THE HEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, NOVEMiJElt 'M, 11)14. WANT ADS Want ada received t any time, but to Incur prtiptr classification mutt be pre sent ivi before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7:30 p. m. for mnrnlm an'l Sunday editions. Want ada received after orb. hours will be under th heading, "Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATES. Pern romtecutlv time 1 cent a word earn insertion. Three time within ona week, 14 cent wor-1 eai h Insertion. One tlma t cent a a word. CHARGE RATES. Peen ronaecutlv times. I tenia Una Hfh Inaction. Three timee within ona week. 10 eenta line each insertion. One tlma. 11 rent a Una. Count lx a vera re word to a Una. Minimum charge. TO cents. An advertisement Inaerted to b run un til discontinued tnuat b stopped by writ ten order. N " Ton fan pins your want ad In Tha Boa by telephone TELEPHONE TYLER 100ft. Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of othar answers have been railed for and delivered during tha loot week. It la reaaonahle to suppose that all .of the people below have roli the d" ired swap therefore, do not call for the balance of their answer. Bee Waut Ada H.C. i;.o 1554 i:as lv 15R7 1VU liva 1M9 1M0 1574 1678 ir.TT IM lVi inn tf.98 aura net reaults PC fC. SC. SC. B.C. ini mi i i6 1221 !771 137 I4T 141 12f 1T74 1S3 IV 1470 1278 l IMS 1411 IM8 LM - .14 14il 1248 I2H0 1257 1418 1471 1.47 IV )14 )4'4 14.1 1249 1297 ' I3S1 142 1473 122 1 1IW2 JXl ' 141 12.4 l?S 1374 14TUJ 1 14 I4 1378 141 1511 1SMI 1441 151 128 1200 144ft lbIS !24 Mil '"li 1 I"'7 )M 1114 1401 I4M ll Ii6l UU 1414 1464 163 TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PKOUHAMS Exclusively In Tha Be Dual Town. CAMERAFHONE. 1403 DOUGLAS. Aiyi, the Blacksmith. Vitagraph drama. The Everlasting .Triangle, K-dlaun omnia. Ham, the llano Mover. Kalem comedy. eliteno. i. mi farnamT The Prince Party. -r. dr. featuring Fran cis Bushman. Fixing Their Dads, com. A Better Understanding. Rio. drama FAKNAM. Beppo. American drama. Kudora. Serle No. SL 1415 FAKNAM. Hil f THEATER. UVti AND HAUNEV. Horn of Paramount Picture. PARK THEATER. Feature program dally. Keyaton Comedlea. parLor, 618 N. ItSTU. 1408 DOUGLAS. The Treaeure Train, 2-recl Imp. The Groom's Doom. L-Ko comedy. PRINCESS. 1317-19 DOUGLAS The Myaterlous Rob, 2-reel Gold Heal. The Beat Man. Frontier. Me Married Hep Anyhow. Joker comedy. North. ALHAMBRA THEATER. 1814 N, IITIt Vaudeville and picture!. ALAMO. 14TH AND F0T. Hla Fathera Son. I-reel Victor. Tha Clone (Jail. Sterling comedy. Her Life's Story. Power. CLIFTON. Military Av. and Burdetl. In Danger a Hour, Thnhnuaer drama. No-Account" Smith'! Baby, 8-r. West K.-B. drama. Killing of lloraoe. Key. fiTAMON D THEATEIl. 1410 LAKE ST Thoae were tha Happy Daya, 1-r. Neator. The Phantom Cracksman, Victor-Fuller. Her Own Home, Eclair drama. FRANKLIN, 24TH FRANKLIN. The Priaon Stain. 1-r. Kaiem drama. The Telltale- Knife. Pelt drama. Bunny Hack al idee. Vltaraph comedy. hTpPODHOME. 26TH AND CtTtINo! Bud Man Maaon. dr. Tha Little Miachlet. com. Rcrtomptlon of a Ial. 2-r, dr. Perlla of Pauline. 1 parte. 18th Eplaoda. IT THEATER. OTH & LOCUST. Tha Dream Girl. 1-r. Boll drama. The Myatery of Brayton Court, Vita. Dra, Hearat-S-llg. No. lj Unil HOP THEA. 4TH 4V LOTHROP. The Kluht to Ile, Broncho comedy, A Mother"! Thruat, Majeatlc drama. Bill HiK'ila a Vacation. Komlo comedy. TTVAL. 0 CALDWELU Maater Jvey, No. I x l.lttlo Ksoai. I-Ko. comedy. The CJiinrr-l, Eclair. PALACE, 13U3 DAVENPORT. Trey O' Heart! (No. 131. -r. O. Baal. Snoukee'e Iayy Off. Bterllnc comedy.- frWHBAN THEATER. 14TH A AM EM. Whatsoever a Woman Koweth, t-r. Eaa. drama. Ham, the Piano Mover. Kal. com. Ive Trlumpha. Ltihtn drama. oath. ARBOR THEATER. 12D AND ARBOR. 1r alae linda. W. Ureeinvood and Coaen. Tha Motherleea Kid. Beauty oomedy. Hla Faith In Humanity, American drama. A POjVll "THEATER. VtiC Leavenworth. The Riddle of the Oreen Vmbrlla, -r. Kal-in drama. Heai at-Meilic No. 78. Kid. Una; the Hoaa. Vltaaraph eomedy. COLlrMBIA, 1710 MO. lvTH. n the Htroke of Five. lr. Vita, dr.. Fire of Fate. Eoeanay drama. A RcKular Kip. Bloa-raph comedy. ANXOl'NfKMF.XTS fti.AHS I'll. AVJ.NO. Pupeflor window lne and expert Klnlr?. It u quote prei. BARKER BROS PAINT CO, poualaa 4. W. lfin Karnam. rVTof a V M. C. A. tlikrt for Xmaa. CHRISTMAH BARtlAINS. In Jewelry, Walrhea, elf Many eatla f'ed cuatomera. ORdSS JCWKI.HT CO.. The atore with the reputation," R44 N. 1th and 411 N. lth. RAROAINS In unr"'l"mi-d diamond". wat(he and other Jewelry. 1IAKUV8 Place, M No. lth Xt. MAKKL I-eaf Pile Conea. Beat remel for Itchlna. bleeding or protruding pllea M(! poetpaid: aamplea free. Sherman A McConn'll lru Co , Omaha. WecM-mr anno fcmcnie To'ia Ttg. Vo. M'CKY wrdUn r-n at Beode(taarn"a. M)IK.L, rlcanera and tallora; call and de lver.l N. lath Ht. Phone Red 42U2. TAIIflRs The A I Coatmakera of Omahiy aollrlt your burtnea; work guaranteed. Room 10, Frener Blo k. Phone R. 4.). 4 LIVR WIRE DUHIXKHH MEN OF OMAHA f A B C oi Omaha (hi Ha falatlnn-. Ruth Letchford, decorating, firing. R. 4Wl' llrll Kailaten. M. J. LACY, tU BEB BIJjq. DOUO. 4718. rOMFtiRT THEATER. 24TH & VINTON. The Million Iollar Myatery, Kplaode No. il. 1-r. The Ooiden Oooae, 1-r. Broncho. The Lovera' Puatofflre, Keyntone. FAVORITE" " i-i"vintonT The MldnlKht Ride of Paul Revere. 1-r. 'r. The Iwmrai of th 1hiI, Kl, Hall dr. Thanta for the I-oheter. Vlt. comedy. C.KM. liifi BOI TH THIRTEENTH. Trey o" Hcartx. No, 14. 1-r., Ooid Real. When Their Wlvea Joined the Force, Joker comedy. 1617 VINSON Thankarlvlng. 1-re.l Itex. f LYRIC. 'horB Olrla' fh! You Mummy, Cryntnl comedy. enc or tiinen 1'aya. 1 rontlt-r. PASTIME. HTH & LEAVENWORTH Mary'a Convert Mary Plrkford. Imp. H'a Vather'a lion, t-reel Victor. VENEZIA THEATER. 1211 S. 11TH 8T. Tricking the Government. I -reel Wni. MONROE. FARNAM John Bunny, Lillian Walker and Wallie Van, Ijt Love, Luck and Uaaoline. Mary l'i"ford In lxve Ainonn th Roaea. BeaMia. BENSON. SX MAIN. The Vagabond, t-r. Rex, Herb. Rawlinaon. The Htr;ke at Coaldale. Eclair drama. 1'iirtnera In Crime, L. Ko. comedy. ALL WATCHES, dlamonrta and Jew elry, apeclal prlcea, Nov. and iec. Ilutf now t m wk. .it.rn W 1 1 ' H and Jewelry Co. Room 217 Karliach block. CW m r t A.. nn.h.nH . I.rl r f fan. and mcrora. Leltron Electrlo Work. I 3IM 8. 12th Iouglaa 2174 N MVE wmE lUIXK.SH MEX OF OMAHA Ocallafs. Eyea etamlned, glaHar-g fitted, pay ai you can. I.'r!. Mci'arlhy 1111 W O. W. Rid Oatennnthle la) alpva.aa. rr. Rerucha, 'M i MrCa sue Rldg. D. VM. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 8 11th St. I'alema. II. A. Kturgea. S.KI Brande.ia Theater Bldg. Wlllnrd Kdly7 "ifiTTjir Nat. iTanTTVd:T 5. O. Barnell, Paton Blk. Tel. Red 7117? i'rlntlna. W ATER8-B A HNHART Ptg. Co. quality printing Tel. Doug. 2V.. S24 B 13th SI IKK'V.LA 8 I'rititTng Co Tel Doug. S44. cork. V 1 k n zTe'piti co. b i44. RIE8-HALL Ptg. Co lOHUaplloLD. IK. I'n I Mil m .1 l.i...fn. HUGH M' MA NUB. 417 N th! H. 6728. I'lnn-r. Hennvated. I'H'MES A flower made over, cleaned dyed.. Bertha Kruger, 42!t I a ton. D.8.i Ronrh Kx terminator. B B. B Roach powder your drugglat. Mate Mad 'lime l,iHk ICaperta. Opened, repaired, comb, chanaed F. E. Daven port, 14UA DodKe. D. 121. HKl.P WA XTEI) MALE . tarata, aaleamrn a ad eolleltora. BE ISiiKi S.VPFNT-t) a wa!i paper cleaning bualnena; whole or apare time; IISO-l.ioo a month eaay; blx profit; no ex perience required; mv free booklet ihnvi you how; write today. Mllllgan Co., th Pt . I'w nport. la. AUTOMOBILES t-tto.NK-M r.OA W oi-derfully Improved. Make televtione ronveraatlon abao Iutel private. DouMea value of tele phone. Sample 2"e. Agenta wanted! I'hone-Meea Mfg. Co., Walnut Tark, St. j 1 ,ou In, S A L EH MEN, ROAD Side line, low-priced eelf-etarter for Ford cara; gomethlna new, big demand; aell to trade only: comml-flon each aale: no experience nereaeary; no eample to carry; good for five to ten dollara dally. Call or wrtle. Omaha Wcetern Halea Company, 10th and Jonei Hta., Sattley Hldg. Matetefeln. HARLFtT-DAVIDSO: MOTORCTCLm rargalna In uaed machine! Victor Root, -The Motorcycle Man." 2701 lavenworth. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready", bargatne In ue1 machine OMAHA r.TCVCLE CO . l!th and Chicago i. 173 - chaxces I'nptflPV And 1'eaata WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Come to ua and be prepared for the Joha being vacated by foreign, bar b'ra leaving on account of European war. Kew weeks complete. Yeare of appren tli'enhlp aaved. Toola given. Waaea In advanced dept. The proper facilities can only he had In the larger cftlei where ihundanre of free patronage can be had for your practice, gall or write. Moler Harher College, 11) p. 4h Ht. H HS changed F. E. Daven-1 akoe lleoalrlnic. Electric Shoe Rep. Co., 1M7 St. Maay'i Ar. OMAHA PILLOW CO., 1907 Cuming. Doug. 2IG7. Renovate! feather and feather niattretea and dotn cover. VACUUM' cleaner for eaJ Vacuum cleaning done In the home. Sanitary WE rent repair, ael) necdlei and part t for all aewlng machine NK "BRA8KA CYt'l.K m. "Mlckel'a." lEth and Harney rmuglaa livtl V EAR-EVER aluminum kitchen uten alU. Popular comblnatlona, not aold In atorea. Factory Saleameu. Web. tXi9. larna and Mhovrpurda. K. M. CLARK A BON, 111 SO. 1TH ST. atore aad Ufflre Flatarea. DEHK3, aafea, acalea, ahowcaaei, ahelv Ing, etc. We buy, aell. Omaha Fixture nd Supply o.. 414-14-18 8. L'th. D. 2724. lrrl 4 etllaae. CARTER Sheet Metal Work, 110 & 10th. Towel Sniipllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. D. 62. Arrnnntaati, MELVIL1.12 V. THOMA8 COMPANY, City Nat Bank Bldg. Ty4r lsia . Hi. A. DWORAK, C. P. A., 431 Ramga Bldg. Dougl40. BA K Kit. " VA WTKU " WOLF, m Ramg Bldg. Douglaa 7406. 4ddlnaT Marhlaea. Dalton Adding Machlnea 411 8. 18. D. 144. Adder Met.. Co.,(Wale. W. O. W. D. Architects, Everett 8. Dodda, (13 Pixton Blk. D. 2ML 4 ttraetlous. OMAHA film ex., 14th and Doug. Motion Picturo macnine and nun bargain Aato and Magneto Hepalrlag. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 341& Aactlsarrn, Dowd Auction Co., 1121 W, O. W. Red S2& lllae Printing. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., D8 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Ilarbcrs. 11 Chairs, lOo ahave, neck ahave. 1817 Far. Kraaa r'oaadrlti. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha St. Ualldlna; and Hrpalrlng. Bl FRANTA. ill Paxton BU. Doug. 2167. llstern.nad Well DlgglngT. NEED well or elatern tioaned or dugT BuiAt f rk aoes it t noni web 6au California Lands. W.T. Smith Co., 1U1 Clt Nat Bk. D. JS1. Coal Uealera. Sb5 50 Jhnon' apeclal, also Victor nut, V,IW 16.0U. 1-hon D. liui C hlropraetors, L Oedd, D. C, 231 Bee Bldg. Doug. 429J. t'ream geparatora. Tha Bharplea Separator Co.. 12th A Far n. Deteetlvea. JAMES ALLAN, til Neville Blk. Evt- cwnco aecureq in ail case Tyler 1W. Dancing Aeadeaalra. Tunln'g Dancing Academy, 2Sth A Farn, CHAMHER8' Academy, c la talc. p. 187L Mkckla'i Academy, now open. lSia Har. .A TEST dances, prl. or claaa. Web. Ureaamaklngr. Terry Dreaamak'g college KHh tk Farnam. Mia M. Morln, Oowna. 240J Can R. T23S. FASHIONABLE dreaamaklng; 1607 Corby. WATSON A LUND, 1911 Douglaa.-R-toV. Dentlsta. , Dr. Bradbury No pain. ISO Farnam. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentlntry. 401 Bramlel Bailey, the Dentist 70 City Nat'l Bank. Taft Dental Room. 161T louglaa. D. tli Pyorrhea. Dr. Flokea. 774 City Nat. Bank. lrna. DRUUS at out price: freight paid on 110 ordera; catatoxuen free, bherm&n a. via. Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. fcilectrlo gnpnilea. . LBBRON Klee. Wk 1U 8. 11th. D. H7t. Kvertlnlnsj (r Women. Woman's Exchange, m Pax. Blk. R 4911 ACCORDION, aid, knife. Bunburst, bog pieaiut; ooverea ouiiona, an auaa and atylea; hemstitching, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., Ituo Douglaa Block. D. l:td. CROCHET work for Cbristntaa; leave order. Mra. Maneval, Kul lKxUe. Florlata. A. DONAOHUE. 1C Harney. Doug. MM. BATH t florists. IwH Farnam St. HEH8 i" 8WOBODA. 141 Farnam St. IL. HENDERSON, loll Farnam. D. Uoe. nemoer r lurm isiegrapn Lei. Aaa n. Furriers. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. 14th St Web. H7T. Hair UreHlag. Harper Method. R. . Batrd Bldg. D. KM. Ilata Trimmed. Hata trimmed, fen. F. Latnberton. Web 104 Live lloek Hemedle. OMAHA Remedy Co., 07 8. 11th. Red 4361. Mveeenaier and Tranafewr, WHITE LINE, SO 8. 11th. Douglas XUL Llghtlnar Flutnres and Wlrlna. v TUOMAS DUHK1N Electrt fixture and suopllea, contract ing and repair work done reasonable, Ml CUMINO. liOl.OUS tul. 'IrnnUa aad gnl teases. FREL1NCI AV STEINLE. lgQH Farnam Bt Tallora. CHA8. C. LANDER YOU, 108 N. 15th St O. OLSEN A CO., aueceaaora to Olaen A Jameson, 612 So. Pith Ht., 2d floor. Veterinarians. DR. O. R. YOUNO, 4602 Center. H. 8062, Wines and l.lqnors, ALEX JETE8, 201-1 S. 13th St Wlnee, liquors. clKkra. Plate dinner, 11 to 1. luo. Ulobe liquor house. 424 N. Kith; California wine, 11.26 per gal. Write for price list HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, lithand Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquors at Klein i Liquor llouae. f22- N. 16th. Dougla! IMS. UUV your family lhiuora ut Klein's liquor house, 622 N. ltith. Dougla! iwiy. The Want Ad Column! of The Bee Are Read Dally by People In Search of Ad rertlaed Opportunities. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Of flee. WE don't merely try to find work for our applicant, but permanent poaitiona that ault their qualifications. Walti Kef. Co., H40-43 Brandela Thenter. v WE secure positions for stenographer! and office dark!. Bualneag Men's Kef. Aes'n., I.HB-2U Woodmen of World Bldg. Aarents aad Sakeawomen. WANTED LADY SOLICITORS In every county for Tha Twentieth Cen tury Farmer and other magazines. Be Independent earn big money. Wrlto at once for agency. TWENTIETH CENTUKT FARMER, Omaha. Neb. Factory and Trade. LRARN halrdreaslnw. Oppenhelm Parlor UOOD pay for decorating sofa pillows at home, spare time; experience unneces sary. Call 2307 So. 1.1th. II onse keepers na Dwmeiatle. THE Servant Ulrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you gut the desired result. This appllea to residents of Oman a, boutti Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to The Bee office or teleohone Tv'er WH). WANTED Olrl fur general housework In small family where second girl Is kept 828 Bouth 2Wth St. Phone Harney 1M6. WAN TEI Cook, waitress, laundress, chambermaid and aeamatresa. Apuly to Mrs, Arthur U. Smith, 13u Park Ave.; references requirea. EXPERIENCED girl for general bou. work; loch Deer Park Blvd Tel. Tyler im. YOUNO glil for light housework. Call after 8 p m. Phono Harney 4009. WANTED A girl for general housework, mall family; good wages, 407 8. Jhth St H. 84M. OK'RMAN for general housework; 2 In faml 1 y .J 16 So. 4iittit St. Wain tit few. A YOUNO. competent girl for generul ' housework: family 1; good home of fered. H 2172 WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Wal. 14o2. WANTED A young girl to aid In taking care of a child 4V years old. References required. Telephone Harney 1828. WANTED Uood girl for general houee work; small family; good wage. 407 S. 8Mb St Phone Harney 84T.S. WANTE1 Reliable forelan airl for icn eral houeework; apeak English. Phone walnut WOMAN to take rare of room half day each day; steady work; German pre ferred. lsil Capitol Ave. HlKtltUKuU. YOUNO women coming to Omaha a stranger ar Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian Avaociation building at St. Mary' Ave. and 17th St, where thev will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look (or our travelers' g.ilde at Uron station. LADIES' muwea' coats, auita, dresses tt skirt ramples at wholesale price. Ron eff'a New York Sample Store. 2o8 N. 16th. OOVERNMENT Job! for women. rBa month. Lint free. Franklin Institute, Dept r.8-T. Rochester. N. Y. ' WANTED Persona to copy letters. Make irom tiu io .-n weeaiy. stamped en velope for particulars. Heapruan Copy ing Co., Station A. Davton. O INTELLIGENT woman over Id, aa trav eling manager. Permanent Cta Brand! Theater Bldg HELP "WANTED MALE Mask loitinn aad Lodg kapplleev, MNFR. of lodg regalia and oostumea The largest atock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In tho country. Theo. Lieben & Son. 1814 Howard, D. 4115. r oaacll trtotfa. KIJTK NO L 545 BROADWAY. Hrst-Sllg, No. 77. A Partner to Providence, Lubln drama.' The Senator's Brother. 1-r. Vita, drama. KuPEK"," " " 637 BROADWAY Battle uf the Nations. Joker comedy. Nmetjr illa k Ituere. t-reel Bison. Krt'ind In Need. Eclair. on II Oaaakju BESSE THEATER. 24TH AND N. ,'.,.nt Bweedle, Kseanay comedy. MAtili'. Hill AND O. l rnnd of His Tribe. 2-reel Htaon. W bn Their Hn.ici Out MiikI, Neat com. 'J tie Star Uaaer. Wealor. Vandevllle. OKPHEI M. 2ITH AND M BT8. Sl-eclaJ Feature Today. Maaaenae. Violet Ray, ma.. 414 Be Bldg. P. till M!H3 OIKSON. masMge, bath. Room 124 Neville Blk.. ijwh tt Harney. Hours, I to 9. coiiA iIkllingy v?: satisfactory eastern ' treatments; baths; daily and eveniiuta 107 S. 17th SL Notice. Private entrance, baaetunt. corner J bldg Mies Schmidt, mass., baths. Ice trt. D. 713. Oixmi Sat, till 9 p. m. Sun, ft to 2 p m. Kathleen Mack. maaaAge bath. D. 761 Clara le, balk and maaaaga Doug I76L Mlae Flslier. maaa., lect. t reTtTed"5tii ntAa'SAOE. 10 w. 17th St. M"7i7Steele. MASSAGE :?0 BKK buildino: .uaooauu DOl'OLAS 8371 MISS JACOBS, nuii,, manicuring. Pbon Doug. 4297. lira to 9, Sun. 11 to 8. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura v neon, lav rarnam. K. X. Douglaa 7ul Clerical and Of Hon. WE don't merely try to find work for our applicant, but permanent paltlona that suit their qualification. Watt Reterence t o., lirandela Theater. EXECUTIVE office poMillona, teen, uiu sales posllltms, high class emiaoynivnt a specialty. Midwest Bonding Co., 812 Bee lilug . DO you hnow that Rogers Referenc Co. doei not charg appllcojita anything tin. - i j v'Uivu, i lien oill a nominal fee. Located at iM-JH State nnna niUK. THE bua neaa flruia w supply help to uenianu trie oet only, so do we. riusl nesa Men' Reference Ass n.. Iil9-S) Wood men of the World Hl.lg HIOII-OHADIS commercial positions. WESTERN REF. A BOND AS1N. TM Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Acents, anleamen aad gollcltor. WANTED Several neat appearing meii for soliciting. Money daily. Call at once, tai Braudela Tliealer Bldg. MI8 WALTON, bath. mass. Pbooe D. 437. lira. to I Sun. U to 8 W A N T E K HTRiCTLY HKil GRADM SPECIALTY SALESMEI PXR TUB" biiin ki wm nvi v ,x- S1KERKD WHO HAVE OOOD SELI.ING ltKll11il Ifl n'lll.-lU AUK I, . , - - - - . i , . ,r "1 1 ' l I - TION8 AND WK W A K'T V TU IT ; lira ur mr... MI KT BE CAPABLE AND TRUSTWORTHY WE ARE LOOK- E FIRST-CLASS meat cutter, who can also make ftauaaae; must he sober; good alary to right man.- Address ItlM. Bee. LEARN to be a movie operator. Moving Pl' t. Oper'g SoJKTM, 1304 Farnam, 2d floor. Drur frfore nar" -r. n t H Mine LEARN BARBER TRADE. Be Independent; was-es and toola given. Electric maaaarn. Strictly modern. Big demnnd for hrirberK. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Douglas St.. Om. 1032 N St.. Lincoln. M laceiinneuna. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egg Coffee John. 14th and Caplot Am, WE SELL everything. Crew mgra., agents wanted; Neb. Western Selling Co., 1714 Farnam. Bee Bldg. Millinery. BW1TCHK8 from combing. 1160. Payehe free. Mra. H. M Eck. Marcy. ita. Maelnsr, gtwrag and risaalsg, W. C FERR1N. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 12oa - IVll V4 IH VI u- V u.- ij,-i IV A K--e a .,11...,, - - ...... . . n .i , UA.- V. I Hi lihilTr. K THKMSKLVK8 TtJ tN NKCT WIT H A MILLION DOLLAI' ti 1U TaU ITlilV WlJL'UL TUIH ADD. ,D " - - - " ' vi inivr, i nn v rv;rv- Tl'MTY FOR ADVANCEMENT 18 UN I.1VHTED. CALL MONDAY. TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER giTH ainm PM'r.MlitiH 1?T AND XD AT TH ROM E HOTEL AND ASK FOR Ml MORRIS ROOM NO. A 2. Mnfr.'nnd W indow nknd leaner. OLD shade made U new. Midwest ft'"' eactory, eulO Hamilton. Har. 4-oL NO clasaification: lltieral ronl rut : iwllcica. Mutual Benefit Health and Ac cident Association. 423 City National can wax. unxni. reD. GOOD FUTURE FOR YOU or anyone who make '.ilmnetf an a'if expert WE GIVE EXPERT WORK. Go right Into the nuto business from here. Beat and finest equipped college. Opportunities best here now, ever hav been. Writ for list of openings. Free catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2119 Farnam St.. Omahn. NEBRASKA AUWBlflE SCHOOL educates you for any automlblle position: practical training on actual automobile building, remodeling and repair work. Mmr ana ntgnt riaanee. Automobiles built and rebuilt to your design. Every repair Job guaranteed. The practical school. 1413-16-17 Dodge St. Phone Doug laa 304S. WANTED Person to cpy letters. Make from 110 to 125 weekly. Stamped en velope for particular. Hespcnan Copy ing Co., .Station A. Dayton. O. WANTED Railway - mall and postal clerks; examination aoon; over 2. 000 appointments yearly; prepare at home. Write for plan No. H of payment after appointment. Philadelphia Business Col lege. Civil Service Dept.. Philadelphia. Pa. Wanted at Once. MEN to learn tho automobile business; the demand la great for our graduate; we hav trained hundreds of men; let us train you. Write for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2814 N. 20th V. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED HALK AND FtCMALIE. MEN, WOMEN Get government Jobi; Iti6 to 1160 month: 2.000 appointment! monthly. Write for list Franklin Insti tute, Dept 221 T. Rocheiter. N. Y. THOUSANDS government jobi open to men and women; big pay; Omaha ex amination! frequently; list of position! free. Address Y ZW. ilea. WE SELL everything, agent wanted. Nebraska Western Selling Co, 1714 Far nam, Bee Bldg. 88 PER HUNDRED paid for names and addressee, rsteady work; stamp for par ticular. Addreaa Box 102-9, btatlon N, Baltimore, ua.' S-TENOGRAPHEItS. bookkeeper, typists - and office clerka furnished without charge to either employers or employe. Remington Typewriter Co. D. 12S4." WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham and egg. Coffee John, nth and Capitol Ave. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNGt man want ptac to work for board while attending Boylei" college. Telephone Dougla 16i&. COOK, Japanese, wanta position in good family; has good reference!. Addea B 962, Be. DRUGGIST, registered, age 24, married; eight year oxperionce; In or out of city; thorough presrrlpllonlHt and counter sales; best relerencea. At once, L I.A. Bee. MAN AND WIFE experienced In restau rant work, want position. Tyler 1021 W. TEMPERATE young man will work around home or small hctel, taking car of furnace, etc. Will work very cheap. Tel. Red 723 or M 229. care Bee. JAPANESE cook, middle aged, wlahe a position Hi hotel or restaurant: 16 years' experience; city or country. , Addreai WANTED Position aa bookkeeper and ,,... . .,.. .... hH n n , , 1 1 AJ .v,. u,'..v. . .... . , vs.. u.. J AU- drees,' Y 2X7, Bee. EXPERIENCED children nurse want nosltlon. Bout of reference. DoumIrm 8l6. WANTED Situation a clerk In general merchandise store having ten years' ex perience and can give gooi reference. Addre!! Box 32. Belvldere. Neb. YOUNO girl wlihea poult Ion to assist with housework. Tel. 8666. CHILD'S nurse or companion wishes po sition; beit of reference Tyler 13US. LADY would like day work, good ret. T. 1021 W. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk want po sition; reference furnished. Can cut meat. Webster 2671 SITUATION wanted by experienced grocery and ahoe cft-rk In country town atore; can furnish beat of reference peak Oc-rman and low German. Addre O 26S. Be WA.NTED-Posltlon as chauffeur, of ref. Walnut Sit Best REFINED widow desire position a housekeeper. D. 6480. LADY wishes !u work for board and room after buwness hour D. 260. WANTEl Sltuetlon, registered pharma cist, ltefect oriist wishes situation in drug store. 6it7 Brandels Bldg. WANTED By a yung nian. a position as a hotel clerk, night or day. Best of reference. Addrea C.23, care Bee SITUATION Day work or bv week; go home nlghta. W. 6434. Any kind. WANTED Position a teamster or por ter, or will take any kind of work; best of references. Phone Webster 44X. RELIABLE German-American want work with live stock and grain farmer. Will only consider place where animal re handled quietly. Call Box 82, Fort Dodge, la. A WI1HJW ludy wishes a ioaltlon as housekeeper. Reference If neceeaary. Competent in all domestlca. Address E-frfi. Be. AVTOMOUILES A 36-H. P. 8-paaa. Jackaon. new; over sis tires, asking 8626; the highest bid der take It between now and Sunday. D. Bill. 2231 I-eavcnworth St t.lndborg Bros . J" J ueav iKIy ng Merklel. f 100 forfeit for any magneto we can t re ralr. Coll repar'g O. Ba ydorfer. 110 N. li Greene nan on aha Bad. Hen. Co.. : Far FORD cars palnt'd 2:!; other car accord ing to else; work gtd. Phone 8. 860. TRY VELTON 8 GARAGK for winter storage; a tea in heat; make ar rangements now. 2.16 Farnam St MODEL B- Detro.tar touring car with aeif-eiartar, run lea than 80U mil; gaiiuln bargain at 87'jU. To T. G North wall Co.. 914 Jones St. Doug. 17U7. FORD cara painted 12.'- other cars accord Ing to else: work gtd. Phone 8 Irduatrial Garage Co.. 2vva As Uaniy ni. C. J. CA NAN. Real Karate and Exchang-a ELECTRIC light plantfnr sale; a good bualneaa In a live town; a snap If taken anon. Addre.a H. Irwin. Lynch, Neb. GROCERY STORE for aale. only ex clualv one in live town of 1.100, located In weatern Iowa. Do'n good bualnesa, Will pay to Investigate. Good reason! for elllng Addreai Y-2.14 rare Bee. LIST YOUR RUSINESS with u for quick action and square treatment QUICK SALES COMPANY. 41 Bee Hldg. Phone Red 7St tlONS, snow card. Clark Sun. O 137 TO GET In or out of bualnee. Call on OA.NGESTAO 4i4 Bee Bldg. D S477. THEATERS Buy, lense or sell your the ater. machine and euppllea through Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam St Douglaa ist7. WHOLESALE merchandise company In Omaha, Just organlxing, wanta credit man, salea manager, stock man and five good road men, must take interest la company, doing a Jobbing bualneaa. Of fice of aecretarv and treasurer open to right man. Address B 24S, Bee. YOUR business or ret.1 estate quickly old. Write Jim Wray. Sioux City. Investment. INVESTMENT Wanted, a man to In vest about 85,000 In an old established general merchandise business; will run It with my own help. A good Investment for the man that ha soma money to loan out Stork about tin, "00. German preferred. Address Y 2M. Bee. EDUCATIONAL Tho Van Sant School Stenography Py chool, :00 to' 4:00. Niuht school. 8:16 to 9:15. 18th and Farnam Sta. Douglas 8647 First Winter Term Mosher-Lampman College Nov. 30th Unsurpassed classes In bualnesa, short hand and English branches. Graduate guuranteed good -position Place pro vided for young people to work for board. For free catalogue address Mosher-Lampman College 1815 Farnam St Neb. F1RUT WINTER TERM, BOYLES COLLEGE, NOVEMBER SUTH. Day School Night School; complete bualneaa course; complete shorthand or tcnotypo course; complete telegraphy course; civil servica branches and Kng Uah. Write, phone or call for 1914 cata logue. BOYLES COLLEGE. H. B. BOYLES, PRES. Boylei Bldg. Douglaa 1665. Omaha, Neb. EXPERT lady stenogrnpher will take . DUDlla. SHORTHAND touch tvnawett. Ing, spellings punctiatlot, etc., taught and complete training given for -bualnesa ca reer. Private Instruction If desired. 4624 Dougla St Tel. Walnut 9327. Mil sir a I Inartactlon. RAO TIME piano playing taught In 20 lessons. Chrlatensen School. 4220 Cum ing St, Harney 3379. Call or write. FOR SALE Karnlture. New & 2d-hand furniture, calh or terms; reasonable. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16th. GOING away; offer desk, halltree, chairs, refrigerator, kitchen table, bed and other furniture. 26ii Jackson St Phone Harney 7232. SECOND-HAND furniture, 4 chair, com mode, bed, ext table, stand table, li brary table and other articles. 2132 No. 2Mth St . Mnstcal Instrument. 278.00 BUYS a Kimball upright piano, first claaa condition. Foley Loan Co., l.H4 Farnam, upstairs. Typewriters. RENT Remingtons, Monarch! and Smith Premiers of their makera. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglaa 12S4. i Rental credited If you purchaae. and only very neweat and blgheat grade ma chine vent out. Rate, three month tor 85 for underatrok machine! or 81 par month for latest model visible writer TYPEWRITERS eold. rented, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. 807 S. i7tn. RENT An Oliver typewriter, 8 months for 84. Tb Oliver Typewriter Co., D. 1919. All make typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butt Typewriter. ln Karnam n wit Mtscellaneoae. . OC Buy beat coal for the money; try ipo.W lt- Web gAg. Harmon & Weeta. 8x7 ORAFLEX newapar camera, with 11 plat holder, carrying eaa tor camera and carrying case for plat hold er. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for tho lot at 8110. Addrenj A 390, Be. 12-GAUGE Steven and I 0. Smith guns, fur auto robe, reaaonable. Fried man, 132S Dodg St FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co.. 407-409 8. 10th St. -hand mch. Gross Wreck Co.. 21 Paul. BICYCLE for sal. A bargain; in, good condition. 238 .Bee Building. Bakery and furn. wood. Tel. Florence 401. LIVE STOCK FOIt SALE. Horae and Vehicle. HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagon & harness; large stock & attractive price. Johnson-Dnfurth Co. 1629-33 N. ltith St )uU BUYS a gx'd driving horse, 1,100 lbs.; 860 buys a farm mare: Vt.r buya a fine addl pony. So. 3v29. 3322 Harrison St LOST AXU POUND - OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lost om article would do well to rail up tha office of the Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway company tc ascertain w nether they left It la th Street cara. Many article each day ar turned In and the company la -anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call To-.g. LOST 4n 16th or Farnam car, an van.iy bag, containing card, Mia Kobtnsun, nd money. Wal. 32M LOST Locket and chain. Initials -C. E. P.;" golJ medal and picture In locket. Reward. 217 Corby Kt. LOST Alrdule terrier; female puppy. I EJney, 1137 So. 83d St. Harney 7371. MOTORCYCLE No. 4K24, Harley David son. Liberal reward for recovery, Phone Douglaa V70. 326 Bee Bldg. LOST Friday, near Brandeia' or Farnam carltne on 36th St.. mink neck piece Peterson. Rout 2. Box 12. Benson. MKIIIf-tL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. It Tarry cures pllea, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eratic a. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rctsl diaeasea with testimonial DR. B K. TARRY. 240 Bee. MOXEV TO LOAN NEED MONEY? Sea u. Quick servica. Half usual rat. HELVABI.E CREDIT CO, ICS Paxton Block. Deugla 11U. PERSONAL. $7,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS 2, oral Subscriptions to The Ladles' Home Journal $1 SO The Saturday Evening Poat... II " The Country Gentlemen $1.60 In December earns the flrat tA75n for THE INVALIDS- PENSION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal contributes 60c or more toward the support of a score of Invalids who have re ceived pension checks for narly two years. URGENT. Phone Douglas 71. or mall to Gordon THE MAGAZINE MAN OMAHA. NEB HWAPPEH'S COLUMN ROLL TOP DESK. W-LNCH, AND CHAIR Swap for larcer one; mine in In good rhare nd not aenrred up. Want extra large one and deep to handle pi"! Would consider flat top. If large. 8. C. S Hee ' THE Salvation Army Induatrlal home - Helta VOI1P old rlilhlnir fiirnllx,. .. . . tinea. VV collect We Viatrlbute. phone uotigia 4i.o and our wagon will call. Call nd inspect our new home, 1110-11 12-1114 Don re St YOUNG women coming o Omaha aa strangers are Invited to vlalt the Young Women'! Christian Aiaoclation building at 17th St and St. Mary'a Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwlese asaiated. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union Station. POULTRY AND SUPPLIES STEREOTYPE mntricei make the best and cheapest lining for poultry house. Ihey are Iix23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain. 81.60 per 100. Wagner, tvl N.16. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST SHIP live atock to South Omaha. Savs mileage and ihrinkage. Your consign ment receive prompt and careful attention. Live Stock Coininlaaion - Merchant. MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange Bidg. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTOTRUCK Light autotruck; all over hauled. Address S. C, 2trt, Bee. AUTOMOBILE Stod.lard-Dayton Savoy road a tor No. 2. 1912. Cash, or what hav you 7 Address S. C. 317, Bee. AUTOMOBILES-For other automobile bargain aee th "Automobile" clasaifi cation. AUTO Will swap a late date high-grade Stanley steamer runabout In perfect condition for material and contract work on house. Thla la the time of the year to secure a snap. Address S. C. 31X, Hee. AUTO Want to iwap for some second hand 34x4 auto case and inner tubes. Address 8. C. W2. Bee. BUS. CHANCE First-claaa down town money-making picture show to awa.p for anything of value not requiring personal attention; leaving city. Address S. C. 394, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCE A good, live retail business for sale or trade In Omaha and wentern Iowa territory. Requires ome cash and a salesman. Business paying 83o0 monthly at thla time. We can prove thia assertion if you'll investigate. Ad dress S. C, ft', Bee. DIAMONDS, ETC. Automobile wanted, 6- paaaenger, light car preferred. 1 nave what money I have invested so can not buy for cash, but if you mean business and want to exchange your auto for dia monds or something worth the money, Write me. Describe fully. Address S. C. 893. Bee. CARPE.N'TED CONTRACTOR will swap contract work for auto not too high priced, build a Garage or repairing. S. C. SK!, Bee. CLOCK A beautiful artistic French clock in beat of condition, for farm pro duce or other personal property. It is one of the best on tne inaraei, ana you will appreciate It true value. Addre aa S. C. 391, Bee, CASH REGISTER Three National cash regletere. good aa new, allghtly uaed. registers 8S9.99. to exchange for what. b. C, 3!J. care Bee. CEMENT Want to wap some 300 cement rock-faced block! for other personal property. A good deal awaits you. Ad- dreaa 8. C, 268, Bee. CORN POPPING MACHINE -1 HAVE a 8300 automatlo corn popping machine, Just.-the thing for a pool hall or confec tionery; require! no attention beyond "loading." The customer Insert! a nickel, turn a crank and, presto, a fresh bag of corn la dellvei-ed, aalted and buttered la one minute and a half. Will trade for anything r can use an old car. or what have you? Make your proposition. 1 11 trndo right and quick. I have something I can't use and want something I can use. How about you 7 Addresa S. C. 377. Bee. c.Ai;iiLLKNT PIANO Swan for Vlctrola and recorda. Must be a top-notch ma chine and have a large bunch of recoro!. If you expect in een exchange. Will take Edison machli ea name way. No iunk and NOTHING BUT DISK ma- chlnT wanted. Will take good rifle or repeating ahotgun to help make up the difference in vaitie. s. jm, nee EIGHT clear lota in Benson, 50x128 each, worth 82,400, for new cottage; might -....11 .... Xf , u r. Hu UBUUID .11111 IIIVI . - ' EQUIPMENT of photo gallery; will trade or aell. Price 1160. 8. C. 214. FOR TRADE High-grade piano, perfect condition, for small auto; Ford pre f erred. Address 8. C. 262, Bee. 8x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plat holder, carrying cas for camera and carrying case tor plat hold er The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for .tn lot at 8110. Addreai S. C. 1611 GOOD Oliver typewriter for sale or will trade for shot-gun or good phonograph. "11" Sta. Be., Omaha. HAMILTON PIANO AND OTHER COL LATERAL for Wyoming land or land tn southern Indiana,. or fur lots well lo cated in Omaha, Kansas City, Indian apolis or Cleveland. WILL PAY DIF FERENCE. NO WESTERN STUFF WANTED. PIcaae give beat dlacrlpllon you can In tlrst letter to; save corre spondence, also legal description. 1 am buying for myaelf. S. C. 8S7, Bee. HEATING DRUM Brand new, never used; will heat moat satisfactorily an upstair! room when attuched to fetoveplp minuui requiring any additional fuel; no dust or aahe! to remove and no fuel to carry upaialra. Address 8. C. 2tS6. lie HOTEL Must sacrifice. I have the beat hotel proposition in Omaha for amount Invested. No better location. 1 need 82.0UO for this, but will not refuse any reason able offer, or anything I cun use that will not require personal attention. If you want a paying business look this up. Ad drc! S. C. lottf. . 4 HOUSE for good auto, p a. Bee. IDEAL CEMENT BLOCK MACHINE cement post machine ten and four ce ment brick machines to atu tor what? S. C. 3K9. Bee. JACKS and HOUSEMOVERS' rollers: Jacks are bell bottom. Will iwap for wnat nave you. Would like a Mar in 26-20 rifle or h:gh power rifle or repeating snoigun. a. I'. .TO. Hee. LAITKIITIV hlt.lnA.. .,..- k. iV, VA-iTl take property valued at 81,600 to $2.0oO jn iimie nnq rest, caan. a. it., Itee. OFFICE DESK Will buy a3me good second-hand desks; mun be cheap for caeh. Addreaa 8. C. 4, Bee. PIANO An almost new Story & Clark Piano, mahogany case. lltS big bar gam. We neeu the cash la the oul,- rea son for sacrificing this beautiful piano. Addreaa 8. C. 1. Bee. PIANO In excellent shape; iwap for uuio In fulrly good repair (I fix them): prefer one not too large. A fine chaiye to get rid of that bum car that you have no place for nil J get an excellent piano mat vou can uae. . it. 3m. nee. FAIN ll.Nvi UI.MKAITOK will awap painting tor an auto, not too htuh. priced. Want car for my own use. 8, C M Bee. A STOVE A NO. 1 SOFT- COAL HEATING stove, uaed about 2 months, for any other I'lece of furniture. Address P. C. 112. Bee. SIGNS, nhowrard. Clark Son. D. lS7t. TYPEWRITER New Oliver Typewriter. Will trade for anything 1 ran uae. W, Ord. Douglaa KWO , WATCH-Ladles' watrh. No. 10 alsw, T Jewel. 20-year, gold-fll'ed rase to trad for shotgun or rifle. Addresa 8. C. 815, Pee. VICTROLA Have a practically new lata style, with about 225 worth of up-to-date records. Thla outfit la worth 8125 new. As I need the money, will el for one-half, or might consider trade for something useful to mo. Don't aniwar If you re merely looking for Information. Ad dresa S. C. 378. Bee. WILL trade equity In good lot for cow, chicken horse or pig. 8. C. 230. WOODEN PLOWPLAIN AND 8S-IVY JOHNSON REVOLVER Swap for kodak or camera of some kind, or what have you. 8. C. 35, Bee. FOR RENT Apartments and .Flat. OGDEN ANNEX, Council Bluffs, eoom with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 644, 8-R modern flat, 2308 S. 24th; $22. Phona Harney 4711. VERY' choice 6-room, steam-heated apart ment on West Farnam St JOHN W. ROBRINS, 1W2 FARNAM 8T. Rental Service Free We can ave you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We cun tell you what house and apartments each real estate ' office haa for rent Phone ua, Douglaa 2fs. Fl'lellty Storage and Van Co. 6-It, 2119 No. lfith, nioely decorated; a anap, 825 summer, 8.12.50 winter, which include heat, water and Janitor aervtce. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1514 Hurney St. 4-ROOM flat; bath; water paid. 818. 2618 Marcy St Gordon Van Co. S 119 N. 11th St. Phone D 304 or Web. IW, 8-ROOM flat at 713 So. 23th St., all mod ern. Frltx Mttller. D. 4tVX). ST. GEORGE apartments, located in se lect West Farnam residence district; one 5-room suite for rent; heat, water. Janitor rervlce. Phone Webster 1674. Board and Hiiomi. THREE or four young men can find a congenial home In splendid house, best residential eectlon, 10 mlnutei' walk to ltith St. An unusual opportunity. Ad dres! C 235. Bee. "THE WOODRUFF," North lMh St.. 114 Steam heat, electrlo light, hot-cold water": excellent board. R. and B. for young lady, 84.50. Red 62 Knrnlahed Rooms. FURNISHED room 716 N. Wh St FURN rooms by day or wk. ; modern, at earn heat: 81.60 up. 107 S. 17. D. taSJ. 3-ROOM furniahed apartment 320 N. 20th, first floor. MODERN 2-room apta., also furnished rooma suitable for man and wife. Capitol Ave. FURNISHED room for rent near Crelgfl ton university. Phone Douglai 7281. 25 8 . 29 TH Furnished rooms, private family. Harney 4KB. 615 NO. 26TH Well-heated modern, sunny frervt room; close In, reasonable. Doug las 7238. DESIRABLE modern heated room, 131 N. 31st Ave. NICELY furnished room in private home, everything modern. Harnoy 4151. MOD. furn. rooms in private home, auit able for two people. Wal. 14W. 4202 Cum. TWO elegantly furnished rooma to cop pie employed; private family; walking distance Doug. 6514. ' H-l-.-l.hrf RnnnM. 3 UNFUR. am!., Jll mo, 562 8t Mary'a D-7795. Hotel and Apartment. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16tn and California, Weekly rate! 83 and up. Douglaa 7'J83. Hotel and Apartment. OQDEN HOTEL, Council Bluffs, steam . heated room. 12 per week. Phone gm. DODGE HOTEL- Modern Reasonable. House and Cottaaraa. FIVE-ROOM houae with bath, beet con- ditlon, 818.00; S30 S. 21st. Harney 2705. 7-R. house, mod., suitable lor two faml- lles. D. 459. SEVERAL deelrable 6 to r-room houaea at reduced rental for the winter month Let ui help you locate. C. C. CLIFTON. 1223-24 City Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 4231. NICE 6-room fiat, newly papered and painted; bath, gaa, hot and cold water, electric light; 416 ser month. 8116-18 Lea enworth. Elegant -room modem brick apart ment, newly docorated, 860 per month. 644 S 29th St Modern 9-room detached dwelling; oak finish, beautiful yard,- newly decorated; (50 per month. 1023 S. 29th St Nice little 5-room cottage; bath, toilet, electrlo light 11& Vr month. iV44 Vinton St. Elegant 9-room house, 830 per month. 1129 8. 29th St 6-room cottage, 2044 Vinton, gas, eksc , rlo light, hot and void water; Inald toilet (18. J. C. ISII, Executor, 701 S. 81at Av. Phone Harney 24X FOR RENT Modern 8-room house. 206 8. 35th Ave. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Henshaw Hotel. Harney 1094. Douglaa 1211. FOR RENT 8-rooin houae, 2712 Jackson St.; all modern. In A-l condition. In quire at 401 City Nat l Bank. Douglas li3ti. Key at 2710 Jackaon St. . Hou . .. . II , 1 aaa ill ail pnri. o von ,ih Sons Ar Cn . Bee bulldlntT. Van and Stor age Co. Reduced rates for 60 day. 81.25 per Jir.; dray, S Maggard's I bjtsv van. 2 men SI.! nJTi. T. Pr hr. 1713 WehsterA Douij. I4fi. ( iVPPfi paTklng-A moving packing at atorage 12J7 Farnam. D. 6148. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves, packs, ahipa; S-hore van rTu z men, per ur.j storage a I. o. KatiKfaetory guar. D. & Ty. cTEAM heat, all modern, 7-room houae; also 4-rooiii flat 220 No. 23d. FOR KENT W pave a complete Hat of all houaea, epartmer.t and flat that are for rent Thia list can be seen fre of charg at Oinnha Van Storage Co.. au 8. IM ou 8-ROOM, all modern; furnace, electric light. 2i'.17 N. 2"th St. 822.60. ALL sixes, 83 per month up. 607 Paxton. Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping, loth e Jackaon St. Phon Douglaa la8. House! with hot water heat at very low rentals. ,, 3"3.1 i 'b!o St. 5 large rooms with two full size 1. 1. $20. - H2 N. 3:d St.; close to Bemil prk. Good location; 8 large roomi; hot water heat. Reduced to $2S. 1420 Lolhrop St. ; 7 rooma: full lia louth from lot; strictly all modern; also Sai-Hge. A well-built warm bouse In a eood Ivritlon, 8T.!2.U. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1"H Hurny St, For rent about Dec. 10. West Farnam district, best decorated houae In Omaha; nine rooms. I-arge. well equipped; garage; po. Phone Harney 1973. PLATER PIANO New, atandard 8mj0 player piano,' uaed but six pionths; leaving city and will sacrifice for 8360 fot S ulrk "le' Add T" 8' c- y'9, ne8, RANGE GAS RANGE. ECLIPSE. PER. feet condition, for gasoline stove. Stat make. Addresa fl. C. 379. Be. RANGE A good weel range for bicycle or office desk. Addreaa S. C. 819. Bee. ROADSTER Wnt to trade Oakland lioa. later for late model twin motor cycle and cash. Terms. Addreaa 8. C. :-7, 6IX-KOOM house. 2110 Harney St Call DoUKlaa 224H. Storea aad Office. STORE, 14o Hrney. Store. 611 ko. 13th. Store, 24 Cuming. Off.ce rooms. 3' floor. 118 So. 16th. O. C. KEDU'K, ATT Y., 224 Omaha Natl. Bank Bldg. Telephone Douglaa ltilt. ' OFF ICE ROOM. Hav small private room off our larg office, mill rent reasonable to right party. 4JU L0 Hld