Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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    nrc nEE: omaiia,
Thursday, December 10, 1914.
H01J0EABT PEESUJEITT OP THE , Cn,,,,tr' c,u1 en-anaing for a w
. Mlon to be- given aft-r the holidays, In
wMn nil the mcmbnn will participate.
1 now present at the luncheon were:
M. K. f-nl'
ONE never knows what amusement la ahead of them when they hid
for Excelsior Spring. This It I he opinion of several prominent
Omahang who have Just returned from there.
Mr. James L. Paxton and Mr. J. A. Cavers say they saw some
tJanre while thrre, and the latter return a with tAn refutation of "being; no
Jlttle "trotter." v
Alornlcg, noon and night found Mr. Caver cajoling tome guest to tha
Tiallroom piano. Tailing there, the old, faithful muglc boi would be called
To action to oatiufy Mr. 'avers' wliltn.
The stride rf the lame duck caught him, if he did stump his toe ter
ribly In the fox trot. Maybe Mr. Cavers did eol follow our friend Turpln's
advice, "Hesitate, hesitate, and whatever you do don't trot." .
Mr. AVilllam McKnlght. major domo of the dining room, a little peeved ,
by the insouciant entry of Mr. Cavers Into his domain, doing the Zeppelin 1
8 fide as he "slid" into place, suggested that the gentleman from Omaha
bring his friends to a renl hop at tha "Albany."
i A number of goerta at the Elms hotel accepted, and hem agile Mr.
Cavers met his "Watrrioo" In "welkin the dog," an art of which he at
once acknowledged his complete ignorance a he watched the clog walk in
a circle described by n foot radius.
With the departure Sunday'of Mr. Paiton and Mr. Cavers, the Elms'
force of funmakerg, which had been In session there for a week, was removed.
Debutante Tea,
Mrs. Frank Bacon waa l otto today at
a tea, which waa given from 'Until
o'clock, to Introduce her daughter, Miss
IjiK-llo Bacon. Mra. Bacon and daughter
received in the living room, which wee
decorated with Klllarnev roeee.
241s Bacon wore a rnn of pale blue
crepe de chine, made aith long tunic of
net, trimmed with brona fur. Small pink
roars Uimme4 the bodies, which waa fin
ished with a cse of pink tulle. She car
ried an old-fashioned bouquet of pink and
blue flowers. Mrs. Bmob'i gown waa of
black satin, en tralne. mads with over
dress of black set.
Coffee was served 'n the dining room.
The table decorations were of pin roses
and plnk-shedsd candles.
' Invitations were etended to 3t0 guests.
The tea wss followed by a dancing party
at Turpln's academy. U which 1 gueaU
were Invited. AaalKtlng this afternoow
were: ' ...
. Mesdamee '
C T. Kounlse,
W. Lyman,
J. U. .Vetralfe. ,
.V. J. Beston.
Ueorge Keeilne Of
.Council bluffs.
A. . Pinto,
Arthur Keellne,
John T. Yetes,
J. 1. McMulIrn,
T. J. Mackxy.
Oefirae A. Joslyn,
Vonle lsvl.
AII- Janullti.
.Innet Hall
Walter Preston.
C. W. Wlrkersham,
Joseph Miildrlge,
Howard HnlJrlge, t
Wllaon Lowe,
i, W. Griffith,
o, T. Ea.lman,
Charles O .Nell Kleh,
Uavid Hsum, .
II. N. "Diets. '
J, conora llts Nelson
inr Haum.
Ilarvhe naval,
Marlon Kuhn,
Harrift Meis.
w iirh.ttlr. Harriot Mmlth.
Kleannr Marxay, Margaret Oreer Baua
Kueenla r'atieraon. Halcyon Cotton,
.MeLa Tliuminel, Marie rUewurt,
Ann Ulfford. -
For Mr. and Mr. Mag- ee.
Mr. and Mra. Gurdon W. Wattlea will
entertain at dinner Saturday evening at
their home In honor of Mr. and Mra.
Wayland Wells Msiree. who have raoently
returned from their wedding trip.
Ornahani in Hew York. ' . ,
Rigisterlng at tho Jiotel McAfpm In
New York City during the last wee have
been Mr. I T. Vphnm. Mr. and Mr. V.
ladtone, Mr. Abe Heraberg. jr. 1 '
b. Klrkendall,
r'rana Km-miu
Miuiue awiMMi'te.
iMuie n. Ken,
rr, 4. J ..,
yrwit tjMruou,
wn ktmwa,
jraM Umi,
s,f MUia.rU.
wru.aa, jr.;
Charity Ball PUci.
The oommittce In charts ef affairs for
the Faviow charity bell, te ' be held
Wednday evening, Pecember W, at tbe
Auditorium, has secured the following
patronesses to assist In making tbe af
fnir a bowling suocess:
('. C. Alliaon.
Wllaon Austin.
H. H. Iia.clrl4e.
Joneph rtnldrlse,
e. i. war k low,
lenle Harkalow,
M. T. BbjIow,
A. U. tteeson,
John Brady,
Oeorse Hrwndels,
X . li. Hu-liois,
Harry Burkley,
Ksh tiurna. Jr. i
w. T. Burns,
T. C. Byrne.
lavld Haum,
Joreph Barker,
Charles Beaton,
Warren Illsckwell,
George Barker,
f, A. Proitan.
Ward Bura-emi,
W. J. Huraeas.
Victor Caldwell,
Clement Chase, "
laaao Cong-don.
John C. Co win,
K. N. Conner,
Lwrie Cbiida, ,
I r. Crofoot.
Harry Ctimmlngs,
M. O. ColtBer,
liOUla Clarke,
Mlward cre'gbton,
K. W. Clnrke.
H B. Clarke, Ir.l
J. M. I'ausherty.
F. f. Ivla.
Tom Iavl, '
N. Ilt.
Oould Iltl. . ,
K. W. tHion.
1. V. Todae. ir.;
Marry uoony,
iM". J! 1 (k 1
M. 1 kins.
.aiiis f. I'.ihlman,
C. I. Volmer.
John t'rlon.
.1. 11. rarratt.
T. Ia Comba,
K. T. Vate of
J W. Wootroush.
Jamea Cnrr,
James Tle1ner,
A. H MIdlom,
U M. Lord,
Miss Ids TaJey.
Among the first dealers te seise upon
the opportunity te euprly the public with
lights for horse drawn vehicles, an or
dinance upm which goes into effect to
night, la the Ford Supply company, 312
Femam ntrset. A penalty la attached to
violations, of the ordinance, which re
quires that there shall be both front end
resr lights on all vehicles drawn by hnrrea.
The object la to reduce the poeMbllity of
collisions on dimly lighted streets
Fop larfla-eetln mm Illnesses
t ee Dr. King's New Life Fill, rid thn
stomach and bowels ef all Impurities and
ton up tbe system. Sc. All druggists
Advertisement. '
Reports from the be laide of Fred A.
Nash are that ho had a aood night, rest
ing well, and that row Mi condi
tion aeemed considerably Improved. II
took nourishment yesterday and seemed
stronger than st any time during the last
several days.
r i
V. aj? 1L
Holiday Gifts
It would be) difficult to
imagine anything more
appropriate for Christ
mas than a beautiful ori
ental rug.
They possess the two
fold merit of beauty and
value and will be used 0
j pleasure and aatia.
1 faction long after the "ua- f
ual gift has been for
gotten. Oriental Riga at Ba
ton & Laier are not high,
priced ranging from
$9.75, $10.50, $12, $15
Beaton Pl Laier Co.
415-417 So. 16th St Jt I
H J. Dinning,
L. O, Doup,
O. T. Fsaliran. u
E. M Fatrflsld."
VV. J. Foys.
Uerrlt Fort.
J"hn Flck.
Thomas Fry. .
F, J. nS"rald.
Hen Gallagher,
i V v.. vrra.
A. ituiou.
V. H. Gaines,
Urold Olttor.
Frank Hamilton,
O. Wt Hamilton.
Fret Ilamllton. '
V. D. Hi'aford, ,
Charles Hardlna.
1". H. Mochatetler,
e . H. C. Howe.. ...
Vi ' O A. lloagland.
Frank Mailer,
M. A. Mall.
II. I.. Huntley,
tleorge Joelyn,
A. F. Jonaa.
harlep Junod.
Frank W. Jiidaon,
T. Kountae.
Herman Kountae.
I, Kountae.
A. V. Mneter,
uhu A. Aicoimsa,
C. F, Murw,
tt, U. Juetcaif,
Mainaa e.errism,
l.'nurus lasts,
red eaet.
Kt. W.,
W, H. MoCormick,
Oeerse Aielniyre,
Juenpn Metcaii,
4t H, Mitueo,
A. H. Idoconiiall,
Chsri Btarsto, .
V. W. rtsah.
F. A. raen,
IjSHiIw Nssh,
it. li. Netsoa,
V. Olfutt,
M. C. 1'eters,
KMUh Fetera,
W. T. l'ege.
K, P. Feck,
lore HrlnC.
" V . H, Toppleton,
R. C. Fetera.
Charles Ftrkens,
A. M. I'lnto,
A. U Betd,
W. BedlrK.
John KedlrV.
O. C. HedlK.
(Uorg Bvdk'k,
Wslter Roberts,
A. H. Rogers.
warren Rogers,
Halleeh jlose.
Cbartes Ross water,
J. DeFweet Richard
A. 1. Root.
C K. Robinson,
rtam Itees. Jr.;
A. C. flmUh, ' '
Edgaj Weett.
. . fc. A. Rwube,
j. T. Utewsrt, M,
Malston Mcottts,
. iki sViulrea,.
C. J. Mmytn,
i Jenn V, Utout.
j. H ItUMnemrs,
Adollh tnra, .
Marry Tukey,
y. W. tlioinaJ,
K. K Towle.
. I. Tunnlollff,
J. R. Wetmter.
fX . Wertnrook,
(ilen Wharton,
VI. tor White.
Henrr Wyinen,
uurdon W. Wattles.
C. M. Wllhelm.
H. I. Whit mors,
Fal Wehrner,
H. W, gales,
Mrs. J, J. Stubbs is
Head Daughters 1812
Mra George B. Darr, who naa been
president of the Kebrsaka chapte- of the
United Btatas Daughters of 1112 for four
years, waa elected honorsry presldont of
the society, at a meeting held Wednesday,
at the home of Mrs. F. 11. Osrvln. The
honor waa previously bettowed upon the
late Mrs. Herbert Lietex, who waa organ
leer of the chapter.
Mrs. J. J. Stubba wss elected active
president of the ehspte, succeeding Mrs.
Darr. Mrs. F. C. mimjon Is ths first vice
president: Mrs. W. U Relby, second vice
president; Mrs. C. II. Mullln, recording
secretary; Mrs. fl. A. Collins, correspond
ing secretary; Mra. O. A. Bcott. trvaaurer;
Mra. B. H. Garvin, reglatrar, and Mrs,
J. C. Weeth, hlstorlsn. The next meeting
of the society will be helrl In March.
Seymour lake Clab.
A number of Seymour Lake Country
club women had luncheon together at the
Loyal hotel Wednesday. Members of the
house entertainment committee and the
golf club were present. Seymour Lake
i !
-2 VV -
J A. C. Kennedy, Jonn v. 1 miwm,
I, U Kennedy. 3. Tfoat.
Knights of ColamjB Dance.
Knights ef Columbus gave the Inttlal
danoe of their ssasoa Wednesday lgt
at Metropolitan hall. The club recently
organised 1 exclusively for knights, both
of the local and forelrn councils, and the
next dance will be given the Utter part
of the month. Those attending tbe first
party were: ,
Mlaees Misses
I .m ura Hruch. Mary O'Brien.
Katharine Holland, Madeline Felerson,
r;veiyn npeiimsn.
lee no 1
O Urten.
Mary rrendergast.
Vesrs. '
Charles Asaman.
Kdward J. Waters.
fl. V. Rsylentacher,
it, J. McCarty
A. Raae
n. J
Ruth Hunalcker,
Agnea Lynt-n,
MarloN O Rriea.
Helen O'Hrlen,
Mry Knglish.
betty Antony.
Me rs.
J. Fltspatrlck,
A. A. Arnold,
Maurice Orlrfln,
K. W. Harktna.
O. J. MclKinald,
F. Colllna.
if red Rex j, Veech,
T. V. curreu.
Future Affturt.
Mrs. V. N. Johnson will enteruln tke
eMnahlne dub ef the Oeors A. Custer
Woman's rW Cerpe at a kenalngua
at her hems Tuesday afternoon,
Mrs. J. W. Foley, president f the
Custer Woman's Relief Cerps. wtlt give
Chrlatma party In honor ef the poet and
corps Tuceday evening. December O. at
her home. ,
'The young ladles ef the Flrat Congie.
gatlonal ehturoh will entertain at a thea
ter party teturday afterneoa at tke Or
pheutu. Mrs. C. C. Howe wilt give a matinee
party Saturday at the "an Carlo pare.
Mrs. Howe wUl have twenty geests.
Mrs. W, W. Heagland wW give a mati
nee party Saturday at the Orpheum.
J. F. W. CUb
Till a. Clair Ooddatd was heeteaa this
aftrnonn at the meeting of tke J. F. W.
club. Meadames Meyer, Calhoun and
Newtcn were guests of the club. Thoee
present were:
H. R. hroeder,
N, II.
Toyland Is a bnsy place these
days Trains are running Aero
planes flying the whirr and bus
of mechanical toysthe squeak
of funny animals and strange
dolls mingled with the shouts of
happy children make Toyland at
Orchard a Wilhelm's a place of
fascination to young and old
The basement Is tilled full of
toys so many that we can't be
gin to tell you about them all.
',. Books by tho Score
for Little Girls and Hoys
Tuck's Tost Card Painting Books,
kt 23c
Father Tuck's Nursery Tales 10v
Fathnr Tuck's Nursery Rhymes
In linen 20c
ADC and Nursery Series In mus
lin He (o 4tfc
Animal Kertee (untearable) Sftc
tu 91.00
Punky Dank Hertee, set of 3
booke . hoc
Five Little Htarrs Reriee, tSc ea.
Patchwork Cjlrl of Oa, each..c
Toodlea of Treasure Tows . . . 7.1c
ClUldrea'a lloeur Story Book 8Sc
( hatter . lioaee -Big books
full of pictures and tales of
all parts of tha
world, your
Little WUard Series, set of
eli Oa Books In miniature
8peclal, per set 40e
Flexible Flyers, S1.BO, 92, mi.60,
$3.00 9-aa
A large assortment of other styles
of sleds, high and low, up
from 93.50
Trare!ere, $2.50 '
JU:.j-ft The Stores With the Clirtstmas Spirit
Dec. 17, and
Until Christ
mag, Oar
Stores Will Be
Open Ewe
nui'gt Till 9
1 . . - seal 1 1 ps i ' qtsSajeasSaSJBSsaasSSj . ... sss,eW
l , ,r... fJ
Toyland I
The Itealm of Childhood Jo
here Kanta (laua
Ins. The biggest dlspl
or Toys snd Lmlla we hs
ever had. lie sure to
I: Deaves9 Manikins
Plavlne "Uncle Tom's Cabin."
It Is a laufrh from start to
finish. Fit KB to children ac
companied by parents. Bee
the little lady 11 inches Ull.
These Rubber-Tlree"
Trlcytlea are luat
what your boy haa
been aeklng Bants
aua. He'll be the
0ami-u proueeet itttie
w JT man In the
fr CI
. i neighborhood wtltt
The Bled a that feeya want moat are the Flex-
tbie nyers. trie, eii 17 kii
, W " w
win HasdMSBely Palsted an4 Deesratee Sle4s
Mesrr braced steel run- SJ
"'11 ' ' Besutlf.llr Ier rated Chdldren's Sleds
niiiisissjiiai, ' W,th ' wnlte. blus and 2
Ible P'lrr they steer and have the grooved 1 , I3asi 1 iiw
ateel runnera. We are headquartera for the A J --VTr
genuine Fleslble Flyer Bleda. Prices run Jm'r'-'
fTieV-t up xo th b" -r9t 17.50 vrrnH
T" '"'-r.r7.-;:-ttjpasnasasw
How about this good
Coaater 'Wagon for
boy? Price only
DRUMS, 25c
t.lttle Wsrr
nlal. . . .
illeek Hesr4s
Kaael With drnw
Ins - aoroll. Ppe-
day, at.
Mevtwa Plerwee
MmUm- With
slides Ctr
and films. . JW
Cbeeker Beard,
Cbeekers IV
ereeery Steree
With real gro
ceries. Special
S-Tfeee Deewrateel rhlna Tea Set
Specially priced for Frl- 1 ft-
V w
Swtastng Hob
by Hemes
Sbee Firs
Iren Hsek sad Ladder O fl
Large else. With three i70C :'j
Metal Soldier Sets II sol
diers, mounted on horses.
Special, Friday
98c i
Daasrrlesa iena Make
more noise than some
cannone. Special.
Sale In Basement Friday.
Men's and Women's Iaee and Era-
Also Initials. All let
tera. Worth to 10a.
Special Friday, each...
Chlldrea'a Hasdkereblefe Regu
lar lie vslue. Epeolal
Krlday. I In fancy Xmas I DC
box. for
Men's and Weaaea's AJI Pwse IJnea
Kmbretdered an Heerlche4
llandberefclefs oome have Ini
tial. Hundred! atylea.. r
Worth tin to S5c each. I Iff
Rpsrlsl Friday
All Silk Hish Luster
Meutline Ribbons
Sale In Bsaesaeet FrMay.
In a beautiful line of colors. Also
Satin Fancy Klbbon In If
floral designs, 4 inchea llC
wide. Unusual valuee, yC . .
pi-t- -fr wnve i-yard bolts.
Colors: Light Hlue, Pink. Old
lloae. Alice, Cardinal, Holly
.a, t I Ne. IVs I Se. S
7c Bolt 1 9c Bolt2cBolt
Hatly Rlbbems la many novel de
signs. Special
5-Yard Bolts for 8c
Table Linens, Towels
Sale In .Basement Friday.
Any practical woman appre
ciates gifts of this sort. These
values invite you to make your
purchases Friday.
Haek Tewels With fsncy borders,
hemmed ends, - slightly g
Imperfect. 10c, UHc and l)'5'C
Ito grade. Special, ea...v
Fee riatfc The Turknlt
kind. 1 Mill seeonds of
le grade. Friday, each
Bleaebea Twilled TeweUeg . . e
Fancy red borders, Sc nual- Jf
Friday, yard.
gUie Damask Sets Tsble rloth
with six nspklns to match. Made
of fins quality Her
man mercerised yarn,
rlpoetal Friday
e and BSe Feaey Linens Scsrfs
and oenter pleceai lace trimmed,
drawnwork and acalloped. Theae
will make appreciated On
gifts. Hpeolal Friday. Z5lC
each w
gl.SS Table Cloths Hem
stitched and plain endn.
Luncheon else. Friday.
lie aatd lie Terhiah Tewels
nples. Plain and fancy
Special Friday.
each. . . .
M w. Alexander,
' H. O. Amea.
A. F. ItUlliigs.
M. A. Huel Ur,
! A K. Ioo1e.
Tl.grnia JCll's. '. '
('. J. Hubtrt.
K. H. l.umleck.
VL W. Kh-rntaa.
a. r. Bin.
ii. H. Weir.
C. C- Vvne.,n.
t lair F 'l.rd.
G. t. Phlrher.
Song; EeoitaL",'
Mr. Florence baaler Palmer will give
a song recital Thursday evening at ber
atudlo. Urs. Palmer will bo aaslsUd by
Mr. (Jeers Coinpton and Mlas Vlanche
Crcijlitoa Collet Afftirt.
The Crelghtoa Medleal eellege will give
the third of a series of dancing parties
I hi a evening at Cnambere aesdetay. A
large number of the stud eats Of the
vsrlous departments are stannlng te at
tend Penonal Mention.
Jirs. t. Toobey ef Pious Falls. 9. P..
bo came to Omaha, te visit, le la Ute
tuxpltai. ha v leg eeea takea UL
L -" !
For a
For Particulars
Sunday Bee
Boys Overcoats, Suits,
Sweaters; Pants
Sato la Ba earnest tt-May.
a 3 to I
and all-
Beys' ft erf elk SaHs All sites te
fit boys to 17 yssrs. Thsy
come in Browns,
Grave and Blues.
It.66 vslues. Friday
ey Chlaehllla Overeeata J to I
years. Pplendld gray ahadet.
Slade with full Celt and ell-
woreted lined. 14.00
valuea. Special Fri
day, for, ............
' Sweaters Big lot, all klnda.
Grays, bluea and Reda. Special
lot of jeraeye Included. m t
Worth to 11.00. Frl- 4HC
day sws
Beys Knlekerbeekere Hard wear.
Ing Tweed., Ce.etmerea and Cor
duroya and a few Hera... Many
fully lined. Odd lota of . an
Tfto to ll.OS qualities. 4 riff
Friday, at vv
Baseneat Notion Sale
. ..s
Skee Trees Special, pair...
Mereerleee Crshe Cettea
All fast colors, bpool...
Children's Wsrk Beaes
t Filled). Worth to iic. ,.
ane-Yerd Ssels tiewd Baet-
mm Tkread .. Spool
2Bc and Bee RmbtwMery
Srtaeera Pair
Oeeaa Pearl Battens Card.
lrae KieM.u el Klastic. . . ,lHt
Xetlea Beaes Each lee
Braadets a serial" Hese Ssp A-
perlers rair t
Lsrse Bias Male Nete- f fl
ies v.
Ge4 ClaaUty na Hals Ptas Cr
special, eosen , , .
Wealta CmI W.iw Kach...le
rast Ulnl Was tveartac-T d . le
Larce Cake ef Ptae lie Val- C.
ue. Hpeclal, each
Lars. Kaaey Beaes af Aasass.4
lre Heir Plas Worth C.
15c. 8peclal. box
lee-Yara Spaala Bewlas; 91
Silk Friday, .pool "M
Meiesf raaey nsaae usrtera la
fancy boxea. Any col- e
4 Any color. Special, sea. .. .
J Paacy Ultnl Usatie Yard
Choice of Any Suit or Dress
in Our Basement Friday $
And 400 Splendid WinUr Coat
for Women and M i$$t$, Worth
Up to tl&.OQ, Alto Co in TJT$
s Sale at SS.OO.
I f
Over BBS Ptae Velvet and 8stln com
binations. Corduroy, All-Satin. 8tlk Poplin.
All-Wool gorges, etc. Msny ars fur trimmed.
toasna of styles. Russian tunica, long over
drsss effects, etc. Dresees mads to sell at
!. to 14.00 Choice Friday at go.oe.
a7b' ZGt Woaaea'a aad Mtssea
stylss long and short coau.
materiel. flararea. Dlason
Clotha, Fancy RuTf Material., Broadcloth, etc,
All the new fall colors end blacks. Good as
sortment of sixes from II to 44. Not one
worth leas than 113.50 and from that up to
i(.v. I'aoice yruiay at
ISA Waaei'a and Misses' Pine Winter Ceats
Various lengths, all good practical styles.
Plain snd fsncy materlsls. Rome with fur
collars and plash Unities. Many sample gar
ments In this lot. Coata worth from (10.00
to 111.00. Friday at
Women's and Misses'
Sweater Coats
Hundreds ef splendid garment.. All styles and
all colore. Values to fe.OO. Friday fit in
at $1.11 and , iy
Bale la Bascmeat Friday.
Men's. Women's and Chlldrea'a
Faat Black anal Tea er Fleecy
Lined Heelerr Some part
wool. All sixes. Are
worth up to 26c pair..
especial f riaay
Remnants and Sampli
Pieces of Laces
Bale la Basenseat Friday,
Half yard to 1 yard In length. All
over., Bands. Galloona, Fancy
Trimming Laces. Many lacea
for fancy work. Rem-
nanta worth to '26c I IfC
each. Choice Friday. at...w
Wash Goods Specials
la tbe Baaesseat Friday.
ilO-Iaeh Silk aad Cottea Pabriea
In plain shadea, red, blue, cope,
tan. green and brown. a g
lingular SOc values. Frl- I Mf
da?, yard
One Bis; Lei af 'Asserted Wash
Fabrics Including silk and cot
ton Poplin, Silk Brocades. Print
ed Crepes; suitable for dresses,
waists, scarfa, etc. From 1 to
16-yard lengths. Poel- e a
tlvely worth to 30c lilf
Children', tweeter Ceats Ages' 2 to years.
and Brown. 7c values. 4$Q
Friday, a
Girts' Sweater Caste Ages I to 14
yeare. witn aae. without neits,
Muvr cwiisrs, eic. vi
ues te l.o. fl
SI -29 and
Veatesr Teaala Ptaaaet IVIaThrarswae
-u gooo ana run. sev- -a o
oral styles. Valuss te flftC
C Prtday. at
Weaaeas las Klaaaa
tern neeced kimono oletb
red ine belted backs. All
slses. Valuea te Sic Fri
aay, at
to.' Val- AT
S'rldey. at yC
Fancy pat-
Women's House Aprons
Clagihaat Apraaa Several m f
tries. Worth 6c and IhC
Sic. Friday, at
(Maghass Apreas Bungalow style,
with CAP TO MATCH: big pock
et, belt back, tape trim- or
mod. 49c value. Friday, "If
. swai
med. Do sens of pretty
- styles, lie and too val
ues. Friday, at
Raaad) aad Saaare Faery Aa-
t-mbroiaer.a and lace trim-
All Children's Yiater Coats in Basement in Three Lots
Aget 3 to 6 and 6 to 14 Year
For Children's Coats,
worth up te
Per Children's Coats;
worth up to $4.60.
For Children's Coata:
worth up to
Here's What Yon Ought to Bay Your Children
We're Mage Pvt a Big Lot ef Tkem ea Sala
TrMey la the Baeee
Remember that children, with their short clothes,
need something to keep their limbs warm.
Nothing nicer than thee Pants Leggins, made
from fine Jersey cloth, fleeced lined. Black,
white, brown, blue and red colors, A splendid
warm leg covering. Worth AU
sites for children up to 7 years old. fiMr
Special. ptr i....v
Meaa aad Wemew'a Gem
asaa Slippers All
sices still left. They
are aolng
fast. Special,
VTeai.a'e Sheas Odds
aad ends. Worth te
rhtMvew'e ftee! Felt Slip,
era With felt soles,
warm and comfy. All
aise up to f
Men's ptne Haoae Slls
a.ea Tan and black
14 6 a pair. , At
Sliee up te I. 31
Friday, pair T
Waeaea'n Btama Kabners-
quallty. All slaes. Are
worth Wo pair. Spe
cial. Friday only. pair..
Opera and liver-
1 s 1
ett styles a Of"
All elsea.Sl.Zh
Special, pair
Splendid I See Pairs ' Flaa Fell Blla-
0g I pera Far trimmed. AU fn
diiC I "p'ore and si.s. Spo- JloC
www i clsl. psir
Pros Patterai Are Always Acceptable
They are alwaya useful.
We offer big h resins In our Basement Krlday
They make practical
For Chrlatmaa gifts,
si ft a. We offer blar ban
Fin Ureas rattemg
Of splendid matsrlsls aerge. deb
ar dines, Psncy Suitings, Whip
cords, Vletorla Broadcloths. Tarn
Ise aad Crepe Weavsa. Caeh pat
tern has ample material for a
street suit er dress.
$1.85, $2.48, $2.95
ror "e Compi-te Psttsrn.
Suit, Skirt and Coat Lemgtlu
4S te it laches wide. M1U soda
rteces from I tol yards and worth vsrd. Tpur ehetee at
51.00 and $2.00
Per Katire Pteea.
1 ail Tarda e AJI-Weal Freaah CaalUea. Very Law rrleeel la scrolla. dota.
atrloes. floral and geometrical patterns. Lisht. medium aad dark grounds
la multicolor effect. Specially adapted for atreet and house ran
' kimonos, waists aad misses' dresses. Choirs of this sClC
Fancy Boulevard Velvet and
English Velvcteena
la ell the beet fell shades for
dresses, sport costs, dress and
hat trimming., etc
Worth up to 1. OS per
yard. Special Friday,
at. ...a
$ilk and Velvet Remnants
Several hundred ysrds of all kinds
of plain snd fsncy weaves .11 to
be offered Friday In our Base
snent according to elss of plecs.
10c to 50c Each
Daa Cartstae These are Isce
curtains sad side eurtalas la
one. Thee came In Ureen. Boee. .
Blua aad brewq. ape- al r O
IS Fleeaa af Imparted sad
te rretaaaes. Art Tteklass aad
Tarfetaa Kor msktng Chrl.taiss
JUt. Hpecial Frld.r. nn
ay. yard. . sSe Mr
yard. Friday, yard.
White Datted Bwrlsa, PUM aad
Cheek Dimity, Madras, g
(attea (Crepes. India I lip
IS-Iaeh Nstaral Art Lla-
ea dp.clal, yard
Tarlataae Remaaats In all
colora. Special, yard
Sale la Bascmeat Friday,
laael -
n sad
(s and
SS-Iaeh Dress Fercales Light and
dark colors. Neat stripes, dots
and cbecka. 10c val
ue. Special Friday, per
yard . .
37-Ineh Faaey Oatlaa- FUaael
Kxtra warm neecy nap; doui
aidea alike. Keguiar
to value. Special, Frl-.
day, yard
Finest l"lltT Drees r.ephrra sad
Glacaams Id all the leading
1114 deeigns: neat checka and
.trip... 11 He value.
Special Friday, at, per
Flaeet Cemferter Ceverlag) In a
choice assortment of neat Per
sian and Oriental de.trna. s
A So value. Special Frl- Of
day, yard
Mill Mamaaats af Beaartral Daek
lias; Kleaee sad V clear Flaeea
Klsaael For kimonos, dreaalng
aacquea. etc. Lengths t J
eaally match. 10c val- l'C
ue. Special, yard e
Flaeet BUk Flalahadl Dreaa Paalla
la a beautiful assortment of
all the leading shades. 1 f
lie value. On sala Frl- ISP
day, yard "
Flae White Shaker aael Da met
Flaaaes The Amoakeag I
beat grade. Really worth tlTTf
10c. Special, yard V,
Beet ' ataalltr Apraa Gleg ham
'lve csaea for Friday's sale.
Comperes with Amoakeag aad
other staple brands. Pure Indigo
dye, full assortment of checks
ana Broken errects. 7 Ho
vmue. special rTia
Blankets and Comfsrts
Bale la Baaesseat Friday.
Splendid values for your own
home and very practical if you
buy for Christmas gifts.
B4.S4 Beaeaa Bath Re be Blankets
Flns.t robe blanket made. Guar
anteed abeolutely faat colors.
Floral. Conventional and Navajo
Indian design. Bias TtxSO la.
Hesvy cords snd frogs to
maicn. Bpectai Fri
day, seen robe complete
ej.Se Beaeaa Baby Basra In plain
Bound with a S-
In plain
with a 1
Ulse 1431
blue and Dink.
Inrk pure silk ribbon,
lachss. A splendid
gift to any mother.
Special, each Dawn sad Waal Filled faa
ferts Clean white goasa down
snd lambs' wool "lied comforts.
Covered with fir. ft French sat
een. Many have' wide bordere.
Slae TJilt Inchea. Floral snd
Perslsn patterna In Af an
beautiful colorings. 8ps-S MX
clsl Friday ...T''0
S-e Larse Blse Camferts Cov
ered with finest quality aateea
and printed nainsook and filled
with one sheet of pure white
carded cotton. Cord- aB r
sp.:fid.,8l.... 52.69
Hair Switches
Sale la Baaesseat Friday.
Fine quality ewltchea. with natu
ral wave. Irve. complete selec
tion or snaaifi. to ana e
II Inchss long. 11.01 to nSf
,-Wv-wTpi-.'T"irv. 1 values. Friday, st.