EDITOBIAL PAGES ELEVEN TO IWHI1. The Omaha Daily Bee WHTCX AWAY FROM TIOMa. The boo is The Paper yoa ut fori If yam pl t V. tbHut nor Uin a f.w ri have The Bse BkU f VOL. XLIV-NO. 14G. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, ' HECEMBKR .5, 1914, Os TtIb hI at Stotol Mews Stands, So. SINGLE COrY TWO CENTS GRAIN PRICES ARE PUZZLINOEALERS Rye is Now Bringing as High Price as Wheat, When Weight it Considered. DUBUM WHEAT ALSO SOARING Is Brafc Vp at Btvadlly lavreaalas Prleca as rl aa It Awmn aa ke Floor af taa Oaiki Grala Bxehaaa. The rraln market la a pussle to area the oldest of the operators, and none U able to understand the meaning of the skyrocketing that la being done by rye. Under ordinary condition rye asIU at from T Irt I fnta nniVf huL hut nnw considering the weight of th two cereals. rye at flfty-alx and wheat at atxty pounds per bushel, the price of the former la uie higher. For the taat two weeks wheat prices hare been strong to steady, while rye has advanced on an average of 1 cent per bushel per day. the high now being II. OS, with high on wheat being $1.08. It Is known that there Is a great foreign demand for rye, but generally traders are Inclined to the opinion that the le-l Kit I mate demand does not Juatlry the steady advance and the present high prices paid. While there Is considerable rye raised In western Iowa and Nebraska, the two states are not regarded as rye producers, and consequently the dally receipts are far below those of wheat, Dinia Beta New Marie The durum wheat Is another pussier and traders are all at sea as to what Is to be the future of the cereal. One month ago durum was selling under the hard winter variety, but with HS steady climb, It has gone to a premium and each day a new high mark Is set, so far as price Is concerned. On the Omaha market. Friday, durum sold at 11 10 per pushel and at this price all of the offer ings were quickly taken. There were three cars of the grain and It was as serted that It was bought for. export and that ultimately It would go to Italy, that country being exceedingly short Its normal supply, which heretofore has been grown In Russia ana Austria, both in the war zone of , Europe. For a Friday, grain receipts were about normal, there being forty-seven cars of wheat, ninety-nine of corn and thirty-eight of oats on sale. Corn prices were steady, the bulk of the sales being - ' - - . c . to . ...... w..hl nisua l 01 1U wo went vunmii S.F, Miller Expects Good Run of Corn to Omaha Market Soon General Freight Agent Miller of the Northwestern Is In town, after having made a trip over the western lines with General Manager Walters and Division Freight Agent Jones. The party of North western officials wehl'over'the Nebraska main line and Its branches and found conditions good. -They found that every where In the states the farmers raised a good to a bumper crop last season and - that high prices for all farm products are the rule. Said Mr. Miller: "Through the Nebraska corn belt every thing looks good. Corn picking is well under way and in many localities the farmers are Just finishing up. By the last of next week the crop will be all gath ered. Indications are that beginning next week there will be a heavy run of corn to market. The prices are high and" many of the farmers are going to sell a portion of tho crop. Othera will hold on, antic ipating higher prices. The corn that will be sold in the near future Is that that has been hurked and thrown In piles on the ground. That which has been cribbed I fancy will be held. A large number of farmers aro feeding cattlo and exr much higher prlceu beef along toward Christmas time." M'Govern Will Let Howell Put In the Flush Tank Meters City Commissioner Thomas McOovern. will Ignore "Ihe city legal department's opinion that the Water board can forcu Mr. 'MoGovem's department to buy meters for the flush tanks in the new rewers. "We're entitled under the law to 50,000 gallons a month for each tank," salj Mr. McOovern. "The board admits we cannot use that much. Now, If Water Commissioner Howell wants meters in stalled he will Install them at his own expense " The city engineer estimated that It would cost $3,000 to Install the meters. Residents where new sewers have been laid during the last eighteen months have complained because of the unsani tary conditions. The Water board has refused to . flush these sewers until the meters were placed. S. 0. Packers Put Many Men to Work In preparation ror wtiat may possible be the greatest hog market In the his tory of the yards the South Omaha pack ers have put on several hundred extra men. Armour tt Co. within the last few days put back 160 men in the pork pack ing department Cudahy employed a full new cutting gang aggregating seventy five men. Morris and Swift also put on new men. The South Omaha market was strong and prices which are ordinarily under Chicago by reason of the freight differ ential were about level with the Chicago market Beat far Kldaeys Bays Doctor. Dr. J. T. R. Neal. Greenville. 8. C, says that in his thirty years of experience he has found no preparation for the kid neys equal to Foley's Kidney Fills. Fain in back and hips Is an indication of kid ney trouble a warning to build up the weakened kidneys, maks them vigorous, ridding your blood of acids and polsona Foley Kidney Fills will help any case of kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. In 40c and $1.00 iira. For sale by ail dealers. Advertise ment ' Friday, Dec. 4, 1914- -BURQESS-NASII COMPANY- STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY- -BUROESS-NASH COMPANY- -Phone Douglas 137. ametiiing Beautiful tor Smeoini Dear A JEWEL, A MUG, A -PIANO w lis the Tim t Make Ywr C1HIM1OTMAS (GIFT SELECTIONS It's Doubtful if You'll Find Better Values in mis ill s mnwnrr giatsr l NT NA NCI Our New HARNEY Street Entrance Will Be Ready for You Saturday "S nCE" is our watch word to be of the "greatest serv :e to the greatest number" always planning for your convenience and accommodation. This new entrance (as Illustrated) on Harney street, Jnst off Six teenth, will prove of great convenience to our many patrons. It's certain to be very popular. Opening directly Into the Main Floor as well as a big, wide stairway, which leads Into the Economy Basement. All Aboard for TOY TOWN That Wonderful Land of Make-Before, Where Dear Old Santo Clam Is Dictator and Little Boys and Girls Are Kings and Queens. i RING the children to see Santa. He wants to talk with the little folks and he has a gift for every child accompanied by an adult. Here's the Biggest Doll Value in Town at 98c Full jointed baby doll, 28 . Inches tail, pretty face, eyes that open or close, light or dark sewed wig; booties and slippers; a doll that sells regularly at $1.60 to $2.00; also a big assortment of soldier QQ and character dolls. Sale nrlce Saturday 17 OC But When It Comes to Toys ' You'll find a wonderland such varieties, every thing you can imagine to make the HUle hearts glad on the happiest day of them all Christmas. . Mechanical trains.. 11.00 . Mechanical toys, 15o to $36.00 Meccano sets, $1.60 to $20 Structo sets. $1.60 to $10 Blng's constructor sets, $1.00 to $60.00 Electrlo auto racers, $9.00 to $18.00 Moving picture outfits, $2.40 to $36.00 Steam engines, $1 to.. $24 to $1.25 Xmas tree outfits, 24 lights, $9.00; 16.... $6.00 8 ligbU $3.00 Qames, complete line, 10c to $2.60 Toy pianos, 30c to $13.00 Toy furniture sets, $1.60 to $10.60 Drums, 25c to $6.60 And so on. There seems to be no end. Come and bring the .children. ' You'll enjoy it and so will they. araeas-Naah C. K.ni-tta FImt. These Kid Gloves at $1.15 Are the $2125 Values and Are Worth It Too YES, worth every cent of it, but fortune favors you. A splen did opportunity to anticipate Christmas gifts. The gloves are strictly first Equality French glace Md, two clasp style, pique sewn. The shades are tan, gray, mode, navy ana green, aiso,DiacK ana wmte. Christmas gift boxes if desired. BaraeaM-Nasa Oa. Mala Flaer. Women's Pure Thread Silk HOSIERY Winniini98 Co&ti A MAKER'S surplus of women's pure thread silk hosiery odd lots and what he terms "Irregulars"- little irregular in the weave, but not seconds. Women's $1.00 to $1.25 Silk Hose at 65c Pure thread silk boee, black or white, with lisle garter tops; full fashioned, regular made foot, high spliced heel and double toe. Women's . $1.50 to $1.75 Silk Hose at 85c Pure thread silk, full fashioned, regular made foot; some have lisle top and all silk throughout; some finished with one of two gold stripes and otter colors in black; also plain colors, navy, pearl, b route, Copen hagen, taupe, green, mahogany, pink, sky blue, etc. BanMa-Naak C. Mala Floor. Four New Styles in "WIRTHMOR" Waists On Sale Saturday, at $1.00 YES. desirable, for they're always correctly styled and serv iceable, for, unlike most inexpensive waists, they're care fully and dependably made. Many women have learned that it'$ a wise economy to buy several of these waists and they re turn again and again to see the new models as they ae placed on sale. There's four new styles to choose from week ly; they're always sold at just $1.00, though they're al ways worth more. "Wirthmor" waists are sold ex clusively by us. Br(tM-Naik Oe. e.ooas IImi. Women's Smart New Gaiter ms m Q q Top BOOTS at $2.95 Pair n rrsa.il V I u -a. -a. i .. Misses' Shoes For dress and school wear. But ton style, patent and gunmetal leathers. Sites 11 to 7C l; at $2.60 and D THE acme of comfort and style. The new stage last gaiter top button boots. Made from patent leather with black cloth top, flexible soles and half Louis leather heels. A very special value for Saturday i $2.95 the Pr. Baraa-Waafc Caw Mala Tl.se. Child's Shoes For dress and school wear, .but ton style, patent and gunmetal leathers. 8 ices to PA 11; at $JU& and ajZ.3U - Than These Offered Here Saturd THE garments are all the very latest styles, representing the product of several of tho best manufacturers who, owing to present conditions, willingly accepted big reductions. Women's New Winter Coats, $9.50 Unusual values a great variety of late styles from which to make selec tion. The materials are plain cloths and mixtures made with belted or plain backs, loose fitting and flare styles. Smart New Winter Coats, $14.50 Beautiful selection of the very latest style- Ideas, Including such splendid materials as Hindu Lynx, mixtures, boucles, Scotch plaids, zibelines, etc, with large velvet collars and cuffs. Women's $22.50 Tailored Suits, $14.75 Late styles, made up in serges, cheviots and poplins, In shades of navy, brown, plum and green; also black. Suits made to retail to 122.50. . Extreme values. Charming $19.50 Velvet Dresses, $9.95 Pretty new conceptions in combinations of velvet and silk. New skirts, new collar and sleeves; black, navy and brown. Made to retail to 19.50. Very special. ay Klosfit Silk Jersey Top Petticoats, $5.00 In a variety of new shades to match the new suit. Splendid values at. .$5.00 Children's Winter Coats. $4.75 Heavy winter weight materials. . Made In sizes from -6 to 14 years; navy blue with plaid collars. Also plain colors. Children's Dresses at $2.79 Several pretty styles in serges, cordu roy and velvet, in navy, red, brown and green. Special values; sizes 6 to 14 years. Baroa.-Nasa C Seeoa Floor. Hand Painted Nipon China A REMARKABLE selection. Including salad bowls, covered tureens, sugar and cream sets,' celery trays, nut sets, rases, cake and chop plates, (6) luncheon plates, cups and saucers, whipped cream sets, dresser trays, powder boxes, hair receivers, -handled jelly dishes, fern dishes, chocolate pots, tea pots, candlesticks, etc. to 85c. ....49cl to $1.75... 89c to $3.00 $1.39 nnrara.-Na.h C. Kotttih piaar. Imported Jewelry Novelties for $1.00 Including Values From $1.50 to $10 SAMPLES that we secured from a big importer on Fifth avenue. New York, at a very low price. In most Instances there is only one j of a kind. A splendid opportunity to bny for Christmas gift giving. The offering Includes: Watch bracelets " Gun Metal Mesh Bags Pearl Bssds LaValllerti German Silver Mesh Bags Sterling Silver Novelty LaValllsres Jet Chains Jet Braid Pins Coin Purses Jet Barrettes Men's Cuff Links and Scarf Pin 8ets Back Combs Novelty Bead Chains Velvet Neck Bands, Etc, Eto. ESS CHOICE SI. 00. raa-1Vah Oa Main Kl.ar. Harrison's 75c Leatherette FABRIC GLOVES for Men and Boys, 39c THESE gloves so closely resemble leather that you can hardly tell the difference at. a short distance. They fit perfectly and are very comfortable. Drown, gray,- slate and mode. Regular 75c values; pair, 39c. Men's $1.25 Shirts, 69c' ' " A special lot, made of ' 84 count percale; good patterns and all sizes. -A shirt well worth $1.25. Very special for Saturday, 3 shirts for. $2.00, or each, 69c Men's 50c Silk Hosiery, 29c Accordian silk hosiery, black and white, blue and black, red and black. A hosiery special that should anneal verv stronclv. especially at this sea son of the year. Put up in Christmas box. Six pair, $1.74, or. single pair, sc BsrsHa.l'uh C, Main Flaar. SATURDAY IN THE ECONOMY BASEMENT The Surplus Stock of a Manufacturer Who Accepted a Big Sacrifice Women's New Winter Coats Made to Retail for $15.00 to $25.00 Saturday, at $3.98 a GREAT variety of styles made of such splendid materials as seal plush, plain and lur trimmed imported noucies, cheviots, mixtures with fur collars, plaids, plain materials, etc., In shades of brown, navy, green; also black. All new, up-to-date styles, made to retail for $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 and $25.00. Choice Women's New Skirts of Silks and Woolen Materials to Retail at $5.00 to $15.00, at $1.98 and $2.98 Wonderful values. The skirts are all new tunio style, made of silks, serges, worsteds and silk finished materials of various kinds, splendidly tailored and finished throughout. High cost quality skirts in every re spect Made to retail at $5.00, $7.60, $10.00, $12.60 and $16.00. Saturday, choice, $1.98 and $3.98. Men's Furnishings in the Basement 29c Men's 60c to 69c Shirts, 29c For work or dress, all sues, .good colors, Including blue and gray cham bray, some badly soiled, some only slightly mussed, regularly 60c and 69c Men's Ribbed Wool Underwear, 29c Shirts and drawers, sot all sites; some badly soiled and mussed. If your sire Is here, it's the biggest value of the season. Each, Q Firemen s and Engineer's Sox Black, tan and gray; extra heavy and extra good qual- in Ity. Pair lCl?C Men's 50c Work Shirts, 39c Made of blue and gray chsmbray. All sizes, perfect fitting. The kind that retail regularly at 60c. Sele price Saturday Men's Overalls, $1.00 Value, 69c Made of best indigo blue denim, cut large and full. All seams double stitched and felled. Guaranteed not to rip. Regu lar $1.00 values, at )JC $9i ) H 7&A Ili ' 39c iJ H Suspenders, 5c. 10c, 15c, 19c Odd lots, Including some police and firemen s suspenders at 6c, 10c, 16c and 19c Roasters and Home Furnishings SAVORY roasters. Oval steel. Just the right sise for Q chicken and meat roasts; seamless and strictly sanitary. ... DC Men's Gloves, 6Vc Made of cotton flannel. Good heavy quality, i Pslr OC Men's Underwear, Kegular $1.00, at 39c Odd or soiled garments, shirts and drawers. Including fleece lined and maco cotton. . Reg ularly to $1.00. Sale price, each, Men's Ticking Mitts, 12 Vac Good heavy quality ticking; gray and stripes. Saturday, in I the pair l&Z Savory roasters, large sise steel, at 98c Aluminum roasters, square, $1.60 kind. 98c Round Comer Bread Boxes Not a seam In, no corners. 65c Size 45c 1 75c Size 55c 95c Size 65c Toilet paper, extra quality orepe. S?......4 rolls, 25c Wax-It furniture polish, 26c package for 15c Batrcau-Maast Cm. Bwawit. A Sale of FRAMED PICTURES Saturday $2.00 to $3.00 Values, 75c ElT , Yal I II I '.- - U I I a tL: W3a Is THE biggest picture values we've off tired for . Inn lima All well framed and Including such splen- uia suDjects as rruits. asm, land. scanes. carbon Drlnts. etc mnmHuA. ' tlons of some of the most famous paintings Dy tbe great artists. Pic tures mai are splen did $2.00 to $3.00 values here for selection Satur- Anticipate your Christmas gift's and profit by' this offerlna 75c Special for Saturday CARNATIONS, 2c Fresh cut. long stem, assorted colors and white; special at Cut Flower sec tion, each....... 2o naraj.M-Nuh C Mala Vlr. IB iMSIHI effie Ciristmas Store for &vcnjBodij Give a Kodak Xmas Acceptsni. ry both youn and old. Our iv u. in uuuuKy. i. vary cumpleta. No. 0 Brownie Cameras $15 No. 2 Brownie Cameras $2.00 The new Kodak for...., $9.00 Autographic Kodaks $Z2.&0 Bar ru-Naah C: Msla Fleest