: all, It.OuO. JIM WRAY. SIOUX CITY. FIRST-CLASS bowling Hey and billiard hall. Good bualnees. Will aell chean. Tag paid. Addrea T lot. Bm. Nf' YOUR BUSINESS BETTER BY TNSTALLINO THK MONARCH SIMPLIFIED ACCOUNTING SYSTEM; ANYONE CAN KEEP IT; SAVES TIME. SAVE8 MONEY, 8HOW8 AT A GLANChl HOW YOUR BUSINESS STANDS; MAKES BOOKKEEPING A PLEAS URE; SEND FOR BOOKLET DESCRIB ING THI4 SYSTEM, UNITED SALES CO., Ill City National Bank. The Van Sant School Stenography Day school. 1:00 to 4:00. Night school. 1:16 to :li ISth and Farnam Bta. Doiir' (647, Experienced tutoring in grade and high school subjects; make up work a special ty. Beat of references. 3116 Davenport. It. KR)W. M astral Inatrartloa, RAG TIME piano playing taught In 20 lessons. Chrlstensen School, 4W0 Cum ing St.. Walnut C379. CaU or writa. FOR SALE Faraltare. New 4k Id-hand furniture, cash or term; reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co., 606 N. Hth. HIGH-GRADE baaebumer and steel run tlfm nearlv new. hmlt nHp. 17na M 24th St. Tynewrt tere. RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premier of their maker. Tha Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Dougla 1284. ' Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chine sent out. Rates, three month for 15 for understroke machine or $1 per month for latest model visible writer. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butt Typewriter. 1H0S Farnam. D. 6031. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented, reoatred Central Typewriter Exchange W7 S. i7tn. RENT An Oliver typewriter, I month for 11 Th Oliver Typewriter Co.. D. tn. Mas leal laetraaaeata, EXCEPTIONAL value In new and slightly used piano. G. H. Harr Piano Co., tr.lrd floor Boston store Bldg. D. 2017. COLUMBIA phonograph, mahogany case, never been used. 11. J. Root, 1034 8. SOtn Ave. I'hone Harney 8403. Vise IU . - . tL HA Buy best coal for th money; try ipO.UU lc Web Harmon at Weeth. 6x7 QRAFLEX newspawr camera, with 11 plat h0,dr- carrying case for camera and carrying ess for plat hold ers. Th outfit In good condition and a big bargain for th lot at $110. Addreas A :9). Bee NATIONAL cash regieter, double self measuring oil tanks. McCaskey 200 acct. Register, new; Toledo computing scale cigar case, wall tobacco caae, new safe, large refrigerator, candy scale, other grocery fixture. Box 811, Tekamah, Neb. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket blll'ard table and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of all kind: easy payment. Th Brunswick- Balke-Collertder Co.. 407-409 S. 10th St DAMAGED hay $3 ton Wagner. 801 N.14. f-l.aod men Groas lvrk . -o . ?! rt- Usui. SMALL planing mill or machines tor sate at a bargain. Address L 298, Be. Bakery and furn. wood. Tel. Florence 40L CORN cob for kindling. Glencoe Mills. ONE silver gray, rear and aide door, Cunningham ambulance, complete with cot. ambulance chair and heater; In per fect condition and good aa new. Address Eugene A. Levi, 1125 P St., Lincoln. Neb. LADIES' Ion fur coat. 66. Set of sliver fox furs, $6.00. Suit and coat cheap. Z116 F St. . LIVE STOCK FOR SALS! - Horses aad Vehicles, NOTICE to a cash sale: 1600-pound team of young mare, both with foal, absolutely sound and good worker. Owner changing burlness.. Call at real dene JOIli Howard St NOTICE TO FARMERS Several big" young team. young mule. Call at Brewery Co. Saloon. 1214 P. 13th St. FOR SALE Large 1,400-pound horse 7 year old. having no further vs for him, will aell at great sacrifice. - Bargain 14 lawrn . v oncB. lail J1S . ZDtn rlt. PERSONAL $7,000 TO TENSION INVALIDS W must have 1.200 subscription to The ladles' Home Journal II. SO Tho Saturday Evening Post... $1 SO The Country Oentleman $1.W In December or the 17.000 cannot be earned for THK INVALID'S PENSION ASSOC1ATON. Your order or renewal contribute 60c or more toward the support of a score of Invalids who have re ceived pension rheek for narly two years. Gift subscription an nounced by beautiful Xmas. folder to reach your friends Xmaa ev. URGENT PHONE D. 7163 OR MAIL. Gordon THE MAGAZINE MAN OMAHA. NEB YOUNG women cominj x Omaha a tranger ar Invited to visit the Young lj.0JT1n'' Christian Association building at ..? ?t.nd 8t- ry' Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers aid at the Union Station. DENTAL work, half price for short time. 8 years' practice, newly located. 8 246, cro Bo. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licit your old clothing, furniture maga tlnea. We collect We flstrlbute. Thone Douglaa 41TS and our wacon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge SU POULTRY ANT) SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry house. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain, $1.40 per 100. Wagner. 11 N il FOR BALE 40 thoroughbred White Orpington and White Leghorn April pullets and two cockerels, with good chicken house, 8x6; pen, 15x20, and poul try supplies. Make me an offer; some now laying. Addrea F 829, Bee. SWAPPER'S COLUMN A 66-IN. ROLL TOP DESK in excellent shape. Will exchange for a larger one; will consider a flat-top. but would prefer an extra large and deep roll-top. Also have a chair. Will swap that or no, to suit. Address S. C. Xtt, Bee. ARB you bothered with roaches? I will contract to kill all roaches In your horn or place of business In twelve day or no money, Might consider trade for something of! value to me. Powder used la non-poisonous and odorless. Ad dress S. C. 343. Be. AUTOMOBILE Coupe; fine condition; for trade or would sell very reasonable. We nt rash at once. This will go to someone at a bargain. Add rasa S. C 847, Bee. AUTO40-h. p. four-cylinder roadster. Just overhauled; rear tlrea are new, and Nobby tread; alse 34x4; will aell cheap and accept late model motorcycle or vis ible typewriter as part payment. Address S. C. 346. Boe. AUTO 6-passcnger Jackson, with truck combined; good condition, all new tires; will trade for Ford runabout. Address 848. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargain see the "Automobile" classification. AUTO Overland auto coup body for sale or exchange at a bargain; la In excel lent condition; please describe what you have fully. Address S. C. 8i Bee. CHICKENS FOR SALE 40 thoroughbred Orpington and White Leghorn pullet now - laying, and two cockerels, also chicken house, pen and poultry supplies; will sell or make trade for auto needing repair, or piano. Address 8. C. 360, Boe. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR will swap contract work for auto not too high Sriced, build a garage or repairing. Ai res P. C. 354. Bee. FOR AN unusual bargain for cash or S. C. 80b. Bee. EXCELLENT PIANO Swap for Vlctrola and records. Must be a top-notch ma chine and have a large bunch of recerds. If you expect an even exchange. Will take Ev'lson machine same way. No Junk and NOTHING BUT DISK ma chine wanted. Will take good rifle or repeating shotgun to help make up the difference In value. Addrea 8. . C. 362, Bee. 1x7' GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plat holders, carrying case lof camera and carrying case for plat hold era Th outfit In good condition and big bargain tor tn lot at $110. Addrea 8. C. 1611 GROCERY A small atook of groceries and fixture for aale or trade for any thing that I can use. S. C. 84, Bee. JEWELRY to trade for 1U14 or 1915 auto. Will pay difference, If any, In cash. Call Douglas 6049 between . and 10 a. m. HAMILTON. PIANO AND OTHER COL LATERAL for Virginia land or land In southern Indiana, or for lot well lo cated In Omaha, Kansas City, Indian- poll or Cleveland. WILL PAY DIF FERENCE. NO WESTERN STUFF WANTED. Please give beet deacrlption you can In first letter to save correspond ence, also legal deacrlption. I am buying for myself. Address 8. C. SG6, Bee. FOR SALE Team of mares, weight t.JOO imiintiH, iau; ifm oi mare, weight, 1 300 pound, $135; good broke single and double saddle horse $L"8: good work horse I2S Call South 8025. J Harrison 8t. HEAVY teaming geara. farm wagon A harness: large stock ft attractive prices. Johnson-Danforth Co. 1MS-S.1 V Ifith St. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPOND ENCE SCHOOL Building, Superintend ing and Construction Books, five volumes. Will swap for repeating shotgun, repeat ing rifle, automatic revolver or high power Marlln or Winchester, or what have you? Also Estimating Books, an elegant set of Drafting and Mechanical Books Swap any or all th above for large desk, 60 Inches or larjer. Addrea 8. C. 3M, Bee. LATHE, automobile, Regtna musio cabinet, phonograph, revolving dupli cator. 100 gallons guaranteed puncture seal, Edison moving picture outfit, tents, dental chairs, Id) Ford car radius rod, piano. Want billiard table, gas engine. tyewrlter, camera, electric motor, auto truck. Jewelry, printing material, land, auto supplies, tlrea Make offer. 8. C. 3b4. Be SWAPPER'S COLUMN WOOD PI.OWPLAIN AND IVOR JOHN SON REVOLVER 88 cel., both In good shape. Will swap for a kodnk or .S Stev ens repeating rifle or Marlln rf'e. MUht give a little to boot I' your stuff Is bet ter than mlneJAdllr-.s 8. C. 3-. Pee. WILL swap equity In Siuth Dakota quarter section for auto. Web. 8Wi'. WHAT have vou In renl'v to excharg f'.r a new 6-ia.sengcr Mitchel automo bile. Describe fully. Address 8. C, 81, Bee- FOR RENT A pertinents and Plata. The Knickerbocker OMAHA'S FINEST APT. HOUSE. 3Mh, and Jones Sis. One upartn ent for rent ED JOHNSTON, Harney 7165. or PAYNH ft SLATER PP. Douglas pT. Unusually nloe 5-room, steam heated apartment on West Farnam atreet. JOHN W. BOBBINS. M2 FARNAM BT. OGDEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, oom with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 644. ST. GEORGE apartments, locsted In se lect West Farnam residence dlRtrlet; one 5-room suite for rent; heat, water, jHn'tor service. Phone Web'ter 1674. 6-R modern flat, 230S B. 24th; $22. 1'hon Hsrney 4711. Gordon Van Co. SI: 111 N. Ilth St. Phone D 894 or Web. 1381. AN unexpired portion of my lease on my dandv S-room apartment In the New Hamilton. Inquire at office, 24th and Farnam St. Douglas 2546. BEMIS PARK Cosy 5-room apartments, all modern; I'JO rent, free for Decem ber Web. 2342. . Hoard and Rooms. 8 19th, 618 Exe.. board, clean room. Famished Menace. 6-ROOM house, furnished complete, walk ing distance, come and see It 1122 N, 21th St. Reierences required and given. Famished Kooan. FURN. room by day or wk.: modern! team heat; 11.60 up. 107 S. 17. D. W63. NICELY furnished room In private homo. Harney 4161. FURNISHED room for rent, near Crelgb ton university. Phone Douglas 7281. IS S. 29TH Furnished rooms, prlvat family. Harney 4" OS. NOW vacant, 211 S. 26th St, modern, very pleasant front room: reasonable. MOD furn. rooms In private home, suit able for two people, wal. 1468. 4201 Cum. FURNISHED ROOM, heated, 4614 North 81st Ave. 116 N. 2.Hh St, clean, warm room; not ex pensive for one, but suitable for two! walking distance Harney car line. Furnished Housekeeping; Booms. CAPITOL Mil-Pleasant, well heated, ail modern rooms. FARNAM, 2S22 twD nicely furniahed, steam heated housekeeping rooma Hoasekeeplng Rooms. 2018 DAVENPORT, TWO NICELY FUR NISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $3. K0 WEEK. Hotels mna Apartment. CALIFORNIA Hotel, lfitn and CalUornla. Weekly rates $3 and up. Douglas 708.1 OGDEN HOTEL. Council Bluffs, -team heated rooms, $2 per week Phone bit. DODGE HOTEL- Modern Reasonable. Houses and Cottages. ALL site. 13 per month up. 607 Paxton. ELEGANT 6-room, modern brick apart ment; newly decorated; 4&0 per nionih, 846 South th St. J. C. IS1I, EXECUTOR, 703 8. list Ave. Phone Harney 213. 3157-9 FARNAM ST. 8-room, modern, brick houses, overlooking beautiful Turner Park. These houses are in excel lent condition and are real bargains at $25 each. THE BYRON REED CO., Douglas 297 212 8. 17th Pt. 2124 N. 16th. 6 rooms, 3d floor $12.60 2126 N. 16th, 6 rooms 16.00 1322 Capitol Ave., 6 rooms, 3d floor.. 20.00 2121 Leavenworth. 6-room flat... 20.00 3406 Jaokson, 6 rooms 22.60 647 S. 2Cth Ave., 6 rooms 15.00 420 N. 19th, 6 rooms 45.00 416 N. 19th, rooms 38.00 3161 Mason, 7 rooms 85.00 922 N. 16th, 6 rooms, upstairs 80.00 THE BYRON REED CO.. Dougla 2U7. 212 8. 17th St. FOR RENT. 824 S. ICTH ST. 130. room, nearly new, large living room, 16x26 feet, nicely decorated and thoroughly modern. O. 8. Erwln, D. 1093, or H. 3640. ELEGANT 6-room. modern brick apart ment; newly decorated; 850 per month. 846 South 2th St. Cottage, 2044 Vinton St., gaa, electrla light, water, toilet, $16 per month. Frame flat, 1129 S. 2th St., newly decorated, $30 per month. J. 0. 1SII, EXECUTOR. 703 8. 81st Ave. 'Phone Harney 148. HoilKPo. ,n " Prta of the city. """"" Creigh Bon ft Co.. Bee building. FOR RENT Modern 8-room bouse, w2 a . r k. . . . . . . j m , . . . . win n rrt. inquire 1. J. yt tsnIL Henshw Hotel. Harney 10M. Dougla 1216. NINE rooms, modern. 3216 Burt; 7 room. new, modern, aa Parker: :ght rooms, modern except heat, 2127 Dougla; foug rooms, mod, ex. heat. 1821 N. 23d. D. 1598. -R house, mod., sultabl for two fam-. Hies. Douglaa 469. and Storv 1. Largd 1 . W I 1 S , AT (TV, Maggard's .: J.C. Reed ess? r 1 num. u n 1 Mi. I ci r. am neai, nil modern. 7-room house) WIWIH UBL iV HO, UU. LEATHER davenport; exenang for ,,lr"'. i-none narney zma. GOOD hore. 3816 N. 22d 8t . Won Web ter I7i. .. . . .MOVING PICTURE MACHINE Edison motion picture macnine, equipped wllh gas-making plant, and six reels of film for sal or trade. 8. C. 3S8, Bee. LOST AND FOUNP OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFF8 STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having loat some article would do well to call up the office of th Omaha ft Council Bluff Street Railway company t ascertain whether they left It la th treat car. Many article each day ar turned la and th company I anxious to restore t hem to the rlgh tful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST Gold cuff link with I diamonds and one sapphire. Phon Harney 100. Reward NINE BELL BOTTOM JACK8-2xl4 In. hl,'h. one 2xl In. h gh, also 11 rollers. 6x30 In., fir; all In first claaa order; roll era painted and not crushed, but kept dry. Swap for a good Marlln 2)-20 rifle un to ' Its value I value Jacks at $2.50 each and roller 75 cents Swap for anything I can use. Aaaresa is. I . jlje. Bee. OFFICE DESK-Wlll buy soma good ecoad-hand desks; must b cheap fur cash. Addrea S. C. 264. Bee. LOST Boston bull, answera name Bi Ill can; whlt atrip on fac and front, clip ped tall. Harney 6612. MALE fax terrier, while, with brown pot; brown leather collar. Reward for return. 1117 So. 84th St. Tel. H. 4199. LOST Lady' diamond ring. Liberal Ke ward. Address A 337. Boe. PAINTING CONTRACTOR will swap painting for an auto, not too high priced Want car for my own use. Ad dress 8. C. 857, Bee. UVK STOCK MARKET OP WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha. Sav mlleag and ahrinkag. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful attention. Ltv link Uainuikaa Mr.k.,. J MARTIN BROS, ft CO.. Exrnana Bldg PROTECTOGRAPH Sam a new, the best check protector In the market; banks use it; cost $J0; sell for $ cash, or will swap It and a- piano In excellent hape for a good located lot or money; lot must have water, sewer, gas and walks and priced right; give legal de scription In first letter; don't answer un less you ar willing to accept trade a given. Address 8. C. S51. Bee. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with u tor qub'k action and square SALES COMPANY. 41 Bee Bids. Phon Red KM ONE of th beet retail bakeries in th city; no competition. Call Web. 7i4. or addreea K 27. Bee. SHINS, show cards. Clark A Son. D tTX MONEY TO LOAM PIANO IN GOOD ORDER AND CASH In four month for a good building lot; must have water, sewer, gas and perma nent walks In and paid for and be well located In a salable district. Give lot and block number and your beet price in first letter and don't answer unless you will take a piano. No $1,000 lot wanted. No wildcat or suburban junk wanted, but a gooo, wen locaiea ana priced right lot. 1 want to build a home for myself. Or will swap piano for good equity, anv old way If lot la good. Addreaa 8. C. 800, Be. NEED MONEY T See ue. Quick aervlca. Half usual rata RELIABLE CREDIT CO, 806 Paxton Block. Dougla 14U. 'nic'L PIANO in good shape; awap for auto mobile running gear and engine; don't care whether body la In good hap or not: want to make truck for Jobber and carpenter. Address g. C. 163S, Bee. TO OFT in or out of business. Call on UA.NGEjTAD. 404 Be Lldtf. D 84.T. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. & K.. Tarry cure piles, fistula aad other rectal disease without surgical op eration. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on eeutal disease wlla testimonial. UR, ft. B, lAiUtY. 11 o PLAYER MUSIC-Hav an extensive library of new 88-not music for player plaeoa, will aell half price or trade for Vlctrola, Underwood typewriter. good typewriter desk, or. In fact, anything I can use. What have you7 Address 8. C, 84. Bee. IONS, showcards. Clark ft Son. D. 1371. TYPE WRITER I Jit model Vlaibl standard typewriter. In perfect hae; tLO, or will trade f. r anything of equal vaJu I can us. Addrea 8. C. 844, B. FIVE-ROOM cottage, all modern. 5cJ Charles St. Phone Walnut 1764. 213 CAPITOL AVE. -Six-room house, all iii'mT-m. wuy r-nono rtea JltibY. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, pack, ship; 8-horae van ed t men, $1.26 per br.j storage $2 p-r b o. Satisfactory guar. D. 4 & Ty. ito. FOR KENT W bar a complete list of all honae partment and flats that ar for rent. Tola list can be seen fre ot charg a Omaha Van Storage Co. u 8. luth u Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing anu shipping, li-th ft Jackson St. Phon Douglaa 2&, 6-ROOM, all modern; furnace, electrla light. ?617 N. frith St. $22 uO. NEW 6-room bungalow, strictly modern! will take $25 per month for a good tenant. Phone W ebster 3162. SIX-ROOM house, 2120 Harney St. Jt per month. Call Douglas 224. WANTED TO BUY jhK.'K turmiui buugut and sold. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug. i44. "ie 14'!1 N Itth, e i . i 1 . 1 1 ' i.i .! pltuioa. WeDster 8726. A'ANTED A good fresh cow, part Jer sey. 'ctorRCaldvirell, 630 So. iluth St. REAL ESTATE. FARM Jk HAslU LAHU4 FOR IALB MlaaoarL DAIRY farm, 31S acres adjoining county seat, 1,-tiC; 150 acrea under plow; 65 acres growing hunt: I good houses and 4 good barns; silo; good well and sprmga; all up to date. Milk route established, Hous about W ml' court hous Prib $. Ad dress V 30a, Be. Meat sa. RENTERS and homeseekers us won Carey r.ght and aecure a Montana farnt now. Do you realU that farm product) will command extremily high price dur ing th next few years? Tin ta your op port unity to ge- started on a farm of yout own. The Vailer lands produce from at to 56 bushels wheat, su to loo of oats, 4A t 70 bushel lrly. 4 to 4 tuna alfalfa per acre. let u send you booklet and tJ you how aay It la to get started. Val: Farm Sales Company, Boa to. Vallcfk Mont.