Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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the nr.K: omaha. vnihAY. decemrkr 4. i;m.
Thursday, December 3, 1914.
MAHA golfers are keeping up recorda and bold lug on to the honors
0 abroad as m ell at bom.
. Mrs. E. II. Sprague was it Excelsior Springs laat week and
pent most of tbe time on tbe golf links. She carried ott the honor
of tbe lowest score ever made by a woman on tho links there, which was
forty-seven for nine holes. ,
The next to follow up on such foxy playing Is Mrs. Edwin Morrison of
Kansas City, formerly Miss Louise Tukey of Omaha, who made tha course
In forty-nine.
. The course t the Springs Is a nine-hole one, beautifully located and
Just a dandy hike from tbe hotels, that Is, if one is a good hiker.
' Mrs.' Fpragne has always been an expert golfer and the one to hold
Omaha In the athletic lime light." 8he is Nebraska's champion and attends
any number of tournaments.
Soon after Christmas Mrs. Sprague will leave for Florid to spend the
winter on the greens there and add other stars to her record.
San Carlo Opera Company Doe Not
Seek for Guarantees.
RrtrmlliiM May Be Mad tr
Mho 1114 Membership
Tlrfcet tieaeral Pair ta
TSfomw's Club Luncheon.
The asnual luncheon of th O mail a Wo
man's club ws held this noon, followlnc
the nwtln of the household economics
department. The affair wss In charge of
the. house and home committee, of which
!rs. Edward Johnson'' U the chairman.
Fince the luncheon was Klven In order to
permit the rnerntiera to become better
acriualnted. each mint waa provided with
a 'cr( on which their name appeared,
arvl the guests changed seats after each
rotitae. 'Covers were plaoed for 112 guests.
Following 'the lunrhemt. Miss Mary Coil
gave a( dewing exhibition and musical
numbers wen given by Mini Marie Yard
etui. Mis Fuller.. The oommlttee In chars
of arrangements. Included:
Mr-agamee Mesdefnea
Ttda ard-Johnoon. r'hrice Koasaater,
Jam" LMdell.. Oeorge Bwoboila,
F. W. f Virmlchael, '. H. Tuwnsend
K. F. Porter.
1 K. WrLatfertjr.
H. t'hlaam, .
l-ouls Mii'er,
Samuel lii-ea.
T. V.. R. Ward,
John V. Olll.
N. B. Dreeher. .
Thomas H. Trarr.
Dudley-Hunter Wedding.
ft. Paul a Kplecop'. anurch In Council
Bluffs waa the sen of a prettr wadding
Wednesday evening when Wins Helen
Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jamea
Hunter.l became the bride of Mr. Cheater
Dudley. Rev. Dr. Buxton of St. , Paul's
performed ' thee eremony.
The church waa beautifully decorated
with palma. . fi rns. Easier lilies and Kit
Jarney roses.
rrof. CoollJge presided at tha organ
and played the Lohengren wedding march
for the bride's entrance and tha Men
delaaohn march at the recessional.
The bride Was given away by 'her
father. Bhe wore a handsome gown of
Ivory Imported aatln. entrain. The whole
had an overdress of Chantllly lao. The
bodice and long aleeves were of the same
lace. A long court train hung from the
shoulders, where it was caught with ropes
of pearls. Tbe tulle veil waa edged with
the Chantllly lace and aha carried a
ahower of lilies of the valley. Small
bundles of lilies of tha valley decorated
th trein.
Mrs. Kaymond Connor of Denlson, la.,
sinter of the groom, waa tha matron of
honor, ft he waa gowned In whit char
meuso, draped with net and made with a
deep pink velvet bodies. Mrs. Connor
carried pink anap drauons and narciaaua.
Th bldesmaiOs were. Miss Jean Hun
ter, Slater of the . bride; Mies Eleanor
Johnson Of Oswego, N. Y.; Ml . Theda
Berahelm and Mias Helen Benton. They
were gowned alike. In pink charmeua.
veiled with faint pink chirrjn. Silver lace
trimmed the bodice. The young women
wore crownleaa coronet hats of tulle and
rsrrtod huge arm boqucta of Klllarney
Mr. John Bhugart was best man, and
the ushers were: Meters. Thomaa Scully
of Clean, N. Y.: Allan Tukey of Omaha,
Paul Wadsworth of Council Bluff and
Itaymond Connor of Denlson. la.
Mrs, Hunter, mother of th bride, was
' gowned In gold brocade, draped with
black Chantllly lac. She wore a cor
tege of Mra Ward roses and lilies of the
A reception to.l.'iO guests followed the
ceremony, at th homo of Mr. and Mra
J a met Hunter. The house was decorated
with palms, yellow chrysanthemum and
Mrs. Ward rotes. Coffee wss served In
th dining room, where Mra Ward rosea
end yellow shaded candelabra decorated
the table.
After an eaeteia wedding trip, Mr. and
Mr. Dudley will restd in Count!) Bluffa
Pleasure Pait
Mra. W. J. rv-hluter was husteas today
at the meeting of the W.,V. club. "
Mian Minnie Hoy gae a theater party
AVednrFday evening at the Brandela to
see 'Tha College Hero." Those present
M Iseea
Mildred Nielsen,
Mars-aret 1 ei by.
iiiiiit) llue,
Iva elegcl.
At the University Club.
Mr. E. M. Mania will entertain at a
stag dinner this evening at th Univer
sity club, followed by a box party at tb
Brandela theater. Covers wUI b placed
for: - 1
Messrs. Messrs.
John U Webeter. W. K. Hheltoo,
Judge Page Morrla,- tt. II. Payne.
C.8. Montgomery, K. O. Petera,
H. H. Baldrtge. K. M. Martin.
Original Cooking Club.
Mrs. Samuel Burns entertained tha
members of tbe Original Cooking club at
luncheon today at her home. Covers were
placed for:
Meadamee Meadames
W. H. Poppleton, Moaner Colpetser,
fumiifl Bums. Charles T. Kountte,
Ward M. Burgeaa, John T. Htewart Jd.
lAither Kountse, Joaeph Barker,
Mrs. Of den Entertains.
ssra j. 11. uagen was noeus at a
brldg luncheon at her home Taaaday
afternoon. Th rooms war decorated
with Mrs. Ward roses, and four table
of players were present. Wednesday Mrs.
Ogden entertained again at luncheon. Th
table was decorated with an attractive
mound of pink carnoticna and stervla,
and covers werepaid for lght
With the Visitor.
Mr H. 11. Wheeler, who I a delegate
to the' Htut Suffrage convention thia
week Is ths house guest of Mrs, Halleck
Return Home.
Mrs. EX W. Nash and Miss Frsnces
Nash returned Wednesday morning. En
routs home they visited a short time
with Mr. snd Mrs. George Myers of
Church Benefit Luncheon.
Vjh ladles of th First Preabyterian
church will give a turkey luncheon In
th church parlors , Seventeenth and
Dodga strets, Friday, frqm U until 1
p. m. The committee In charge an
nounces a sal of fancy articles fur th
same day.
Allen-Snyder Wedding.
Tha wedding of Miss Laura dnyder and
Mr. Roy I Allen of Dedham, la,, was
celebrated Wednesday afternoon at t
o'clock at the horn ef th bnde'a grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John MacFarland
2101 Lothrop street. Rav. A. B. Marshall,
prewldant of the Omaha Theological semi
nary, officiated. Only immediate rela
tives and friends were present at th
Birthday Surprise. '
An enjoyable birthday surprise parly
wss given at th heme of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Raamuaaea, th occasion being
th eighteenth birthday of their son
Harry. Thos present were:
Mr. sod Mrs. Jamea Rasmussen.
Mr. and Mra Kred Henntugsen.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Cuillson.
Mr. snd Mr. 1 P. Kaamussea.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Qu&ndt.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Voboril.
Mr. and Mra J. J. Casper.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rasmussen,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frits.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Hennlngaen.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F, ltaeiuuasen.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Jellnek.
Mr. and Mra. Henry Kaamuasen.
Ueedamea MeeUamea
Q. Heng, B. Lcutenegger.
A. Koronbrook,
Mlaeea Misses
A. Leutenegger. Mamie Flits,
Kdna Henmnssen. Helen Foreubrook.
Ketheriiie liennlngn.
Th Ban Carlo Orand Opera company,
which numbers upwsrdi of loo eminent
slngvrs and players, en'oya the unique
distinction of being the rnty one of the
big singing companies that exists by pub
lic favor alone, wthout th aid of big
guarantee funds or sunxldte. It's trans
continental tour of 'the I'nlted HUte last
season proved such an overwhelming
success that the management this season
claims credit for the apiearance tn thia
couaUry of several of tha world's noted
songbirds who have not before visited
American shore. Iong snd sdvsntageotis
arrangements with the celebrities now
permits Impresario Oallo, of the San
Carlo organtsaliun, to respond . to the
widespread demand of American music
lovers for grand pera at reasonable
I ! Metcalfe to Preside
at Reed Luncheon
Margaret Hoy.
Muraarvt Ricnard-
Irene Hoy a
Secures Papers in
Omaha to Save Fine
Levied in Berlin
W. A. Derrick, formerly a well known
bass singer In Omaha, now living In Ber
lin, . will be saved from the danger of
being charged with espionage on sccount
of his Canadian birth- by eorles of his first
naturalisation papers, secured from the
district court her by hi brother. R. W.
Derrick, storekeeper, for the Union Stock
Yards company.
Mr. Derrick with a number of other
persons under suspicion in Berlin w-aa al
lowed thirty days to secure hla naturalisa
tion papers from Omaha, under penalty
not yet disclosed, but which would at its
mlldeat be exile from Germany.
R. W. Derrick sent the pepers to Ber
lin. He wss compelled to secure three
copies, one for each of three officials in
Berlin. The Vnlted States war tax on
them amounted to 90 cents.
Ke retary Hryan Indlgnsntly epurned a pretty Clikwgo girl who tried to kiss him.
Proclaim this news throughout the
land: -
One man anions us Is immune!
Tbe I)oc is highly proper, and
He posl-tive-ly will not fpoon!
Some statemen, when they're nicely
At once recover from the shock,
Home make no effort to resist;
But do not try it on the Doc! ,
Think not, "oecause In goldsn speech
He praises lovely woman's charms,
That any pretty girl may reach
About his neck her clinging arms.
Most men, alas, are sadly weak
When set on by flirtatious misses,
But on tbe Doc's expansive cheek.
There are no prints of foolish
Stork Special Visits
J. L. Kennedy Home
Q rest rejoicing pervades the home of
Mr. and Mra. John L. Kennedy In Fair
acres over the arrival there yesterday of
the Stork Special, bringing an Infant
daughter to help enjoy holiday cheer. The
coming generation of tbe Kennedy family
has heretofore consisted of two bright
little boys, so that the advent of the
sister Is specially gratifying to all of
A growing Omaha enterprise Is the Danish-American
Chrlstmss msgaslne, "Th
Mistletoe," published by Axel H. Ander
son, book dealer and importer, in the
Brown block. This year's issue of th
msgssln is especially pretty and con
tains mora than a half a hundred fine
illustrations and half-tones. The literary
content 1 of th highest order. Inasmuch
sa some of the best Danish names In lit
erature are represented. The booklet Is
sold all over the Vnlted States through
dealers cr by mall, and not a few copies
are sent to th old world aa a Christmas
greeting. All th half-tones are made by'
ths engraving department of Tb Beei
Publishing company.
Blltaaaaeas and Liver Coraplalat !
quickly relieved by Dr. King's New Life
mils. Regulate the bowels, keep
stomach and liver In healthy condition
2Sc. All druggists. Advertisement.
John Frits,
Robert Munich,'
U. Caaper.
I.. Hh.xlea.
W. Frits,
Bob Brtgga,
K Quandt.
I J'ltnck,
A. K. Wuandt,
II. Kaamuasen,
To Honor House (tueit
Mra Halleck Rose imUrlalned at lunch
eon today, at the I'nivrraily club, in honor
of Mrs. W. W. Wheeler, who Is htr guest
during the Ktate Suffrage convention this
week. Th tatle was decorated with a
banket of autuuin Uavre and covers acre
placed for flfteeu.
i i
i i i
. i
Fagtlco Club. ,
The Pagalno club will glv a dancing
party this evening at th Metropolitan
club. .
Inform! Luncheon.
Mrs. W. J. Cr waa hostess today at
luncheon at th Vnlverslty club. Klllar
ney roaea decorated -the table. Mrs. t'r
entertained twelve guests.
Rajah Club Entertains.
The Rajah club will entertain this
evening at aa dancing J arty at Turpin's
At Excelsior Spring.
Miss Louis ftors and Miss Helen
Blxby are spending several weeks at Ex
celsior Hurlnga - -
Mr. and Mra M. R. Murphy ar so
journing at Escalator fprlnga
Richard T. Wyche, president of th
National Ktory Tellers' league and editor
of th tStory Teller' Magasln, published
In New York. viHlted with Mra. Ortetta
H. Chittenden, kindergarten supervisor
of public schools. Mr. Wyche succeeded
In reach. ng Mra Ctilttenden's office on
the fifth floor of th city hall without
difficulty, but when h mad hla adieu
fc discovered that the elevator "bad
broken down. Not accustomed to great
exercise th stury teller sat down and
waited, but was at laat compelled to
clamber down the flv flighte.
Mr. Wyche Is on his way to Sioux City
from Madison, W la. where b appeared
before th 8tory Tellers' league.
Let maidens all be warned hereby, -If
tossing, kisses 'round amuse 'em.
Or make their dear hearts happy,
There's loU of men that won't re
fuse em,
But lest their offerings be scorned
With highly righteous Indignation,
Let maidens one and all be warned
The Doc won't stand for oscula-tlon!-
n k I ' leVi a 1 I
Depart rAtrH
Many Reservations
for the Speechless
Fellowship Dinner
Reservation cards for the Commercial
chib good fellowship dinner were sent
out yesterday. Reservations will begin
to come In in a few days. A Urge at
tendance is expected at this semi-annual
affair. Borne lively cabaret and some
special features of entertainments have
been arranged.
"No speeches' Is one of the alluring
announcements that goes out with the
poster calling attention to the dinner.
That means that there will be fun and
entertainment from start to finish with
out dry oratory about the grandeur of
Omaha, which all good boosters should
know about without oratory.
City Commissioner Dan B. Butler of
the department of finances and accounts
has asked the head of departments of
city government to make estimates of the
money they will need next year, prior to
th annual appropriation In January.
Commissioner Butter has also ordered
all commissioners to make Inventory of
th city property and supplies In their
several departments and report the re
sult to him. Thee statistics will be used
In a general estimate of the value of
city property.
Working Mothers
Club is Feasted at
the City Mission
The Working Mothers' club, composed
of 1Z women, waa given a big and in
viting. If belated. Thanksgiving dinner
by Miss Nellie Magee at the City mission
yesterday. Turkey in abundance was
served. After the dinner Mia Magee
entertained th mothers with motion pic
tures and several songs were sung.
When the Thanksgiving donations b
the public school children were distrib
uted Miss Magee's share ran short and
she wss forced; to disappoint some to
whom she had arranged to give food.
This dinner was largely for those who
were not provided for Thanksgiving day
'It's Just a get-together dinner, as much
to talk, get acquainted and plan. as t
eat," said Miss Magee.
Whether a war tax stamp Is required
on marriage certificates Is the question
raised by ministers, who have asked the
license bureau at the court house for In
formation on the point. The bureau
doesn't know and has been unable to find
out. Twenty-two couples have been mar
lied without ths sid of a war stamp since
the democratic revenue measure went
Into effect.
Richard L Metcalfe is to preside to
day noon at the public affsirs luncheon cl
the Commerclsl club and Introduce Ople
Reed for Ms addreas to the club members.
No subject bsa been announced for
Reed's tslk. He Is known ss a humorlet.
novelist snd an rntertslnlng platform
lecturer. What he may have In store for
the commerclnl people of Omaha no one
jet knows. Reed Is to lecture this evening
In the Redpeth course st the Auditorium.
In order to give people of the north a
chance to travel through Omaha, the
Northwestern, Burlington and Panta Fe
have made a tie-up on winter business to
southern California Beginning next week,
sleepers from St. Paul snd Minneapolis
will come In from the north over the
Omaha road and here be transferred to
the Burlington, which will carry them to
Kansas City, where they will be turned
over to the Panta Fe to be hauled to Cal
Walter Prices
But No
Batter Quality
VOU MAY BE offered
face powders priced at $,
il, and even $3. We wish to state
that none of these is better in quality
than Mme. IseteU a Exquisite Fare Powder at
focperbox. The material in Mme. IeeTwIl powder ar the flnet and purest to be bad
at any price. Apply one of these high-priced
powder one day: then try Mme. L bell a w
challens comparison, because the worlds
iMimu women for thirty-two years have en
dorsed Mme. Ise bell a in preference to any
others made in Europe or America.
See the Display of Beautiful Packages
on Sale at Leading Stores '
Mme. Ise'bcH's Exquisite
Face Powder, 50c j La Vivian Face
Powder, 60c; Face Powder in Cake
Form (1 shades), SOc; Cold Cream, Me: Turkish
Hath Oil. 5k; Skin Food and Wrinkle Paste,
50c; Natural Blush Rouse .Vic; Rose Blush Stick
Rouse. 2Sc: Pry Rouge: SOc: Ron ore Paate. 2Vt
Lilac Hand Whitener, 25c: Fleah Worm Ermd-k-ator,
11.00: I. C. Depilatory Powder. fl.OOi
Perspiration Powder, SOc: Exqnisite Talctms
Powder. Sflct Heatburbloom Talcum Fowdett
2Jcs Kail Paste, ZSc.
Fashion Hint
ag Cold (talekly ktrwtea l.
Mrs. Martha Wilcox, Gowanda. N. T.,
writest "J first used Chembvrlaln's
Cough Remedy about eight years ago. At
that time I had a hard cold and roughed
most of th time. It proved to b Just
what I needed. It broke up the cold In
a few days, and the cough entirely ale
appeared. I hav told many of my
friends ef ' govd I received through
sing this medicine, and all who bar
until It speak of it In th highest terms.
Obtainablo e eryahere. Advertisement.
k (
I : -1
; A
(7 V .
1-rlLJl J
iT ...
Sold on Easy Payments If You Wish,
Some ef the best Bed Heal artists are tmrlaeVe. If thia selection 4oe
not please yen, we can make up scares f ethers 10,000 Beeerds te se
lect from.
If yea want a Tlctrela ia fa ate 4 cek, roleew eak. weathered eak ar
ether special finishes, tetter hare it reserved X0W, se yea will net he
dinar-pointed later ea.
$28 Victrola
$38 Victrola
$53 Victrola
$63 Victrola
Victrola 10
Victrola 11
Victrola I4
Victrola 16
Each Machine Complete With all the Following Records'
17S77 National Emblem March
German Fidelity March
No. 60105 Roamln' In tbe Gioamln'
No. fism Silent Night
No. 17639 It's a Long Way to Tlpperary...
Soldiers of the King
No. 175:3 Evening Chimes
...Bj V,K xTariae Bane.
...By F. 8. Marine Bui
...By Harry Lander.
...By cvchnmaaa-HelaTL.
...By American Quartette.
Hf fryer's liana.
..By Neepelltan Trio,
Woodland Echoes By Xeonelitan Trie.
No. 741(3 Humoresque (Violin) By Mlshn Kimen,
No. 35402 Reuben Kox Trot By tic tor Band.
Same Sort of Uirl One-Step By Tlcter Band.
No. 17474 Silver Threads Among tbe Gold By Elsie Baker.
When You and I Were Young. Maggie. By Harrison..
No. C4257 Tbe Rosary By John MeCormack.
No. 16994 Joy to the World (Christmas) By Trinity Their.
- Come All Ye Faithful Hymn By Trinity Choir.
No. C534S Aloha Oe (Farewell Song) By Hawaiian Qnlntette.
Kun Home (Native Plantation Song).. By Hawaiian (jalateUe.
No. 4!67 Lo, Here the Gentle Lara By Aiaa black.
D0VT FORGET Yon ran have a free trial now la you he see t later,
dnrlag the t hrtstmag rash, this willnet he possible.
1513 Douglas Street, Omaha, Neb.
It Y Lire Oet of Tews Write To4ay. We Pay the Freight "Oar For.
ttcth Tear."
By V KKrOTKl lE,
down of black sstln, oveisvtrt of black
net, banded with wtdu black velvet rib
bon. A bodU e of Lro. ade. in trimmed.
itb sleevea and culler of n t. A single
red r.-c ta cauitlit at tli Uft s:do.
kfo1 liyA m corLty t js ckkisimas I 'j j
V TtiK.i i'i I I iaxad aUags. 1I $60. .fi 4
K-liVMfeMt4t ,r as wry la ..a p
Omaha's Handsomest
Jewelry Establishment
('day, Dee.
You Are Urged to Attend
The- invitation Is
Brown Co.'a Jewelry
cordial; the management of C. B.
establishment wants you, wants
your friends, wants your acquaintances to Inspect these
newer, grander quarters on Saturday, December 5th; the
first formal day in a palatial new room. There'll be
music; there'll bo souvenirs; there will be a first view of
fixtures, fittings and accessories that will cause many
"Oh'a" and "Ah'g." You aa well aa Brown's will feel
proud of THIS Jewelry house.
Stocks Are Truly Superb
This stock of Jewels, diamonds, clocks, watches, art
novelties, and the like, that has been gathered for this
newer store, is no ordinary one by any means; you'll
echo this opinion; you'll repeat your impression to
friends and interested ones. Omaha has long needed a
store and stock of a select nature and It's here. From
now on you will associate the new United States National
Bank Building with "Brown's" and "Brown's" with every
thing that is cultured, beautiful and meritorious In tho
way of Jewels and the like.
Xmas Trade Is in Order
Choose Christmas gifts bow from this large, new and
entirely exclusive stock; have goods laid aside If you
wish; have them engraved handsomely and boxed Indi
vidually, as you have grown to expect of "Brown's."
iD)o O
Jewelers, Silversmiths,
Watch and Diamond Merchants
"The Hall Mark Store"
New U. 5 National Bank Bldg.,
.N W. Cor. 16th and Farnam
3 Dolls for This Week
We have decided to give two more dolls for second
and third prizes, so that if you fail to get the first one,
you still have a chance to get one of the smaller dolls.
They are very sweet and pretty, too, and will please you,
but, of course, you would not expect them to be as big
and beautiful as Priciila, who is for the little girl that
brings in the most pictures.
Priciila is just too beautiful for words to describe.
You must come and see her.
' 5t
, ' ' ' ' .
f t t ' ' :
, J . ""-i
" " ' ' n
rrieUla wiU be givam rr
to tn little girl, mail ex IS
years of age, that Bring r
mall aa ta largest aanber
of doll's plotve oat rat of
the Dally sad Soaday Be
before a p. as. Saturday,
December 8,
Iler picture will be in
The Bee every day this
week. Cut them all out
and ask your friends to
save the pictures in their
paper for you, too. See
how many pictures of Pri
ciila you can get, and be
sure to turn them in to
Tho Bee office before 4 p.
rn., Saturday, December 5.
w If yon don't win this Dollle,
perhaps you can get one next
week. Only one doll will bo
given to any one person.
You can sec
at the Bee Office.