12 TTIE BKE; OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1914. fl -' ! J HBS-SPagB -g? ONE BILLION AND NINETY MILLIONS Hodeit Total of Estimate! Made Ettnninf GoTenunent torf Next Tear. for LESS THAU FOR CTJEREUT YEAS (! Wlfl by peartmas af kt Will Wm4 ta Carry the floTr aeat. WAJmiNQTON. Deo. a-Estlmates pr saated to congress today put ths coat of conducting ths government during the fiscal yar 191(1, which begins on July I. imt at 1,0M.77S.1M. This ium la $S.M.9fiJ less thaa ths con gressional appropriation for the current fiscal year ending nxt Juna and ttV 9M,eu Imi than tha estimates for ths cur rent year. Without aalary Increases of any kind, no estimates whatever for new public buildings and all Items reduced by order ot President Wilson to what departmental heads consider tha minimum, tha eatl matea represent tha administration"! ef fort to keep tha governmental expendi tures within its income, which baa been decreased by tha European war. By grand divisions, tha estimates submitted today are as follows: legislative establishment. 4 7.M1.W9 Rxecutlve establishment 31.Mfi.RMt Judicial establishment I.240.MO Iwpartment of Agriculture n.7.0lS Postal servlre 7,r.6.14 "Foreign Intercourse J-'i";,ls Military establishment lfi.RHH.MB Naval establishment 142.619.0 Indian affaire 1'annma canal ,. Publlo works ?,3vi Miscellaneous 2,W3,3X Permanent annual approprla- Uona Ill,l67,fl With the expectation that tha postal aervloa will continue to be aelf-eustalnlng, tha postal item of $37,366,184 will be de ducted as It Is returned to tha treasury from postal earning; i, leaving tha actual total of expenditures at 7M.41.97& Janitor Confesses He Assaulted and Killed Little Girl SACRAMENTO. Cat, Deo. a-David Fountain. Janitor of the German Lutheran church here, confessed tonight ba had assaulted and murdered KV-year-old Mar garet Milling In tha basement of tha church last Sunday afternoon. "Maybe I did it and maybe I didn't was the beginning of Fountains weaken ing and from it tha police drew what they described as a full aooonxit of tha crime. Fountain, according to his previous statements, has served five penitentiary terms for burglary and a year and a half in Iowa insane asylums. He waa thought to ba "queer" bttt harmless, and himself made tha first report of tha finding of the body. cTIIENANDOH, la., Deo. a (Ppeclal Telegram.) David Fountain, who con (eaaed to murdering a 10-year-old child at Sacramento. Cal., was sentenced to five years la the Fort Madison penitentiary la MOT for attacking Mrs. Floyd Reed early in the morning of June tt. His mother, Mm. Mary Fountain, died here several years ago. One sister is at present living in Shenandoah. Fountain has served a term of two years ' in tha penitentiary from Polk county and three years from Cook county, At one time ha was run out of town for Insulting women and children. Whan ha aaw a husband leave tha house at o'clock ona Sunday morning ha entered and severely injured tha woman la the struggle following her outcry. Ha pleaded guilty to a charge of burglary. ' City Hall Will Seek to Comply with the Smoke Ordinance Undismayed by repeated flat failures to secure any obedience to the smoke nut aanoe ordinance tha city council will make another effort to enforce it The city's first atop to abate the smoke nuisance was to authorise the city clerk to advertise for bids for a stoker at the city haU, which is one of the worst of fenders against the ordinance. Smoke Inspector W. A. Chiismann was asked for some Information as to what had been done. He said he was powerless to enforce the law as long as public buildings did not obey it Dome property owners have flatly refused to obey or even recognise the taw. he aald. While the commissioners were discus sing the matter a voKime of black. dense smoke poured in the room from the court houso smoke stack and settled in a pail over the streets. Buildings will be ordered equipped with stokers, chain grates, or anything else that will prevent emission of black smoke. Mrs. Foley Seeks . Divorce and Makes Some Grave Charges Charles Foley, proprietor of a chattel loan concern, la defendant In a divorce suit brought by Dora Foley, in which she makes sensational allegations of cruelty and of misconduct with other women. Foley loana money at rates of from I to 10 per cent a month, according to his wife, and makes a profit of I) a month. He pci susses real estate and -notes worth more than K.OuO, she asserta Mrs. Foley secured an Injunction for bidding bar husband from molesting her a", their borne at 634 North Twenty seventh street. Street Car Crew Held Up on Line While they were eating their lunch at the end of thetr run. the crew of a Far- nura street car was held up at Tenth an Vailt-y st reel at 10 o'clock Monday night by two masked men armed with revol vera Conductor C. t Mark wood handed over 13 and Uotorman C. W. Manning gave . up M. Alter getting the money, the robbers Jumped off the ear and ran into River. vlt-w pwk. When llouinvort 15 Btirtenjoni wea you tire easily and nerves are a-xdtable, row need tsttdlrtnal foodnot drug, or at Imnlanta. 8COTT8 EMULSION la rick fai rooa Tainej it smpplies tha ary eleneate to enliven tha blood, reatora strength and tha coarage of healta. sA eWsfcsSsTsOdr e9sSoVevAnesV a SjSBJ NTEREST IN OPENING LAGS Smaller Crowd Than Usual at First Session of Congress. 1 ' DEFEATED 05ES PHILOSOPHERS Matilr Admits Rvtaratas; rasa pelaa Cheek tent Hlsa by Mr. Bryan, bat Bays it Waa , Ilia eastern. (From a Staff Correspondent) W A HI H NX! TON, Deo. . (Special Tele gram.) The last lap of tha Sixty-third congress began yesterdav under conditions suggesting somewhat tt-."Tft Inaugura tion of lM. A cold,, on siting rain fell throughout the day, accentuated by a biting northwest wind, which may have been one reason fo the falling off of tha usual number of apoctacora In the galler ies, who crowd those spaces at the be ginning of every new session of congreaa There waa a noticeably smaller number of persona In the house galleries than us ual when the gong aounds the ajrth of a new session, due in large measure to the absence of many women of congressional households who will remain at thetr homes throughout tha country until after tha Christmas holidays. There were joys and glooms for many legislators In both branches, but tha de feated took the "Joshing" good-naturedly, while the victors bore their laurels with becoming modesty. " Jfebraskaae ea Deck. With tha exception of Judge Klnkald every member of the Nebraska delegation was present at roll call in tha aenate and house. Representatives Magulre and Bar ton, who failed of election, took their de feat philosophically, although Barton Waa frank enough to say that a great many of his friends confidently believed In his election and ha waa impreased that way himself. As for Representative Magulre, ha waa not sure of his election at any time, the Lincoln postofflce fight having played a considerable part In the general dissatis faction. On tha whole ha believed he had made a better ahowtng than could have been generally expected In view of all the complications. .., . ; , Bryan's Check' Retarned. Asked It It was true that Secretary Bryan had sent a check for $26 for use In his campaign, and that ha had returned the check to tha secretary of state with thanks, Mr. Magulre said tha facta were true as stated. He hastened to say, how- over, that ha had made It a practice alnca ha entered congress not to accept Individ' ual contributions, and that was ona reason why Mr. Bryan's check had been returned to tha donor. Messrs. Sloan and Stephens were wel comed back with enthusiasm as both have made strong friendship since thetr advent to tha lower house. Senator Hitchcock, accompanied by Mrs. Hitchcock and their daughter Ruth arrived In Washington yesterday. Sen- last week, Mrs. Norria .havlna been last week, Mrs. Nommla having been compelled to go to Csllfor Ja on account of the death of a sister, but will join the senator and the children shortly at their home on Ross Place. With the falling of the navels today In both houses many legislators, snrne of them prominent Inures for years in the political life of the nation will retire to the shades of private life, for this Is their last session unless political changes should once more return them to the places they will leave at noon of March 4. grantors Whe Depart. Senators Root of New Tone, Burton ot Ohio, Perkins of California, Brlstow of Kansas, Crawford of South Dakota, Stephenson of Wisconsin all republicans and Thornton of Louisiana and White of Alabama, democrats, will go out of office at the end of the session. In the house. Representative Underwood of Alabama, Hard wick of Georgia and Broussard of Louisiana are serving their last terms before their elevation to the aenate of the Sixty-fourth congress. While they go to tha more distinguished body, a very goodly number of demo crats In tha housa wl'l be missed In the next congress for November last blew oold and chill to tha ambitions of tha fol lowers of President Wilson. They will ba succeeded In a goodly number of Instances by old wheelhorses of the republican party, notably Uncle Joe Cannon, W. B. McKlnley of Illinois, Wayne Parker of New Jersey, Ebenser Hill of Connecticut, CySulloway of New Hampshire, "Billy" Rodenberg of Illinois. J&ucan Qy Product flow ta Frevejst Croaa. It may be a surprise to you to learn that i lo many cases croup csn ba pre vented. Mrs. IL M. Johns, Kllda. O., relates her experience as follows: "My little boy ia subject to croup. During the last winter I kept a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Remedy In the house, and when be began having thafcroupy cough I would give hlra one or two doaea of It and It would break the attack. I like It, better for children than any other medicine. , because children take It will ingly, and it la safe and reliable." Obtain able everywhere Advertisement. . Omaha to Renew Its Membership in Kiver and Harbor Congress When 3. W. Gamble and . Robert II. Manley atep Into tha. convention ot the National Rivera' and Harbors' Congress at Washington this week they will open relations for Omaha' with that body' for the first time In several years. The two mun went to Washington Monday night as delegates from the Omaha Commercial club, which was a member of the National Rivers' and Harbors' Congress some years ago, but dropped that membership because for a time it seemed as though Omaha had nothing In common with that body. Now that Interest la renewed in the prospects of navigating the Missouri liver from Omaha to Kansas City the club has decided to re-establish Ita mem bership In the Rivers' and Ilsrbors Con greaa and has sent these two men to represent it In the Washington meeting. When it gets cold you want a quick lighting, heat producing fuel. A fuel that will make the house comfort able in a few min utes. Also a fuel light in weight and easy for a woman to handle if necessary. . Vulcan fills these specifications. It is a perfect fuel for do mestic consumption almost all carbon, the heat producer. It burns clean and bright leaves very little ash no dust or dirt is smokeless and' clean. Lasts as ; long as coal and saves 15 of your fuel cost. Produced 6y Coil Product Mff. Co., Joflot, I.U Exclusive Domestic Bales Arenta Atwill-Makemson Coal ft Coke Co. HoOoraiok Bllg, Chicago, Nebraska Fuel Co. Dibit start fcf Oatka Sa Osaka CaBlsBt Special Announcement AllUKSUAX UEUINS THE ti p. SALE OF THE FLORENCE U MFG. CO., STOCK AT HALF. Entire Sample Line of FLORENCE MFG. CO. GOES ON SALE THURSv DAY AT HALF. SEE WINDOWS. Sweater Coats at ,a Saving of Easily All Styles, All Colors; Men's, Women's and Children's Sweaters, worth up io $5, men's or ladies', all wool, best styles, an colors, on sale in four lots. . . .$3.50, $2.98, $2.45 and $1.98 jM Ladies' Silk and Wool Sweaters, beautiful garments, made to sell '4 Wl , cnoice $10.00 umer x ine sweaters, made to sell nt skin nn nri 1 5 nn J at SC.98 and S5.98 , Men's All Wool Sweaters, made to sell to $8.50, all colors at $5.98 and $4.98 Men's $2.00 Sweater Coats at 98c Misses' and Boys.' Sweaters, values up to $2.50, your 'choice m CI AK orirJ OQ u,u LTOVj . a . . . Mil liFW DtajlM 430 ' rr Every Uoman Can Uco and ought to use occasionally, a proper remedy for the headache, backache, languor, nervousness and depress ion to which she may be subject These troubles and others are symptoms of debil ity and poor circulation caused by indigestion or constipation ar at once gafs. certain and convenient They clear the system and purify the blood. They ex ert a general tonic - effect and insure good health and atrength, so that all the bodily organa do their natural work without cavuing" autTering. Every woman of the thousands who have tried them, knowa that Beecham'a Fills act To Certain ; Atlvantcgo Panaiss was tW el IsssU Tsiss ts Weasa. Mserawe. kseaa.nV.ISe. Automobile Agency Open One of the very well known and most popular automobiles is about to establish an agency in Omaha and wishes a desirable firm or agent to represent them. A representative of the company, which is an old established company with a very large east ern business, will be here in about ten days. Please write, fully explaining your qualifica tions, in applying for the agency. Address, S. A. C, care Omaha Bee. I ll 't ' 5 T Special Holiday Items In Linen Dept. Dinner Napking, all pure linen, full size, worth $5.00 a dozen, 8 ,or 81.50 Hemstitched Napkins, medium Ire, pure flax, assorted designs, worth up to $3.00 a dosen, 6 for .!?.: 8i.oo Unhemmed Pattern Table Cloths, full alio, dew bleached, 14 val u. ch 82.50 Circular Scalloped Pattern Table Cloths, In circular designs, $5 'raluee; v 83.00 Filet Dresser Scarfe, 18x50, beau tiful range of patterns, worth 50c, each . . . 25 Quest Towels, neat hemstitched, medium size, pure linens, 35c values, each 25c IN TOY FAIRYLAND Aih Floor. 16-in. Character Dolls, 75c values, dressed, at ...49c $1.25 Toy Typewriters, the 4 4 Lord Ballimore," at 98c 35c Wall Black Boards, 25c 5-Key Toy Pianos at . .25c Magic Lantern, 3 slides 49c 69c Iron Toy Range . .49c Toy Trunks, $2.98 to . ,25c Tool Chests at $5.98 to 25c Closing Out Blankets and Auto Rugs No. 2665, $3.00 pair No. 2680, $4.00 pair No. 2791, $5.50 pair No." 2816, $660"pair No. 2887, $4.50 pair S2.25 82.65 84.48 84.05 83.25 Closing Out AU Auto Kutn Scotch Plaids, reversible, fring ed, extra heavy: No. 2756, $15.00 S1O.00 No. 2771, $10.00 87.50 No. 2755, $9.00 .$6.25 ! 1,000 Comfortables ' at one-third regular price. . Bath Robes $1.75, $2.50, g2 98 Baby Cribs. pair . ... .... . -38 Baby Cribs 50c, 75c, $1, 81.25 Outing Flannels 1A) Wash Goods, silk and cotton-r- 25'to 81.00 FREE Man Tarred DRESS SKIRTS FRFF : Made To Your Measure . .v!r 50? p,ecea of handsom ool dress fabrics for your selection. Absolutely no "chance except GsS materlal9 t. tyle and workmanship guarayntneed?haJIqutrXeCe2 PIiAIN AND PAVrv bit.itq Made to sell up to $1.00 a yard. Plain- colors, stripes, plaids and brocade novelties, big assort ment of weaves and colorings. Over 2,000 yards, at. yard a c? V o; $1-00 SILK ME8SALIXES In plain colors and fancy ertrlpe effects; plain and printed silk poplins, novelty embroidered and brocaded crepes, yard' 63 1 VJL !S -J s7i I: J.- Another Rig Lot of TRIMMED HATS i ri a g n - imn a Itacnniur biow that It Mrr rnnrl ao ns'CMt uiil. tha tupandous aun leo.tts) lu.t w ana au mat r aia I .in .1 1. u... La iprtltioi tor . . m " " .( mu uwi Kwm 1 1 III. 1 1. Mitf la Bi llinla tl Saarfwhiakry that is obu mania uywheri Aawrlea Vxlar, Wa hitand to aonrlnoa lA.tlW mura wluika t. 7.,Vl,l .7 1 1-,J ia loiaranajaaa 10 (M Inoa tha Maat airaDtia ow iviust Act At Once isiisa nst ili t s f -- - s a . . . . this Hir I "a oanra, a ur mwn i V I dalMMOSll J Taaotav,.trfoaaWt4 1 all aLila wbaa tt'. Iitarailr ear-ivr A) WtUtaM luMrvtura irMMittM battUMwr uimuJ. n3 y- ell, alt ra naact da ta rauut aa Uti aj4 ara will aiaKoTl. baadii f laa. ara vout latoaiaa.iXf KVsi STfT T.."TV- a"1','T ' r swpaaaa. prirk tha vhukaw tm u, " aiaulutly. ko nattar what n. Am li k .h. a Z ,J':iJ?L?.r whl., jr m tad, raJaralaSrofTHo.: tH.' " a It wtJSlttaBO Tsd ta nSZui fM DfTILLIHO CO. U Fa tysst Kaas-a CHy. Ma. Worth up to $7.50 at one price Wednesday Hundreds of clever, becominir de jonty being the output of our own work rooms during the last few days, others are from our regular stock that sold at $6.50 and $7.50, black and colors,' trimmed with ostrich, gf m paradise, aigrettes, furs; flowers, ribbbhs, etc, Av J? . CJ biggest values of season QjJdZii 9 For Your Xmas Groceries Oaaasd Ooods, rla4 Trults, rrssh rrtUts, Tsratablss, Battsr, Oaasas, Crackers and Msats. It's Baydaa'a lor quality roods, aaa a sanoa of aa to 40 par oaat. v 8-lb. sacks best high rrade Diamond H Flour, nothin finer for your pudqlngs, pies or. cakes sack $1.40 19 lbs. best granulated sugar ..91.00 lba choice Japan rice ",. 83c 4 lbs. fancy Japan head rice. 10c quality afio 10 lbs. best whits or yellow corn meal. at ic Gallon cans Golden Table syrup S80 2-lb. cans fancy sweet sugar corn at THo J-lb. cans wax, string, green or lima beans 'H J-lb. cans Early June peas . .ai-o S-lb. cans hominy, baked beans, pumpkin, squash or sauer kraut, at a l-3 Parker Houss Catsup, special, bot tle ..THo Advo Jell, for deaert, nothln I ilka It, package 7Ve The beat domestic maoaxoaU vermi- cilll o spaghetti, pkg THe 1 2 -os. jars pure fruit preserves , . k6o 1 (-ot. Jars pure fruit preserves ..15o S be cans ODttaae milk . ,. Bsc IS-oa cans Cottage milk ., THa Lars; bottle Worcester sauce, plcklaa. assorted kinds. French or Oerman mustard or Horseradish, per bottle a cans oil sardines aa Or ape Nuts, pkg. 10s Corn Flakes, -pkg. Bo 10 bars best brands laundry soap Beo Hershey's breakfant cocoa, lb. ..SOo Uoiden Santos coffee, lb SOo Tha bos niixsd ants, peT lb. . ...16o All new 114 stook. Ths best creamery batter, eartoa of bulk, lb. B4e The best No. 1 eggs, dosen aso Fancy country creamery butter 980 Good dairy table butter, lb. 880 C lba good butterine i..86e 6-lb. pail Good Luck butterln . .860 IS lbs. best Bad Bivsr Minnesota po tatoas to tas peck too la lbs. faaoy cooking- apples to the peck for ase Demand your weight; ths law re quires it. Fancy Holland . seed cabbage, lb. at I lto Fresh beets, carrots, turnips rad ishes or shallots, per bunch Ve Wax or green beans THe Fancy ripe tomatoes, lb. TH 2 stalks fresh eelery Be Fancy Calif, cauliflower, lb. ,..TJie 8 large soup bunches , los I bunches fresh parsley 10r heads freeh leaf lettur ........ &o Fancy head lettuce, head THe I lba fancy Jersey aweet potatoes for 10a Old carrots, beets, turnips, parsnips or rutabagas, lb. 1V Our first carload of gig-bland Havel Oranges are in and on sale at, pr ,.,..iOO, BOO, SOO, SOO dosen , . Washing Machines ph. Big Special Sale at Bargain ces Wednesday Round West ern "Washers, af ...$2.98 O. K. Washers reduced to ...$5.98 $10.00 Under gear Wash ers reduced to .,.$7.98 We sell "atotor," "One aslnuta," -ium," Ssatar,N "Jratloaal Tao num," White XJJy Xleotrlo," and many others. Ws have ths best of all the different types of washers made. . Worroated Wringers fXSa Wash, Benches, holds two large tube. at a Glass, braaa or enamel wash boards at , .aas Pull sise sine wash boards ......19o JUTRY HAYDEN'S FIRST 7' TTT7 V C'vaatlpatlaa t'ar4. Juhn Kuajilo of Huuliury, fa., writes: -)it. Kiiijf-s New Life PlUs are Uia ji'!s f cuiu.'liUiUun."' 'm All druav ( Mi. A 3 iixlkxM irut. T Ji XHf 0 , i 2209 Farnam St.. Omaha. Nob. a , DUYG and GELLG good used cars for CASH. If you havoa cood used car that you want to sell drive it up, or if you want to buy a cood used car, cho us a call. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE 22C3 Frjsxa Ihzil, Caibi, Gil Te!c?!i323 Cbi 3310 ' s V A fftTS IT PATt iilHilllitlit lllillii: v (S- Limbed A lounging Ocom for UJomen In Clacrualian-Glub Doon for Clon and UJomen