THE IWK: OMAHA, THTKSDAY. DKrKMP.KU ?. l!1 . 11 ron iikxt Apartments d Flats. Athlone 4.Room Apartment All larc room, finished In light oak: close In. at 2th and Doualas; 4G winter. 140 fiimmcr. Dotiarlas fW. Peters Trust Co. FIX moma tn the DoukIss. nt S. 2t Ave.; haa aun parlor, beautifully deco rated, close, tn; no car fare; very choice, 4 year around. HASTIN1S HETDKN. 1614 Harney ft. ron riK xt fr-R modern flat. 230a 8. 24lh; $22. Harney 4711. Ihona Rental Service Free We can save you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We din tell you ht house and apartment each real estate Office has for rent Phone us, IXnigla CSS. Fl letlty Ftorag-e and Van Co. 4-ROOM flat; Marcy St bath; water paid. IIS. 2613 Gordon Van Co. SS III N. 11th St. Rtoraxe. Phon D 394 or Web. 1S. .-It. ONK-rfTOKY BK1CKJS, $12. Part mod., no children. Hef. R. 4M2. HKVKN moms, ill? N. Pith; nicely 4or atrd: the cheapest rent In the city: $.T2.5n winter; ti". aummer, which Include heat, water and Janitor scrvlc. HAffPlNtlS HKYPBN, 11 4 Harney Rt Furnished Apartment. IN THE MAKWOOP. 7-lvlnK room, kitchenette and bath. New fumed oak furniture complete. Linen and beddinir all new, l H KRNKST SWKET, Office. Jf.ll llHrney. Dotiirlns 1472. Hoard and Rooms. Four or five ymtnn men ran find a (rood home In best of surround ings, near Karnam St.. west. Com fortable, cona-enlal. ood tlilnxa to eat. Telephone llarrey 49M. 8. 19th, 61S Exc, board, clean room. FnVnlshed Honsea. MODERN furnished house, 1218 N. flth St.. South Omaha. Phone South 10KL References required. Farnam 40th Line JS"2 Cass, 8-r. square. hlh Rrounl. 4.V Burt S-r., hot water heat. North Side One block North S4th line -r . all mod ern. 127. SO. Close In R-r. heated. S W. ?4th and California, $.16. 8-r.. south half double brick, t.oO. k.r "n Kimih :mth. 125. 8-r., P13 ChlcaBo, roomers, M. O'Kfofe Ileal Estate IV., m:ii xokth nidk 1018 Omaha Nafl. Poll West Farnam r.xs. SIX ROOMS. All modern; beautiful mahogany and enamel finish: sleefilnif porch. 8112 laveiiiMrt at. PICTKH TRUST COMPANY. lfc'2 Farnam St. Phone Douprlaa S9H. $200 -TO $250 S1X-KOOM house. Doug-las 124. 2110 Harney St. Call 4031 CIIAHLKH ST.. a fine 8-room, com pletely modern house and bain. t:'j. Owner at house to show you through. Also furniture for rate. Chance to secure a ha re In See today. t'P-TD-DATK, 5-r. house, Turnace, bath, toilet, lavatory and shades; Rood con dition: a bargain, $1$ per month. 2419 S. 24th St Field Club District Remarkably low rent for a beautiful seven-room, all modern home at ,"s l"op pleton Ave. Only HO a month. Peters Trust Co. 1622 Farnam St. RMS 111. modern except Hurdette St. heat. Pqug. JHl $11. Web! Foralsbed Rooms. FI'RN1SI?KP room 718 N. ISth 8t FURN steam rooms by day heat: $1.60 up. wk.; 6. 17. modern; D. FUltNlSHED room for rent, near Craign ton university, phone Pouee 728.. 6 S. 29TH Furnished family. Hatney 4X8. room, private PF.SIRA BL.K modern heated room, 131 N. 31st Ave. MOP. furn. rooms In private home, suit able for two people. VVal. 146S. 4201 Cum. furn. room, ither roomers. H. family of two, no ?4. 1S41 S. Xlst Bt. Unfurnished Rooms. or 4 rms., (tas water. 107 N. 12. Cheap, Hotels and Apartment. CALIFORNIA Hotel, ICth and Caliromla Weekly rates $2 and up. Iwt.n 7'j83. OCUF.N HOTEL, Council Biuffs, stcara heated rooms, $2 per week Phone 64. DODGE HOTEI- Modern Reasonable. Honsea nnd otta-ea. FOR R K N'T. JW.OO PKK MONTH. f!oaulirvil, all-modern a-room house, hot water hent. shade trees, nice lawn,. On beautiful high terrace. Right on car line. Be sure to see this. BANKKRH BRAhTT INVESTMENT COMPANY. Oround Floor. Bee Bids., Telephone Douglas 2926 In daytime. Call Walnut 6f2 after R o'clock evening. FOR KENT v $22.50 Per Month A beautiful 5-room bungalow, nil modern, conveniently- arranged throughout. Beautiful location, , block to car line; cement walks, shade trees. Will he plensed to show you this house today if you will call us by phone. Bankers Konlty Investment Company. Ground Floor, Bee Building. Telephone DouKlas 202K in daytime. Call Walnut W2 after 6 p. in. SMAIJj barn, suitable for garage; $4 per montn; Mb and Dodge. 1'iione itcu 6'.'4i. . Halls. HALL For Rent-Hiblcrs, Leavenworth Sta. 4ith and WANTED TO BUY OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 1BU7 Farnan.. Doug. 6146. WE HL'f sd-hand clo'hes. Uil N. 24th. SLIilHTLY used pianos. Webster Si26. WANTED-A buyer for an old established real estate office and large insurance business, one of the best In central Iowa. located in a city of 6,om population, do lug a large farm, city and insurance bust. nesa. If interested don't delay; but come and Investigate it you want a bargain. Addros Y 294. Bee. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET War is Proving ft Bull Help to the Wheat Market. HEAVY RUN HOLDS THE PRICES Attempts tn not quotations Are Precluded by Heavy flerelnta at Primary Points Over Kntlre 4 antry. $5 Down, $5 Month No" Interest nnd No Taxes for Two Years Located in north part of Omaha, one block from paved street and car line, 20 minute from Farnam St. Sale start within a few days. Reservations can be made today. A few good bu sines lots on paved street and car line. 40 lota to be selected from. Call Douglas 4 233 for full In formation, and for maps and price lists. These lots will sell quickly. Shuler & Cary, 22 4 STATE BANK IHJXJ. ILEAL ESTATK PARS! HANClt LANDS FOR S ALB lows. HAVlNti decided to locate elsewhere we are offering a live real estate offl-e and' iniurance business for eaie, located in central J own. We also have two modern equipped f ive-pascner 40 h. p. aulumo Irnca in fli Hl-ciuaa condition and real es tate which we would like to turn with the business. Can sultaoie terms to rlKht purty. Frlce .),U)l) Address Y. 283. B. Kanaaa. liO ACRU well Improved, near Kansas city; nouse or k rooms; i.atural aas, burn and other outbuilainns; nice orchaid. lb aut- uimtr cuuivtaiioii, il Hciea ai talfa: balance pasture; will exchange for Omaha income. Vv. T. SMITH CO., I'. 2S13. 111S city National Bank. STOP BAV1NCJ KENT. Buy this 4-room cottac, city water, electric liffht; corner lot. south and east front, on boulevard. Price, $1.AK. Terms, JH cash, balance 15 per month, ter cent Interest. House vacant. Immediate possession. S. P. BOSTWICK & BON, Sole Aa-ents, Tyler 150fl. J0 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Fine modern residence, 6 rooms and bath, sleeping porch; garage, at 4110 Florence Blvd. For particulars all WfbsU-r S0. (.ROOM modern house, except furnace. 2101 Miami it. AppU; J. 1. KEMP, UOUOLAS 6313. K1VE-UOOM house with bath, beet con dition. 118.00: 8i S. 21st. Harney 270o. SEVEN rooms, 4160 Uavenport. Cloee to Farnam lines Vacant Jan. L Beat reai dence district.- Walnut 2fft. 7-R house, mod., suitable for two fami lies. D. &. ALL. aixea. 3 perrnoath up. 607 Paxton. NICfi 6-room "fiat, newly papered and painted; bath, gas. hot and cold water, electric light; US 5r month. llb-18 Lea enworth. , . leganl 8-room modern brick apart .nent. newly decorated. M per month. 844 8 Modern Woora detached dwelling; oak flniah. beautiful yard, newly decorated; IM per month. 102a b. 2Wh St. Nice little 6-rooro, oottage; bath, toilet, electrto light, 116 per month. to Vinton 8tlegant s-room house, 30 per month. 112) 8. tb AC 6-room cottage, 2044 Vinton, gas. elec i io light, hot and cold water; lnalda tullat. J. C. ISII, Executor, 703 9 31st Ave. Phone Harney 243. v I K rooms, steam hca Burt St. Uuuglaa 169it t, thermostat, 121 Montana. KENTEItH and homeseekers use youi Carey r.ght and secure a Montana farm now. i30 you realise that farm product will command extremely high prices dur ing the next few years? This Is your op portunity to get started on a farm of youT own. The. Vatier lands produce from 31 to 65 bushels wheat, W) to 100 of oaU, 40 to iO bushels barley, 4 to 4 tons alfalfa pei acre. Lot us send you booklet and tell you ho easy it is to get started. Vul.ei Farm fcales Company. Box 3o. Valler Mont. ' Nebraska. Elk City. Douglas Co. S-0 horses; Uj ..illlil;,! ... ....... ... i u house; barn lor lo nea.i small hamow. 6 tons: new irrsn. ary; new chicken house; good well. Tula is fine laying land, A-l soil. 3 or 4 acres alfalia; not a toot of waste land on It: within three miles of three towns, south east of Elk City, near Military road. The lay of the land and crops will show for themselves. Let me show it. To see it Is to believe. It is an Ideal -neck of the wooda" to be tn. and you cannot beat It In (.hat neck. ACT AT ONCE. This means you, who Is a llttie bit, or decidedly choice. Bring wife with you. PKK'E REDL-CED TO 1139 per acre for Imme diate sale; $720 cash, 15.400 more March 1 balance 6 years at 6 per cent. OR1N S. MERRILL CO.. N. K. Cor. 23d and M, South Omaha. o WHY PAY HUNT When Your Hont Money Can He Pnyinfr for a Home? We have two beautiful R-rooni, all moilcr" bunualows thoroughly modern and very substantially built, which we will sell on very easv terms. $? AN1 M PKR MONTH. Will pay all mov'ng expenses for those who will ninkn JlOrl cash payments. These houses are beautifully finished with oak In principal minis. Kitchen cabinet built In kitchen and all other ap pointments conveniently nrranRed. Both houses are In excellent locations only two blocks to school and two blocks to ear line Telephone Douglas IW'-'t any time today and will nrraiiKn to show you these houses. HAT-NPKRS COMPANY. 1215-1 W. O. W. BldK. ('all Webster 4771 after S;S p. in. "$2"Month Rente either of these two R-rooin. .ill modern bungalows. They arc brand m-w. Principal rooms In oak and have all of the mo.lern conveniences. The lots are laiKe. All new houses In the neighborhood, and are within walk ing distance of churches. They ure only two blocks from car line. Call t's about this today. f A I'NDF.RS COMPANY. U'15-IK W. O. i W. Bl.lg Thone IioiikIhs :22 In the day time; WchMer 4771 after 6 M p. 111. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK 150 CA8H, BALANCE 115 PUR MONTH. Five-loom cottage, all In first-class condition; all new plumbing; modern cert heat; Z blocks to car; cement walk nice snade. price. It sold this week only $1,600. THE VOC1EL REALTY AGENCY, ,1015-lti W. O. W. Bldg. Phones boiiKla 3u!U or South 2S1. OMAHA. lec. 1!;4 The war proved a bull help to the wheal maiket ett.-r,lay. Besides the laklm: of the cash artt I In all positions nearlv l.OOO.nm bush. Is w as ubsorhrd by ti'e Kockelelier foundation for the relief of Belgium. tf this fA.) buslx ls or more wei-e at Bufnil.i snd (he balance wa taken at t'lihaao and will u- mII tall in the Atlantic coast, from where It will lie shippe.i to KelKium and else hen'. The wheat market Is in a stronger position than for some weeks. A drawoack to any big bull movement at the present time has been the heavv run of wheat In the wtcrn markets, the receipts yesterday amounting to .i bushels, which was more than 7,u bushels In excess of the corresponding day last year 1 he deliveries of wheat on 1 ecember contracts; yesterday amounted to isn'.oiv bushels. While this wheat was sent around on contract by some of the stronger houses. It was also taken In and paid lor by strong bands. Corn for December delivery was some what stronger and was as much as lc higher at one time during the day, but the close was only Ne better, while May was unchanged In price, a.s compared with the rest In spot of Monday. De liveries on December contiacta. 11". trnO bushels. Weather conditions .insettled with some snow. t'ommlnslon houses were sellers on the hard spots The east ern call for corn was reported as better with sales of 2!i).i bii-diela. Oats closed Slc higher, fol'nwlng a weak opening IVIIvrrlcs on December contracts. l,iin.iw bushels. The restore of the day was the heavy changing of hedges by earrlria from Ieceniter to Mi). Wheat was V higher. Coin was 'c higher oats were iiuelianued to Milter I'learames of wheit and flour were eiitial to,.0iv bushels, corn, SO H bnsli els, onts. ti'.lHI blisliels At l,iervol opened 'd hlnlor. corn. ,1 higher I'llmarv wheat receipts were I.f.4-',oii0 bn.-l els and shipments '.'..'i" i bushels, against receli'ts of l.;v,nn bushels and shliMiients of l.Vvl huehels last vesr I 1'ilmary corn receipts were '-. .ftl.i'0 j I Misliels and shipments ;, ii mtsiieis. jnwulrst receipts o! hoi 0m biwhels. and shipments of 4!! xii Inishets lani year Prlman1 oats receipts were l.i7 il bushels and shlinneiits W.'iM In sliels. agnlnst receipts of 412 Ovi hnshels and shipments of NM.nmt bushels last year. CARLOT RKCKll'TS W heat Corn. Oats. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fat Cattle Very Slow and Lower, with FeedeTi Steady. HOGS FIVE TO FIFTEEN LOWER Fat heep Slew Krllers at Prtces that Were Weak t Tea teats I. oner l.amha Tea to fifteen Off. ...S'2 ...237 ... W . . 1 It . . .1 If. ...2X1 54 S5 M KK.W, KSTATK WEST SIDE Cathedral District 3 Lots 2 Corners Price $750 to $850 Paved Street, ' Paving Paid located on 41st Ave., between Page and Iurt Kts. These are the best values l Ing offered In tho west end of town, when you take Into consideration sewer, stater, gas, sidewalks; paving all in and paid for. No additional expense for special taxes. Wo will arrange terms on these lots, or you may pay down IfifW to Irion and we will build you a home to order. This Is vour opportunity to get a home In the cathedral district and within one block of the Farnam car line at a bargain. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nat l Hank Mldg. Chicago S2 R'2 17 Minneapolis Dulutti .. Omaha Kansas tMty St l.ouls Winnipeg Sales reported today: Wheat No 2 hard winter: 3 cars. II. W; cars, fl OkS. No. 3 hard winter I car, fl t. 1 car. l.n; .S i-ars, II OS. No. 4 hard winter: 1 ear. II OS1. No. 4 spring. 1 car. II .uv No. 3 tnlxed: 1 ear. II. 0s. No. .1 durum: 2 cars. II IS. Rve-No. 2: I enr, II .'S Parley No. 4 malting- I car, 3c. Corn -No. 2 white: 2 ears, feHe. No I yellow. 3 cars, Wtte. No. 3 yellow: I cars. WV. No. a mixed: i cars, 6SVc; 1 car. 5M Niv 3 mixed: 1 car, near white, old. 5Si'; ears, near white. fsV,c; 4 cars, .Vic: 1 car. r.7c. No. f mixed: 1 car. 57c; 3 cars. 67ve. No. mixed: 1 car. o7ltc. Sample: I car, mixed. 1.7'v. Oats -Standard : I car. 4.".c: 2 cars, 4".l-. No. 3 while: 9 cars, 4.".e. No 4 while; 3 tars, 44c. No grade. 1 car. 44'c. Omaha fash Prices beat : No. t hard, HiV(il"P: No 3 hard. l Wl 'Mn: No 4 bard. I l.0i I Ortv,; No 2 spring. II Osil.oCS; No. S spring. 11.07111 No 4 siulng.'iil.Uii So, 2 durum, tl.lVii l.lS's; No. 3 duriun, 1 17'ifl 1. -orn: No. 1 while, S.v'v'ii:vS,c: No. 2 white. HSVffoi'c; No 3 white, WW rV: N". white, 57'iHe; No 5 white. r.7t.,.?a..- No uliltiv .'wri.MWo: No. 1 vellow, 5V(''i,: N,v - ycHow. tX-,it 6S'io: No il yellow. riMiWt.c: No 4 yel low. rVSmhsV-c; No. 6 yellow, ti7VcfiRe ! No t yellow, 5,',(ie7c; No. I mixed, SMsc; No f mixed, 5S'(f.Vi V : No. J mixed, 57'iiSV4c ; No. 4 mixed. rVTHW hr: No. 5 mixed, l7Mrtifr;V: No. t mixed, 67uri7We. oats: No. 2 white. 44 ftMIio; standard. 4f.Vn-6c; No. 3 while, tfuuHfiVtc; No. 4 white, 44ii44r. Parley: Malting, SiMiffOc: No. I feed, 4Xit(i8c Rye: No. 3. 1.02. 1.02W; No 3, f 1.01(1 1.02. t IIU Afitl 4;llAI A3SII PHOVI9IOW9 Receipts wete: t'lMelal Mon. lav Official Tuesday ... Estimate Wednesday tiMAHA. Dee. 2. 1IU4. Cattle, lloga Sheep e.tnis 13.7 ii.i4 .4I 20.77H ls.l . ."'OO 10,H) 1 bull 1 R M 1 st. cow. .1170 5M 8. 1. Murdock wyo. 1" feeders.. W3 7 M 2 steers. ...1W t cows l;i 3 " cows M W VOMINO f13 60 ma r no 4 HT. s K 7 S 2T f t 7 M I ft oo Ml le2 1IIMI 2 hel'ers 3 steers.. cow s. .. 1 cows. .. 22 cows .. IX st k l v 4?t 12 cows IS feeders... S.""i 22 cow s IS r cow '773 11 steers 10 7 cows 1 1ST 7 cows S21 19 cow a prtfi 15 sfk cfvg 324 It cows fstl 4 rows HCW) feeders... Hfi 29 cows 77. 16 cows W4 Three davs" totals ...M.S39 43.417 .; Same days last week. .12.122 2.3"3 3f..7 ame 2 weeks aao 477 .444 m.5' Same 3 weeks ago 1M4 W.737 42,os Same 4 weeks aao 14.4NH 12.0V4 42,7.i fmf days last year...!6.0W 27.:tSJ 42.IW The following table sViows the receipts a? catlle, hogs and sheep at the South Omnha live slock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: 1914 1913 Dec Cattle KM. 224 M0.MS 3M4 Hogs to2JW. ,34i.312 ?a.92 Sheep J,S2.I4'. 3,X,72 Ju.MI The following table ahows th eaverag" price for hogs at the Koiith Omaha live sioek market for the lai-t few da s. with comparisons : l-4!H, UK All KSTATK SOl'Tll SIIK Hanscom Park District Only S3V1 cash, kaJunce monthly. 6-room modern home, ljirge living room, with fireplace, oak finish: dining room and hall white enamel. lrge convenient kitchen. Full baaement, with plaster-d ceiling. Furnace heat. Three bedrooms nnd tiled bath second floor I.rge lot. Mix 127 ft., witli alley and garago In rear. I'wtst front and paved street. Low price of 3,7f0. Owner leaving city. g I George & Company Features of the Trading anil Closing rices nn Hoard of Trade. CHIC AOO, Doe. 2. Hulls had tho ad vantage In the wheat market today, ow ing to a strong foreign demand ax-om-liauled bv reports that Australia would Date. Nov. Nov. Nov, Nov Nov. Nov. N v. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. I ec. I ler. 1914. W13. 1912. ,um. ',l!0.il9-llW. 141 V 701-1 7 74; 7 R t 1M 7 74 1&' f 6 7 9t i t Ml t 7 IP 7 HI I I 7 931 8I 7 34. 7 Ii 7 7 83 6 331 7 4 7 93 ll 7 2!'W 7 7 THi t 7 JSl 7 99 191 7 s:tS. 7 tw 7 71 7 201 7 94 i 7 44N.I 7 711 7 73! Ifil 7 ts'n 21 i 7 7 9I 7 7li. 131 7 90 22 7 &7 7 0' IS 6 H9I 7 W & 64 5 M 6 70 5 69 6 U 7 Kl 7 ; H 17 6 70 6 i 00 7 7 iW! 'l. 7 fit I I 241 SS I i 41 7 47 S 98 I (H f5! I 7 4SI I 121 I 04 ii i . 7 i- a no 99; ? r.i r till a in 7 n:l x 09 30! 7 .Si4, I 7 70 I 7 (Mi I U 6 1 I H t v 7 ! 7 741 041 7 a?! 7 72 2 : i Ki 7 W 7 r.7 Oil 7 13 M Oil 5 ' 6 6i 6 ( Sunday. Holiday. . . lteceipts and oisiaisltlon of live stocK st tho Cnlon stock yards, Houth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at I o clock yesterday: nECEIPTS-CAR9. c. m. & st. r Wabash J .Missouri Pacific Cnlon Pacific 29 C, & N. W., east... 17 CAN. W.. west.. 34 C, St. P., M. O.. 11 C., H. A Q , east.... C, H. & y.. west.. 43 C., II. I. ft. P., east. 11 C, 11. I. ft. P.. west. 1 Illinois Central .... S Chi. Oreat Western S Total receipts.. ..173 Co.. Armour & Co.. J. W. Murphv.... Unroln Packing W. V. Vent Sant Co... Henton, Vansunt ft I. Hill Mon.... VH.iiaoin inr nisiii. w . 91 hand that rTance W bualnls und Hoi- V $100 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT Six-room cottage, combination light fix tures, hot water heat, bath, nice large corner lot, good barn, cement walks, ce ment cellar, good cistern, nice shade. You should see this todav. THE VCK3KL REALTY AGKNCY. 1(115-1(1 W. O. W. Pldtf. Thnnes Douglas Bffll or Houth 291(1. 902 City National Rank Phone Douglas 7M. Bldg. FOR SALB-Best large body high-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley. Wol bach. Neb. . Texas. FOR SALE To close an estate; 100 acres In Rio Grande valley. 4 milea from Mercedes, Texas. All under culti vation. For price and terma write The Minnesota Land ft Trust Co.. 405 Mar. quette Ave., Minneapolis, Minn M tseellaneoas. WH guarantee bargain In stock farms and ranches. Write Willis Cadwell Broken Bow. Neb. The Bargain Man. WlMnns, Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and genera) crop state In th anion; settlors wanted; lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant KtaU acres wanted. Writ about our grazing lands. If interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Addreos Land Dept.. So Line Ky., Minneapolis. Minn. The most desirable employers advertise In The Bee's "Help Wanted" column. ABSTRACTS UP TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abb tract Co., a modern abstract office. M tt. 17th 8t Phone Douglas lAel. FOR RENT Modern s-rcajm houae. 206 8 36th Ave. Inquire T. J. O Brlen. Henshaw Hotel. Harney 1094, Douglas 121ft. llmmoii n all parts . of the city. ;relgh Sons Co . Bee building. a5 if Van and Stor- MratTtTarn C age Co. Large per hr. ; uiay. Vebster. Doug. men. 14tti. van. i men, i tw 1. Ji per hr. 1713 CHEAPEST KICNT IN OMAHA. . Four rooms and bath, modern except heat, southwest corner guth and Jackson, 315. Best location, fine neighborhood. Also have 10-room house, fine location for rooming house; 10 rooms, all newly Painted and decorated: for a short time we are offering this at 137.60 a month In order to secure a ftrst-claas tensnt. .1 A. ABBOTT. Call Douglas ". o Co., moving ng ft storage rnara. D. il6. J.C. Reed Globe Van&Storage Stores, inoces, packs, ships; l-borae van ed 3 men. Il ia per hr. ; storage 12 per I. o. Satisfactory guar. D. 4338 at Ty. fcTEAM heat, also 4-room sll modern, 7-roorn houae; flat. s) No. S3d. FOIt KENT We bare a complete list of all House, spartmeiit and flats that are for reot. This liat can be see (re of charge at omaha Van ft titorag Co . sug A. ;th at. Fidelity Storage Co btorag. moving, packing and shipping. ICth ft Jackson 81a Phone Douglaa Ifca t-ROOM. all modern; furnaoe, alevUt lighL XII N. anh St. ULatt. Rfc.lDD Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice la Nebraaaa. 20t BiaudeLs Theater. HEAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE WILL trade 1.920 acres near Jialgler, Neb., for Red River valley or northern land Andrus. 330 Endlcott Bldg.. tit, Paul, Minn. o 320 ACRES well Improved fiaunders county gently rolling hard land. Owner will consider SO or 120 Improved land and carry balance. No cash required. This la gilt edge proposition. F. C. Terry, Fremont. Neb. o. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans, i. per cent. i, H. Dumont ft C0..I60J Farnam, Omaha. WANTED City loans. Petere Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farm. O'KEEFE REAL EaTATaJ CO., 101 Omaha Natl. Douglas 1716. HARKlbON ft MORTON. U Ora. NatL WTD Farm loans Kloks lnv.Co. Omaha (JAKVLN BROS Loan. Iio0 and up. WANTaltV-CUy loan and warrant. W. Farnara 8nlth ft Oo . 1220 Farnam. CITT Properly- Large H. Thomas. Z Stat W. loaus a specialty. Bank Bldg. IluO to llO.uuu made promptly. F. D. W wead Biag, mtn sod rarnm Bt. ET on hand for city and farm loan. H. W. Binder. City NatL Bank Bldg. 6 CITY LOANS. BemU-Carluerg Co., I16-IU Braadeia Theater BI4g. SEE u first it you want a farm loaa. United fetal Trust Co. OnaU. Nea. FINE VIEW-PURE AIR Are two very essential features In buy ing a home. We have a dandy 7-room brand new modern house near .TUh and Fowler Ave. Price reduced to 13.7W. Easy payments. PAYNM INVESTMENT COMPAVV Doug. 17S1. v'aro Bloiik. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE Farnam Street New Home On lop of the hill, between 4Slh and 49th, we have a special snap 'In a beauti ful 7-room, entirely modern houae, situ ated on one of the most sightly lots ln4 Dundee, with a beautiful view in all di rections. With the opening of Farnam street from 49th to Elmwood Park, this Is going to make a beautiful residence section. This house is only two blocks from car line and only 30 Mocks from the Omaha City Hall. The lot Is 60x160 feet and the house modern and up-to-date In very respect. Has big living room with fire place and beamed ceilings, paneled dining room, den and kitchen on first floor, S large bedrooms with extra large closets on second floor, bath room with tile floor and fine plumbing fixture. The lighting fixtures are the latest, th dee orations are fine. Screens for all win dows and doors and screened porch. Tli yard Is sodded and the cement walks are tn. Beautiful oak finish and oak floors throughout. ThU property Is worth 16,000. There Is first mortgage of 13,000 payable at 131.50 month. The owner Is asking 12.2M) coah for his equity. Must be sold this week. Come out and look It over. Cliarles W. Martin & Co., Tyler 187. 74! Omaha Nat I. Bank Bldg . Creighton's First 7 Rooms $3,750 Just south of Hanscom Park, on 81st St. Practically new and one of the heat 2-story square houses In this fine dis trict. Oak woodwork and floors. Paved street, with paving paid. This la a real snap and should sell on sight. Armstrong-Walsh Co., Tyler 13.TK, State Hank Bldg. SOUTH SIDE BUNGALOW BARGAIN Brand new and up-to-date In every way, containing six large living rooms and bath, three of which are finished in oak; oak floor throughout: handsome lighting fixtures, window shades and screens. Corner lot. Streets paved. For quick sale, 3,7T)0. Easy terma, or lot taken a first pavment. RASP BROS.. 106 McCague Bldg. Phone Douglas !Si3. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS A NEW HOME, ROOMS, MODERN, 2855 MIAMI, $2,250 W0 CASH $20 A MONTH Full cellar: stairway to attic. An at tractive little home; best of plumbing fixturea to be aeiected by purchaser; cnie to school, stores Hnd car lint. HAKTJNOS ft H KY DION, 1614 Harney Ht. $2,500 Rents $30 Store building and cottage, close In; paved street; good tenant Pays better than 10 per cent net, and worth 13,000. Glover & Spain lll City Nat l. Doug. 39..2. YOU CAN START IiUVINO A HOME OF YOUR OWN PAY t0 TO 40 CASH AND 130 TO MONTHLY. 140 We have four new thoroughly modern homes a. 6 and 7 rooms, bungalow and cottage styles that we will sell on the above term These house have never been occupleV. They are in a beautiful residence section, none over two blocks from car line, arid have every modorn convenience. Koine have oak finish in principal rooms with oak colonnade openings beam ceilings window seals, etc. If you will see these houses you will realize that it U foolUh to pay rent when you can make your rent money pay fur one of these beautiful new home. We will be pleased to show you these hous If you will phon us today, (.'all Douglas 3622. SAUNDERS COMPANY, Call 1216-16 W. O. W. Bldg. Webster 4771 after 6:30 p. tn. BFtrT HOUMJO BARGAIN IN OMAHA. New t-roum modarn bungalow; lewy Ave. and 31st 8L; west Farnata district, only 13.400 W. R. HOM AN. 311 Board of Trade. Be Want Ads Boosters. r tU lxtfl Bualne IF you want a good home, 8 rooms, modern, at right price and fine lo cation, we have It. $300 down will buy It. Balance name as rent. W. T. SMITH CO. D. 2819. 1112 City National Bank. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Make Money In Real Estate 5 Acres Improved Right In the direction Benson Is grow ing. West of Fontenel-e Park. An ex tension of the stieet car west on Ames or (lnr.i.1 Ave., or north from Krug park, which extension will lave to be made soon, alll matte city lots OJt or this trait. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 114 Harney St. REAlTe.STATE INVESTMENT!"4 1 t limiort unit that offerings to Kuroim from Argentina were scarce. The market dosed at the saJite as lust night to c advance. I oin fitiislied Morris Co. r up. oata uncluinged to o ott. ami Hw t an(J Cumpany., proMainna varying irom ueimm iu jcudahy Packing Co rise oi i - 'tT . in mini announcement that the yield of wheat In Australia would be I,ui,iaM bushels short of home reiiutrenionta gave buxTB here vncouragement from thu sliirt, as that country na a rule has a ItiuiilHoiiin surplus available for export. Kalimatcs were also a would rciiulro land 2..mtl,i0 bushels. Admissions from Liverpool that offer ings from Argentina were proving scanty counted likewise in favor of the bulls. Besides, receipts ill domestic points showed a notable falling off. Dlftlcultles In obtaining a sufficient number of vessels for Immediate sailing tended to cause something of a reac tion In the wheat market during the last, part of tho day. December delivery ex hibited the effect most plainly. Iat quo tations showed the Influence, too, of pro dictions that rather liberal receipt a wouid continue to lie the rule In the northwest. Shutting off of sales from producer and some increase in the exort and do mestic demand lifted the price of corn. Adverse weather cut a good deal of fig ure, and so, too, did reports that stocks at nil points east were light. Outs first burdened with other cereals, but after- wnrds liquidating soles In the December option formed the chief element of In terest. C'axh demand was only fair. Short were active buyers In the pro vision pit. The motive was a belief that the severe break which took place to ilv In hog values would cause a de eded curtailment of receipts. Provisions shorts, attempting to cover, fou-ff the maiket bare of sellers. As a result prices roon took a sudden bulge, regardless of lower quotations for hogs. Artlclefopen.7 HlghT Low. I Close ! Ves'yi 13 2 4 ii ii 11 6 S4 1 a 7 1K 3 11 3 K b i 10 I I 124 46 1 1 1 s PO!4 1TION H EA TX Catli. Itogs. nnerp. Wheatl Dee.. May Corn I eo.. May Oats I 1 oC. May. Pork Jan.. May. Lard Jan.. Mav. Ribs Jan.. I May. I 1 US 1 20S! I 4! 4H4! 63WI 13 no 18 25 80 9 fi I 74l ft K2Vt! i ir4 1 21M B4'l 4SI IS IB IS 474 1 14 1 2' i 3 1 4741 5211 24l 9 87'V 74l 10 00 I 1 !C IS 60 9 S6 24 9 K2V 1 14SI 1 Zl,.' SI 6041 I 47 G2l 18 024 IS 35 AO I 87HI 4 9 95 1 14S i ai 4fii f2S is on is 4 10 9 774 M 9 H6 J. 11. Ilulla. Itosenslork llio McCreary Kellcgg.. Werthelmer A Degen.. II. K. Hamilton Sullivan Hros Rothschild Christie Hufiman Roth Meyers Itaker, Jones A Smith.. Tanner Bros John Harvey Kline Dennlson Other buyers .1.0.1 . 9M' . tX '. ii 17 . 170 . 171 . 2i . M t . I3 131 4.". 12 2i 7 Ii 33 7 46 14 S 7l 110 ill 6 44. l,l'.l 1.U 1..J4H 4.301 373 l.lil 4.m I.1H4 U.073 14.646 Totals A.030 I'ATTI.K The rattle trade here and at every other point la in extremely bad condition; In fact, conditions at all mar ket points are ' bordering on demoralisa tion. This is due to the excessively large re.vlpls that the country 'haa poured Into sll market points from the states that were formerly under quarantine. The market everywhere Is simply glutted with l . I I . . . I .. . . -II Lln.l. t 1. - t 1- ,MTI I nouns t n.un " i i . , , HJ . .. . . ,-.... and l,iirra. The rattle coming " Vyoming 7 m 9 75 7 2R to 5 10 A 44 hi ft m K no ft M 6 oO 4 90 HtxIS Receipt were much smaller till morning, only 13fi cars, or 9.noo head, be ing received. The total for the three dav Is 43.47 head, being 23 0m ,d larger than last week, and lK.OW head heavier than Inst year. While local receipt wr light, all other points reported heavy runs, and the trade opened out with prospects of an other bla break. Karly bids were around I 20- lower, anil first sales were IftrfMiV lower. Tbe mai'Kei moved along slowly on this basis for a while, but shipper were buying steadily, and a the hog be gan to thin out one or two of th killers found that thev Were going to get caught. This naturally livened things tip. and prices began to improve, so that on the close, which was by far the lest lime, a number of al"s were made which did not look to be over re lower. The market closed active, and In spite i.f a slow opening everything had been cleaned up liefore 11 o'clock. Better ar rangements have been made for handling; bogs from the quarantine districts, and with receipts so much lighter there waa none of the confusion that made yes terday's market so draggy. Hulk of the sales was made at MTTvfJ SKO and tops reached 17 "0, only a nickel below yesterday. Shipping dmand waa much letter this morning, and In view of the decrease In the supplv waa a real factor In the trade for the first tint this we.-k. Hepresentatlve sales: Ko A. t. Pt. No. A Mi. 1r. m......4M Ml 4 7fi M in .. llVi i m .. 4 7& 71 t 0 1 K V 144 . II 1 . as 74 VI 140 t M 7 114 SO f M H 7 . . 74 244 .. (. l j7 W IK a I7 .. t an PIUS. 74 Ill . Ill 8HKKI'- While a moderate run of sim 10.1100 heail of heep and lamb showed up, there was not much good stuff on sale. Ked western grades, principally from Iowa, predominated, and th re mainder of the receipts came from Idaho and Wyoming largely, the offer ings from Idaho being from the wheat fields, like some that were on the mar ket. on Tuesday. As usual, th propor tion of aged sheep waa light. The packer were alow buyers, again claiming pi Ice, asked by seller too high to meet their order A good many ell ers received no bids at all until well along low-ard the noon hour. Advices from out side points were again discouraging, and this, along with the fact that no right good killer were available, had a de- frrsstng Influence on tbe general trade, .ate In the forenoon a movement began with lamb selling on a basis of irpo lower than yeaterday, and aged sheep weak to a dime lower. The In-between grade of all kinds of killers were th hardest to dispose of, which resulted tn a very late clearance. The feeder situation remain llttl If ny different from the former day of the week, or from the close of last week, the Inquiry being still strong and active, absorbing th meager feeder supply at prices fully steady. A marked scarcity of sged leeder offerings feature th trade. Heceipt of the week to date total 40. AM head, against 3f.RK7 last week and 42.KA during th corresponding week a year ago. quotation on sheep and lambs: Mmlw, good to choice, IS3.ViiS.75, lambs, fair to good, $7 UXU :; feeders, good to choice,, tti HMfC 40; feeder, oommon. a.S0tl.S6; vearllnaa. rood to choice. I7.00a7 25; year-. lings, fair to good. .7Mi7(W; yearlings, feeders, tri.MKUtUO; wethers. good to choice. 5.7o"iiO; wethers, fair to good, I.'. hOdf..h6; wethers, feeders, 14 304) fHf.; ewes, good to choice, I4.tfc-xj6.00; ewes, fair to good, W.4044.66; we. feeders; 13.86 l(t 60. Hepresentatlve-Bales: 4 No. - . Av. 33 fed ewe 10S fi7 t nils 90 200 fed lamb 71 137 fed lamb 71 44 fed lambs 121 fed yearling 117 73 fed , yearling 120 43 fed lam ta A3 (M fed lamb 71 lambs W lamb M yearlings 9? yearlings 1IM lamb R4 303 Wyoming lamb 1047 Idaho lambs "4 10J fed ewes 123 tilt Wyoming ewe 99 232 Wyoming ewes 96 419 Idaho ewes 119 till Wyoming ewes 96 feeder Ikmns ei f-1 196 fed 214 fed 61 fed 11 fed 1 fed Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red, f1.144rl.lSTi; No. hard. II 14VWI .16'. -orn: No. 2 yellow, new, 64Wc; No. 3 yellow, new, K'iiimc. Oats: No. I white. 4S'if'4s4e; standard. SK41ic. Ky: o. t. ii.uxt. iiariey Timothy. 3.7fvu.6.40; clover, l2.0uti'14 60. Provisions: Pork. IH.bO; lard, IH.66; ribs, ta.12ff9.TS. Hl'TTKlt-Fteady; creamery, 24a3c. KG8 Steady; receipts. 4.K2S coses; at mark, case Included. 2iVrjC3c; ordinary firsts, 2V,i27c; firsts, 2Mj2!e. POTATOK8 Kay; receipts, 44 cars; Michigan and WUconaln, 30'uH4c; Minne sota. 3.V(rf4nc, lfU'LTKY Alive, hlglier; springs, lie; fowls, 10c, turkeys, J2Vc. Coffee Market. Ni:W YORK. Dec. 2 -t'OKKKlC-Afler opening steady at a di-illne of one point, the market for coffee futures turned eafy here today under trnde selling of the new July conl rail in the absence of any Important support. The close waa cony and from six to seventeen points net lower. Aside from the selling of July and some switching of December to May, there waa practically no business I ml Bales were reported of only VM hui;s. Closing December, 5.43c; January, fi.ic; February, 5.t-'lc; March, f..73c; April, 5 Kle: May. 6 HXe; June. 6.7V; .Inly, 6.60c; August, titine; September, ti.tiftc; O'-tnber, fi i's'; November, 6.84c. Spot coffee, stetily. Itlo No 7 Vc; Santos No. 4, 9Vrliic. :t and freight olfors were reported at IS.Wle to i;.2'M' for Itlo No. 7 and from aliout 3.45c to KMh- lur Santos No. 4. from the quarantined states can only tor slaughter at local packing houses or for shipment to packing houses at other points. This prevents feeder buyer from purchasing the half fat or warmed up corn fed steers and leaves mure cattle of that description than the packers have UHo for. Hence the unsatisfactory and aoml-demorallxed condition of the market noted above. The only remedy Is for ehlptiers to hold the rattle back In the country until the surplus let ha been cleaned up. To stop shipments to this point and turn them to Chicago or some other market will not help out In th slightest degree, a all market are In practically th same condition or wars than this. Feeding rattle and Mocker have been In fair demand and price on that kind of rattle were just about steady. Shippers from states formerly under quarantine must bear In mind that cattle from their territory cannot be sold a feeders, but must go lu packer for Im mediate slaughter. It would therefor mean heavv loss should anv atnek cnu 60ff77e. Seeds, j or feeder be sent lo market from any one of the states recenliy under Quar- .. .....5 Sit; Idaho feeder lambs... 23J Wyoming feeder lamb. 134 Wyoming yearling .... 1st Wyoming yearlings 1S9 Wyoming ewe lm W yomlng ewe 211 culls 1HM Wyoming lamb 163 Wyoming lamb , 299 Nebraska feeder lamos. M. I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern houae recently purchased by me. This house Is located In the West Karuam district, one block from Leavenworth car and four blocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, while enamel bath, sleeping porch, beautiful lawn. Yuu can buy this house at a big sacrifice. Address. M 213 Dee, or after p. m. phon Webster 6149. REAL EHTATB WANTED WE HAVE CT8TOMKRS for houses of 6 and 7 rooms and up to ll.gOO. We would be pleased lo hear from parties wishing to sail. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 044 Brandela Bldg. Omaha, Neb. I 1IAVK 12.000 cash and clear Improved Irrigated farm, worth tOnO, to trade for 9-rouiu tuoden houae. west Karnaiu, Dun dee, Heinle Park duttrluL Phone Walnut I14T. I.onls live Mock Market. ST. I.OI IS Dee. 2. t'ATTLB-itceclpts ft. KKI head: market lower: native heef steers, It.fi0win.7fi; cows and heifers, "..00 4i'.2.'i: southern steer. ."i 76'u 7.76; cows and heifers, 1.xi(4j.u0; native calves, 6.oO mi""". HOUtf Receipts, 9.700 head: market lower; plga and llghta, 16. SOLVIT.; mixed and butchers,; good heavy. 17 00 7.n. HHKKP AND TAMHH Receipts, 1 9n0 head; market lower; native mutton. 14 75 if..ui; lambs. K.0ir,t9.j; yearllmca. LVojUJ 7.26. antlne, Killing cattle, that la, beef steers, cows and heifers, were 164? Ac lower than yes terday, or 251 doc lower than last week, with the trade slow at the decline. Quotations on cattle: Uuod to choice oornfed beeves, s.6nij1 60; fair to good cornfed beeves, 17.6011.60; common to fair enrnfed beeves, Ia.0tv7.60; good to choice range beeves, f7.i6io4t.4o; fair to good range beeves. 7.4ii7.75; common to fair range beeves, Iti.2iii7.40; good to choice heifers, 6.2fyr;7.0ti; good to choice rows, Vi.6tKu4i.2S; fair to good cows, I6.li0u6.60; common tn fair cows, II 6tk(r6.00; gool to choice stockers and feeder. 7.Zfi'i(7.76; fair to good stockers and feeders. fi.tOj " 26; common to fair Mockers and feed ers.; stock heifers, 14.7641.26; stock rows, 4.604f.60: stock calves, K 6ntf 8.36; veal calves, IX.twr.i 10.00; bulls, stags, etc., 6.fl(if3'7.00. Representative sales: PKKF STKKna No. Ar. I'r. No. Aw. I im 70 It i:m 17 w la is iu;j 10 IPO 7 40 K (M SIK -.RS AND II Ul KEhn. I CHICAGO LIVE BTOCK MARKET 4 4tle. steady to Lwr -HK Weak Sheep Weak. CHICAOO, Deo. i CATTLE Receipts. I9,0i head; market steady to 16c lower; native tecra. 5.iflo.l0; western, 6.26til 9.50: cow and heifer. 3.2fu.o; calves, I7,0.rl0.00. .... llLHJo rieceipra, iu.uw ncsu , mnrnvi. weak. mttly 26o lower; bulk of sale. M 70U4I.90; light. n.44iM.90; mixed. W Soo 7.10; heavy, IH.60u7.1(i; rough, 6.60ji6.iS; plga, .'1n0ti.60. 8HEKP AND LAM Bft Receipt, 16,000 head; market weak; 10c to 2fte lower; sheep. Vi.2o"flV26; yearlings, H3CK37.60; lambs. (6.6011 9.00. 1 i dloaz City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY, Dec. J. CATTLE Re- oelpts, 1,000 bead; market 10iyl6a lower; native steer,; Diucner. a itxcr I.UO: cows and heifers, f4.40ir6.20; cannera. H.OOfrA.OO; stockers and feeders, $5.oOHj.76; calves, I7.004tv.60; bulls, stags, etc, A.U 6.75. HOOK Re-eipt. 4.ZTO bean: market vx& 201-' lower; heavy, la.72mi4i.NO; mixed, W 7tl 4M..7'."; light, 6.WX(f.70; bulk of sale. til .vi. 7."i. SHKF.P AND liAMHfJ- Keeeipt, vn head: market 26c lower for lamb; ewe. I4.0ucu4.60; lumps, $6.50&.S. Pr. o u I ti .. II 47b rt IK "pot, Cotton Market. NKW YORK, Dec. 2.-4tJTTON oulet: middling upland. 1 Wx LIVKIll'OOL. Dec. i. 4 'OTTON Spot. In fair demand: Prices quiet: American middling fair. 6..T7.1; goisl midi'llng. 4 il loli'd Ing. 4 4od; low middling. 194d; good ord'nary, 3.24.1; ordinary, 2 7Jd; sales. 3.00J bales. The cotton market closed steady net 1 point higher on December, hut generally unchanged to 2 points lower. Dry Uoodi Market. NKW YORK, Dec. 2.-DRY Cotton goods Qoet Yarn dull. Worsted yarns very firm. Orders for 2.OU0.0U yards of overcoating and suiting for army use abroad havu been placed with domestl mills during the lost three days. Wool ry-product advanced sharply. Raak 4 Irarlsti, OMAHA, Dec. .-Hank clearings for Omaha UsJay were 14,111.713.31 and for the corresponding day last year, 13.734,-la67. 76 26 i X 36 00 M u eTltu 1 lo ilKIF7R8. "0 7 Ill lot W . M0 M t'ALV KH. 7S 1 1M I 71 t u STOCK KUK AND FKEDKRS. ., 7 4 4 v.... Ill 7. I am t m m itt WKSTEKNH. R. Kruger Nebraska. 14 feeder.. 969 6 75 1 slucker.. 640 14 stockers. I 75 2 heifers... 66$ 1 cow 70 4 78 Robert Johnson Wyoming. 169 feeder. 946 7 26 13 cow loU) 23 cows KM 6 90 36 cows 1114 1 bull lfr 6 16 1 stag 9H0 17 steers ...lil 7 10 Wallls Live Block Co. Wyoming. 9 heifers... 1KB 66 II cows 1128 160 6 60 I cow lli 6 60 60 1 cows ll.MJ 15 t Logan Wyoming. 7 US ll oow KK6 90 60 cows 10t i 73 Ia vidaon Wyoming. 7 So Durnell Colorado. 66 6 SO I bulls... W. H. Conner Wyo. 12 feeder.. 90 7 So 7 feeder. 7 cow.... 1 I fc. W. W. Ijuce Wyo. 19 feeder.. s'A T 60 t feeders. 4 heifer.. 10 S cow 960 I 76 6 canner. fc44 4 5u NKHRAbKA, 7 heifer... 9f7 t 10 1 bull... 90 steer. 7 10 It steer a 7 heller... tl stnexers. iv south DAKtyrA. 39 steers.... 9u7 96 C. E. Cloon Neb. T row 91 I 10 t row 1M0 I cow I'M 14 bull IM I cow I (if. 3 11 cow ;o Crawford 40 steers... .1JI It cows 1013 William 6 steers ...1171 A. K. 11 heifers... 9 11 cow 100 12 row. 1 bulls. .1275 . 114 . SIS .1029 .1243 160 .1157 I 60 60 75 30 6 60 26 7 36 T 16 00 10 . 69 . 69 . 9H i . 92 97 97 RK It t , 64 Pr. 4 Krr 5 76 8 60 8 60 8 40 20 20 8 60 8 f ) 8 20 8 20 6 75 5 75 8 76 8 40 8 60 - 4 7.-I . 4 No . 4 K6 4 75 4 00 7 Of. 7 0 7 30 7 30 7 . 7 10 I 60 4 60 3 00 26 . 7 40 7 36 .-I ot ;4 (4. r' -.I oL sT .( I i A el n ..IT ... f .! J"f 1. e .) ..!- ill all r4 r ,:x T.' tt. s ;' .ii l. Joseph Lire Mtack Market, 8T. JOSF.PH. Dee. 1 CATTLK Re ceipt, l.M head; market, alow and weak: steers. i7.0lKal0.fi0' rows and heifer. 14.60 150; calves. tri.4XsQ4.2Ti. Itfitin rtecetpts, io.issj neaa; riaamv 16it"'e higher: iirospective top, 17 00. SHEEP AND LA Mua lteceipts. z,uui head; market slow; lamb, 80uiJ.7t. j CAPITALISTS W Invlta your attention to Administrator's Sale 48,000 Acres Louisiana Lands TUi Calcultu Trutst ft. Savloss. Pnk of Ik Ctiarlrff. La., adn.taltrt.tur of Um ii of prtvrli K. ng(in. flttox a. will im lcibtr lih, ItfU. of for (or m tvi public u Uua to U i and hictiM btddvr unWr twetv Booths erdtt, lort7-tht thtMM&nd u;r of vlrgto pratrto laad, located about an Biuea xmiib of ano Cbarlaa lth a&ccUmit hlfhwayo Uavar-l&c aani. abnut oti oiUaa trim a imtlraad anl about thro BllH from tba pn-paoad ruuta of tb laterooaaLal. aaaal, affordlDg both rail auid watar traueportfr tliMi teaUttlaa. A vaadur lln will ba roaarrad hib tha prop mrir for tha purrhaaa prlca. and iu additloa tha purchaaar Hi ba rwqulrad to (Wo paraoaal aamu Ity. A voadarful owwrtuallif fur Capital. CAN BE USED FOR STSiln nr tor (roela Orucsa. Ormve-Prvlt. Uwjm Pkui, klos, Husar leu. Cut Log, Cora, petatu or ux Uardsa Truck rnnhsr tntorniatlsa star a bT aMrassiaf th CiIcmni Tittt Stit Bask, Uk Ctulss, U.' cr Cubit W Ksaii T sst C., JUsitaa, Vis. rr 7 Stock for Sale An omaha eorporatioa In aetiv bual nasa for twenty ara offer for aal fifty shares guaranteed seven per ul preferred stock redeemed from former owner. No areola Will sell direct. A 1T Car of Be. i t- .It