TIIE ft HE: OMAHA. MONDAY, DECEMBER 14. 19U. 3 Nebraska Nebraska THREE MILLIONS FOR UNIVERSITY This Sum Will Be Available During Biennium if Appropriations Are Unchanged. SECRETARY ' DALES' REPORT - Ree.-e.ats Arc Not Askta Any More) for Mtliitriiirr Thaa Was A -propria at the LaM neaaton. (From a Staff Correspondent.) MXCOI..N. Neb.. Dec. lS.-Spe1al Telegram.) Thre million dollars will be available for the use of the University of Nebraska for the next biennium If the legislature makes the samo appro priation aa at the last session. Secretary J. S. Dales. In his report of the regents' meeting, Is not asking for any more than was voted at the last session, but with the one-mill levy, which will bring In $877,797. the three-fourths mill levy for campus extension, which raised $98,294 during the biennium, and half that much added for the coming year with the university cash fund amounting to approximately 1500,000, and with other funds, which will be brought n by the usual methods, that sum will be available for the building of new buildings, maintenance, salaries and for other things. This Is the report which Secretary Dales makes to the state auditor today. , The same appropriations as were asked for two years ago for the follow ing sub-stations and other adjunct of the university have been asked for in tbe report as follows: Culbertson sub-station 1 10,000 North Platte sub-station K.nno valentine sub-station 13 000 Scott's Bluff sub-station siooo Hog cholera serum , , SnOOO Conservation survey 12' mo CJeologlcal survey 10 000 Htate entomologist nVo Agricultural botany 000 Legislative reference bureau 16,500 TO REGISTER ON ANY DAY New Han for Smaller Cities to Be Placed Before the Legislature. NO ELECTION COMMISSIONER Work to Be Doae by the City Clerk ' Registration Closes Ten nays Before Election to Be Cheekeo fp. Budget of State Board of Control Following are figures end comparisons, with reductions on esch Institution: ORDINARY EXI'ENSKS. Institution for Feeble Milled Youth. Ilea trice.. Ulrls' Industrial school. Oeneva Nebraska r-ldleri' and Sailors' home. lUirkett.., Asylum for tho Insane of Nebraska. InglesKle... state Industrial school, Kearney Hospital for Tuberculous. Kearney Nehraxka Hospital for Insane. Lincoln , Orthopedic hospital, Lincoln Nebraska stale penitentiary, Lincoln Nebraska Industrial home. Mil lord Soldiers' and Sailors' home, Ml.ford , Institute for the Hllnd. Nebraska Olty , Hospital for Insane of Nebraska, Norfolk , Nebraska Hehool for the Deaf. Omaha , Home fur Dependent Children. Lincoln , Total ordinary expenses (From a Staff Correspondent. I EXTRAORDINARY F. LINCOLN. Dec. U-tSpeclaU-'W bill j for an act providing for the registration I of voters and conducting of elections In n1?f!,u"n,.f,01; J Minded Youth. Beatrice., , ... . . . . tirls Industrial school, (ieneva cities and villages of 5.000 to 5.000 popu- I Nebraska Soldiers' and Hsllors' home, Hurkelt.. latlon, and cities having a population of Asylum for the lnxnue of Nebraska. Ingle P.O0O and not more than W.000, and not ' H.?.d..T'roy!?nKV,l.J:"-V. noepuai ror tne Insane. Lincoln Orthoedtc hospital, Lincoln Nebraska state penitentlnrv, Lincoln Nebraska Industrial home, Mllford Soldiers' and Pallors' heme. Milford Institute for tha ltlln.1 X" Vm, u l-.. .i... Hospital for the Insane of Nebraska. Norfolk.'.' ncnooi ror :ns Oeaf. Omaha including cities In counties having a population of 160.000 or more; regulating and providing for the creation and al teration of election districts, the appoint ment of registration and election offi cials, deputies and peace officers, fixing f . Xebraak Total .1140,000 Southern Counties Drop the Proposed Automobile Eoad TECUM SEH, Neb., Dec. 11 (Special.) The proposed transcontinental automo bile road to pass through Otoe, Nemaha, Johnson and Gage counties, sems to be a th'ng of the past as far as these four counties are concerned. William Conway of Washington, field superintendent of the transcontinental route, recently visited these counties and stated that arrangements could be made for much of the ocean -to-ooean automo bile travel to leave the Lincoln Highway In Iowa, cross the river at Nebraska City, go west through these four counties and make a direct westward route front Beatrice to Denver. Clubs to boost for the proposed line were organised in nearly all the towns along the route In the four counties. The matter of the method of financing the proposed road, paying the expenses of marking the same, charts, eto., as pro posed by Mr. Conway, evidently did not meet the approcal of the clubs, for the project has been given up, and the Lin coln Highway will, in all probability, b the only east and west automobile road through Nebraska of Importance. Talk of Establishing a State Printery (From a Btaff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Dec, U.-(9peclal.)-There Is much talk heard around the state bouse these days regarding a proposition made that the next legislature set the state up in the printing business and equip a plant to do all the state printing. Secretary Ludl of the stats printing board has compiled figures showing that during the present biennium the tate has paid out something like 1105.000 for printing, not including that done for the state university. The suggestion has been mado in the past that ap lant could be put in at the state penitentiary, but the history of that Institution In the past , has been that there has been a scarcity of printers In the institution. Some of the state Institutions, notably the Boys' Industrial School of Kearney, has had a printing plant In connection with the 'nstitutlon, but the plant was far. from up-to-date. It has been urged that the thing to do would be to develop printers out of some of the best of the life prisoners' and In that way permanent printers would al ways bo found at the penitentiary. a penalty for their failure to serve and prescribing their duties." Is the title of a bill which will be introduced in the lower house of the Nebraska legislature by Representatives-elect Ralph A. Moae ley and C, Petrua Peterson of Lancaster county In an attempt to correct tho un satisfactory system of registration prac ticed in Lincoln and other cities of. the class mentioned In the title. Msrlag Cooeels Registration. The bill Is patterned something along the same lines at the election law of Omaha, but has no election commissioner, the city clerk being given the duties of that office. The correction which the in troducers desire to make more than any thing else is along registration lines, and Instead of having certain registration days, they make every day registration day at the office of the city clerk up to ten aays oerore tne election .When . a Home for Dependent Children. LHcoln.. Total of extraordinary expenses. and rxti aordlnay expenses.... Total of ordinary Reformatory Board of commissioners of state Institutions, Lincoln. Grand total...... ,,,, 13,824,415 Appropri- Surf. Hoard's atlon Estimate, Estimate, ll.l 1!1S. P.O.-.. . S IW.fTO S J7F..0- $ IW.400 , 4. IW SK.iHO ft MA iM.wo vs4) jis.ojn , 41K.l 4.'.0lt m.2) . 1S2,X 1.I 117. 7W , .;, 9,t 4 l S74.7' Sir.TW) ?S.r.,H 1 1(9. im PT7.1W 1V..W0 41. M 7.1.S) n.4i . 75.PW 7K.4M KYS . to. WO 4S.) 4S" ). 2.'4.N 1M,70 los.xoji ii7.7: u."f 3S,U 43.140 3i.i)20 , S2,0.t,40 :1.443 SI.7.730 MSES. Appropri- Rupt's. Hoard's atlon Estimate, Estimate, 1!13 1HI5. 1W4. . S C00 t 130.OI1O t 4 .W f.0i ,K 6.M 3,tM Ifc.rtui ft.iau IM.OUO 4,000 42.0O0 40.WW 450 KJMl li, l?2,0n0 .V.OiO lil.T .MW M.tWO 11.000 s.;x . lo.ooo io.uw 6.000 to.ouu 2711.000 w.ono S6.0H) 10,300 4,an T: t M9.725 S T34.7M t 210.760 Appropri- Runt's. Hoard's atlon Estimate, Estimate, WIS. 1015 Wh. $2,lli,68 SS.16S.1M 12,304.470 $ 150.000 : t 87.7W S 39,000 S3.824.4H I2.S4.1.470 Man with Omaha WifeJSent to Pen RI SH1LLIC, Neb.. leo. IS (Special.) Ed Ixsey, one time editor of the Cody Cow Hoy, was taken to Lincoln penlten tlaryalaat night by Sheriff New, where he will serve two years for violating tho gambling laws. He operated largely with the base ball team here during the sum mer, and put in his spare time gambling. He waa indicted before the grand Jury last month and later arrested at the home of a young woman to whom he Was pay ing court. Tho girl was so Infatuated with him. It Is said, she went to the county Jail with SlOO with the Intention of paying his fine and afterward marrying him. Inquiries at Omaha brought out the fact that he was already married and his wife had not and would not divorce hltn. Nebraska Fruit Judging Team Again in Clover 'From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Dec. 13. (Kpeclal.)-The Nebraska fruit judging team defeated the Iowa fruit Judging team In the re- voter has registered at the time he votes ' cent nt held Moines. that registration shall stand until he moves . to some other voting precinct, which act of moving from the prerlnct cancels his registration, and he will be required to register the same aa a new voter In his new location. Ten. days before the election the de partment in the office of the city clerk shall. be closed for the purpose of veri fying the registration in each district through Inspectors appointed for that purpose and for general registration. When any doubt exists in the mind of the Inspector as to the light of a "oter to register he shall mark the word - chal lenged" after his name and the city clerk shall at once notify such voter through the mall to appear and show cause why the registration should not be cancelled and verify his registration under oath. The system of havln gthree registration days each year and opening up each election voting place in the city for reg istration has been unsatisfactory in Lin coln, and expensive also, without giving adequate returns for all the trouble taken. It Is believed by Mr. Moseley and Mr. Peterson that the bill prepared will correct the weakness of the present lsw and make registration not so much of a hardship upon to many voters. EDGAR COMMERCIAL CLUB HAS ANNUAL BANQUET EDGAR, Neb.. Dec, ll-(Rpeclal.)-Tne Edgar Commercial club held its annual banquet in Fraternity hall Friday night The Edgar High school and the Nelson college foot ball team were the guests of honor. The faculties of both Institu tions also attended, which with the Edgar merchants and rltlsens made about 140. A four-course banquet was served for which all but the honor guests paid SI a plate. Attorney L. E. Cottle was toast n.aater and he Introduced each speaker In a fine, eloquent manner. The follow ing were the subjects and speakers: Foot Ball From a Parent s Viewpoint," Rev. W. W. Hull. "Athletica In School Life. Prof. Craw ford, coach. "Our Opponents," Prof. Hotchkiss, coach (Nelson). "The Last Down." Rev. Thomas Griffiths. 1914 s Eleven," Captain Brookley. "1915 s Eleven," CopUln Hart, elect JOHNSON COUNTY FAIR ASSOCIATION ELECTS TECT7MSEH. Ntb.. Dec U. (Special) Officers for the Johnson County Agri cultural and Mechanical association have been elected as follows: President, J. M. Weber; vice president. C. II. Beethe; sec retary, Q. H. Buerstetta; treasurer, R. T. Reynolds; members of board of di rectors. P. A. Brundage, E. EL Souders. G. W. Hasaett and Moses Roberts. It Is quite lively the city wiU be In on the tri-state races and hold a county fair the coming year. HOLDREGE RECTOR ACCEPTS CALL TO CHADR0N CHURCH .HOLDREOE. Neb., Dec. U.-Rev. Wil liam S. Banks, rector of St Elisabeth's Episcopal ohurch In this city, has ac cepted a call to the church of Chadron, Neb., and will remove to that city the latter part of the month. Mr. Banks has been In charge of the - Holdrege, Earn am and Arapahoe fields for over a year. All of these stations have shown a steady development in that time. Mr. Banks will be succeeded In Holdrege by the' Rev. Mr. Beam Is of Dayton. O. ' News Note of Colimbai, COLUMBUS. Neb., Deo. 13. (Special.) David Thomas, a native of Wales, Eng., and Albert Stenger, a native of Alsace Lorraine, are circulating a subscription list for - the relief of tho war-stricken Belgians. Up to the present time they have received contributions amounting to $600 and they expect to reach the sum of 11,000 in a few days. The Union Pacific Railroad company filed nineteen suits in the district court of Platte county asking the court to eject farmers who hold land which the com pany claims aa part of Its right-of-way. The company claims that It Is entitled by grant of congress to a right-of-way of 400 feet wide through the state of Ne braska. Only SOU feet of the right-of-way has been fenoed by the company and the farmers along on either side of the track cultivated same for years, many of them buying their farms without knowledge of the fact that the company claimed tlmo to the land outside of the fence. Members of the fourth degree of the Knights of Columbus enjoyed their third annual banquet at the Knights of Co lumbus hall. After the spread a short program of speeches was given, with P. J. Hart acting as toastmaster. The speakers were Rev. Father Cyriac, At torney William O'Brien. Mark Burke, Fred Oerber, Dr. F. H. Morrow, Dr. M. T. McMahon. Prof. R. O. Gruber pre sided at the piano. Old KralaVace Baraed. GLENWOOD, la.. Dec 1J. (Special.) The R. B. Cheyney rcsdlence In ward one was burned at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening. The house was built about 1S&. The first now known occupant was John Snuffln, who sold the property to Jacob Bartholomew. Many valuable relics and much household furniture was lost. Usgfctw Aid Digest tea. Laughter la one of the most healthful exertions; it Is of great help to digestion. A still more effectual help Is a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. If you should be troubled with Indigestion give them a trial. They only cost a quarter. Ob tainable everywhere. Advertisement Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Eleetrle, Brand, Bitters. Sure relief for Indigestion, dyspepsia, liver ' and kidney complaints. Gives ap petite, adds tone to system. 60c and U. All druggists. Advertisement. .saasaaBaTSBBKIV:' .. asw 9 The Beer Ton Like Brewed aad ottlad by FRED KHUf! URKWINO CO. LUXUS Mercantile Co Slstrfbiiters Soas Deng, lsw - w " In years past Missouri and Kansas have, with the above two states, entered for the fruit Judging contest, but this year the last named states failed to take part and so the contest narrowed down to Iowa and Nebraska. Besides the hon ors of winning the contest, the winners received the annual trophy of . a sliver loving cup, given by the Twentieth Cen tury Farmer of Omaha. This cup has been the prise since 1809. no team being a hie so far to win three year In suc cession, which Is the rule under which the cup Is given. Last year Nebraska won, so that In order to gain possession of the cup permanently It will be neces sary to win again next year. Nebraska fii inea of West Point. WK9T POINT. Neb.. Iec. 13.-(Spe-clal. The annual session of the Cuming County Farmers' Institute was held here yesterday and today. The death of Alfred Pschercr. a well known young man of West Point, oc curred In Omaha last wek. Miss Lillian Karlen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (I. Karlen of Bremer, was marrtrd Wednesday to R. It. llolsten of Dodge. The full quota of 100 sacks of flour for the Belgian sufferers Is almost subscribed and will shortly be forwarded to Europe. The perjury charges against Dan Ja cobs, former night marshal, and Mrs. Barbara Olsen have been dismissed by the county attorney for want of suffi cient evidence. Marrlnge licenses were granted during the week to the following: Edwin Aurlch and Miss Martha Pagels, Adolph Feyer herm and Miss Wllhelminu Herhohm and to It. II. llolsten of Podge and Miss Lillian Knrlen. J. A. Foster, who has been the local KEARNEY NORMAL SCHOOL WILL HAVE NEW AUDITORIUM Paul Stewart contest; Oscar Sjogren, J. T. Smith, Ste phen Whlsenand and Henry Jones. Prof, J. R. Cooper coached the team. won oer lowa mis year by Just nrteen j wire chief at this place for the Nebraska points. j Telephone company for some, time, hna The Nebraska team was composed o' 1 been transferred In the sumn service at who was high man In the Grand Island. He will bo succeeded at West Point by D. E. Rennet of Omaha. Schlnstock Bros, of West Point W'ho are the largest Individual live stock and grain- dealers In Nebraska, have shipped four carloads of horses to Omaha which are destined for shipment to the sent of war In Europe, they having been pur chased for that special purpose. They were secured mostly In the Rosebud country In South Dakota. Kimball Defeats Sidney. KIMBALL, Neb., Dec. IS. (Special Tel egram.) Kimball county High school won a basket ball game over Sidney High last night making in standing 1,001) in the Western Nebraska league. Alli ance went down to defeat at the hands of Kimball last Saturday night Scores: Alliance, 10; Kimball, 23; Kidney, 10; Kimball, 17. Bee Want Ads Product Results. KEARNEY. Neb.. Dec 13. (Special.) Member Dan Morris of the State Nor mnl board and President Oeorge S. Iek pf the Kearney Normal, have leen In structed by the board t- draw tho pencil sketches for the new nudltnrlum and gymnnalum buildings to be built in Kear ney In the spring, and these In Kear ney men, together with an architect, who lias offered bis services, will get the plans out Immediately. It Is planned to ex pend alout Is&.OOO on the two Kearney buildings, The plana will be submitted to the board nt Its next meeting, and It Is believed work on the eKarney buildings will be started as soon aa spring opens up. I DEATH RECORD. rl Prlschman. CREinilTON, Neb., Iec. 13 Carl Prlechmnn. representative of Mny Pros, of Fremont, dlod suddenly at his homo In thla city Saturday evening. He was rnnner. Ills departure weakens tho Thorplsn strength in all three branches of sport. Alexandria Defeats Falrhnry. ALEXANDRIA, Neb.. Dec. 1.1. Fnerlnl.) The basket ball team of the Alexandria High school detested the Falrhnrv team here Friday night by tho score of Ti to 13. Hon Rents Pemarest. SIOINAW. Mich..' Dee. 13-Ocorgn Put ton defeated Calvin Kemarest, SOU to Z'Mi, In a champion Millard plnvers' Ion. in match here tonight. Averaaes and hitrh runs: Sutton, 8 4-37. 4S; Demareat. 8-Ki, w. ASTHMA SUFFERERS A Hew low Cnre That Anyone Can Uss Without Discomfort or Loss of Tims. We have a New a isaw M.thfu. a. . - ' " lUrFB natiuiiit, ana we want you to try it at our expense. No matter whether your case is of long-stanulng or rucent devel opment, whetner it Is pieaent as occasion al or chronic Astnma. ymj snouid semi for a free tr.al of our method. No matter In what climate you live, no matter what your age or occupation. If you are trou bled with asthma, our method snouid re- We specially want to send It sitting In a chair reading when he died. "PrJ'.J' . h:;!;'nft, wh,re BU 'orm!' , , , . I innaiers, douches, opium preparations Apoplexy la assigned aa the cnuse of liimes. - patent smokes. ' etc.. have", 'lie.' A hla death Mrl Prlschman had lived in this vicinity for many years, and the last few years had been traveling for May Bros., of Fremont, and waa well known all along the BonestenI line. He was a member of Crelghton IOdge. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. The funeral will be hell Monday. We want to show everyone at our u expense, that this new method Is designed to end all difficult breathing, nil wheezing. at once Townsend Tossers Play Chicago Team The Townsend Gun company basket ball team Intends to vie with the crack basket tossers of the country this year. The American Athletic Union champions of 11113, the Illinois Athletic club squad, will play the tnwnaonds hero February 10, and on New Year's night they will play the crack team at Fort Dodge, la. A big team from Toledo will also play the Townsends here In Omaha. The Omaha men have Issued a challenge lo any team In Nebraska, but as yet that has not been answered. and all those terrible paroxy'tuns and for all time. This free offer Is too Important to neg lect a single day. Write now and then be g 11 the method at once. 8enl no money, Mmply mail rouport below. Do It Today FRKE ASTHMA XHTON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO., Room (Cl-J. Niagara and Hudson S?ts., Buffalo, N.Y. Send free trial of your method to: I.owry lo glonx City. Nat lowry, one of the star athletes at the Thorplan Athletic club, has thrown d'spalr Into that organisation by leav ing imana ror riloux city lwry was j me siar lorwaro on tne rnorplan basket ball team, played fullback on the font ball squad, and waa a steady half mile BSBL Make Excellent Gifts KiESER'S Book Store Y. M. 0. A. Bldg. Nr , gg ' HBlf WHEN YOU BUY FROM LOFTIS BROS. & CO. YOU DOUBLE THE ine lamous . Lottis -perfection" Diamond Rinp;,- 14k solid gold mounting, is th .most perfect ring ever produced. The large iflu t ration shows every detail of the graceful mounting. Our No. 659, price $50, Credit Terms $5 a Month, is the most popular, although we , vr"' ana up. wniy tne hnest fi fft yJ m, quality pure white diamond, perfect in cut and full of fiery bril- 1 IhiiS. v nancy, are used. Cased in velvet ring box, ready for presentation. BUYING POWER OF YOUR CHRISTMAS MONEY There U but one way to make Christmas Gifts that are sure "ti" lease let your choice be a Handsome Diamond Ring, Scarf Pin, ocket. La Valliere, Bracelet Watch, or other piece of Artistic Jew elry. A visit to our store and a glance at our superb stock will suggest presents for every one. We are breaking all records in low prices. You can fill your entire list of Christmas presents with out leaving our store and hare everything charged in one ac count. Remember, our store it open every evening until Christmas, T? t " " , .1 inerxoDiemia 1T1 awe Hera Lo. n win. j renecuan uiamona Ring fbr a Christinas present tiSmondslnlli ilia .iitwi li l ui EASY CREDIT TERMS rr VE YAIITYOIIR ACCOUNT 1.48 a Month Diamond U Valliere No. 1148 Fin solid gold with perfect cat bril liant d a mond and 1 ' genuine ; pearl, black .enamel center, lb inch chain. $14.50 BROS&CaiSsS hesitefes.doesnot - i T t. ' ttJiow rwr own neaii. ALfltisTerfection' piejTWivd Ring will sdtle ftwJ m V. , SB IMM - mm 7,1 .. m rii 11. is -t.sw sws: -2 l CREDIT TERMS ill v Ej j e c j n. as X. N W IsT aT m m-" m -3aw rv, V aSBv "T IT P . I U H l lKfii. ieT it a 8 . WI1AJIIW, Will l. CI Vi 1 arling ring! Lets Iwishforonefor Christmas preset fi . , 1 ' 'I U II MMMh Y V. -.Y- louour tho one wonderful gift that keens. romance slivs alwatjs Diamond Locket. Solid Gold vNXVJ1 ?L If,,, 't, toss salih, space fat two pictures. Flue Dl mtoui In Bur ssttts $1 A UQ.1TH Solid Cold Wrist Watoh VHh SI4 Geld Canlon BrisUt S2.80 a month I0 Wrist Watch-Casa and Braoelal are 10th flnt snlldanM. Lerarsat full nickel Jeled, 9M 7 a etUiar waits of guld dial Uuaranteed. ... "IB I SO a afeath FOR HIS GIFT nv w-eaa t aaa nut wuu trold, one diamond of fine ftl rtJ-rf sr fw aw4 wwaw9 fvuvv 1U VU. flVA r' cry brilliant; one real 7 pearl. When you see this beautiful pin you'll gi mmm ay it is worth doebla Vll Rii cor Special Christ- lJalJ mas Price r w " w w Ttrmsi SI a Month. THE YOUNO MAM'S FAVORITE Ne. 4 Men' Diiirmd Kins, prone Tooth mounting, Mk solid tCC K Id kom.a or sol d " IM a Week TllEfiATIOIlAL CI1ED1T JEUJELERS MAIN FLOOIt, City National Bauk Block, 409 8.n 1th Street, Cor. 16th aad Ifarnoy Htreeu, OMAHA. Opposlto Burgetta-NaMb Co, Department Store. If you cannot rail at our store, writs for our beau tiful Calalo No. K03, or phone DoukIus 1444. We have In our Personal Hervice Department a com petent corps of ri psrntatl vea, thoroughly experi enced and efficient, who make personal calls with a selection of the goods you wish to see. These representatives call anywhere and at any speci fied time Just make your own appointments. Our Store Is Open Every Evening; Until Christmas