TJIK HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, J)KC'KMHKIt 5, 19H. Former Residents of Lincoln ws 4 'Mis fits' 9 In Canada's Volunteers j tore f -.Unlimited. A. iggesuoi thmpson:belden & rco. Handkerchiefs For Gifts Firat of all they are eauy to select from such a fine assort ment as wo now have ready. Handkerchiefs make one of the mont acceptable and practical gifts one can choose. Price has been considered, too, and no matter how much or how little you wish to spend, we will be glad to help you get tbejnoat satisfaction for your money. The Great Satisfaction in making a selection at . this store is that there are so many good gift things from which to choose. You will be able ta solve the difficulty of getting: gifts that' are useful as well as artit-tic by visiting i the different sections of i this store. ; It is not enough for a thing to be beautiful if it be not suitable. - ' . It's fine to observe the spirit of Christmas by gift giving, but why not serve a doublo purpose by choos- ing something of practical value!1 ; Underwear fWomen's "Wool 'Vests; high neck, , long sleeves; pants to match, ankle length ............. 850 Women's Wool Union Snits; several different styles tX25 "WfO are closing out a lino of '.Silk and Wool Union 'Suits, extra sizes; regular price $3.85. Special, ' at: $2.50 !. 'r Third Floor. ': SIiop V Early . Women's. Handkerchiefs, each embroidered .in. one corner, ,3 to a box GOc and 31.00 a box. . Hand v Embroidered. ' All linen Handkerchiefs ' 15c, 25c, 35CY 50c, 75c and $1.00. . . Plain All linen Hem stitched Handkerchiefs ... '. 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35 cand 50c Hand Embroidered Initial -Handkerchiefs 15c, 25c, 35c and 50c. The Best Gloves , We' are ready to serve you , with makes of gloves that will stand the. test-not only : in appearance and durability, but in price atio:"'; . ' ' Our department, is equip .ped to meet all roquiro ' nients. Gloves for the 1 "Little Folks" and the ; Grown Ups." , Qift boxes with every pair of gloves. We issue glove certificates, which wiU greatly simplify . jour glove buying. Broadcloth a Splendid Showing . There Is nothing that takes r tbe place of a GOOD BROAD CLOTH for the tailored suit, for handsome eostumM. for street wear, and for evening wraps. . Water apot , proof, ponged and shrunk, colors and black. Traveling Bags TRAVELING CARES sev eral articles of great conven ience when . traveling,, and which make serr much appre ciated glfta. TRAVELING CASKS Of seal leather, moire lined, fitted with comb, brush, mirror, soap box, tooth brush holder and scissors. ' HOLLAR RAGS AND HAND. KERCH IKF CASK Tab, brown, gray and black, lined ' with moire. TOILET CASES Of silk and cretonne, very pretty designs ; cases lined with rubber; an absolute necessity for every Journey, no matter how short. Notion SectionMain Floor. "Cupid" Rompers THE BEST MADE Infants' Rompers, white and colors, buttoned across the bottom; size 6 mo., 1 and 2 years 5( Children's ' Rompers, light ,' or dark blue, brown, tan and pink and white, or blue and white checked gingham, sties J to 6 years 504 . Third Floor. Our Christmas Sale ' Silk Hose This extraordinary sale of silk, hosiery needs no intro duction to the people of Omaha, as the values are so well known. This sale starts at o'clock Saturday morning and consists of Six Hundred Pairs of Black Silk Hose, in both regular and out sizes. Values up to $3 a Pair Saturday Special Price $1.19 A Pair The Store For Shirtwaists An attractive, dlatinctlve section. Here you may procure dainty blouses that are different different because of the new styles, different because of the excellent quality of the fabrics and workmanship, different because of the moderate prices for exclusive waists. Blouses,, 05 .to 829J50 Toilet Goods Saturday Specials . 1 5e White. Ivory Combs. .19 . White Ivory .Nail. Files. .15e , Irory Cuticle Knives. . . . J. 5 a Ivory NsJl Stick.' . .j5 Sachet Powder '(Violet, "Rose and Carnation) a bottle. V"' kJ " Velvet and Velbuife Goats $45.00, $49.50, $55.66;! $65.00 An exclusive sHowing of the finest dress boais obtainable , The values offcred aro very reasonable and are appreciated ! by women, who desire distinction and refinement in dress. ' ; ; . $45.00, $49.50, ,$55.00, $65.00 . ' : No Charge For Alterations, " The Coat Prices Start at $13.50 V Women's Fur Trimmed Coats Several - New Belted and Flare Styles. $24.50, $29.50, $35.00 ' These are distinctive coats-pats that give the wearer the- air-of. poise and distinction in dress. . ...... , , ",. .The new Russian Cossack flare models, an adap tation from the styles worn in the "Yellow Ticket, " have given an entirely new note in this season's 'fashions. We are pleased to show them. " $24.50, $29.50, $35.00 The Fur Shop Second Floor. "When shopping Saturday a few moments spent in the Fur Shop will be pleasant and profitable. Prices for desirable furs this season are much lower than in former years. At . the present time they are within the reach of all. Special Russian Pony Coats $27.50, $32.50 Muffs .......$4.75 up. Scarfs ....... $2.75 up. SHOES Very Special Values at $4 in tan calf or tan kid. tun metal calf, patent kid, black, brown and gray snede; pat ent aia vamps with white t o p a. These shoes are great valuea at this price. Special $4 a Pair ST" i V Profit Saturday by Malting EARLY Xmas Selections Z-i ii THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES $1.00 Danderlne .....SOc 11.09 Leather Flasks ...... OUe 6e Leather Flasks ........ 89e $1.00 Sal Hepatic Otto , SAtlUiT Sl'ECUIiS All our 60c Sachet Powders, all odors and makes, Saturday, per ounce S9e Fivers' Sachet Powder, all odors la original 1 oa. bottles ...UOc Houblcsnt's and Cotys latest od ors in Sachet Powders at spe cial prlcee. , 60c Kondon'a Catarrh Jelly. .SOe $1.00 Soott'a Emulsion ,.64o 60o Canthroz 2o 60c Dromo Beltier to 16c Mentholatum : ..,.14e 41Duftys Malt Whiskey 60o Milk Weed Cream ...... KPc FREE SATURDAY 2 Co bottle of Woodbury's Hair Tonic, This la not a sample bottle but the regular I5o else with war tax stamp. EOo Woodbury's Scalp Cream 42e 60c LlEterlne ...S9e 60c Papea Dlapepsla .......Kte SpoUi lot of tOa and 7&a Face Pow. lr, litkport4 and doinratia. Your favorit mar b In tUS' lou:" clalljr priced Saturday at.. .....lee CCm MISS THESE lltX CCEB VZVJtl $1.00 1 and 8-uart Water BoUles to $1.00 I and 8-quart Fountain Syringes BSc $1.25 and $1.60 Combination FouataUa Byrlnsea .....e 75e Guaranteed Rubber .Gloves ,...8c $2.00 Ktn-Leakable Self-Filling- Fountain Pen. absolutely guaranteed, special at ..f9 Bcular .(0e Perfumes, 0 od. ora to select from, Saturday special, per oa. rnff Saturday all aalee of ParUiaa Ivory Uooda Oosibe. I LI HL1 lljruhf allrrors. we vUl estftmve jour inlOal or Um a rerlplent'a Initial tree ot charge. , . "FOLLOW THE BEATON PATH'1 BGA'TOW BQUG' CO. FIFTCHfiTtl AHD FARNAM OPPOSING FORCES ' GIYE 0DTREP0RTS Germans Deolare Frenoh Art e pulsed in Flanders and Hsu In Poland Meet with Defeat nOHTTNQ IS rcnXIUlITTENT rrcach Sar BattlM Ara Saaaal0, vrltk Tvataaa Maklas PraKlaaa ArtllUrr EffarU Batwaea Ypraa aa4 Ilaalara. BERLIN, Tc. 4. (By WlrlM to Lonlm)Tha FVatkCh troopa In Flandere are rapaatadly attacking the Oarniaa Una, are the official atatamant aivan out to day at the war offlea, which adda that thaaa aawulta have bean rapulaad. The atatamant followa: 'In the waatMit thaater ef var, French attacks acalnat our troops In Flandare ware rapeatadjy rapuUod. as they are alao In the rac1t northwaat of Altklrch, whora tha Fraach aufferod eooatdaraJMe loaaaa, "la the aaatara thaater of war tha aoatDjr'e attacks oaat ot the plain of tha Masurian iakaa wara rapulaad with hear loaaaa to tbe Ruaalaoa. "Our otfanatva in Poland is taktiur Its normal oouraa. "Ills inajooty. the emparor. arrtvad In Barila taat nlrht for a ahort ittr. "ISlanwl) CHIEF OF TlIB ATninT AI- M1NISTRATION." Fraarh Itetomaat. PARIS, lc. i. Tha Fraaoh official atatamant, slvan out thla aftarnoos In Part, raada as followa: "In Ilalflum there has beau an bitar mittant. but fairly aplrltad. eannonada batwaaa tha raOroad from Tpraa to Itoulera and the hurhway batwaaa Baoalaara and Paaa Chendaal. which the lafantry of tha amtrar aadavorad te gala around, but qulta without auocoM. "At Vanaallea v ara continuing tlia Work of orcaaUlng tha poatttone takan troin-. the aaamy. Krom tha Htina to tha Argonna ra (lon thara la quirt along tha anllra front "la tha Araoana thara have been ev er ii atlacka oa tha part of Uerman la- MONTREAU Quabao. rac 4. (Special Telerram.) Two former rualdenta of Lln- coin. Nb., were the first of the mlKftts j In the Canadian everseaa force to arrive back in Montreal today. They were Lou It EtMteln, JO, of Maple Creek. Saak., and W. O. Frank. 21. of Winnipeg; Both are of German birth, claiming Alsace-Lorraine aa their native country, but they ay they are of French descent, though their accents ara decidedly Uerman. They declare that Canada ia the land they have adopted and when they left with the contingent they wanted to fight for the empire. Both state that they were not treated right and that taat night they were put on the train at St. John for Montreal without a cent and no meana of getting food. Tonight they leave the city for Winnipeg and do not know how they are going to live on the train or when they get to Winnipeg. Frank joined the Ninetieth Rifles known as "Tha Little Black Devils" and Etsateln the Twenty-aeventh Light Horse. Etsateln was bora ia France and reared In Alaaoo-Lorralne and declares that his father was made a prteoner of war while fighting tha Germans. He says that the officer of the Light Horse knew this. Frank was born in Germany and when a child came to a naturalise American. Two years ago he came to Canada and when he joined the Ninetieth Rifles the officers were aware that be was born In Germany and he declares he never tried to conceal the fact Thirty-eight other "mlsflU" came over on a liner and when tha rlilp ar rived at St. Johns, nine men were taken under an armed giiar.l and Interned, sus pected or Deing spies. Both men speak In the highest praise of life at Sallabury plains, hut ob- "j 1 Jected strongly to being compelled to 1 walk through the streets of Glasgow under an armed guard with fixed bayo nets, declaring that when people asked who they were the guards would reply: "They are German spies." KAISER WILL FEED THE HUNGRY POLES German Administration Will Feed Hungry in That Part of Coun try it Controls. INFORMATION FROM BERLIN Moorish Rebels Said to Have la aged Blaaea lOermaa Troops Dlacever More Evtdeace of Brlttaa-Belglaa Deal. Soldiers Enjoy King's Visit So Much He May Stay Indefinitely LONDON, Deo. . Stich enthusiasm has been aroused among the allied troops by the visit of King George te the battle front that his stay In France may be extended considerably. ' On Wednasday, according to a dispatch to the Dally Mall, there was a meeting of the king of Great Britain and Bel glum, President Polncalre of Franca, Gen eral Joffre, commander-in-chief of ths French forces; Field Marshal Earl Kitch ener. British secretary of state for war; General French, commander-in-chief of the British forces, and Abbe Lemalra, ths famous mayor of Hasebrouck. Tha meeting was In tha region where tha three allied armies were nearest to gether. General Joffre came from a point in tha battle Una XX miles distant, by special train. Abba La Malre met bun and acted aa guide for tha diatlnguiahed group. King George inspected the British troops yesterday. He traveled along tha lines In a motor car. At several points he vis ited the trenches and bomb-proofs, and talked with the officers and men. A desultory German cannonade meantime was progressing. fan try, but all wore repulsed by cir troops, particularly at La Corne. to the nothweet of the forest of Orarta. "There has been some artillery' firing In tha Woovre district and la Lorraine. "There la nothing to report In Alsace." ALLIES LANDING TROOPS AT PORT OF MONTENEGRO ess e (Continued from Page One.) erai Joffre. commando r-la-chlf ot the French foreea. - I Should the' new German assault meet the same fata aa have previous attempts to reach the coast of tha channel, ob servers la London expect that It will be followed by a general advance oa the part of tha alUas. ' ' There are signs of approaching activity In AJsece, where tha French recently have been Improving then poetttona. At tha same time tha Germane ara said te have been heavily reinforce 4a this sectloa. Oeneral Joffre's jreoent declara tion to the Alaatlana thaij "as are back hare to May," may sooaj be put to the test ' The fighting la Russia Poland, la tbe opinion of British observers, appears to nava had no effect on tKa.'B.uaslaa opera tions against Cracow, to atop ahlcfc has been tha main object of Germany. In the posssasloa of heights within three or four miles of tha outer forts of the for mer capital ot Poland, the Russians ap pear to have tha Cracow fortress at thetr mercy. The very fact that tha Muscov ites have been able to gat to such close quarters seems to indicate that the guns of Cracow are not so formidable as baa commonly been reported. If this city falls It is anticipated that It will have an Immediate affect oa the campaign In Poland. It being argued hare that the Germans would be then foced to double back to stem the Invasion of Silesia, which would be tha Immediate sequel to the Busalaa oaptur of Craeow. The first story of the loss ot a British superdreadoaught. copied from American newspapers, la published, here today with the omission ot tbe name of the ship and tha locality where tha mishap occurred. The reference la tha foregoing dispatch to tha loss of a British superdraadnaugUt la to the Audacious, which went down off the norther oeas of Ireland October B, after having owne In contact with what la believed to have bea a German mine. The British eenaora permitted no publica tion of this story la England, and they have been severely criticised for the sup pression of this news. BERLIN. Dec. 4. (By Wireless-WThe German military authorities have taken measures te prevent famine among the Inhabitants of the parts of Russian Po land accepted by the German army, ac cording to news given out by the press bureau today. Another announcement from the same source is that reports re ceived from Constantinople say England Intends sending Portuguese troops Into Egypt and the Mohammedans soldiers In Tunis are being embarked for service In Europe. Inoludlng the information given out by the German official press bureau today are the following Hems: "Madrid reports that Moorish rebels have Invaded Btanca and attacked the local garrison and tha authorities. ' "Rotterdam reports that on the Boer farms In South Africa there ara to be found only women and natives; the men ara at the front. Germane Craellr Treated. "Rudolph Moeller, a German, a former resident of Morocco, has sworn to an af- 1 fldavlt which confirms the report that German civilians arrested In Morocco at ; the outbreak of the war have been transported to Oran, Algeria, where ; French officers Incited soldiers to com i mlt brutalities upon them. The Germans were beaten with sticks, spit upon and attacked with sabers. Two men and one woman died of 111 treatment. German troops "have discovered secret Instructions prepared by . a British gen eral which contained detailed Information concerning the Belgian border, the dis position of rolling stock on the railroads and tha billeting of men. These Instruc tions could hava been prepared only' with the active assistance of the Belgian gov ernment, which supplied the detailed In formation contained In them.' This Is further evidence that England and Bel gium decided long ago on English mili tary activity in Belgium,. and thla means a violation ot neutrality. Flchtlaa la French Moroeoo. "Constantinople reports that there has been fighting between the Benussl tribes men and the French In southern Morocco. The leader of the Benuaal was killed and the French were defeated. I "Tha Persian government has handed to the British minister at Teperan a note protesting against the violation of Per sian neutrality by the entrance of British warships into tha Karun jiver. "The Italian government has seised a Portuguese torpedo boat destroyer built at Genoa. "Athena reports that England has landed 4,000 Canadian volunteers In Egypt. "Tha fifth Austrian army has occupied Belgrade. "Bulgaria contradicts tha Greek report of a cneentratlon of Bulgarian troopa "The Austrian general staff reports that fighting near Novo Radomak and Lods Is developing favorably. . Bng-laa Flirts with IloUaag. "A special dispatch' from Gothenburg, Smeden, says a South Danish commercial newspaper reports that In INS Great Brit ain threw out a feeler to Holland about the possibility of concluding a military convention. Holland declined ' because such a course would be incompatible with its neutrality. As a reply to Holland the Anglo-Belgian agreement was concluded, whereupon Holland fortified Flushing. "The gold reserve of the Imperial bank Is 0.991.000,000 marks (1498,000,000). an In crease over last week of (2,600,000 (M.12S, 000). "Rome reports that Abyssinia has de clined the Anglo-French demand to send troops to fight the Turks in Egypt. ' "The Russian military newspaper, Russky Invalid, states that the number of Russian offioara killed, wounded or takes prisoners now totals GERMANS DECLARE . BLOCKADE OF SEA STARYES BELGIANS Teutons Assert People Normally De pendent on Importation of Food for Sustenance. ALLIES' EMBARGO TO BLAME No matter what you want It will save you time aad nsoaey If roa use Bee Want Ada. Paris Reports Quiet Day Along Front PARIS. Dec. 4. The following official communication was issued tonight: "At no place along the entire front has there been any notable Incident. "On our right wing we have, made prog ress la tha direction of near to Altkirsch. "During the day of. December S we made let prisoners In tbe region of the north alone." VON BUEL0W APPOINTED AMBASSADOR TO ITALY ' LONDON, Leo. 4 The correspondent at Amsterdam of Reuter'a Telegram com pany, says a Berlin dispatch received there states that inasmuch as M. von Flotow, tha German embassador to Italy, haa been obliged to take a long leave of absence on account of Ms health. Em peror William has charged Prino von Buelow, former German imperial chan cellor, with the affairs of the embassy. PILES (I SED 19 S TO 1 DATS. Druggists refund money If Paso Oint ment falls to cure Itching. Blind. Bleed lag or Protruding Plica First application gives relief- M cents. Confederates Say Free Port for Snp. plies Would Be Just Depot of Enemy. TERRIBLE CONBmONS IN LAND Chairman of American Relief Com mittee Describes State of Affair. NO OBSTRUCTION BY INVADERS Hoover States that Not Loaf af Bread or , Spoonfal of Salt Takea by Military la Little Kingdom. LONDON, Dec. eV-Herbert Clark Hoover, chairman of the American com mission for relief In Belgium, returned to London today after a week'a trip of inspecUjan in Belgium. Mr. Hoover re Ported that the distribution of foodstuffs ent in cam of the American commis sion is well under way, but stated that the condition of famine which threatened the population is still desperate and that on account of the attitude of the bellig erents the Belgians must atlll appeal to the people of tha United State for relief. "It Is difficult to atate the position of tha clvU population of Belgium without appearing hysterical," Mr. Hoover said In his statement. "I do not know that history presents any parallel of a popa latkra of 7.000,000 surrounded by a ring of teat and utterly unable by any eon eel v. able effort of their own to save them selves,: . . , t ,. , ., .. . -:, : g ta tesaeat of Germaaa. ' "From tha nature of things It la Impoe slble for the commission even to possess an opinion on the rights and wrongs which hava created this situation. The ffermuha state flatly that the people ot Belgium are nominally dependent oa the importation of foodstuffs for five-sixths of thetr subsistence; that the Germans havw not ths slightest objection to tha Belgians or anyone else Importing food stuffs Into Belgium: that it la not h. Germans who have blocked the aea and there Is no obligation on them, to feed the population who eonld. thrnnarh fh normal course of trade, obtain sustenance. The allies, en the other hand, insist that a free port for the Importation of food stuffs into Belgium would practically amount to an Intrenot for fanA luimllMi for the Germans. It is enough for aa that there are T, 000,000 people ground, between gigantic millstones. Meet with If Obatraetfaau "We are meeting with no obstruction from the military authorities ot Bolguim in the prosecnUon of our work. Mot one loaf of bread or one spoonful of salt that we have In trod need has been takan by the military. The moat stringent or ders have been aivan that we shall have no interference and cur members meet with reapeot and assistance 'la all sgiar term. "There are considerable quentlttee of vegetables available in certain districts. In some localities there' la still a supply of cereals for two or three weeks, but In certain other localities there haa been no bread available for more than a fort night. Every soul win be depend upon us for bread within thirty days. "So far our efforts have necessarily been devoted to provisioning the larger centers. It required crganUatloa and patience to be able to penetrate the out lying towns and villages. It win be dif ficult for the people of the United State to comprehend the difficulties, which we meet with in purely executive matters in the elaboration of this work. Clock Stopped a Belgians. "Tha clock haa absolutely stopped ht Belgulm. An Industrial country, which waa dependent on the overseas before is now wailed up, with TO per cast of tha people Idle. There aro no telegraphs, telephones, railways or postofrtcea, ex cept for military purposes. The Belgians, of a military necessity, aro not allowed to paaa from their own towns, and con sequently there la no communication -throughout the country, except by per sonal visits of our members." Tiekllaar af th. Throat quickly relieved by Dr. King's New Dis covery, tha great cough and cold remedy. A safe and sure medicine. loo aad $i. All druggists. Advertisement Bead the "For Sale", ads if yo want bargains of tha minute. Severe Rheumatic Pains Disappear Rheumatism depends on an acid In the blood, which effects the muscles and joints, producing tnriammation. stiffness and pain. Thla add gets Into tha blood through some defect in the digestive nro- ceaa. Hood's SarsaparUla, ths old-time blood tonic. Is very successful in th of rheumatism, it acts dtraotly. with purifying effect, on the blood, aad Ira. proves the digestion. Don't euffar. Get Hood'a today. lAdvertieemeatt ...