Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 14, 1914, Image 1

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    Call Tyler 1000
If Ton Wm to Talk to Tbo Dm
en to Anyone Oonaoctod
with Tbo Boa.
The Omaha Daily Bee
Fair; Colder
VOL. XL1V-TC0. 153.
of.; ;:;' single copy two cents.
It ii Unofficially Eeported that
Army of Dual Crown Beady to
Evacuate Belgrade.
'Tint Chief" Says if America Uset
Force to Stop Firing Over Border
it Will Be Unfriendly Act
I Attack! Against Right Wing
Enemy's Troopi Prove to Be
Uniucceisf ul.
Their Recovery from Overwhelming
Defeat Considered Remarkable.
" i
Cmwm Prince- Tell Soldier TkfT
Hare Brilrn and Porsoed Fm
with Speed l ilurd of la
Military HUterr.
Speaks of Inaprodeat nnd Cariaaa
Flocking; to Witness Fighting;,
aa It a Shaw -taared for
Their Benefit.
side. These trees are now being used for firewood by the
armies on both sides.
1 q ttXfoyz$sr&3 o r
LONDON. Dec. IS. The marvelous re
covery of the Servians and their defeat
of fbur Austrian army corps, which had
tienetrated half way across Servla, re
mains the wonder of military men. The
crowne prince. In an add: ess to hia troops,
told them that they had "beaten and put
sued the enemy with a rapidity unheard
of In military history.-' '
Take Fire Thousand Prlaeaera.
The ahattered Austrian right win
croaaed the Drlna Into Boanla, where it
was attacked by the Montenegrin near
IVlshegrad, and had to leave another toll
of prisoners, killed, wounded and war
The pursuing Servian also took S.uOO
prisoners and some suns and munitions.
The Austrian army from Belgrade has
Main essayed attacks a gal not the Per
via right wing, but meeting with no suc
cess, retired. It Is unofficially reported
that the Austrlana are preparing to leave
That the former German cruiser Qoe
ben, now owned by Turkey, waa not ser
iously damaged In ltj brush with Rus
sian cruisers, as had been reported. Is
ahown by the fact that It took part In
the recent attack on Butum, the Russian
seaport, which, according to the Turks,
resulted in a serious fire, but which the
Russians say caused little damage.
Bulgaria, according to a Paris report,
has expressed to the powers of the trlpple
entente its desire to remain neutral. Thla
means that Rumania, If it so wished,
would be able to join the allies without
(ear of being attacked by Bulgaria.
Omaha Shivers and
The Mercury Works
Above' Zero Mark
All Omaha shivered yesterday when the
thermometer started In at 7 abova sero
- shortly before sunrise and then refused
to go above 12 above, about noon. The
stiff breeze which blew over the city
made this seem much colder than It
really was, though ii was Just twelve de
grees colder here yesterday than It was
Out In the state It was wtnteriah, but
nowhere, though there was considerable
wind, was there anything like a bllisard.
Bo far as the railroads could locate, sero
as the lowest temperature.
On the Northweatern It was sero at
Long Pino, with 8 degrees above at Nor
folk, and 10 at Chadron.
Out on the Burlington It was from 10
to 14 degrees above, Alliance being the
warmest point on the system.
Along the Union Pacific temperatures
around 10 degrees above were the rule,
with three degrees colder at Grand Island.
VERA CRUZ. Mexico. Dec. IX "If the
United States employs force to stop they
ruing by Mexicans across the interna
tional boundary line at Naco, It will be
considered an unfriendly act, notwith
standing the friendly motives cloaking the
In this manner General Carransa made
answer, in a statement to the' Asso i:UcJ
Press, to the formal notice served oy the
United States on both Provisional Presi
dent Gutierres and General Carransa that
unless such firing ceased force would be
employed to protect American territory.
Tarranaa'a Position.
Carranta's reply to the American note
which is expected to reach Washington
tomorrow, will be In general a repudiation
of responsibility for any shots that have
Intervention at Naco as a hostile and un
friendly act.
At no time since the receipt of Secre
tary Bryan's note. In which attention waa
called to the repeated wounding and kill
ing of residents of the town on the north
ern side of the line, has General Carransa
appeared perturbed, but he has had long
conferences with those close to him, and.
In framing his reply. It Is said, he has
been careful not to let himself remain in
any uncertain light.
On Defensive.
"General Hill, who la commanding the
I constitutionalist forcea at Naco Is on the
defensive," continued General Carransa,
"and since his back was to the line it Is
difficult to see how he could be respon
sible for the firing in question. The fact
is that Maytorena's men have been the
attainting party and therefore it appears
reasonably clear that they, and only they,
could feave been to blame.
"As a matter of fact. I do not know
that the rights of the American cltlxens
have been violated. It seems to me that
It would be well for the State department
to Investigate this question In order to
fix the responsibility.
"I remember similar Instances at El
Paso, where the Maderlsta forces were
attacking there. In that case those shot
were for the most part the imprudent
and curious Individuals who flocked to
witness the fighting as if it had been
a spectacular show staged for their
Bryan Doesn't Realise Gravity.
"As to the use of force, of which Mr.
Bryan talks, that Is something the gravity
of which I fear, ha does not ..fully ap
preciate. He says it would not mean an
Invasion of our territory nora violation
of national sovereignty! "It' would". And
moreover It certainly would be an act di
rectly against the constitutionalists, who
now hold the town and In
Vllllstas, who would be left free to con
tinue their operations. It would simply
be tying General Hill s hands and leav
ing Maytorena free.
"I sincerely hope that the good friend
ship of the American people towards the
Mexican people will prevent the consum
mation of Secretary Bryan's threat."
Bliss Takes Action.
NACO, Arls., Dec. 11-Brigadier Gen
eral Tasker H. Bliss, commander of the
United States stroops guarding American
territory, revoked tonight all passes
previously Issued for crossing the Inter
national line. Later communication into
Mexico was limited to newspapermen and
teamsters actually engaged In hauling.
This action was taken by General Bliss.
It was said, as a result of the reported 1
effort of both Mexican factions to send .
agents Into Arlsona for recruits, supplies j
and other purposes. j
Mf mi -
m, !mm Ink
IVt'-s. v V? 14 ! i v -
.'.N-...,i'-''.r-:'f).w(1lt ,nr4- c-
Information Reaching Basel from
Berlin Asserts Emperor Obliged
to Be Operated On.
This Will Be Done When He Has
Sufficiently Recovered from
Present Illness.
Amsterdam Hears that Wilhelm's
Health Much Improved.
ai I
Renter Dispatch from Dateh City
Deelarea Monarch Dlnea with
Chancellor and One of
Ilia Uenernla.
Cologne Gazette Says Germans Could
Not Trust This County in Peace
In s friendly, hnt Firs
ner, Hrjeet Anrrlrt mm mm
AihMrnter," Asserts Ten
ton Newspaper.
Commercial Club Makes Investiga
tion at the Request of the
Omaha Ad Club.
torn Report an Advance, for Bery
Month tm Iwt Half Year Ex
cept Darin the Menth .
Fashions of 1830 to
Return, According
To Style Bulletin
Funeral of Joseph
Smith is Marked by
Extreme Simplicity
INDEPENDENCE, Mo., Dec. 11 With
out flowera, drapery or pagentry the
body of Joseph Smith, president of the
Reorganised Church of Latter Day
Saints, who died Thursday, was burled
here today.
In accordance with the directions given
by the patriarch on his death bed, the
services' were simple. A few of his
favorite hymns were sung. Elder Joseph
Luff, a Ufa Ion friend. Drenched tha
funeral sermon. The body lay in atate i "all plalda and checks are the best of
In the local temple throughout the day-' these. Many crepes and venings already
liirht hours. Durlnr h. rviru rv-1 are being shown with a small Dresden
erent throng crowded the church' and flower pattern.
stood In the snow outslds to do homage
r...iu in Omaha la as good.
better, than thla time last year, acoord-
favbr of the ! ing to a canvas of the sltuat on ju
made hy the Omana mmmm-.
at the request of ths Omaha Ad .club.
The official publication of the Commer
cial club has the following, to say about
this canvass:
a canvas of the business situation In
this city was made by thla club on the
nuHt of the Ad club this wee, aooui
tw.ntv nf tha larsest houses in each of
the different lines, bring to light the
fact that business is fully as good. If not
better, than last year, wholesale groc
ers report a 10 to 20 per cent Increase,
with collections good. Wholesale drug
houses report practically the same busi
ness as last year, but less money taken i
In. The volous wholesale harflwara
houses claim as good and up to 20 per
cent Increase over tha previous year.
Business of wholesale and retail jewelry
houses Is reported In some cases a slight
decrease and in othera an increase,
amounting In one Instance to 14 per cent
Department stores, as a general rule,
report about the same business as last
year, some of the houses showing a
small decrease and others . slight In
crease. .Many of the stores report en
lsrgment of the varloua departments.
Another significant fact Is that most of
Panama Canal Governor Requests
Washington to Send Him Naval
Vessels at Once,
It la Believed that He Wants Was
Craft to Aid In Preservlnsj
Neutrality of Zone nnd
'' ' . Waters. ' " " .,V. t '
WASHINGTON, De. U.-Colonel Geo
thals has requested that destroyers be
sent to the canal sons Immediately, . It
was learned tonight, but no specific, ex
planation of the need for naval vessels
there was Included In the message. , A re
ply asking for this explanation was sent
at once, but no answer had been received
from Colonel Goethals at a late hour.
Officials believe the canal governor has
experienced some difficulty In preserving
the complete neutrality of the sons and
Its territorial waters. Many ahlps be
longing to belligerent nations are In the
vicinity and It la thought possible Colonel
Goethals has found himself . unable to
check use of their wireless plants within
the three-mile limit to convey informs-
i tion to' warships at sea. With swift naval
vessels to aid It would be an eaalar mat-
' I., t rv MttriilfitA i Ul nf wlrala.. anl If mrmm
thought' probable tonight that the neoes
sary. destroyers would be dispatched aa
soon as Colonel Goethals' explanation
received. '
to the memory of the dead patriarch.
Immediately after the services, the
quorum of the twelve apostles, the high
est ruling body in the church, called a
meeting for tomorrow morning to choose
a new spiritual leader. Several years
ago Joseph smith announced a revela
tion that his son. Frederick M. Smith.
hould be his successor.
The Weather
niperntnre nt
, 7
Highest toiay
lxiweat tolay
Mean temperature
Temperature and pr
tores from the normal:
Normal temperature .......
IWIriem-y for the day
Total excess since March 1
Normal precipitation
5 a, m
a. m
7 a. m
S a. m
Ha. m
10 a. m
11 a. m...
12 m
1 p. m
2 p. m
2 p. m
4 p. m
5 p. m
t p. m
7 p. m
Loeat Record,
1914. U13. 1112. 111.
.... 12 51 e 46
.... 6 84
.... g 4! iffl 37
T .00 .00 .00
recipltatioa depar
the retail - houses report an' Increase-in
CHICAGO, Dec. 13. New materials for j amounts spent for advertising. All, the
women's early spring clothes are decld-; statements volunteered were very opi
edly like those of grandmother's day, ; tlmlstlc,' especially among the retailers,
according to the bulletin of the Fashion and as' one house expressed it, with the
Art league of America, Issued here to- i exception of November, we have had the
day. Frills and furbelows of 1830 are to biggest' six months' business we have
be worn more and more. ever had.
Materials consist of narrow-striped silk "These reports are being ' gathered by
with a taffeta finish. Silk In Pompadour, the Ad clubs from all over the country
and results will be made known to the
pupbllo by the executive committee of
the Associated Ad Clubs of the World
at their meeting In Chicago this week." '
AMSTERDAM, Dec. 53.-Rmperor Wil
liam has made so much progress to-;
wards recovering his heslth, telegrams
received here today from Berlin atate,
that he will be able to leave the capltol
this week for the battle front.
Mnat Be Operated On.
GENEVA, Swltserland. Dec. 13. A re
port reached Basel from Berlin thla
morning that Emperor William will be
obliged to undergo an operation of the
throat, when he has sufficiently recov
ered from his present illness, which Is not
considered serious.
The doctors, however, consider that it
will be Inadvisable to the emperor to
return to the front for several weeks,
and he probably will spend Christmas
at home.
Crown Frince Frederick William, the
report from the capital says, has ar
rived In Berlin.
Dines with Ad risen.
LONDON. Deo. IS. A Reuter dispatch
from Amsterdam says that according to
AMSTERDAM, Dec. ll-In a long and
rle dealing with the possibility of the
United States playing an Important
In the conclusion of peace among
European powers, the Cologne Oasetta
says that the peace movement In Amer
ica Is not Inspired by Germany "snd that
American bankers with German names
In urging the desirability of peace rendn;
a doubtful service to Germany."
Such language, the newspaper adds. Is
likely to be misconstrued as an indication
that Germany Is exhausted by the war,
and. It adds, such notions only tend to
injure Germany's credit with neutral
Cannot tie Umpire.
Despite all friendliness with America,
the Cologne Osteite continues, Germans
must not allow themselves to he deceived
and they must look In the face of the
fact that America ran not bo an arbi
trator In the fight between Germany and
Great Britain. It would be an ostrich
policy, the newspaper aaya, not to recog
nise that publlo opinion in America, taken
as a whole. Is entirely friendly to Great
Britain. It may be argued. It saya, that
the American government has observed
the strictest neutrality, "but one can be
neutral In an Indifferent way, and, on the
whole, American neutrality has been fa
vorable to Great Britain."
Have Not Confidence.
The newspaper then says: "In view of
all this we can not have In America the
confidence which we ought to be able to
repose In a power which would act aa an
Impartial arbitrator In regard to an ar
rangement of peace.
"We cherish no feeling of Irritation
German Headquarters Announces
Storming of Several Positions .
Held by Ciar's Men.
No New Developments in East Prus
sia or Southern Poland, Accord
ing to Berlin.
th Hams nanara tha ,.,,', h .i,h ' against America because it Is friendly to
nHn.. . , .m.. i ..i treat Britain. Such a feeling
continues to Improve. The Imperial chan
color. Dr. Von Bethmann Hollweg, and
General von Kessel dined with htm on
Dresden Stranded
On Argentine Coast
Near Gallegos Port
BUENOS, AIRES, . Dec. 1S.-The Ger
man cruiser Dresden, one of the squad
ron engaged by the British warships off
Is only
natural, as Great Britain Is, Amor lea' a
motherland: but It is Juat for thla reason
that we fear prejudice and we must In a
friendly, but firm, manner reject America
as an arbitrator."
Frenoh Tell of Important Advance,
While Germans Assert Allies'
Attempt Repulsed.
Intermittent Cannonading kept Up
at Various Points on Front.
Nimersii Attnehs on Post of I.a
Mfr Henri, Nsrtawest of Sen
onea, Made hy Invader,
Wlthont Bnceeas.
PARIS, Dec. 13. The following
official communication by the
French war office tonlfht.
"It Is announced that two German
attacks at the two extremes of the
front have failed. One was to the
northeast of Ypres and the other
against the railway station at Aspach,
BERLIN, Dec. 13, B Wireless to
London Today's otflclsl communication
Issued by the German army headquarters
announces that several Russian positions
In North Poland were stormed and U.0U0
preoncrs taken, and that an attack by
French troops over a wide area In France
was repulsed by the Germans. The text
of the statement reads:
"Following their unsuccessful attack on
A premont, December U. the French again
; attacked yesterday afternoon over a
large f ropt by ovay . of Fliery (Plerry).
Falkland islands and which took to Teiegrara.j-riour vaiuea at it.w. wnicn vnuOT ,.. ,n us io me en-
flight, has stranded on tha Argentine I on th docks here waiting shipment to amy of prisoners and a large number
coast near tha port of Gallegos. I Linden and Llndstrom, Gothenburg. of men killed and Injured. Our losses la
LONDON, Doe, 13. Burners persist ' Sweden, w' todsy attached by the Maney. th.s engagement amount to, about, aevi.
Maney Mills Play
Safe hy Stopping
Flour Shipment
NEW ORLEANS. La.. Dec. ll.-(peclal
to ! Telegram.) Flour valued at tl4.M0, which
ttat--thr-DemM"cOTser Dresden, one Mmihg company of Omaha. he slippers,
of the German squadron which waa ds- because payment for It had been withheld
rested by the British' sauadron under land the cargo has not been Insured. It
Sir Frederick Sturdee In the South
4antio, either has been sunk or has
sought refuge In a neutral port There brought about tha action of the Omaha
is no confirmation of thla ' report and I concern.
confidence that It will be caught Is shown i A lew minutes before the judges left
At-i ! thought, that .fear of confiscation by
. Ana nt tha warrtno nations of tha flour
oy me oetung on iioya s which was
28 to I that the Dresden would be rounded
up by January 1
tha civil district court today tha Omaha
firm filed a petition praying for a writ
of attachment,' ordering the eivil sheriff
hty' wounded. 'The rest of the day
passed quietly In the western theater.
"in , Northern Poland we captured a
number of the enemy's positions, taking
11,00) prisoners and forty-torse machine
"There Is no news from East Prussia
or from Southern Poland." .
French Claim Advance.
PARIS. Dec. 11-An important advance
by the French troops. In the forest of La
to seise and attach 3.000 sacks of j Prets. in France, and the repulse of throe
"Sovereign" brand flour. 230 pounds to the .violent German Infantry attacks to tha
sack The petition asked that the flour southeast of Ypres, Uelglum. were the
be held until the Swedish concern has j outstanding features of th French offt-
euner paia me amount ciaimeo . or naa , clai statement this afternoon. The
given security for the payment of the of tha statement reada:
c . w itk- . Aii um cay oi uecember 13 was Par-
Russ Christmas Not
On Date Elsewhere,
So Truce is Opposed
13,-The pope's plea for "U roount WM Purcll"e September 7. j as shown e
has raffed! for whe 1?14' nd pald for M per cract. I cannonade at
! -Jt.rThJl! Jud' E' K' dinner signed the . writ ;j t. nuioi
tember 12, 1914. A previous shipment of t tlcularly
Farm Co-operative
Association to Be
In Omaha This Week
hlch was revived a
year ago. Cashmeres ana satin clothes
will be among the materials for street
Colors will be. subdued, with a preva
lence of black and whits, whits pre
dominating. ' . .
Effects la stripes will bs better form
than checks or plaids, being smsrter and
mors suitable to the new silhouette.
PARIS. Dec. 11 The permanent court
martial today sentenced Louise Zach, a
German woman, to servo six monthjfin
prison and to pay a fine of TOO francs
(3140) on the charge of using an Ameri-
i can passport which was obtained by a
fraudulent declaration. The woman was
a governess In the employ of sn Ameri
can family. She got a passport at Ge
neva by representing herself as the wife
of an American named Appel snd on the
strength of this cams to Paris.
1914 74
.. .03 Inch
itj . 1 Deficiency tor the day (U Inch
A. ii, Total raimaii aincs narcn i..ja.iz incnea
r DrJU-ieiu-y alnce March I. 1914.. S.S inches
f Iefi'lency for cor. period. Iki3. 5 t) I mhos
. hv ' J Ih-ficlency for cor. period. 1P13. 3.81 inches
. V. t T Indicates truce of breci Dilation.
Indicates below sero.
U A. WULSH. Local Forecaster.
Omaha's Protest ' '
Heard in January
(From a Staff Correspondent.) ,
WASHINGTON. Dec. 11 (Special Tele
gram.) An opportunity for Omaha and
other cities to present obpjections to
being Included In the ' Kansas City
reserve district will be given by
the Treasury department in January. The
6th of . next month has been set for
hustings by varloua cities throughout
the country In the twelve regional dis
tricts. Attorneys must present, the
arguments, it was said at the Treasury
department today.
Beginning Wednesday another conven
tion of farmers about as large aa the Ne
braska Farmers' Conaress, which Just
finished Its sessions last week, Is to be
I held In Omaha. This Is. the Nebraska
Farmers' Co-operative Oraln and Live
Stock Shipping association. This is an
association of the local grain and live
stock shipping associations of the stste.
The Bureau of Publicity has sent out a
great many ' invitations to delegates In
an effort to bring In a large attendance
and has already received hundreds of
acknowledgements snd acceptances. The
convention Is to hold three days, begin
ning Wednesday.
a Christmas truce
a . majority of the European powers re
ceived It sympathetically, the others old
not feel able to support It From Berlin
It Is said that Russia would not consent
to . the truce as the Russian Christmas
does not fall on the same day aa that
of the other states.
of selsure and tha flour will be held.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator Hitchcock Is to confer
with Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo
some time next week relative to the
matter of relieving former Revenue Col
lector Horns Hammond from liability on
hia bond. It is probable that the con
ference will take place Monday, and .lt
is saauraad that the matter of air. Ham
mond's successor will be discussed, st the
conference. '
CHICAGO. Dec. 12. Charging three
officers of the National Commercial Pa
per company with misappropriating
funds, suit seeking the appointment of a
receiver was begun today by K. E. Hil
thon, a stockholder.
The bill accuses Edwin. P. Smith of
Sringfield, III., president; C. F. Buman,
secretary, and Ira J. Bell, vice president,
with misuse of funds by controlling the
election of the board of director.
It is. charged that at a meeting of the
directorate it was voted to purchsae
stock owned by the three men, thereby
reducing the rash on hand of the com
pany by tSO.OOO. It is further alleged that
these officers diverted to their own use
more .than IJO.OuO of the assets of
corporation, - which la capitalised
Italy Asks Turkey
To Liberate Consul
HOME, Dec. 12. (11:20 P. m,) Baron Bon
nlno, the Italian foreign minister, has
asked the Turkish government to liber
ate O. A. Hli-hardson, the British consul
at Modelda, Arabia, who recently was
forcibly removed by the Turks from ths
Italian consulate, where bs had taken
refuge. The Italian premier also has re
quested that the Ottoman government
give public satisfaction to Italy for ths
Violation of the Italian consulate.
PARIS, Dee. IS. TeletrepMng from
Nlsh, Servla, tha correspondent of the
Havas news sgency reports that the
Servians have repulsed tha Austrian
forces with heavy looses at Kosmsl,
thirty miles south of Belgrade. The mes
sage says:
"Heavy fighting continues with large
Austrian forces at Kosmsl to the south
of Belgrade and to tha north of Mllan
ovats. "Attacks made by ths Austrlsns on
Kosmal December were repulsed with
heavy losses. The Austrlana retreated,
leaving 1,500 bodies on the battlefield.
"Along the remainder of the front In
Servla the Austrlana are retreating In
the directions of Mokra, Oorblna, Bachta,
Rogatchlts, Kotsellvoa and Oub.
"Thirty-five Austrian officers. 4.600
soldiers and a military band were made
prisoners by ths Servians."
Decision Qiven in
Irrigation Case
DENVER, Colo., Deo. 1S.-A decision
affecting water rights of Colorado ind
Nebraska users was handed down lato
today In the United btates district court
by Federal Judge Robert E. Lewis. Tho
case was Instituted by the Pioneer Irri
gation company of Nebraska. Tha scope
of the decision Includes all Interstate
streams the source of which Is located ui
Tha claim that the state boundary
has no bearing upon priority rights ap
pears substantiated by tho court's ruling.
Ia ths esse of ths Republican river. It
waa held that twenty-nine feet of water
must bs left In the stream at Its Juncture
with tho Nebraska state line. '
quiet. Ths enemy's activity
especially by an intermittent
different points of the front.
region to the southeast of Ypres
there were ventured, however, three vio
lent Infantry attacks, which were re
pulsed. "In the. woods of La Prets ws nave
made important progress.
"In ths Vosges ths enemy has attacked
I on various oocas.uns tho post of La
Mero Henri, to the northwest of Senones,
but wss repulsed.
J "Servla The extreme Sorvlan left wing
. pursuing the enemy has forced him to
reoross tho Drlna near Balna Basta. On
the remainder of the front the Servian
armies continue to drive back tho Aus
trlana to the north and northwest."
TOPEKA. Kan.. Dec. 11 Ti e acUon of
a "Kangaroo" court that laahel with a
strap a victim who refused to pay a fine
assessed by the mock tribunal led to a
ruling by tha state supreme court today
holding that the doings of "kangaroo"
courts in the state constitute mob vio
lence when through them a person Is
"injured In a personal encounter."
The mandate was on a case from
Wichita. George Blakeman fought with
other boys st a ball game, waa arrested
and put In Jail. The other prisoners
held "kangaroo" court In the caae and
fined Blakeman fifty cents. Blakeman
the j had no money. The members of the
WASHINGTON, Dee. II -Republicans
returning to the next congress had a
gathering at the capltol. ' Former
Speaker Cannon, with spirits as high as
In earlier days of his congressional
career, called on Speaker Clark. Senator
elect Curtis of Kanaaa, Representative
elect Nicholas Longworth and several
others visited the house and met their
one-time colleagues.
Mr. Cannon said he had made It a rule
since he retired from the last congress
not to go into the house chsmber until
he had a "right" to do so, but that he
was going to break the rule to attend
the Payne memorial.
Snyder of Omaha Bee
Gridiron Club Head
WASHINGTON, Doc. U At ths annual
meeting of the Gridiron club hero today,
Edgar C. Bnyder of The Omaha Bee was
elected president, with the following of
ficers: Vice president, Louis W. Strayer,
Pittsburgh Dispatch; secretary. John B.
Shrlver, Baltimore Star; treasurer, James
P. Hornaday, Indianapolis News.
Harry J. Brown of the Portland Ore
gonlan was elected to membership.
Bin- Barn Barned.
SHENANDOAH, la., Dec. 13. -(Special)
Tho 14.000 barn of Mat O'Brien on hia
farm olght miles north of her, was des
troyed by fire about ( o'clock Friday
night. This was tbo finest barn In Fre
mont county.
Have SSnongh of Troops.
DENVER. Colo.. Dec. 1S.-A protest
against ths retention of federal troops in
Colorado was expressed tonight In a long
telegram sent to President Wilson by
stjtourt then ave the defenlant one lath J jonn McLennoa, president of District No
for each cent assessed In fine.
IS of United Mine Workers of America.
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
LONDON, Deo. 1. General Baden
Powell agrees with the opinion of many
other English military experts who be
lieve that Germany fully expects to In
vade England, If possible, snd wilt dlreot
Its activities toward ths commesclal
cities in tho north of England rather than
toward London and the resort cities of
the south. Ia the opinion of Oeneral
Baden-Powell, ths German emperor will
endeavor to land at least 90,001 troops
Czar Visits Soldiers
In Caucasus Region
LONDON, Doc. It Emperor Nicholas
of Russia, who has bean paying a visit
to ths headquarters of the army of
Caucus, left Ttfilus today amid an en
thusiastic demonstration, according to a
dispatch to Reuters Telegram company
from Petrograd.
All Together!
Think Business!
Talk Business!
and '
PASADENA. Cal.. Dec. ' U-Wlth an
armful of Christmas pscasges shutting
Mf her view of the railroad tracks, Mrs.
r.lclia.-! L, Miller, fit years old, was run
down bore today and Instantly billed by
at freight train at a street crossing.
Everybody will
Do Business.
All Together!