THE HKK: OMAHA, MONDAY, NOVKMHKU 1014. FOR RF.XT Store and Offices. 1 PO. 1ITH ST., store room. steam heat IK.So Fell A rinkrrton Co.. US Board of Trade Bldg. Garage. FMAUi bum, suitable for garage: I per month; lth and Dodge. Phone IWM. Halls. 1 1 AI L For Rent Hlbler's, th and I,eavenworth Sts. WANTED TO RENT Farm a ad lUack Lands. WANTED TO RENT A farm on aharee with everything furnished. Address C Coppock, Florence. Neb. WANTED TO BUY SLIGHTLY used plants. Wen, 7116. I'l'Ul't furniture bought anil sold. J. C. Reed, 1207 Fartiam. Doug. 8it, WE Hl'V Id-hand clothes. H21 N, ?Uh. PLIGHTLY used pianos, debater 372. HEAL ESTATE FARM RAX II LANDS FOR SALE Moataaa, RENTERS and homeaeekera un you I Carey right and secure a Montana farm now. Do you realise that farm product win command extremely high prlcee our Inn the next few yean? Thla u your op portunity to set atarted on a farm of yout own. The Valler landa produce from 31 to m Dusnels wheat, 80 to luu or. oata, ) to TO bushels barley, to t tons alfalfa pet r re. 1.4-t ua send you booklet and tell you now easy it is to get started, valler Farm galea Company, Box 30, Valler, Mont. Nebraska. ONE OF THE BIQQE8T BARGAINS . IN WESTERN NEBRASKA. 960 acrea smooth, rich, valley land, In Merrill county; must be sold quick. Writ ua for price. HICKS LAND AGENCY. Omaha. Trxaa. FOR SALE To close an estate; 1ft) acres In Rio Grande valley, 4 mllea from Mercedes. Texas. All under culti vation. For prlre an. I forma write The Minnesota Land & Trust Co.. ' Mar quette Ave.,' Minneapolis, Minn Wlaeoasia. Upper Wisconsin Best dairy nd general crop atate In the union; settlers wanted; landa for aale at low prlcea, on easy term. Aak for book let M on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Btatt acrea wanted. Write about our grazing landa. If Interested In fruit landa. ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la) Wisconsin. Address Land Dept.. Soo Linn Ky., Minneapolis. Minn. Miscellaneous. WE guarantee bargains In stock farme and ranches. Write Willie Cndwell Broken How, Neb. The Bargain Man. ABSTRACTS OP TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modem abstract office. 806 8. 17th St Phone Douglas &4S7. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract ot 11c In Nebraaka. 2UG U;andeks Theater. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Several fine resi dnncen In Southern California, from HO.Oflt) to J30.000 In value, slightly incum bered; will trade for clear Omaha prop erty, or property In the vicinity of Omaha. Room 126, Henahaw Hotel. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm loans, i, V4. " Per cent. J. H. Dumont A Co. .lnoi rrarnam, umana. WANTED City loans. Peter-1 Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraaka farina, O'KEEFE REAL. EJjTATcJ CO.. mt Omaha Natl. Douglas 271. HARRISON 6 MORTON, IS Ora. Natl. WTD Farm leaps Kioke Inv.Co. Omaha G AKVIN BROS kz? a.Bk: WANTED City loaiui and warrants. W. Farnam Smith ex Co.. 1320 Far nam. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. 11. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. 1100 u SiO.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Eta. MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Natl. Bank Bldg. 6 CITY I.OANS RemU.Carlbe.ra Co.. O ailk-ni Rr.nH.I. Th.itnr Rldir. SEE us first if you want a farm loan. United mate Trust Co.. Omaha. Neb. REAL ESTATE WANTED I HAVE 12.000 cash and clear Improved irrigated farm, worth $6,000, to trade for B-room modem house, west irarnaro, Dun dee, Bemls Perk district. Phone Walnut 1147. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE REAL BARGAIN If vou ned a house nee this at once. Must sell this week, will not refuse any reasonable offer, See owner, 2304 Evans St. Phone Webster 78S3. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE ; BEST HOUSE BARGAIN IN OMAHA. New (-room modern bungalow; Dewey Ave. and 31st St.; west Farnam district, only $.1,600. W. R. HOMAN, S31 Hoard of Trade. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. EXTKLLENT Dundee home, fireplace. huffeL beamed reilnngs. tile floor In bath room, etc.; close to car line. Imme diate posaeaaion. call up lor runner in Kh'tHOMAS, WALNUT W0. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Three Houses for $4,000 rinw in earner in twn naved atreets. paving all paid, 8-rucim ull modern house and two small cottages, total monthly rental $4. We want an offer. Glover & Spain 91-N City National. Phone Douglaa 393. REALESTAjTE- INVESTMENTS-" I Am Forced to Sell a - new five-room, all modern houve recently purchased by me. This house la located In the West Farnam district, one block from Leavenworth car and four ' blocks from Farnam. Oak , finish downstairs, while enamel bath. Bleeping porch, beautiful lawn. You can buy this house at a big sacrifice. Address, M 21 S, Bee, or after t p. m. phone Webster 114s. Nebraska County Officers Elected for the Years 1915-16 , While this compilation is aa nearly accurate a ran lo made. It la apH-erintel that error In in itial, or sw-llln- f names may have reunite! from InutTuratlrw In trnnfliut1nn. Itoetlor who note errors will confer favor by reporting the same) to The Bee- editorial department. corxTT. Adams. Hastings Antelope. Nellah Arthur, Arthur Banner, Harrlahurg. COU NTT JUDGE. ...W. F. Button tR) ...J. Q. Ingram ...O. D. WUllams ...M. K.fhafto , COl-NTY Cl.FRK. SHERIFF. .C. II. Hudson OO W. A. Col R) .P. H. Peterson! R) L. Bennett D . Q. F. Culllnnn 0 teorge Rates (R .O. S. Page tR P. O. Grady (St Blaine, Brewster William Turner.... Boone. Albion F O. Da ten Box Bntte. Atllanve L. A. Berry Boyd. Butte. Brown, A Ins worth.... Buffalo, Kearney Burt. Tekamah Butler. DavHd City... Cass, Plattsmouth.... Cedar, Hartlngton. . . . Cha."e. Imperial Cherry, Valentine., ..Robert Ford.. J. W. Barr F. J. Everett.... G. A. Ireland.... 1. T. McCaskey. A. J. Bee son W. F. Bryant... N. M. Bender... .Frank Flacher.. ... I. C. Norrls R ,..J. McOtntlck IR).... ...M.8 (lantreavewt R. ...B. M. Couch (D ...II. O. Wllaon IR) ...J. It. Icsn (R. . R. A. Tost (P . O. Anderwn (R) ,. M. Cox (D).t ,.N. P. Bradstist tD.. ..Marlon Foster tl) . 8 B. Funk tR. H. W. Whltaker (R)....Ran fitanfield tD). Cheyenne. Sidney C. P. Chamber.. Clay, Clay Center J. B. Logan lD... Cuming. West Point Ixule t Wald R. Brasda (D). ...M. J. Rouse (1) ... F. J. Llbersall ( l). . ...II. C. Beatty (R).... ...O.E.McCallumiD).. ...A. B. Green iltl .. H. T. Doran (R) .. AV.K.NewcombtD).. ....I. J. Weat (K) ...CD. gulnton (R) ,...r. E. McFadden ... Fd Hlne (Rl .... C A. Rosalter (D) ... I. W. McDanlels !.. ... Paul Bonnlfleld (D... Tlin.VSlPK'R. P. Mcintosh til) A. K. Malxai-henll) It. A. Staples III).... J. B. Hrlntx D) ..I". C. Cox (In . S. I. Wen (Im ..K. M. Martin (D . F. A. Putnam tl't .P. F. Plnnev (in . N. M. Trout ill).... ..t-'ialrr Cook (Hi . V. F. Pwlmicv tin.. ..Kelley Fo tl) . F. V. Bernhart (Rl . Allan Grant iD) ..O. 8. Mwanson tR)... ..S. Flshman lit) . Albert Ules (in.... ATTORNEY. , . Don Fouls i Dl .. L. K. Jackson (lt.. ... llMlph HnllKan illi, To be appointed . J W. I ir!lner ...W. .1. Drnellen (in. .. I. Kasve (III ...A. II. Tingle (HI.... SURVEYOR. V. A. Ileartwell (t.. .. V. U Staple (II) .. C. II. Colllne tin ...11. W. Christ (It) ...Warren I nuarary . .. .. F. M. Sllik tin ...It. K KnUlil (It) .. tU C. Thatcher tF.... .J. 1. Davison (ID J. W. Ferguson ( D) . . .A. It. Tolli-faon ID Eugene Morry (In... , Herbert Rhuadoat R). .. W, M. t'onnealy (D). .. A. V. Thomas (D).. ...A. (. Cole IR) V F. O tiara (D)... ...P. W. Scott (It) ... C. A. Ilubv tin .. ( K. Radi llff ,P).. ... M. L. Corey Dv... R Sn-ata tl). .. F. Patterson (l.n ..J D. C. Pnilth tD).... .. C. A. Towell (In ..('. K. Hurhank (It).... .. I j. H Bodwell (Ui ... ..Charles Prli Krtt tilt. Cuirter, Broken Bow. Colfax, Schuyler Dakota, Dakota City Dawes, Chadron Dawson. Lexington I"euel, Chappeil.. Dixon. Ponca Dodge, Fremont... Douglas, Omaha...- Dundy, Benkelman Fillmore, Geneva Franklin. Bloomlngton Frontier, Rlockvtlle Furnas. Beaver City Gage, Beatrice... Garfield, Burwell..... Gosper, El wood.... Garden, Oshkosh Grant, Hyannla Greeley, Groeley Center... Hall, Grand Island Hamilton, Aurora Harlan, Alma ... N. D. Ford. ....A. Flala Shenm McKlnley... ....E. M. eiattery .... P. H. Moulds ....Isaac Woolf ....F. D. Falea ....W. Wlnverstean.... ....Bryce Crawford.... D. Vanherhoof.. .... W. R. Fulton .....T. Robertson .... R. P. Oyler..: .... "W. O. Butler , ,....H. D. Walden .... O. 8. Todd C. Q. Lew4a .....A. 8. Gumaer ....John W. Cawley... .... Jesse L. Scott .... J. H. Mullin .... F. Jeffera A..H. B. Webber. .11. R Watera (D). .... E. T. Vriak ....O. Wllklna(K ....It. G. tirr.ith (D) ....A. S. CHIIand (D). ... .... J.O MeCormlck(R).. A. N. Porter ( R) ....J. O'Cannor (R) ....Frank Dewey (R)... ....Dalton ITari (D) ....B. A. Lynn R) .....O. Muckel (in O. J. Dold (Dl .....J. T. Nlckerson (F). .A. O. Pfxton (D W. A. Me-onald tD... II. M. Nicholson (!))....(. A. McCllntlc (lO. . J. F. Wilson (D) M. 8. VMy (D) F. Kelley (D) A J. Van AntwerptR). ,j. k. nartiinen tin m. f. snonka tl) n. r. rarrell (l). . O. Cain (ID... J. Bacon (R) 8. Frum til) . VetCanfleld (D) Harry Adama (D) E. D. Crltea (D.. .1. W. Funk tin.. ...I.. N. Smith 111) ..II. D. Mead (11) .T. G. Benton (D W. A. Crandall (ID W. E. Olsen (R) ..Andrew Peterson(R)... H. Pp person tD) 1 O. Pfelffer .A. K. Maskell (D) Owen McQuillan (R)....C A. Kingsbury (D). . K. tiahn (R) F. w. Button tin... ... W. C. Condlt (R). ,...F. J. McShane ID).... ,...C. F. McGonagle(D).. ...Frank Aahton (I)).... ...R. F. Walker (D) ... C. A. Hudson (D) ,...G. L. Bevler (F) ..R. . Beatty (D) ..S. W. Terry tR ,.O.P Bullenberaer(D).. .. W. Sanders (Fl. W. G. Ure (R) v O. A. Magney (D) U K. Adams (11).. SI'PEniNTKVDT. CORONFTt. ..Carrie Sullivan G. A. Holland ..P. M. Murphy I R). ..P. !.. Fletcher U) ..XT.. M. Crntise (In N. tl. Tldwell (P.t ..Minnie Irson (IU..E. 8. .lorn tR) ..A I Shaiiiblln (ID. .ri J. Mitchell . . H. C. Johnson lit).. .11. Howard llll . .(lal Russell (p). . . .1 '. K. Slagle t F) ..Zte4 Plonlger (l). .. R. C. Haw kins P) ..Emma Burrett ( P).. A moa Burwell ..J. 8 Elliott (IP A. P Cameron (P) ,.W. T. Pom her t R). . H. A. Johnson I IP ...Oma L. t'txly tR) H. 11 Thompson tD) ..Edna Mentuardt tlPJ. F. Hrendel tP) ...Ftnma Schwerln (R).loseph Bange (P) ...Eva Moiland (1D....L. W. Smith MO ..Edith Adamsim ( P). A. U lwls t II) ...Anna MeFodder (R) J. J. Parka (P) ...Mabel Mirk (D) A. J. Jtnnlson (P) ..tma Miller C. I.Rilev(P . .T. C. Orlme D)....H. H. liidla(RI . F. J. VogllRtioe (P).J. i-. Woodward (P) , W. E. Foss (R) ,1. B. Mtinger ( R) ,.C. U Munkres P)..1I. C. Gloeon tl') . N. B. Bloom (P)...-J E. Olasen(R) .lUtta F. Brown.... M. !. Patter (R) .A. V. Teed (R) I. R, Graham ( R .J Matien (R) A. P. Ovorgaard tR) ,.W. A. Yoder (R).:..W. K. Croaby (11) Newspaper Men Form Part of Aui- trian Army in Galicia. OVER FIFTY CORRESPONDENTS To Gaard Aaalnat t hnlera. All tinned nt to Drink t abolled Water, one, Rolled or I boiled. Imbibed. .T. R. lnan (R C. A. Ratllff . 11. N. Bwiui (HI D. ('. Geiselman (R). . E. Yansteenberg tR). .. O. liosey (P) ..L. O. Taylor (R) .11. W. Berry 1 11) . N. McMurran (F) B. F. Butler (11) ...J. C. Pen rod (R) T. Aoton R) A. Anderargt (D) F. Messmore (P... Hayes. Hayes Center Edw in Loomls. Hitchcock, Trenton N. T. Jones Holt, O'Neill , T. Carton Hooker. Mullen W. E. Bowers.. Howard. St. Paul R. A. Haggart. Jefferson, Falrbury v L. J. Nutirnan. ..J. A. Butter (R. A. A. Watera (P). ...W. U Reynolda It. I Bragg ID) ...O. B. Melvln (R).... Walter Clark (R) ...a S. Uchty (R)...... A. Metcalt (R) ...P. R. Kerrigan Fred Miner (R): ...Qua E. Newman R)....Oua Slevera (D) ..J. .. Klumb (R) J. F. Powell (D) ... A.B.ghoemakertR) Grant Starkey (R).... ...J.W.AIeander(R) J. R. Weat (R) .. Bruce Vaallne (P) L. I Darby (P ...P. C. Kelley (P) H. D. Grady (R) ...W. B. Adama (R).. 8. L. Dutton (R) , .. K.P.Hahensky(D) W. H. Atwood (R).... ...C. O. Marthls (R) Edward Hughes tD).. C. Harden (in.... ,.B. It Chambers ..IV. liycock (It) . .IL N. Hay ward (R). ..YV. P. Touner (D)... .It. U Harrlwjn (R).. ..F. L. Mct'arty (1).. O. Richmond (R). ,.D. B. May (R) ..O. P. Blmos) (D) ..N. R. Sullivan (D).., . C. O. Campbell (R) ..O. W. Percy (D).. . ,t. E. Boiarth .. H. J. Curtla tl ...D. F. Osgood til) ...Jaa. P. Bolrr (D) . ..B.J.Cunnlnghemdn. ..C. L. Whitney tD).... ...O. K. Shellhven ( l)).. ,.M. F. Wasaen (Hi ..J. F. Ratlirf (P)...... .. W. K. Hodgkln (R).. ,. To be appointed. ..ImLamb lAura A. White E. A. Pickens ,.W. A. Blha tD) I.llllain Green (ID...J. C. Steels (D) .11. H. 81ms Ruth Erfman (ln...E. P. Summer (t ,.V. D.Hayden (R) H. F. Aulddeil (R)..C. E. Mlmlch P) ..D.8. Hasty tR) G. W. Fletcher (R)..C. E Hoppnlg (R) ,.Q. II Hershey (R) I. Trauernlcht (D)...J. n. Reed R) ..J.J. Ilgman R). J. K Junklna (R)....A F. Weber (R ,. J K. Chambcre (D) F. W. Montgomery.. . W. Clark .. H. A. Mark (D) Nellie Olaon (R) O. H. MorHa (R ...C. E. White (D) T. A. Frye (D) .W. U Howell (P) ,..P. Francois (R Margaret Tracy (D).O. W. O Malley tD ...Hurla W. Klbbey(R)... Dorothea Kolla (P). JohnR Geddes (R) ..O. HerggrentR) M A. MoConnell (FIJ. W. Woodard(F) .. Geo. W. Peek (R) Mattlne Bragg (R)..G. M. Baxter (P) ,..B. E. lrlon(Il) Horace Blxler tR) ..C E. (R) R. O. Green (R M. F. Norton (P)... P. Tucker (It).. .O. A. Oell (D) Charlea Dohey (1....?.L. H Laraen tD) , t. F. Pooling (It)., .A. B. Feller (R) .M. B. Miller (D) K. T. Wilson ( H ..J. H. Garrett IR1....J. t. Adama (R) W. C. Raker (P). ...R. F. Jester (in D. B. Cropsey (R) Frank L. Rain (D) J. A. Blauvelt (D) Henry Abrama tD)..D. M. Dodge, (R .... J. Livingston T. A. Ashby ... W. W. Buchanan.. ... T. 8. Rodgers ,....F. J. BUlows ,...D. C. Laird ....O. II. R laser ... O. E. French ....F. IV Hogeboom... ....C. L. Copp .... R. J. Stack M. 8. McDuffee..., .....P. D. Hee-ton A. It. 8tutevllle.... ....W. RuUed. ..J. R. Kelley (D).. ...H. Broman (R... ...C. C. Nlnhols (R). ...C. M. White R.. ,. II. C. Amoi D)... ...M. T. Llewer (D). ...IL E. Wells (R... ...C. W. Toet R.... ...O. Gerlach (D). ,...M. F. Ehmen (R.)... ..O. A. Nelson ....Wugene Beal (T).... ....F. Stapleton (R).... ... O. E. Forsllng tD).. ....V. Vlasnlk (D) ,...G. A. Hyera (R) .... A. J. Salisbury (R).. ... W. YVelle (It).... ...D.D.ChessmantD) O. A. Evans (D). Johnson, Teeumaeh Kearney, Mlnden Kleth, Ogallala Keya Paha, Sprwgrrlew.... Kimball, KlmbaJL Knox. Niobrara Lancaster, IJncoln Lincoln. North Platte Logan, Gandy Loup, Taylor.... McPheraon. Tryon Madison, Madison Merrick, Central City Morrill. Bridgeport Nemaha, Auburn Nance. Ftillerton Nuckolls. Nelson Otoe, Nebraska City Pawnee. Pawnee City Perkins, Grant T. W. Hull Pheloa. Holdrea-e L. C. Barr. Pierce. Pierce G. T. Kelley. H. 10. Rohn (D) G. W. Goff (!.. Platte, Columbus J. Ratterman. John Graf (D) H. C. Laehnlt (D) Polk. Osceola F. H. Ball J. Hanson (P) D. 8. Potter (R). . Red Willow, MoCook Frank Colter C. K. Dutcher (D) L A. Fltoh (D)... ....a J. Nlbbe (R) ...J. S. Oaasady ... W. A. Harmon (R).. ,...W. Schoettger (D)... ... A. B. Beard (R) .... U W. Kggert(D).... .....P.A.Bommerland(R), A. N. Durbln (II) ....A. R. Ensign (R) II. A. Adama (It).... M. E. Cowan (R).... ,K C. Paulson (!))... . I A. Devoe (R) . F. lril) . W. J. Ballard (R)... , .R. O. Gore (p) ,G. K. Godfrey , .P. It. Conroy (R).. .N. F. Bruce (D)... .W. T. Young (ID.. ... L. C. Kurler (D). ...O. Warp IR) ...C. Feadiers (D)... ... O. J. Klrech (D). ... E. McElleany (R), .. E II. Bush (R) ...W. E. Nlchol ,.W. E. Likens (It) ...J. A. Fuilonf (R) ..,W J. Da1a ..C. A. Daly (R) O. Cash (R) . !. T. Hodson (R) C. S. Smith fR).. .,w. h. Riggs an..,. .J. R. Mlnahall CD).. ..C. O. Snow tD) L. E. Pyxer (R) ..W.M.Dnrllnsrton(R). Frank Seudder (D) R. H. Cox (D) W. L. Dyson (D) Thos. Ishmael (R). .A. K. Roger (R). . O. F. Robinson. ..W. M. Beebler,. ..A. A. Bishop... ...F. M. Jones (D) ...K. K. Hedgcock (R) ...1. J. Btutt (D) .J. R. McNalr R. R. Mm nan (R) J. McClung (R) ...J. M. Baker (D) O. A. Oliphant... C. E. Peterson (R). J. A. Jones (R) I'M Fisher (R). .J. P. GUlllan (R)... ...F. Frame fR) ...O. C. Myers (D).... ...Chas. Johnson (R). ...J. D. Albright Ht).. ...M. 8. Keller ,..R. H. Teteraon (t C. A. Nlpnell (R) ...G. E. Ilayoa Ml) A. 11. Edgren Ml).... ...G. N. Glbba (D)...c R. I Cochran (I... ...To be appointed. G. H Wagoner (R).. ...A. D. Moon (H) F. 10. Uolaon (R)..... ...To bs appointed. K. A. McMaln (R)... ... W. L. Dowllng Ml) G. K. Hlintley (It)... .. 10. J. Patterson (R). ...J. B. Pklff (D) ..K. W. McDonald (ID...R. M. Willis (R) ...K. T. Armstrong (R1....C. IV Hacker tR).... ..A. 8. Sllnaon (Dl. ...A. O. Carmurk Ml) ...W. IT. Gardner (R)..V. A. Mathews tR) ...A. Onntt (R) W. 11. Maloney (Dl .. Mrs. A. H. Hill (R)I:. K. Carr (R) ...M. McKlnney T. F. McNulty (D) ...K 8. Updike (P.).... L. A. Carter (R) ...N. A. Houael (D) . . .l H. Foster iD) ...M. Mctltcheon (P).lt. W. Benson (R) ..Cora Thompson (R).L. R. North (R) ..John Stoddard (D)...I. W. Irwin Ml) .W. L. Rose (R) .11. A. Bruhaker (R).. W. F. Moran (P) F. A. Barton Ml) B. F. Haatlnga ..A. B. Ellsworth (R) C. Baldrldge (P). ,..A.w.Motieynoias(K)...C. U Beely (D), .Charles Shannon (D). ... Ben . Person (R) ..I. WT Rc ..Frank Fain (R) O. H. Anderson (R) YV. O. Brunxell (D).. .John Thlcsen (D) .O. E. Heuer (D). . .. J. Iees (Pi .A. B. Wood Ml).... Roby (R) Charlea Hpeodle (D).ll. G. Kurstena(R) ...J. F. Vrtieka tR) Elale Hammond (R).J ' Waddell Hi ,...W. J. Watklns tR) H. H. Vance (R) F. M. Bell (It) ...O. P. Onllaway (R) Alettu Neff (R) P. 8. Talmer tD) ... J. H. Hladlk (R) Lettle Scott M) F. G. Salter Ml) ...O. H. Swanaon (R) F. P. I-eoron (P). . . .11. Mass ( P) King (R) It E. Dearborn (P) A. Rasmussen (R)...W. F. Kepner (D) Somervllle (P)....l". M. Bell (D) Julia Barnea (R) O. A. DeMay ID) A. J. fihnfer (D... M. H. Ieaniy (R)., O. F. Walter (P).. ....E. I, ...J. M Richardson, Falls City. Rock, Bassett Saline, Wllber Sarpy, Papllllon Saunders, Wahoo Scott's Bluff, Gcrlng..., Seward, Seward Sheridan, Ruahvllle Sherman, Loup City.... Bioux, Harrison Stanton, Stanton Thayer, Hebron Thomaa. Thedford Thurston. Pender.. J. Wiltae Ara Marsh (R) Dan Ratekln (R) J. M. Evana (R ,..J. E. Ix-yda (R).... F. N. Morgan M. Spann (R) C. A. ltoviaon (D) C. W. Anderson (R).... H. J. Miller (R). ... J. J. Grimm J. M. Korbel (D) H. A. Greer (D).... H. V. Jellnek (P) O. N. Venrick (in. ..J. M. Wheat, ,., W.E.Patterson(D) Charles Muttor (K) C. A. Ruff (R) B. Nlckerson (R). ...tU Donato ...J. E. Frahm (Dl. ..J. Dalley (D). 'F. J. Poiak (R). .VS. Wenstrand tit). .J. F. Rcef(R) P. H. Weher (P)....M. Reneker (R) J. J. Carlln (P) F. M. Hedges (P)....C, M. Farquhar (R) . Tl. R. Hastings (R) L. J. Bouchwal F. T. Rlna (P) .H. A. Oolllna (RK...R. Armstrong tP) ; .C. B. Malleanes MD.C. Swanaon (D) H. Patterson tD).. ,.G. W. Temple (ID. E. O. De Lamatter J. II. Ferguson 'R) .H. N. Coleman. , R. a. Dorr E. A. Smith , R. B. Schnurr.... L. Durn B. U Wlllmore... P. Cunningham.. .CO. Carl berg.. .. F. O. Aaron (D) F. t. Burns (Rl ...J. K. Roberts (D) L. B. Niemann (D)..,...J. M. Caldor (D) ... M. E. Gillespie (D) R. M. Bruos (R) ;...J. H, Orowder (R).... L. H. l'olska (l) A,. A. wiinama ( K. M. Heney (R) .WW. Whllrt(R) A. B. MoCorkey (D)... ..C. O. WerU (D).. .O. W. Hill (R). ..T. 8. Boyd (D)... L. IT. McKilllpMt). . A. J. 1 Hants (R) .... L. L. Htophens (D),. ,.F. 8. Baker (R) R. Pa vies. .. P. E. Brow n Ml) ...F. B. Corning (D)... ... Q. M. Zerbe(P) Ada Haldeman F. A. MeOeary (R) W. H. Brokaw (R)..C. W. Doty tD) C. P. Kelley (D) A.J. Mnlaahn (O) .L. If. Currier (D)...A. 8. Main (R) . Mary J. Fenske L. L, Kramer (D) Valley. Ord H. Uudmundsen... .i.. W. F. Fullner W. A. Brown (D). B. A. Young (R) Albert Pike (T... .... C T. McMillan W. J. Neely J. F. Conway (D) Pat Doroey (D)... W. A. Bartlett (I) A. Button (R) F. a Gamble (R) V. Horton (R) A. U Roper (D) C. I Illoharda (Jt). J. N. Neely J. II. Evans Emory Walter tD) J. K. Irkln (R)..... ..V..J. D. Tolen (D)..., Washington, Blair.... Wayne, Wayne Webster, Red Cloud.. Wheeler, Bartlett York, York y.. T. C. Eller O. T. Anderson (R) A. A. Oomnton (R).. J. Button C. Reynolds (D) G. Porter (R) ...... A. D. Panney J. .1. Garner Ml) O. D. Hedge (R) W. T. Harrington. .....C. J. Brown (D).; J. A. Kinney ( R) . . . . H. Gv Hoopla A. H. Beck (R) J. Miller (R) ,..G. Bruse (Tl)......... ..T. Roe (R) ..C. IX Robinson Ml)., ..Henry Pletcher (R). . A. Mets MO .11 8. Staple (D) ..O. A. Doll (Dl .. L. A. Klplinger (T)).. .. F. J. Munday (I ,..J. M.Shreve (R) . O. Gllmore (D) ...C. Wagner (R) ..Hah B. Ohlson (D)..W. W. Orrla (H) ...A, B. Thompson (D)....A. T. Holtzen (R)...H. W. Taylor .. D. E. Bander Clara B. Ilunyan.... B. Overman .. YV. A. Racely (D)., Carrie J. Kellner (D)H. II. Johnaon (D) ...C J. Nelson (R) W. H. Staven (D)....F. A. liarta IR) . C. Rohwer (P).... ,.R. 11. Jonea (R)... ..(. II. Owing (R).. ..John Nelson (8).., .A. Codding Ml).... ...N. T. Iund (Rl... .. Pearl Sewell (R). ...G. L. Coon (P).... .. Edith Bowler .. T. C. Lord (R) ..E. O. Pierce (R , ,.W. Beckenhauer ...E. Amach (R) V.O. Hitchcock (D) Register of deeds In counties wnere office is separate rrora cierg; Aaama, u. v. Larsen ; Buifaio, T, J, Scott (D.) ; Cans, a. J. Snyder (D.) ; Custer, O. E. Porter (R.) ; Dodge, Fred Klaes CD.): Douglas, Harry Pearce (D.) ; Gage, J. A. Weaver (R.) ; Hall, Richard Buenz (): Jefferson. H. O. Nellls (R.: Knox. T. C. Green fD.I: Lancaster. Thomaa Wheeler (R.) : Madison, E. H. Taytor (D.) ; Otoe, John J. Teten (D.); Platte, Jerry Carrig (D); Richardson, N. B. Judd (D.); Saline, F. J. Sadllec (R.) ; Saunders, W. J. Dole- zal (t.i; xont, itoy uavis a j. , Exclusive The Bee's Reader have New York World Special War News Cable Service In addition to Full Report of the Associated Press. LOYE HEADSJJABIL1TY FIRM President of Mutual Company Vet eran Omaha Insurance Man. NAME OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Frtuser I Wattles Vie Presidemts, Hamilton Treaanrer and Grace Is Secretary "w Or- stnlaatlon. The Employers' Mutual Liability In surance company of Nebraska hat just completed Its organisation for the pur pose of doing a liability Insurance busi ness under the new workmen's compen sation law et the stats. ha offices In the Woodmen of the World building. A J. Love, president of the company, has been In the insurance buBlneaa In Omaha for the laat twenty-five ysara. J. W. Grace, secretary of the new organisation, has been manager for one of the largest casualty companies In the country for years, and has had extensive experience with the compensation business In other states. "In practically every state In the union where compensation laws have gone Into effect, mutual companies have been formed among the larger employers of labor, as It seems to be the impression that the compensation laws make a mutuality between employer and em ploye which can best be fostered by mu tual Insurance," said Mr. Love. In Masaachuaetts the compensation law went into effect In July, 1912. and during the year of 1911 the employers of labor in that state paid to the Insurance com panies for workmen's compensation In surance M,aC-',999. of which the four Mas sachusetts mutual compensation compa nies wrote $2,309,u6, or 61.2 per cent of the total, and the twenty etoek companies received but 48. J per cent of the busi- I liesa. Following is a list of officers and di rectors of the new mutual company: President, A. J. Love, vice presidents, W. A. Fraaer and G. W. Wattles; treas urer, Frank T. Hamilton; secretary, J. W. Grace; directors, Thomas C. Byrne, president of the Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods company; Frank T. Hamilton, president Omaha Gas company; Frank B. Johnson, secretary and treasurer Omaha Printing company; A. J. Love, president Loveland Farm company; G. W. Wattles, president Omaha Council Bluffs Street Railway company; W. A. Fraaer, sovereign commander Woodmen of the World; Nelson P. Updike, presi dent Updike Grain company; Paul F. Skinner, president Skinner Manufactur ing company; M. C. Patera, president M. C. Peters Mill company; general counsel, Crofoot Bcott, Omaha National Bank building. numbers will be presented by Cox's vio lin choir. The Elks' Glee club with six teen voices will gtve two numbers and the Elks' orchestra will play. D. B. Welpton la chairman of the memorial committee. The services will be held at the Orpheum theater. ELKS' MEMORIAL SERVICE TO BE HELD NEXT SUNDAY An Interesting program has been pre pared for next Sunday for the annual memorial service of Omaha Elks. The address will be delivered by Rev. A. G. A Buxton of Council Bluffs and Mrs. Grant W illiams w ill recite "Thanatopsls " Two Liability Company Puts Branch Here The Travelera" Insurance company has Just severed Its relations with the Love Haskell agency, which has represented the Travelers' as general agents of the liability, department As a result of a visit to Omaha from William Sutehall, field assistant of the agency department of the Travelers' Insurance company, that' company has established a branch office for Its liability department In con nection with the present office, 1331 City National Bank building. The liability branch will be In charge of G. M. Mayer, supervisor and special agent The Travelers' Insurance company of Hartford, Conn., Is one of the largest compensation and liability companies In the country. With the establishment of the branch office for liability Insurance, the Insurance brokers of Omaha will be in a position to place their business di rect with the company. The branch In Omaha will be maintained directly by the head office at Hartford, the business not being bandied en the general agency plan. The determination to maintain a lla Ibllty branch In Omaha grew out of the passage of the workmen's compensation law in the state which created a larger field for this kind of business. IOWA INSURANCE BATTLE Eastern Companies Organize Society to Affect Legislation. THEY LIKE COMPENSATION LAW Navy Men of Omaha Planning Big Ball Members of the Omafia Navy club and other ax -navy men are planning; to hold the biggest and best navy ball ever known In Omaha, Saturday evening, December 10, at Metropolitan halt It wUl be the third annual ball given under the auspices of the club. Many Omaha men who have seen serv ice on Uncle Barn's ships, but have not yet Joined the local club, are becoming Interested in It and the dance. A large attendance la expected at the next regu lar mooting of the club, to be held In the Grand Army rooms, at tbe court house, next Friday evening. William L. Hackett la president of the club. He and Secretary Daniels are artlve In arranging for tbe ball. EVERY CHILD'S MAGAZINE X-MAS NUMBER ATTRACTIVE The Christmas edition ef Every CMld's Magastne, edited by Orase Sorensoa, Is ths most attractive number that has yet been Issued. All the departments con tained In a grownup's magaslne are duplicated In this periodical In a simple and attractive style for children, sad the booklet Is a storehouse of useful, in structive reading, besides containing stories and poems of fiction to delight the little folk. Strong; Fight Will Be Made Aval oat Proposed Attempt to Aanejad and Improve Rxlatlns; Statate. (From a Staff Correspondent. DEB MOINES. Ia., Nov. . (Rpeclal.) Tbat the eastern Insurance Interests have determined upon a hard fight to prevent any change In the workmen's compensa tion law and an equajly hard fight to ef fect revolutionary changes in the general insurance laws of the states, Is now ap parent from the way in which they have set out to organise the state to Influence the legislature. Two of their big men have been here from outside the atate. A Mr. Disss, from Ohio, Is at work or ganising the state and is holding meet ings. Mr. Hotchklss, formerly superin tendent of Insurance In New York, has also been here. Mr. Dlggs wss disap pointed In not being appointed to have charge of the workmen's compensation law of Ohio and he Is now at wortc or ganising to prevent Mowa from securing some of the reforms that are In the Ohio law. All the Insurance agents and all others) Interested at all In the Insurance business will be formed Inte a compact mass, and members of the legislature re port they are already being approached with a view to favors In the legislature. The plan ia to seoure such organization that It will be Impossible to have any legislation that does not meet first with the approval of the Insurance Interests. The workmen's compensation act Is espe cially the object of their favor. According to the report pf ths commissioner the Iowa situation Is one of unusual favor to the insurance companies. They are now proposing in order to stave off any amendments to the art that the com mission be again appointed wllh a view to making a study of the workings of the act and report at some future time. All of the Influences favorable to the Insurance people are now back of Oils proposal n the hope that it will stave off any Immediate action. latere la Changed System. There does not appear to be any Inter est In the state anywhere 'in the report of the entrenchment and reform com mittee of the last legislature on the sub ject of revolutionary changes proisesed In the executive branches of the state government. Very few of the members of the next legislature are Interested In the subject Nearly all the members of the house are new at the game and each one has certain local problems to meet In his own campaign. In no country or district of the state was there any Is eee mads of any proposed big changes In ths methods of doing business in the stats. The report recommended a step In the direction finally of having no offi cers elected by the stats other than gov ernor and lieutenant governor. The members of the railroad commission and the attorney general are to be appointed at once. The offices of auditor, treas urer and secretary of state are to be left to election only until auch time aa the conatltutton could be changed and then they would be dropped. But among the legislators who have aald anything about It there la a feeling that the people probably would not stand for placing so much power In one office, which might be all right so long as filled by the very highest type of a man, but which would be all wrong if the wrong kind of a man should happen to be placed In office. Present indications are that this phase of the legislative program will at tract very little attention. Some minor changes In ha political organisation of the state will be effected. I Would I.Ike to Move Prison. There Is no doubt but that atate offi cials and members of the legislature and all having te deal with the prison prob lem of the state would like to have the state establish Its state prison at some new point in ths stats. The present prison Is about ss badly locatod as possi ble e.t one aide of the state, with poor railroad facilities, and with surroundings not at all conducive to good work, in order that the state may acquire farm land It Is necessary to go some distance from the prison. The people of Fort Mad ison have shown themselves to be quite hostile to the prison and unwilling to aid in any reform work there. They have caused great annoyance to the warden and state officials. The state board is asking for money for more land at the prison and at the reformatory. Winter Schedule of Trains. The railroads are announcing rhanges of time cards and the adoption of their winter schedules, which means the taking off a number of trains on the roads In Iowa. It also means that as to local trains soma slowing up in speed. Nearly every trunk line crossing the state has tsken off two or more trains, or will do so very soon. The railroad men also complain of the, Inroads being made by the automobiles on their business. Such a very large number of traveling men have automobllea that the railroad business Is not what It was. It Is expected that there will be some agitation In the legislature for a change In the Iowa law permitting the railroad commission to authorise rates higher than 2 cents a mile, but It will probably not get very far. Pulpit Talks on Taherraloale. In the hundreds of pulpits of the atate today there were sennons or talks on tuberculosis and the work being done to combat this Illness. The day has been celebrated for several yeara In Iowa aa Tuberculosis Sunday. It haa been some what broadened and Includes now presen tation to the public of the great need of attention to health In all matters. The State Tuberculosis department, which is directed by the Board of Control.' con tinues to do excellent work In arousing the people to an Interest in the subject. This winter a campaign for additional county hospitals for the treatment of tuberculous patients will be carried on. WRECK KILLS VILLA'S MEN Twenty-FiTe Meet Death Whe Trains Crash Near Tula. THIRTY-SEVEN ARE INJURED Two Mere Persons American Side of Border la Arlaonn St reek by Bellete Fired by the Mexicans. 'SOME" PRESS DEPARTMENT For cut, bruise, anre and skin trouble, a box should be in every household. All druggists, 26fl. Advertisement Bee Want Ads Are the Btit Business Boosters. BL PASO, Tex.. Nov. . General Villa's advance toward Mexico City has been marred by a railroad wreck. Twenty five soldiers and camp followers were kelled and thirty-seven Injured yester dsy, when Villa's train collided near Tula with the train of Manuel Chaola. An unconfirmed report was given out by officials at Juarcs tonight saying that the port of Masatlan, on the west coast had been turned over to the convention government by a mutiny of the Car ran sa troops. NACO. Arts., Nov. 29. Stray bullets from the Naco, femora, siege struck two more persons on the American aide to day, A trooper of the Ninth cavalry was shot In the thigh and a Mexican woman wss shot in the leg, WASHINGTON. Nov. 2.-Except for a few Isolated cases of robbery and vio lence, which resulted in severs punish ment to the offenders as soon as de tected, the Zapatista forces have main tained good order In Mexico CHy, accord ing to advices from the Brailllan minis ter to the State department today. Little Girl Burned Starting Fire in Range With Coal Oil Maude Richards, aged 10 years, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Will nir.harda. iui Pierce street, was severely burned when she used coal oil to start a fire In the range. The flame flared up so suddenly that the little girl's dress caught fire and she was badly scorched about the limbs before her mother, who was sick in bed. could aid her. Mrs. Richards was also slightly burned. The two were attended by Dr. C. B. Folts and the little girl was taken to 8t. Joseph's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richards have 4een sep arated for several months and, being"' 1n straightened circumstances, the little girl was the only one who cared for her mother during her Illness Police Matron Ellen Gibbons he taken charge of the case. (Correspondence of Associated Press.) AI'STRO HUNGARIAN GENERA! FIELD HEADQUARTERS. TRF.SS DE PARTMENT. GAL1CIAN FRONT. Nov. T. Dragoons In red trousers and Wue tinlcs were In the a,i-t of serving soup o Ihose seated at three long tames in he mn'n hall of the t'aslno of a small Gallclan town. There was a general hub hub of conversation and a smell of roast Ing mutton under the low, beamed cell ing, mingling with the odor of cigarette smoke and coffee. From the head of the center tnlrte came sharp rape of a fork against a glass, and simultaneously an officer rose. The equivalent of the word "order" was shouted In several of the ten languages spoken In Auatm-Hungary, and silence ensued. o News, Jnat Comntnnlques. "Gentlemen." said the officer, as he pulled a typewritten sheet out of hi breast pocket "there Is no news today, but I will read you the various official communiques. Before doing that I will say that there may be some news this af ternoon and the perty of photographers and artists now at the front Is expected back today; should have been here yes terday, in fart. Aa soon aa this party la back others of you gentlemen will go to the front. The official communique from Berlin as ye " Wllh the military situation In GallCla. Polanil, Belgium, France, various parts of Turkey and other spots on the map atifflelently clear, tho dragoons filled the laat of the tin plates with soup and the mid-day meal of the press quarters of the Austrn-Hungarlan army In Galicia was In full progress. Token to Headquarters. That night there was a similar meal and next morning a breakfast of coffee and rolls was served. During the day the correspondents were taken to the nearby military headquarters and a full twenty four hours of life In one of the modem, well-regulated and carefully supervisee press quarters at the front had passed. The press department of the Auatro Hungarian army In Galicia Is a large establishment. It exists for the purpose of taking care of about thirty-five Aua- tro-Hungarlan tiewspapermen. work an g In about ten languages; several German.-, four Ame:lcau eorreepondente, among them a woman; one Dane, one Italian, a Swiss and a Turk, who Is about to make his appearance. About a dosen officers and three score men are In charge ol the inatitution. There are a number of telegraphers and two field post officials the department,' In faxt Is no small matter. To It belongs about twenty vehicles for the transporta tion of the correspondents and others and a like number of army transport wagons. Aatos Are Bearer. Automobllea are scarce at preeent, be cause the hard going over the Gallclan roads durlrg ths recent rainy weather has made their retirement to the repair shop Imperative. Laat, but not least, there Is the medical staff ef the prees de partment, constating of a physician and several trained attendants. Ixing before the press men srrive at a new station the houses of the better class -and that really means little In Oalicla are divided among them by the quarter master and his asalatanta, who merely notify the landlord of the coming of his "guests," an! then ohalk the following legend upon the main door of the house: a "One officer, war press department," er two, as the case may be. The same la written on' the door of the room which the correspondent Is to occupy. Picturesque Spectacle. The principal building of the town' where the preas quarters are now located are the church and the school. There are a dosen or so of Indifferently paved streets, flanked by one-story buildings. Today, at least, with 'not a cloud In the sky, the pUoe presents a rather pictur esque, If not attractive, spectacle. The red tile roofs appear warm in a sun that la not warm, and the whitewashed ex terior forms an excellent background for the field-gray .or "pike-green" ef the Auslro-IIungarfan uniforms and the trousers ef the prees quarter dragoons. Ths Associated Press correspondent has been quartered on people who seeta te be well te do. The house Is somewhat Mex ican In appearance low. one-story, and has a patio, populated by a cow and sev eral aolsy chickens. To ene side there Is a hugh stack of beech wood, eloquent testimony ef bow cold the Gallclan au tumn and winter are. There te also a stark of cabbage In the hallwajL and under the various roofs hay and 'straw have been stored. On the whole, the family seems well prepared for a severe winter, and about the war nobody seems to worry, though the Russians are not eery far away. i I.I me R eery where. There has been no cholera in the little town, but as a precaution the Austro Hungarlan military authorities have seen to it that plenty of slacked lime has been applied wherever the ground has been contaminated by those sufferers trom the dlaeaae who passed through theae parts on the way to the hospitals. The rail' road station, for instance, suggests an oddly local fall of snow llmt, every where. It Is thought that with the ground frozen the disease will disappear. Mean while everybody is cautioned against the drinking of unboiled water a pre caution which soma render more effica cious by drinking no water at all. Cholera germs are known to be consti tutionally averse to making their habi tat la alcoholic beverages. There Is no drunkenness, however. la'. , i i! '. 1 :r.t WARRENSBURG NORMAL OUT OF MO. CONFERENCE KANSAS CITT, Mo.. Nov. .-The Warrenaburg State Normal school was excluded from the Missouri Bute Foot Ball conference and the championship awarded to the Missouri Wssleyan eleven of Cameron at the annual meeting of the conference representatives here today. The expulsion of the normals came after objections against normal players bad been lodged with the eligibility committee. Dlsresa la the Stomach. There are many people who have a distress In the stomach after-meals, it la dus to indigestion, and easily remedial by taking one of Chamberlain's Tablets after meals. Mra Henry Padghan, Tie tor, N. T.. writes: "For some time I was troubled with headaohe and dlatrass In my stomach after eating, alao with constipation. About aix months ago I began taking Chamberlain's Tabled. They regulated the action of my bowels and the hsadache and other annoyancss ceased In a short time." Obtainable everywhere. Advertisement I t Bee Want Ads Are the Best Busine Boosters. JO- 7 Stock for Sale Aa omaha corporation in active busi ness fur twenty eara offers for sals fifty shares gu&rantaed seven per cent preferred stock redeemed from former owners. No agents. Will eeU direct s 1ST Oar ef Bee,