TJIH IlKK: OMAHA. SATUKDAV. DKCKMREU ft. l!14. LOBECK BACKJO CAPITAL Hai Several Pltm to Work Out for Omaha's Advanage. WOULD PAVE THIRTIETH STREET Will Alio Co to the Front Try to K Omaha a a Dlstrlbetla; Folat for Sapplle for the Indians. Cons:reBman Lobeck started yesterday for Washington to b present at tho open ing of congress next week. "I hate to leave Omaha Just now," says Mr. Lobeck, "but If duty calls me. It Is pleasant to i -election by an Increased majority In stead of as a defeated lame duck. "No, I have only one or two matter of Immeiilate local Interest In hand. One be able to go back with a certificate of Is the pavement of Thirtieth street, op posite Fort Omaha. ' I will ry to secure tho necessary authority and appropria tion, so the government will bear Its share of the cost and have the Srork done In the spring. There is a complication by reason of the Water board' refusal to lay a water main to accommodate own er of property on the east side of the street, evidently with an Idea that the government can be forced to pay the Iront foot assessment for the pipe, but a Fort Omaha la already supplied with water. I Am n m v . t a. - ' " 'v .,, 111 10 will feel like coming across. 1 "Another matter "U the purchase of In dian suppllc which was put up to the commissioner of Indian affaire. I find that they have been asking for bid for. Chicago delivery on supplies that could . be distributed from Omaha quicker and 1 cheaper, and I hope to persuade the bureau to give Omaha a better deal." U 20 Mnro I ll - r if II I Our Christmas Stocks arc most splendidly ready for the buyers at prices you'll find most attractive. Why not Jewelry? X&wSJg. Every Department Fairly Sparkling with the great displays of beautiful and practical gift suggestions. Why not Bugs? E" -''- I,ook nver the list care fully and lar In a supply of your need In thl line. fc.verv ltm m .n..ui wo iarrett Hamad el r cream. 1.00 Imogens Toi let Water Evening Jasmin der, special at "So Fompelan Ma' sag Cream ...... SOc Hind Honey and Al mond Cream 35q William Bet, containing aoap, dental and talcum powder. In nickel CQ. cases, special UJD tOo Aubry Sisters' Beautlfyer 50o Pebeco Tooth Paste 38c 75c Pow- 50c 49c 29c 32c nrrl f ta aaoata Bargains in Drues and Toilet Goods Park, 59c Mir- 59o I Ac 5c iyM A 25o . 60 67c 25c 11.00 Set Black Good Bristle Mili tary Brushes.... IVi-ln. ivory Hand ror, a $1.00 value Be Paoker' Tar Boar 10c Barman's Boan lOo Imperial Peroxide Soap, 4 bars for I Or Venetian Bath 11.00 Scott' Emul sion 100 Phenophalax Wafer 1 do. l-gr. Aspirin 4 Cm Tablet 1.01 $1.00 Dandertn R7 Hair Tonic U I b $1.00 Sal Hepatlca QQq THREE BIG SPECIAL HOLIDAY GIFT COUNTERS SATURDAY COUNTER 1. $2.00 Holiday Gifts, 98c. Work Box ps, Sewing Boxes, Hand lings, Collar Boxes, Shaving Sets, Hand Mirrors, Military Sets, Boxed Handkerchiefs, etc., to $2.00 values 08c COUNTER 2. $1.00 Holiday Gifts, 50c. Hair Koccivers, Puff Boxes, Purse Hags, Sewing Boxes and Bas kets, Hand Mirrors, Hair Brushes and many other $1.00 items, nt 50c HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS AT PRICES BELOW All COMPETITION COUNTER 3. 50c Holiday Gifts, 25c. Pin Trays, Hat Piu Holders, Pin Cushions, Hand Mirrors, Sow ing Sets and many other pleasing gift suggestions. Choice 1.51? 6 Pure Linen Hand Embroidered Hnndkerehiefs in fancy boxes $1.50 4 Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, in fancy boxes; special values at $1.00 4 Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in fancy box; extra quality 50c 6 Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs, in fancy box; special at 75c All Linen Handkerchiefs, finely hemstitched, 15c values each 7YzC 15c Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs. . ,10c 20c Swiss Embroidered Handkerchiefs. .12 1C Other Fine Swiss Handkerchiefs, 15c and 25c Real Lace Handkerchiefs, big assortment; 2 splendid values $5, $3, $2 and $1 Initial Handkerchiefs, 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c g YourXmas 1 ShoppmgJ Earlvy Why Not Make Her a Gift of Nice Gloves If nt nil undecided, remember that Gloves are always acceptable, and if you buy the best Monarch, Derby or Bacmo you're always sure of pleasing. We show complete lines of the best gloves nt prices ranging from $1.00, $2.00 up In fancy holiday boxes for gifts. Kayser Leatherette, and Chamoisette gloves, long and short nt 40c and $1.00 Children's kid gloves and mittens, linen. Special bargain at 40c Builders to Talk Insurance and New Law at Meeting 1 The new workmen' compensation law and mutual Insurance under that law I to be discussed at the next meeting of the Omaha Builders' exchange, to be held t the exchange room In the Barker block at 8 o'clock next Tuesday evening, December 8. J. W. Stelnhart of Nebraska, vice president of the new mutual casualty company organised by the manufacturer of the state. Is to deliver the address on this subject. This Is a subject that I of vital interest to building contractor, as they are heavy employer of labor and of a class of labor In which accidents are more or less frequent Mr. Stelnhart 1 a prominent manufac turer of the atate. He I a prominent member of the Nebraska Manufacturer' association. At. the meeting of the Manu facturers' association a few weeks ago In Omaha Mr. Btelnhart handled principally tho matter of obtaining signature of manufacturer willing to Join a mutual liability Insurance company. He hustled signature In great shape and when the association convention adjourned It was Mr. Stelnhart and J. W. Towle of Omaha who were entrusted with the work of com pleting the list of signature and getting up the preliminary work of filing arti cle of Incorporation for the company. A thl Is a regular meeting- of the Builders' exchange for the last month In the year, nomination are to be made for officer and director for the ensuing year. This Five Oats. ' DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out thl dip, enclose 6 cent to Foley Co., Chicago, 111., writing your name) and - address clearly. You will receive In return a free trial package containing Foley Money and Tar Compound, for coughs, cold and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for pain In aides and back, rheumatism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablet, a wholesome and thor oughly cleansing cathartic, especially comforting to stout person. For sale In your town by all druggist. Advertisement. I DR. HENRY WILL TALK ON HOW TO CHOOSE A WIFE "How to Choose a Wife" will be the subject of an address to men Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the Young Men' Christian association by Dr. W. O. Henry, i M. D. It I one of a eerie of advice talks to young men. which Dr. Henry i ha been making for some time, at the re quest of the association directors and member. Brass Bed Sale New Brass Beds, straight or continuous post, heavy, 2 inches thick.; several pat terns, worth $18 to $20, on sale, at 812.50 New Brass Beds, several pat terns, without any exagera tlon worth. $2 5. in this sale, at 815.00 Mattress and Pillow Sale. New, fresh, clean m at tr eases, guaranteed sanitary; all cot ton mattress layer felt all around, filled with XXX cot ton, full size, 45 lbs. weight, for 84.50 Genuine layer felt mattress, In this sale for.; 84.05 Combination cotton and excel sior mattresses, S2.75- 83.50 nd up Iron Beds and Springs. 2-inch heavy post, Vernis Mar tin or white beds, 84.00 and S5.00 Extra heavy thick' fillers. SB.OO and 80.50 O'J'L'tf el "in "1 Best line of fabric spring made Odd Pattern Dressers. Broken suites or odd patterns. Oak, Mahogany, Bird's eye or Fumed Oag dressers, marked way down to 812.50 d 815.00 Large expensive dressers and chiffoniers, odd pieces, In this sale at lee than wholesale, to make room. Children's Furniture. Baby Walker. . .1, $125, $3 Rockers ft, $1.60. $2 Nursery chairs, reed or wood, . choice 81.00 High chairs 81. OO Baby beds and springs, drop ides, on sale.. 85. 80.5O Felt or leatherette top, mahog any card tables. .... .81.50 Worth at least $3.50. On sale for one day. MYDEN'S Meet Santa Clans at Hoyden's Saturday He'll be waiting to greet you among a vast assortment of all kinds of Toys, Dolls, Games, in his principal Omaha storehouse on 4th floor. MANY SPECIALS TO INTEREST BUYERS. Beautiful Jointed Dolls, $2.00 values, 22 inches high, with moving eyes, sewed wig and long curls. Special at 89c 98c Character Dolls 14 inches high; boys' or girls'; neatly dressed, nt 49c Other Dolls. . .$10.98 to 25c 75c Scroll Saw Outfits, complete in box, at 49c $1.25 Toy Typ writers, complete, on sale at 98c Friction Street Cars Pay as you enter, regular $1.50 val ues, at 98c 6-Key Toy Pianos 25c Midget Telephones at 25c Mechanical Trains, on track, two cars, engine and tender, 75c values at 49c An Immense Line of Holiday Books Attractively Priced Wm. L. Mead's Girls' Books; the Out Door Girls. Moving Picture Girls, Central High Girl series, etc. Choice 25c Boy Scout Books, Tom Swift, Moving Pic tures, Out Door Chums, Motor Boat series, etc., etc.. bie assortments at 25c Copyright Fiction that formerly sold to $1.35, including the "Wall of Men," "Their Yesterday," "Excuse Me," "Aunt Jane of Kentucky," "The Secret Garden," "The Broad HiirriwAv" itnrl mnv others, nn salft. at ........ . 50c 0 j J 7 7 Scores of Splendid Suggestions in Crockery Dep't Cut Glass, Fine China, Gas and Electric Portables -every thing in fine glassware and china at unusually low pricings. "Make your selections now. Will deliver at any future time you may direct. Rich Cut Glass, Specially Priced. mm Pick them out now; a small, pay ment down will hold them. Sugars and creamers, set, 82 to 8B.50 Handled Olives... $1 to 84. OO 7-io. Nappies. 81.75 to S4.50 Cut Glass Pitcher with b glasses and plateau, at, wt S4.0S Fin Baccarat Glasewar Goblets, Wines, Cham pagnes, Sherbets, Clarets etc., at 25 per cent dis count. Fourth Floor Saturdays The Best Assorted Stock of Electric and Gas Portables Shown in Omaha, with spe cials for Saturday you cannot afford to miss. Beautiful Electric Reading Lamps To $25 values; fine assortment of choice designs equipped with 6-feet of silk cord and two chain sockets; a remarkable value for Sat urday, at, your choice, 315 Shown on Fourth Floor. Ijii Yon often hear it remark ed, and truly, that "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good" and one of the good results for yon of the extremely open fall and winter weather is in buying here. The Biggest Saving in Seasonable Underwear and Furnishings known in many seasons in Omaha or vicinity. V V French Lynx Sets, black or brown, with 43-in. peler ine collars, head and tail trimmed, and 16 in. pillow muff, at. $2.93 $4.98, $8.98 Civit Cat Sets To $35.00 values, new one-skin collar and 20-inch barrel muff ; on sale Saturday at. .$18.50 Several Hundred Handsome Coats, $18.00 and $20.00 Values All classiest winter styles, in fine sealette plushes, satin skin, cloths, zibelines, novelties, etc. all colors and sizes; values you'll find simply match less at $10.00 New Velvet Coats A big shipment of elegant coats, choicest., new styles, at from $29.75 to $39.75 Fine Sweater Coats All col ors, best styles; special at $2.95 Wonderful value-giving Satur day in dependable Fur Coats, Sets and Muffs and in Women's Winter Coats and Suits of most wanted styles. Coney Coats Black or brown, all Skinner Satin lined, at .$1500 and $10.50 Russian Pony Coats, with new straight-line backs. Skinner's satin lined, Saturday nt .... $21.50 45-inch Marmot Coats Rich brown shade, with large shawl collars. Skinner's sain lined at $49 Near Seal Coats In all lengths and styles, plain and fancy collars, special $49-$69-$79 Children's Fur Sets Choico values, go on sale Sat urday at $1.00, $1.98 up to $7.50 Marmot and Russian Mink Sets, with 42-in. collar, 2-skin styles and 15 to 20 in. muffs, in three spe cial lots at $9.50, $12.50 and $14.50 Black Russian Lynx Sets, with G-in. two-pieco style collar and 20-in. pillow muff at 795 Brook Mink and Marten MuffsSpecials at $4.98 Many other Muff Specials- all furs, $1.50 up to $18.50 Splendid Winter Coat Styles; made to sell to $25 In broadcloths, diagonals, boucles, Astrachans, Zibelines, plushes, etc.; broad assortment of fine designs in nil colors and sizes; on sale Saturday at,' each $15.00 wore New Waists and Blouses A great variety or most cnarramg designs, choice values at $3.95, $5.00. $6.95 to $10.00 Long Silk Kimonos and Bath Robes $5.00 values Satur Brook Mink Sets $16.50 value, with 38-in. crossover scarf and 17-in. pillow muff on salo Saturday $8.95 185 Fine Tailored Suits Regular $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00 values. Beautiful velvet suits, fine broadcloth suits, cheviot and gabar dine suits in all colors, at, choice S19.50 ! i it -:nm JUL Men's Uniou Hutu, all wool, up to 14.00 values. In thre lot at ....82.50 81.98 81.45 Men's Union Units, silk and wool garment, to $6.60 values at ....83.98 83.50 82.98 All Wool bhtru or lrawers, per fect goods, ail lie t ..81,45 81.25 4 OS Fleeced BhirU or lirawere 45 and 85 Men's All Wool Sweater Coats, to $8.50 values, all colors at ....85.98 84.98 83.98 Men's Sweater Coat, values to $ 4. 60, all styles at ....82.98 82.50 81.98 Sample bach Robes, values to $12.00, all newest styles at as, S4.98, $3.98, 82.98 Men's Flannel Over Shirt, $2.00 and $2.50 values, In all colors, at 81.45 "d 08 Men's Guaranteed book. 0 prs. fuaranteed for months 40 Men's $1.00 Dretta Shirt, all styles, maker's surplus, on salo t 49 Men's Dress or Work Glove, lined or unllned, bit; assortment of good makes, $1.45, 9 He, 40 Women'! Auto Hoods, to $1 val ues 39 nd 40 Women's Jersey Lined Auto Hoods, $1.75 values 08 611k, Wool, Cotton and Merceris ed Hose of aU kinds, specially priced. Women's Sterling Union HuiU, in all wool, silk and wool or silk and lisle, all styles, in grey, pink or cream, at 82.98 Women's Silk or Wool or AU Wool Union Suit, to $3.60 val ues, In well-known make at 81.98 Fart Wool Union Suits, all styles and sizes 08 to 81.50 Two-Pi ere Suits all qualities and Styles at Bargain Prices. r clfly flt $2.95 Children's Coats and Dresses at attractive bargain prices unuaren's Dresses Most desirable colors u.uu jowuith, in nn sizes and nobby styles at $1.95 and $2.95 Children's Coats Made to sell to $7.50, in all sizes 2 to 14 years; on sale at $3.95 Women's Fleeced Union KuiU, heavy or medium, all styles and sizes OS GO and 49 Children's Union Huits, heavy fleeced, all sizes, at 49 Women's Outing Flannel Gowns, to $8.00 values, in regular and extra sizes 09 98 81.50 Women's Silk Vesta and Tighta, splendid for gifts, $1.45, $1.09 and 82.08 In the Corset Bvcttan. Corsets worth to $4.00. best known makes in all sizes, big special lot at 81.98 $1.00 Brassieres, front or back fastened, nicely trimmed, 40 New Camisoles, all the best col ors and styles, at $1.08 to 85 Women's Sweater CoaU, to $2.50 values, samples slightly soiled, 34 to 40, snaps at OS Mlnaea' Norfolk Sweaters, to $3 values, cardinal and grey, at 81.98 Hayden's Hardware Department ncxax axa uxtjibmawm vaacrobM catarara xism xa AaTs oortii ma. OXWXS AT ABOUT KiU. im BTO. CAT AXOTknWTTM CAKs) OaULIf; XJ.BVKHT I a cues Acaotti, m a w IT1LC, WITH WOOD III. ELM AMD IlktllO BOT TOM; A X3 VAI.UB, KAI41 rauca ta Mae Oaa Alamlaan Ta Krt Usa, a 3. vsJae $. la Cast aiaailama Trf Pan, a H-M value M One lot f Chafln Dishes, worth to 7.0 9XM One lot at Charinv blshai, worth to 10.0 to Two patterns In Klertrlc Chaf ing Irishes, worth 111. JO. at Silts OAxara roM aATUMAT. 10-lb. heavy tin Flour Can. nicely decorated Te 10-lb. extra heavy tin. beauti ful white Flour Cans. . .l.f Savory, sanitary Bread Boxna, at 4, ao aa tie Shaker or Favorite Flour Helve lo Fie Fans, any sis. I for.... So Estra heavy sanitary tin Bread i Fan e 0c medium else Rolling Pins, beat Imported 16 J5o large else best Imported Rolling Fin 1 Tin Bteamsra le Ml s Aluminum Individual Jelly Moulds, t for B One lot of Coffee Machines, nickel platen and copper fin ished, worth to tl.Lt.... One lot of Coffee Machine, nlrkel plated and copper fin ished, worth to 111. CO. .as.a Fancy Salt ttoxt 1 Wilson Fattern sheet Iron Toaster g Any six sheet Iron Drip Fan iur io Meat w av Oa QaaUty OnlyThe Beet quality fresh Fork Ltfin. per pound . v Bt quality fresh Pork Should.. per pound 10U Beat qiiftilty fresh Pork Butts, ir 1st.. t quality Hindquarters Spring uiiiii, pound le',4 0 t quality steequarter tiprlng u"u 1UV.1 ueal qi LtJIib. rut Bet quality Steer Pot Roast. per pound Dound Best qualit per ISM. lie Steer Round Steak. . i&i.. lb, best Leaf Lar. . . .' '. '. ali pedals la BrnokeA ICaat foe Batarday. Best quality Diamond O Hems, per pound TV Best quality No. 1 Laa Bacon. per pound lTUo Best quality Back Bacon, lb. !)( best quality Plc-Nlo Hams, per pound ltVk Beet quality Salt Pork, lb...lS4 Best quailty Mince Meat. bulk. lb.. Another Splendid Lot of Trimmed Hats Values from $5.00 to $7.50. Q7 ' Three Hundred and twenty of J I e U i them for selection at . . . A broad assortment of artistic and becom ing trimmed hats in large brimmed shapes Sailors, Turbans and Tam effects. Original designs and copies direct from our own workrooms, together with a most ttuviuuageuus special purcnase. Although the majar- ivy ru iu urn:, mm me npw reds, ecru, sand, plum, navy, brown and white are shown in fine as sortment, Ostrich plume and band trim med, also stick-up effects, aigrots, i lowers ana furs. Handsome Silk Velvet 'Gage" shapes, in black 'and colors, values up to $5.00, at, each $1.75 Any Child. Hat in Stock, that sold to $2.50, choice, at, .. 40c Hay den's Big Grocery Specials IS lb. Best Oraaalated Bogar Si BOY riA)V MOW. WB LOOK FOB ABO THE ADTABCB UT A FEW DATs. 4 !-)!. sacks brat High tirade Dia mond H' Flour nothing finer for bread, plea or cakes every sack guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded; ck gl.40 10 bar beat brand laundry Soap M 10 Iba. beat White or Tellow Corn meal lo T Iba. best Rolled White Break fast Oatmeal ge I lbs. choice Japan Rice aoe 16-ounc cans Condensed Milk for 10 Thre ie cans Condensed Milk. 10 ID-ounce Jar fin Fruit Pre serves aoe Advo Jell for deeeert notlilnsr like It package TVi Skinner's or Golden Rgg Mae caroni. package TV4 Fancy standard bulk Oysters, solid meat, no water added, per quart Oo The law require oysters to be sold without water added. Zest Stock Fish, lb..., ate ' ' 1 ... ";::'::: u.' laneifcart stock Fish, , IT PAYS TRY II A Yt) EN'S FIRST IT PAYS. 7 lb. Best Bulk Laundry Btaroh for agg The Best Hand Picked Navy Bean, lb to 1-1 b. can fancy Sweet Sugar Corn TUo I lb. Wax, String, Oreen or Llmi Hean TVfc MacLaren' Peanut Butter, per pound 14 14-ounc pltg. Condensed Mince Meat, pkg g 1-8 10c pkg Corn Flake . ... ....o 1-lb. can Unyder' Tomato Soup .tor m, Large bottle Worcester Sauce, fine Tomato Catxup, Mustard. Horaeradiah or Ptokl, ssatrl. kind, bottle a 1-3 10-ounc jar fine California Strained Honey, per Jar See l-lb. can Tellow Freest ne Fie Pn&chee. can 1-Se Oolden Hanto Coffee, lb SO Herehey RresVfust Cocoa, lb BOe The beat Tea Sifting, lb. . . .lau Choice Rngliah Breakfast Sua Iiied. Gun Powder or Basket Fired Japan Tea. lb Th Beet Oraaarj Batter, oartea aalk, voaad S4e The beat No. 1 Eggs, dosn..a P11 Good Luo Buttertnr or goe Is lb, best Bed auver BOaaos. rotate to the peck . . TT'ao Is lb, faacy Cooking Apple to tk peek log .........f.7ao reqilresnit.,'0Ur.W,1ht: U Uw Fancy lloUand Seed Cabbage, p.r pound i. ,.77 iL, F??,h. ?t. Carrou. Turnip Kadlshe of Shalots, bunch. 4 "V or Gren Bean fu, Fancy Ripe Tomato, l..fU I Stalk Freeh Celery 1" fll. Fancy California Cauliflower. Per pound , TlLo large Soup Bunches. ...... .too I bunch frash Parsley loo I head freah Laf Lettuc. . So Fancy Head Lettuce, hrad. . .TUo I Iba. fancy Jeraey Sweet Foia- toea for Q Old Carrot. Ileeta, Turnip. Pars nip or KulahaKaa, lb lio On Fresk Carload ef BtlgtUaag Bevel raajree are la and on i at. per aueu...lS. too, too, aoe