12 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATTKDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1014. i'g- j TIIE : OMAHA , D AILV iDRE .FaUNDKh HY ' i;WAftI RGat:WATKR.J VICTOR 'ROSKWATEU, KDlTOIt. " ; '4-!i.' I - Th Be tvrbrsny.' Proprietor. FEB BUILDING. FAK.NAM AND SK VF.NTEKNTiL r Ttrt4 at Orhaka iVrtw M seoord-cl matter. 1 TKKM0 'Of . r.. t."y and Sunday nl!y without Sunday... Veiling and 8unlv Kwning wlthont Sunday sxmdaf H oory . SVHSt.RrFTl"N. Hy rartinr ' ! 'perrnonth. ,...vn.. r.. ........... Py mart rr yr. ( M i..H 4.0Q Fand noth-e of char' of eortrra or complaint or Irrvcntarttr In-dcilvwyvto Omaha Bee, Circulation Wpartment. , . mm inl i n H ICM ITT A hlCTC Remit -bv draft 'V-rrre- or postal order. mfv tiro rent stamp revived In payment of mall o roonts l'emonel elieeks, accept oa Otnab and, (aetata Saehanga. not accented. .. -, OFF.CE3. , , '. Omaha-The P- HnlMIng ' . ' , k . Routh Omaha aiS N ilwl. ' . '.'.Council FlurfsH "North Malt Street,. , . Chicago-". HrarM Hulllnr ' f 1 .;, P Naw terk Rome IK. M fifth avenli. .. Ft I-outn-tiftJ New lank of Commerce. . . Washington 73S Fourteenth Bfc. 'N. W. . CORRESI"ONDENCB. ddree communication relating to new ami edi torial matter to. qmefca &a( SdltorlAl. Department ' 111 1 '. ' ; : KOVEMJJEH CIBCCL.ITIPN.. M. 1 r v 52,531;; ' State f Nebraska, County of Douglas. . , , Iwight William, circulation manager of Tk Be Publishing company, bain duly awurn, sajrs that th averege daily rlrrtilailon for tha month yarn ber, JI4. win 6!..'J1. y T DWK1HT . WIIjIAMS, Circulation Manager. ' Subscribed tn'mv freaenee' and sworn , ta beforo n tbla 7thj4j of rctmbr 111. ' . '' .i T ftojlEIVT ja.liNT5U Notary-Pti1I'f . I r, i , t y 0 i" ' ' gobacrlbra (earing thi" aty lewaporarUf1 Mould bar Too lioa (nailed u tbera. Ad Oroaa vrtll b chaBKod na often aa reqacautL ' The-Proposed Chriitmas Armiitice. An lirnristlrA In-th waf arena or tha CbrlstmM bolldayi U prcrponod from wvoral nourcea, ona auKRentton coming from tb pop at Rom and another taking tho form of a resolu tion offered by Senator Kenton, appealing to the bellfgerents In tb name of tbe American con rs to declare a truce for twenty lay ao that the people of the world may fittingly otmerre the Christmas aeaaon. Report from Germany would Indicate that the kaiacr Inclined to look with faror upon the plan etlpulatlng the condition, bowerer, that all the other power engaged in the war accept likewise. " " The Chrletmas idei appeala td the aenllment, and particularly to.ihe retlgloua terror of the Germans, who bate vlWaya made much of the 'Welitachfa F'ier' and a-receee of arm te observe the Christina festival would alao strike a popurar' chord wHb the English, French, Bel gian and Russia elemanta of the allies. The troops from Indl. froro North Africa, from Tur key and from the Moslem, parts of the Balkans and Asia Minor do not bar Christina on their calendar, nor do .the, Japanese, and they might see no more reason for Interrupting the combat new than at some other time when they might want to celebrate a religious holiday. 'should the Christmas recess crentu&te, It will stamp this war abore al aa war between "Christian na- lions.? To Americans and -other people not partici pating in the war, the Importance of the ar mistice proposal lies in the encouragement it holds out for another armiaUc. even though not immediate, preparatory to a final peaee t Moment. If the flahtlri ran be atonoed now for 'a little white, It w(U strengthen our hope that it can by mediation. , or direct negotiations be terminated for good at no distant time. In the Wako of the War Notice to' M exlco : 8top' early.'' i.' Now for a Mexican floor of congress. battle. r .two on the Time tor our cllv authorities to smoke up again on the smoke nuisance., , . . 1 Wonder If the war lords are getting as tired f it aa the men In toe trenches. '.. . .' : i Jwith risk of repetition: The way tor Greater Omaha to consolidate l t consolidate, ru v(,., ..; , ... ,tr - f ' 7.; f.'fi Since both sides are still winning in the war, there is, of course, no chance for peace at pres et. ;" ' ' .- -. : The powder magasin and armor-plat b6ya, are waging war with their heaviest guns on alt, peace, policies, , ,.. ,, ,., Home Is the place where the humblesC man fiiay be klng and the humblest woman queen, If inly they do thetr part." " " " : J The retailers ought to be interested In keep ing the railroads from putting heir passenger fares back again to 3 cqnfa U,mlf, J . ramersv eombtnes fcre nothing new, but it-p-wi&aiSLS ta be seen whether condition? are more ;snraiil to thcia'at prpffent thaTi-hefetcrfow; 4 '" " t-!LJ 1 '...! - rm Canaan 'may take !ds, bill 'yds aWfM telw cara in Kanaaa Utty.HKaaaa Cltjr War. : Tfcere are others. Put on a tow more strap, foaac! , : I'" ' Unless you want to get in bad, do not argue, preparedness for war aa the best means,, pre?, aerttng peace'after what Europe's preparedness,, baa precipitated. - r'iH s : iA x5 After several yeara of searching, skillful de tectives hare found another clue to Dorothy Arnold, altboogh Dorothy, herself, ooatlnuwa among the mieelng. Let us hope that the annual stream of rivers and harbors boosters flowing into Washington will really begin thU year . toaccoropllah senjflr thing la th rlgU ohaittJ,J C V UllViC '.; irThe reappearance of the thaw case in th eou'rU reminds ui tnat; even In. th slft current of modern life, Ve ha v not passed beyond ttX the milestones of old lang' syne. '' ' ! ; . ' President Wilson has congratulated "the president of the Nevada Suffrage, association on the success of the cause In her stte, Whai he' aaia to secretary Bryan Is not reported. f Senator Kenyon ha a bill to reduce the" numoer or talesmen 'Tequired"for a fedetkf grand Jury. - Now there's place for economy: and th economy might aW be carried to 'our local grand juries. " - :':- t Fred A.". Huh. r . . . Although he nerpr held public office Fred A. Nash, who haa just died, held lor years a very public position In this community, and may, therefore, be rightly called a public man. In his Jife-long railroad work, and later as bead of the' electrlo lighting company, aa In private Jwlt'h bis frienOs. his most striking trait was that of intense loyalty to th interests e was called 'on'to represent. '- The interests sometimes put him in an attitude conflicting with the interest of the public, in which case Tb Bee has often had to take decided Issue with bis. contention; on the other hand, it most be said that Mr. Nash has manifested a Kfeater'ditpositton for fairness in dealing with th public than is usually found in the spokesman of the rrancniea corpora tions. In tb thankless Job, also, which he has filled as the president and, directing officer of the Auditorium, be has rendered an unselfish public serrlce, to which, 'unfortunately, the pub lic baa not 'yet accorded th du recognition and appreciation.. - f.vr.-i'i : " s ..; i The Be will print tomorrow the, first of a series or war article by the world-famed Rud yard Kipling, .entitled "The New Army' d-" scribing scenes and incidents In the rruUlng vauiya. tvatcn IOf It. Not the least cr;Wlard'f Edjeon' ton,tribu nona to nis leuowmen Is the example he Is setting of the indomitable courage and 'deter mination that ovencomee all misfortunes - and surmount aU obstacles. , -f. Of Th Uoma Circle Literary club hua bMn org'anlaed with W. H. Thompmon preuldcnt and W. JL I'omiM weUry. Tb flrat toeaUnar was keld at th r.k- oeoca t nr. ijaney on North Nineteenth. Thatcher, Pilinroaj 4k West's mlnatrel ar holdln "Kj'i im m onsiaai -may Rtc aa an additional altrvrtiua. W. B. Shoeitiuker. on of CouncU BluXfa' aid etlt an. U about to tu:o to Omeiia.-, ,V .-f jk prana new boy has arrtwd at tb home Mr. and Mr. Joat-i b, J'tien. mwre aa a K atteiupt at a'enoau.-rra. thx arouna tli. quite hi lit dnybrrak. but the weather iltared up durlnK the day. Tbe tamomter nirkl Oteieea alxjve Hero. VK t'l.- LI . . . - ' Robert 1'urvla' t ..mUaion huuae." welshed twenty tl.rr i5und. mle fourtoon moiU ts conaidared Kirorainwy we.nt U a Jowl ol thl apet tea. ; Mm. A. H"trtitn hum (onato Toronto on a. -vlirtt. it la reported that Q. 11. eraltb, tb pttsOKK, kaa rM,e to CMi'mco, aud uj ave looser flsura aowaf iHjrmia Eraxonuty ber. 3f Secretary McAdoo'i little Joke. Secretary McAdoo either is deluding himself with the notion that the American . people are strangely obtuse, or he must b Joking, when, in bis report reviewing the establishment, et the reserve bank, be 'hands 'out again that cbaif about.no politics having been played in the gam.. "At, th''very dutseV the : secretary gravely aasares' toe,'' "the committee announced that it would not allow itself td be Swerved' or 4Bfluspc4 by local or political considerations. but would determine the Important questions aubmUted to it with sole regard to' what 1b its Judgment would be best for tb integrity and efficiency ,'pt tb new system and the general interests of the country." Ye t while be refers to expressions of dissatisfaction with tb commit tee's findings as "ill-considered criticism," be is careful to attach as 'ap appendix to his report the lengthy supplementary statement Issued at the time by the, committee In defense of its untenable and arbitrary rulings. In this very statement a complete refutation may be found of the secretary's pretens that th organisation, committee was not '"swerved or in fluenced" by local or political considerations for it shows that the Itinerary, for holding bearings gave Omaha the go-by -In order to favor Mr. Bryan with a stop in Lincoln when, ' manifestly, by the exhibit of festive jbaaking power,' gauged. by capital, loans, and. dfPosiU , Lincoln ,(vi never for a moment -considered in tb earn class' with Omaha; ' Kansas '"City and Denver. If that actioh was not on it face a political move to boost the-democratic secretary of state, who happens to hall from Lincoln.' and to slap the re calcitrant democratic senator from Nebraska, who Uvea in Omaha, we would Ilk to know what prompted it If ther, were.. anything beside politic and political trading to Justify locating 'two' reserve banks la Missouri and forcing Ne braska, Colorado ad Wyoming out of tha lln f customary, traffic, it la not apparent. on th sur face, nor below tbe curtac. as far as anyone has been able to get. , The secretary may expect some folk to ac cept bit prating about Jh reserve bank, being tree from the influence of politics, but w giv him credit for too,n)ach common lease-to take his own Joke serlduui J w ' , 8er?no E. Payne, '." ; Death abruptly rounds out, th ' career of Rereno K. Payn Just as' many of the stalwart republicans, with . whom, he. was intimately identified In recent congresses, are about to return to resume their work a lawmakers, afer retirement by defeat from which . he .was spared. Mr. Paynes publlo career re minds us of the exceptions to all rules, even Ahat that "a prophet is not without honor save in his own country and his own home," for he was maintained in congress for thirty-one years ss the chosen representative of the. people who knew him. best. Perhaps .in seeking an estimate of the man, beyond that already formed in tbe public wind, we ahould go no further than tbe one implied in this fact. Prominent through out his long tenure. Congressman Payne, aa chairman of the ways and meana committee, therefore becam head of th tariff-making mecbaaUut of congress, la which capacity h be cam most 'widely known. And while bearing his skar of, crnlcim? he bears r also from political friend and fod,illke, the tribute of a courageous, resourcfuhand , honorable public- servant, '-. Th fidelity of members of the coming Ne braska legislature, to their economy promise Is j to b tasted to th axtrem, sine th auditor. taung uan at race value, has submitted esU- taates calling -for 140,000 laws legislative) ex thaa two yeara ago Aaalrla a4 fterrlav. To thoaa unMad mlnda aeeklng llsht on the Tal rauae of the world war, th peh of formr rremler Ololtttl In tha Italian Parliament a few days aso up pUm a new Unlit. The former premier apoae la Sup port of tha poalUon of nautrallty taken by th. Italian government and emphaalaed the loyalty of Italy to treatlea. Italy maintained at the outset that tha frent war wa not a defensive war which alone would bind It to tha obligation of tha triple alliance, upnortlna; that contention. Otollttt Inatanced the Pr poen of Auatrla to atUrk flerrta In Ausust. W. The Italian irovemment wa informed of that purpoee. and the co-operation of Italy repeated under the terms of th triple alliance treaty. The then Pramlrtr Olollttl notified Auatrla that an attack on Bervla' "would not come under the term of the treaty, it la not nfenalve, becauae nobody think of attacking her (Auatrla)." troac Fl(htlaa; Fere. The Indian troop of the BrtUah empire flg-httriR In France and Belslum appear, from tha measer news aorounta from the western theater of war. to be UP holdin their tradition for valor and efficiency.. Of tha Indian native troops In action thoe tnenUoaad In the brief dlapatoh era Gurkhas and lkh and th troopa appear to be tha backbone of th continent ao far withdrawn from India for ervlo on th ootitl nent of Europe. 1 The Ourkhas have foug-ht under tha Brttlsb fla for more than a century and have alway fulfilled tha rallanoe placed on their loyalty and courage. Tha ten regiment of Gurkha, having a strength ot about 20.000 men. for th full period of their association wltl) tha British army have been esteemed as a most val uable element In the natlv force of th Anglo Indian army. Their history is larrely the history of the British conquest of India. They covered themselves with glory in th Afghan and Sikh wars and fought shoulder to ahoulder with the British troop during the Indian mutiny. They have always been loyal to th union Jack, and thetr fiereanea and desired tenac ity hav won for thm many a brilliant victory. . Lord Roberta, In hi long carver In India, eom msnded Ourkha troop, and that ffloer, lamented by th Britlah people, had on several oooaslons paid tribute to the wonderful fighting qualities of these famous Indian aoldlera - Fighting by the aid of th Ourkha are tha Blkh. Th Hlkhs are a religious sect, the word alkh moaning "learner" or "disciple," and was applied to th peo ple by th first Guru Nanak. whose followers they became. : ' A , Hindoo become a Sikh by baptism under the rite of that religious belief. The home of thee people I In northern India, mainly In th Punjab, th United Province and In Kashmir. They have fought against the British, but their loyalty has been beyond question for half a century. .-. Wlater Cam pa I aim I a ej. "That tha coming winter." says the tsctentirto American, "will add greatly to the difficulties and bard hip of the waning European nations eannot be doubted.- It is true that Improvement In military method and equipments hav made Impossible such colossal horror as those attending Napoleon's retreat from Moscow or even-, thoae Incidental to th opera tions of tbe allied armies in tb Crimean war; yet th rigors of winter are atlll a factor to be reckoned with in both th strategical and humanitarian aspeots of war. "A to the sufferings entailed upon the soldiers, a few Illustrations will snow that the are still inevita ble. Of th fighting In Manchuria In January, 18CB, during th Russo-Japano war, 8ir Ian Hamilton says: "Horsemen galloped about th field with th foam and dripping sweat of their horse changing Into a crust Ilka snow and long dangling Idolaa The Fifth division only seventy yard distant from tha Rus sian,' near Helkoutai had th choice between froat and fire. When they stamped their feet to keep life in them, the Russian, expecting an advance, fired on. them. When the Japanese remained quiet they 'lost their toes. Four hundred of them were found to be suffering from tosho (frost-bite) tbe next morning.' Merle Twalo'a eWet Frayer. An unpublished artiel by Mark Twain, called TTba "War : Prayr," was recalled by Dr. Henry Naotnan, leader of tb Ethical Culture society of Bnooklyn, If. T., In bis address on Mark Twain before the Ethical society of tTt Louis, last Sunday. . The story tells bow a rej1mnt on Its way to the front assemble at church and prays for victory, When th prayer Is concluded a white-robed stranger enter to ay he haa been sent from "on high" with a message that th petition will b answered If th men car to repeat It after understanding Its full Import. Their prayer, he tells them, asks for more thaa they eem to realise. Hence h bids thra llatet while be repeats aloud these unspoken Implications of their dealre! "O, Lord, w go forth to smite tha foe. Help tm tear thetr soldier to bloody shreds with our shell help u to cover their smiling field with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help u to lay wait thetr humble homes with a hurricane of flrei elp us te wring tha hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief, ifor our aakea, who adore Thee, Lord, blast their steps, water their way with their tara." . Rectus he was told that this article would be re garded as sacrilegious Mark Twain, who, aooordlng to Pr. Neuman, waa a free thlaker, did not print It - People and .Events Well, what do you know about thlr Word comes out of Naw York City that, owing to tha scarcity of money In pocket or on hand, pickpockets are JolnlAg th bread lines... , C. C Millar, - a New York prophet, ' sends a sibilant note of . Joy to the real estate world. A real estate boom in the United 8let 1 ta be one of the reaults of th war In Europe. Vendors of lots snd acres, look pleasant, pleas. , Tb champion domeatlo prls wlnnr of Quarry vllls. Fa, is Mi. Wlnfleld 8 toner. Although only U and tha mother of nin children, h found tlm te cultivate th art of cake baking and won the cham pionship of the locality In a competition with MP other, Mia F. Tennyson Jo, th novelist. Is much an noyed because people refer to bar as th niece of th poet Teunyaoik No objeotlon to th relationship, oh, no, Tbe point ta aha Is not old enough to b his aleoa, but is his grandnlec. Th matter of years is quit Important, In view ot their hearties tendency t speed up; On hundred and fifty students of th high school at Eau Claire, Wis., have been expelled for participating- In a strike against th principal. 'The latter deemed it hi duty to tell a girl student how to ar range her hair. Then tha trouble began. The school board sustained th principal, parenta upheld their children. The social fabrto ot th town Is convulsed from canter to suburb. Twice Told Tales Ceefldeeee la tbe Baak. -Tha Bank of France at the beginning of the war had a gold reserve of nearly I.ODO.ooo.000 franca Com menting oa this. J aroma M. MeWade, tbe millionaire collector, said la Dulutb: "The Bank of France Isn't much Uk tb bank X tarted la my natlv Cinnamtnon at th age of 2. "Th old grocer had fired roe and thtnga were pretty slack, so I rented an empty Chinese laundry, wrote 'Beak' on a aheet or paper and giued It to th Window, and then sat down behind th laundry coun ter with a PP and a copy of the Clnaamlneon Scimitar. "The laundry smelt bitter and stale from oil opium, and I gueea th fume jnuat hav pot me to aleep. Anyhow, I was awakened by a Lithuanian from the rolling mill shoving S5 ta dirty notes into my hand. In the afternoon, a ooVored washerwoman wok me up to deposit 10S. and the next day tha three leading storekeeper deposited between fb end TO apiece. " . That gave me ouofldaoo to the old bank, and, by ctnrae, oa the third day I deposited t&S myeairr Do- tWIetena' Calamity end Oa Own. OMAHA, Pec. 11. To the Editor of The Beet The criticisms contained In several letters published In the Omaha papers of those who are sending food and cloth ing te th Belgiari seem te m meet un called for. The fact that w have In our city many cold snd hungry people Is unfortunately true. We have them this winter, we have always had them, and we have never taken care ef them as w should. But now because we r sanding help to a country In desperat need a cry 1 raised that w ate negteettng our own poor. Tb fact Is that more thaa usual Is being done for tham. Some have largely Increased their ordinary subscrip tion to the charitable organisation of tbe city and have still found something t send abroad. Tbe place to save 1 not on the Belgians, but on oureelvea We must go without something If necessary, and give to both. The calamity in Bel glum. Is an extraordinary one, compar able on a large scale to our own tornado, a calamity which, heaven . grant, . wUI never come again. It calls for, nnusual sacrifices and generosity. M, O. The Plea, I Se.1f-Detraee. BANCROFT, Nab., Dec. 11 To the Ed itor of The Be: I have Just read the letter of F, A. A gnaw, who is In sym pathy with tbe Belgians. But Mr. Aa new does not understand the real cause of the present war. Did Kaiser Wllhelm make the first move la Belgium T On Jury SO the French passed the Una Into Belgium and broke th neutrality. Had th French any more right la Belgium then than tha Oertuana. whose kaiaer so many claim started the warT Mr. Ag new, don't you know that Germany has sn army only , to meetJihelr. opponents T The reason th Belgians are starving is because the British line' Is holding the control of the aeaa. England promised the poor Belgian help, but where I John Bull now to help that poor country Tha price of bacon Is lower than It has been for years, why don't John Bull buy meat her in the United States and help the pooor Belgians, and stick to the prom ise? What would you do, Mr. As-new, If four man of your slse were fighting against you like they axe against the state of Germany? X say that Germany waa oompalled to go through Belgium on sooount of self-defense. GEO ROE OLTHOFF. STOIIY GEXS. Political Pointers An equal number of democrats and re publicans In the Illinois state legislature Insures the lonely buH moose member considerable attention. -Tbe Louisville Courier-Journal prints a loud call to Governor MoCreary to wake up and take steps to surpress law leas bands of night riders, who oper ation bring reproach on the Old Ksa tacky. Home. . Ia former times China disposed ef crooked officials by chopping off their hads. Under the rule of Yuan Bhl Kai, a rifle does the business. Wang Chlh Halng, ex-prefect -.of Peking, was re cently executed by shooting, because ot , bribery and corruption. The evolution ; from -tbe axe to tbe gun does not alter tb, celerity of the .taking off. , , ; The roster of members of the coming constitutional convention of New York Stat shows lit republicans and fifty-two democrats, a total of 16S. No other party division Is represented. Georg W. Per-, kins, the "Good Angel" of the progres- ' sive party, and Charles D. Hill, chair man of th republican national commit tee. were among tbe candidates sleeted ; to stay at bom. : i Btep are being taken In New York to test the constitutionality of the law, which forbid th employment of altana on state or city contract work. By In voking thl law oa th contractors, work on Naw York City subways baa been partly suspended and th supply of clU sna willing to take that class cf work has bean found Insufficient.' About Woman Mrs. Paullae Pequet of Jackmaa. Me., although M years old. often takes a ntne mfle walk, and can read and thread a needle without using glassea - Tbe youngest Red Cross nurse te re turn from th war son is Eather Dramln, aged U. of Springfield. She and ber mother ware visiting In Taruow, Austro Hungary, and for flv weeks both dressed th wounds of tb soldiers la tb Red Ctoss hospital there. , Over LOOO families of Loa Angeles look to Miss Alt M. Allison for their weekly allowance . money since ah has charge of th money received from recreant hus band who have been ordered by the courts to pay thetr wives a eertala amount' ef money each week. - Women In th middle west are very much Interested In the campaign which has been launched In Kansas to elect Mrs. George Thatcher Guernsey president' general of the Daughters of tbe Ameri can Revolution. Tb next convention will be held la ltlB In Washington, but al ready tb plan of Mrs. Guernsey's cam paign Is being mapped out - By working her way around fbs world' by ber wits Mia Hilda Gilbert won a 15.00 wager for Jack London, tb novo-' list, who made tha bet with a New lorfc clubman that a woman could aocempllsh the task without much troubl. Mis Oil-, bert had four yeara to complete th trip,, 'and when she arrived home reoently she till had four months to spar. Nebraska Editors C M. Anderson has purchased th An Selmo Enterprise. The Gering Courier. A. B. Wood, editor, last week absorbed the Twin City Time. C.'A, Redding, whe purchased the Pan der Bepubllo from Rev. C. 8. Hughe a few month ago. has sold tbe paper to R L. Waldea ef Sioux City. The trans fer was made this wk. H. B. Oooleyot OUa, CeU., will tax charge of th Crofton Journal early ta the year. .Mr. Cooley is e brother of IL M. Cooler, late proprietor of th Journal, who was drowned in the Missouri river near Yankton election night. t P. D. Crew and T. J. Ryaa baa pur chased th Crelghton News from Kirk A Nolaa. The new proprietors began their careers as printers in tbe offloe they new ewe. "Why should a aorlety man see the ileptha of darkeet Romeo? la there any ranee tnr kte eapleratlon te result in any dlacoverlee worth while?" "Tcldelly worth while. If hopes to dig up a new danoe." Louisville Courier Journal, ... Th ferret-eved little man tepted arroa the street eer aisle and whispered Into the ear ef the UU chap In a gray Suitt "You'd better wipe that bit of egg off your chin. The income tax man ie Just wq seats r front af you-" Indianapolis Star, ' "How did you eome te say young Thompson eras Intern pe rater' '"Never did say such a thing. Tou lold somebody he drank Ilk a fih." "WeH, what ef that? Do flea ever drink anything but water, and any more of that than they need ?" Baltimore American. "That woman has a hard time getting along." "What doea ah do for a living?" Kh makea fan." "Then it ought to be easy for her to raja tb wind. "Baltimore American. Teacher What did tb handwriting an tb wall say? Johnny You hav been weighed In the balance and round wanting. . Teacher And what doe that mean? Johnny That he forgot to drop a penny in th weighing machine slot. Philadelphia Ledger. ."Why didn't yea vote for my re-election T" "We wanted you heme for a little while." replied Farmer ComtoaseL "We regard you aa one of the finest speaker la the country, aa' there's no sense nor JusUoe to kttln' aa unappreciatlv con gress monopolise your eloquence forever." -Weehingion Star. Book Agent Let me tall yon, my dear air, that you ean't afford to mis aa op portunity like this. Buay Btialnee Man Sit til I'm tempted to do au. Hang the eipenae. Ufe. YULE TIDE. Irtm ef hunt ring. Everyone bustling, An ererfiowing of holiday cbeert Plenty of fun Jnst begun. Christinas will soon be here. On eomer tolling. To keep "kettl bollmg" For those to bring soma oher: Kettle swinging, Bell keep ringing, Chrtstroae will soon be ber. Churche holding basars. Crowded street cars. Good natured all aeetn to appear; Yulettde green Everywhere is seen, Christmas will soon be here. - - Mission tree For charity. To keep homes from being drear: Red Christmas bells. The story tells, Christmas will soon be here, Olrla and boys To see the toys, Santa Claua in his sleigh with reindeer; Many are buying, - - Babies are crying, Christmas will soon be her. - Then eerels Ring To the new born king. In Bethlehem born I kea: Our voice raise To sing his praise, Christmas now la her. Omaha - "BELLVIEW." ff-T'' Fait trains on convenient schedules arrive Englewood 'Union Station (63rd St) and La Salle Station most convenient locations in Chicago connecting with limited trains for all Eastern tcrritoxy. The TT fn n mmai Xearec 6:08 p.' ra. daily. Hara dinner on the train aiitss La Sails Station, QUcxgo-Mn the heart of the business district ready for the da no dm lost ; Carries sleeping car (or Tri-Chk may be ocetrpted until 7:00 a, xn. . . : Of Ar Solid Through Train Qaily Reeky Meoatsta Umkttf 1:SS a. ts Chioag Pay Espr e ,, kga-Cotor4 Ejyres" e 410 p. as. AsrfoMMcfJe Block Signal fhnmt AJWent AO. St I Assseajger fifitfeanea1 , Aoaeiuf &afry Write, ebon e call at Rock Island Travel Bureau, 1323 Farnam St, fes? cfckets, reservations, iniot-nutioe. XS-McNALLY, Division Passenger Ageert P&o Douglas 428 Buy Christmas Presents Vilhout Wasting Your Time . Br Visitins tho Cli fl urcn rair In the Court of the BEE BUILDING "VVlxere ladies of 24 churches have a large and beautiful selection of useful, ornamental and fancy article suit able for all purposes. Mothers and Sisters 7 AJiray have and always will know how to make and se lect the best there u in Christmas Oifta let them do it for you now save time, money and disappointment by buying from them, this year as thousands did in past seasons. Satisfaction guaranteed is their slogan. Incomplete List Shows tha OF ARTICLES FOR SALE This VARIETY Home Mad Camdy Mine Meat ' Fruit Calk Jelly Staffed Safe Ckkes rtoOgBMSbS Iles rwsnsril Dolls ITome Oooklnx, aQ kinds Embroidered Towels Apsxsna, fancy and plain Corset Cover Doll Clothes Iiamther jood FjtRcy Bags llandkcrtbJeifs Ctklldrea's Muffs Head Painted China Comforta Fin Cusbiogia Underskirts Itast Cap Stocking Begs Washabl Kas TloUy BoU Kapala Oases) -Tablet Mats Infants' Wear EVERY DAY THIS WEEK IS A Bargain Day at the 1914 Christmas Fair 9