T11K )KK: von rent llnaara and olta(. HOUSES FOU RENT. $47.60 7-R. apartment. Ms 8. lth St., (tram heat, lanltor service. $48.00 7-R. apartment. 817 8. 1th ft., mum heat. Janitor service. $48 00 8-K., 2iz Ft., modern. garage. Urt.dv-X-K., 301 ft Central Hlvil.. modern. $37.60 7-R, modern bungalow, not water heat, 6115 Capitol Ave. $3.00 7-R., 602 8. i'Mh Pt., modern. IJS.0O 8-K , 2:1m i'apltnl Ave., modern ex cept heat. $21.50 -R.. 2f.iV. R. Mary s Avt., modern exi-ept heat. W.0n .R., SI2 N. 4M Ht.. mod. ex. heat. $20.00 -R.. 42U ("timing 8t.. mod. ex. heat. QKOKGK A I'OMPANV, Phone D. 7Mi. W2 City Natl Hank Rtdg. RKAL KSTATK FARM H4MH FOR ALB M laMaiaaia, Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ships: 2-horse van -d 2 men, II ii per hr.; storage 12 per b o. Satisfactory guar. D. 4X18 & Tv. 2. FOR KENT W bare a complete list of alt bousea, partmenta and flats that ara for rent This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha Van Storage Co . 8 irittrj-it. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, movini;. packing anu shipping;. lth A Jackson Sts. Phone DotiKlas 9s. NEW -room cottage, never occupied, strictly modern, $31.60. Five-room cottage, almost new, excep tionally large rooms strictly modern, near car line and near school, 822.50. New 6-room cottage, modern except heat, finished In oak, near car line, $20. Seven rooms, parlor extendlns; across the entire front of the houne, oak finish, co'onnade openings, four bedrooms and bath, fine neighborhood, near car, $30. AMERICAN SECURITY COM PAN V. 17th and Douglas ts. Phone Douglas 6013. Upper Wisconsin West dairy and general ciop state In the anion; Bottlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices, on esv terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central I -and Grant KtaU acres wanted. Wilts about our gracing lands If Interested tn fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept.. 8o Una Hy,. Minneapolis. Minn. Mlsoellaaeea. WH a-uarente bsrsalns in stock farms and ranches. Write Willis vadwell Broken Row. Neb, The bargain Man. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and tarm loans. 6. a per cent. J. H. Dumont A C0..I0MS Kama in. Omaha. WANTED-City loans, peters Trust Co OMAHA homes, riast Ntbraaaa fauns. U KEU'K HKAli KSTATrJ CO., 1018 Omaha Natl. Douglas 3713. Vv 'i u r arm loans Kloke Inv.ic ml" $iuu lo Uu.iAJ niaue rumpliy. F. D. ttead, Wead Bldg.. iMh and rarnam Sts. 6-ROOM, all modern; furnace, electric 1 1 ght. 28U N. 2"th St. $;2.o0. TWO all modern, "-room brick flats at l!Hh and Cass Pis. Very good value at 135. THE BYRON' RKKD CO.. 212 So. 17th St.. Hrandels Theater Bhlg. Phone D. 297. 3..U Howard St. 8 rooms, all modem; will make low rent to good tenant. Phone louglas 7811. WARM JtOCSKH r'OK WINTER AT nr.nucKD rates. 881$ Wool worth Ave.. 8 rooms, mod., $C0. ISfiO N. 20th. rooms, mod. ex. fur., 118. 16 Seward. 8 rooms, $16. lift 8. 2Mh. 6 rooms, $10. Hit Howard 8 rooms, mod., $20. Also larger ones. P.INOWALT. Brandeis Theater Bids;. HOVSJW FOR RENT. Four-room rottaire, ono-half block from the Harney St. car line, $10. 8even rooms, sleeping porch and stin room, new and desirable, exceptionally fine view, quiet neighborhood, 160 or $56 with garago. Seven rooms and hall, strictly modern, hardwood finish in first story, three bed 'rooms upstairs, one bedroom or den and bath on first floor, $.10. This house fronts on a paved street and boulevard, U'i blocks from car line. J. H. DUMONT A CO., Phone Douglas 6uo. liius Farnam 8L WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 130? Farnam. Doug. i4, VK BUY !d-hnd clo'hes. U21 N. 24trT P LIGHTLY used pianos. Webster 872S. Bee Want Ads Produce Result REAL ESTATE FARM A BAMCll UNUI FOR B ALB Kansas. DO you want a 'good farm In eastern Kansas? We have an Improved quarter near Kansas City; 130 acres under culti vation; 1 acres alfalfa, balance pasturo; li,i,.ix.enieius goou; closo lo county seat, aruuroaas. Mignt cxcnanKe tor Omaha linprovea If priced right. SV. T. SMiTH CO., 1111 City Nat. BariK. WANikl1-Cliy loans aud warrants. W. 1- amain Smith At Co , 13:o Karnain. CITY W. properly. La'ge loans a specialty. 11. Thomas, to tate Bank Bldg. UUNEV dd naud lor city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City Natl. Bank Hldg. t7c PITY I.HAN8. UnmUctJarlberg Co.. O infill Urin.ila theater llldu.. $KU us tlrsl If you want a tarm loan. United stales Tiut c. Omul. a. Neb. REAL INSTATE SOI TH SIDE Don't Sell Your Property Now Kverybody wants to sell. Russell 8nga said: "The time to buy Is when people want to sell." We have prices like, this: $2,600.00 Ilahy's bank account will make the first payment. i-room cottsge; never been oc cupied; two rooms finished In oak; nice yard, near Car. American Security Co. 17th and Douglas 8ts. Douglas K01J. ABSTRACTS or TITLE. KKRK Title uuaraniee and Abotract Co, a modern abstract office. M U. 17th St Phone Douglas U87. KKKU Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of. lice in Nebraska. M L.anduis Theaier. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE SIX to ten acres, bonus, wttii, chicken house, etc. North of Carter lake. 8e clal discount for yeiir's rent In advance. 6U7 laxton Blk. Also bunches of lots near street car that make acreage. REAL ESTATE NORTH SI1E A BEAUTIFUL 8-ttOOM BUNGA LOW, $; CASK, ti-i PKK MONTH. Or will pay moving expenses for man who will pay $100 cash. This house Is new, never before occu pied, and all modern. It is durably built of the very best class of material. Brick foundation, full cement basement, furnace heat, oak finish In living room, dining room, den and vestibule, mirror door In vestibule, coat closet, ana oak beam celling in living room and dining room; the kitchen, nantry and tmth bed rooms are finished In pine lumber, with floors of edge-sawed pine. Wall decorations and electric fixtures will be left to choice of purchaser. The house faces east and Is In one of the prettiest locations in Omaha and Is only one-half block from car line. We have several closed cars and can take you to see this house in perfect com fort. E. P. WRIGHT, Telephone: Office, Doug. 2926 in day. time. Residence phone, Walnut iM2, after :80 p. m. Missouri, DAIRY farm, JI13 acres, adjoining ceunty seat, 1,200; laO acres under plow; G6 acres growing wtiuat; 2 good houses and 4 good uarns; sno; good wen and springn; oil up to oris. JViliK route ustaoiisneu. House aoout t mile court house. Price $(&. Ad aress Y 306, Boe. Mississippi. 5" 0" ACRES, Jackson county, Mississippi, Jeep river frontage, every acre high and Urv, several acres well improved; best liu stock proposition In the south; also fine for pecanb and oranges; other smaller tracts at attractive prices. John F. Uay ior, Pascagoula. Miss. si en ta ua. It ENTERS and homeseekers use youi Carey riuht and secure a Montana farm now. Do you realise that farm products will command extremely hlgn prices dur li.g the next few years? This Is your op uoitunlty to get started on a farm of youi own. The Vnuer lands produce from 34 to 55 bushels wheal, U0 to luo of oats, 40 to 7o bushels barley, 4 to 8 tons alfalfa pel acre. lt us send you booklet and toll 5 ou how easy it Is to get started. VeJ.ei Farm Sales Cb"P-ny Bo Valier, Mont. Do You Want the Best BUNGALOW BEAUTIFUL Oak finish In living, dining and sun room, colonnade between living and din ing room, built-in bookcase, beautiful - ft. buffet, with 10-lnoh French mlrror;- me oain, eic. .-vico ioi, ixitx it. iei us show you this one. $500 will handle this. THHJ VCJF.L REALTY AGENCY, 1016-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Phene Douglas S691. Hanscom Park District only :m cash, balance month!: -room modern home; large living room, with fireplace, oak finish; dlulng room and hall, white enamel; large, convenient kitchen: full basement, with plastered celling; furnace heat; three bedrooms and tiled bath second floor; large lot. 65x17 feet, with alley and garage In rear; east front and paved street, low price of $3,650. Owner leaving city this week act quick. George & Company Phone P. 7!. 9Ci City Nat. Bank Bldg. EASY PAYMENT 1IOMKH. Take that ChrlMmas money and make the first payment on a home. We ran sell you a new, strictly modem 6-room coltane for $lno rash and easy monthly payment", or a 9-room hoium near Hanx com Park, all modern but furnace, lot Hx imi, nne large shades: a snap for $z,sl. Be a home owner. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 17X1. Ware Block. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS HA, HUDAV, J)htKMMKIt II, l:U. RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Natural Trend of Prices Downward and Loisfs Are Noted. A Good $8,000 Investment Ue are offering for sale a new brick and stucco double 6-room house, located on a corner lot, paved street in a good location near Hanscom Park district; close to school, churches and stores. This building has 6 rooms on each side; 3 rooms on the first floor and 3 on the sec ond floor. Has furnate heat, electric light. gaH, hath, first clans plumbing and heat Inn throughout. Oak finish on first floor. iiak floors on second. Thore Is room ennuich to erect another residence or a double house on the same lot. This would be a good proposition for an Investment, or If someone wanted to live In one side and rent the other and some time in the future put up another building. This en tire property we are offering for $8,000, $l",600 rash, the balance monthly pay ments. Owner will consider taking a good building lot In trade. Hastings & Heyden EXPORT BUSINESS IS HEAVY A beat Tm Mlltloa Mussels at firaln old oa KoreiaTai Aeressl, IHff Tart of Wklrk Will He la etran Half. OMAHA, Deo. 10, 1P14. The natural trend of prices was down ward and there were losaes of He fo' December and lc. for May. There was little renctlon and advance from the low. est levels reached. The larger speculators In wheat In many rases nave refused to be dislodged from their holding, pre ferlng to take a chance on the bull side. Sentiment on wheat was decidedly bear ish yesterday. In all positions, the ex port business yesterdav amounted to pos. slbly 2,000.00s bushels. Of this n.oft bush els will be shipped out via the gulf. To ledo shipped 1:16.000 bushels for direct ex port and Chicago sold 6c0.O0n bushels for shipment abroad, and tlw business at the seaboard was fairly active. The steadying of the wheat yesterday was the advice from the southern hemi sphere, where It was ald light frosts had visited central and western Argentina and It was generally feared In that coun try some damage would be seen. Corn continued to come Into the pit In the way of hedging transactions yester day, and, In addition, there were cars inspected at Chit-ago. Outs were lower with the other grains, but the scsah.n was one of Irregularity. Cash demand was poor, with sales of 160, 0W bushels. The run of hogs nt the stock yards was 10.000 less than looked for, and this helped the provision market somewhat early In the day". The advance In prices brought out Increased offerings. I Durham wheat waa lie to lo higher. I Hard winter wheat waa We to ltO lower. Corn was unchanged to V- higher. Oats were unchanged to Va higher. Clearances were: Wheat end flour euual to Wm.fliirt bushels: corn, 10?.ii00 bush els: oata, 20,'JOO bushels. Liverpool closed nominal. Wheat and corn not quoted. Primary wheat receipts were t.BoT.fOO bushels and shipments l.OW.flnO bushels, against receipts of l.oofi.OnO bushels and shipments of 4tt,000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts; were 1.7.r.6.Oil0 husnels and shipments Tflu.om) biiHhela, avnlnst receipts of KI6.000 bushels and shipments of 423,000 bushels Isst vear. Primary oats receipts were XiAOOO bushels and shipments of R10.ot bushels against receipts of M2.000 bushels und shipments of 70,000 bushels lat year. CAR1OT RECEIPTS. w heat.Corn.Outs.Rye.Ilarley mark. - Included. fusts, jv.i :ic: firsts. :l."n:i4c Porl.THY -Alive. hUlier, springs foals. l.V; lurkrs. l".c. ordinary -AM I til IIIP CTV MARKET i v.'o'TT tnT nJ .... vwiuiii uiiu wivvii a - . ..,.ii,..li .11 l Mnfrlava $450 8-R00M MODERN BRICK ' ' FOR ONLY $2,750.00 v Hardwood fogrs, nicoly docorated, In good order, corner lot, paved streets, great bargain for someone, W..H. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 134. Bargain We have a practically new houne, with reception hall, living .room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and entry on first floor; two nice, large bedrooms and bath on second floor; large closets; good furnace; full basement) shades, water meter, etc; paved street: one block from school. Only $2,850. Terms, $2.'0 cash, balance very low monthly payments. 3331 Ames Ave. Norris & Norris 400 Kee Bldg. Phone Doug. 4270. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE $450 Zahlungen J 10 baar, $10 monat lich. Wuudervoller Eckplatz; C5 Fuss Front mit Kanal, Waseer und Buer gerstelg, zwel Blocks von Straesen bahn, nahe Scbule, gute Nachbar echaft; huebscher Plats, ein Helm iu bauen. Mebrere andere Plaetze r.ur Aus wabl. Telcphon Douglas 2596 H. II. HARPER, 1013-14 City National Bank Bldg. I'hlcsKO .... Minneapolis Duluth Omaha Kansas City Mt. IxHJts ... Winnipeg .. .ar.fi ...4H7 ...ir.i ... 2 ...ioi ...140 W7 170 M SI 32 :r, it si REAL ESTATE MISCEIiLANEOCS Aekralluu TIIK FARMER MUST FEED THE WORLD Have you a good house and lot in Omaha that you would like to exchange for a minhty nice 80 acres in the best Irrigated section of Nebraska? It's all cultivated and a money-maker. The owner Is in business in Omaha and wants a home. You have a house and It's an expense you have a Job It Is get ting no better and you may lose It. Why not turn the house, which costs money to keep up, Into a farm that will make money? Why not exchange art uncertain Job for an independent money making business of your own? Come In and talk ft over, then let us sl:ow you the farm. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Nebraska. FINE NEBRASKA FARM Party here owns a splendid 160-ecrs farm In one of the best Irrigated sections f Nebraska. Pric e. (110 an acre, or 17, U); encumbrance $J,50o, would carry much more. Owner can t work It and wants income piece of property. Thousands of men In Omaha and other cities who own good properties are working for very small wages and are no further ahead today than they were ten years ago, and will be no further ahead ten years hence. W hy not exchange your unproductive city home for a productive country home. where you and your family of boys can be independent? PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Nebraska. Great Big Snap 304 B. 37T1I ST. Don't Fail to See It 9 rooms, close to Farnam car. $i,S00 for quick deal. Act Quick 4ftl2 Capitol Ave., new, 6 rooms, extra built, a dandy good place; beautlrui in terior; reasonable terms; get into a nice, Dundee new house and enjoy It thla winter. Va cant. Ask to aee It. D. V. Sholes Co. 913 City Nat. Wank BldgJ Douglas 49. I Am Forcedto Sell a new five-room, all modern house - recently purchased by me. This bouse Is located In the West Farnam district, one block from Leavenworth car and four block from Farnam. Oak " finish downstairs, while enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy tills bouse at a big sacrifice. Address, M ?1", Bee, or after p. m. phone Webster M0. A SUGGESTION Don't let pride or false notions stand in your way to securing a home. It Is more dignified and profitable to be paying for a home than it is to be paying rent. It's the difference between loss and gain. The price of any home which Baunders Co. sells on the Installment plan la within 6 per cunt of the all-cash price. Many times it is the same as cash price. For Instance, we have an even dnsen new (never occupied) thoroughly modern, splendidly constructed of the best grade of material, well and conveniently located, very attractive e, 8 and 7-room bungalows and cottage homes which we will price to you at less than t per cent of an all-cash figure, and sell them on the following exceedingly low terms: $25 TO $37 MONTHLY. Includfs Principal and Interest No "Cash Down" Payment The locations are north, west and south. We want to show these homes to careful buyers, any time between 6 a, m. and 10 p. m., including next Sunday. As In all other lines of good business, we find quick sales and small profits pay best. These prices and these terms, slid, above all, these homes, enables us to sell several of them each week to dis criminating buyers. Phone us. Saunders Co. Douglas 3A22. 1216 W. O. W. Building. After : Webster 4771. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE ElkCity.Douglas Co. SO ACRES Almost new Improvements: 6 r. house; bsrn for 10 head cows, t heaJ horses; small haymow, tons; new gran ary: new chicken house; good well. This Is fine laying land, A-l soil: 8 or 4 acres alfalfa; not a foot of waste land on it; within three miles of three towns, south east of Klk City, near Military road. The luy of the land and Crops will show for themselves. Let me show It. To see It Is to believe It is an ideal "neck of the woods" to be In, and you cannot beat It in that neok ACT AT ONCE. This means you, who la a little hit, or decidedly choice. Bring wife with you. PRICE KEDUCKD TO $1S per acre for Imme diate sale; $720 cash, $6,400 more Mann 1, balance h years at per cent. OR1N H. MERHILL, CO., N. E. Cor. lOd anl M, South Omaha o A BIG FARM FOR OMAHA INCOME One of our clients has two fine, well Improved farms In Northeastern Ne , braska. equity $110,u0o, to exchange for good Income property In Omaha. One farm adjolua a good railroad town, the other la about 4 tulles out; both rent readily. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha. Nebraska. 5-ROOM Itfr-STOKY HOUSE. GOOD DOCATfON. $32 CASH and W PKK MONTH, or WIU Pay Moving Expenses for Party Who Will Pav Ki0 Cash. . This house Is brand new, all modern, and It will stand the mosl critical Inspec tion as to quality of material used and methods of const ruction. This house has a full cement basement and is heated by furnace The living room and dining room are beautifully finished in oak. The living room la large and has an open stairway, t.niii.iit seat and coat closet- Balance of house finished in pine. Wall decorations and electric fixtures can be chosen by purchaser. .... House races east in oeaumui locsiwn and Is about a block from car line. . we have several enciuwta cars ana cib take you to see thla house In perfect com- ,0rt . P. WRIGHT. Telephone office. Douglas 292A In day time. Residence phone. Walnut ti, after ;30 p. in. Dundee. Dundee Lot At the northwest corner of (th and Capitol Ave. we offer a lot, 60 feet, south front on Capitol Ave. by 136 feet on EiOth. Both streets paved and the paving all paid. Nothing In Dundee like it for the money. The owner of thla lot bought it with the view of building a home, but on account of business waa compelled to leave Omaha, hence Is anxious to sell. A. P. Tukey & Son 441-$-$ Bd. of Trade Bldg. Phono D. Uii. REAL EMT.iTK WANTED Theae sales were reported todav: Wheut o. nam winter: 1 car, 1.0H. No. a hard winter: 2 cars. $1.08. No. 4 hsrd winter: 1 car, $1.07; S-6 car, $1.(W: i-C, car. $1.0f.Vt. No. $ durum: 1 car, $1.2. No. mixed: 3 cars. $1.07. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.(3. No, $ spring: 1 oar, $1.08: l car, $1,084. No. 4 spring: 1 car, $1,044: 1 car, $1.04; 1 car. $1,024. No grade: 2-S car, $1.01. Rye-No. 2: t cars. $1,044: $-8 car, $1.04. No. $: 2 cars, $l.nn. No. 4: 1-6 car, $1.02. Barley Rejected: 1 car. Mc. 4'orn No, J white: 1 car, 6i4c No. 3 white: 1 fare, 6c. No. white: 1 car, WNc. No. t yellow: 7 cars, 6!H- No. $ yellow: 6 cars, l.xVc; 2 cars. 584c. No. S yellow: 1 car, oH4c No. 6 yellow: 1 car, SSVic. Hweet: 1 car, 644i'. No. 1 mixed. 1 car. M4c. No. i mixed: 7 cars, fiN4c. No. $ mixed: 1 car, near white. Mi 4c; 1 car, near white, r(i4o; 7 cars, file; 2 cars, 6714c. No. 5 mixed: I ears, C7c. No. 8 mixed: 3 ears. 67c. Hani pie: 1 car, 674c. Data Standard: S cars, 464a. No. S white: 4 cars. 44c: 9 cars, 444e. No. 4 white: 2 cars, 444c; $ cars, 44c. No grade: 1 cor, 434c; 1 ear, 4c; 1 car. 42e. Oman a fash prices v neat: rso. hard. $1.W43110; No. 8 hard, $1.074fl.09; No. 4 hard, tl.oofel.OTtti No. 2 soring. $1.07ifil.ffl4; No. 3 spring, $l.lW1.0S4i No 4 spring, n.nwi vr, no. z durum, si.uw 1.20: No. 3 durum, $1.241.25. Corn: No. 1 white. 6!i4l&69,4c: No. 2 white. Hiy694c: No. 3 white. CKVaWV: No. 4 white. MUM ftWc-r No. 6 white, Wrtc: No. B while. WWi-u4c; No. l yellow, iffs4e; No. t yellow, 5Siifi9c; No. 8 yellow, 684tfi68c: ino. 4 yellow, womwiaO wo. p yenow. 8W!iVi84o; No. yellow, 6TiM4c; No. 1 mixed, rKliiW4c; No. 2 mixed, 6W&f84c; No. 3 mixed. 67YMc; No. 4 mixed, 674 (7o; No. 6 mixed, E74tr67ic; No. 6 mixed, S7'iii7c. Osts: No. 2 white, 414 H64o; standard, 4fAi464o: No. $ white, 44 W'i 4414c: No. 4 white. 44ff444n, Barley: Malting, 6Vfite; No. 1 feed, 50ftiy)o. Rye; No. 2, $1.04q 1.044; No. 3, $1.034fl.08V CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the TradlnsT and Cloalac Prices on Hoard of Trad. CHICAGO, Deo. 10. Fear of grave damage having been done by frost In Argentina acted as more than an offset today for tho bearish influence of the German naval defeat and of the Illness of the kaiser. The market, although much unsettled, closed 4Gp4o to o above last night. Corn scored a net gain of iio to 4c; oats finished 4c down tn 4o up, and provisions at a decline of aViQRo lo 20f '224 cents. Notwithstanding that the British vie. tory near the Falkland Islands did away with most, if not all, the danger of Oar man Interference with shipments to IMver pool. the effect on the wheat market here seemed to be more decided than In Eng land, where prices were reorted a comparatively firm owing to Argentine advices of serious frost damage. Bearish feeling In Chicago early was Increased by rumors of the death of the kaiser, but when denials were promptly forthcoming, the market made a audden rebound, and there waa closer attention to estimates that 2.UO0.O0O acres In the province of Buenos Ayrss bad possibly suffered ir reparable harm. Later assertions that the Argentine damage reports had been greatly exagnr iai lad ta a series of nervoua price changes In wheat, but in tne end tne nuns Held the advantage. Assertion or large export sale of flour at Minneapolis and of additional sales at Kansas City and St. Louis counted aralnst the bears. Decreasing receipts put strength into corn from tne start. Tnere was aiso evidenoe of a good call from aeaboard exporters. Tee oats market nad lime ct on despite talk or i.uiu.ouu busneis nav. Ing been taken for Kurope. According to some observers, the buying waa to cover ahortaaea on contracts rather than to antilv on new export business. Provisions ruiea lower owing to a orea in ho values. There was rather free selling br houses with stockyard con nections and by miscellaneous holders. drain prices rurnisneq by ixgan Brvan, office 315 South Sixteenth street ea ra lii-srral Market. NEW YORK. Dec 1'fru.lt Its stcsily; molasses, 3 2c; centrifugal, J1.' Hafltitd. steady: tut losr. ; cuiMieu, 0c; m ii Id A. s.'w, cubes, i-ll!; WW I powdered. $ 2"-c; powdered, i final franiilnted, ,10c: Diamond A. &.10c, con j rctionrrs' A, eo: No. 1. 4 8fc. BITTTKR Stead-; reeclpts. 6.2M tubs, creamery extras ( score), $J-i;ic; j creamery (hlslier scoring , ,14c; firsts,, HltV; seconds, ii'2c; process extras. ?.4ii2iV-: Indies, current make, firsts, a:" ti-c; seconds. Kc; packing stock, current ' make. No. 2, 21 21 4c 1 CM KES10 -tealv; rentlpts. 4'1 boxes: state lrlc milk held eclalt. lSo; state whole milk, held, colored. We; State wnole milk, held, nversge fancy, 1&4j16c; stats whole milk, fresh spe cials, white, l.'4ftl6V: state whole milk, belli, colored. 164c; slate whole milk, fresh, average fancy, DSflir-c; skims, 34 tiiVtc tX(k-l'lrni. rei-eplis. 7,101 esses: fresh gathered, extra fine, 43w44c; extra firsts, 4141421'; firsts, S.Vtro; seconds, X2rn' 37c; state, Pennsylvania and nearby hen ery whites, mmiiUc; state. Pennsylvania and nearby gathered whites. 4i4ikV; slate, ivtiprylvanm and nearly hennery browns, 44iii4ta-; stste. Pennsylvania, and nearby Knincred browns and mixed col ors. ;u41c POl'l.TKY IJve. firm: western chick ens. 124AU4C; fowls. rrl44o: turkeys. 124ftl6r; dressed, firm; western roasting chickens, l.vtrlwv; fresh fowls. 124 y 174c; turkeys. IJIiClc. Kaasas (Mr rata and ProTlslans. KANSAS CITY, Dec 10-WHKAT-N.v 3 hard. $I.WMil.it4: No. 2 red, $1 04lfl.l; December. $1 """-V Mmv, $1 i:'itrl H4 CORN No. 2 mixed. tni4f'lc; No. 2 white. 14o; December. HOV: May, HTc OA TP No. 2 white, 4c; No. 2 mixed, 424 44c BI TTKU-Crraniery. 31c; firsts. 29c; ecomla, 2c: packing slock. 20 KUUH- e irsts ; seeonos, sic. lWl.THY liens, He; roosters, Vc; tur keys, l.'x-. Minneapolis .rath Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec 10 WH EAT De cember, $1,124; May, $1,104: No. 1 hard, ti in- No. 1 northern. $1 144,I17; No. i northern. $1 . 1 1 4b'l r, Kl. l U I'nchniiite!. HARLKY-iVWiiiOc. 11YK 1 .OMtl.tsj. . HllAN-$.'2."o. i'IIIIN-No. 3 yellow, W'Vuo-'-V'. , OATS No while. 4."4c KI.AA-41.4701.6U. Liverpool Oral MaVkrt. LIVERPOOL. Dec' 10.--WHKAT-Kw.t. steadv; No. 1 Manitoba. 10s W; No. i Hs 1l'.l: No. 2. ! 4d; No. 3 hard, winter, lis h4d. Futures nominal. CORN Snot, quiet; American new. os lid. Futures steady us U4l; January, 6a livd. KLOI'R Winter patents, 38s M. at. Iianla Grala Market. ST I.OIMS, Dec, W.-WIIRAT-SO. 2 red. $1.134411.14; No. I hard, $1 14411 16. De cember, $1,124: May. $1.1. . CORN-No. J. 3c; No. 2 white, fi4c; De cember. 624c: May. 4V OATH-No. i, 441c; No. 2 while. 4S4c t offer Market. NKW YORK. Dec 10.-tX)lTKro-After somo earlf Irregularity the ".r ket doveloped renewed stienBth. owing to the firmness of the cost and, freight situ ation and reports of a mora "-ctlve busi ness both In spot coffees and to arrt. Tho optnlng was 6 points higher to 4 points lower, and active months sold about 4 to points net lower during the early afternoon, but the market rsllled shitrrly in the later trading and Hosed at a net advance of fi to 17 points. Sal, 20.(KX bugs. Decm1r, 0.fcc; JnuSr' 8.Mc; February, .TIc; March, 871k-; April. $8sc- May .lWf; June, 8.81c; July, 7.I.U;. August. fVe; September. T.NBc; October, IMc; Novemler, 8k- Ppot firm: Rio No 7. 74fi'74e: Santos No. 4, WW. Santos 4s were quoted at (MWfB.ftk: In the cost and freight market. oas has Iwen rTovcrd snd Iruuca an ,iow srllln lllrfoit in the anmc nolihcs l at ls-t week's close. Aged sheep sre i'lnc lilgher. tuotstlons on sheep snd liimha: l.-unhs, good to choice. $v2Vn..iO; lamb,i. finr to . - -,,Trn i good. $X.0itiX.26: feeders, good lo i lu lce, HOGS ARE FIVE TO TEN LOWER ; JVl.r7'70; feeders, common t ' 10. vear nss. snod to cnoice. 11.11-1.0; ear- Cattle Show Vfry Little Chanje as Compared with Wednesday. Fat ".keep and l.aanlia Very ellve tellers at Prices Tea in Fifteen tents Itlaker Tkan " Wedaeads . I'ma. fulr to rood. $.nV(r7.W: yesrlltigs. feeders, $f.6i.lo; wethers, good to choice. J.'. 7imi a): wethers, fair to good. .i.4ofi i 70, wethers, feeders, $4.4(i "'.00; ewes. nod to ehnlco. 8ft Mvt " .3',: ewes, fslr to snod. $4. 5oi5.ii0; ewes, feeders, $.1.v.(4.s. Stll'TK OMAHA, Dec 11, li14. white. I Official Monday .4l 4.1H7 orroclal Tuesday I. VI, .:n ll tidal Wednesday.... S.'.'HW 3;ti' Kstlmate Thursday 3,3o0 4,700 No. HM native sewes no culls 171 native lambs N culls ,V.2! 130 fed ewes 10,600, 11" fed ewes 21 etuis ewes . . . . 3.713 44. 342 42.327 44 310 62.420 3... 119 Four days this week.V7.tf1 17,7.10 Same dHya last week . ,1!. 476 4.2:r7 Same davs I tvka ago. .13.014 24. 4:i Same iIms 3 w ks ago. .12.ill! 3R.2HI Same days 4 wks ago. .IS. 422 2,Ui Same days lust year. . .1H.261 i.l7 The following table vhnwi the receipt . cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year; 114. 113. Dec Cattle sxo S62 t20,74 34.21 II lis 2.U7.277 2 ;w.H47 J7.6,'0 Sheep 8.021.104 3,110.97' W.St The following table shows th eaverage price for hogs at tho South Omaha live stock market for the last few 1 s. with compsrlaons: 1S1 fed ewes N2 cull Inmbs . . 144 fed ewes .... 1X3 fed ewes .... Av. ..1"4 .. ! .. 71 .. 6! ..U2 , , 7: .. K! ..l'si .. 4 . . ! ..101 Pr. 6 " 3 7;. X in l 6 ,i 4-t s 8 .Vl 6 4o 0 ikl Date, j 1814. l13.l12.ll:U.lt)10.iltK.lim. mixed. 1 (ereiuber, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov. Nov. Nov. Deo. Deo. Dec. Dec. 1 ec. Dec-. Dec. I ce, Deo. Doc i2i 23: 7 oo I 7 67 7 V, 1H Ki 7 M 7 4HV ! 61 7 W.V 7 414 21 36 2h: 2? 2.1 m 1 1641 7 fi7l $ Ml 83 7 W 7 611 8 241 I 7.7 7 60 1 7 6W 1U 8 771 T 441 7 47 7 4S 7 47 7 61 8 MS 8 81 4 8 744 $ 76 734 m 8 !4 M4I 91 8 K34 7 8S 7 40 7 421 7 34 I 831 8 04 8 121 I 8 04 8 00 w 01 04 8 01 a 8 021 0; 8 Wi 7 00 $ U 7 87, 7 ix 7 U 8 01; 7 1S 8 (Wi 1 8 03 7 24l 8 4!, 7 7 86 7 70 7 74 7 6 7 64 7 U 7 411 7 641 6 M 8 an 8 32 7 W 8 711 $ 431 8 47 7 64 7 87 . t ft 971 7 12 22 7 441 7 W 0l! 7 46 1 8 30 7 41 7 Ml 17 6 8 S:l! S 87 t 76 8 t.l t Gil 6 61 I $ a & 7S 6 tk $ 6.1 6 6N 8 31 8 I 5 43 5 48 8 63 NEW YORK jTOCX MARKET Continued Broadening of Demand for High-Grade Securities. MANY OVER COUNTER SALES eope cf TradlasTt " Well Fxteat. U Below that of rent Active Days. MB l(S llr- Kaasaa Cltr H "to Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Dec IJ-rCATT?. -Uecelpts, S,f00 head: market trnnu. prime fed steers. $9.fii'll.ae: dressed tieef steers. $7.60a26: .: stockers and foders, $.O0ie.ltV, bulls, i lira. BAO1WI00II. ilOUft-Hecelpt'a. ,oW head: market lower: hulk of sales, r.00W7.1&: havy 17 (WVii-T wi- nackers and butchers, sJ.ooif 11.1,1. tit 2U,t. dIhs. 81.2I.H ,. 'ui!'inirr AM) I-AMHS Ilecelpts 8.000 head; market steady; lamba, -B.r?: yearllnp", $it.?5ti7.60; wethers, $5.2tttnl.2o, we, $4.Mmt.Mi. gt. l.ol Lire Stock Market. 8T. L017I8. Dec. 10.-CATTL13-R4- Celpts, 0U0 head; market nigner; ni kf .iiu.m t7.VKM1.00: cows and heifers, a.-, km "r, unuthern ateera 86.76iij7.76: cow s an'l hellers, H-WW-w; nauvo caiyra, s. 9.60. . HOOS-Receipts. 10,700 head; market lower: plifs and llgits. SCOutiT; mixed and butchers, fi.lirtj'i.&ri; good heavy, hend: market higher: native muttons, $4.76tii.BO; licnbs, $8.004i.W); yearlings, $6.50'i47.26. Xlonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. T.-.. 10 OATTLF.- Reoelnts. 81O hoad: market strong; native steers $8.00fux4.4t; butchers, $6.264'7.40; cows and heifers, $4.76'h6..'ior cantiers, $4.&Vi 6.00; stockers and feeders, &.Wi.:i; calveg. $3.Wff.60; buns, stss, etc., iwf 7.00. HOuB Receipt 8.""0 neaa; morse dull; heavy. l8.9mMBj mixed, $6.lf7HiT 8.W; light, i.hU.8i Vx; duik 01 sales, sv.bs ftti.90. head. Sundsy. Holiday. , , CATTL1& The receipts of cattle this morning numbered 132 cars, a very liberal run for a Thursday, but still the total for the week Is smaller than for tho cor responding four days last week by almost 2.000 head. At the same time the run Is larger than a year ago by over l,iHv head. As advices from other selling points were not particularly encouraging, buy ers were somewhat Inclined tn take their time, giving the trade the appearance of being slow, htlll there was a fair move ment and the big bulk of the receipts chanaod hands In reasonable season. The 1 prics-s psid on the desirable Kimie were (about ateadv with yesterdsy. This means 1 that the market Is now around uoo neigner than the extreme low point of last week. Cows and heifers were a little slow, but there was not much change In the mar- ket as compared with yesterday, taking the trade as a whole. Buyers taking were not quite so anxious for them as they were earlier tn tne wees, ana in the rase of undesirable stuff they may not have been bid Quite so strong ss yes terday. Still the market Is around 4'Wo higher on killing grades than it was at the low time Isst week. The feeling this late In the week Is never as strong on feeders as It Is ear lier. Htlll there was a reasonably good demand and the desirable kinds changed hands In fair season. Quotations on cattle: Prime yearlings, in Sixii'10.60; good to choice cornfed beeves, $8.6titi.ii.6tt: fair to good oornfed beeves $7.60414.60; common to fslr cornfed beeves 80 6iiu7.bo: good to choice ranee steers. $7.7i H 2f: fair to rood ranae beeves. I7.2M f.76; common to fair range beeves, $6.00ii 7.24; good to choice heifers. $8.ona7.0O; good to choice cows. $6.VU.26; fair to good cows. $5-Otfi5.0O; common to fair cows, $1.60 l&fi.OO: good to choice stockers and feed ers, $T4Wr7.8T: fair to givod stockers and feeders. $tV76'ci7.35; common to fair stock ers and feedera, $6.76ft4.60; stock heifers, $4.Tfy.2n; stock cows, M.5ts8.O0: stock calves, $ft.6o4r7.60; veal calves, $7.0CKil'8.60; bulla, stags, etc., $5.267.10. Kepresentatlve sales: li IS 15 IT STEERS. GENERAL housework, c2ty. country, Male wages, small family. Address C fT7. Hoe. LKUAL XOTICKK SI-VTIoN Kimball Co. Gross, 21ul Paul. 2'0I Paul. Tesas. FOR S-tLE To close an estate; 100 acres In Hlo Grande valley, 4 miles frcm Mercedes, Texas. All under culti vation. For price and terms write The Iriinneaota Land A Trust Co.. 4ue Mars jaucue Art., Minnow polla, Mloa FIVE-BOOM BUNGALOW NEW. ALL MODERN ONE BLOCK FROM CARXJNE SOUTHWEST PART OF CITY Can be bought on the following- terms: $30 cash and $30 per month. This house has five nice, large room, all finished in hard pine, with edge sawed pine floors. The price Is so rea sonable and the terms so easy that you'll decide it foolish to gi on paying rent aff-r you have seen It. We have several cars and ran take you to s e houses cuickly and with no Incon venience to you. E. P. WRIGHT, Telephone, office, Ioug. 228, daytime. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION. Notice to iliddere, Kxtniiaion Water -Works Byatem, Elliott. Iowa: healed proposals will bu received at the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Elliott, Iowa, until 7:30 p. m. on Mon day, Dec. zjst, 1 hi 4. ror tne rurnlahlng or all material und the construction of an extension of the Municipal Water Works system aa authorised by special election of Nov. . mi. Engineer's estimate shows the following 11MS of Quantities: Water mains. 2.400 ft of 8-1 n class B Pipe, 8.000 ft. of 4-1 n. class B. S.OuO Pounds special castings. 8-4 In. and 17-4-ln. fire hydrants, 3-ti-ln. and 10-4-ln. valvea. Bid to cover all labor and material necessary to Uie furnishing and Installing of the system complete. Each bid must ba accompanied by a certified check. In a separate envelope; said checks shall be drawn on some known responsible bank and made pay able to the Town Treasurer of the Town of Elliott. Iowa, in the sum of $600.00; esch envelope must be addressed to the Town of Elliott, Iowa, and endorsed with the name of the bidder and tne improve ment said check and bid Is for. Certified checks will be returned to un successful bidders and also to successful bidder when he shall have entered Into contract for the construction of the Im provement and give bond In the sum of 60 per cent of the contract price. The contract will contain a provision that the Contractor shall guarantee the Improve ment to remain In good repair tor on year from and after lis optanee, and Artlclel Open. I High. I T-ow. I Clone. I Yes'y. No. 84..,. 4 in..,, it.... .... 8.... It..... I 14 I 8 I 14 18...., 17...., 7 I A. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ITt 8 80 1114 I U 10711 7 00 14 Ilt 8 U 11 7 In 30 lion I 40 MVM 7 St Xt 1170 40 XI t 86 SO Ill 46 HI IM 40 IM8 I 10 una t to 40 im 1 u Kl IH ay Ht.7 i W IU li ...1!M 8 6 Him 1 so M 1st ta 1044 T to 25 1U I 70 MS T SO SO IH'H 8 74 I4MS 8 01) IS 14W 8 15 1141) 8 IS 84 160 8 80 1044 8 10 17 tlCitt M 1161 8 40 II IMS no 1101 I t 19.... A 810 9 71 8 15 HTEEHH AND HEIFERS, NKW YORK. Dec. 10. Continued broad ening of th demand for mun grane securities was the conspicuous feature of the general financial situation today, both on the stock exchange anl among bank ers, who reported a large iiumurr m over counter" ssies. infra were ''"- of foreign liquidation, prestimamy ior Oermany, hut this waa taken without train. . . . Hoth bonds and Block or speculative quality moved Irregularly, but the scope of the trading, as well as Its extent, was below that of recent, active days. In the stock list submitted by the exchange the weakest feature was New York tntrai, which reflected yeaterday'8 dividend an nouncement. Routine news Included the NoTernner tonnage statement of the United- Plate Steel corporation which waa more favor able than most forecasts, and the rovern mentcotton report, which estimated the 1l'I4-i; yield at almost lfi.00O.Oii0 wlthot llnters. Phould this promise be fulfilled, the crop will he the lorgest In the history of tho country, exceeding the last five year average bv almost 4.000 balna. Cotton options brose precipitately op publication of the report. ' Leading steel mills, af-cordlnir to report, have Increased their production thus afar this month and indications of genuine betterment were offered by advances In some specie! products. Negotiations for tho exportation of large quantities of rails and ties were still pending, likewise the filling of some substantial domestic orders. Hankers were again In conference with representatives of European B-overnmenU planning the placing of additional credits In this market, but no details concerning these protects were obtainable. Some of the prominent railway and Industrial corporations also were said to bavo new financing In contemplation. For the first time. several days, retch -marks failed lo show Increasing atrengtli. a fact which was associated with the recent defeat of the German fleet in the South Atlantic. More likely, however. It was due to a temporary cessation of demaivl for these remittances. l-ondnn'e markets were t-herfui and the Rank of England statement, showed Im provement over recent weeks. Closing ouotatlotis on bonds today were ss follows: 1 94 Mo. Pae. rr. 8s ... 41 N.T. ftty 4VtS ISM.HWH KUNo. Panttlo 4s 10 da 3a H l'rae. T. at T. 8a.... 84 , lOtHHraHIng gen. 4a.... 4iV W Ho. Par. ct. 4a intUj do rf.'4a A. T. T. cv. 4WS. S do ct. 6a Armour r. 4 4. S"4j8o. Hallway Ss.... Atrhlaua itan. 4a..,. II Inloq I acltlo 4a... Chea. Otllo 4a.. MU4, 80 SV. 4s '. H. q. . 4a.... VitT. H. Ruhtwr la... I M a S ! i 44,a. WV. 8. giaei la r. It. I. A P. r. 4a. IXWalah lu ts 1). aV R. O. rat. 8a. 414 art. fnloo 44aa.. K. C, Ho. f. Is... la Waal. Klas. ay, a. L. N. upl. 4... IliK , lll(f. VJ. H. eaf. to. rag... do eoupon V. 8. la. rag 80 coupon V. 8. 4a. rag do coupon Panama Da coupon. Am. Smaltora 7tA 7 4fl W t 40 907 7 M 18.. 110 104 7 88 8 0 84 Wi twHa 9-1 8H'i 1111 ' 100 r 7'a w-ia Wheat Dec.. 1 15H1 May.ll aK4Va ;orn I Deo. KPi 11$ I 1 I- 63i 6M. Oats I ec May Pork Jan. Muy. Lard Jan.. May. Ribs Jan. May ! 47 47047HI 48S 61WWi W 18 06 18 OS 17 87V, 18 60 18 60 18 32V& 70 70 fa-TV, 96 W 90-2',; Tt 77 72Hj K)0S 10 07 10 fti4l 1 14 1 18 1 16 1 L.l 1 20S!1 'iOH'i I I K.'t 62 l7S(6 4 t1,!8V!,i'W4 B8il 47 1790-2V1 18 37 t 87 W- TSU-7 10 02-08 Heaidonce,' Walnut 882, after (:3u p. to. Uvs bond shall oonlaia a Ilka provision. 18 1J 18 U 77 r 77 10 07 Chicago Caen Prices Wheat: No. $ red, fl.lJWi 1.1641 No. 2 herd, $l.luML18. Corn: No. i yellow, old. 4tiMo: new. 633c; No. $ yellow, old, .K(i3r: new, lit 62c. Osts: No. $ whits. 47ff474o; stan dard. 47Z8-W "ao. Rye: No. 2. IIJ'S'I-IOHi-Barley: iwtrioe. Timothy: $37Vij6.60. Clover: $1.0"14 W). Pork: $11(0. Lard: pi if,. Ribs: $8.12r39.7. PUTTEK Hteady ; creamery, $4tT32o. POTATOE-Steady: receipts, $7 cars; Michigan and Wisconsin red, Sf.'WOc, Michlsan and Wisconsin white, S&ft43c. ' EGGS Higher; receipts. 2,865 cases; at I.F.UAL NOTIOKH Plans and specifications are on file at tK or flea of the Town Clerk of KUIotL la. The Town Council reserves the right to accept or reject any bid without ex planation or recourse. J. F. ME KERB. Mayor. Published by authority of tne Town Council of the Town of Elliott. Iowa. JX D. UULL.Y, Town Clerk. 1 rttoa Market. KM YORK. Dec. 10. COTTON SDOt. nnii- mlrlilMnir uplands. 7.40c. Closing prices on the cotton market were tho lowest of the day. Cotton futures closed bareiy steady; December. 8.880; January, 7.02c: March, 7.17c: May, 7.86o; July, 7.60c; October, 7.70c. i.ivkhpuuu oeo. iu uriuii nooi. quiet; prices easier; American miauling fiflr. B.24d; good middling, 4.00d; mid dling, 4 B4d: low middling, s.sim; gooa or dinary, 8.Z9a; orainary, s.m; saies, awj bales. Metal MarUet. wrn' YORK. DM 10. METAI-Iead. steady; $3 76i3 W; London. Clt 6a. HpclUr, Tin eteaoy at im-wwao-w. 1. i,i-r inm, .limivtlo. 813.00: casting. $11.7TitI'12.87. Iron quiet and unchanged. At Iondon Kpot. copper, 66. 12s 8d: futures, 60 17a 81. Hpot tin. 8:i4ti; futures, i4u. epcuer, 4-rt Ka BT. LOUIS. Dec. 10-'MI0TAIA--Tait dull at $3.$7. Hplter firm at $u.uKi6.i. It. Joseph Lis Btiaek Markeit. BT. JOHEP1I. Dec, 10. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,700 head; marsei ateaov; steers, $7.00010.00; cows and belters, $4.75(3. 00; t oofia.60. HOGS Receipts, 10,000 head; market $9 10c lower; top, $7.X; bulk of sales, $8-1(60 1 IX BHEKP AMI UAauu-nrrriim, n bead; market steady 1 lambs, $7. 6038.40, BmIw Tradlac Hesauied. HOUTViN. Iiec. 10. Trading on tho stuck exchange here was resumed today after a suspension of loy days, ana accoraing to President Walter JacKSim vusioesa wi conducted In a satisfactory manner. 1 h volume of trading was about the same as on an average day last spring, lfi.581 shan-s uf sloe anu v' 10 ovinia changing hands. Waal Market. IiONDON. Dec. 10 WOOI The wool a. 1.. ahowed little change today. Cross breds were largely bought by the home trade. Fine merlnoe were steadier and were less frequently withdrawn, but tho lower aorta were slow. There was no American buying. Tha offerings amounted to ,W0 bales. Dry Uoodi Market . NEW YORK, Dec. 10 DRV GOODI Buying of branded domestlo cottons waa stimulated oy wie pnia nuuouuiu a-n nounred today. Raw s'ik. firmer. Over coatings for fall were offered at an ad v auce or 10c a yeru. Baals C larlas. OMAHA. Ixtc 10. Bank clearings for Omalia today were $J.032.lt.76 and for the corresponding day last year 8:1,042. M.40. O'llsy (.els Offers. F.x-Maiiager Hunrv O'Dav of the Cults aid last week that he has three offers of noslt'ons for next year, but woiil make no decision until the first of the year. He declined to divulge tha nature of tha offara. I'issi 1 sxaei 4 8 1 2 ....... 1W0 I 00 1140 I 10 1017 9 16 lOil 8 26 1146 115 ..A.l'JM 8 40 1118 8 60 110 I 60 10IS tti 1X10 178 itnt 8 90 900 7 90 VMS 7 6s ,.. U T M 141 9 10 ..1408 8 89 ..14.W 8 84 ..ItiM 8 Kl ..U.lfl I 74 ..1U8 7 09 ... 9T0 4 17 1W 6 6 ... 4 76 8 ....1016 I 44 ... Ill I K 17 KM I 71 ... MO 4 75 14 104 I M ...all 4 m 80....U 7 6 94 ... M 18 1 ...1011 4 90 I. ... 149 I 00 4 ...)0H i It I ... 7Ut I 16 4 ... 9U0 I 10 I...... ... IKO I II 80 ... IN Hi 1 ...1011 6 40 24 13..- 144 8 60 I IA4I H II ,844 8 0 9 4"T 4 1 I , in 8 m ....- lat 9 38 88 11 1009 8 78 BULLS. 6 II 1.... . 91 8 69 l..M... 710 I M 1 ...lew) I 85 1. ...1170 I TI 4.- .1410 S So CALVES. . . . 198 4 80 4 - - , , , 248 T 90 871 6 TS 1 IM 7 90 I....- Ill I 16 1 M IN 8 441 7 90 1 140 9 00 BTIX KKK8 AND FBEDKK9. T..... 547 4 t 9, m 7 0S l....M M 8 18 3.... 1M 7 10 . Ill 9 71 I -.JOr.l T 91 .1000 71 11 Sal T 86 17 471 8 76 HOOK Wlitle local auimllea remained very light. Chicago reported a Una run aim wiin lower pnoaa at mat point me local trade opened out very dull, and somewhat lower. Hlilppera aud peculators were uuyiiur on ine early roum.a in rather limited way at price that were; rom a nioaei to as mucn as iuo lower. Packers' early bids were even worsa than that, belna: loiiluc off. Heilera refused to make so large a concession without first putting up a fight and the trade dragged along, wiin Shippers Picking un a lew now and then, until close to 10 o'clock, hy in is lime oacKer Did a were arounu a flat dime lower and some hoaa Were cashed on that basis. As things began to liven up a uiue the trade continued to strengthen, so that most of the kllllnaT hoas moved on tha saAie bsxls as tha snippers, that Is, twtuuo lower than Wednesday, while at the good time prices were no more than a nickel below yesterday average. The market wound up fairly active and firm at the decline. hulk of the offerings moved at 8875 90. wlltl a, too of $d 86. Heat shipping gradea appeared to show the must of the break, and It was hard to gel over 86.80 for the kind that brought even money yesterday. Shipping order at thla point are hardly so numerous aa might b wished for, although a good speculative demand 1 partly making up this de ficiency. KeretDts rooted up sixiy-eurnt ear. bringing th week's total up to 17.7SO head. This to more than 10,0000 smaller than last week and 18,600 short of th corro sMindlng days last year. tsHH.r.l' 11 was untie eviucm in pack ers wanted some killing sheep and lambs today as competition among them waa ao strong tnat prices snowea a runner aa vance of lOrul&o. The Improvement oc curred In spite of the fact that th re ceipts were generous for a Thursday, j amounting to about 10.6U) head, against ; 4.822 a week ago and 7,933 a year ago. A scarcity of prime killers continued to b a fsature. Komi range lamb sold up to $8.40, against a top yesterday of $8.2 A shipment of corn-fed ewe brought $6.40, compared with a top or i Jo on Wednes day's market. A brisk trad featured th market all the way through, and Ilk Thursday and Wednesdsy everything ws weighed up In good season. Feed ers were In light supply and generally steady. Outstanding features this week thus far have been the liberal receipts on Monday, accompanied by a sharp slump of ajoc. Bine that time, however, the receipts have dropped off considerably, the esil mste for the four days to date amount ing V only 28,204, compared with 44,342 CLOSING PRICKM OF STOCKS ' Kxrhaaave Committee Issoes List. Dec-lam It I'nne-resaary. NEW YORK. Dwc. 10. Following are the closing prices as Issued by the Htock exchange committee: Amal. Copper 44 tnlar.-Mat. 1 Am. flaat Hu(ar..., t Harvaaier PI Jam M K. 11 Roalhars M' .. 904Latalgh Valley 181 .. 844 Mo. l'artrio ,, s .. MH Nat. Blarult 1!S .. tn National Ia4 41', ..108 N. Y. Cantral 7IS ..117 Norfolk W 94'a ..III Naw Haves 61 .. HHNn. PaHlo 9S ,. 404 Ontario W... n .. 17 Pacirio Mail 1 ..lURoadlDg 140 .. at Km lalasd lit, .. asii do pid is xis union reams ...... lis Amarlras do pM Am. fottnn Oil., Am. Kmaltlng .., da pfd Amaiiran Kusar Am. T. A T.. Am. Tobacco ,., Atchlaon Heth. Steal Hrooklya Tranalt anadlas Pairlo Outral Lsathar at. Paul Colorado Fsal or a rroduots ..... m ao pro Uanver ...j. 4a.U. V. Rubber 41 da sfd USit'tah Coppar .....tri Rrls 1st piA.. II wasters t'aloa ..... 68 Illinois Oatrsl ....104Taiaa Oil 19 Ifw Yrk Miser Market. NEW YORK. Dec 10 MEftCANTTLB PAPER 4'4t-4 per cent. 8THRLINO RXCHANQB Steady: . sixty-day bills. $4.6476; tor oaJblea, $48S;. for demand. $4.67H. BILVErt-Bar, a LONDON, Deo. 10. SILVER Bar, 23f' pr ounce. UIHlXJtlNT KATE-BIMrt IU tUT . months' bills, 2 per cent- Call money steady: hle-h. 4 per eentl low. ' 8 per cent; ruling; rats, 8 per cent; ' last loan, 4 per oent; closing bid, 2 par cent; offered at 4 per cent. C For a N ame For Particulars 'See' Sunday Bee c 1 7 Stock for Sale An emaha corporation In active busi ness for twenty year offer for hale fifty shares guaranteed seven per caul preferred stock redeemed from forms; wner. N agents. Will sell direct. A 18T oar of Ss.