Tim IlKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECKMIIEU 12. 1014. 17 READY FORM TRADING Dealing; on Floor of Exchange to Be Resumed Saturday. MTNIMim LIST IS GIVEN OUT Cea-tala Is.ars Mt Not Be "old f low the rrlrrs Fixed r Hot. ernlaa f oramtltee, .f the F.aefcaane. NEW TORK, Dec ll.-The New Tork Stock exchange today made publlo a list of unrestricted stocks, togethet with minimum price In the case of restricted stocks. In which trading wlU be per mitted on the floor of the stock exchange beginning tomorrow. This la the first time that stocks will have been traded In on the floor of the Stock exchange for more than four months, or since July 30 last, when the exchange was closed because of the Eu ropean situation. Restricted trading In bonds has been permitted for two weeks. The following are the lists of unre stricted and restricted stocks: Restricted stocks: Alaska Gold 19 Allts-Chaimers Mfg. Co., pfd 31 Amalgamated Copper ,.. 47 American Utet Sugar 19 American Meet Sugar, pfd 7S American Can ' Jlmarlcan t 'a i nM .......... . ........... S American Car and Foundry American Car and Foundry, pfd 108 American Cotton Oil 31 American Cotton Oil, pfd IW American Hide and leather, pfd 17 American lco Securities 1 American Unseed, pfd 24 American Mult Corporation, pfd 30 American fcmeltlng and Refining 4! American Smelting end Refining, pfd 93 American Smelters rVc.. pfd. series "B" 78 American Nugar Refining Wt American Sugar Refining, pfd 1W American Teleuhone and Telegraph... 112 American Tobacco American Tobacco, pfd American Woolen, pfd Atchison Atchison, pfd H.th.Ahkin Ktftcl Bethlehem Steel, pfd... 79 Brooklyn Rapid Transit Brooklyn Union Qas California Petroleum California Petroleum pfd Central leather Central Leather pfd Chicago Oreat Western pfd Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul pfd. Colorado & Southern Colorado & Southern first pfd Colorado & Southern second pfd Consolidated Oas Continental Can company I 'iintinontjt.1 i!nn oomnanv Dfd '. Corn Products Refining company pfd. &t Krle Railroad company Is Krle Railroad company first pfd... l Krle Railroad company second pfd 2o Federal Mining and Smelting pfd 2 General Klectric ! General Motors company General Motors comiany pfd Goodrich pfd "Jl"" International Agricultural cor. pfd.... Inter. Harvester of New Jersey....... Inter. Harvester of New Jersey pfd.. International Paper, preferred Interborough Metropolitan, preferred u.nni Hv Southern Kansas City Southern, preferred 49 Ix-hlah Valley JJ Louisville & Nashville 1 Miami Copper Minneapolis .4 St. Louis, pfd 27 MlHsnurl, Kansas & Texas Ry., pfd 26 National Biscuit H8 National Biscuit, pfd National Enamel & Stamping, pfd.... 7b N'ntfnnAl Ind ......... National Lead, pfd 103 New York. New Haven & Hartford.... 49 New York. Ontarle & Western Ry. Norfolk & Western Hallway Norfolk & Western Railway, pfd North American . Northern Pacific Pacific Mall Steamship Paciflo Teiephon and Telegraph Pacific Telephone and Telegraph pfd. Pennsylvania Railroad People's Gas Pittsburgh Coal Pittsburgh Coal pfd Railway Steel Spring..... Railway Steel Spring pfd Railway Consolidated innhlln Tmn and Steel Kcpubltc Iron and Steel pfd..., Keauing company Reading company first pfd..... Reading company second pfd.. Rumely pfd it. Louis Southwestern St. Loula Southwestern pfd.... Seaboard Air Line pfd SIOBS-Sheffield Sloss-Sheffield pfd Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd Tennessee Copper Texas Comuany Third Avenue Railway Union Rag and Paper pfd United States Cast I. P. Foundry pfd. United States Rubber United States Rubber first pfd.. iTnit.j Htotva Rubber second Dfd ITnlted States Ind. Alcohol 15 United States Ind. Alcohol pfd .,75 United Railways Investment pfd 21 Utah Copper Vulcan Detlnnlng pfd Western Mary'and pfd 29 Western Union jjp Westlnghouse Klec. and Mfg Si Westlngbouse Klec. and M. first pfd.. 116 Dr. Hellwig Gives Big Iron Crosses . to Losing Clubmen Omaha members of the Hackberry club settled their differences at the traps of the Carter Lake club Thursday afternoon, when a team headed by Jim Rait beat Captain Helwlg's team in a match of 1 birds per shooter. Fred Hoye was refer so and at the close of the shoot Captain Jlelnig presenter Iron crosses to the win. ners. Harry Zlmman made the best score and the second best was Bert Mulflnger. who had never shot over the traps before. George Brandels, who was also making his maiden effort at the traps, also aid remarkably well. The losers must buy a game dinner for the winners. This la the club which maintains a hunting lodge at Hackberry lake. The scores were: Hellwig 10 1 11 10 47 Kd Morris 14 13 13 14 62 O. K. Berg 7 7 10 11 35 11. B. Zlmman 12 22 18 13 66 ..199 66 44 0 Official Standing of Billiard Players NEW YORK. r. ll.-The orflclal standing of the contestants In the Bil liard Players league was announced to day as follows: Won. Lest. Av. Tct. Moralngstar 44 n 1 . , 4il 14 11 W IK 1 . SH 80 17 .H 82 JW 12 .) 20 ST. 14 12 46 11 .210 44 11 .171) Sutton cnne ... Demarest "utler .. Yarns la Schafer . Cochran Kldaey Tro.fcl. aad Weak Bark. Signs of breakdown In health. Electric Bitters gives sura relief and lasting re lief from Its use. 60c and $1. All drug gists. Advertisement. BIG SHOOT JHERE SUNDAY Columbus Crack! Come for Try with the Experts of Omaha. SHOOT ACROSS THE RIVES Groaada A re Belnsr Fitted Vp la Aa t lei pat lea Ike Rtral, la Which There la t.arae Interest Shown. The Omaha Gun club held a meeting Thursday night to prepare for the shoot Sunday, between a bunch of Omaha's crack trapshootr-rs and a squad from Columbus, Neb. It Is planned to shot 109 targets, starting In the morning Im mediately after the arrival of the Colum bus delegation and winding up at 3 o'clock In the afternoon. After the shoot the Columbus trappers will r treated to a big feed by the Omaha men. Graders are now at work on the land Just to the west of the trap at the Omaha Oun club, so that another trap may be Installed Set unlay, thus riving two traps for the competition Sunday. The Omaha shooters will go to Colim bus for the return shoot, probably, al though not yet decided, the following Sunday. Columbus a III bring from eight to twelve shooters here, led by Lester time and Gus Schroeder. A team of equal number will le selected from the follow ing Omaha cracks: Sam Huntley, U. C. Kingslry, Thor Rroderslev. Bert IMxnu, George Rogers. 11. S. MclVninM, Oeorc Hedh k, D. C. McGown, Bei t le Bran. Dr. Hall. Frank Warak, J. F. lirlggs, Arthur Keellne, Charles Casper and Lynn Brown. Minister Sullivan Ready to Meet Any 1 Charges Against Him WASHINGTON. 0c. II.-American Minister Sullivan at Fanto UomlnKo cabled the White housa today offer'ng to meet any definite charge against him. His cablegram, whlcii ras referred to Secretary Brian, follows: "I thecrfully Invite iitost rigid examina tion of any or all my public or private acts at this post and glsd to meet any definite charge male against me. I deny emphatically and unqualifiedly having any Interest to serve exiept the Interest of my government, which service has been made difficult by sltlster Influences anxious to exploit here without restraint. 1 IMwfSM& w w mm l TU Ml SniU 1 f ffl THE STORES WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT C!3C!3 Special Notice Beginning Thunday, Dec. 17, and until Christmas, oar stores will be open evenings until 9 o'clock. - - - Je1 ? Men's Suits Overcoats Bought from two leading Chicago Manufacturers at discounts that enable us to save you 1-4 to 1-3 f m About 250 Blue and Gray UVCrCOatS Chinchilla Overcoats. New est models. Single and double breasted, short and long coats. Also about 100 Browns and Qrayg in all-wool Vicunas. Convertible and shawl collars Q About 400 Suits for Men and Young ullllS Men in strictly all-wool Worsteds and all-wool Tweeds. English models, patch pockets, two and three-button soft' roll col lars. Also conservative rnodolg. Grays, Browns, Tans, Fancy Stripes, Tartan Checks and lots of fancy mixtures. Sties to suit every man.. CHOICE AT $1 nritMnnt n r00ra7 Balmacaans, styl UYcrCOalS ish close fitting Chester fields, Ulsters and convertible and shawl col lars. Single and double-breasted. The fab rics Include Chinchillas, Vicunas, Kerseys, Meltons and Imported Scotch Weaves. Lots of fancy backs. All lilies from 34 to 60 Values up to $20.00 CHOICE AT .5' ... 18 ... M .. S3 ... to a 96 ,.. 17 , U 10J lot , lo , 7 , 18 , at .. 16 .. 1 .. 75 ..1 .. M .. SO .. 3l ..17 .. 86 .. 46 .. 18 .. Ml .. 1 .. 64 .. 23 ....HO 32 18 29 41 94 70 In fancy Worsteds, Tartan Plaids, Overplaids; Glen Urquhart pen stripes, pencil stripes ami hair line stripes. English and Semi-English models. Also 1 gjL-ra a: i . l r . t j 3 . I fouuervaiivt) iimutjia. aaus oi biouts ana extra sizes. I xr i aah pv Hundreds of Blue Serges 1 VaiUCS Up tO $J.DU Full Dress end Tuxedo Suits, $16.50, $25.00, $30.00. House Coats, $5.00 to $15.00. Total Krldges Hrendeis .. MulfliiMer .. 14 11 10 13 12 14 10 IS 12 U lo 19 18 ft 12 IS Buy a Nice Fur Gap Saturday ftfPor onmn nna tnf a Hlmiifmiiii rrift YTATl T . Will riA firpffirtoc iha rtosf vnlnoo in nmnno if you select from those special offers: style, at 92.4S and J X sOU Hudson Seal CapeExcellent ral- o gA ues saiuraay at sjo.uo ana syJ Alaska Sealskin Cape At $15.00, S Cf Alk.jr $10-00, f7US0 aad apOaOUy ijffijo Oenalne Persian Iamb Cape . CflS y& Detroit style. Special pla7.0U S?" Leading Styles in Men's Hats John B. Stetson Soft !Q.50 and HUXr Hate, stVu rBrandeU Special" Soft and Stiff Hata, at . . . . "The Sterling" Soft Hats Sold here exclusively. tQ Price $2 Men's and Boys' Cloth Caps Men's Caps All good A Q styles at $1.60, 96c andtOC Men's and Boys' Winter Caps Simples and odd lots. QC Value to 60c. Saturday OC Children's Hats and Caps Including; ths new Chinchillas, Pofos and Rah Rah stylea. Val- M n use to 11.00. Saturday 40C Boys Overcoats Chinchillas, with silk lined Rah Rah Caps to match. Light or dark . gray and blue. An ont- G" 7t fit worth to 17.60. Sat. 94. f aj tirday for. only T " v Boy Balniacaan Co ate Full lined. New snappy mixtures 84.75 Cute Little Suits for Little Chaps Oliver Twist Salts A big lot Just arrived in time for the holidays. Splendid new color combinations in Velvets, Serges. Corduroys, Shepherd Check, Worsteds and CaMlfe.eres. Exceptional A ytn values at ft .23 and PasfiO Boys' Norfolk Suits (JS) We have just received a shipment of some boo suits, .Kacn suit with two pairs of pacts. Every pattern new and snappy. Special at M.76 aad , QitrAtt Any style and col- 0 UtlVUlwa or vour hov i $3.65 Boy; Totals President Approves Sentence of Hume WASHINGTON. Dec. 11. President Wll con has approved the sentence of dis missal from the army Imposed upon First Lieutenant John K. Hume, Fifth cavalry, convicted by general court-martial at Trinidad, Colo., of violating his pledge to abstain from Intoxicating liquors and of deliberate absence without leave. Hume rose from the ranks. Tal a sat rtT teats. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, enclose I centa to Foley U Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name and addrexs clearly. You will receive In return a free trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for roughs, colds and i roup: Foley Kidney Pills, for pala In sides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foleys Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thor oughly I'lountilng cathartic, especially comforting to stout persons. For aals io your town by all druggists. Advertise jient. ' or your boy may wish you will surely find here in our large and well assorted stocks. Prices 08 4 to 2.08 Here Are Many Holiday Suggestions in Boys' Furnishings Boys' Indian SulU. Big Chief Suits, Cowboy Suits, Cowboy SulU with Fur Chaps, Firemen's Suits, Soldiers' Suits and Scout Suits. Indian Tents and In dian Bows and Arrows all at prices that you cannot dupli cate elsewhere. Kewple Pajamas Salts Pajamas and Bath Rone complete. Ages S to 10 years $2.25 Initialed Belts for Boys Single or monogram initials, o r at 60c and uOC Boys' Bath Robes A very big assortment, at An nn St.et up to tpOttvO Boys' Neckwear In ty f vfaney Christmas boxes faDC New Juvenile Sweater Sets White, cardinal g qq and tan shades ,. vl eaO Men's Shoes Worth to $4 Pair $9 SX &ieU't A special lot of 600 pairs of Mea'a Fine Sboes with welt sewed soles. Button or lace. New Gngllub flat last or the short broad toes. Dull Calf. Tan Calf qr Vtci Kid. All si tea Your choice . Saturday for T f pi All sites up Boys bhoes 0rUo7d to 6 4. Genuine oak solss. Blutcher, lace A ln.f.l 1st worth up to 18.00 a pair Tour choice Saturday for. $2.25 Men's Fancy Vests I We've Bought About 1,200 of Them at About Half Price: ' There is a fine opportunity to make a very appre ciated Christmas gift to any man who likes smart clothes. These are stylish silk vests, Sootchy hlt-and-mlss effects, plain and fancy colors. Tuxedo and full dress; single and doubU breasted; with and without collars. All slses for men and young men. Extra spe cial Saturday, at. . . ts, plain and fancy I $185 Men's Fine Furnishings Largest and Most Complete Stock in Omaha. Everything You Want to Buy for HIM It Here in a Greater Variety Than You Will Find Anywhere Else and Better Values at the Prices Beantiful All Silk Four-ln-Hand ( 845 Men's Sample Sweater Coats Ties Made up in the large II shape. Special Satur- ("A day at OaC Fine Silk Four-ln-Hand Ties Large open ends. All the very latest patterns. 8pe- fin cial, each 3VC Imported Silk Square Made Lp In Extremely Large Shape Four-ln-Hand Ties Exclusive pat terns. Special for Christmas selling at fl.OO, dQ QQ f2.RO to aPOetO Silk Four-ln-Hand Ties Made up In medium wide end ties; all new patterns, worth to Of- 10c Special at Vt)C Christina Combinations All-leather Belts, Bill Book and Watch Fob, with Cigar Cut ter. Special fi oe values, at...... Jl-0 Christmas Suspenders and Gar ter Sets Special at F. ft. OO, 75c and OUC Silk and Silk Fiber Hone In all the new shades Special, pr Four Pairs Silk Hose Gray, tan, navy and black col ors; put up in fancy Christ mas boxes; special J Per Saturday at O 1 Box Four Pairs Fine Lisle Hose Assorted colors; put up in fancy Christmas CQ boxes. Special, box.. OaC - 21c V-neck styles, large ruff neck collars; made of fine quality wool and worsted. Worth up to $6.60. Special Sat- 1 Of" urday at S 4.85, S2.50,J 1 iOJ Christmas Seta of Ties, Hose, Handkerchief; also lreas Tie, Muffler and J 1 J Chain. Special at. P 1 tU DO 8 wmHcier at . 5 Uc and $ 1 About 850 Sample Bath I lobes Made of fine quality wool and cotton blankets; rlso Terry rob os worth to $8.60. Special 16.98, S4.98, 13.98 Q QQ and .... tMa70 Men's Sample Union Suits One large bargain square for Satur day's kale. Winter weight and worth to $3.25 suit. Special suit, tl.7W, 91.80 QA - and OIJC Men's Pajamas Made of fine quality. Solsetto and outing flannel. Special, $2.00, $1.60 and All Silk Pajamaa In blue, white and pink. Worth to 4n tZf $8.60. Special, suit. . HO.OU Men's ftlovce One big special lot. Lined and unllned. Worth to $t pair. Special at AO $1.39 and UOC Ptirrin's, Fovrnes' and D. V P. Gloves for Men We are show ing all the new shades of leath- p..?' S1.50 tO $3.00 THE BASKET STORES MONEY SAVING SYSTEM will make year Christmas wore ehsery, If yoa Join la ont thousands of eo-opsratlag patroas, who are saving 170.000 thle year oa provisions, la OMAHA, LISTCOLBT, Ka.VZX.OCZ and VsTtTSBSITT M.ACX, - Itlirbanks. S bii. lots' r.it d nurhanks, 15-lb. : peck 17a nromn, IV. 2Kfl, 8V, :r?f, 'ic and 4FW Nrw Otron, lb. ..s.. New OranKO or Lmo t'rei, lb 17o rowdrrort or cut lont tfusnr, lb., I; S llis. for So I'mtnut huttrr, p'r lh;. Ho let our prices n Xrrtas Tres and Now Nuts of all Icinria fnr Chrlstmaa. (las Mantles, a, quant. Inverted or cap. Kc; 1V nuailtj' "o llomlnv, per can, 7c; fl for1. .1!o Ontmral. 2.V pkg. ....f.... (tmiai, ly slo i. " Catsup, TIP l4-t. hottl, llo I'HiHiip. Fniilor'r 5 bottlo 19o l.vo, HEX loc'carir 7e; t for l!c Salt. H-lh. s-ck .....Mo 1V sacks, hr sarks. ,..o Wn lav vou 40 tn salt. ' ' Ollvo oil Potnpclan.' pt." 8Jc can....42n ta- can .......... ...... 22c Toilet Papor. HV foil crepe c k roll crape 3c: for..v zsc uc If yoti like fair dentins our meat prices on the blark boards In each market will apeal to you; sn will tlie full weWht. HI TTIJHINK. Mb. roll Jlo KXTllA I'UINCKTON The finest that mrxWn skill can produce. 25c lb. carton for 21c l.ard. best quality, 1U Mo lrd. til grade, lh IV lerrl, compound, lb c K1HST PKl.K CAKKS 1013 and 1S14 fltnte Fairs were bsked with our TIP rUH'll and TIP HAKINO 1H1WDEK. Pakln4 l"olcr. 1-lb. ran So h'UM'H, TIP. 4M-lh. sack ll 4u rUH'H. TIIUIFTY IIA1HTH. guaran- teeil. 4-ll. sack tl aj Chocolate, 4-lb. rake, our No. 1 Prem ium l.V Chocolate. -lb. cako. W. II. Bakers, fnr Wo Mince Meat. !0o pkg. c; S for 2?e rider Vlnevnr. per sallon IV POTATOF.a. VHITr- Pur hanks rrr bn. 0 lbs S'o ' S lk T'sstie. Ho; . rlls. 800 rmxcsfj town tbtait aitt xxbaaska oboobb. To, SI SIS srorth lSth. Ko. 83 1807 Tlatoa. Ito. a fllBT raraam. wo. si 1406 irorth ita Ko. t SSis wortn ath. 1914 Milk Fed Spring Chickens . . . . 12e 10,000 Pounds PIG PORK LOINS . . I 1lc Choice steer pot roast IKc and..ll4o Pork shoulder roast , lOHo Pl pork butts ISHo 114 spring forequarters lainh,.10Ve 1I14 spring hindquarters litmh. 180 Chnlcs veal roast . . . 14e and llo Chotre veal chops ike and ISHo Choice mutton chops luo and . .180 Arntours Hlar and fudahy's Dlamon (; luuns IT He Km a lean Iucpii . ... i . . ., . . i , . .Its Suuur ourtiil liacbit . J. ,,. . i. . . . lSi Hutrnr cured bains . . . . . . . .U'o tiysters per quart .....40o 19 Pounds Best Granulated Sugar for $1.00 4i lb F.mpreea Pride flour. .. ,fl.40 ltrg. quean ollrea per nt......S6o I lh. can bast ailed plnea(tl. , . .lo Kamo pura praaanea. jar ..BOO 3 pkjrs. Takoma illiioult too I large nana Tomatooa So I rann early June peas. ........ .B5e Tall cans of milk TH Tall cans red salmon ,...,14a Pest tub butter, per lh lae-SOe K miffs Premium Hutterlna, t lbs 4fte Armour's Butterlne. t lbs. for....80e Meat aquaah or pumpkin, can...THe Mall Orders Given Our Prompt Attention. THE EtYl Opp. Wool worth Bo and 10c Hlore, Soft ahell English walnuts, lb.. mi llraxll or pecan nuts, per lb. .....ISO 1D14 mixed nuts, per lb Iso ('ape Cod cranberries, per qt eo Catawba grapes, per basket lBo ' Pascal celery, par bunoh. .S8e Fancy head lettuce Bo-lOo 13 lbs. bent large rooking; applea. SBe Fancy cauliflower, sach 100 Ws carry a complete line of fancy, domeatlo and Imported fruits ami vegetables at the lowest prices. Wt sIno carry a full Una of Xmas trees, all alsea; holly and wreathi MARKET 113 South 10th St. Tel. D. 2307. 20,000 Lbs. Pig Pork Loins, . .11 1-4c 1914 Milk Fed Spring Chicken 12 1-4o 114 spring foreqnarter. lamb..Ho 1014 spring hindquarters lamo. . 1140 Choice steer pot roast. 14 and.. tie Pig Pork shoulder roaAt 10Vs Pig pork butts llSe Choice young venl roast 13 aad lie Cholna mutton rhopa. ........ .18 He Chnlca mutton roast SVto Swift's Premulm and Cudahy'a lla moni C ham..... 17He choice veal chops ............ ,18He Kxtra lean breakrust bacon. ... 18-0 Hngar cured bacon ........... .15 So Sugar cured hams ............ 11 ,0 Oysters, per quart ...40o BPBCZAX.S i From 8 p. m. to p. m. Lamb chops , So From p. m. ti 10 p. m. Pork chops i. lOe Another Large Purchase of Bankrupt Stock tV bought the entire stock of tlie brankrupt U Kates and Cov of Council Bluffs, lu., to be plH'-rd on sale Pntiirdny at Kite on the dollar. . BUI ABB A TEW Or TBB BABOAIBSl I.ewla I. ye. per can IHt a 'pkgs. Yeast Foam lOe 10c pkg. Corn Flakes So Tie Matches or Tooth Picks ,...aVi Pkg. Heedless Raisins ave Orange or l.emon Peel. lb. ...... ISo Fancy Prunes, S lbs, fnr ........ .SIVo H gallon cans Kare Byrup ...... ise lb. Back. Pancake or Buckwheat Hour iso Pkg. Creamery Liu Iter, per lb. . . S3o Onintry creamery Dutter, per lb. as Sfi lbs. best Sugar $1.00 With one-pound tea or eoooa .. We. 12 bars Ulamond "C", Beat 'Km All or Vlueen Whit Soap 35c, with Sal Soda XOe Mall orders filled at same price. - f ITT Harney St. I Hione Douglas 7391 Carnation or Pet Mua, per can, .THt 4 cans of sugar corn ......... .860 4 cans of 10c tomatoes 830 6 cans of cleanser ..iae 16a tall cans of salmon.... So Eight to cans of milk SBe 8 lb. cans of hominy or pumpkin .TUe 40 lh. sack Diamond "B" flour. S1.3S Ak-Har-Uen coffee, per lb. . . . . .see 1 ba hulk oatmeal .S5a 4 lbs. chile beans 8 So Spaghetti or macaroni, per pkg. .TSo T lbs. Bulk Starch BSo lOo can. Ptove Polish 4o Shredded Wheat, per pkg lOe ' drape Nut., per pkg lOo Snapp' l-hill Cream Cheese, lb. IBs Tall bottles of Olives, Stuffed or Plain ISO PUBLIC MAR OH lbs. Pure Fresh laf Lard for .St. 00 Kxtra Fancy Spring nilrkens (our own dressed), lb 13 Pork Hhoulder Itoast. per lb ...11 "Us Pork Ixilns, by the whole loin, per lb -12V4af Sirloin Hteak, lrst ruts, per lb. . . . . , fresh Neck Bona, 7 lbs. for So Hound Steak, cut off comfed steers. per lb I. Fresh Liver, per lb lo Home Made Mince Meat, lb 10c OROCEltY SPECIALS I FRESH LOAVES REGULAR So BREAD for lfto Fancy Clovor Leaf Comb Honey... l&c Fancy Large Juicy Grape Fruit, ea. to Baker's Premium Chocolate or S aset Chocolate always sells tor 6o per lb.; on sale Saturday, per lb 26c He Good Catsup, per bottle , Be ltoyal Olue, 10c bottle tor So Good Eggs, per doacn ...(30a Oood Brooms,, 8fic kind for ....... .....19a Good Table Peaches, per can So Hard Wood Tooth ricks,, to pkg... .la Bauer Mixed Pickles, quart.-. 10a Saner Relish, per quart 10c Prunes, per lb Va Pose, per ran ...u. .............Ho Vc sack Pancake Flour ., Zlo . 18 lbs. fin. Granulated Sugar for 11.00 (n-lb. sack PURITY FLOUR; every pound guaranteed, for HJ9 Tlie Lanflc Grocery Co. Tel. Iouglas ibso. th ana cumlng St. SI Genuine Walrus Traveling Dags for Men and Women At SMi and several prices C?7 Atlt between down to. . 4 exf Bags and Suit Cases Don't Ftrgtt That Bags and Suit Case Make Very Acceptable Christmas Gifts. We show complete lines of fitted bacs: also fine Cowhide and Genuine Walrus Bsfs and Suit Cases from the well-known factor ies of K. Kaufmann & Co., Newark. N. J., and The F. H. White A Co-, Philadelphia, Pa. the best and moat reliable makes. Genuine Cowhide Uas and riuit Cases At $ i0.no and several prices (A Qf between flO.OO, $7.43 and .. JX.VJ Traveling; M Fitted with white ivory and genuine ebony 1. 4 IT I I Buy your Xm&s Liquors and get free wines, china and glassware A Fovv of Our SPECIAL PRICES Port or Sherry, per bottle 25c and 49c Jake Klein's High Grade Whiskey, per quart . . ;G5c Black and Green, bottled in bond, full quart, $1.25 val ue, at . n95c A Handsome Calendar Free. n rr. A FAMILY LIQUOR STORE. Phone D. 6612. 1314 Douglas Street "nr. ii.' 'I ' i v U i i. .,i I -i-i t t n ." i: .Ihiiiml, ; r . . A ,11 I -r !(. i t.li' -.ii '1 J - il.Ti 1 e ". .. 7 1 ' nr.." f1 1 I " I'f 111 ' it l ' 1..I i v J. At $I7JK and many p prices between down to Vw Let The Bee et you s ood job. "Situations Wanted" ads ; are free ( si, n ' I-.. ...).;i.. Its ' o i