30 Till J5KI3: OMAHA, DECEMBER 1914. WANT ADS Wnt ad received lit any time, but to lniire proper classification tnimt he pre sented before 12 o clock noon for evening edition and 7..V p. m. for morning and Funday edition. Want ad received after such hour will be under the heading, "Tpo Late to Classify." I ' CASH RATES. Saven consecutive times, 1 cent word ach Insertion. Threw timet within one week, 1H cent word each Insertion. Ona time, t eenta a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive timet, I oenta a Una arh Insertion. Three timea within on week, 10 cents a Una each Inaertlnn. One time, i- centa a line. Count six average worda to a Una. Minimum charge, 20 centa. An advertisement tnaerted to ne run un til discontinued must b stopped by writ ten order. TODAY'S COMri.ETK MOVIE riMMiKAMH Exclusively in The lie. Kflath. FAVORITE THEATER, 171H VINTON Mary Jane Entertains, 2-roel Vita. com Hr.incho Hilly Favorite. E. w. drama. The cngeanr-w of Innna. Kal drama. OEM, 12f.FH ).' l.rriL The Myaterlnila Roae. 2-recl. O. Seal. The Blighted Ppanlard. K Ko Com. The Old Bell Ringer. Neat. - AH claim for error must be made within fifteen day after the taat Imor tlon of the advertisement Ton ran place your want ad In Tha Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1000. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column": Hundreda of other answers Have been railed for and delivered during the laat week. It la reasonable to suppose that all of the peopio below have made the desired awapa, therefore do not call for the balance of their answer. Bee Want Ada aure get r"itlts. 8 O r02 tl SIS 2I i 3 27 2 , 2i fUJ M 347 "M . HA ' M SC. S4 T7 4 M tli UJ tl 81T 24 8.8 37 M 3M B.C. 890 ;H l3 YM 1&1 mi 114 mi 1333 1M7 1.1.31 1W 1.144 161 B C. B.C. SC. )i2 1424 lall J.C4 1421 IMS jars H.ii ' imt I4 J4i3 US VM 13 l'i mi zui u-to J34 1444 1M6 14-U 1449 1M JIO-J 1464 15W 404 14I4 1067 14"7 14 10 11) J40J 14b2 IFfl 1411 1470 li 1413 1471 1M 1414 142 iw; 141 U9i ltt DKiTHI AND FVMCH.A. ItOTlCaSl KERVAN-John A., agsd H years, after aa lllne of three weeks at hi resi dence, 4243 Harney Bt Funeral notice later. BIRTHS AMD DEATHS. Plrtha Frank and Mary Felthem. 014 South Twenty-eeventh, girl; Vita and Vita Llparl, 123 North BeventeenUi, girl; U. and Carmela Carmella. M North Tenth, boy: Harry and Ulllan Boatman, 83 Monroe, girl; Alex and Anna Hed atrom. 4H Corby, boy; Harry and Anna Marcus, hospital, trlrl; Ferris and Jarm ley Natr, ?23 South Eighteenth, alrl; Ralph and Ina Sealgo. Zt) pierce, boy; Louis and Augusta Worm, 1322 North Twenly-aeventh, girl. Deaths Chrtetian Dyhrberg, 07 years, 19 Crown Point avenue; John Omhlg. 66 years, hoapltnl; Mary Johnahn. ti6 years, 71 Hickory; Wllflsm I). Town send. 49 years, 1.118 flmith Thirtieth ave. nun; Hnrrlaon C. hmlth, a years. 111 South Twentieth; Caroline I Liee, 61 years, 8S10 Dodge; Mrs. K. I Cleuious, 63 years, hospital. MARRIAGR LICENSES. TJcentes to wed have been granted the following" couples: Name and Address. ' Ae. Herman Klabunde, Millard M Annie Peterson, MUlard 2u John A. Anderson, Omaha. Anna M. Gyllln, Omaha.... L. DeWltt Newlln, Revler, Mo Virginia K. Darnold, VlllUca, la.... Floyd Hupp, Logan, la TheUna bear. Logan, la BUILDING PERMITS. Mrs. E. Dupena, 1811 Farnam, brick building. 11,400; A. B. Cramer, 1318 Houth Twenty-fifth aarenua, frame dwelling. ti.OuO; Mrs. Ellen M. Schleler, 2324 Houtn 'J'hlrty-aecond, frame dwelling, IM.'Miu; Carl Poteraon, llnj South Korty-Xifth, $1j0; Frank V. Krycl, aail South Thirty fifth avenu. $2,601); Hattle Hood, X.tU South Third avenue, frame dwelling, U.IMl TODAY'S OOMTLKTB MOVIK PltOUHASlS Exclusively In Tlx lie lwa Tewat. CAM ERA PHONE, 1408 DOUQLA8 ST. H- lt n a Sacrifice. Kaletn drama. Tli-- ,Marriab' Wager, K-r. t,ubin drama. A Home on Sophie. Eaaenay W. comedy. KUl'K NO. X 1hT8 FAKNAM HT? Ixrd Cecil Keeps His Word, Luhln drama, t meat Meltravera, 8-rel iilograph dra. butter Brown and German Rand, Cd. com. LYRIC. Pil7 VINTON, Itrand of His Trlhe. J-reel. HIon. Trafflr In flabea. H. Com, Ir. Rlark Handa. Hterllng Com. fASTIM E724T1I And LKAVKN WORTH. The Vagabond, f-reel. Reg. Mr. Noad's Atlleat Day. Joker Com. VE.Nfc.ZJA, , . 1211 SO. 13TH T. Four reels of Mutual picture. . , West. MONROE THEATER. FARNAM RT Pianola X. Rualiman In An Unplanned Klnpenient; Million lxillar Myatery, Kpl- Mi no. I; The t'ave Dwcllere, Vita. Com Beaaasi. RENMON THEATER. K MAIN ST. Master Key No. i. Sieolal Serial. The Wall of. Flame, Nestor drama. Tale of a Lohenome Dog. Victor. taaaeil Dial fa. ELITE NO. 1, 646 RROADWAT. Heart-Se!lg No. 71. lord Cecil Plays a Part. Lubln drama. The Man of Iron. 2-reel Kalem drama. ROPER, 637 RROADWAY. Terenee O'Rourke. Inn of Winged Ood, I- reel. Vict. Animated Weekly. Love, Iick and Candy. Hterllng Com. oath Omaha. PE9SK THEATER. S4TII AND N BT8. What Could She Do? 8-real Kdlaon drama. Bweedle nt the Fair. Faaenay comedy. MAGIC, 24TH AND O. Animated Wealdy, Foundling of Father Time, I-reel. Blaon. When IJitxy Clot Her Polish. Neat Com. Vaudeville. ORPHBTJM, 24TII, AND M ST8. Special features today. AXffOtNCEMKXTH OlHS OU7J.NO. Superior window glasa and expert glailng. l.et ut quote prices. RKEH BROS. I'AINT CO., 16"0 Fsrnam. II A Douglas 4760. CH RIftTMAS DA ROA1NS. In Jewelry, W'atehe,' etc. Many iatt fled customers. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. "The atore with the reputation," 204 't N. 1th and 410 1. 16th. MVR WIUE IllKINKSM MKX OK OMAHA Deatlata. Dr. Rradbury. No pain. 1VH Farnam. Dr. Todd a alveolnr dentistry. 405 Prandeis Halley, the Dentist. 'IJy Nafl Hnnk. TaFt I tent's I riooma, 1SI7 Douglas. D. 21. Pyorrhea,-Dr. FU kea, 724 City Nat. Hank. Drasre. DRCOS at cut prices; freight paid on HO order: catalogue free. Sherman si Mc- Conndl Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Karri era. REN FEN8TER. WO N. 24th t. Web. 7771. IIFM WANTEI KKMALE JHIaeellaaeeaa. YOt'NO women com.ng to Omaha a tranger re Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Aasorlnt on building al St. Mary Ave. and 17th St., where they will be tllreftd to agitable board. ng pliu-ea or otherwise assisted. look for our traveler's guide st Union station. LADIES' mlasca' cost, tulla, dresse sKiit samples at wholesale prlcps. Mon ofr New York Sample Store. 2" .VK.th. LADIES can make good money at hirne bffore holldaya decorating pillow. Ex perience unneceesary. Call t forenoona. !1 So. 1!tth. . RTerythlagt for Woraea. Woman Kxcliange, 4 Pax. Blk. R. 4H2. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered button, all aixcs and atylea; hemstitching, ploot edging. Id-al t'leatlng Co., W Doug laa Blo k. If. van. CROCHET work for Christmas; leave or der. Mr. Maneval, 28 Iodga. Florists. A. DO.VAOHI7E. 1fi-J Harney Doug. 1001. HATH'H florists, 1WH Fsrnam St. HKSM St SWOHOlA, 1415 Karnam St. L. HENDERHON, 1519 Tarnam. D. 120s. Member Florist Telegraph Dei. Aan. Hair Dreaalaar. Harper method. R, t, Htlrd Rldg. D. 8611. lints Trimmed. Hat trimmed, oic. F. Lnmberton Web 1804. Llklna; rita7r-a"aml 'WlrlaaT. TIIOMAS DURKIN . Electric fixtures and suDDlle. contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2ll CCM1NQ. DO HO LA H 281. l.lre Rl9rk Remedlea. OMAHA Remedy Co., 607 S 13th. Red 42te Mailt, roatames Lost Saaallea. MNKR. of lodge regalia and coatumes. Ths Isrsest atocli of masatierade and theatrical on fume In the co'.mtry- Tbeo. Lleben A- Bon, 1M4 Howard IJ. 4118. faaseuire. CORA HELLING Y Mtlafuctory eastern trealmcnta: baths; dally and evening. 1'7 H. ITtli St. Notice: trivate entrance, basement, corner or bin; MISS SCHMIDT, mass., eloc. bath. D. 713, Openeve;, 9 p. ni. ; Bundays, 10 to 2. Vlolft Ray, mam., 4;16 Ree Rldg. D. 4112. Clara I.ee. bath and inasaage. Doug. 871. MlaFialierT tiiasM., elect treat. Red 60ST MASSAGE. 109 S. 17th St. Mr. Steele. MAKSAGE"0 BKK BiriLDiNU. Il301UIJ jjoiTGLAH 6f72. MIS.S JA'.'OliS, matt., manicuring. Phone louK. im. Hour. to 9; Sun.. 11 to 5. OET a Y. M. C. A. ticket for Xmas. HAZEL Ieaf Pile Cones. Pest remedy I for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; VOo postpaid; samples free. Shennan A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ilg. Co. LUCKY wedding rlnga at Brod-gaard'a. MODEL cleaner and tallort: call and de liver, lflg N. JBth St. Phone Red 4292. MUST sell all trunks, tultcatea, hand bag, half price. Wee HARRY. 601 N. Kith THE OLYMP1A Is shewing ft complete line of Xma candles. 1518 Harney, M. V. MORRILL. DECORATED CHINA for Xmas gift. 824 llrandela The. Rldg. WILL contract to kill alt roaches In your tinuae or building In twelve days or no money. Powder need la non polsonous anl odorless. Dougls 1370. borl Nellaon, ntibllo atenn., ai3V H Rldg. APPLEGATE, he write adds, booklet, circulars, etc., on request Ree Rldg LIVE WIRE BUH1NKSM MEN OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha ALL WATCHES, diamonds and jew elry, special prices, Nov. and Dec. Ruy now, II a week. Western Watch and Jewelry Co., Room 217, Ksrbach Hlock. EXCELLENT bUlTE of two roome, 17th t. exposure, good location for your office. The Ree Rldg. Inquire room P. JUNK We are the oldest junk buy ers in the west. Write for price lint on scrap metal, rubber and rags. L. Harding V Son, 1). 2218 lftOl Cum., Omaha. XTtW and aecond-hand electric- fans l and motors. IeUron Eleotrlo Works, 818 8. 12th. Douglas 2176. MAHA PILLOW CO., 1W7 Cuming. Doug. 247. Renovates feathers and mattresaca 'of all kinda. makes feather mattreacea and down covers. 0 V FAKNAM. - 1415 FARNAM. &iidura, Thanhouser Serial No, 8, la ad dition to our regular program. , Another Chance. MaJ. drama. Keystone Comedy, featuring Mabel Nor- msiiil and Charles Chaplin. w 6399. llllr iUiCATt-H. liU AND HARNEY. Horn of Paramount Pictures. - PAUK. THiuATc.lt. Feature program dally. Keystone Corned lea. tit N. 1CT1L PARLOR, DOUOLAfi. Charlie Woo's Vivian. Crystal Com. The Olrl Btage Drivar, 8-reel. Eel. piUNCESS. iMJUULAt Lion Lamb The Man. It-reel. Rex. Fido's Dramatic Career, L-Ko Com. . The Higher lnipulae. i Eel. Norta, ' ' ALHAMBRA, 1814 N. 24TH BT. J he Lite of Buffalo RUI. 8-reel feature. with rope throwing exhibition by Arlsoua innnn in iroiu ir ine I neater. ALAMO. Jl'fll AND ll'OKf. His tat hers Son. 2-reel Victor. The Clute Call, sterling comedy. Her Lire Story. Powers. CLIFTON. Military and Rurdette. vn te iMscara. 8-reel K. R. Drama. A I tog's Love, Than. Drama. iloil.t, J.lln-. Keystone CoilM'dy. DIAMONU THEATEK, 2410 LAKE bT. j ne j reasure jrain. 8reel Imp. lint's lntkmnt Ut.rlli.v , ' A.. A lonely Salvation, Victor Drama. " RANK UN. 14TH A. AUKS AVE In the ijind of Arcadia, 2-r. Vila. dr. The l.iit.-r a lloiiiam. bvl. W. dr. bnakevllle sou inw v fw-i irmonairaior. r;sa. v. coin. IllPV'iiltlhiuv. ';.tu a v r. .i m i V .... - ------- - . . . . . i .in., vj, W A- Kli.rl,w.V 1 J 1 . . , w ......... . . w . ; . . a, , gnJDi nD dr. The Emperor's iy, Than, drama. mum m rne r.xrnrment. Keytone com 16TH it LOCLVf I P Til KATt'.H H-Brt-l-lia. No. 74 The Private Officer. 8-r. E. Dra. lliank for the lumr, Vila, Coin. LOTHRCP, 24TH AND LOTHKajP A Mudrn Rip Van Wlukle, 2-reel AmeH can drains. Lrgend of Rlack Rock lt-auty drama. Keystone comedy. lAJi'AL THEATER. 24o CALDWELL! i -g or me iia, 8-reel imp. Friond In Need, Eclair. Hie r.oob Nomesia. R; Comedy. PALACE THEATER. 14 DAVENPORT K!dR-gan's Hand, t-reel Reg. Th t.'uarrel. cialr. si i:! KHAN UTl A AM Ed AVE. Tin ItucKy Road of lxve. Vita. com. 1 1, Lterlastitig Triangle. K1taon Iram walk. Xl ARBOR 8T In Danger's Hour, Thanhouaer drama, T I a k 'I blf. KrHtine coniedv. AP.HOR. niiiiiiin I K, liar Uvil,r v.. a ACUUM cleaners for sale, cleaning done In the home. Service Co., m Ree Hldg. Vacuum Sanitary WE rent, repair, aell needlna and part for all tewing machlnca. NEw RRABK CYCLE CO.. "Mlckel a." 15th and Harney. Douglas 18i. EAR-EVER aluminum kitchen uten alls. Popular combinations, not sold In stores, factory Haiesmen. Web, Aeeaaalaalt. MELVILLE D. THOMAS tt COMPANY. 1237-88 City Nat. Hank Rldg. Tyler 1M0. E. A. Dworak, C. P. A., Doug. 7404. BAKER, VAWTER A WOLF. Doug. 74i, MIK8 WALTON, bath. maa. Phone D. 42OT. Hours. to ; Sunday, 11 to t. RATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. l.HiJ Farnam, I 2. Douglas 876L Open evening and Sunday. Millinery. SWITCHES from combing. 11.60. Pycha free. Mr. H. M. Eck, 3fK Marcy. H. 645. Mnegrj'gd Transfer. WHITE LINE. 800 S. 11th. DouglsA 8S11. Marin, Storage and Cleaning;. W. C. FERRIN, 15th and Capltpl, Ty. TO Mnfrs. and Window Shade t'lewners. OLD shade made like new. Midwest Shade Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Hnr. 4RK1. Ocnllata. Eyes examined, glaaae fitted, pay a you can. Dra, Mr-Ciirthy. 1111 W. O. W. Rldtr. Oaleopathle Phyalrtaas. Dr. Reritrha, 203-4 McCague Rldg. D. 8B?. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 B. 11th St. Printing;. WATFTtti-RARNHART Ttg. Co.. printing. Tel. Doug. 21!i0. 524 H. 1'tallty nth St. 112 'GLAB Prlntln g Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY A M KENZIE PTO. CO. D. 844. R1ES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capital. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. Patents. H. A. Sturgea, M Rrandels Theater Rldg. D. O Rnrnell. Paxton Hlk. Tel. Red 7117. Palnttngr and Pnperlna. HUGH M'MNUB, t17 N. 4oth. H. 67M. Pinnies Renovntrd. PLUMES A flower made over, cleaned & dyed, Hcrlha Kruger, 42 Paxton. D. 8TOI. Roach Bi terminator. R. R. R Roach powder at your dnigglrt. Safe, and Time Lor k Ex pert a. O A "L7T70 Opened, repaired, comb. C5Ar IwO cbanged. F. E. Daven wx port, 14'1 Dodge. D. 1H21. Nhoe llrpalrias;. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1S0T Bt. Mary's Av. Slans and Shorrcnrds. B. M CLARK gr. SON. 113 S. 16TH ST. Store and Office Fixtures. DESKS, safi', scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. VS'e buy. sell. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.,' 414-lti-lS 9. lL'th D. 2724. Steel Irlllniii. CARTER Sl eet Metal Works, 110 B 10th. Towel Supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply, 207 B. 11th. D. 528. GOVERNMENT job lor women. 87 a month. List free. Franklin Institute. Dept 6T.8-T. Rorheater. N. Y. HELP WAITED MALE Clerical and Offlro. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find the position that fits you. CO-rPERATI VE REFERENCE CO.. 1016-16 City National Hnnk Hldg. ALERT, ambitious young man. 18 to 21, for Junior clcrkehlp; must be able to use typewriter. Apply b. State Rank Rldg OFFICE clerk; must make good figures; salary too. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE CO., 11I9-20 Woodmen of the World. 8ALESMA N Specialty line commlealon bookkeeper, 8-M); aHslstant architect, 875. Watts Rcf. Co., 840-42 Rraniiol Theater. SEE ut for high grade opeuing In ta'.et or Clerical position. MIDWEST HON DING CO.. 212 Ree Rldg. AtTOMOniI.ES The Auto Clearing House 2?"9 Farnam Btreet. Phone Douglas 3110. Omaha. We announce the opening of an exclusive second-hand auto salesroom at the above address. We expect to buy and sell used cars for spot cash. Let ua have a call from you, and tell us what you have to offer for sale and what you want to buy. y We ' have two customers for light coupe car at this time. Tires and accessories at a discount, AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, O.t HALE Mnalenl fnstrnmenla. SLIDE TROMRONE. foreign make, very reasonable. 673 llrandela Hldg. SWAPPER'S COLIM Typewriter. RENT Remingtons. Morsrch and Smith Premier of their makers. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 125.4. Rental credited if you purchase, and only very neweat and highest grade ma-1 chines sent out. Rate, three months for !." for underatrok machine or 83 per month for latest model visible writer. RENT An Oliver typewriter, I months for 34, Tha Oliver Typewriter Co., D. 19. AUTO Have Hudson car which I will trade for equity In good cottage, or a good lot. Car has new tire, body Is It good shape and engine ha Just been overhauled. Addre S. C. IfiiR, care Ree. Typewriters; TYPEWRITER'S sold, rented, repaired. Centrsl Typewriter Exchange. 807 3. litn. All make typewriter rented, sold, term. Rutta Typewriter. 10S Farnam. n ami. Jleeellnneaae. fc flft Ruy best coal for the money; try pa.ov lt Wf,h M)l Harrnon 4 Weeth. 2209 Karnam Street. Omaha, Nebraska. FORD cars paint'd 122; other car accord ing to lxe; work gtd. Phone 8. SMtO. Llndborg Rroe.. 2672 Leav. (FlTing Merklei. 6x7 GRA FLEX newspafer camera, with 11 plate holders, carrying case for camera and carrying case tor plate hold era. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for the lot at 8110. Addret I A XX). Ree. FOR SALE New and aecond-hand carom and pocket billiard tahlea and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fixture of all kind; eaey payments. The Bruntwlck- Ralke-Collender Co.. 4O7-409 8. 10th St HIGH -ORADB commercial positions. WEPTERN REF. & BOND ASSN 7F,2 Omaha Nat. Rank Rldg Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. NO clnlfirfi t'on: llhernl contract; new policies Mutual Benriflt Health and Ac cident Annotation, 423 Clly National Bank RIdg.. fit:ah.t, Neb. WANTED Several neat appearing men for soliciting. Money daily. Call at once. 833 Brandel Theater Hldg. Factory and TradVa. Drug Mere man: Inhs Kneist He nidg WANTED--JWeii to learn tho barber trade; learn now and accept a Job that pay well: few weeks complete; always aure of work; tools given; wages while learning; particular mailed free Call If poaalble. Aloler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. LEARN BARKER TRADE. Be IndependTt; wage and tool given. Electrlo masanR. StrlcMy modern. Big demand for burberx. rail or write. TRI-CITY RARBER COLLEGE. U24 Dougls St., Om. 1032 N St.. Lincoln. Mlaceilanewnn. GOOD FUTURE FOR YOU or anyone who n.akes MmiMilf an auto expert. We give expert work. Go right Into the auto bui'ness from here. Rest an.l finest equipped college. Opportunities best here now, ever have been. Write for Hat of opening. Free catalog. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 2119 Farnam St., Omaha. C. J. CANAN. Real Estate and Exchangis WANTED 1,000 men to eal ham and eraa. 15c. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. rjjONK.Wb- ' 'or basket "criaT NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL educates you for any automlbl e position; practical training on actual nutoinobllo building, remodeling and renalr work Pa,y, fRnd '.ll8ht c'aaaea. Automobile built and rebuilt to your deelgn. Every repair Job guaranteed. The practical school. 1413-15-17 Dodge St Phone Doug la 3043. Wanted at Once MEN to learn tha automobile business; ths demand 1 great for our graduates; we have trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Aes'ri, WH N. )th St., Omaha. Neb. 3M MONTH and expenses to travel, dis tribute samples and take orders, or ap point agents; permanent. Jap American Co., Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALES. THOUSANDS government Joba open to men and women; big pay: Omaha ex aminations frequently; fist of positions tree. Add rets Y . Ree. GOVERNMENT Jobs" open to men and women; $o5 to 3150 month. Write imme diately for positions Hat, Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 221 W., Rochester. N. Y. A PPLEOATE Bldg. MODEL R-5 Detrolter touring car witn self-starter, run )es than 500 mile; Kcnilne bargain at ti9. The T. G. Nortn wall Co., 914 Jone St., Doug. 1707. Wagner, 801 N.I. Industrial Garage Co.. 2oth Harney Bt. Grecnough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., 2u20 Far. FOR RENT One-ton White truck with driver, by week or month. II. Pelton, Po5 Furnn.ni. "all Douglas 331. ALTO clearing houae, 2209 Farnam. buy and soli used cart. Phone Dourflaa 3310. Motorcycle. IIARLET-DA VIDSON MOTORCYCLES. I'.artjSir. in uod machine. Victor Ron, "The Motoreycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. li14 INDIAN M'JTORCYl LE now ready; bargains In lined machines. OMAHA BICYCLE CO . lflth and Chicago. D. 3728. Lindborit broa . 2-772 Leav. (Fly.ng Mcrkle). Ill SIX ESS CHIANCES 400 SQUARE FEET OFFICE SPACE. Specially priced at 330. Vault, Woter, Masda Light Free. READY NOW. THE IEE BUILDING, (The Build ng that I Always New.) Office Room 103. CAFE in good town; good trade, well se lected slock, up-to-date fixtures. Call or write for Particulars. Address Lox 131. OHtner. Neb. DAMAGED hay, 3 ton FOR 8ALE Letterpress and elegant stand, pier did condition; retail price $35; will sell for $10. Address A 275, Beo. ?-hsnd mch. Gross Wreck Co . 21 Paul. Bakery and furn. wood. Tel. Florence 4oU LIVE STOCK FOR SALE. Horses and Vehicles. HEAVT teaming gears, farm wagons A harness; large stock & attractive prices. Johnson-Danforth Co. 1529-S3 N. lfith St A OOOD team. 1.100 lbs.. $i:A One horae. $25. 3322 Harrison St.. South Omaha. . Telephone South 3029. NOTICE to a cash sale: 2.600-pound team of young mares, both with foal, absolutely sound and good workers. Owner changing business. Call at resi dence, 201S Howard St. LOST AND FOUND FOR SALE $,.,000.00 property, net 10 per cent. $10,000.00 first mortgages, net ( per cent. Seven room house, modern ex cept heat. Rarn. $1,800, rented $18.00 per month. Trade or rent, 11 room modern, 109 Park Ave. F. A. SPENCER, 19 N. Main St., Council Bluffs. Ia. FIRST-CLASS cafe and confectionery business In a town of 1,900 population for sale; doing big business; good reason for telling. Address Y 292. Ree: FOR SALE Real live money-making billiard and pool parlor. Rest equipped and located In the south. Business good the year, round, clearing over all ex pense between 36,000 and $7,000 a vear. Cost $9,000; will sell for $5,XO. Must be spot cash. There Is no indebtedness against this place. If interested, write or wire W. E. Grady, Hlii Main Dallas, Tex. GROW rich In buainess of your own. Get out of the wage earners class. Your co operation with our factory starts you with little capital during spare time in your own home. We manufacture exclusive ar ticles. No canvassing. Experience unneces sary. Write for booklet and proposition. Address Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D-39. Buf named "Nervle." Tel. H. 2X99 or W, C. GROCERY STOKE for sale, only ex clusive ona In live town of 1.100, located In western Iowa. Doing good business. Will pay to Investigate. Good reasons for selling Address Y-234. Vare Be. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with u for quick action and square treatment QUICK SALES COMPANY. 418 Bee Bldg. Phone Red !?M. wants agents. tws Bee WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNO man wants place to work for board while attending Boyle' college. Telephone Dougla lot. MEAT cutter, experienced; reference! furnlahcd. Addreis E. L. Hadley, Vll-ll,-a, la. Adding; Machines. Dalton Adding Machines. Trunks and (Suitcases. FUELING ft STEIN LE, ISO Farnam St. Tailors. CI I AS. ( O 411 S. 15. D. 1449. Adder Mch. Co. -(Wales), W. O. W. D. 6.HS. Arcalleets. Everett S. Dodd. Ct Paxton Blk. D. MSI. Attractions. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture mat-nine and rum bargains Ant and Magneto Kepalrlna;. Magneto repair work a specialty. D-S418. Auctioneers. Dowd Auction Co., 1123 W. O. W. Red Ulan Printing;. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., 103 Omaha Nat l hack 13 ug. Barbers. 12 Chair. 10c shave, neck shave. 117 Far. Brna Fonndrlea. Paxton-Mitchell Co., 2"th and Martha Sta. Building and Repairing. E. FRANTA, ll Paxton Hlk. Dong. 3K.7. (.lateral and Well Dlaalag. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? KCHAFFER does it Phone Wen. fcoJL California I.ads. W. T. Hmlth Co., 1111 City Nat Bk. D. 2318. loot Dealers. d:! Pl Johnson's epeclal, also Vtotor nut Chiropractors. L. Oeddls, D. C., 228 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4293. -j . tkias Pal Ruth I-etchford, decorating, firing. R. 4M3. tlvtl aGagtnerre. M. J. LACY. MS BEE BLDG. DOUG. 4715. Irftn geparatora. The Sharpies Separator Co., 12th Farn ( lock Repairing. EXPERT clock repairing. Web. 1311 Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville RIB. Rv. tirme secur.! in ail cases. Tyler 113. The limning Secret Srrvlce. 7.-l and eh. Ciiil. Addr- Phone D, L -S. Ree. Danriuat Academies.' Turpln' Dancing Academy, tSth Farn Geiievlpte Haliflaire. I'hone Web. 6a. ( II A h h l' Academy, rlasi-tc. D. 171 Ua kie'a Acadt-my, now oten. lMa liar. I.ANDERYOU. IW N. lMh St. OLSE N ft CO.. 613 Sj ltith St. 2d floor. WANTED Position by handy man at tin and plumbing work. E. H. Salisbury. m Kmmeraon St, Sheridan. Wyo. LADY- steno. and bookkeeper, beginner' will start at moderate salary. Address QStl, Bee.' Veterinarians, DR. . H. YOUNG. 460J Center. Wsl. 8025. Window Shade Cleaners and Mfara. OLD shades made Ilk new. Midwest rlhado Factory, 4010 Hamilton. Wal. 81t Wines and l.lqnors. ALEX JETE.S. 201-3 a 13th St. Wines. Ibiuor. clusrs. l'lte dinner, 11 to 3. 10c. Globe liquor house. 424 N. llith; California wine, i,ai per gal, write tor price Hat HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, loth and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. RUY your family liquors at Klein's l.lnuor Hou.se.. b2i N. llith. Dougla iwn. Kea4 The Bee for iorting new IIEL1" WANTED FKXL1LE book-Walts Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER and assistant keeper, too; stenographer, loo. Rof. Co., S40-42 Urandeis Theater. F1UNG and P. B. X. work. bM State Hunk iildg, l.tn and Harney Sta. Agents and dalonoaira. WANTED IJVDY SOLICITORS In every county or The Iwentleto Cen tury Fanner and other magasinea Be Independent earn big money. W rite at onto lor agency. TWENTIETH CENTURY. FARMER. Omaha. Neb. V Factory and Trades. LEARN l ilrdre.n. Oppenheim Parlora llunsekeepers nnd Uonteatlea. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Tha Ree will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired result This applies to resident of Omaha. South Omaha and Council llluffs. Bring ad to i ne nee onue or leiepnnne l yier luno. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. SM7 Fsrnam. WANTED Girl for general housework. 8.'2 WtMilworth Ave. Harney ti4l. WANTED A poaltion as housekeeper, or to care for babies. Call at loll N. 20th SITUATION Da home nights. .y work W. 5434. or bv week; go Any aina POSITION desired by man to tend fur nace and around the houae. for board rwm. .au ir oupaer at Aetna hotel. YOUNG lady, experienced In stenographlo and clerical work, would like a good wruinT-n poamon. Aaarem j z. Bee. YOUNG German gentleman, excellent ap pearanca and good habits, wishes po sition as private secretary and com panion; speaks German, French, Span ish and English, all fluently, 2203 Far nam St. W A N T E D Poal t ion driving private car or light truck. Addre E 279, Ree. KNOW YOUR BUSINESS RETTER. PT INSTA LLINO THE MONARCH SIMPLIFIED ACCOUNTING SYSTEM; ANYONE CAN KEEP IT; SAVES TIME. SAVES MON EY. SHOWS AT A GLANCE HOW YOUR RUSINES8S STANDS; MAKES BOOKKEEPING A PLEAS URE; SEND FOR BOOKLET DESCRIB ING THIS SYSTEM. UNITED SALES CO., ' 811 City National Rank. SIGNS, show card. Clark & Son. D. 1371 TO GET In or out of business. Call on OANGESTA D 404 Bee Bldg. D 8477. THEATERS Buy. lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam St Douglas li7. WANTED Young hustler who does not drink or smoke, who knows something of the meat or grocery business; one who has $1,000 to $5,000 to invest in a growing business. Address Basket Stores, General Office, 2208 O St., Lincoln. Neb. OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persona havlnc lott some article would do well to call up the olflce of the Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company tc ascertain Whether they left it In the street care. Nfany articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. LOST Female Boston bull terrier, brin- dle. white face and breast; bat earn; named "Nervis." Tel. 11. 299 or W. C. Fleury. Herman. Neb. LOST Green handbag ontalnlng silver watch and $5, between Kllpatrlck store and 16th and Farnam or on West Side car. Reward. Harney 647. LOST Saturday p. m., locket engraved "A. T. W." Charles Lang. Benton 786 W. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 30a Paxton Block. Douglas -$411. MFDIC'L Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonial. DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee. Cured In a few days without pain. Call or write Dr. Wray. SOS Bee Bldg., Omaha, Established 1894. o Rupture PERSONAL. $7,000 TO PENSION' INVALIDS We mutt have 1.400 subscriptions to The Ladles' Home Journal..:. ..$1.50 The Saturday Evening Post... .$1.50 The Country Gentleman ....$1.50 In December or the $7,000 cannot be earned for THE INVALID'S PENSION ASSOC1ATON. Your order or renewal contributes 50c or mora toward the support of a score of Invalids who have re ceived pension checks for nearly two years. Gift suhtcriptlons an nounced by beautiful Xmas. folder to reach your friends Xmas. eve. Gordon THE MAGAZINE MAN OMAHA. NEB. DENTAL work, half price for short time, 8 years' practice, newly located. S 246, care Ree. YOUR business or real etute quickly sold. JIM WRAY, Sioux City. AVE need In our organization an am bitious young business man with sales ability. For such a man will pay salary in keeping with ability and let him have stock in firm from $600 to $2,000. State experience and give references. Address, G 295. Bee. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture maga rlnea. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114 Dodge St. EDUCATIONAL WANTS poaltion private family as chauf feur; five yeara' experience; con show the bet of reference; willing to do otnr work. J. Thonia. 8618 Reeae St., city. TWO first claa farm l.anda, sotier and steady, are looking for situation on a farm or ranch Chaa. Pollc, 1403 William, Omaha. Neb; BUNDLE wanning wanted, satisfaction Riven. Call Web. 8048. WANTED Dining room work. Doug. K5u3l SITUATION wanted by experienced clerk in country town atore. bet of reference; tpeakt German and low German. Address M 25, Ree. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants po sition; csn alao cut meat; reference furnished. Webster 27S. WANTED A young man wants a puai tion as stenographer or bookkeeper. Ad dress P 2s7. l'.ee. WOMAN of 39 wixhes any kind of work at once: good home considered more than large salary, where good services are appreciated; no washing. Tel. Web. 5119. Call during day. WANTED Day work. Phone Doug. HM. VANTE1 Girl tor second work. Woolworlh Ace. Harney 3Mt rtiet tab! II. 7-NW. girl as cook; good C1KL tor general housework; German, or DanlHh preirrred. 72w 8. iM St WANTEI A girl for general ho work. H. 14. 1X2) S. Slot til. LATEST dam e. prl. or class. W eb. b3i. yiiLiAl i.i.4 LEAVENWORTH SI iit-aiat-e-i-hg No. 77. ua tbe ftivke of Five, t-reel Vita, dn Ham., the piano Mover. Kal. corned' toi.t .Mt lA THEATfc.lL 1710 iiTlf. 1 iiu i.-ii J-suib 1'laytr, 4-reel Vita, drama. I-.-at. ng tne Ruiglar. Lub. comedy. '"' ).ioin-n P. -me Liograph drama. .iirt.RT. 24T I lANtj"v IN TON 'Cue T.-ar that Hurn-d. t-reoL Majetic "I Miner's Peril. llllani. Lli.tl Kjuf 1 arty. Kuiiiic. UreMSMklag. Terry Dreaamak'g college, 30th sV Farnam. DH KHHMAK1M 1, reaaonable prioea. Mm Uiei-n. g-.-o St. Mary Ays . 44J. LA 1)1 Ed' M ill) made to order. Ii8UD I kin. 12 bv up; alo remoduliim. Irin SU So. Wtli. Doug. -:4. T Wi M. Moiln, Gowna, IKKi Cana. R. lili" F I io NA Rt . K i re in a iThigT l!tff Torby. WATSON Afb Si . lll 1 lWisTalt;'ciUr. Electric itl j-, LEIiRON FleO. Wk.. 818 3. 12th. D. 3174 WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, family of two, reterencea miuiird. Harney 2115. ELIiERLY lady wanted to be attendant fur lady, no house work required. Web. So i. CAPABLE girl for general housework, no laundry, small family. 41 too, letii Si. Harney H. COMPETENT Kill for -en. rKl hixiMwork no laundry work; good wages. 3316 Burt Office pnce for mit In lk-e otfk-e, 8.118 x auevi. K'lina rvanonaui. ell known loiillun. Tel. t'uulh 27. MAID In aa:t in geucral houaework at 114 N. S'tft St l'hi llar:.ey iM, S POSITION wanted a hotel clerk by man of middle age: experience; best of ref erence. Addreaa A 2S9, Bee. ENGI J S H M AS. itUad y worker, with good references, wsnts Joh. Can handle and pack fragile goods. Address B 20. Bee. U(lOKKl woman dexlrea position at general hou'ework. Phone South 1954. JAPANESE cook wants a po.ltlorT FlrTt claita hotel: city or country. Yura, M and I. St., South Omaha. EXPERT ludy atenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private instruction If desired. 4624 Douglas St Tel. Walnut 2327. MOSIIEB-LAMPMAN , COLLEGE, TJnsurpataed classes In business, short hand and English branches. Graduates guaranteed good positions. Place lira. vlded for young people to work for board. tor tree catalogue address, MOSIIER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. 18th and Farnam Sts., Omaha. Neb. BOYLES COLLEGE. ' Day School ; Night School; complete buainess course; complete shorthand or ttenotype course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Eng- nan. Biucema aunmieci at any time. Write, phone or call for 1H14 catalogue. UOYl.ES COLLEGE. II B. BOYLES. President. Boyle Bldg, Omaha, Neb- Tel. Douglas lo. Tho Van Sant School Stenography Dsy school. 8:00 to 4:00. Night school. 6;1 to .li 18th and Farnam Sta Doue' M7. Mnalral Inartacllon. RAG TIME piano playlnir taught In' 30 Irneon Chriatenaen School, 4'."J0 Cum ing St.. Walnut 237U. Call or write. FOR 8 A LB Fnrnllnre. New A Id-hand furniture, rash or term; reasonable. Amir, Furn. Co.. su N. 16th. Gi'HiD white Red a. H. woman wants work. Call M'U-Si; wanta aituation in doctor'a of fice. Phone Douglas tfi. PlSITlON deaired by lady with amail boy aa houekeeper In small town or country: good place desired more than large salary. Addre Mrs. M. Spencer, general delivery. Omal.a. TO EMPLOYERS A position la wsnted by a young man with the best of habit: he is a good penman, good at figure and csn furnish the best of reference. James Keiran. Omaha. Neb., care Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILES $1 forfeit for any rmtgnrto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Baydorfer. 2l N. 18 Gordon Van Co. Furniture Packing Phone Douglas 394 SOLID, quarter-sawed oak sideboard; cot,t $10u; for sale at a sacrifice; will take IS. A big snap. Addre M 24.1, Bee. CHIFFONIER, dreaaer and buffet, prac tically new. cheap for cash. .. C. Reed Storage, U'7 Farnam 8t FOR SALE Socondhand deak, cheap for caah. J. C. Reed Storage. 107 Farnam. Mnatcl Inatrnaaeata. $7500 BOYS a Kimball upright piano. first claas condition. Foley Luaa Co-, IM Farnaju, upstairs. YOUNG women comma to Omaha a strangers are invuea to visit the Toung Women's Christian Association building at 17th St and St Mary's Ave., where the a 111 be directed to suitable boarding plaoea or otherwise assisted. Look for our tray elers aid at Ui union Station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE matrices make the best and cheaDest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain. $1.60 per 100. Wagner. tJl N.14. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live stock to South Omaha, feavs mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments recsivs prompt and careful atten- tion. LI Stuck Coaaaalaakaa Merchants. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bldg. SWAPPER'S OOLUMN AUTOMOBILE Uulck auto, t paasenger. in perfect order; new tire. Will sell or exenange lor equity ir. good cottage. houae or for desirable bldg lot. Describe what you have fully In first letter. Ad dreas S. C. SJ4, Bee. ARE you bothered with roaches? I will contract to kill all roaches in your home or place of buainess In twelve days or no money. Might consider trade for aomething of equal value to me. Powder uaed la non-poisonous and odorless. Ad Cieas 8. C. 343, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE Have a gas con tiact for light and heat open that la virtually Independable; will pay a rus tler $jno to $4 rer month; to exchanga for farm or residence In town. Describe fully pleae. Addre B. C. 834. Ben. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR will swap contract work for auto not too high, priced, build a garage or repairing. S. Ct 2. Bee. EQUITY $ IN TWO LOTS. BALANCE can be paid on timo, Miller park dis trict Will trade for late model motor cycle ft. C. 89. Ree. EXCELLENT PIANO Swap for Vlctrola and records. Must be a top-notch ma chine and have a large bunch of records. If you expect an even exchange. Will take Edison machines same way. No Junk and NOTHING BUT DISK ma chines wanted. Will take good rifle or repeating shotgun to help make up tha difference In value. S. C. 330, Bee. 1x7 GRA FLEX newspaper camera, witn 11 plate holders, carrying caie fof camera and carrying case for plat bold era The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for the lot at $110. Addre S. C. 1511 H A M I LTON PIANO AND OTHER COL LATERAL for Virginia land or land In southern Indiana, or for lots well lo cated In Omaha. Kansas City, Indian spoil or Cleveland. WILL PAY DIF FERENCE. NO WESTERN STUFF WANTED. Please give beat description you can In first letter to save correspon dence, alao legal description. I am buying iiTinjKii o. a,, Bee. 1NoI5.NATIONAl' CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Building. Superintending and Construction Pooka, five volumes. Will swap for repeating shot gun, repeating rino, automatic revolver or high power Marlln or Winchester, or what have you. ' Estimating Books, an elegant set or Drafting and Mechanical Books. Swap any or all the above for large desk, 60 """" cr mrger. Address S. C. 840. Bee. JACKS and HOCSEMOVERS' rollers: Jacks are bell bottom. Will swap for t-Jiave r,,uu WouM like Marlln 2o-20 Hfle or high power rifle or repeating hotgun. 8. C. 383. Bee. " MARLIN repeating shotgun, fancy en grayed and a beauty, coat $40. Owner ioe8i-inSO n',ntl" and has no use for it. Will PTl'llUllO.. n . Jons "r Plymouth Rock preferred; but" .i.mi, ,tu. r-. ,yz, HP. U PICTURE MACHINE Edlaort motion nlr-tllra n,.l.l.. i . ' gas-making plant, and six reels of film for sale or trade. 8. C. 3.(8, Ree. OFi!,UKDFiSS-w"1 bu "ome good ..Vk .ji JPUHl be cheap for cash. Addre S. C. 2fi4, Ree. PTANO Standard playepTano," Used only four months, paid $.r0 for lt will sell or trade to responible people on easy monthly payments for $330. Address 8. C. PIANO If you want a new piano or player In exchange at a bargain, ad dress C. C. 835, Bee. PIANO Want auto runabout or driving outfit for new piano; describe what you have fully. Address S. C. 331. Bee. PIANO Almost new Story & Clark piano, mahogany case, cash. $140. A bargain; Wat, 1311 new. Addrers 8, C. 3J7, Bee. PAINTING CONTRACTOR will swap painting for an auto, not too high priced. Wanti car for my own use. 8, C. 3S1, Bee. READY REFERENCE Brand new set of RAatw P.f..nfia -. ! . been used. Address 8. C. 321. Bee. RANGE A good steel range for bicycle or on icg aesa. Aaaresa i. c. 3l. Bee. ROLL TOP DESK. 66-INCH AND CHAIR Swap for larger one; mine it In good shape and not scarred un. Want extra large one and deep to handle plans. Would consider flat top. If large, 8. C. 38fl, Bee. ROADSTER Want to trade Oakland RnAdntr rvimt 11 RAH ,aw V.nn..v-i overhauled and new tires; will give some one a. very good deal; for late model twin motorcycle and cash; terms. Address 8. C. 2T7. Bee. ETAMPS-Eook of foreign stamp; will swap for Victor records. Address S. C. 322. Bee. SHOT GUN What have you to swap for ;,, "'".p1" barrel .l-gauge shot gun? Will sell cheap for cash. Address. 8. C. 336, SINGER SHOE MACHINE Cost SSI n aim lu.l. VUBI 9SO, Will SWSD 104 horse. Address 8. C. 83. Bee. SIGNS, thowcard. Clark A Bon. D. 1373. SIDEBOARD Solid, quarter-eawed oak "I"" v. , vudi ,(um, would SWau for Vlctrola. Address 8. C. lf26. Bee. WATCH Gentleman's small site. 1S Jewel, Elgin, 20-year case, new. Will wap for shotgun or target rifle. Ad dress 8. C. S2& WILL exchange for an auto, part of my stock in an A 1 corporation of Omaha, doing a large business and paid 12 per cent dividend last year. 8. C. 337, Bee. WOODEN PLOWPLAIN AND 38-1 V OR JOHNSON REVOLVER Swap for kodak or camera of soma kind, or what have you. 8. C. 3S6, Bee. FOR RENT Apaurtnaegats and Finis. TTnltBilallv Itlna Kviwmm - J -- w . v.l... .WWII- , anarttnAnf nn Wm r.ra.M - - JOHN W. ROBBIN8. 1803 FAR-NAM 1 OGDEN ANNEX. CouncU Rluffa with kitchenette, steam beat Pbea ST. GEORGE aDartmanta lect West Farnam reaidaaoa one 6-room suite for rent; heat, w Janitor service. Phone Webster Iffri. t-R modern flat, 330$ a 34 tk; tS Harney 47U. 3 Gordon Van Co. &t Phone D 34 or Web. IfeJJ MN. 11th 8t 3-R. ONE-STORY BRICKJt ill Part mod., no children. Ref. R. 4tn 4-R , steam heated, all modern apartmeaiL 2?01 Dodge Bt - "" Board anal Rmhs. 8. 19th. $18 Exe.. board, clean rooms. Boara anal Ron ass. BOARD and rm,, very reasonable. H. CM. MONAMOUR. 2124 Douglas, front room, east and south exposure, steam heat, shower baths; suitable for two young men; excellent board. FOUR or five young men can find a good home In beat of turroupdlnrs. near Farnam street west Comfortable, congenial; good things to eat Telephone Harney 49S1. Famished Hovni, REMODELED, newly furnished room. liill Howard. Doug. LA VERNA. 1812 Capitol Ave., furnished irom room, steam neat, suitable, for AUTO Overland auto coupe for sale or exchange at a bargain; Is in excellent condition: please describe what you have f uliy. Add res S. C. S32. Bee. AUTOMOBILE Have new 36- h. p. standard make, electric lighted and starter. Will trade for lighter car or clear Income property, or will alv dls- ciuiu ipr rwn, jnnresa, h. kj. ajft, Kee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains aee the "Automobile" clsaaid-ration. AUTO Overland auto coupe body for sale or exchange at a bargain; is In excel lent condition ; please describe what you have full y. Add reus 8. C. 33 J. Bee. AUTO Want to swap for some second hand 34x4 auto csaes and inner tubes. Address S. C. SK2. Bee. AUTO Will swap a late date high-grade Stanley stesmer runabout. In perfect condition, for material and contract work on houM.( This Is the time of the year to secure a snap. Address 8. C. Bee. tW ACRES WESTERN NEBRASKA Fair improvement, plenty of nater, all level, equity of $o,6u0 to trade for mer chandise or Omaha property. This Is pr ced righ t Add ress K 283. Bee. 4M ACRES IMPROVED MISSOURI LAND Will trad equity of $4.7u for grocery or mervhandiae stock or Omaha close In residence. Add res L 284, Bee. ENCYCLOPEDIA Ready Reference, six volumes, extra good binding, absolutely new. What have you to exchange! Ad dress 8. C. 311. Bee. two. rl RN rooms by dsy or wk.: modern: 107 S. 17. D. U63. steam heat; i by day $1.60 up. NICELY furnished room In private borne. Harney 4151. FURNISHED room for rent near l.'relgs ion MnivrriTijr r none Ifiuflll ZSi. 16 8. 29TH Furnished rooms, private family. Harney 408. DESIRABLE molern heated room, 131 N. Slat Ave. MOD. furn. room In private home, ult able, for two people. Wal. 1468. 42u3 Cum. Uafnrnlahed Rnoina. FOUR unfurnished room, first floor. 3217 Cuming. Call Harney 5837. Fnrnlabeal Housekeeping Htoaj. FARNAM. 25.22-Nlce rooms, sleeping, housekeeping; team heat FIRST or second floor, furnished; to desirable couple with references. 3031 Meredith Ave. Phone Webster 2808. Hotels ana irtnw. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekiy rate I.' and up. Douglas T'jsi. OGDEN HOTEL. CouncU Hluif. tears) heated room. II per week. Phone M DODGE HOTEL- Modern Reasonable, llunars and Cnlinaea. ALT, sites. $3 per month up. 507 Paxton. SIX-ROOM house, 2110 Harney 6t. $24 per month. Call fouglaa 2248. Houses i Prt of the city. FOR RENT Large up-to-date bungalow; strictly new; fully modern, on car Una at 23i 8 24h St. Call Red 5244. FOR RENT Modern s-room house. 3uS m8- "th .Av'-, Joou'r T. O Brien. Henahaw Hotel Harney lO&i, Douglas Uui,