34 A. t TT7K OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECKMBKU 6, 1914. ST! ? 1 morrow egies the Heaviest Week of Christmas Buying ! And it ta a very practical Idea. Today you will probably settle definitely upon your Christmas lint. When you see all you have to do, and realise that Christmas is only sixteen shopping days away, the wisdom of starting In first thing Monday and clearing up that list as soon as possible will be uppermost In your mind. After this week comes the grand rush of late bnyers and there are all kinds of reasons why you should prefer to buy now Better Choice Now, Crowds sot so large. More Ease In Shopping, Time to Exchange If there has been any error made or- If Tou Should Change Tour Mind and this page of special ralues argue in favor of buy ing all of your Christmas merchandise this week If it Is at all possible to do so. It Is to your own best advantage to shop early. B iTQiiii(a Mi MS$ "' 1 :.v" "" ". i : f 1 11 ':'"':"' ',: j i mi I riilTMHiaant im iMe.n.iMfciini..i m i n r r " '-J irfi - -- 4iit mm ilim-" -J- r r - ---i-ff-" r "i rr Everything you want Is here. Our stocks are complete in every detail. j We say this not as a boast, but as the performance of our duty to the :.J people who have so generously given us the big bulk of their patronage and M" made this store one of the finest in America. There Is bound to be more fl satisfaction In buying at Brandets, because here you will find Larger Quan- 'J .... . . . r- . . I . i r . f m . i . . . titles to select irom, ureaier virici;, ana piany ivinen or mercuanaise iaai i P.inini Vtnit At All I'licvliorfl. V hava imnlA fnrra. rf tratnait mIm. people and pur service is thorough a nd prompt. Yes, indeed, it Is a pleas- jfc ure and a satisfaction to shop at Bran dels. The store is beautifully deco rated, in keeping with the spirit of the times. A woederiFoIpuirehase of Fine Furs comes in very timely WOMEN'S Smart Neckwear Beautiful Collars, Vestees and Coat and Dress Bets, make thought ful and useful Christmas Gifts. Bom Of the very best French os trich feathers. In black, blue, green, brown and black and white. Special. Cd KH Sfl.75 and t?O.OU Wired Net and Lace Collars Also embroidered organdy collars and dress seta many styles. pA Special Monday, choice.. UvC Imported Lace dollars A special lot just received for Monday's sale. clal, each to 75e. 8pe- 25 c Fine Ribbons For Hair Bows. Sashea and Bags of all descriptions. Many pretty gifts can be made with ribbons. Sugges tions at our ribbon counter for new and novel ideas. Splendid l.ne of Fancy Ribbon in Brocade, Valour, Cold Ef t . .. i WpeolAi. q- H-Jnok ru7 War Prlate Dark And "S"i srounua. yard Vt ns a-XBoh Warp riBts Vrrr pretty dark and light grounds. OC. ' Special, yard SiOU riala sad aaoy Warp Frint A very preuy line ior noari .ruins' In our uaaemenu epecjai, yard le and our ibo iiiuiy novel desicna. t-yard bolts Spec! 1 5c wres. 8o ill w&lV' if ) v Ag every one knows, the delayed cold weather has placed many a furrier in a very pre carious financial condition. Our buyer went to New York a few days ago expecting to buy furs at very low prices on account of this, but the results were far beyond his expectations. Yon can readily fee by the values offered hero that the saving made possible by our pur chases amounts to at least half of what you would have to pay ordinarily, and in every in . stance we are confident of the quality and character of the furs offered. Our guarantee goes . with every purchase. Lack of space compels us to enumerate but a few of the wonderful - bargains you can secure here now. Fur Sets rillow or Barrel Muffs; Large orlHmall Hcarfs Red, Black and Gray Fox, Blue Wolf, Black Wolf, Brook Mink,' French Co ney. Isabella Opossum- Seta - worth up to $20.00- Q f00 are yours Monday for O A " Scarfs and Muffs In Pretty Fluffy Choice Furs All the " new shapes. Natural - and blended -furs.-Sets worth up-COO to 125, Monday at. I10 Choice Lot of Good ' Serviceable Fnr Beta Blue Wolf, - Black Wolf, Red Fox. Isabella. Opos sum, sable, opossum., uroon Mink. Jap Mink. Nearseal, etc. Sets worth 1 QOO un to 180.00 here Monday, special, at....... PA-- SanvDle Fur Sets, worth to $40.00.-.....S25.OO Sample Fur Sets, worth to $50.00. .....S35.00, Samnle Fur Sets, worth to $85.00.'. .Y. .$49.00 Fur Muff$, $1.50 to $49.00 - I Wonderful lot of fine separate muffs in every good fur. Lars-e pillow shapes. New saddle and barrel shapes with1 shirred satin sunken beds, ' Fur Scarfs. $2.98 to $98.00 , Every good and serviceable fur such aa Fitch, Mink, Hudson Seal, Fox, Lynt, Beaver, Wolf, Jap Mink, etc. V.vrr rnnil ahana and stvle. - A Smalt Deposit Will Secure Any Fur$ or Fur Coat a Until Christmaa S A WW " . A J V.VY - " K? Fur Coats $35 $39 $49 $68 Heavy fancy lining. . . . sjQe $75 f 7B Rosslan Tony Coat Beautifully flowered... 75 5a-Inch Caracul Coat Rich lustrous curls. $8P Fine Brown Marmot Coat Specially priced. 183 R2-Incli Nearseal Cot Brocaded lining. 120 4ft-In. Nearsel Coat $125 Hudson Bal Coat 42 inches long, for.. f 125 MoUne Qoat 54 Inches long. - stripes. Specially priced $95 . 80-Inch Cutaway Neaneal electric collar, $08 40-Inch Nearseal and cuffs. Monday, special price, at $100 Nearseal Cape With vest. Extraordinary bargain Monday, at. sjiBO Hudson Heal Coat 40 Inches long. Fitch collar and cuffs. Very special, Monday, at. $185 45-Inch Nearseal Coat Chlnola collar and cuffs. Very special Monday, at Reversed A Mft for. Monday B4,If T ('t White Ann Coat Chlnola collar A m a leopard collar and Shsmt V w rtrrr Specially priced, at if? Shop in Every Section of the Store Every Day . no matter now big our advertise-' ments are, they give you but a 'ery"t ma1l nftrt rf tha ma n v IntArAAttnr values awaiting you here. Think of what a rich field for selection you will find ' In the following departs ments: Ptrfamtt and Toilet Goo it Beautiful Novelties in Millinery Fine Table and Bedding Linens Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods Coat, Dress or Sait Patterns Fine Blankets and Comforters Flannels, Fine Wash Goods Fine China and Glassware Lac Curtains, Portieres, Draperies Everywhere Tou Will Be Interested. Beautiful Veils, Splendid Gifts Chiffon Auto Veils, shaded and plain.' Tango Silk and Crepe Scarfs, In many floral patterns. Silk and Wool Knit Scarfs and Shawls f also Fancy - Lnce Head Scarfs, many colors and styles to select from. Worth up to $3.50 each. Specially - priced for Monday, $2-60, $1.50 and. . . . 98c Our Enlarged Picture Department Is better fitted than ever to minister to your Picture and Picture Fram ing wants for the Christmaa season. Double the space, twice the stock, selected with extra care. Double the number of efficient clerks. ffSilk Hosiery fc" : . Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose All colors, Includ-V fj lng black and white; black with fancy Roman stripes; black with fancy striped tops; all colors with fancy clocks. All full fashioned, with rein forced soles, heels and toes and wide garter tops. Some all silk; others with lisle tops. Worth up to ' ll.SO a pair; each put up in a beautiful Christmas box Women's Pure Thrad Silk Hose la all the evening - shades, such as pink,-sky,-yellow, all shades of green and the new fawns. All regular made, double soles, heels and toes, with wide garter tops. Worth $1.00 a pair. a Two pairs put up in a beau tiful Christmas box . , Women's Fiber Silk none Black only. Fiber to the top. Regular 60o quality. Three pairs In beautiful Christmas box............. Men's Pure Thread Silk Howe Black, white, navy, tan and gray; all full fashioned, with high spliced bsels and toes and double soles. Regular 60c quality. Three pairs in fancy Christmas box.... Her- Here Choice of ... Any of These Fosr Lots for Per Box x'i Beautiful Blouses Are Queenly Gifts V I It would task one's mind to think of anything that would please a woman more than one of the charmingly beautiful blouses we are showing- Our Bluuse buyer luade a trip to New York especially to obtain the very newest models for the holiday season. We offer CltEPE DK COVS, BLOKES gg ? Q SILK SHADOW LA-E IHXU'SKS. . . . CinKFON BLOrSES POMPADOUR CHIFFON BLOfBES GEORGETTE CREPE BLOUSES..,.. NEW LINGERIE BLOUSES $3.98 to $8.98 -$5.00 to $15.00 $3.98 and $5.00 $5.00 to $8.98 $1.00 to $5.00 u . if U' All the New Model and All the New Color a Victor Victrola . i TO YOUR OWN HOME. It will be a real delight for everyone In your family to receive such a splendid gift and you will share Its enjoyment with them No Invention has done so much to bring Into your home the world's most famous singers and music, the great est actors, the finest band pieces everything entertaining and its cost la so low! Leo!: at This Outfit Illastrttica SXiOW3 inn uc Ztf Etyle Victrou V III, which is of fered at $107.53 v.ith choice cf ten doull3-faccd 10-inch Victor reo. crda, makic TWENTY selections in alL Terci are $10 cash and $7 per north. One of those large, mas sive, Imposing appearing instru- Pumpmiatt Room Bran J it Slor)$ FOR A V .aVi .", Ho ndkerchief s All Kinds For Everybody Rtga'a Dtnar'mmnf en Main Fl"OT- Men's and Women's Fine Sheer All linen Handk'fs , With initials in great a variety as to afford you al most unlimited choice. Some with wreath and butterfly design s. Some - with wide hems, others with narrow hems. Special Sec loni n BMmp( Spimndid Voinaa E. arywhmrt) v Men's and Women's Fine' Handkerchjef s Extra fine. Sheer linen, silk crepe 6 In Dox Worth Vp to 91.50 Per Box -v " Choice for de chine, Jap silk, Some with Armen ian edges, Venice lace edges. Initials in white or colors. Most of them worth, up to 60c each. Ex traordinary values for Monday, choice V Men's PUin Whit Iiinon IUndkerchlefs Extra good sise. soft finish, ready for use. Women's Plain All-L4nen Handkerchiefs With fancy embroidered corners, corded borders and f? J qi colored rolled hems. Regular 18V4o values. Two big lots In the basement OC ClllU. OJC Three Very Special Lots on Sale Monday-Main Floor and Basement Women's Shamrock Handkerchiefs With fancy colored long Ini tials. Six In a fancy box posi tively worth 60c. on Special, box Q v7 C Women's Handkerchiefs Embroid ered on lne Mulle Three in a fancy box. Regular 40c value. Special, Mon day, box 25c Children's Handkerchiefs Some with colored borders, plain white and initialed. Three in a fancy box. Worth ? 6c. Special, box . . 15c Jewelry, Leather Novelties, Ivory Goods, Silverware So much to select from all practical and selected with greatest care by experts so that you are assured that whatever you buy, it is good and dependable. r - - . , : ; ' :, ; i ' I i I 1 French Ivory Samples bought from S. Langsdorf & Co., corner Spring and Corby Sts., New York. Toi let and Manicure'Sets in beau tiful silk lined cases. At About Half Price This sale continues Monday with thousands of beautiful articles par ticularly suitable for Christmas of ferings and the prices are Just half of what you would have to pay for the same goods under ordinary circumstances. Silverware Specials Silver Plated Casseroles With real Ournsey ware lnalde dish. no $4.00. value for vl'O Fine Quadruple Plated Silver Casse roles With fine porce- Jo nn lain Inside dishes. Special pOJO Quadruple Stiver Plated Comb, Brash and Mirror Bets f 6 Q value for v07 Hand Painted Porcelain Comb, Brush and Mirror Beta S3 QQ value for sJLJ lilatk Enamel Mantle Clocks 8-day time- Strike, gong, half hour on cup bell. Porcelain dial. $7.60 OQ value. Very special, Monday, for Solid Brass Ash Tray, With Match Box Holder 60c value. 8peclal, Monday, f or 0 C Carnation Pattern Knives and Forks Made by Wm. H) r A A. Rogers Co. Regular $S.60 value. Per doien.. VmDU Iwo-llottle SUver Plated CMtora, Salt and . f-r Prp per Special Monday each OUC 5-Plece Htrrllus HlHer Manicure SeU J OA $X 00 value. Special, Monday, for vlV)t7 f M ST W sm Leather Novelties Samples bought from Her man Scheoieo, 171 Madison Ave., New York. Leather rolls of Toilet and Manicure Sets, Whiskey Flasks, Irinkinjf Cups, Military Sets, Musio Rolls, etc. At Half Regular Prices Sale continues Monday and until every piece of It Is sold. All per fect merchandise at half the reg ular prices. Jewelry Specials llosarfai AH colors of beads, with gold plated crucifix, fl.00 - tft value for OUC Gold Filled LaVaUierea With soldered link chain and beautiful gold Ca front pendant. $1.60 value for OUC 6-Inch German Sliver Mesh Bags Ring mean; kid lined, with pointed fringe on bottom. $4-00 value Solid Gold Broorhee In neat leather ette box. $4.00 Ji QQ value for vl JO Solid Gold Chain and Solid Gold Pen dant LaVallieres Beautiful designs. Extraordinary value t0 QQ Monday, at , 50.JO Liatauierea solid gold pendants on a 14-K. 1-10 gold filled chain. $2.00 value for. Ral Whithy iet Bracelets Prices. 82.KO and.. ttom. $4-00 i rQ tor 31S70 $1.00 SI. 98 Christmaa Footwear for Everyone in the Family Complete Line of Comfort able House Slippers for Men Kid lined, cushion soles; hand-turned and sewed. In Opera, Eer ett. Komeo, Faust. Broad or medium toe 81. US S3.50 . laifiu fnw OSildra Vl to ie Har -Id. l-anta t fin atyU. Curduruy. .nd fcr"y.?!.h.!- SlaOa Oomptota Xlm Sf Wnuil StoMAay auppn lu rum had., B ' brawu Amrk colors Ribbon and fur tmrun.Nl ; ImiIiw or tuvildeU wool soIm. "Comfy" factory. Euh.r hlah or low cut 08 to Sl.08 ChnarM's Wars BUpeare liich or low cue fancy daaicna. pretty and xrvlcnUli- t ad ded sole, hod and blu. col ors, la fancy boxes at 98c to $1.49 ST. as mi's liM BTao. Wortk to S.0o Patent leather wltU Sray or black ".pat" top.. Leather, tYench or Cuian beela. los or .hort vampa: narrow of wld. toea. Dull lea th era, patent Imlner and Maedea In black and rraye. An alaaa. Very sporlal at Chiquita in; Our Toylahd 1 , vvoii't it be a treat for the children tomorrow to meet Chiquita that famous littlo woman, who stands 36 inches high not even aa : tall as some of our big dolls. Chiquita will 'be In our Tovland to welcome the little boys and girls. Chiquita Is one of the most famous dwarfs In the world. She weirba about 30 pounds. : Her real name is Espirldiona Alica Senda (Chiquita being the ' Spanish pet name for "little one.") She was so small when she was bora that an ordinary cigar box . was big enough to hold her. Chi quita speaks English, Spanish and Italian and Is a clever little actreBs. Be sure to bring the children to meet this dainty little miss In our Toyland tomorrow. Another Big Show-Deaves' Manikins Playing "Uncle Torn' Cabin" in Our Toyland ' It Is Just as if you could look into a theater and see the actors, tha orchestra, the audience and everything. Deaves' Talking Manikins makes one of the most interesting shows any one could wish to see. We have brought them to Omaha for our little friends, who are wel come to see this Interesting performance. The shows begin at 9:80 until 12:00 M. and then from 2 to P. M- It Is all FREE for children accompanied by their parents. And Santa Claus Has Lots of Nice Things . to Show Yoain Omaha's Greatest and Most Complete Toyland Children's Shoo Flys. Rocking Horses. White China Tea Sets. Fancy Dressed Dolls. Building Blocks. Flinch Card Game. Rugby Foot Balls. Balky Mules. Little Red Chairs. New Card Gaines. Stuffed Animals. Checkers. i Dolls. ' Games. Books, Etc. More Toys "Than We Kver Had and a Much Larger Space. $1.15 KID ,GLOVES Will Surely Please Especially If they are selected from a stock that is complete -.such as ours comprising the -very best makes both in plain and fancy gloves. Here we quote a few specials for Monday: Perrln'a Real Kid Gloves Overaeam. pique sewn, 2-clasp style, plain or fancy, contrast backs. $1.75 values. Special, Mon- ti Cf Ti day. for ; , 1.0U v$ Overseam sewn, 2-clasp style, Corona make. ' Special, pair. . , , Women's 10-Button Length Kid tiloree Perrln make.' White only. Worth $3.50. Qf Special, at. pair... apa.OaJ A Glove Certificate WiU enable the recipient to choose her gift and ssve the donor's shopping time and energy. Cer tificate, issued in our Women'a Glove Section. Christmaa Boxes Free With Kid Glove Purchases. n Art Needlework Third FloorNovelties Galore tUrm U m u)e t A id mat Worn, mrfu! display e dainty aomftcs. X.wpl. WovalUe. Mad. of bUqu. Kevk p lea In large aaaortm.nt vf atylM for pin ou.hluna. The cutest novelty of th. aeuaon. 8pclaJ, each raaoy VovalUva la Tie mart., Kal ru Holdera, Ta Traya, Matca a altera, Xva, Kplendld choice, apaclal, each $1.00 25o raacy Cnteue Collar Bar, T.pea t 11 Tray., Olo. aa4 Sfaaoa.r chl.f Ioim, miU run aa4 raney rta CaalOoaa Special, P. each OUC tan pea Bath Towel. On food qual ity toweUn Hianiped la Moral ana roa. toll tea aeel.na Kpeclal. aacb ..35o