Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1914, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    4 A
Kxlra hoary wel.litel. Will
not tip over. Prlcrd from,
$1.75 up
w ... . v-i, . . ...IV- , . .... J
Our Una of Vases and Jardl
nlerea nnit be seen to to ap
preciated. Prlrea to suit alt.
Wo have a Urge assortment of
Musical Steins prices from
Before buying elsewhere see
us for prices on Cut Glaaa and
Aluminum Ware.
Our stock comprise a cam
riot HMortmrnt of Ileauttful
Xmaa Gift.
A.G. Jaeger Co.
314. S. 14th Street
Old Murray Hotel Bldg.' '
Tax Commission Submits Report of
Labors Darin; Bienninm.
rrfwil, Arli Fall Reach Many
Professions Vleldlas: Ills anal
Hat-la inall IitnK
mnli, .
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. .-'Rpeclal. The re
port of the atate tax eommlKalon I nearly
ready fur delivery, and while the votere
of the state refused to adopt the proposi
tion regarding a better method of taxa
tion, the commission will make Ita report
to the legislature anyway, and the fol
lowing la a summary of the
FOR 1916
Of An Omaha ' Ccpccrn
Our line of 111S Calendars U
cow complete and represent a
lari assortment of ' beautiful
foreign and domestic subject. V
cs.u (ill yoar Calendar ordera to
your entire satisfaction, both
from an AKTISTIO and ECONOM.
1CAL standpoint.
by buying your Calendars of ua.
Write or phono for our salesman
to call.
K. a aTlg-b-class saleamea wasted.
12th and 1' St.
Defects of (he Taa Law.
The chief defects of the present law
rrw out of the attempt to raise nearly
all the puhlio revenues from a tax on all
property s coord In a; . to Its value. The
law rtisraerarils all' differences In the
economic character of property, by treat-
ui rmvn s possession as eiuaiiy
Indicative of his ability to support the
The law falls to recognise the fact that
many profusions and businesses which
yield a lanrn Income nmuir. mil.
property, thus permitting msny to ee-
i . , ' snare or me lax burden.
It (nil to tk account of the great
growth of ctnxrate wealth by providing
tne means of reaching such weaJUi ade
quately once, and but onv.
Other infects srn due to Inadequate ad
ministrative provisions. While the law
ri.i.0 ,n'riano of providing a cen
tralised control over ass-ssments. this
control Is only nominal. Th precinct as
.sorhlp, riled by election. i,d the Zh.
Iv? '1'?? "" control make the
yeiem a hlyhly decentralised one.
b,Th. P7T"nI 'aw because U com-
R'nn "..l"r"1 """"' to do soma
thinKs no assessor can succeed In doing.
whir: vrr Jij?ir
- i"i"-Mj lymurmni only by
well o.ulpoau liMr4 , mmttJl
lot Meforns.
Tit Va m Ik . tf.. . .
i ii. . - mai sn amendment
to the constitution Is pending which if
adopted . t0 the lerlsl., "
lwer over taxation. The comm ii- kTI
naa constantly to keep In mind what can
VwhVrniV K.h' PrTBt -tuS
ana wnat may be done In case the t
lg fit o.' forwedTn0 caiTaTh";
adniMi T w V" menotneni IS
aaoptcd ,t the November election.
t'aae. the AaBnasBt Falls.
TIM MiuimfM..A.i ....
. - ....... r., ,wtj oi ma commls-
m.rised bWflV. a. "KlawT'
r..if ra,,on, a permanent state tax
fhmm.ron w,lh ,owo,: To ""Perviee
the local aseeesments: to axsess all Dub
lin srrvlc pun ... i .
V ""on of the revenue
lAW! If! laasi ai vA ...h.ltk. a . m
relating to .1 .1 V.:"".."-"""." -,"Iorl,on
ana to remmnnnil n 11,. 1
needed change. ,h. law "
.1 iTl'i" ',,c of precinct assessor be
abolished; that the county assessor be
w,t a 111 nama ins as
'assessed . tZ?VItr.h"
' v g mum aaiaaii v UVyuiifl at m
may be required. .
firth . .? fractional assessment ene
rifth of th M.t... 1 . 1 ... . w. -1 .
and that all taxable property,- unless
otherwise specirically provided for, shall
' r fc tm ifu. TSIUS.
Thul an aff...tlu. . ' m .
. , in'titvu ui imessina:
eorimrstlona be adopted, especially for
reaching the 'Intangible" or - franchise,'
?Ji!.co,nnf',I "th h,r eperattons.
That t K mstkui ...... I . '
" ; "iik com
panies be changed by abolishing all local
occupation tains and Imposing upon them
a gross earning tag to be paid. Into th
tste treasury.
1 nat similar changes be made In the
method ot tailng telesraph oompanlea.
That thM niatkn nf , . 1 .1 ...
. ....... ... .c. I. K im-iuis rar
eomiianles be changed so ss to reach the
traiiciusn value, ana not merely the
. . . uwvu tit iu sttii inai
local occupation tajies on tlisee companies
he abolished ; and that all taxes be paid
into the state treasury.
jnai the method - of taxing domestic
' " .....111. vuntlHCU o u IO
place them on a footing of equality with
:-- di a same viae ana
that the proueeds of such taxes be paid
Into the state treasury.
That greater publicity be given to all
questloua relating to revenue and ex
penditure, assessments and exemptions.
1 hat the Inheritance Ux law be
amended by reducing the exemptions al
lotted, by Increasing the rales In the e-
nnri M nA tVi1t4 . I. i
improving the administration in the mat-
i.iii.nis, fjtp., ana oy turning tne
proceeds of th .tax Into the state treas
ury. , V
Appreciate Kdaeatlonal Work.
In case th constitution Is amended ao
as to give the lrsll.ture authority to act,
the -nninintiuilon recommends:
That all the changes recommended
above be enacted into law.
That the sleeping car aompanles and
other private car companies be taxed oa
Uia .baala jf tneir-arose earnings from
Intrastate buslaeas and th stats a sliars
of Interstate business.
Thut the principles of Die "olaealfied
property tax'1 be recognised by placlns
intangible property la a class by Itself
iii """""""s it to a. low raie or or t
mills, uniform throughout the state, witb
fOUt the prlvlinge ot deducting debts from
credits now allowed under the decision of
the court.
- That the distinction between land and
the 1 n 1 11 m t .... v. - ... .
- - ...... u 1 , imTlgllLlM
by making the latter assessable at a lower
-i " inoir-vaiue man tne laud.
! That provision be made for examining
'from taxation household goods to the
value of tax) rr eah bead of a family.
I ihat a aultable tax be Imposed upon
the manufacture and sale of malt and
isinruous liquors and tobaccos, the pro-
iaia 11110 ine state treasury.
And, finally, the cummieeioa reuont
nivini. f.ip futiiM .ti... k... . ... . ....
-- - --- ."1 1 uvi UJ VII .
ne&t leillllllttlir lh.1 nmvl.U. tv. -
- ..... .iw.i.iwi iiiaAtv
for an Income tax law. In the opinion of
nimmiNiun ine gitempi 10 enforce
m u in any oiner way man
tbrouch an erftclent atate board would
prov futil. The first step toward ef-
r Mil. Anna Paviowa wr not th
greatest choreograph! artist f
tb time, ah weald acl la ora
ether branch of eraatlv art, possibly
as an actress r as a palater. ller
mind I as nimbi a hr fsst, and her
taJsats ar aaanlfoldi and wkia ah
i - K ,
i if
, , . . -c. - ?' T s'. -f:ti
fry tr &
: - ' S
come her for an appearance th
publlo will hav ampl opportunity
f Judging, for much of th eostumss.
canary and coloring affect originated
In th fertile brain of tb Incom
parabl On.
Bb alwbys auggssts In bread out
line Juat what ah want a a fitting
background for bar ballet and
divertissements, hut sh lsave th
working out of details to the great
artist Ilk Bakst Alnafald, 81 roe,
Malvlna Hoffman and Debusatnakl.
Even Faquln, world-noted aa a
creator of dress atyle for women,
listened attentively when th fair
Anna suggested the costumes which
he ha designed and made for th
Modrn Ballroom Bolre, which will
form forty minute of th programme
Paviowa and bar troup of Itusslaa
dsncers and symphony efches'tra will
present her.
Paviowa I especially talented as a
folorist and I gifted a a painter.
Sh apenda miny hours In her atudle
In London working out design for
production. Her dramatic and in
terpretative ability is shown In hsr
divertissements and her ballets,
among the latter being "Amarllle."
It ta this dramatlo Intensity whlsh
Impart so much virility to hsr
dancing 8h makes on feel th
character - arte l Interpreting by
dancing and pantomime, although ah
apeaka not a alngls word.
Huntley Carter, th noted English
authority on atag matters, declare
that Paviowa could quickly atop from
the dance world into th mimic world
and become equally as great a a
tragedienne a so I a ballerina.
fectlve administration of aa Income tax
law lie in establishing auch a board.
Norfolk Woman Given
Judgment Against
Four Saloon Keepers
MADISON. Neb., IJco. . 6c-(Special)-'
The Jury after three hours deliberation
on th case of Laura A. Forrest against
Bporn, Koehn, Beverage and Adama,
Norfolk saloon keeper, returned a ver
dict of 12.700 agminet all th defendant
and their respective bend companies.
Th plaintiff's son lost an arm by be
ing run over by a Minneapolis V Omaha
passenger train at the Union station,
Norfolk In August. Mrs. Forrest
was awarded thla verdict a damage
for having been deprived , of her son's
support. Th son procured Judgment for
13.1 JO for loss of hi nrm.
4 if 4-Hr 4 44-14"
i Typowritorc I
For Hont
Warner' Safe RamadWa h.
their worth aa superior medicine by
more than, thlrty-ftv yar' world
WWW uae. Thsy have given remark
abl results In th treatment of num.
berles sever a,na almost hetplee
Word Praia from the many
who hav, bssn benefited by their use
prov, ,h.iP yaW -
,.nrner"" B,f K'le ar car.
''ly prepare Md fttaoM,.,;
h iny"fnwl"rnlrlly.,'Ut ""'
waraar Saf hVaaasMiy for tae Kis.
ey asa Idvee
hWaraer's Saf SUi.BjsMkU Kerned.
Warmar-s Sal, IMejieZI aL2i!r
Wtrur. w' s"dy
Waraer s a, a.u ,aaed
a Wara.j-, Maf muT
v. ... . . . I '1 rr-
r mil cruggial.
WrtU us for aaiupla,
booklet and Information.
Warner' iiaf Remedies Co.
Dept. Hi. Rochester. N. Y.
T any make yon want
t CI and Up Per Month
I Central Tyrmitcr Exciart
f . . - . In".
307-Ott SouUi J70-
7 Thoiio Doug. 4 121.
-c4 i 4444 i4444444444-44444
Ouster Sends Car of .
Eour to Belgians
BROKEN BOW, Net.. . Dec. 5.8p-
clal.) The Belgian relief organisation.
Instituted by th Public Service club- of
thla city about three weeks ago, la getting
rapid return from over th county. ' Al
ready on ear ha been loaded with l.SW
sack of flour and left her Friday night
by way ot th Burlington railroad ' for
New York. It I expected that at least
two snore oar will soon be on the way.
Th oounty la responding generously.
TuckervUl. on maU oounuaity aouth
ast of her, bavlag neither corn nor
wheat, contributed eaah to th amount
of U7S. Othsr communities ar contrib
uting In proportion.
Farmer' Isak at V'aloa gold.
AVOCA. Neb.. Dec, l-8peclal. Th
Farmer Stat bank of Union, which hag
beea established for about alghteea
months, retired from bualneaa by Belling
It property nterest to th 'Bank of
Union, which take ovsr all th business,
loan and deposits of th retiring bank.
Doable tVeddla la Case. .
AVOCA. Nob.. Dec. .-Spcla4.)-The
Mlaaee Myrtle and Ida Brown, sister, ot
Nchawka. war united in marriage this
week by County Judge Beeson to Ellas
Albert Stock of Murray and Car Greg
ory of Nehawka.
Wr'f J i-1 F'sn Wn understand
Ill&ttJ -! I..n Kubber B-.t, bhoe.
W.ierpKiuf ctethin as lauauw TUe guu-
unuu4ias 4ruorr kr mWMmt
biio. NuM mt In i.l eMpnlbl lor su.
ckiits to coaiiMuir. UMaalsrinre .14
Mil. Mvlai4 atiyonuallj tur BwrvheKta r 'larks
ilk mvrm llax. AIM. subuaaiuu. BallLbia
o. wlus Iwr otu fci.a. I.iinnj . mmj .n.. 1 1 . t .
.tilt .KtrUai, nrmitH.
cosTTKBtna tjBrB txoa co.
02 6 W, JanMa . Oahaf.
Interest Growing
More Keen in Charity
Ball, with Paviowa
Th sale of seat and boxes for 'the
Madame Paviowa charity ball to be held
December IS under the auspice -of .th
Omaha Rotary club, ha progressed far
enough to Indicate beyond a doubt th
success of th affair, according- to th
commltte lu charge.
One of the late reservation of boxes
la a block for th Junior club, eomposed
of Omaha' young society (oik. Other
hav been sold to the following: It. O.
Moor-head. Kdgar Bcott Dr. H. Gifford.
Mlsa Arabella Kimball, A. W. - Gordon,
Harry Koch. Herbert Roger. JL J. Ber
lin. Oeorg Jualyn. Arnold Borglum. E.
C. Perk, pan Bauon. H. H. Fish, J. O. 81-
j ford. Le Huff. A. C. Smith, W. M.
Burs ss and Mrs, Alfred Ikxrlow.
Th RotajT dub will not profit by tb
ball, th entire benefit going (or charita
ble purposes. Each holder of a ticket Is
permitted to Indicate by writing on It to
what charity be desires his money to go.
Ticket ar oa sale at the Commercial
club, th University club and at th ell
filling station of th I. B. Nicholas Oil
Treasurer George Beady to Pay
$130,000 Oatitandine; Paper.
( DexaoCratltf Editor Recelvee
! Iflc Promotion from Position
''jata Vice .Coaeal la Oev. ,
' . - snaay. . . .
(From a Htaff Correspondent.) . .
LINCOLN. NbM Deo. B.-(Speclal Tele
gram. Htate Treasurer George Is making
an effort to bring In all outstanding war
rant, aa far as possible, and today made
a call for 1130.000. which includes all num
bered up to M.TOx, This -will take up all
outatanding warrant up to November 15
and red jce th amount to SiM.OOO.
Yoaag Catright Promoted.
John L. CuUlght, son of Editor J. W.
Cutrlght of th Lincoln Star, has been
transferred from Ceburg, Oer nany,
where he was acting as vloe consul, to
Nottingham, England, according to ad
vice received by Mr. Cutrlght from Sec
retary of Stat Bryan today. Th change
1 looked upon aa for th better, as it
takes him from a small German town of
about S0.C00 to a prospermia manufactur
ing town ot about STAfloa poopt.
I Teterlaariaa Meat.
The Nebraska State Veterinary Medical
association wilt meet at the Lin dell ho
tel tn Lincoln en December I and I ot
neat -week. Th ejesatoa Is wpeetad to be
well attended and a very Important and
Interesting feature of the aeaalon will be
en Tueaday evening, when Dr. Condra
will give a motion picture show, In which
State Veterinarian Klgln wlU deliver a
lecture in aocompanlment on "Hog
Cholera Eradication, Tuberculosis and
Sanitary Milk." v
Tartar at State Heasc.
Frank H. Taylor, postmaster at Tabl
Rock and a newspaperman of 45 year
standing, was a caller at th state house
today. Mr. Taylor, formerly published
the Table Rock Argus until he was ap
pointed postmaster. He worked on Omaha
paper in th early day of Nebraska'
history. HI term a postmaster will ex
pire a year from next January and he
says that as soon aa hi time I up
he want a democraS to com along and
relieve him of th job.
Ta . Isaaa Traat Certlf loatea.
The Stat railway commission ha
granted th application of th Missouri
Pacific Railroad company for permis
sion to Issu 1230,000 guaranty equipment
trust certificate accordln to contract
mad with the Oread Trust company
with the requirement that within thirty
day of receipt ot any ot th equipment
which will b purchased with th certi
ficate that a detailed Inventory be filed
with th commission with statement of
payment and on what particular fund
auch payment were made.
Uee Raada Meetlaaa.
Dwight 8. Daibey. president of th Ne
braska Good Road' association, and rep.
reentatlv-lerfi to the legislature, has
curd 8tat Highway Commissioner
Qearhart of Kansas, a on of th speak
era for th good roala program, to be
given la Lincoln. January IS, during th
week of Organised Agrlculure.
A number of Important addresses will
b given and good roads policies will be
discussed. During th last tw years. Mr.
Daibey has been vry uccful in
bringing about Improvement In the road
in Gage county.
Great One Day's Sale ol Fine
We've too many waists. As a consequence
the season" newest and best Styles in
qualities, such as thla store la famous for
will be placed on sal Monday at remark
ably low prices. It's the waist opportunity
of the year Better come early.
Lot No. 1
ftnme ttiat fasten hlglt at
neck "Military Collar."
other low neck, full lencth
sleeves; some In the basque
models, crepe de chines in
ivory (white), fleh, new
"sand" shade, navy and
black menaalines In navy,
black and copen, also some
hand stenciled (flowered)
chiffon: size 34 to 41.
Lot No. 2
A wonderful lot of white
wash voile and organdies;
some all over embroidery;
other embroidered and
with lace combinations,
hand embroidered flwlsn or
gandie collar and cuff,
both Ion- and three-quarter
sleeve; It to 43.
Regular prices to $5.75
Monday for
Regular prices to $3.50
Monday for
One lot ot slightly mussed and soiled
waists that sold up to $2.60 on Bale Mon
day at
iOIO-io-u x AJtiXt AJfl STREET.
Russian Jew Prisoners Observe New Year's i HEED COAST PROTECTORS
FA ' wr, t
- i.
tp?m' ' a ' '""-"7 M' Sga.
. Sot 8. Ooldatrom. VSU Park avenue, re
ceived this picture from hi father In
Butow, West Pruasi, It depicts Russian
Jewish prisoner of war celebrating- th
Jewish New Year with the customary
ceremonies. - Mr. Golds trom's father
write that there ar S.000 Russian pris
oner quartered In eva barracks In this
Mr. Ooldatrom' brother 1 a second
lieutenant In tb German array and for
three months was on the firing- line at
Warsaw, Four -weeks ago be was
wounded In the right shoulder and arm
and I now out ot service. He has two
brothers-in-law In the army also.
Th picture show th cantor In his
prayer shawl, blowing th Shotar, and
next to, the. one carrying the Torah Is a
aoldler1 who bears the Red Cross upon bis
sleeve. A German guard appears In th
picture also. .;
During th Frenoo-Prusslaa war Jewish
prisoner were likewise permitted to hold
Now Year and Atonement day services.
feated th Chadron ; High school team
her tonight, 47 to 8.'
The local lodge of Elk will hold their
annual "Lodge of Sorrow," next Sunday
In the Phelaa opera, house. Rev. H. J.
Young of the Christian church will de
liver the ulogy.
Th county official ' of Box Butbs
county moved Into the new court house
today. Th nw building Is practically
finished and with th exception of furni
ture for some of th room I ready for
occupancy. Tb county commissioner
hav decided on December 28, a the date
ot dedication.
(Continued from Pag One.)
Aa Idetal Weataa'a Laxative.
No better laxative than lr. King'
New Lit Pills; they help th liver and
bowels to healthy actloa. So. All dealers.
Advert! seinent.
Be Want Ada Produce Result.
Neve Nate ( Alllauaae.
ALLLtitfCE. Neb.. Iec 6.-t Special )
Th Alliance High school basket ball
team played th that gam of th teagu
series at Sidney toelsbt.lnolng. XI to
K. At the end of the last half the gam
stood, B to a .and In five minute more
playing. Alllanco made six and Sidney
on Th Alliance team will clsv Kim.
bayy Saturday night.
Tb Alliance High school . girl de-
succeeslon, amid continued confusion,
most of th members standing1, pushing or
A. E. Age of Waterloo, a director with
greater atatur and lung power thaa
President Witt, took the chair. By hi
efforts and those ot Oounty Commissioner
A. C Harts, both of whom tried to make
speeches from table top, a slight sem
blance of order was restored, and a mo
tion to proceed with the balloting- was
passed. Then the crowd of almost BOS
excited members pressed around the bal
lot box. which was taken In obarg by
Bhertff McShan and his men to prevent
righting or "padding."
Deaatlea Preheat Doable Voting.
Th crowd was herded between deputies
as J out Into th corridor, after (voting,
aid deputies locked the door to prevent
anyone from oomlng back to vote a sec
end time. J. V. Shumakec. aa old-time
nxmbor of the society, happened to be
late sad for a while was locked out In
the confusion, and could not vote at alL
When the vote were counted it waa
found that th Benson slate, with only
two exceptions, had been elected by an
overwhelming majority. Th new directors
chosen were: Lewi Henderson, John
McArdle. Paul Floth, 8. E, Munson. Will-
lam iUche, Jame A. Walsh, Oeorg
Dierke. John BJelok. E- M. Eckman,
Charles Ilaffk. W. & Wright. A. D.
Compton and A. E, Ag. Tb latter two
wr th only one elected by th men
from the west end of th county.
In explaining the use of th money In
the election. Colonel Walsh said:
"No vote were bought, or anything
Ilk' that The fund waa simply raised
by Benson business man to pay th mem
bership fee of folks in th east end ot
the oounty, who wanted to bring th fair
back here." ..
Among th member who boosted for
Elkbora were; John W. Hall. it. A. Han
sen. Otto Pfetffer. Frank Whltmor. E. C.
Hensman and John Tai lor. Tb Florence
boosters Included many who didn't car
which town got th fair, ao long as It
waa held ta th east and of tb county.
They included William Lonergan. Frank
P. Brown. G. W. Harvey, August Prock
now. Will Pamp, William Bena and Henry
C. Gliasman,
It was geqe rally declared after th lec
tion that th fracas over th fair location,
and the resultant ua of money to buy
membership for outsider. ' would un
doubtedly lead to a chaos In the method
of making up th board of directors.. West
ender favored having each precinct In
tb county represented by on director,
thus denying the east end of th county
It control of the society through Its
density of population.
Brigadier General Wearer Sayi
Country Should Have More lien.
Artillery Eejalpsaeat First a It
Artillery Eqalpmeat Finest of Its
Kind, bat There 1 a Sad Need
of Over Tea Thoasand
More to Has It.
.WA8HIN0T0N. Dec. 5.-Ten thousand
more men and f64 more officer for the
toast artillery acre declared necessary
by Brigadier General E. M. Weaver,
chief of that service, who appear today
befcr the house military affair commit
tee conMderlruj the army appropriation
bill. .
"I think we hare the best coast defense
material In the world," said General
Weaver, "but I think It Is not efficient,
simply because of the lack of efficient
men to manag the defenses."
General Weaver said the necessity of
manning coast defenses In Hawaii, the
Philippines and the Panama canal gone
had depleted th arvallable force of coast
artillery troops In the United States.
Questioned by Chairman Hay, General
Weaver said that the guns how on the
coast defenses ware of a pattern designed
In 189a He asserted, however, that the
superior range-finding faculties of the
coast defense service. Its heavier projec
tiles and a longer range, which might be
secured by altering the present cajrrtag.
would put the coast defense on equal
terms with any attacking flet Ho de
clared that the upid of ammunition on
hand for the coast defense guns was, in
his opinion, "reasonably prudent."
General Weaver said the department's
plana had not so far taken Into considera
tion in coast defense work the great siege
guns now in use In the European war.
a - - a
Peruna Will Stop That Cough
"j have
,;t found
.r-VV:i Peruna
J to be
? ' 7 an
y Excellent
- Tonic."
Mrs. Perry, ot 81 lata Avenue N.
X, Minneapolis. Minn, Is the wife of
Commander Freeman O. Perry and
well known la G. A. R. and, society
circles. Bhe Is the author of "Minne
haha Laug-hlng Water." Bhe says:
"I hav tried Peruna and found it an
excellent tonlo and cure for catarrh.
It la good for all catarrhal affections
of the stomach, and all dlseaao
leading; to consumption. Also for
bronchial troubles. I believe It to be
one of the best medicines on the
market. Thousands can testify to Its
cure with the same pleasure that I
I Had the Grip.
Mr. C Happy, Hardin. Bay Ctv. Mo,
writ: "I can safely recommend Pe
runa aa a remedy that will cur all
catarrhal troubles. It was of great
, benefit to m aa It cured me of ca
tarrh of th throat, and I took a very
bad cold and had la STlpp last Feb
ruary. It settled In my throat and
lungs. I took three bottles ot Peru
na. and it cured m. I highly recom
mend It to all who are alclc, and I am
glad to add my andorsement to that
of others.'
Another Case f Grip,
lira Jan Gift. R. F. IX L Athena.
Ohio, writes: "I think I would hav
beea dead long; ago it it bad not been
tor Peruna. Six years ago I had la
grippe very bad. 'The doctor came
to see me every day, but I gradually
grew worse. I told my husband I
thought I would Surely die if I did
not gat relief aoon.
1 told my husband I wanted to try
Peruna. Ha want directly to th drug
store and got a bottle of Peruna. I
could see the Improvement la a very
abort time, and was aoon abl to do
my work, I continued using It until
I was entirely urad.'
Do not stop a cough by taking de-
pmasant or opiate. A ecmgti
stopped that way will return.
Stop a cough by taking; a tonlo. Ilk
Peruna. This rids the system of the
Irritation that caused th couch.
Cough is an effort on the part ot
nature to clear the bronchial tubes.
It is a mistake to stop cough, ex
cept by assisting nature tn cleartnr
the tube. Opiate and fli im nnin
simply numb the nerroxuj sysxara and
the cough stops, tearing th poison
ous and irritating mate rials in th
broachlal tubes. This win aoon affect
the lungs,. Let as atop tb eouxtx
with Peruna. that strengthens and
builds up and removes the Irritation.
aajil Vtinwtp H Mi limn Mivpvii v l
' aaax-' 'aVaSaxSiaaK
; of the
; i Bronchial
1 aj Tubes
j Chronic
?J : Cough
Mrs. Wa Hohmann. S7II Lincoln
Aye, Chicago, HL. writes:
"I suffered with catarrh of bron
chial tubes and bad a tsrrible eough
ever since a child. '
1 would sit up ta bad with pillows
propped up behind me. but still th
cough would not let ma sleep. I
thought and very body else that I
had consumption.
'8 reading th papers about Pa
rana I deoioed t try, without th
least bit of hop that it would do
m any good. But after taking
threo bottle I notice a change. My
appetite got better, ao I kept on. never
discouraged. Finally I aeemed not to
oough so much and th pains tn my
chest got better and I could rest at
'I am well now and cured of a
chronlo eough and sore throat, I
cannot tell you bow graUful I am.
and I cannot thank Peruna enough.
It has cured where doctor hav
tailed and I talk Peruna wherever I
go, recommend It to everybody."
Thoa who object te liquid medW
cine aaa now procure Peruna Tl.
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Picture Department, Third Floor.