Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 13, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 3-A, Image 3

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    JJ.JI J-JJS"
State" CbijomisiionlTt" Reduce Sami
Aiked for by"Baperintendenti.
Make Bit C A1ob LIm f Es
trftordiaary fcap'SMt easl Leaner
Cat 1 dnWahrr Ri.
' ' Vile. .
, (Prom a SUff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec ll-(?toiJ.)-In an ef
fort to kep down s.ttrotrition for th
next btennlum the But" Board of Con
trot hail cut the amounts asked for by
the Institutions under. Ha control W3.7M
less, than the Superintendents of the Insti
tutions believe will be needed to run for
the 'coml.1t two yea re tin ordinary ex
IxihfW. fcvery Institution ha had to suf
fer :ett the Soldiers' . and Sailors'
Itonle at Mllford, which the board raises
from 174,461 asked by "Commandant Row-
en to H8.8W. . One ethef. Institution, the
institute for the blind at Nebraska City,
remains the same, In fnaklns Ita ftxurea
the ;board makes a, comparison with ap-1
prtplallons voted by tHe last session of
the ; letislature and makes a raise over
those' 'appropriations ef tC0,T90. ' In count
ing extraordinary expensea the board
makes a big cut along that line, making
a reduction of $r,10,000 from superin
tendents', estimates and $J7J,976 over ap
propriations of two years' ago. The 160,
000 voted for a reformatory haa not been
used. .
' THIS makes a total reduction made by
the iofird from the amounts asked for by
superintendents of $R5J,?23 and from the
appropriation for the present blennlum of
M COOU Nob., Dec. 12.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Otto Bellows, who shot . and
killed hi mother and wounded his sinter
nad fired a bullet Into his own head, died
at o'clock this morning. The young
man. Is .believed to have een temporarily
Insane at the time of the shooting.
It had been known that he was dissat
isfied because he 'was not' given the au
thorlyt. of conducting the affairs of the
farm since his father's death. His
mother had complained to the authorities
early lnthe week and this la supposed to
have lingered him. At noon yesterday he
threatened to blow up the gaa plant In
the' basement of the home. It Is said he
carved some of the furniture with a
butcher knife.'-
After shooting his mther and sister,
the young man started after Earle Wled
mait, the hired man, and drove him out
of the house and Into the yard, where he
fired seven shots at him, but without
effect. .The shot fired at his sister en
tered her shoulder, and while It Is a se
vere wound It Is thought she will re
cover.; The gun used was a .22-caliber
repeating rifle.
FAIRBTTRY, Neb., Dec. I).-rSpeciaI.)
After deliberating five or six hours on
the criminal action of E. H; Jones against
Pctef Carkmaa for. the recovery of $2,000,
the' Jury -allowed Mr. Jones a Judgment
of $160. The suit was the outgrowth of
a fight In Jansen a few months ago over
the" operation of a slot machine. Jones
was Injured and was under the care of
a dootor for a few day. Barkman.was
arrested and paid a fine for assault and
battery. .. ..
Biddy "Laymore"
Proves Herself
To Be Some Hen
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
1JNCOI.N, Pec. J2. -(Special.) The Ne
braska hen Is entitled to the grand medal
as a producer of wealth. Corporations
may pay a' 10 or 20 per cent dividend on
the money Invested, but It Is left to a
Nebraska hen to bring her owner 800 per
cent on the amount invested in th'.a cack-,
thm mnv tin nmpihinff In a name
Hliu vuiiirnt fui vii . ..mun.iv-... . . . . , i
Mo., between two hens of great produdnu .
ability, sailing under the names of "Lay.
more1' and "Lady Showme," which has
. . I . I - . . Y. 1 1 : . . . 1 a. 1
Deen given coniat?rui ruul,,wi
which the Missouri hen, "I-aAy Showme. '
was plttod against the Nebraska hen,
ijivmnt. " in which the Missouri hen
was unable to live up to her name, while j
tho Nebraska hen more thnn made good
on her name, Indicates that the Corn
husker fowl was some hen, snd Statis
tical Engineer George W. Kline of the
State Board of Agriculture has this to
say about Lay more:
Lady Lavmore belongs to Ooar E. Hen
nlng of Mead, Neb. This fowl produced
286 egns In 35 days. If marketed at the
i,,iu inr ihn loiviHtv of Mead
these eaas would bring 4.80 At tho pre- j
vailing price to the farmer the hen would
bring about 60 rents. Thus tho gross in
come from Ladv Lnymore is 800 per ynt.
yl.i.i.-... Anlt rianrna nm In the feed-
Ing cost, the net liuome can hardly be
- .i nn h, haali nf t'l nnid out for
extra erlect food for Ijdy l.nymore, the
net Income is m per cent. IjuIv 8hown:
the defeated aep rani, was vm.u i.
and no price has been net on the winner.
According to the government census of
1010, the Nebraska hen produced .-
(923 doren) eftKS. The efs oi mi .t
.u . v. . f.mara n nnrni Im A tel V 110.-
ITU'IRIII viht . " - -
OOO.OnO, to ssv nothing of the cash value
of the 16,000.000 fowls on Nebraska farms.
Notes from Auburn
And Nemaha County
AUBURN, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.)
The poultry show, which has been In ses
sion for four days, closed Friday night.
Some 600 birds wore on exhibition Both
Omaha and Lincoln were represented by
exhibitors. E. M. Quay of Laporte. Ind.,
was the scorer, and seems to have given
good satisfaction. The attendance has
been gocd.
Word has JUBt been received of the
death of Sarah Retmern at Pamona, Cal.
She was one of the early settlers of this
county, and was the wife of It. Relmera,
also an earlly settler, and they were mar
ried here in ISM.
Mary Plager died at her home In this
city last" night. She was the widow of
Herman Plager, who died eome twenty
years ago. Mrs. Plaer was a native of .
Germany and came to this county when
a little girl. She Is survived by three
daughters, all married.
MIfs Fannie Shaffer and Rolla Morton
were married by Rev. Deadman at the
Christian, church parsonage Thursday.
The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Shaffer, and the groom Is one of
the rural mail carriers out of Nemaha.
The fiftieth anniversary of the mar
riage of Thomas McCune and' wife of
Julian was celebrated this week. They
spent all of the fifty years of married
life , In this oounty. '
Question of Residence Brought Up
in Case of Mr. Pool.
As Wiatl the Fandameatal Lav of
Ike 'state la Qalte Likely
Come Oat Ta In t'pa-
teat of Authority.
If Hft Travel
in Why Not Make
it Lu8
Give Him Shirts
The Practical Gift
Our display makes chrvs-
Ice, Plant -for Cambridge.
CAMBRIDGE, Neb., Deo. 12. (Special.)
Ruben Finch yesterday purchased ma
chinery, for ah artificial Ice plant. He
has leased the Harvey building and will
remodel" tho same. '
ilk 5 hirts . . .
Madras Sh'rt .
Full Dress Shirts
KEARNEY, Neb., Dec. 12. (Special.)
Critics examining the manuscript pre
sented by Dr. A. O. Thomas for the new
series of arithmetics,, which he has Just
completed, when he was In New Tork
City a few days ago, were well pleased
with the manner In which the material
was handled. No trouble was exper
ienced in getting the books on the press
and the first series, a rural arithmetic,
will be ready for summer sales. Dr.
Thomas bad goodby to many friends In
Kearney on Friday, and together with
his family will make hla home In Lincoln
after the first of the week.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb, Dee. H-(peclal )
For the first time In the history or Ne
braska a Klnkald homesteader will be
caled ot fill one of the state offices
when the change takes place on the 7th
of next month. While this In a new
thing In the history of Nebraska, around i jng hlS'flrift'ft plcilHUre ill -
different sources as to how a homesteader i 01 fl ta.SK
can live upon hla claim according to law
and at the same time redds In Lincoln
as la expressly set out In the constitu
tion which reads:
'The governor,, secretary of state, audi
tor of public accounts and treasurer shall
reside at the seat of government during
their term of office, eto."
The controversy Involves the holding of
office of Charles W. Pool, who has been
elected secretary of state and Who haa
a cllam recently drawn by him In the
government sale of land In western Ne
braaka. Some peoplo have gone so far
as to say that Mr. Pool must either glva
up h'.s office or his homestead, but their
attention Is called to a ruling by the
land department made severeal years
ago and which haa not been set aside,
which piovlded that where a holder ot
a homestead Is eloeted to a publlo of
fice within the name territory of which
his homestead Is a part he aball not be
required to live uron hla homestead, but
may fill the office and ' reside In the
place where the location ot th office la
made by law.
However, Mr. Pool's family haa been
living on the homestead during the time
which has passed since he obtained It
and Improvements have been mads,
while he has sold his property at Tecum-'
eh and has made his legal residence since
that time on his homestead.
It has been the custom of-state offi
cers In the past whom the constitution
requires to live In Lincoln still to hold
their legal residence In the home town
from which they were elected for voting
purposes and that Is being done In Borne
Instances at the present time.
It Is not probable that the land de
partment will change a ruling which ha
been In vogue for many years, especially
when It Involves the loss of a Job to a
tried and true democrat. '
Memes Hla Offle Pore.
Charles W. Pool, who will on January
7 be sworn In as secretary of state, has
made his appointments or the office
force, though ho haa made up his mind
not to assign them until ha discovers the
qualifications of each. In addition to
Hugh L. Cooper ,a former newspaper
man of Johnson county, whom' he' ap
pointed some time ago as bis deputy;
the following are given out as the offic
ial family In the office: ..,'
Kenneth A. McRae halls from Hall
county and has been filling the position
of deputy recorder of deeds for that
county. He is secretary of tho Toung
Men'a Democrat club of Grand Island. ,
Max Katleman of Omaha Is conneoted
with the health department of that city.
B. R. Bays la from Saunders county and
haa been cashier of a bank at a small
town In tht county. - - . . - ..
Miss Cecil Snapp, who will probably be
tho stenographer In the ofTlce,' has filled
the position of chief clerk, and steno
grapher In the office of Colonel Phil Ack-
crman, hotel commissioner.
The office of labor commissioner, which
Mr. Pool holds, is in the earns depart
ment and It was her general efficiency
and ability, which attracted the attention
of Mr. Pool and he persuaded Mr.' Ack
erman that Miss Snairp was entitled to
promotion. . , ,
Miss Etta Saffer lives In Tork county,
but for several years was employed at
the Commonor oflce In Lincoln. Recently
she haa been employed In the office of
F. M. Eager.
Suit Casca. Club
and every sort of
Is found here.
$2.50 to $25.09
T ;ftiii ni'"
Boxed Handkerchiefs
Never Come Amiss
as Gifts
A useful gift and that'a
the sort men
ctate moat.
$1.15 to $6.50
Two Strong Men Who Were
Down and Out
; Catarrh of Stom
ach, Law Spirits,
Loss of Flesh, Lost
all Faith in Medi
cine. , ' Head-aches, Loss
of Smell and
Taste. Fever, Nose
ir-Arnfl Wreck.
, " 4
I--' 'H
Mr. George W. Close, No. 124 Nevada
rildg., Denvert Colo..: writes: "I have all
the faith in the world In your medicine,
as H cured me of catarrh' of the stomach.
"X was im a most distressing' eoadltloa
and Ufa looked dark, Indeed. 1 could not
'neat. My food did not do ma any good.
I gradually lost flesh and was thin and
emaciated.'. '
"I was glad indeed to find that the first
bottle of Peruna waa doing me good, and
so kept oa using it, with a gradual In
crease of appetite' and -strength. '
"Three months after I flrat began using
U X, Was a well snaa, and all ta
ral i toe to saaa. . I recommend
It -to ali. Who am la need of a medicine
for catarrh.".
If you .have, any reason to doubt tho
statements of either one of these gentle
men, whose facts accompany this article.
Just drop them c a Una, enclosing a
stamp, and see . If ' you do not get a
' prompt , reply . verifying and reiterating
tha words that., wa . have . quoted
from them. Banarkasla statements they
are, toa. ' There are five million people
In tha United States mere or leas effected
with catarrh! who ought to read these
words and act "upon them.
Mr. Edward M. Burtt, BIT Laclede Are.,
St. Louis, Mo., writ: "1 hava used your
medlclh for several years, and It has
given entire satisfaction, nut only In my
own family, but also that of others of
my friends, and would cheerfully recom
mend the use of Peruna. as I certainly do
adors your juedlcln.
Mr. J. B. Reese, Habnab, Maryland,
writes: "Two years ago I became a suf
ferer with catarrh, which continued to
grow worse and made me miserable. I
could scarcely smell at all, and my taste
bad almost left me. My head ached con
stantly, and at times hail high fever and
bleeding at the nose. I waa a perfect
I tried several doctors, bat derived bo
relief. I read In one of your little book
lets, called 'Ills of Life,' of Peruns being
a remedy for catarrh, and procured a
bottle at once. After the use ot one bottle
I felt some better, so I tried the second
and the third, and now I am a well man.
' "My health la muck Better taaa it haa
beta for three years. AM praise la due
VeraaaV '
Catarrh of the head is the same disease
aa catarrh of the stomach. So far as the
nature of the ailment is concerned. It
matters little whether the catarrh Is lo
cated fn the throat or bronchial tubes,
the treatment I the same. k
The wonderful suooess of rerana in
curing these cases consists mainly of the
fact that it is a natural Invlgorant that
enables the sysUsm to overcome the
catarrhal condition, which In many cases
la so chronic that it haa become a habit.
Peruna speaks for Itself. Just give It a
chance. Try a bottie of It Toa will then
know for yourself.
There are people who object to taking
fluid medicines. To such people tha
Peruna Tablets are especially valuable.
They are convenient to carry la the
. . $5.00
. $1 to $3
51.50 to $5
Beautiful Neckwear
to Please Him
A wonderful display of rich
est silk Neckwear. Kvcry
man appreciates nice Neck
wear. Choose it here.
50c to $3.50
Sheer cotton
rhtefa. Half
or Initialed.
and fine
doten In
linen Handker
Gift Box, plain
$1.00 to $1.50
The Ideal Gift
House Slippers
Every good atyte and
best values In Omaha.
$1.50 to $4
Smoking Jacket, Bath
Robe and House Coats
The aort of 'gifts that touches a man's fceart.
Our showing embraces endleM attractive pat
terns In everr style of Robe or Jacket.
$5 to $12.50
$5 to $15
$5 to $15
Ladles: '
Why not
buy his gift
this year
at a real
where you
will be ac
corded courteous treatment and
prompt service?
All the popular brands of ci
gars In boxes domestic and Havana.
; A'Fewn
Cigar Stands ,.1JI to tS
Ash Trays . . . ,8So Bl.OO
CI (far and Cigarette Hold
era SOo to 94 00
German Pipes - S6o to '.80
Briar Pipes ...tfto to S6.00
Meerschaum Pipes 91 to f IB
Calabash Pipes' . .BOo to 95
Large assortments of rood
Tobaccos, from loo pkt.
A ui:i VDi ail
to 91.00 jars.
German Tobaccoa
Gifts for Men
H. Beselin & Son
"ZeUler la still tha largest
selling; coal In Omaha, simply
because It learaa no clinkers or
soot, and burns to a ' white ash.
"Zelgler" Nut la Ideal for kitchen
ranges, and "Zelgler" Lump la
unequaled in furnaces and heat-era.
Why Be Pestered
With Mussy Ashes?
Annihilates the Ash Bugbear -
A wonder fuel,. Indeed! Any housewife fi
dotes upon it because she doesn't havej)j
0 KO
to lug an oudco of ashes when she uses
, it. If you've some unsatisfactory coal
in your bins mix It with Petroleum Car
bon Coke and consume It economically,
for the Petroleum Carbon Coke burns It
.asnes ana smoke at the same time, spare errort, save money
and get heat by using this newer, really MARVELOUS fuel.
up and burns ita soot.
Our $5.00 Coal Is Good Coal
Poultry Show at
Fremont Draws .
Large Entry List
Poultry breeders of eastern Nebraska
were out In full force with their best
fowls at the Dodge county poultry show
at Fremont last week.' One hundred and
three exhibitors displayed 1,110 thorough
bred birds, . making this year's ahow the
greatest la numbers ever held In eastern
Nebraska, with, the exception of Some of
the' big Omaha shows.. The Barred Rock
breeders proved tho popularity of the'r
breed by making theirs the largest class
In (he show, S10 birds, or more than a
fourth of the total entry list
Other big classes were White Wysn
dottes. Huff Orpingtons and Rhode Isl
and Heds. ' ' ' -
A freak one-winged Brown Leghorn was
on exhibition and waa one of the big fea
tures of theashow. Another unusual dk
play waa a coop of capon. .
Judge A..H. Rhodes satisfactorily han
dled the stupendous job of judging the i
entire show alone. The score card sys
tem of judging was employed.
The dti sens of Fremont offered more
silver cups aa prises than are usually seen
at a county ahow. Thirty-one silver J
trophy cups were given to Winners. It j
waa necessary for the donor of silver I
cup for highest scoring bird In the show I
to provide two, as a biid owned by J. f.
Porter and one owned by W. J. Anderson !
ea witn a eoore or 6' points of a pos
sible 100. i -
A striking example of woman's ability
along lines heretofore considered only
nian'a work was the large number of
woman exhibitors," and tha fact that a
woman, ,Mra. O. . Alnaworth, won mora
silver trophy cups than any other ex
hibitor. Members of tha Dodge County Poultry
association howed their appreciation of
Secretary J. W. Cattern'a work by 're
electing him secretary for another year.
Mrs. Bejrtraaa Refaseel Divorce. -
MADISON, Neb.. Deo.' 13. (Special.)
The divorce case of Ella Bertram against
August Bertram was dismissed, there be
ing no grounds for divorce. The costs
were taxed to the defendant Court ad
journed until January SO.
Here Is Your Opportunity To Save From .
59. To CO Per Cent on
Building to be torn dowa. ' We most vaaaia. ' Xmas
hoppers look over oar- display before buying. . .
Oifts that last a Met Una. . ',,..... ' '
Automobile bargaiiia la Be Waut Ada
fadlaestloa aad Weak ttanaeka
Taka ICIectric Bitters. It gives a ap
petite, strengthens the d'gestlvt oravs. j
lessens tl.e work of liver and kldncyi.J
toe r.nd 1. All drusglsts. Advertlse-
tueot. - , - -
Timely Tips For Gift Buyers
V nninrf t ....I..-.
For the little folks to the
larger ones for foot power
for the larger boys.
. The largest Una ever shown
here. Just the gift tor the
man of the house or his son
' or some other man's sob.
Nothing but the best tools
In them.
James Morton & Son Co.,
Safety Razors, the Latest
LATHES for the Boys,
Children's Sleds, Wagons
and Coasters, Manicure
Sets, Scissor Sets, Table
Cutlery, Carvers for Game,
Roast and Steak.
Never before have we shown
such an immense variety of
patterns. All prices from 1 6c
upward to the finest Sterling
silver and pearl-handled scis
sor knives. Combination Hunt
ing Knives. Remember every
one guaranteed.
Manual Training
Tools and Benches
Your boy knows what he wanta.
We ahow a full line.
1511-11 Dodge
- -
The USEFUL GIFT that holds the cheer
oi Christmastide throughout the year.
Could th'ere be a more appropriate
present than a good looking gas table
lamp! Fcft, mellow gas light is the
best to read by. A gas table lamp is
a decoration in your, living room or
Order now. Your Christmas present
is sure to be appreciated if it is one of
our new lamps.
Ask to see our No. 400 Special
Lamp at $7.50 in green or ecru shade.
A big selection at all prices.
Bring this advertisement with you
and nsk for a eopv of our catalogue,
called "My Kitchen.'
Omaha Gas Co.
1509 Howard St.
For sensible, safe, promising investments,
look over Real Estate Columns of The Bee