Till: TIKE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, l)ECKMHEn 12, 1014. 1!) HEAL ESTATE. FARM k HAKl ll UKD PAR ALB t elerade, KXTRAOIXIMN ART lend proportion. UO acres, onc-hall section unimproved, mimUi, level liuiil, T miles of town. Om crop of wheat will pay for land, lo cated In northeastern Coiorwl. near Nebraska line. Thin Is the best of dark loam ul, very productive and the terms are such, that any truant farmer ran meet them. One-fourth rash, balance In ) yenriy annual payment at per cnt Interest, owner requires that purchaser le a practical farmer. The pri' la bo low market price, ridiculously low, tViM per acre. Iton't delay hut wrlto or wire when you can conie and see thla place. No trade on this. C. M. Morton, Utt S. Jd ft., Sterling. Colo REAL KMTATF KOK EXCHANGE Municipal 6f Honda for East ern Nebraska, or Western Iowa Farms Owner win exchange 13). ft per rent, lo-yevr mtinlrliwl bond for a flrst-ela Towa or eastern Nebraska Improved farm. rarm miiot be put in at snot rueh vsMi. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha. Neb. Haasas. IX) you want a good farm In eastern Kansas? VVa have an Improved quarter near Kansas City; -KM acres under culti vation; U acres alfalfa, balance pasture; iinDrovements good; close to county seat, iraiiroaaa. Might exchange, for Umana improved If priced right. W. T, SMITH CO., 1111 City Nat. lianK. Loililai. 8PECTTUATORS-eompelied to sacrifice my property In New Orleans: consists of la lmprovt.d and unimproved parcels worth IuamjuO, will hrmi; more if sold place by piece. Invite cioseft investlga tlon. HI let so tor $w,twu, about $Jo.'J0 cash, balance suitable torins. Kor par ticulars address owner, J.. Israel, 616-17 Auaubon lildg., New Orleans, la. Missouri. DAIHY farm, 313 acres, ndjolntruj county seat, 1,200; 160 acre under plow; o acres growing wheat; I good houses and 4 good uarns; silo; good well and springs; ail up to date. kilia route established. House about k mile court house, fncs 0o. AuV dress V A Bee. MImImIpsI. 500 ACRES, Jackson county, Mississippi. deep river front, every acre high and dry, several acres well Improved; best live stock proposition in the south; also fine for pecans and oranges; other smailur tracts at attractive pi Ices. John t . uay lor, I'nscagoula, Miss. Hoats mm. KENTER8 ami rroniesecker use you I Carey r.ght and secure a Montana farm now, Vo you realise that faxm products wui command extremely wgn prices cur ing the nest few years? This is your op. . uortunlty to set started on a farm of yout own. The Vailer lands produce from 31 to ii bushels wheat, 60 to 100 ot oats. 4 to 70 bushels barley. 4 to s tons alfalfa pet acre. 1-et ua send you booklet and tell you now easy it is to got started, vabei Karm Sales Company, Box Bu, Vailer, Mont. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and larm loans a. V. pr cent. J. H. Dumont Co..li Farnam. Omaha. WAMKP-City loans. 1'etere Trust Co. OMAHA homes. Kat Nebraska farms. . U KEtlH HKAL. ESTATfc; CO.. inifi Omaha Natl. Pouglas iTla WTb-nrin lottos Kiokr lnv.1.0. omHha Uw 10 io,wW niMud iMmpliy. K. L. Mead, Vtead Bldg., iMh and tarnam Pla. U-ii-lVVliU DIsUO omaha Natl. Hank. WANItLi-Clty loana aud warrants. W. Karnam Htnuh Co . IK Farnam. CITY property. Large loan a specialty. W. H. Thomas. Ste Slate Bank Bldg. Idu.SLV on hand for city and (ana loan. H. W. Binder. City Natl. Hank Bldg. CITY l.OA.NU. berait-Cti Iberg CO., u' u-U2 Hranuels Theater Bldg. 8. fa: us first tf you want a farm loan. United biatea Trust Ct.. Ontata. Nell. REAL ESTATE NORTH BIDE FINE NEBRASKA FARM Party here owns n splendid 160-acre farm In one of the best Irrigated sections of Nebraxka. Price. Juv an aero, or 17, tiOO; encumbrance 12.600, would carry much more. Owner can't work It and wants Income piece of property. Thousands of men In Omaha and other cities who own (rood properties are working tor very smnlt wage and are no further ahead today than they were ten years ago. and will be no further ahead ten years hence. "Why not exchange your unproductive city home for a productive country home, where you and your family of boys can be Independent? PAYNE INVESTMENT OX, Omaha, Nebraska. Bargain Close-m Farm 309 acres, close to Calboun and only 12 miles from Omaha city limits; 200 acres good farm land; also fine, lame orchard In full hearing; balance timber and pas ture; Improvements consist of a good 8 room house, two large barns ana other necessary buildings. In fact, improve ments are exceptionally rood. While thla is a rolling larm It will bring Just as good results year In and year out as farms that are selling for twice the price. As a farm proposition or an Investment this cannot be beat for the money. Price, $116 per acre, on easy terms. 0 'Neil's R. E. & Ins. Agency IMS Farnam Bt. Tel. Tyler 1024. A BKAL'TIKIIL. S-vOOM JBUNOA. LOW. 1U CASH, Us I't.H. MONTH. Or will pay moving expenses for man who will pay $100 cash. This house Is new, never before occu pied, and all modern. It la durably built of the very beet class of material. Brick foundation, full cement basement, furnace heat, oak finish In living room. dining room, den and vestibule, mirror door In veHtlbule. coat clowt. and oak beam celling In living room and dining room; the kitchen, pantry and both bed rooms are finished In pine lumber, with floors of edge-sawed pine. WaJl docuratlons and electric fixture will be left to choice of purchaser. The house faces east and la In one of the prettiest locations In Omaha and is only one-half block from car line. We have Beveral cloved cars nnd caa take you to see this house In perfect com fort. E. P. WRIGHT, TeleDhone: Office. Doug. tfWS In day time. Hesldence phone. Walnut &2. after p. m. FOR THE MAN OF . MODERATE MEANS $3,250 Buys 6-room bungalow, every modern convenience and several built-in feature. Owi.er is really sacrificing at this price: )jO0 down; balance like rent; near Kountse ark. GALLAGHER & NELSON, D. S3S2. 644 Brandela Bldg.- TEN PER CENT CASH balance in nine yearly nay men ts. 'North . Platte valley irrigated land, rich - soli. Ideal location, abundance of water, pro ducing all standard crops, such as airalfa, corn, wheat, oats, potatoes and sugar beets. A county of diversified farming In the broadest sense ot the word. CROP PAILURKS UNKNOWN. Close to good town and railroads, affording best mar ' ket facilities. Prices. $43 to $0 per acre; $100 down now, balance of 10 per - cent March 1, 1916, or after inspection.- If not satisfied, YOUR MONEY- UACK. This l an opportunity to locate In a good county at prices whore your land will double In value while you are paying for it. Water rights are full paid. NO BONDS, and go with the land. Taxes are low, and all farmers are making money. Write today and make your . reservation. W. T. SMITH CO., 1111 City National Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Elk City,Douglas Co. SO ACRES Almost new Improvements; U-r. house; barn for 10 head cowe, 6 heal horses; small haymow, 6 tons; new gran ary: new chicken house; good well. This is fine laying land, A-l soil: 3 or 4 acres alfalfa; not a foot of waste land on it; within three miles of thr.-e towns, south erns of Klk City, near Military road. The lay of the lund and crupe will how for themselves. Let me show it. To see It I to believe It is an ideal "neck .of the ; woods to be In, and you cannot beat It in that neck ACT AT ONCK. This means you. who la a little bit, or decidedly choice. Bring wife with you. PK1CE UKDUCED TO tm ner acre for iinms- d.ate sale; $720 cash, f,4G0 more March 1, uaianca s years at e per cent. OR1N 8. MERH1LL CO.. N. E. Cor. lid anj M. South Omaha-o Bargain We have a practically new house, with reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and entry on first floor; two nice, large bedrooms ana nam on second floor; large closets; good furnace; full basement; shades, water meter, e,tc.j paved street; one block from school. Only $2.aV). Terms, $250 cash, balance very low monthly payments. S331 Ames Ave. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4278. $180-Cash-$180 For a good building lot, 1H Mocks to paved street and car line. Near boule vard and good homes. Thla lot is a bar gain and priced for quick sale. Shuler & Cary, 224 BUte Bank Bldg. 5-ROOM COTTAGE Modern,- furnaee neat, located near Ohio and Florence boulevard; price $2,'ft0; must sell. See it and make ua an often one- third cash will swing the deal. O. G. CARLBERG, $13 Brandela Theater Bids. REAL ESTATE TVKST SIDE Great Big Snap SH 8. 87TH ST. Don't Fail to See It rooms, close to Farnam car. . , $4,$04 (or quick deal. Act Quick Dundee 4M3 Capitol Ave., new, t rooms, extra built, a dandy good place: beautiful in terior; reasonable terms; get into a nice, new hoube and enjoy it this winter. Va cant. Ask to see it. D. V. Sholes Co. Douglas 49. THE FARMER MUST FEED THE WORLD Have you a good house and lot in Omaha that you would like to exchange for a mlKhty nice Si acres In the beat Irrigated section of Nebraska? It's all cultivated and a money-maker. The owner la In business in Omaha and wants a home. You have a bouse and it's an expense you have a Job it Is get . ting no better and you may lose It. Why not turn the house, which costs money to keep up. Into a farm that will make money? Why not exchange, an uncertain Job for an Independent money making business of your own? Come in and talk it over, then let uh show you the farni. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Nebraska. hrX'TION Klrubull Co. Qrui, 2m Paul. '.101 P:ul. Texas. FOR BALE To close an estate; 100 acre In Rio nrande valley, 4 miles frcm Mercedes, Texss. All under culti vation. For price and terms write The Minnesota Laud A Trust Co., Mar quette Ave. Minneapolis. Minn . wlaronna. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for boolf let M on Wisconsin Central Land GrauL fctau acres wanted. Writ about our K raxing lands. If interested In fruit lands, wmm . . uU puie urcnaras us Wisconsin. Address Land Dept,. 800 Line Ky Minneapolis. Mtua. Mlaeellavaeoaa. WD guarantee bargains in stock farms and ranches. Write WUlls C'sdwell Broken Bow. Neb. The bargain A an. 913 City Nat. Bank Bldg. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT 3 LOTS 2 CORNERS PRICE $750 TO $850 PAVED STREET ' PAVING PAID Located on 41st Ave., between Page and Burt 8ts. These are the best values being offered in the west end of town, when you take into consideration sewer, water., gas, sidewalks; paving all In and paid for. No additional expense lot special taxes. We will arrange terms on these lots, or you may pay down $C00 to $600 and we will build you a home to order. This is your opportunity to get a home in the Cathe dral district and within one block of the Farnam car line at a bargain. 1 1 1 ATT-FAHJFLELD CO., 230 Omaha Nat l Bk. Bldg. P. 40$. I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern house recently purchased by me. This house is located In the West Farnam dlitrlct, one block from Leavenworth car and four blocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, whit enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy UU bouse at a big 3a Tides. Addrees, M 21. Be, or after p. m. phone Webster M4t 19 Blocks West of Postoffice Clone to very best locality, 43xltt; only taui; fio now ana i per ween, ir you pay cash t per cent off and we'll build. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1C1$ Omaha National. Phone Douglas rTlS. KEAJL ESTATE FOR ET :HAXGE A MO FARM FOR AlAHA INCOME' .' One of our clients I. as ' fine, well improved farms la Nr astern Ne l.raska. equity $110,000, itxchange for good income property In Omaha. One fnrin adjoins a good railroad town, the other is about 4 miles out: both rent readllv. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.; Omaha. Nebraska FOK SALK Owner leaving city, offers modern 10- room house, near ui Ave. and Farnam, Might take vacant lot or small house part navment. H1CK8. 44a Board of Trade Bldg. REAL KSTATE SOUTH HIDB Owner Must Go South $2,825.00 New 6-roora bouse which the owner must sell In order to get money to go south. This place Is one block from rar. IU blocks from Park school. Living and dln rooms finished in nuk, built-in book- ciues, nice kitchen with new gas stove. Two bedrooms and bath on saute fle-or. Large lot; nice neighborhood end on paved street, paving paid. Douglas (01$, or after ? p. m. call Vv aanut Jl l 11 . ,'S - t l ' " ' X. HI anta C laur- up here - tell-u s- whaiyou warvt A Useful Gift CoroNA TYPEWRITER Folds Up Like a Kodak PORTABLE, WEIGHS G POUNDS. Especially conven ient for travelers. Used by commercial men, war corre spondents, etc. :V,A - - v o.4wev' i ;i 1 1 iU .... , - ' t 1 GUARANTEED FOR SIM PLICITY, durability and ease of operation. Writes as beau tifully as any hundred dollar machine. Merchant's Lunch 10c FANCY Wines, ' Liquors CHAS. LOFTMAN 14th and Howard Streets. Cigars Phone Red 8313 To Automobile Owners and Drivers: ti TV you want more mor uower. rfn fer rnunh sneed end a clean engh LKSK Ctnr than r"H ar now ray ing? If so use TANKII Th Modern Fuel, le Per Gallon. Contains no acid, no alcohol, no ether. A scientific, non Injurlou guaranteed purifier and augmenter. giving $$ or mor ef flrteni')' to golln. Will prevent an remove carbon and hack firing. Gives 0 longer life to your angina Indorsed by gaso line rower uwers. One used never dis carded. Good proposition for a-ntj In gur roundlng countie. Write for our Hat of user whs dar this I th bast that Is on th market today. INVTSSTTOAT PHONE DOUG. 8.W MODERN FUEL CO. 1$X2 Pt. Mary' Av. Omaha, Neb. Hoi agents for gouthaaaUrw No. EDWIN HUG, MERCHANT TAILOR Il'AVK TOUR CI.OTHF8 MAPK TO OltDEIl I can av you money by uurchaslng a suit from me. I always carry a full line of goods. Our work la guaranteed In fit, workmanship, style and quality. We have pleaded hundreds and we can please you. Uuy him a suit for Xmaa, I also wish to extend a Merry Xmas to all mv natrons, also to (hank them for their past patronage, hoping to receive the name In the future. I hope to return the lima satisfactory and careful work In the future that I nave in tn past. EDWIN HUG MERCHANT TAILOR BUM.rKR OF OOOD CLOTHES POTl MBN 204 NEVILLB BLOCK 18TII AND HAKNE1Y TKU POUQLA8 $$1$ Creel Inventions cftheDey Over 500 in use by the U. S. Government. The Corona is a triumph of modern ingenuity and skill. The Price is $50 Makes a Splendid Xmas Gift - Come in and see it Central Typewriter Exchange 307 So. 17th St jfr "HOLIDAYS IS uoi v.ty al CORSAGE BOUQUETS Artistically arranged In th most Mr. Alfred Jones Who was formerly with the Omaha Field Club and The Carter Lake Club, has leased the Carlton Cafe across from the Orpheum Theater and plans to make this cafe the BEST POPULAR . priced cafe in the city. 419 South 15th Street Phone Doug. 1344. pleasing oomnination oi iiowers Violet You should plc your 'order tor Christmas flowers early toleta and Valley, Orchid and Val val e ley. Rose and V gladly pay, ley. Prices you will Our facilities are the largest Our flowers are the best. Prices most reasonable. Tel. Doug. 18 58. L. HENDERSON, Florist. 1519 Farnam Btreet. Stop In To Ortman's New England Bakery 212 North lfth St. For your Christmas baking. Branch bakeries, Hayden's and Public Market Instead of Waiting Until the Xmas Rush Why not let us make new shoes out of your old ones now? You will find it a pleasure to deal with us. We take pride in our fine work and ability to render absolute satisfaction. We do shoe repairing while you wait. Friedman Bros. 211 South 14th Street. Chile Parlor Mexican Chile Cbn Carne, Chops and Steaks a special ty. Best of coffee serve hot Meal tickets, $4.50 for $4.00. Orders taken out Quick servioe. Prices rea sonable. Dine with us. People's Cafe , 1420 Douglas Street Timely Suggestions On This Page Look Them Over Magazines Make, Splendid Xmas Gifts . We have special arrange ments with fifteen of the feading publisher and can quoto you tlic very best prices on clubs. Cash in ad vance or on easy payment plan whichever you prefer. Delivery of magazine?! ftuar- anteed. Wo are locaUxJ at 833 Brandeis ThonterHldg., and will be pleased to see you. David C. Cook Publishing Co. (Mother's Magazine .Home Reading Clubs.) Announce ment The Lodge History of Na tions, in twenty-five vol umes, is now offered to the public at a fraction of . the former price, having passed from the hands of the orig inal publishers into the con trol of P. F. Collier & Bon," New York. Clip this ad, mail to 308 Baird Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Analysis will be mailed to you free. Astounding Jewelry Sale Ooing out of the jewelry business. All must be sold at cost or less before January 1st Don't miss this opportunity. Genuine Perfect Cut Diamonds that sold from $7.50 up to $100; now $3.00 to $50.00. All Watches Ladies' and Gents' r- the very finest grades, at cost. All Bracelets, ! 0-year, 25-year: some solid gold and diamond mounted (see these), at cost SOo to $.00. These are bracelets that sold from 12.60 to 116.00. Solid Gold Signet and Set Rings that sold from $3.60 to $15.00; now at $1.66 to $6.00. Cuff Buttons, 20-year gold filled, solid gold om diamond mounted; that sold from $1.60 to $12.50; now 86c to $4-00. A swell line of La Valllerea, all solid gold and diamond mounted, that aold from $5.00 to $40.00, now at $2.25 to $17.60. All these bargains and many more. This Is a bona fide sale. We are actually going out of Jewelry business; not a cheap piece of Jew elry In our stock, all high grade standard made goods from the best manufacturers. Shop around, and then get our prices. Western Watch & Jewelry Co. Room 217 Karbach Block. 209 South 15th Street. j.jij.-r-sr-v-tr-sanrs - i-ri fcsY"""' ryri"nfWYsVvyiiVfYvVs-s REAL ESTATE 8QVTH S1PB -ROO IMrBTURV; HOUHB, GOOD $31 CASH and XI FfciK MONTIt, or .Will Fay MuvinK c i't j j .v. - w Who Will Pay 1J0 Cash. . . ... i. .. .-I nAw all mrtAfrn. and It wilt stand tb most critical Impac tion a to quality of material used and methods or consirutiiuu. This house lias a full emnt basemsnt and Is heated by furnace The llvliui room an dining room ar beautifully finished In oak. Th llvln roora Is large snu no. .iiiit-ln seat and coat closet. "i"1."- "i r. In Din. Wl decorations and electrlo future can be chosen D? pu-",- , House laces i and is about a block from ear line. ?. 'Vr nr.tf.iail cars and can take you to see thla bouse in perfect com fort. n irt LIT . . .him nnifl.a IOS4 In rlsv. t.?rraenV;7ho. nut-: after i:t p. m. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS $450 $450 riVK-ROOM BUN Q ALOW NEW. ALL. MODERN ONE BLOCK FROM CARLJNE SOUTHWEST PART Of CITY Can be bought on the following terms: f casn and (JO par month. rt.i- twin k.i five nice, larc room, all flnlKhed In hard pin, with edae Hd pine floor. Th price la so rea sonable and th tortus so eas U.al you'll decide It foolish to w vu payiuC rot after you have seen It. W have several cars and ran take you to see housbs cuirkly and with no locou- venlonc to you. E. P. WRIGHT. Telephone, offlc. lHu. WH. daytlm. Rsl Jenc . Walnut after l l p. m. Read th ' Tor Sal" ads If you want bargain of th minute. Zahlungen $10 baar. $10 monat llch. Wundervoller Eckplatz; 65 Fuss Front mlt Kanal. Wasaer und Buer gerstelg, swei Blocks von Strassen bahn, sahe Schule, gute Nachbar chaft; buebscber Platz, eln Helm su bauen. Mehrere andere Plaetze cur Aus wahl. Telcphon Douglas 2596 II. II. IIAKPER, 1013-14 City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS You're th loser If you ifn't lead lie Want Ads regularly. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN L under. Biggest Bargain in Dundee S4 home sacrificed for $4,100' rnqulring lju rash to handle th equity. House hutll ls than two ars; to storio and attic; thoroughly modern: llvlu room arrange merit, with flrrplee; Ihree gutid J rooma and large sleeping- port'h: oak floor and finish; full lot; on buwk of car; iruraxe and drtvnway. Now vacant, owner tranoferr-d from city. Must sell at eoo at this figure. Glover & Spain m City Mat'l. Bank. . A SUGGESTION Don't let prldn or false notions stand In your way to securing a home. It Is more UignUutd and profltabl to be paying for a home than It Is to be paying rent. It the difference between loss and xttln. Th urlce of any home which Beundrrs Co. sells on the Installment plsn Is within ( per cent of the alMaalt price aiany tiliK'S It Is the sain as cash prli. for Instance, we have an even dosen new (never occupied) thoroughly modern, splt'ndidly roiinlrurted of t lie hl grade of mati rial, well and conveniently located, very attractive u, and 7-roum bungalows snd cottsge honirs whicn we will price to you at lw than fur cent of an all-cash figure, and sell them on th following exceedingly low terms: $25 TO $37 MONTHLY. Includes Principal and Interest No '-'Cash Down" Payment Th locations are north, west and south. We wsnt to show thtise home to careful buyers, any tlmu between L a. m. and 10 p. in.. Including next b .unlay. As In. all other lines of Rood buslnens, we find luuk sale bi.d small proilt i,av beet.- Thoee Ulcus and these terms. nd, aLov all. these homs, enablt; us to sell several or them tun weeK to dis criminating buyers. Uiion us. Saunders Co. Dousias S62Z. 12IS W. O. W. BuUdlaa. Doug. 3941 After 1:10 Webster 4771. ABSTRACTS UK TITLE. KE'Kn 'litle Unaratuen and AbsUact Co, a modern abstrnct offir. 5U6 a. 17th 6t riione fouKlaa Wil. R.fe;l Abstract Co.. oldest abrtraot ( tie In Nebraaaa. JJ U.andets Tbaalr. REAL KHl'ATlvl WANTED OKNKUALt housework, city, country, slat wuges. small fsmliy. Address C n.- Uc-e. U. S, Serves Notice Upon Gutierrez and Carranza to Be Good WASHINGTON, Dec. H.-Th I'nlted Btstes has served formal notice on both Provisional President Uutlerreg and Gen eral Csrrsnxa that unless they promptly prevent their troops from firing across th American boundary, such fore will be employed by this government as nisv be necessary to protect American terri tory. In th most emphatic and threatening eipression from th Washington gov ernment since th diplomatic correspond ence with General Huert, which pre ceded th occupation of Vera Crua, Iden tical warning a as sent to th chiefs of th two faction opposing each other at Naco, across from th Arlxona town of the am name, that firing acros the Inter national line must cease. Although th message, which were to b conveyed by American Consul Canada to Gurersl Csrrsnxa at Vara Cru and by American Consul SUllmsn ' to 1 Qeneral Qutlerrex at Mexico City, left her lata last night, they did not reach their des tination until today and apswers will not be expected before tomorrow. Wilson Wires if it Is Safe to Take Men From Colorado Zon6 WASHINGTON. De. I L President Wilson tonight telegraphed to Governor Aminons of Cclorado, asking whether It would be saf to withdraw th federal troop from the strike district.' If Gov. ernor Amnion raplte that th state la ready to ossuni control of th situation, the president will withdraw th troop Immediately. The president acted following a confer ence with Senator Thomas of Colorado, and after formal word had been received from th United kiln Worker of Amer loa that th eoal miner strike had beea called off, elfectir today. Mr. Wilson 1 anxious to withdraw th troops, but want formal aasuraace that the stste will be able to control th situa tion. Secresry Qarrison of th War de. partment. acting under directions of th president, has completed preparation for withdrawing th troop as soon a word come front th Wnlt House. , Pirate Grid Tatar, Pitcher Dave Henry, th brown uni versity boy with the Pirates, ha been coaching th onervlll (Mens) Higa school foot ball team, ilatn Hyatt put In couple of week every ar coaching a college baa ball team la th state st Washington.