1 T1IK UKK: OMAHA. SATURDAY, DKCRMBF.H 12. 11)14. l ...a '"Hi Every sea son we e n d e a vo r to offer you Patter Assortments, Better XiHc?.jgg.rJu't Painstaking Service We're yours to command When in Doubt Give Jewelry or Silverware Is an old saying and invariably a good rule, for you ean always find something that will be an appropriate and lasting remembrance. Here are special for Saturday that will crowd tho Jewelry Section at an early hour values we're confident you cannot duplicate. Solid Gold Cuff Links, regular values to $4.00, at $1.98 Solid Gold Scarf Pins, values up to $3.00, at $1.00 Solid Gold Baby Rings, regular $1.00 val ues, special at . S5 Solid Gold Rings, Signet or Fancy Set, up to ?5.UU values $1.50 and $12.50 Ntfh,.. 'Hi. We want you to see how splendidly equipped we are to supply your EVERY HOLIDAY GIFT WISH Or THIS SEASON ...... . ' tis,- -i. '". Mc3h Baps, made to sell at $1.00 and $3.00, on sale at . . . . i . . . . .1.00 Mantel Clocks, pretty patterns, mndo to sell at $5.00, choice $2.45 Regular $1.00 alarm clocks at GO Regular $1.00 watches at 75 Comb, Brush and Mirror Bets, silver plated, values up to $4.00, at ............ .$1.75 Sterling Silver Baby Spoons ........ 39 Over 500 Different Articles In Jewelry, from 76o up to $2.00 Values Solid Gold Shell Rings, Solid Top Cuff ( Qf Sterling Silver Bracelets and Sterling Buttons, Beauty Pins, Bar Pins, La- ZjC Silver list Pins, together with scores vallicrea, etc. of other items. Specially fortunate purchases from manufacturers alone make such remarkable underpricings a possibility. Buy Saturday. Rocker Specials Several patterns large fell spring Turkish rockers, best grade guar anteed leather, worth to fto.00. Your choice $40 Three patterns, full leather, solid mahogany frame rockers. Regu lar $20 value, sale price.$12.50 Six patterns, all finishes, best grade leather, large, roomy rock ers. Regular $15 value, sale prioe $10 A large site, guaranteed oak rocker, fumed finish, genuine leather, spring seat. Regular $8.60 value, sale price. . .$5.50 Sewing rockers, in all finishes, at very special prices, up from ; $1.25 Library Tables Three patterns, golden and fum ed oak, large mission tables. Reg-, ular $20 and $24.50 values. Sale price, $15 V Even the Grown-Ups Marvel at the iVon derlui Pack Dear Old Santa Brought to Hayden's this season. Direct from his big workshops in Toyland'to the "Store of the Christmas Spirit." He wants to meet and greet all the little folks on 4th floor, Hayden's, Saturday. Wants you to make yourself at homo and thoroughly enjoy the immense display of Toys, Dolls, (James, etc. SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY THAT WILL INTEREST ALL Full Jointed Dolls, 22 inohes tall, moving eves, sewed wig, light and dark hair, regular $1.98 dolls, on sale, choice OS Mechanical Train, on Track, 75c t Iron Clad Combination Toy value, on sale at ....40 Seneca Spelling Blocks, for 25 Iron Toy Ranges, with outfit, special 25 Boys' and Girli' Books, 25c Boy Scouts, Tom Swift, Outdoor Churns, Motor Boat Series, Moving Pictures. For the girls-Central High Girls, Out Door Girls, Moving Picture Girls, Etc. Banks, each 25 Friction Stmt Cars, pay as you enter style 98 35o Doll Furniture, for 25 Popular Fiction Works at BOo Books that formerly sold at $1.35. "Wait of Men." "Their Yesterday," "Aunt ane of Kentucky." "The Secret Garden" and scores of. other late books for selection. A Biff Assortment of Prayer Book. Ro saries, Eta. M.i.1 3 Grue Gloues She Never Bad Too Many Gloves. Never a nicer or better glove than she will have If you select Monarch Perrtn or Bacme Gloves. Complete lines here, special valaes tl.2e to tiOO pair. Ileal French Lanbsfc!, also cave and doe skin cloves, 11.60 values, t 81.00 Children's lined kid gloves, velour, lined mocha and kid mittens with far tops, on s&le, pair 49e Telonr Kittens, worth 60c. In tan or black, at 251 Glove certificate sold la Glove department, entitles holder to per sonal selection of merchandise to .specified amount at any time Buy one. r Pricings on Women's Garments in December You Would Not Usually Expect Till January Our Winter season is practically over yours just beginning. On' account of very heavy stocks to be disposed of, we're deeply cutting prices on all lines. 30 days ahead of all, right at the very beginning of the real winter weather, we start a clearance on all lines that means unusual savings to all purchasers. Big Sale of Linoleum Monday v NEARLY 1,000 HANDSOME WINTER COATS All the season's classiest styles in the most wanted fabrics, in both plain colors and fancy weaves, in Two Splendid Bargain Lots Saturday. $15.00 AND $18.00 COATS AT $10.00 Nobby styles in plain colors and novelties, all col ors and broad assortment of fabries. Remarkable bargains. HANDSOME WINTER COATS, made (M C A A to sell to $25.00, your choice $J.t)eUv In Zibelinee, Sealettes, Chinchillas, Boucles, Nov elty Cloths, etc. A remarkable showing. BEAUTIFUL WAISTS, made to sell up M AC to $5.00, choice Saturday $letJ) In Crepe de Chines, Flowered Chiffons and Lace Waists, ete. Dainty designs, all colors. Children's Coats, to 0 hildren's Coats, to $7.50 values, at. $3. 85 $12 values, at... $6.05 An Immense Showing of Silk Kimonos and Bath Robes for gifts $2.05 up to $20.00 m. L. nt isjxfwrv rv til . c " $9.90 NEARLY 300 FINE TAILORED SUITS AT JUST HALF PRICE. Tailored Suits worth $15.00 at $7.50 Tailored Suits worth $20.00 at $10.00 Tailored Suits worth $25.00 at $12.50 Tailored Suits worth $35.00 at $17.50 Tailored Suits worth $45.00 at.... $22.50 HUNDREDS OF PRETTY DRESSES, made to sell up to $25.00, at Broad assortment of charming designs for after noon wear. Party and Dancing Dresses, variety of desirable colorings and fabrics almost unlimited. FURS MOST ATTRACTIVELY PRICED Elegant Near Seal Coat $40.00, $00.00 Up Hudson Seal Coata at $89.00. $98.00 Up Genuine Mink Sets at...... ... $75.00 Up Genuine Marten Sets. $50.00 to $150.00 Fine Fox Sets at $45.00 to $98.00 Why Not Make a Gift of Furs? Gtue Silk Hosiei An extra pair is always ac ceptable to wife, daughter; sis ter or lady friend We' show complete lines of best makes, Specials for Saturday Women's $2.50 Silk Stockings, pure thread silk with double garter tops, high spliced heel and double soles.' In all colors, at, pair ..; $1.50 Four Speca Counters of Holiday Gift Suggestions Saturday COUNTER NO. 1 at lOtf Match Trays, Pin Cushions, Mirrors, Rattles,-Fancy Wood Novelties, A j Brushes, etc., up to 25c values, J,iC ai, euoii-tf COUNTER NO 3 AT 50 Including Desk Sets, Hand Mirrors, Sewing Baskets, Military Brushes, Briar Pipes, Beaded Bags, Silk Garters, Ink Cit Wells, Jewel Boxes, Candle Sticks, J1HIT etc., to $1.00 values . . v COUNTER NO. 2 AT 25a Containing Work Baskets, Pin Cushions, Boxed Handkerchiefs, Sewing Set, Baskets, Ash Trays, Hand Mirrors, Combs, ftr Brushes, Beaded Bags, etc., to 50c JuU values, on sale at COUNTER NO. 4 AT S1.00 Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets and Collar Bags, Work Boxes, Comb and Brush Sets, Dress ing Seta, Smokers' Sets, etc., (ftf Ajl made to sell to $2.00, on sale tf)l,v( at.. Men Always Need Ties and Handkerchiefs Here's several specials at a saving of about Half Ussal Price. Men's Jill Silk Ties, new est style four-in-hands, in pretty gift boxes, values to $1X0, on sale at .25. 49 and 75 Men's 25c Silk Ties, In separate boxes ...12 Box of ( linen or mercer ized handkerchiefs, tl to $2.50 values, on sale' Sat urday, at S1.35 OS 75 40 Men's and Boys Initial Handkerchiefs, regular 25c quality, on sale, 6 for 75 Men's and Hoys' 10c Hdkfa 6 for 25 Imperial or Crown Snspenders, up to $2.00 val ues, in four lots ....OS. 75. 49. 25 Boys' Suits at Vz Price Choice ef all Cordrey Salts at (H) half they are marked. Saturday we offer choice of our entire stock of Boys' Corduroy Suits. All Colors and sizes, bout half of them have two pairs cf pants. Ages S years to . IS years. Russian double breasted and Norfolk s'yle. Soft weiv and close or coarse wal. Saturday, make your choice and pay (V) half what any suit U marked. $5.00 Corduroy Suits . .S2.,nO $6.00 Corduroy Suits $3.00 $.60 Corduroy Suits 5,0S $7.50 Corduroy Suits 83.75 No Telephone Orders or C. 0. D.'s Boys' Mackinaw, Extra Values for Saturday S3.05. 84.05. 95.95 Maeklnaws for boys 6 to 15 years, all wool and heavy weights, Norfolk and Raglan cut. All the best plaid combinations; each piece is a special low price for Saturday at S3.85. 84.PK and .. Chinchilla overcoats for boys. 2 to $ years t 4.5 All wool chinchilla, Bray, blue and brow a. satin yoke and wool nlaid lined. $8.50 Chinchilla overcoati, Saturday . .84.05 A NICE FUR CAP makes a pleasing gift. We are showing a choice assortment in all Furs at prices - ranging from $1.50 to $10 $5 Near Seal Caps, special Sat urday, at $3.50 John B. Stetson Hats, in all newest styles, . .$3.50 to S5 Extra Special Values in Tray. eling Bags, all styles, all leath ers, at ' $3.05,- $5.00, $7.50 Up u Sample Urns, of i HOLtOAY GIFTS Saturday the Third Day of the Dtg Sales of Samples ; florence mahufacti;kih co. at half vtokth. The biggest opportunity yet to buy Beautiful, up-to-date gifts at HALF KEGl LAB RETAIL PRICES. Toilet Set, Dreiftlng Cases, Maalenre Sets, Itrushes, Mirrors, Etc. Hundreds upon hundreds of articles no two alike on sale at JUST HALF FR1CE. S. me Chtiflmas Sugges tlons ; in . Toilet Goods, Urugs and Perfumes. TolUt artlclet always mka an arnaptabls Ohriatmaa art ft. our atock la larga and It will pay you to try liayden'a flrau 60e Ixcuit Btoaaom Per fume, oa .as tOo 4711 Sarhat Powdar, aaaort- ed odora, par bottle ss tBe Kbony Kemovabla Ckaraola Buffer SS fl.SO IH-ln. Ivory Mirror. apaolal SSa 11.00 Black Solid Back Military Bruthea . tl.OO Rvar Ready Safety Kaattr Se rinaud'a Ulaa da France Toilet Water , ea tl.kO Oriental Cream Si Women ' $1.60 Silk Rose, with fancy tops , or doublo Lisle tops, Regular sijtes, at pr..08 Wayne Knit Silk Hose to $1.00 values, in black, white or tans. On sale 49 and 75 Big Sale 61 Linoleum Monday It.?!) Cello Metal Hot Water Battle, 8 plnta, guaranteed ft yeara, at SX.be Mantour r)ete, roll oaeea..S mm 11.21 Jers-ea'a bottle fancy . Per. ruuna. apeglal ..7S 1-qt. Oenulno Thrrmoa Botti saae Fancy Holiday Perfumea. .SH mp Sbo Gullberta Rica Powder, lee lOe Jap Rnae Soap ae 10c Crepe Tellet Paper, C rella for ..SSe ' 66o Bourlout Java Rica , . Pawder ,.....S5 tOo riloan'a Liniment Jtwa ' He Jeraen'a Benioln and Al mond lxtlon ,.r...ie llinklea Caacara PMla, 100.. 30e t.sraln Aaplrin Tab lota. - I dnen .25e Hundreds of New hand Blocked Shapes, CJ) 4lCh made to sell from $5.00 to $6.50. Special Saturday V ' A-mi. mJr Of) New Untrimmed Ea&pes, ff OOC made to sell to $3.50, at.,.. JJ-AlU 1 ' 1 Ct . a) t . f . 4 . 1 7? $2.00 Ostrich Plumes, 15 in, long; black or white.. SPECIAL SHOE SALE Saturday Christmas Shoes and Slippers for any member of the fam ily would be the moat proper present. Men's Shoes, Stetson make, $6 and $5.50 Crossett Shoes, all styles ...$4.00 Brocktonbilt Shoes, all styles $3.00 Men's Kid and Box Calf leather lined Shoes, good $3.00 val ues, at $1.08 Worn en 8 Patent Leather, fawn or toque tops, good $4.00 vaK ues, all sizes, with cloth or leather quarters $3.50 All kinds of men's Xrnas Slippers, Opera, Everetts, Fausts or Romeros, tan or black $2.50, $2, $1.50 and $1 Men's or Women's warm house Slippers, all felt or leather sole and patches ..... ... .'. ,'. .50 Women's Knit Slippers, fancy cuff tops. Values up. to $1.25, 75c and ....30 Childs' fancy high top Shoes, $1.50 values ,...$1.00 C rover and Queen Quality Shoes for Women. -Stetson and Crcssett Shoes for Men. ' UNLtRWtAR AND FURNhMMGS ATA HAVING OF EA ILY ONE-THIRD MEN'S VNin HITS, all wool, up to 14.00 valuee, in lott Sz.se. S14M and Sl. MUX'S I NION suits Bilk and wool arraentH, to to 69 valuea, at S3.VM, a .60 and S3.es AM, WOOL SHIRTS OR DRAW ERS, perfect p:otd, all aliea, at S 1.4ft, 1.25 and SSa FLEECED SHIRTS OR DRAWERS 4Ae and S6 MEN'S AM, WOOL SWEATER t OATS, to I! SO veiuea, all colore. at an.eti, S4.UN and S-'l.tm MEN'S IWKATLH COATS Values to 14.50, all atylee, at Saati, sa.Bt and Sl.SM IIMPLK BATH ROUES Valuea te $11. All neweat itylea, at SSJM. S4JH, S3. UN and ss.es MEN'S FLANNEL OVEHHHIRTS t'i.DJ and 12.10 valuea. la all colora. at S 1.4ft and UN MEN'S fl DRESS SHIRTS All tyles, ntakar'a aurplua, aale at MEN'S DRRSS OR WORK GLOWS Lined or unllnod, bl aaaortroent of sood teakea at,...S1.4o, SAe, 4S MEN'S OUARANTEBU SOCKS pal re guaranteed for all month, at 4e auto noons, to ii.eo Taluea Se and 4e ltoe4 JumU Boda. . .Stle iWemen'i Jeree? 11. . vaiuaa . . Silk. WL Ctwm mm Haew e( ail axuada apaaially prlee. WOMEWS STERLING URIOIC SUITS In all wool, allk and wool, or allk and Hale, ail atylee, la rreyr pink or creaja, at .aa.ttrt Waman'a allk and waol or aH wool Vmtmm Salta. to IS.tS valuea. la well known makea, at SIM .:., I fc , . Closing Oul Base Burners Regardless of Cost or For mer Selling Price flr pot, beautifully' nickel triinmud, choice of two patlwna; reeular prlot fiS.OO, rale prke ... SiM.Be "Kenowa Baaa Bumwi, 17-Inch Are pot. full nickel tri'mtned; latent pattern: eatra large flueai an itnusu.tllv erood beater; rev ular price leT.IO. aala price Saafce ''Renown" Baaa Burner, lS-lneh lire pot, full nickel trimmed; regular price 155.00, tale price SSS.se Brilliant Monograma, the beat and handaomeet baaa burner In Omaha when Bold at our regular price of tit. 00; ha M-lnrh Are pot; aale price SSe.ee 'Charminsr Universal. haa la Inch fire pot, nickel trimmed; a bargain wben Bold at our ream. lar prioe of HO. 00, but aale price la SW.ee Saft Cml Reatvrs Small Oak Heaters S4.ee 110.00 Oak HaaUra ....... .SKSe $11.00 Oak Heatera SV.TB $1100 Oak Haatera S1SJM $14.00 Hot Blast Heatera. .St I JM $11.00 Hot Blaat Heatera. . .StLM Howard Heatera. your unrestrict ed choice of any Howard Heater In the house ...ei4.ee Roaatera Special Bala on ibis very aa aonable article Saturday. ' Brownie" Hoastara. . two-piece, aelf-baeiina, large enough for fhtckens and roasts . ..... lie .arpe "Hrownle" Itoaatara ..See tavory lioasters .... and etr ILrge genuine "l.isk" Koasi- evi si.ee Roller Pkatra $1.61 best ball-btarina- Roller Hkates. At any aixe shoe, boys' or glrla', on aala. Haturdsy at , Sm BEST FRESH DRESSED 1914 MILK FED SPRING CHICKENS, Lb., 11 3-4c 10 lee Brat Leaf Lard LAMB LAMB LAMB Spring First oaallty 114 hindquarters, lb ... First quality 1014 Koruquarlera, lb ... Krexe quality freeh ID Iamb ievia Spring La'mb Ha l'.l. J.olita, llHe KlrHt quality lb Fresh I'nrk Xoaat . . lue Tlrat quaUty rraib IVrk Rutte. lb .. X14e Tirat quality Steer Round Steak, lb S'Ae Hret quality Steer Pot Koeet. i ,. ISHe t'lrat quality Bulk eausaga. lb is SeJa aaasureay. 1 Plajnon f C Items, fk.. 1 t'ionle Haana, lb ....... 1 Iean Baoon. Ibr. ....... 1 Hack Baoon. lb ...... Belt Pork. 1ft lSMe quality bulk Minoe Vaat I.V 1 . ..I.t.tf Am.. .... Ik The beet Select Bulk Oysters, aolld weet; no water added; per qt, .ewe No. No. No. 1 Flret THe ISHe ITVfca IT We BEAD THE BIO SPECIAL GB0CEBY, CANNED GOODS, DRIED FRUITS, BUTTER, CHEESE, CBACKEBS AND VEGETABLE SALE TOR THE HOLIDAYS. We Make the Prices for the People, Not the Traits. $1.00 10 lba. Beat Granulated Sugar ' 41-lb. aack Best Hiich-Orade Dia mond H Flour, nothing finer fr your Xraaa pudding. Pe 4 I Aft or cakes, per aack 9 I iHU 10 lba. Beat White or Tellow Corn meal tee 1 lbi. Beet Ro.led White Breakfast Oatmeal S&e Bight la cans Condensed Mllk..aoe 16-ounre cana Condensed MIlk.Tlfce Tarker House Catsup, bottle... THe I.arxe Bottles Worceater Sauce, I'lrklea, assorted kinds, or bustard, bottle u .e 8-oonce Jar Pure Fruit Pre serves v...3e lt-ounce Jars pure Fruit Pre' serve lSe The Beat Domestic MaeareaL pkg TVie MacLaren'a Peeaet Butter. Ib.llVee J-lb. cana Fancy Sweet Sugar ' Corn nee 1-lb. cana Was. String, Greea or Lima Beans THe t-lh. cana Karly June Paaa..S 1-ae 1-lb. cana Uolden Pumpkin. Horn iny. tiqueeh. Sauer Kraut or Baked Hears s t-m lbs. Chplee Japan Bice, 19 quality sse 4 lbs Fancy Japan Rice, lOo quality Wa 4 IbH. Best Pudding Taploe..'a3 ITIakaa e lee 1 4 IbH. Best Pudding 10a pkg. E. C. Core I Grape NnU, pkg. ... Uoldea Man toe Coffee, lb.. . IK Meat sil.a .. f.. v le. tSa ' falghlend Kavel Oreagea. the pride of CUiforla. (or quality, per See. sfte aad awe - Ail Maw ISle Steeat. . ., The hmi Creese err Bejtaee, nilw er kau. Is, ,.,. The but Na 1 Eggs, deaea Finoy Couatry Creamery ttutter.Se Oood Dairy Table Butter. lb....e I lba. good Buttarlna S3 a-lb. pall uood Luck Hutterrne. . I 1ft lba. beat Red River Mlaaee. 1ft lba. beat Red River retateee tea swaev Mlaaeaa '"-UNI, Try HAYDENS' IS lba, Faaer Dewklac Applee te the pea e. Demaad you- , weight; (be law requirae It. 1 y. I fee. j -tj 1 ' I '- '- III ' ' " :V Ji .- . : h II " ., . a y f? J J r A 2 '