TllV. UKK: OMAUA, SATUTJWY, DKCEMHKR 1914. 19 FOB KENT Haim and C ottaaes. FOR RENT $22.50 Tcr Month A beautiful (-room bungalow, II modem, conveniently arranged throughout. Beautiful location, H Mock to car line; cement walks, hade trees. Will be pleased to show you thin house today If jrou will call ua by phone. Bankers Realty Investment Company. REAL ESTATE FARM Jk Ht( II LI)9 FOR ItLK Ground Floor, Bee Building. Telephone Douglas 3f2 In daytime. Call Walnut Ssi after p. m. .efcraka. Elk City. Douglas Co. H Al.llk.j-rtlino.t new .uuirovemenls; 5-r. houn; barn lor 10 head rows, S head horses; small haymow, tons; new graa ary; new chicken houee; Rood well. This Is fine laying land, A-l .oil: I or 4 acre, a) fall a; not a font of waste land on Hi within three mllea of three towns, so'.ith enat of Kik City, near Military road. The lay of the land and crop, will show for themselves. Det ms show It. To see, It I. to believe. It Is an Ideal "neck of the woods" to be In, and you cannot beat It in that neck. ACT AT ONCE. Tnla means you, wno Is a Itttie bit, or decidedly choice. Hrlng wife with you. PRICE REDCCED TO IIS per acre for Imme diate .ale: 1720 cash. tr.400 more March 1. balance t years at per cent OR1N S. MEKRTLL CO.. N. K. Cor. d and M. South Omaha. o Xs'KW. 6-room cottage, never occupied, strictly modern, ld.60. Five-room cottage, almost new, exoep tionaily large rooms, strictly modern, near car line and near school, t&iu, New e-roora cottage, modern except beat, finished In oak, near car line. 130. ttev.n rooms, parlor extending across the entire front of the house, oak finish, colonnade openings, four bedrooms and bath, fine neighborhood, near car, $. AMERICAN FKCI RITT COM PANT. 17th and Douglas Sts. Douglas BOli. 82d, 10-r., all modern, oO. mth. -r.. all modern. i aMi ITnderwood Ave.. T-r.. all mod., m s. Sl N. Ift -r., all modern, i.00 36. iitiLiu a 92A.. -r.. all mod.. Ho me Rugglcs, -r., mod ex. ht S18. B1HKETT COMPANY, 413 Bee Bids". Douglas P3. Farnam 40th Line WtMHtnatSk Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and sieneral crop state In the onion: settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. a ioruwj let M on Wisconsin Central Land Grant BtaU acres wanted. Write about our graslng lands. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin, Address Land Dept. So Una Ry Minneapolis. Winn. 9flB Csj 4t' fiu 8-r. square, high ground. ., hot water neau North JSide On block North Hth line -r.. all mod ern. $fl.60, CI 080 In 5-r. heated, 8. W. !4th and California, 134. 8-r., south half double brick, (3160. S-r., al South 30th, $25. s-r.. ISIS Chicago, roomers, XoO. O'Keefe Keal Estate Co., 10U Omaha Nafl. Doug. Xtii, NINK rooms, modem, S21 Burt; 7 rooms, new, modern, 2U9 Parker; eight rooms, modern except heat. 2127 Douglas; four rooma. mod. ex. heat 1824 N. 23d. D. loOs. HOTJSES with hot water heat aX very f,w rentals. ... , ,, 333 Ohio. 6 large rooms, with two full lie lots, J0. , . gil n. SSd St, close to Bemls Park; good location, t Urge rooms; Hot water Reduced to J8. 1420 Lothrop St, 7-r.. full size south front lot strictly ail modern, also garage. A well built, warm house In a good to- MArr'lNji"e HETDEN, 1614 Harney. o WEST FARNAM. SIX ROOMS. All modern, beautiful mahogany and enamel finish. Sleeplmr porch. Kll Dav- enSOrpKTE'RS TMIfiT COMPANY. 183 Kern am St.. Doug. 89 FOR RENT Fine modern residence, mnma inH bath, sleeDtng porch; garage, at 4110 Florence Blvd. For particulars . all Webster XK0. SEVEN rooms, 4160 Devenport. Close to Farnam lines Vacant Jan. i. Best rest Hence district. Walnut WM. ALL. sixes. IS per month up. 607 Paxton. fiat and newly papered bath, gas, hot and cold water. NICB e-room electric light; $lfi per month. !U6-lf ' Elegant t-reom modern brick apart .nent newlj decorated, 160 per month. S4 Lmwii detached d smiling finish, beautiful yard, newly decorated; 50 per month. MM . 2th fit i.7 1 ..1. iM.i. a,mn cottasra: bath, toilet .llrtrln Uxht ttt per month. Vinton Elegant -room house, t per month, J-rSonT cottage, 4 Vinton, gas. etoo. tlo light, hot and, cold water; Inside toilet. J. C. ISH, Executor, 781 g. 81st Ave. ' Phoney Harney MX FOR RENT Modern s-room , house, 206 at.w Tnnulra T. J. O Bnen, Henshaw Hotel. Harney 104. Powglaa Ul. Van an tor- age Co. Large van. 2 men. tta n.r hr.: drar. 2 men. IL26 per hr. ua Webster. Doug, Maggard's 14W. T y T 1 Exo. Co.. movln I I . KPPfl packing storage Jw 'n Far Famara. D. 616. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ahipa; 2-horae van ktA t men. U per hr.; storage per i. n Be.tlMfartorv suar. D. 43V TY. .. fcTEAM heat, all modern, 7-room bouse; also 4-room flat TM No. 23d. FOB BENT apartmenU and flats that are for rent. This list can be seen free of charge at Omaha, van Btorase .o . mn Fidelity Storage Co btorage, moving, pkh m . ' ' M lBih 1 Jackson Sts. Phone Douglas tsg. (.room, all modern: furnace, electric lla-ht. 3617 rw. tuitt ox. eM.ov SIX-ROOM house. 2U0 Harney 8t Call uougiaa rvnii. bus . modern except heat, lit Web. ill. i"f nuraeiie -u 12 N. TH AVrl. 10 a month. 'raw ford. Ware Block. Frank Store sta Offfeea. TWO ROOMS EN8U1TE la good location, READY DECEMBER 1JTIL - Will ehowyou now. . .. 1HE BEE BUILD1NQ, (The Building that Is Always New.) Office Room 10S. HiUt. HALL For Rent HlbUrs. Leavenworth Bts. 44th and WANTED TO BUY s-.B.nMr'B furniture bouffht and sold. X C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. Doug ti44 WE BUT M-hand clo'lies. 14HI N. rHh. fl.IOHTLY used pianos. Web.ter tl MlaeelUaeeaa, WW guarantee bargains In stock farms ana rencnes. vre nnm iofu Broken Bow. Neb. The Itergaln Man. Teams. SALE To close an estate; 100 iron acres In Rio nrande valley. mues from Mercedes. Texas. All unler culti vation. For price an,1 terms write The Minnesota Land A Trust Co.. 405 Mar quette Ave.. Minneapolis. Minn HEAL ESTATE NOHTH RIDE Christmas Present It m.v sotin I odd. hut It's all right. Make yourselves a real Christmas gift A Home $25 to $40 Down $25 to $40 Monthly if you wgnt a rood bom. 8 rooms, modern, at right frlo and fine lo cation. hare It. $300 down will buy it, balance unit m rent. W. T. SMITH CO.. D. 2819. 1112 City National Bank. It's easy when once you have niailo up pe. Don't be always rtl- AB8TRACTS OF TTTLB. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co, a modern abstrsct otnee. m d. iiui bi, Phone Douglas &4S7. RB.ED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 20S BiandeU Theater. REAL ESTATE LOANS C1TT and farm loans. 6. W. a per cent J. H. Dumont & Co.. la r arnam. unimi. WANT ED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. Kast Nebraska farms. in Omaha Natl! Douglas mi. WTD Farm loans KJuke lnv.Co. Omaha QAiiViN Biujaatrng; WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co . u-v farnam. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, 22 Btate Bank Bldg. C1TT property. Hue tn tloOJO made oromPtly. F. D. W Wead mag-, in ana r amain pis. your mind to do It. Ion't he so cular that nnthina' suits. preparing. There Is no ench thing as sn ideal house In an ideal Kcauon ai an Meal price, nor an Ideal condition of pocket book and mind to be had for any txilr. ThnuaAmla nf families make so much ' "fuss and feathers" about buy- ins a home that the fritter awaV all their time and money trying to find something to exactly ault In every ra tlcular and therefore remain discon tented renters. The way to do a thine la to do It. the way to buy a home Is to buy It There I. all the difference In the world In living under your own roof. It actually strengthens anfl Increaaos the earning power of all the workers in the family what If you do go Into debt A debt for a home Is a lucky ohllatlnn. It's Uplifting Instead of bearing down. ' SATJNDJTRS COM PA NT OTTERS 5l new thoroughly modern, R, and Uood, Bargain.. AS CHRISTMAS GIFT HOMES They have never been occupied and ate situated In a beautiful netshborhood of all new homes. Built of high grade $4,250.00 New Dundee Home W rooms and large Bleeding porch. Only one block to car line. First noor flnlehed In oak and oak floors. nircn and maple second floor. Stairway to attlo. Paved street and lot tWhna ft., alley in rear. Immediate possession. Key at our office. Reasonable term a George & Company 901 nty National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 7W. material and beat workman.hlo but what s the use of long deecrlptlonsT These terms are within your reach ris. : 2S to 40 down and tZ& to 10 per month. WITH 1100 CAHH PAYMENT WR WILL PAT ALL YOtTR MOVlNa EXPENSES. Come and see tn. Don't be afraid. We will never worry you with "persistent attentions" We attend to business with out bothering our clients. You want and need a home and we are anxious to sell you one. ( all and see us and do It now. It is at least easy to telephone. We have two autos at your service. SAUNDERS CO. DOUQ. 32. 121S-M W. O. W. BLDO. After 6:80 WEB8TEH 4771. P. S. Read this announcement oyer again. MONEY on hand for city and farm loane. H. W. Binder, City Mali. tann tsiog. 6 CITY LOANS. Bemte-Carlberg Co., 8 10-31 J Brandels Theater Bldg. SEE ua first If you want a farm loan. United Elates Trust onau. nso. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FINE Minnesota, farm of 160 acres owned by an Omaha man. All good farm land. Close to school, churches and good town. Cheap at ! per acre. Mortgage t2,6O0, due 1913. Will take property In Omaha. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Phone Douglas 1781. Ware Block. REAL ESTATE NORTH BIDE Lake side FOR THE MAN OF MODERATE MEANS $3,250 Buys S-rooni bungalow, every modern convenience and several built-in features. Is really sacrificing at this price: WO down; balance like rent; near Kountse Perk. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 1383. (44 Brandels Bldg. o A D DITTO N Sale Opens Saturd'y Tour choice of 40 lots on Sherman Arenue car line. - , $200 to $255 iirAaKPrn A kin asag fif m y old established real aetata office and large Inaursnoe business, one of the best In central Iowa. United In a city of 6.000 population, do ing a large farm, city and Insurance busi ness If Interested don't delay; but come and Investigate If you want a bargain. Address Y ?94. Bee. , Colored fara- want lot edge town. 140B 6. 1 REAL- ESTATE FA KM at M.AHCM LAMUI FOB KALIS Iowa- HAVlNtl decided to locate elsewhere we are offering a live real estate office and insurance business for sale, located In central Iowa. We also have two modern equipped five-passenger ) h. p. automo biles In first-class condition and real es tate which we would like to turn with the business. Can suitable terms to right party. Price eJO.000 Address Y Si. Bee. Ksataa. 140 ACRES, well Improved, near Kansas City; huuae of s rooms; natural gas; barn and other outbuildings; nice or chard; la acre under auiitvation. U acres alfalfa, balance pasture. Will ex change for Omaha income. W. T. BMITH CO., D. S81. 1LU City National Bank. Meats ae. RENTERS and homeseekers Carey nirbt and secure a Montani now. Do you realise that farm products will command extremely high prices dur ing the next few years? This is your op portunity to get started ea a farm of your ewn. The V alter lands produce from H to 56 bushels wheat. fc to 100 of oats. 4S to 0 bushels berley, 4 to tons alfalfa pet sere. Let as sasd you booklet eud tell vou how easy It la to get atarted. Valiel Farm Sales Corapany. Bos 80, Vallar, Mout ts youi na farm A few on paved street slightly higher, ...... EASY TERMS $5 Down, $5 Month You Pay No Inter est or Taxes for Two Years Twenty minutes' ride by car from Farnam street. Car line and paved street by the addition. Warranty deed and . free abstract of title with every lot This is Your Oppor tunity 16 Cents a Day Buys One of These Homesites Located on Sherman Ave., be tween Ames and Fowler avenues. Take any Sherman Ave. car north and get off at Ames Ave. Salesmen on the ground alt day Paturdar and Sunday until the lots are sold Phone Douglas 4238 and we will send our automobile for you. lots will sell quickly. Be on the ground early for first choice. Shuler & Cary, 224 State Bank Bldg. $100.00 Cash 8310 Ohio St., a good 4-room house: lot V'ltM; city water and good neighborhood. U rash and balance like rent. This Is worth the price asked. 8436 Bahler Ht. A t-rootn bouse with well: lot susia. This can be had on easy payment. Wilt make a good home for you. Creigh, Sons & Co Phone Douglas 800. Mi Bee Bldg. W CASH ami 8wu0 as rent boys house and lot 3JH: N zsth Ave. Frank Craw- lord, owner, ware Block. Close-In 5-Room Cottage All modern, living room and dining room finished In birch-mahogany; gooa furnace: combination lighting fixtures; eaat front and Daved street. Located at 1210 N. Wth St. Prloe, flVA. Only KS0 cash required. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4370. IlKAL K8TATK ROtTTH SIDE Hanscom Park Building Site Will Build to Order, $500 to $750 Cash An exceptionally good lot and priced very low. navtng paid: 1 block to West Bide Park car. Will build according to your plans and specifications. This Is one of the best lote In CreighUm's First addition. bee us at once for lurtner lniormauon. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg. Doug. 408. Hanscom Park District Only $3M cash, balance monthly, S-room modern home. Larara 11 v in a- room, with fireplace, oak finish; dining room and hall white enamel. Large convenient kitchen. Full basement, with plastered ceiling. Furnace heat. Three bedrooms snd tiled bath second floor. Large lot, Mxl27 ft., with alley and garage In rear. Eaat front and paved street. Low price or 83.TOO. uwner leaving city. George & Company 903 City National Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 764. SOUTH SIDE BUNGALOW BARGAIN Brana new ana up-to-aate in every way, containing six large living rooms and bath, three of which are finished In osk; oak floors throughout; handsome lighting fixtures, window shades am. screens; oorner lot; streets paved. Koi quick sale. HUM. Kaey terms, or lot taken as first payment. RASP BROS.; 10 McCague Bldg. Phone Douglas MU. REAL KHTATE WEST SIDE West Farnam District Home $5,500 Eight-room modem house, with hard wood finish and oak floors In first story. 4 bedrooms and bath In second story; 60- root south front lot, on- paved street, close to Farnam car. Price. U.fM. This property Is Ideally located and the price is cheap. The lot without the house la worth 83.000. We have sold other lots In the same block at VMl per front foot cash. 8e us promptly If you want a bargain. Terms will be given If wanted. I. H. Dumont & Co 1608 Farnam St. Phone Doug. W. IlKAL K8TATK WKST S1T)K Council Bluffs RKAIi K8TATK SCBl'RWAN Minor Mention Oeaaefl Blaffs Offlee ef rae See is at 1 Wert atatm sn. Tsleaaeae 44. Council Bluffs MANY FOR P0STMASTERSH1P J. J. Hughes Among- Those Who Will Take the Federal Position. DOES IT FOR PARTY HARMONY REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS HIGH CLASS INVESTMENT Income $11,000 per annum. This property Is only 7 blocks from court house and city's business district. Street and location haa shown more progress and advancement In values than any street In city. This will bear a eon servatlve Investigation. Will consider farm or ranch land. If clear, up to to per cent and carry balance bark, for further Information. TRAVER BROS., 70S Omaha National Bank. Bldg. I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern house recently purchssed by me. This house Is located In the Vest Farnam district, one block from Leavenworth car and four blocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy this house . at a big sacrifice. Address. M 21 Bee, or after 4) p. m. phone Webster 614a, REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Owner Going Back to the arm Five-room modern cottaae. 8 months old. All In one floor. Living and dining rooms finished in oak. with built-in book cases. One block to car, .It, blocks to Park school and on paved street. Paving paia. uougiaa dui;i. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 10 ACRES MILE FROM MILITARY PAVED ROAD CLOSES TO BENSON If as two aerea of black raspberries thai will bring In a good Income nest year; balance good rich land; lies high and lghtly. Price. 8350 per acre. HASTINGS oV HEY DEN, 1614 Harney P. REAL ESTATE WANTED GENERAL housework, city, country. state wajres. small family. Address C ITT, Bee. Daniels Replies to Charges that Navy Is Poorly Equipped WASHINGTON-. Dec . What officials regard as popular exaggeration of ad mitted defects in the American navy's torpedo equlppment was the subject of a statement Issued tonight by Socretary Daniels embodying a special report from Bear Admiral Strauss, chief of the bureau ef ordnance. Specifically, the statement was prepared to prove misleading a declaration that, Of long range torpedoes there are only fifty-eight In the navy," quoted from a speech by Representative Gardner of Massachusetts, who Is urging the admin istration to support his resolution for an Investigation of the nation's military pre paredness. While the recentr discussion of the sub Ject has dealt only with the equipment of battleships and cruissrs, Admiral Btrausi took occasion to point out that long range torpedoes are neither required nor desired for submarines. He recalled that the British armored cruisers Abouklr, Cressy knd Hogue were tor pedoed and destroyed by a 'German sub marine at a range of BOO yards. "This statement standing by Itself is calculated to leave a false Impression," said Mr. Daniels. "In view of repeated statements that the navy haa only fifty eight long range torpedoes, the chief of the bureau of ordnance has been asked to furnish a statement concerning the tor pedo situation." Davis, drugs. Vlrtrola. lib. A. Heaps Co. Woodrlng Undertaking Co. Tel. V$. Gardner Press, printing. Ml 1st Ave Lewis Cutler, funeral director. Phone 91. PRAP1.KT Kl.tCrTHK CO. WIRING AND KIXTUHKS. PHONE 4 Dr. Sidney Bmlth new location, H City National Wank building. Phone 14K). TO SAVK OR TO BORROW. PER C. R Mutual lllilg. and Loan Ass n. Ul Pearl. Oood work and prompt ssrvlce ts ths motto of Cook 1 cleaning works, iM west Broadway. Tel. 17s. Hasar and wedding. Trocesslon of dolls. Krlrtsy st the First 1'rcebyteriun church. Chicken pie siier. ht cents. Or. II. A. Woodbury, dentist, moved to Ssip block, phone Hlack (OS. Hanltary and modern appliances, moderate prices. WILL C. K3TK1. former wsll-known clllscn and funeral director, haa entered tha firm of M. tl. t'orruran comuany. Mr. l.ateu ability is well known to moat of the resident of this city. Madeline llenrv yesterday began a di' vorce 'suit sgalnst her husband. John V tl.nrv tn m-hom aKa was married at len ver on October J lis. They separated In March, Uli. She alleges cruelty ss the basis of her suit. A anit for divorce was yesterday filed In the district court by Bertha True from her husband. Roy K. True. They wer married In council Uluffa on January 11, 1912, snd separated on tx-tooer 1 or mis vear. She alleges cruslty and Die too frequent use of Intoxicants. West End camp No. T. Woodmen of the World, elected officers for the ensuing vear Tuesday evening, as follows: Past eAnaul nnmmamlcr. W. 11. Lacker, ar counsel commander. Charles f. Nell; ad visor-lieutenant, tl. K. Klcklln; banker. Ivsr Olson; clerk, 3. K. Deffenhaugh escort, William U. Aylsworth: watchman Kmtl Klahelmer; sentry, Karl Tabler managers, Leo Kirscht and W. O. Phtll. Ids. An aged woman, evidently a German, taJklna- incoherently In the German lan sua, anueared last nlnht about 10 o'clock at the osj Inspector's shanty In the Illi nois Central railroad varus, between Ave nuea J" and C, and appealed for protec tion. She was llshtly clothed ana was aimarentlv aufferins greatly from the cold. lnnulrv at the oollce station dis closed that the aged woman was a patient at ht. a hospital, who had eiudo.i tha vtsllance of tha attendants and wan dered away. She wee returned to the hospital. W. J. Burke ef the Valley Savings bank at Missouri Valley was a Council Hlurfs visitor vesterdsv. Mr. Rurke war Included In the special list of Missouri Valley men Invited to attend the meeting of the Knights of ths Full Moon on Wednesday evening, but was unhappily nhllred to decline, lie realised what hi missed when he was here yesteraay. 11 s the best thing Council Bluffs ever go. up and Is doing more for the. town in I treneral huainees way than any other ot sanlsatlon In the town." said Mr. Burke laat evening. "We hear of the Kuh Mooner wherever we go and there are nnltf arnrda if nralae for the town and the men who have brought this dis tinctively original feature." Three boys, playing lsst evening along tha Milwaukee railway tracks in me vicinltv nf Twentv-nlnth avenue, found bo containing a largo quantity of new harness In complete seta. They reported the matter to the police headquarters and an InvestlK-atinn disclosed the operation of car looters. A Wabash merchsndlse car had been broken and the etuff carried away and hidden where the prying young atera found It. further Investigation showed the loot was part of a shipment of harness from the J. II. Haney com- pnny of Omaha to W. A. Coteo ai College Hnrinss. Is. What additional amount o stuff had been taken was not disclosed. Although the route to the federal prisons and the state penitentiaries haa bsen kept warm by the repentant feet of car looters, a new crop continually springs up. A car door fastening that cannot be Illegally opened exoept by the use of great force Is being seriously considered by railway officials. Member of Democratic Committee Wllllag to Take Interior Job to Present One Jest for flake ef Pence. With ten applicants seeking appoint ment as postmaster at Council liluits. and with the decision as to who shsll re ceive It resting almost entirely upon 3. J. Hughes, mrmlirr of the democratic state central committee for the Ninth congres sional district, the position of Mr. Hughes for the last few months has not been elto- a.lhrr enviable. In fart. It haa been somewhat strained and embarrassing, since the appointment of any one of the ten would Inaplre some unpleasant thoughts In the minds of the other nine The political friends and advisers of Mr. Hughes have urged to cut the gordlan knot by taking the office himself. Tes- terday he announced that he had decided to follow this advice and would send in the whole bunch ot names with Ms own added, and let President Wilson and the Iowa democratic delegation In congress settle the problem. It Is admitted that this action carries with It the solution and that Mr. Hughes will himseir reoeive the appointment and will be postmaster at Council Bluffs for the next four years, Kev Party llermeey. It la due to Mr. Hughe's to state post tlvetv that this situation has not oeen hmnihi ahnut bv inv act of his or Is desired bv him. It Is required In a mess ure to preeeve party harmony, It will be acceptable to all of tho other aspirants and to every democrat In the district, for the reason that If rewards can be earned tor narty fealty and efficient service Mr, Hushes Is entitled to the plum. Every one of the other aspirants hns told him that If he would take it there would be no oh lection. Inaulry by the political powers above Mr. Hughes disclosed the trutn or theee declarations snd ha helped to bring about tha solution. It will be something of a financial sacri fice for Mr. Hughes to take the office The salary Is only about W.309 a year, and In his private business his net Income for the laat few years has averaged more than $0,000 a year. A large part of this business may have to be sacrificed, but cert harmony will be preserved. Among the applicant for the position have been former Mayor Kohrer. former uivm Malonev. Mack Goodwin, Fred Johnson, present assistant postmaster; W allace Benjamin and George Tlnley. la the original arrangement, plannsd more than a year ago, Mr. Tlnley was the fa vored candidate, and If there had been no break due to election returns, he would undoubtedly have been appointed. There were other candidates, but they were not seriously considered. It Is probable that considerable pressure may be brought upon the preaident to secure the appoint ment ot soma of the other candidates, but It Is believed that It will hates no effect. SEER" RING CHIEF BUYS COPSFLOWERS Frank Ryan. Head of Clalrroyant Gang-, Payi Chicago Police 400 Monthly. SO HE TELLS THE PROSECUTOR Reqalred eat Kara Eatertala Oat-of-Toivn Balls" Coming with Warrants -Can't Kle Protection Wlree. Appraisers Find Butler Estate is Worth Large Amount 19 Blocks West of Postoffice Close to very beet locality, 42x122; only G00. $1 now and tl per week. If you pey cash 6 per cent off and we'll build. ( 0 'Keef e Ral Estate Co., 101t Omaha National. Phone Douglas ITU, $15 Per Front Foot Vacant lot In the West Farnam Dis trict. slW feet, one-half block from SSth and Davenport Hta,, only V.TE. 1 This 1 solid ground, on grgde and in a neigh borhood where lots are selling for Shu to tlU) per front foot. J. H.' Dumont & Co. 103 Farnam kit. Phone Doug. C90. Several Big Blocks Of Pavlowa Charity Ball Tickets Sold Tickets to the Mile. Pavlowa charity ball to be held( December It. under the auspices of the Omaha Rotary club, at the Auditorium, are selling with a rush. Yesterday several large blocks of seats were sold. Including SM0 worth taken by the Columbian Optical company, $M0 to the City Trust company, fo00 to the City National bank, flOO to the City Mission and $100 worth sold by a member of the Rotary club. Six more boxes were sold and a block of seats was reserved by resldsnts of Lincoln. Eaoh purchaser of a ticket is privileged to Indicate by writing upon It what par ticular charitable purpose he desires Its purchase price to be put The money re ceived for those tickets which are un marked will be be disposed of by tire Rotary club's committee after consulta tlon with the charities committee of the Commercial club. It has been decided to put but tittle stress on the "cotton gown" feature of the ball. Those who attend are privi leged to wear whatever raiment they may choose. This decision was made on ac count of an Immediate protest from the women folk, who declared they had no cotton gowns suitable for wear la ths win ter season. The publicity committee ot the Rotary olub g arranging to secure a large sum ber of signs to be carried on trucks and cars of members of the club. Tickets to the ball are to be placed at the Commercial club, the University club and at the filling station ot the L, B. Nicholas Oil company. Bocfclea's Arnica Salve Prevented blood poison on Mr. O. W, Cloyd of Plunk, Mo. This soothing salve healed a dangerous wound. Xc. All deal ers. Advertisement. Horticulturists to Meet at Atlantic saswawanasssas Atlantic treated the members of the Southwestern Iowa Horticultural society so well at the annual meeting that closed there yesterday that a unanimous vote of acceptance followed the Invitation to meet there again next year. It was the first time that Atlantic has entertained the horticulturists and the effort was so successful that the mem bers oould not refuse the request for an other opportunity. The meetings of the society ' have almost always been held at Council Bluffs, where It is reason able to expect a larger attendance, but the people of Atlantic took a much greater Interest than did the cltlsens of Council Bluffs. Ths Council Bluffs delegation consequently did not have an unanswerable argument to sustain tha Invitation to return the annual meetings here. The number of exhibitors was also fully as large as at any of the meet ings held here. The best the Council Bluffs men could do was to take 'about all ef the first prises offered by the society for best displays of fruits. The exhibit was about the flneat the society has ever had, the meeting In every respect was one of tha most successful. This fact was freely admitted by J. P. Hess, W. 6. Keellne and others who re turned from Atlantic yesterdsy. These new officers were elected for the year: President M. J. Worth, Mondsmln. Vice President I. N. Brown, Atlantic. Treasurer J. P. Hess. Council Hlurfs. Secretary a. H. van Houten, Lenox. The secretary and treasurer were re elected. The board of directors selected are: K. P. Bnencer of Kandolph. C. H. Deur of Missouri Vslley, Hoy Fanrollv of Atlantic, M. J. Wragg of Dee Moines and A. 8. Collman of Corning. Grand Eapids Pastor Called by Baptists An official and unanimous call lias been extended to Rev. James B. Dobbins to be come pastor of the First Baptist church in this city. Mr, Dobbins haa occupied the pulpit of the church a number ot times and has greatly pleased the con gregation. He is now located at Grand Rapids, Mich. He is comparatively a young man. Just past 40 ysars of age, and has held four pastorates at the Tabernacle Baptist church at Chlllcothe, O.; at the Third Baptist church at Day ton, O; at Franklin, O., and at Grand Rapids. It la believed be will accept the call, although he has not definitely an nounced his intention to do so. I lewa News Notes. SHENANDOAH The war tax will cost Shenandoah 3,0uu a year, approximately. The payment for stamps for legal and banking Instruments handled by one bank alone was estimated by the president as Stuu. SHENANDOAH Following the pur chase of a new side car for his motor cycle, U. K. Wler and Mrs. Wler started Wednesday morning for a S0O-mlle cross country trip to Oklahoma to visit her father and brother. CLARIN DA William Tharpe, the 14-year-old boy who Induced his S-yeer-old playmate, liens Bummers, to steal a horss and buggy and start to Oklahoma with hlin across country, was turned over to A. .. Davla as a probate officer, by ordur of Judge George Castle ot the superior court. The report of the sppraleers. William Arnd, J. P. Hess and S. O. fnderwood. appointed by the state, officials to ap praise the estate of W. H. Butler to de termine the amount of collateral In heritance tax to be paid, was filed In the office of the Clerk of the district court yesterday. It shows that the es tate IS worth t300.170.23 and with the exception of the widow's Interest of one sixteenth la subject to the state s grab of I per cent. The work of the appraisers was greatly simplified by the methodical manner In which the aged man settled up his business when he realised that his life was soon to reach Its close. He had pre pared, most carefully snd accurately, s complete Inventory of all of hie prop erty, farms, city and town property, notes, mortgages, unpaid rental obliga tions and all forms of moneys snd credits. Including bank stock snl cash In banks. The schedule wss fuund to. be slngulariy accurate, and when the exec utor of the will came to file the in ventory he filed the dooument prepared by Mr. Butler. The appraisement (lied yesterday Incorporate a large part of It. Mr. Butler was 13 years old when he died. The Inventory shows twelve farms locsted in Pottawattumlo - county and others In Mills snd Fremont counties. He also had (30,000 worth of residence property In Council Bluffs which he had acquired In the last two years. All is well located snd profitable. At 82 years of age be was shrewder In business deals than many men In ths flush of man hoods prime. Four years sgo, when 7 years old, he married Miss Jessie Rod acker, g young orphaned girl 84 years oil. By the terms of a prenuptlsi con iraci sr.e was to receive ll.OJO a year for every year she remained his wife. By the terms of hie wilt he divided his estate evenly between h's widow, his brother an! two sisters and their rhll men, aggregating fifteen heirs. The widow thus gets one-sixteenth In addl lion to more than 14,000 duo under the terms of the marriage contract. Her share In the estate will amount to about ij,wo, upon whicn no collateral In heritance tax will be demanded; on all 01 ine remainder s per cent will be paid. CHICAGO. Iec. 4. In spite of ths lion monthly payment for police oroteetlon, Frank Ryan, alleged head of a "clair voyant ring" that operated In Chicago until recently, received from rVTO to as.ono g month as his share of the swindling operations, he told Maris y Hoyne, states atorney, in a written con- ' fesslon made public tonight. n adlltlon to the regular monthly po lice payments, Ryan said he paid sn average of f.H to 1 100 weekly to help buy flowers for some patralman who had lost a member ot his family. He also said It took a neat sum to entertain properly the out-of-town policemen, who frequently came with warrants for mem bers ot the clairvoyant's squad. Ill of Taaerreteals. Ryan was captured In Detroit a few weeks ago. He Is very 111 of tuberculosis and his confession was made. Hoyne said, on the promise that It would keen him from dying In the penitentiary. It was partly on the strength of Ryan's confession, sccordlng to the state's at torney, that Hoyne offered Csptaln Hatpin, former chief of detectives, and a score of his men, a chance to resign. Ryan paid hie protection money, he said, through Harney Bertsche, a ward politician, recently shot In a down town revolver fight with two detectives. "When I first csme to Chlcsgi In Mil. I paid 1 100 a month for police protec tion." he said. "For my enl I usually gut from $3,000 to 6.fl monthly. Once I cleaned up l.'K.OOO In three months." French Quit Weather. Reports to Hamper GermanZeppelins (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) THE HAGUE, Nov. IS. -It la because the German Zeppelin aircraft seldom, If ever, undertake extensive operations un less favorable weather conditions are promised that the French military au thorities Issued their recent order forbid ding the publication of weather forecasts. Abbe Moreux, director ot the weather bureau, has explslned how the cutting off of these reports will affect German cal culations. He says that the order Is no mere whim of the French censor, but Is designed to bear vitally upon the much feared Zeppelin raid on England. It la clear." the abbe states, "that the desperate efforts of the Germans to reach the Frenrh coast between Dunkirk and Calais are prompted by the Intention to attack England with Zeppelins. A dirigible balloon from Antwerp could go the distance of V0 kilometers (shout 10 miles) to London, bombard the olty and return to Its base In less than ten hours. Huch a trip, however, would have to be made tinder .very favorable weather conditions." Abbe Moreux explains that la order to work out their weather predictions the Germans would require about sixty re ports, which in normal times sppear at a certain hour in the principal European cities. The most Important weather sta tions ere along the channel coasts, so that if Frsnce and England send no re ports the others are practically valueless. So, he concludes, the Germans will be un able to make their calculations, and Will have to run the risk of their huge Zep pelins being wrecked by a sudden storm along the channel If they undertake a raid on England. OSTEOPATHS TO MEET HERE IN ANNUAL SESSION About all of the osteopathic physicians In southwestern Iowa will be in Council Bluffs today attending the Bixth Iowa District Osteopathic association meeting, All of the meetings will be held lit the Grand hotel In the offices of Dr. Char' lotte McCluskey. The association has bsen growing In recent years and the attend ance will be quite large. Sessions will be held during the forenoon and afternoon. Following is the program: FORKNOON. 10:30-Addrese, Dr. J. K. Johnson. Jef ferson. ll:0o "Fsstlng in Connection with Oste opathic Treatment," Dr. Josephine Wood, Atlantic. Discussion. AFTBRNOON. 1:30 Address, "The Anatomical Basis ef Osteopathic Technique and Koine of the Methods I'sed." Dr. A. V. Mattern, Btlll College of Osteopathy, Des Moines. The general business of the association will then be transacted. Would Draw Women from Public Houses r (Correspondence of the Associated Frees) LONDON. Nov. 26. Realising the need of recreation centers for women whose protectors have entered the army, American and English women are mak ing an effort In London to provide whole some amusements and temperance re freshments for women who might other wise go to public houses to hear wsr news and discuss the progress of the armies In Europe, Lady Henry Somerset and a number ot associates have established a temper ance public house exclusively for women snd children, which Is the first ot a chain they expect to open throughout London, to offset the temptation ef tha. ordinary publlo houses during the war. A disused beer house oa Arthur street haa been converted Into what is called the Women's War club. Little change haa been made In the bar, excepting that only temperance drinks will be served Lady JeUlcoe, wife of the head of the English navy, has established a tem perance hall for women In Hammersmith Road, a section which has afforded many recruits snd abounds In publlo houses. Mrs. B. Lathrop, a prominent member of the American committee, has insti tuted a slmllsr recreation center on Co penhagen street, Arlington, In square where there are five publlo houses which have the patronage of many women. Mrs. Lathrop will limit the service of her club to women and children whose living conditions have been changed as a result of the wsr and will make wholesome food at the lowest possible price the feature of the organisation One quart of nourishing soup and one fourth loaf of bread are supplied to war widows for t cents. Ws are sole agents for the fsmous Duntley combination vacuum clearer. Ask to see it. Price S8.00. P. C. DeYol Hardware company, (04 Broadway. OFFICER KILLED AT FRONT SAVED LIFE0F VICTORIA (Correspondence of the Associated Press) LONDON. Nov. 25,-Ueutenant Colonel Gordon Wilson, who waa killed at the front near Tpres. first figured as a na tional hero while he was In school at Eton. He laved Queen Victoria's life when the queen was attacked by a crank at a railway station In March. 1882. The queen's assailant was Roderick Maclean, a youth. He attempted to fire a pistol! but was prevented by young Wlleoa, who struck the weapon from his hand. Later he was summed to Windsor castle and personally thanked by the queen, " Bra rea for Mace a. There never waa any doubt about the Boston Braves not returning t Macon next spring for training, eecofdlng to President Uaffney and the story that he has another camp in sight is classed with the other ' bunk ' about him selling the team. i