Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1914, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 17

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3 B
Womon Are ,
Doing in the World
Omaha Heads of Circle s of Child Conservation League of America
Club Talradnr.
Bl'NDAY YoutiK Women's Christian ss
roftation vesper sprvtrs, 4:30 p. in.;
i ilu study ciub, Mts Esther Epstein,
m kti .
iiONDAV-MrmlifTJhlp committer oB
Omaha Woman'i club, i p. m.; social
c.enca Hew tment. Woman's club, 2.30
p. m.; Tennyson 1'ircls of Dundee, Mrs.
J. R. Webster, hostew.
Tl'EsDAY-Homs economics department.
South Omaha Woman's club. Mis. F. A., h'tos; oratory department.
Woman's cuih. 16 a. m.: current topics
dctartment, Wonmn'a -elub. 1:30 p. m.;
annual rneetinK, Old People's Home
board ot trustees. Youna Women
t'nrbtHn -ocint:on, W a. m. : """i
Mile Mothem' club. Mr. C. J. Z.ebartH,
hostess; Monmouth Park Mothers club,
sihtol auditorium; Hancom Fark Clr
cl8, Child Conserviitlon IMtu
Amerce; Prairie Park MedlecraXt. at
club house
WKONKKIMT-Muslc dej-artmont, V om-
aii's ciub. 2:'0 p. m. Fiances - W"'
Womens Christian femiranceth.rH
Iff.s. Ueor,-e Covell, hostess Oman
women's Christian V"iP?rirk Mr?'
receptirn to Mis. N. J Mfiii11 Dundee
C. C. Van Kuran. hfte""v, V" f
Woman's club rehearsal. Mrs. J.
Kenju-on hostess ,n the n,o rntnjr, cl
meeting, Mrs. J. u. Mrs e. W.
.-. m.: Mu Bipma club. Mrs.
. O'mther. hosteta; V. SVs F H r
1SU ""uaT,oVv To "- section. A.
.V.,B ho",:nStKvin Oraflel. hostess.
m.; Humane society, ,-1arob"v '''
n m ; povernment class Woman s
ciubr'j. F. W. club. Mrs. C aire Ood
cl ml hostess; Dromatln section. A. C.
".MIm Juliette Ortffln. hostess.
FniDXY-Centrnl Pmk Mothers lfa'C
H'cchool nuditorium; West Omaha
Mothers' Culture club, Mrs. James Corr.
hosted: Mrs. N. M. Nelson. prwM""
of Jtho Woman's club, at home to club
members. . . ,
(Notices for this column should e
mulled or telephoned to the Club Kditor
before Friday noon). '
TSANA, president of tho Na
tional Civil Service Reform
league, will spesk several
times In Omaha Monday, haV
lie been secured for Ne
braska by Mrs, F.' H. Cole, chairman of
the civil service reform committee, of the
General Federation of Womcn'i Clubs.
Prof. Dana's first speech will be at a pub
lic affairs luncheon at the Commorctal
club on "The Business Value of Civil
Service." Women will be permitted to
attend this luncheon. Following this.
Prof. Dana will speak at the meeting; of
tho social science department of the
Omaha Woman's club at 2:30 o'clock oh
"The Moral Value of Civil Service Re
form." Mrs. Dana, who Is a daughter of Henry
W. Longfellow, and Is described as "Edith
with the golden hair" In one of his poems.
accompanies her husband, and at the so-1
clal science department meeting will read
the report of the Massachusetts Auxiliary
of Civil Service Reform on ''Civil Service
Reform Essential for Democracy."
Miss Bertha Coffee will alngr "The Cry
of Rachel," by Mary Turner Salter.
Members of the Association of Collegiate
Alumnae, Federated clubs, Tuesday Morn
ing Musical club and Society of Fine Art
have been Invited to attend. 1
The committee In oharge of arrange
ments Includes Mr. Cole, who will pre
side at the meeting, Monday ; afternoon
Mrs. H. Nelson, president of the Wo-
man'i' club; Mrs. M. 4 D. Cameron,, state
civil service reform chairman, and the
local "committee, composed of Mesdames
Jean .Johnston, Mayor Dahlman, H. C.
Kumney and J. W. 'Gill. ".
S. ?"-y"VN '
( f- r " X
S v- ; V;-; ' V":i v
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IW '' -V F!': J
V mmtm,m,nam-inmm'fMM'w . X. . A .
MssasiBBssssniigssBMssasj mUHmmBMKmmmmmmmm
Mrs HLuikk&vir
Ik" -:; v'"--: -'V.V:il
Miss Gertrude' Weeth, daughter of Mrs.
J. C. Weeth, a young member of Chapter
B. K. of the P. B. O, sisterhood, has
started tho custom of wearing "peace"
I iris In this society. The pin la a dark
blue enameled disc, mounted on a' gold
bar,' and bears the wWd "peace" upon It
The chapter la behind a movement to in
cluce all women's club members to wear
the pin to express their bcntiment on ac
count, of ..the European war. .
The annual meeting of the United States
Daughter of will be held Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. IL
Garvin, 124 South Thirty-fifth street, at
1:30 p. m. Election Of officers will take
place. This organisation 'meets ' every
three months. ' .
Mrs.' Warren Perry,' state -regent of the
Daughter of the American Revolution,
reports the following response to the call
for Red Croeswprk: , .
The Elijah Gove' chapter of Btromsburg
gave over 178. The Superior chapter gave
$200, and at Seward the Margaret Holmes
1 chapter started the Belgian relief fund.
vhlcrf resulted In raising oVer KM0 in that
town. .Other chapters In the state have
given smaller amounts, and the general
response - has been most generous. The
daughters are now planning to send cloth
lng. ' -
Mrs. Carrie Parker Bryan,' chairman of
the state committee on the welfare of
women and children, has Issued a tenta
tive outline for work by the daughter.
It Includes: - .' '
The establishment of the curfew law, or
the strict enforcement of. It if already
A Juvenile court In every county, hold
by. one of the Judges of the higher court
(unless there la already a Juvenile court
established). 1
The enforcement of the tobacco law,
which makes it a crime to sell tohaccj
to a mlnori . ' y
General betterment of conditions of de
linquent wonden and children, and, w iere
roeslble, the establishment of homes fir
hem. ' ' ', '
The establishment in every county ot
a court of reconciliation In divorce vasns.
Enforcement of the compulsory educa
tion law. ' '. - j
The . establishment of domestic science
and manual training in ..the country
The Rotlne disinfection of schools un
der the J. T. Alnslie Walker method.
Women teachers' minimum wace In
creased. The community property law.
Mrs. Llnny Carl of Oregon, a returning
delegate from the national temperance
convention, will give a recitation Monday
niorning at 14 o'clock, the chapel hour,
at thot Omaha university, in connection
with the awarding of the state prize of
t- woa by Mr. Edwin Re lis of the Ne
braska university. This prize will be
awarded by Miss Sullivan of the Wea
leyan university:
- The Dmaaa branch of - the Woman's
Christian Temperance union will give a
reception to its president, Mrs. N. J. Mi
K it ric k, t the residence of Mrs. C. C.
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs.
M. M. Claflln of Lincoln, state temper
ance president, and Mrs. W. G. Whltmore
of Valley, Douglas county president, will
be the guests of Mrs. Whltmore at this
time. Reports from thfe nations conven
tion of the Woman's Christian Temper
ance union, which met at Atlanta,, Ga.,
recently, will be read by Mrs. McKitrlck,
who was the official delegate for Douglas,
Sarpy, Cass and Otoe counties.
The annual meeting of the board of
trustees of the Old People' Home asso
ciation will be held Tuesday morning at
10 o'clock at the Young Women"! Chris
tian association. Annual reports will be
reoelved and five' trustees will be elected.
Following the meeting the board will
have luncheon together, in the building.
Campaigning for a new home will begin
after the first ot the year.
Mrs. James Phillips entertained the
members of Chapter B. Jf. of the P, E.
O. sisterhood at a Christmas kenslngton
Thursday afternoon at her home. Mrs.
Effle Hoffman Rogers of Oskaloosa, la.,
was the guest of the club. Mrs.' Rogers
U editor of tho P; E. O. Record .
The members of the Dundee Woman's
club who are rehearsing for "A Thous
and Years Ago," will meet Wednesday
at 10:30 a. m., at the home of Mrs. J. P.
Ferguson. Mrs: Ferguson and Mrs. John
Yelaer will be hostesses.
The regular club meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. J. B. Jonee In the af
ternoon. '
Maeterlinck's "Monna Vanna"-wll be
studied under the leadership of Mrs. W.
B. Howard, assisted. by Mesdamos E. A.
Benson,' L. Brayton, C. J. Hubbard
and G. E. Fisher. Miss Zora Shields will
discuss the motive of tUs "work. Current
topics will be given by Mrs. D. E, Mo
Cullejr. '
A special prograo-. ' will be carried .out
at the meeting of . the Tenneson circle
Monday, at the home of Mrs. J. R Web
ster. Mrs. W. B. Howard and Mrs. J. M.
.Richards will lead the lesson In the text
books. There will be tour , threermlnute
papers on Cesser, Arthur,. Alfred and
Canute.'. Mr. 'W. t Cropper will recite
"Guinevere." Miss Ethel Parsons, ac
companied by Miss Olive Seymour, will
singe two aongs from . Tennyson, "Too
Late" and "The Book." Mrs. Emerson
Benedict will give "The Lady of Shalott.'.'
"Plppa Passes" ' will be studied by the
Mu Sigma club under the leadership of
Mrs. H. D. Neely, Wednesday morning
The meeting will be held at the home of
Mrs. E. W. Gurrther.
Mrs. Claire Goddard will be hostess at
a meeting of the J. F. W. club on Thurs
day afternoon.
Seven circles of the Child Conservation
League of America have been organized
Irecently in Omaha, South Omaha and
Benson by Miss Charlotte White, na
tional organizer for the league. Mlsa
White will return to Omaha shortly to
accomplish a city federation of these cir
cles. Mrs. N. K. Syp la president of
the Dundee circle, Mrs. J. E. Butler of the
Hanscom Park, Mrs. George C. Adwers of
the North side. Mrs. E. H. Luikhart of
the Bemia park, Mray W. A. Vickery of
the South side, Mrs. C. F. Mahl ot the
South Omaha, and Mrs. F. S. King ot the
Benson circle. "
At the executive committee meeting Of
the Nebraska Woman Suffrage associa
tion, held Saturday morning at the Loyal
hotel, Mrs. W. E. Barkley of Lincoln was
chosen as the second member lroin Ne
braska on the executive committee of the
national association,' Mrs.' Diaper P.nlth
being a member by virtue of her office,
g.a president of the state organisation.
Each state has two representatives on the
national board. lira. H&llck Rose is
Nebraska's representative on the con
gressional committee.
1 Mrs. R. A. Van Orsdel will be hostess
for the meeting of the story tellers' sec
tion of the Association of Collegiate
Alumnae Wednesday afternoon. The
program will be on "Italy," and Mrs. E.
M. Syfert wlU tell a folk story, Miss
Juliette Oiiffln a modern sliort story and
Mrs. C F. Sykes a selected story.
German playwrights will be studied by
the dramatic section of the Association t
! Collegiate Alumnae at a meeting Thurs
Mr. H. E. Newbranch will discuss Arthur
Schnltsler's worka and Miss Sarah San
borne Frank Wedskind's "Awakening of
Spring." . , .
Mrs. W, B. Bingham; is leader of the
program on "Early Spanish Artists,"
which will be given for' the art depart
ment of the Omaha Woman's club Thurs
day morning at 10 o'clock, Mrs. Fred M.
Cook will talk on . "Alonso Berruguete"
and 'Blas del Prado," and Mrs. Avery
Lancaster on ."IhjIs de Vargas'' and
"Luis d Morales." Mrs. Bingham 'will
read a paper on "Influence of , Foreign
Picture and Artists In Spain." The Pic
ture of the Alhambra will be continued
from the last meeting'. The next meeting
of the department after this one will be
January 11 . '
The meeting of the French department
wlU hereafter be held on Thursday in
stead of Tuesday, at tbe-restdence-atudlo
of the instructor, -Mis May Mahoney.
This week' meeting will be held at 11
o'clock- in the .morning, and at that time
a definite meeting hour will be announced.
The class will discuss in French' inter
esting point of the 'Hotel de Invalldes
and Miss Mahoney will give a reading
from "Le Fenrter." . ; , ," , 4
The . membership . committee . . of the
Omaha' Woman's dub will meet Monday
afternoon at I o'clock,' 'directly preced
ing the meeting of-the social clnce department
The regular Tuesday meeting of the
philosophy and ethic - department of the
Omaha Woman' club has been postponed
on v account ot the instructor. Miss Gal
lawny'. Inability to attend. The next
meeting of the department will be held
Tuesday, January 12.
Miss Charlotte Graves will give a dra
matic interpretation of George Middle
ton' "Now-a-daya" at the meeting of
the oratory department of the Omaha
Woman's club Tuesday morning at 10
o'clock. Prof. Rleed will eontinu hi
lecture on the manner of presentation.
Mrs. Grant Williams, leader of the de
partment, , will . repeat her reading of
."Gem from Qper." which she gave at
the open meeting of the music depart
ment at an - entertainment in the Elk
club, room Thursday evening. MrC Wil-1
Uam wilt appear- on the program at tho
Elks' memorial service Sunday morning
arid at the meeting of the Douglaa county
pioneer also. ...
The home economics department of the
South Omaha Woman' club will meet at
the home of Mr. F. A. Cresaey, 1Q2S
North Twenty-second street, Tusaday
afternoon at 1 o'clock. The Advo Pure
Van Kuran. 121 South Thirty-sixth street, day at the home of Mis Juliette Griffin.
Country." A skMch of Poone will he
given by Mrs. P, T. Barber, Mr. T. W.
Cox will dlxcuss the 1-ewls and Clarke
expoxltlm. Mrs. O, A. Robert will read
a paper tn "Audubon," and Mr. A. F.
Tyler on - "Fremont, the Explorer." A
freneral dlncunnlpn will follow the pro
kt.vii, wherf ench member will name an
histories! spot and the early aettler of
her locality. A musical prorrmm will
Ion the afternoon meeting, atil will Include-
a vocal solo by Mr. R. C. lVixler
and a piano number by Miss Florence
The Central Park Mothers' leafrue will
meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock 'at
the Central Tark achool building. A
I musical program will be given by the
children of the school. Parents and
friends have been Invited to attend.
The Monmouth Park Mothers' club will
hold its regular monthly meeting In the
Monmouth Park school auditorium at 1:30
p. m. Tuesday. All mother are cordi
ally Invited. Roll call response will be
ltim of "Current Events"; song. "Kleep
IJttle Baby of Mine." by Mrs. W. H.
Griffiths; story. "The Little Shepherd 1," by Mrs. A. Purchman; song, "The
Craule Song." by Ilasel Smith; paper, j
"Co-operation Between School and i
Home," by Mrs. W. Osborne. The din-
ctuxloii will be led by Mir Ktta Smith j
Mrs. Onlbralth, Mrs. Kerrigan and Mrs. I
Sturdevant. The meeting will he closed I
by a vocal solo, "In All the World," by
Mrs. Grllfth,
Mrs. rteiie p. Df fenlcher w. elected
president of the tT. 8. Grant Woman'
P.ellef Corps No. 104 at a meeting held
Tuexday afternoon. Mr. A. A. Whitney
Is vice president; Mr. Alice Sweaty,
Junior vice president; Mrs. Ida A. Miller,
chaplain, Mrs. Cora Taliaferro, tress-1
tirer; Mrs. -Beulnh Davis, conductor, and '
Mrs. Sarah Tlcknor, guard, " Delegates j
o 1110 aiaie mwuna wrr .itiv.mi mu 101
lows: Miss Anna Long and Mr. G. 8.
Guild, with Mrs. I411lan T'ddy and Mrs.
Mattle Long as alternates.
Maeterllnok's "Monna Vanna" will be
the subject for study by the Clio Study
club this afternoon. The meeting will be
held at the horne of . Miss Eether Epstein. J
M'ra Ada Glllnnky will give a. sketch ot ,
the life and personality of tn author; :
Miss Ruby Isaacson will tell ' the story
of the play, and Miss Fannie' Orodlneky
will conipnre Maeterlinck' earlier nd
later work. " I
The lecture by R. T. Wyche, president 1
of the National Story Teller' league, 1
which w planneKTor Monday afternoon 1
by tho Omaha Wyche Story Teller'
(Continued on Page Four, Column Jflve.)
- J
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South 16th Street
Salo of
Food company and the Loose-Wiles com
pany will give demonstrations, under the
dlreotion of Mrs. . H. W. Bigolow, their
demonstrator. Mrs. Cressey will be a- I
sis ted by Mend ernes J. E. Lush, Perry j
Wheeler, William Barclay and J. D. Mc
Bride. ! I
Mr. K. R. - J.' Edholm of the Omaha ,
Woman' club, Mr. Humphrey of Falls 1
City and Mr. W. .A. PnrUer, manager of
the Middle West SchoolMieview, visited
the West Side achool, where the hot lunch
plan 1 belnc experimented, and were
guest at the achool luncheon. They will :
make report of the management ot tho
school lunch committee.
Mis Helen Mackln is leader of the pro
gram on "The Bohemian Girl," which
will be given by the muslo department
of the Omaha Woman' club Wednesday
afternoon, and will tell the story ot tho
opera. The program I a follow:
Piano Melodramatic music, Mis Helen
Schellberg. ...
Violin Quartet "Follow, Follow with
Heart and Arm' Misses Clara, A-'hnelder,
Olga Eltner, Winifred " Lathrop, Kdna
Soprano Solo "I Dreamed I Dwelt In
Marble Halls." Miss Mnrle French.
Contralto Solo "Bless, Forever Past,"
Miss Gladys Anderson. .
Piano Melodrama tio music. Miss Helen
Quartet "From the . Valleys and the
Hills," Misses Marie French, Gertrude
Aiken, Messrs.- Lyman Sackett, Marcus
Bass Solo "The Heart Bowed Down,"
Mr. W. E. Rhafer.
Tenor Solo "Then You'll , Remember
Mo." Mr. Erol Strtckler.
Plnno "Bohemian Girl," fantaslo, Miss
Louise Emmett.
Accompanists, Mia Esther Frlcke, Miss
Edna Miller.
The North Side Mother olub will meet
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the
residence of Mr. "C. J. ZieBarth, 2415
Webster avenue. The following program
will be given: Roll call, response, quota
tion on' "Father"; paper, "Definition
of True , Obedienoe and . Discussion of
Method of Securing It," by Mrs. F. S.
Kent; readings, "Obedience" and "The
Boy and1 the Duke," by Mrs. F. A.
Ay re; "Habit," by Mr. Fred M. Crane;
"A Noble Life," by Mrs. E. L. Barr; an
original paper by Mrs. F. C. Rich on
"What I There in' Our Democracy Which
Make it Necessary to Lay Stress Upon
These Manner." A mualoal program In
cluding selection from Cadman, a well
as operatic and lyrical number a well
given by Miss Daisy Borton, Mr.- E. W.
Bedford and Mis Irene Van Noye.
The next regular meeting of the West
Omaha Mother' Culture club will be
held at the home of Mrs. James Corr, 4019
Seward sireot, Friday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock. The subject of the afternoon's
(program will be ' "Settlement of Our
Buy the Christmas Cigars
for the men this year at a
Man's Store. You are sure
to please him if the
"smokes" come from
Gotten & Wickhan,
' "The House-' of Values"
S. IV. Cor. 10th and Howard.
-1322 Farnam St.
Opposite W. O. Bldg.
1 " r-".t 'wi yj
"TiEl'T !i,ii mmMm
fit it
Ie a rule of this Cleaning
establishment, that must", be
Customers expect from ua the
best Cleaning and Dyeing to
be had In the middle west, and
they get Itthat's why most
of Omaha's well dressed men
and women patronize the
We've been over seventeen
years building our reputatiou
as Omaha's Quality Cleaners
and we think too' much of It
to turn out any but first clas
If you do not care for the
"Do It In a minute kind," then
send your work here and get
the PAUToniur.i
'Good Cleaners and Dyers."
1515-17 Jones Street.
Phone Douglas 003.
N. B. The new Parrel Pot
rate justify us In offering to
pay return charges on all out-of-town
business, no matter how
small or how large your bill may
bo. Send ua a trial order.
1 Wkw- "v
W i., i . .' .-
If iW!
Oar Entire Stock of Reliable Furs
is Offered in This Xmas Sale
The opportunity of purchasing at sale from
the output of such a dependable fur shop be
fore the holidays is seldom offered.
Remember, you have here the judgment,
experience and guarantee of the designer and
maker of thlse furs.
BLLU wis
a 1 kJEp
PERHAPS--" Away Below Cost" has
an empty sound to some but when used her it
stands for exactly what it says. The $832 mahogany
. bedroom suite marked down to $370 was priced at $832
and this is the price at which we sell furniture of equal
quality but we have concluded to reduce our stock of
this fine furniture now - at once hence these most ex
treme reductions "away below cost."
Could y.oai select a more practical or desirable gift ...
, than a'suite or one pie from mnong those included
in this sale! They are of tho kind that future gen
erations will treasure for heirlooms.
tX)f'IAli ni.MXO 811TH in genuine Mahogany. sld,
board, rhlna cabinet, 60-Inch Dlninir table, nerving tablo, 6
chairs and 1 arm chair; regular price $772, sale price $3-10
QCKKN ANNK H1MNU KllTK, rtade by Cowan & Co.;
finest quality mahoRany; Sideboard, China Cabinet and 60
inch Dlnlnjr Table; regular price $817, sale price 8335
COLONIAL 11K1IUOOM 8l'ITK, combination of solid ma
hogany andCrotch veneer; drsnpr, chiffonier, toilet table,
bed and box sprlnsr; renular price $832, sale price .... $370
tX)MM.L ItHDKOOM Hl'ITK; Mahoerany Dresser, chif
fonier, Toilet table, bed; regular price $744.50, sale pr.gSSO .
D1MXO CHAIIIH; set of six mahogany dlnlns; chairs m
Antique dosigrn, slip leather seat; regular price $, sale
price 838
CHINA CAIUVKT, separate from any suite, a beautiful
colonial scroll design, with half mirror or back; regular price
$130, sale price 850
IHXINO Hl'ITK, massive design, madefy Cowan ft CO.;
beautiful figured mahogany, sideboard, china cabinet, serv- x
lng table, CO-lnch dining table. 6 chairs and I arm chair; reg
ular price $923, sale price $305
KKRVINQ TAIILK, solid mahogany, separate from aulte; f
regular price $48, sale price ' $15
Suggestions for Furniture Gift
Tea wagons, muffin stands, card tables,
Hall clocks, desks, arm chairs, trays,
Mahogany lamps, music cabinets, smoking
stands, rockers, Globe Wernicke sectional
bookcases, tea tables, sewing tables,
' Highboys, Auto Valets. Bedroom suites.
Oriental Rugs
- Gifts that a woman appreciates and always admires.
By no means beyond the reach of most people we have
hundreds of rich, beautiful nigs at extremely moderate
prices. ' ,
Bof tKirmanshah Table mats. ..'.,$14 to 18. ..
Silky Ladio and Bergama mats, $7 to $9.50. i
v Guenje Prayer Rugs $7.50 to $15.
Ask our Mr. Nahlglan to show you the possibilities in Oriental Rugs for -moderate
priced gifts. . .
We can't begin to tell you of all the interesting things in .
this land of Santa Clau and make believe. Everything that
any child, girl or boy, could think of and lots more.
' Such Wonderful Play Furniture '
And why not?' This is a furniture store. There are
cunning, bedroom suites in white enamel, mahogany
dressers, oak dining tables and chairs and brass
beds, just like mamma's with real mattresses, and a
poster bed with a canopy. What a glorious time we
' could have playing 4 ' house ' if Slanta Claus brought
us some of this "Play Furniture.!' 1 . y
Soldiers Too! of All Countries
French soldiers, German soldiers, English soldiers,
Russian soldiers and some that must be Servians. ,
There are soldiers on horses, on camels a wonderful
fighting force. - ,
y , . Beautiful Small Rugs for
Useful Gifts
Particularly suitable for a young lady's room or as a gift to
the newly married couple.
Artistic Rag Rugs
Dainty effects in plain colors with delicate chintze inlaid borders,
24x36 sixe. JJOt to $2.25: 27x64 slie, $1.35 to $3.75: 30x60
i". $1.65 to $3.50; 3Cx72 size, $2.00o $4.50-
Fine Wilton Rugs v
Bundhar and French Wiltons in splendid assortment of Oriental and
2-tone designs, 22x36 size, $3.25 to $4.75; 27x54 size, $4,00 '
to $0.75: 30x63 size, $0.50 to $10.00. !
s A Gift for the Home Wins
Appreciation From All
Table Scarfs Portieres Couch Covers.
8CARF8 in velours, tapestry and French Brocade, $2.35 to $13.50
POKTIKKES, in a multitude of colorings and designs ,
$3.75. $5.00. SG.nO "4 $7.50
OOl'CII OOVEHS, a splendid assortment of Kasgars, Tapestries and
Velours, f)5 to $14.50. -
Three Surprise Tables Gifts for
25c, $1.00 and $1.50
Novelties for the housewife, nickeled trays, tea and coffee pots,
brass articles, candlesticks, etc.
Articles for 25c that sold from 35c to $1.00 and
even more.
Articles or $1X0 that sold from $1.75 to $2.50,
$3.75 and even more.
Articles for $2.50 that sold from $3.65 and $4.00
to as much as $7.50 and $9.00.
. They're going fast.
JIand hammer eel tterling silver pieces from ths Master
CraUmen of the Kalo Shop in the Bric-aBrao section.
Orchard & Wilhelm Co.
414-416-418 South ICth St.